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300 Spartans Resurrected

300 Spartans Ressurected is Hero survival map for 18 players , play as a team and try to survive the impossible challenge , a show of blood and glory , bleed the self proclaimed God Xerxes to win , or lose if King Leonidas dies.


1. Pick a Mode

2. Select your blessing

3. Hold your ground

4. Upgrade your items

5. Fight hordes of enemies

6. Fight bosses

6. Fight Mythology Warriors

(there are numerous options to select the challenge you want to do)
(Most popular being played - Mythology On - Single Draft - Hard/Hell/Hell+)

(All pick gives a variety of blessings to pick or you can always go Chaos for a chance of getting a rare one.
(Singe Draft gives a pick of 3 random blessings , including the rare ones)

(Staying together, protecting each other flanks is the key to a successful win.)

(There are various strategies and ways to play, and a whole spartan item set to upgrade)




Asterius - Mythology Boss (one of the 7 Mythology bosses in the game)


Custom Save/Load Level.


Watch xWizardWar3 Gameplay of version 1.9HF8
[Last Hot Fix changelog]

- Added New Blessing - Atlas
- Chaos Immortal - added new ability
- Added Runes for night time bonus
- Added a cooldown to blessings after someone pick them to not change their position in the list.
- Added cliff bonus trough all cliff teritor in camp zone.

- End of the Round no more resets the rage to 0 , instead it decreases it by 1 level.
- Added Zap modifier to Lighting bolt and Zeus Thunder Bolt.
- Zap damage increases item spell damage by by 100 each time this item is used up to 20000 damage.
- Changed some items description
- Tyche floating text bonus movement direction is now random.
- Added new Hector Blessing
- Added new special effect to Odysseus refresh
- Added a Blessing item for Poseidon
- Added 2 new camp upgrades
- Great Hydra name changed to Lerna
- Changed Zeus lighting bolt description a bit
- Players will start at night time instead of day time
- Easy/Normal mode - all camp upgrades are enabled from the begining.
- Spartan way can't be given as a blessing from chaos pick anymore.
- Randoming Chaos Path will reward players with 800g.
- Changed Great Hydra scaling
- Changed Shadow Hydra scaling
- Day/Night runes won't shop up if the player didn't buy the upgrade for the camp
- Removed Spartan Way from Emporium
- Removed aditional scaling from Wave 1/2/3
- Asterius - Jump cooldown increased from 5 to 10
- Asterius - Jump Mana cost increased from 0 to 200
- Demeter coin does not disapear anymore , can be used multiple times. (cooldown 90 seconds)
- Aeneas Health gain per level increased from 50 to 120.
- Aeneas Resort heal buffed From 5% to restore (200 + Blessing level * 50) at minimum 50% hp to 25% to restore 200 + Blessing Level * 100 and at minimum 80% hp

- Fixed Asclepius not having advanced healing status
- Fixed Medusa not working properly
- Fixed Medusa Song not being disabled after Medusa death
- Fixed Aeneas not working. - Fixed Night/Day Upgrades not working first cycle when bought - Fixed minor description on Orpheus Lyre
- Fixed firepit being clickable
- Fixed Tyche having 25% on gold rather then 75%.
- Tyche will now show how much exp/gold she is recieving with appropriate text.
- Fixed Early Scaling bug (making mid - late gamecreeps scaling crazy ammount of damage and hp)
- Fixed Single draft giving wrong types of blessings on of the rolls.
- Fixed Perseus shield reflect not procking.
- Fixed Demeter coin and buffed it.
- Fixed Charon coin not being dropable.
- Fixed Single Draft mode
- Fixed picking Spartan Way bug
- Fixed Passive gold income not being added.
- Fixed Persian Murmillo and Secutor not scaling.
- Fixed Having 2 Blessings in some rare cases instaed of 3 - on single draft.
- Fixed Satyr not scaling damage upgrade.
- Fixed Ergatis not giving ally vision.
- Fixed many units of wave 1/2/3 not scaling initial % of their damage.
- Fixed Night bonus not reaching the right side of the sand line. (near the cliff)

