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WARCRAFT: Collapse v1.2d


By Lord Marrowgrath










When Void and Light collapse, Towers becomes unstable and out of control. It turns to Broken Keeper and deals damage to nearby units.
Forces needs to capture or destroy Broken Keeper. If players destroy Broken Keeper, it