- Rage move speed bonus reduced from 25 to 20
- Rage attack speed bonus reduced from 25 to 20
- Rage bonus health reduced from 10% to 8%
- Immortal Elite - damage scale reduced from 65 to 35
- Persian Bannerman - basic damage increased from 30 to 40
- Persian Bannerman - damage scale decreased from 5 to 4
- Persian Elite Warrior - basic damage increased from 66 to 90
- Persian Elite Warrior - damage scale decreased from 16 to 9
- Persian Swordsman - basic damage increased from 33 to 44
- Persian Swordsman - damage scale decreased from 7 to 4
- Persian Warrior - basic damage increased from 20 to 25
- Persian Vanguard - basic damage increased from 150 to 205
- Persian Vanguard - damage gain decreasaed from 30 to 22
- Barbarian Leader - basic damage increased from 120 to 180
- Barbarian Leader - damage gain decreased from 20 to 18
- Persian Rider - basic damage increased from 100 to 155
- Rhyno - damage gain decreased from 250 to 220
- Behemoth Berserk - basic damage increased from 1700 to 2000
- Behemoth Berserk - damage gain decreased from 115 to 102
- Beast - basic damage increased from 1000 to 1500
- Beast - damage gain decreased from 55 to 32
- Centaur Warrior - basic damage increased from 550 to 800
- Elephant - basic damage increased from 890 to 980
- Elephant - damage gain decreased from 65 to 45
- Living Statue - basic damage increased from 4400 to 6000
- Living Statue - damage gain decreased from 440 to 350
- Immortal Forgotten - basic damage reduced from 10000 to 9000
- Immortal Guardian - basic health reduced from 40000 to 30000
- Reduced Hydra multi-shot damage
- Reduced Hydras scale (Hydra/Red Hydra/Shadow Hydra
- Reduced damage scale on Champions.
- Reduced damage scale on Secutor
- Shield item (1-5) - health gained per level increased from 300/600/900/1200/1800 to 400/800/1200/1600/2400
- Sword (1-5) damage increased from 10 + 5 per level to 10 + 10 per level.
- Removed Endurance Status from Black and White Knights.
- Asterius Slam damage reduced from 500 + 500 per diff level to 300 + 300 per diff level.
- Asterius Jump - cooldown increased from 10 to 20 seconds.
- Persian Captain - basic damage decreased from 120 to 80
- Persian Captain - damage gain decreased from 11 to 8
- Persian Elite Warrior - basic health decreased from 400 to 300
- Demeter Coin - cooldown increased from 10 to 45 seconds
- Golden Fleece - cooldown reduced from 180s to 150s
- Persephone item cooldown reduced from 80 to 60 seconds
- Rebalanced Various creeps to match the difficulty better in early game.
- Persian Murmillo - basic damage decreased from 255 to 184
- Persian Murmillo - damage gain decreased from 55 to 24.
- Persian Murmillo - basic health decreased from 4275 to 3780
- Persian Myrmillo - basic health regen decreased from 2 to 0.
- Persian Myrmillo - basic armor decreased from 10 to 8
- Satyr Reaper - basic damage decreased from 1000 to 500
- Satyr Reaper - damage scale decreased from 55 to 45
- Satyr Reaper - basic health reduced from 9000 to 8000
- Hoplite Lord - basic damage decreased from 1200 to 1000
- Hoplite Lord - damage scale decreased from 125 to 90
- Hoplite Lord - health reduced from 18000 to 16000
- Hoplite Head Hunter - basic damage decreased from 2000 to 1500
- Hoplite Head Hunter - damage scale decreased from 400 to 150
- Hoplite Head Hunter - health reduced from 36000 to 32000
- Asterius Jump - mana cost reduced from 200 to 125
- Rebalanced Hydra multishot damage from 2000 to 400+(400 per difficulty.)
- Rebalanced Asterius slam damage from 2000 to 500+(500 per difficulty.)
- Decreased a bit the scale damage numbers on first 2 waves (by about 10% per scale stack)
- Reduced overall creeps scaling hp per wave from 3% to 2%
- Added a 1% hp scale to most early wave creeps (wave 1/2/3 - Hydras not affected)

[Last version changelog]


- Save/Load Stats Rebalanced
- Prestige : Bonus per level decreased from+5 to +2 stats.
- Hell : Bonus decreased from +10 to +4 strength
- Hell+ : Bonus decreased from +10 to all stats to +4 to all stats
- Myrmidon level - exp per level increased from 420 to 840.

- Added New Save/Load achievements (max 10 stacks)
- Win on Hard difficulty (sd mode) : +1 intelligence
- Win on Hell difficulty (sd mode) : +1 agility
- Win on Hell+ difficulty (sd mode) : +1 strength
- Win on Molon Labe difficulty (sd mode) : +1 to all stats

- Added Text Pop Up warning for players that didn't load (text will be shown to player each 2 minutes up to 8 minutes ingame time to remind the player to load)
- Added 11 new blessings
- Removed Resources Share option

- Added new item to shop - Spartan Coin
Price : 250 gold
Grants 200 gold on use , can be traded and stacked.)
max numbers : 10 , cooldown 60 seconds.
(initial stack cd - 60s)

- Added new item to shop - Sealed Chaos Soul
Price : for 250 gold and 1 wood.
Grants 1 chaos soul upon use, can be traded and stacked.)
max numbers : 10 , cooldown 30 seconds
(initial stack cd - 60s)

- Added new item to shop - Experience Pergament
Price : 500 gold.
Grants 200 experience
max numbers : 10 , cooldown 1 seconds
(initial stack cd - 15s)

- Added new item to shop - Pouch with pergaments
Price : 600 gold.
Grants +1 to all stats
max numbers : 10 , cooldown 1 seconds
(initial stack cd - 15s)

- Added New socket system for Perseus Legendary Shield , perseus shield can contain up to 3 sockets which are empty at the start and can be infused with new sockets.
(sockets are random and can be filled by buying ambrosia)
(Available sockets - +2000 health points , +20 armor , +10 to all stats , +20 health regeneration.)

- Random removed from Single Draft (now if player won’t pick a blessing it will get a Spartan Way bonus)
- Spartan Way stats
+1000 health
+10 armor
+10 damage
+10 health regen
+10 to all stats

- Game difficulty now scales with time , each 10 minutes creeps will get stronger depending on the difficulty.
- Added Passive Power grow to level 1-2 waves
(Passive grow is = to 6% of max hp / 2 damage and +~10% damage boost to all creeps for one tick) (tick = to 1/2/3/4/7 depending on the difficulty)

- Reworked All Pick mode , now all blessings can be picked , but blessings are limited to 1 per type.
- Added new shop - Ergatis (this is a camp upgrade shop)
- Eurydice no longer appears/disappears after rounds (can be bought as an upgrade at Ergatis (song limit removed , can be bought 1 time each 800s)
- Charon shop removed by default (can be bought as an upgrade in camp upgrade at Ergatis)
- Day bonus - turned off by default (can be bought as an upgrade in camp upgrade at Ergatis)
- Night bonus - turned off by default (can be bought as an upgrade in camp upgrade at Ergatis)
- Cliff bonus - turned off by default (can be bought as an upgrade in camp upgrade at Ergatis)
- Firepit unit (regeneration) - turned off by default (can be bought as an upgrade in camp upgrade at Ergatis)
- Added new System for Initial timer , after all players choose a blessing , the timer will decrease its remaining time to 5 seconds.
- Save/Load requires minimum 3 people in order to work.
- Some of the Save/Load stats reward now depends on the chosen difficulties.
- Stats affected : (exp/kills/spears/heals/level up) (bosses exp/win xp doesn’t get affected)
(Easy = 25% to grant the exp) (Normal = 50% to grant the exp) (Hard =75% , Hell and Hell + =100%)

- Reworked LMF system - LMF works as a passive skill for all ranged type units , which will not block any melee units from passing (now does not depend on the timer, doesn’t pause ranged units animore, does not cause weird melee creeps position change when LMF time were ending, melee units will sometimes make ranged units moving a bit to pass trough)

- Added New Difficulty mode - Molon Labe (this mode is about 50% harder than hell+) (completing this mode will grant 8.000 experience) (requires extreme 5)
- Picking Chaos Path now show which blessing player randomed.
- A Pop up text will appear every 2 minutes with a note that player forgot to load if this is the case (the note will appear only for players that did not load)


- Most of Special Extreme units now have a 1% to insta kill.
- Added hero glow to Hell Hound
- Added hero glow to Medea
- Added hero glow to Elephant Beast
- Added hero glow to Immortal Forgotten
- Added new effect when upgrading basic spartan gear
- Removed Perseus Ascension
- Hoplite Guardian renamed to Satyr Reaper
- Captain Inspire and Shields Up now count as 2 heals.
- Maximum sub waves spawn per wave is 3 now. (for classic mode)
- Each new spawning subwave will increase summoned creeps total power for the rest of the game,increased power depends on the difficulty. (for both mods)

- Damage scale limit increased , (previously there was a damage scale of maximum of 60 levels , so at some point creeps could not scale anymore , which made modes like hard/hell/hell+ far more less difficult in the mid/end game) (new scale limit is 100)

- Artemis blessing , Soul Pergament replaced by Artemis Quiver , gain 5% + 0.25% per blessing to gain a random bonus of
1 str + 1 str per 10 blessing level
1 agi + 1 agi per 10 blessing level
each time when using the throw spear ability.
Artemis Quiver stats
+ 12 agility
+ 500 health
15% to deal 1.5x bonus damage

- Chiron Blessing - Cooldown reduced from 180 to 80 seconds mana cost increased from 125 to 250, item effect reworked a bit , now can be targeted at unit to grant 100 + (10 * Blessing level) experience (bonus is granted to caster and target)
(Old group exp gain is reduced from 100 + (12 * Blessing level) to 100 + (5 * Blessing level)

- Apollo Blessing , gains now +50hp/mp each level , gains advanced healing ,and base bonus of stats gain increased from +5 to +10.

- Apollo Magic Harp can be upgraded to Apollo Healing Lyre
(heals 250 + 200hp per blessing level) + (strength of a healing spartan x5) , also gains secondary healing effect , heals an additional 10+ 5 hp per blessing level for 10s after casting the item)
Gain permanent 75 hp and 50 mana after each item cast.

- Agoge - Spear Upgrade text now will be moving towards -90 degrees to be properly displayed.


- Fixed Save/Load stacking and stats button bug. (players won’t be able to load more than 1 time)
- Fixed Myrmidons experience gain from kills and bosses
- Fixed Ascension not giving full intelligence stats
- Fixed Ascension not giving mana regeneration %
- Fixed Asterius Illusions giving gold
- Fixed Asterius Illusions resetting boss rage timer
- Fixed -b not showing picked blessing on all pick modes.
- Fixed Ourea not reducing the damage.
- Fixed Artemis blessing level up-text show.
- Fixed Spear Throw not showing blood effect on targets after some level.


- Rhyno -boulder damage now scales depending on the difficulty
(2000+2000 per difficulty)

- Juggernaut - Impale now scales depending on the difficulty
(2500+1000 per difficulty)

- Royal Stone Warrior - Crushing wave now scales depending on the difficulty
(5000+2000 per difficulty)

- Royal Stone Warrior - Entangle now scales depending on the difficulty
(1000+500 per difficulty)

- Book of strength/agility price increased from 300 to 400
- Replaced Minotaur Endurance with Extreme Endurance
- Added Extreme Endurance to Rhyno
- Karhan mana increased from 1000 to 3000.
- Brtus - added new ability
- Goroth - added new ability
- Minotaur Gladiator - removed 1% insta kill.
- Minotaur Gladiator - added new ability.
- Spartan Warrior basic damage lowered from 25 to 0
- Spartan Warrior basic health reduced from 250 to 25
- Spartan Warrior heal ability cooldown increased from 5 to 6 seconds.
- Spartan Captain - basic damage decreased from 27 to 5
- Spartan Captain - basic health reduced from 350 to 50
- Leonidas - basic damage decreased from 35 to 10
- Leonidas - basic health reduced from 450 to 100
- Leonidas - Healing Wave cooldown increased from 9 to 10 seconds.
- Helios Blessing - Power of The Sun aura - regeneration amount changed from 2 + Blessing level to 2 * Blessing level

- Helios Sun disk stats increased from
3/6/9/12/15/20 to all stats to 5/10/15/20/25/30
1/2/3/4/5/10 armor to 2/4/6/8/10/15
2/4/6/8/10/15 health regen to 4/8/12/16/20/25 hp regeneration
Helios disk is also adding a hp bonus 250/500/750/1000/1250/1500 health points.

- Aspect of War , no longer can be casted on yourself
- Hephaestus Forged hammer , no longer can be casted on yourself
- Athena Helmet , no longer can be casted on yourself

- Ourea Blessings now grants damage reduction for all types of damage.

- Ourea bonus changed from 7.5% + *0.5% per level) to 0+1% per level
(changing the total damage decrease from 32.5% to 50%)

- Ourea grants a bonus of +100 health per level.
- Luck Status now shows a text if the gold is rewarded from it
- Luck Status % doesn’t scale with blessing level anymore.
- Luck Status gold chance = to 75% (from 10+0.5% per blessing level)
- Luck Status exp chance = to 75% (from 10+0.5% per blessing level)
- Hell+ Spear range decreased from 200 to 180
- Reduced Blessings items cost .
- Increased Cliff Bonus range
- Immortals gain evasion passive now (25%)
- Immortal - health increased from 500 to 800
- Immortal - damage increased from 225 to 350
- Janus Coin - cooldown increased from 60 to 80 seconds.
- Filip95
- Uncle
- TriggerHappy
- Mythic
- HerrDave
- Ujimasa Hojo
- Explobomb
- Dionesiist
- Callahan
- Miseracord
- Blood Raven, Snirou
- Cavman
- Daenar7
- morbent
- -Grendel
- AhhFreshWeeD
- Tarrasque
- Kuhneghetz
- Kitabatake
- Sharkarsh
- Mr.Goblin
- -Kobas-
- Kenathorn
- Jedi-Knight
- ~Nightmare
- Jhotam
- ShiiK
- Wandering Soul
- EvilYardGnome
- NFWar
- Sun gate

The Captain does his shout, and the Spartans ready for an inspired charge. Leonidas confirms this, and all "300" march forward, pushing and forging a path through all the Persians. Orders are yelled out, and every Spartan rush forward towards the Persian camps for a night time raid. It was one of the few times they could break through without threat of a deadly counter attack, and Leonidas grasped the chance and took it.

. . .

The host, Red, sends out a "gj" to everyone, and the 16 other players either reply back or nod behind their screens. It was a good tactic that went successfully thanks to the leadership of Red, granting the entire team about 1500 gold to each person, enough to upgrade any of their 5 main gears twice. The such is one of many tactics that is used in Mustang's 300 Resurrected map.

This custom map boasts three main things that you would want to see in a WC3 map, and is currently - and has been - a map I've been replaying over and over again. The community behind this map, located in the discord linked in the main thread, is also at a healthy size and is very active. If anything, I would say that 300 Resurrected is quite literally one of the few maps keeping the custom maps alive, alongside Helms Deep, Survival Chaos, and a few others.

Players, Roles, & Blessings
Mustang's 300 has three main roles, each with its own strengths and few weaknesses. Surprisingly, the two solo roles are not fought over. Rather, it is reserved for natural leaders in WC3. This is where the community shines, with several volunteering as Leonidas or as the Captain, and with the rest following without much question.

Red: Leonidas
Leonidas' role is to lead the 16 other Spartans. He does not have anything unique to help him in that regard, such as bigger text or a tower to "command" all Spartans. Instead, it is through his natural charisma and skill through the player that he succeeds in leading everyone else. Whoever is Leonidas is entrusted to know how to play the game, have a few strategies in their head of how to do what and when, and, of course, lead in general, through pinging, pausing the game and explaining, and so on. Red, obviously, is supposed to be played by a very experienced player, as if he dies, all is lost.

Leonidas' only special ability is a chain heal, replacing a regular Spartan's Q, which is holy light. This is very important, as certain blessings enhances both Leonidas' and the Captain's abilities in a strong way. Aside from that, Leonidas' kit is the same, which is a good metaphor for him being like any other Spartan after taking his leadership role and his chain healing away.

Blue: The Captain / Artemis

The Captain, or Artemis', role is mostly support. Whenever Red is not available, whether that be through shopping or because they were split up in a failed execution of a strategy, players naturally look up to the next highest-in-command to see what to do. Blue is meant to be played by an experienced player, as every death of the captain means that the enemies become stronger.

The Captain's abilities are the most unique out of all the Spartans, a metaphor in which the captain is there, not to be the main fighter or fighter, but to be the secondary leader, and the support for the team. His Q is an inspire, giving every ally a HP regeneration and damage, while his E is "Shields Up," empowering allies armor and mana regeneration, perhaps the most important ability from the entirety of the team's kits, solely for the mana to heal others.

The 300 (15 Spartans)
Everyone else is a soldier, a needed cog in the machine in order to achieve victory in 300. Unlike Red and Blue, they are meant to follow and kill. Relying on mostly combat abilities, they are nothing alone. Each Spartan is expected to heal one another and coordinate their spears according to the current tactics involved.

Currently, there are over 30 unique blessings, each with its own playstyle and benefit to either the team or to the player. Blessings varies, from Achilles, which is throwing a very powerful spear when compared to a normal spear throw, from a 4 second CD to a regular spear's 8 CD, or to Zagreus blessing, which is 1000 bonus HP every level, up to 50000 at LVL 50. The three main roles can be summed up to Tank, Support, and Damage.

Strategies, Tactics, and Hell+
The map has several dozen different strategies and tactics, each depending on their own difficulty. The map is intended to played on hard mode, while Hell+ is meant to be more grindy and to make the players lose.
Generally, the main strategy in Hard, Normal, or Easy is generally easy. Hold in a line, ensure that the line is solid as a Greek Phalanx should be, then to push out. During daytime, Spartans should be out, while in nighttime Spartans should be near the camp fire, both for their respective bonuses regarding extra XP and Gold gained. Rinse, repeat, and get geared out in the meantime. After a certain amount of time, the general strategy is to push out and rush towards the towers, such as the scene at the start of this review. Afterwards comes variation in what you do. One leader wants to stand out in a circle for the full daytime bonus, while another has the strategy of staying at the Hot Gates, near the shops and tents.
Nearly everything changes, however, when the difficulty is meant to kill you. In Hell+, every soldier must be a veteran, their mindset akin to disciplined soldiers who can't be distracted, else a friend dies. Three seconds of looking away can mean a missed heal on a dying Spartan, or a spear that would have killed a beast that had trapped another Spartan. The strategies and tactics are ever changing around the Hell+ bosses, and would make this review far too long if I were to explain them all in detail.

Save / Load, Achievement Runs, & Prestige
The replayability of this map is amazing, especially so with the now fixed save/load in version 1.8. Kills, heals, and spears are now counted, and for every 1000, 3000, 6000, and so on gives benefits respectively. Finally winning a game of Hell+ is ever so rewarding with a skin that is special yet not so distracting to new players, and the achievements are meant only for the best of the best. The current 2 achievements required several games to determine which strategies worked, and players in the community pooled together to see how they could achieve such a feat, one of which was beating the game in 90 minutes or less on Hell+. One of the few things was a google charts to show how fast certain strategies worked, as if it was a speed run for a Zelda or any other A-tier game. Lastly comes the prestige, both in the reward and the respect it gives from the community, of the work that comes from grinding hours of Hell+ or Hard games and practicing the skills and blessings in Mustang's 300 Resurrected.

9 (Map)

9 (Map)

9 (Map)

9 (Map)

The hero is selected during cinematic mode in the first few seconds before the transmission starts. And then after Leonidas' transmissions is done. Hero glow could be used on the Spartans: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling Spells are just regular...


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
The hero is selected during cinematic mode in the first few seconds before the transmission starts. And then after Leonidas' transmissions is done.
Hero glow could be used on the Spartans: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling
Spells are just regular Warcraft III ones with changed name and icons.

Generally a nice map.

The description should be more detailed in what the gameplay is concerned.


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Shar Dundred
Level 32
Aug 6, 2015
The hero is selected during cinematic mode in the first few seconds before the transmission starts. And then after Leonidas' transmissions is done.
Hero glow could be used on the Spartans: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling
Spells are just regular Warcraft III ones with changed name and icons.
I know how add hero glow, i didnt add because of many heal effects that i don't want to be show ingame. (i better recreate them via triggers)
Thank you for approving.
Level 9
Dec 31, 2016
well, I meant that instead of firing the functions that load/save the stats by typing -load/-save you could fire them automatically for example after choosing the blessings or something like that.

I've never worked with auto load/save systems so I don't know if that can possibly break anything, but I don't see why it would break this way.
Level 32
Aug 6, 2015
well, I meant that instead of firing the functions that load/save the stats by typing -load/-save you could fire them automatically for example after choosing the blessings or something like that.

I've never worked with auto load/save systems so I don't know if that can possibly break anything, but I don't see why it would break this way.
blessings are quite tricky , especially if for example some players didnt pick a blessing and got random , there we need to check for that and somehow extract the players that didnt choose and load them each and its again a problem , atm load is manual and its not letting more then 1 player load.
Or If for example few players will pick blessings at the same time it might bug the system , same that was happening with auto load.
(until i can find a solution to make it auto load , im afaraid we are stuck with manual save/load )
Level 32
Aug 6, 2015
but doesn't it also mean that it can bug even the manual loading when the players load at a "bad time"?

or only one player can load at a time, so does this fixes the issue?
only 1 player load at 1 time , because if 2 try to load the same time , one of them will fail to load and will have to type -load again.
This seems to do the job for now.
Level 2
Apr 7, 2021

The Captain does his shout, and the Spartans ready for an inspired charge. Leonidas confirms this, and all "300" march forward, pushing and forging a path through all the Persians. Orders are yelled out, and every Spartan rush forward towards the Persian camps for a night time raid. It was one of the few times they could break through without threat of a deadly counter attack, and Leonidas grasped the chance and took it.

. . .

The host, Red, sends out a "gj" to everyone, and the 16 other players either reply back or nod behind their screens. It was a good tactic that went successfully thanks to the leadership of Red, granting the entire team about 1500 gold to each person, enough to upgrade any of their 5 main gears twice. The such is one of many tactics that is used in Mustang's 300 Resurrected map.

This custom map boasts three main things that you would want to see in a WC3 map, and is currently - and has been - a map I've been replaying over and over again. The community behind this map, located in the discord linked in the main thread, is also at a healthy size and is very active. If anything, I would say that 300 Resurrected is quite literally one of the few maps keeping the custom maps alive, alongside Helms Deep, Survival Chaos, and a few others.

Players, Roles, & Blessings
Mustang's 300 has three main roles, each with its own strengths and few weaknesses. Surprisingly, the two solo roles are not fought over. Rather, it is reserved for natural leaders in WC3. This is where the community shines, with several volunteering as Leonidas or as the Captain, and with the rest following without much question.

Red: Leonidas
Leonidas' role is to lead the 16 other Spartans. He does not have anything unique to help him in that regard, such as bigger text or a tower to "command" all Spartans. Instead, it is through his natural charisma and skill through the player that he succeeds in leading everyone else. Whoever is Leonidas is entrusted to know how to play the game, have a few strategies in their head of how to do what and when, and, of course, lead in general, through pinging, pausing the game and explaining, and so on. Red, obviously, is supposed to be played by a very experienced player, as if he dies, all is lost.

Leonidas' only special ability is a chain heal, replacing a regular Spartan's Q, which is holy light. This is very important, as certain blessings enhances both Leonidas' and the Captain's abilities in a strong way. Aside from that, Leonidas' kit is the same, which is a good metaphor for him being like any other Spartan after taking his leadership role and his chain healing away.

Blue: The Captain / Artemis

The Captain, or Artemis', role is mostly support. Whenever Red is not available, whether that be through shopping or because they were split up in a failed execution of a strategy, players naturally look up to the next highest-in-command to see what to do. Blue is meant to be played by an experienced player, as every death of the captain means that the enemies become stronger.

The Captain's abilities are the most unique out of all the Spartans, a metaphor in which the captain is there, not to be the main fighter or fighter, but to be the secondary leader, and the support for the team. His Q is an inspire, giving every ally a HP regeneration and damage, while his E is "Shields Up," empowering allies armor and mana regeneration, perhaps the most important ability from the entirety of the team's kits, solely for the mana to heal others.

The 300 (15 Spartans)
Everyone else is a soldier, a needed cog in the machine in order to achieve victory in 300. Unlike Red and Blue, they are meant to follow and kill. Relying on mostly combat abilities, they are nothing alone. Each Spartan is expected to heal one another and coordinate their spears according to the current tactics involved.

Currently, there are over 30 unique blessings, each with its own playstyle and benefit to either the team or to the player. Blessings varies, from Achilles, which is throwing a very powerful spear when compared to a normal spear throw, from a 4 second CD to a regular spear's 8 CD, or to Zagreus blessing, which is 1000 bonus HP every level, up to 50000 at LVL 50. The three main roles can be summed up to Tank, Support, and Damage.

Strategies, Tactics, and Hell+
The map has several dozen different strategies and tactics, each depending on their own difficulty. The map is intended to played on hard mode, while Hell+ is meant to be more grindy and to make the players lose.
Generally, the main strategy in Hard, Normal, or Easy is generally easy. Hold in a line, ensure that the line is solid as a Greek Phalanx should be, then to push out. During daytime, Spartans should be out, while in nighttime Spartans should be near the camp fire, both for their respective bonuses regarding extra XP and Gold gained. Rinse, repeat, and get geared out in the meantime. After a certain amount of time, the general strategy is to push out and rush towards the towers, such as the scene at the start of this review. Afterwards comes variation in what you do. One leader wants to stand out in a circle for the full daytime bonus, while another has the strategy of staying at the Hot Gates, near the shops and tents.
Nearly everything changes, however, when the difficulty is meant to kill you. In Hell+, every soldier must be a veteran, their mindset akin to disciplined soldiers who can't be distracted, else a friend dies. Three seconds of looking away can mean a missed heal on a dying Spartan, or a spear that would have killed a beast that had trapped another Spartan. The strategies and tactics are ever changing around the Hell+ bosses, and would make this review far too long if I were to explain them all in detail.

Save / Load, Achievement Runs, & Prestige
The replayability of this map is amazing, especially so with the now fixed save/load in version 1.8. Kills, heals, and spears are now counted, and for every 1000, 3000, 6000, and so on gives benefits respectively. Finally winning a game of Hell+ is ever so rewarding with a skin that is special yet not so distracting to new players, and the achievements are meant only for the best of the best. The current 2 achievements required several games to determine which strategies worked, and players in the community pooled together to see how they could achieve such a feat, one of which was beating the game in 90 minutes or less on Hell+. One of the few things was a google charts to show how fast certain strategies worked, as if it was a speed run for a Zelda or any other A-tier game. Lastly comes the prestige, both in the reward and the respect it gives from the community, of the work that comes from grinding hours of Hell+ or Hard games and practicing the skills and blessings in Mustang's 300 Resurrected.
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Level 1
Apr 17, 2021
Super fun and well designed game. Manages to avoid a lot of the unnecessary complexity found in other maps, while still providing a very challenging and engaging gameplay experience. Not only is the game fun, but it also does an exceptional job embodying the spirit of 300. The overwhelming hordes of Persian savages give you no other choice but to band together as a cohesive unit and carefully plot your every move against Xerxes.
Level 4
May 19, 2020
yes , there are about ~400 units on map.
(custom collision size + few AI players to control them)
Got it, but you can add more than 1500 units (in fact..much more than that) on a map, if they're spread over more than 15 players, you'll split the overhead on collisions, that's the only way, create alliances to increase armies, the game splits the limits of loads for clean running mechanics for each player number.
But I am referring to a single controller, because even if I reduce the data of the units to 8 collision points, which I believe is the smallest collision, you will face problems, the game will still create considerable collisions. If you use commands to move more than 100 units simultaneously just with your player, there will be minimal collisions that will cause "break" of movement, it's 70 to 80 units maximum so as not to damage the game engine. I believe that only total collision removal eliminates this problem, but on the other hand it's bad... as the units would end up stacking several times, which would visually be an even bigger problem. lolol
Level 29
May 14, 2021
Would the map support 1.27?

Most of the Chinese RPG players are playing on Warcraft III Battle Platform co-created by Netease and Blizzard. 1.27 is specified for all rpg and 1.32 for skirmish only.
The map has been updated to be played on 1.32.10 (according to war3map.w3i, I think), so there is no known way to play on Classic.
Level 29
May 14, 2021
hELLO can please play this map in 1.27 :( i dont like reforged i never will just release in 1.27 classic true version w3 . thanks
Reforged maps can only be playable on 1.32/1.33. There's no way to revert back this map to older versions (aka "true Classic WC3").
Furthermore, 1.33 is still buggy. The game still crashes randomly when you play either custom map or campaign.
Level 2
Aug 15, 2022
Awesome game, it rewards learning from playing multiple times, just like 300 you are only as strong as your weakest teammates so can be difficult for new players to get the hold of, but once you do it's extremely rewarding with the multiple difficulties you attempt to conquer one-by-one. Active and helpful community but can become exclusive when lobbies are attempting to win harder difficulties.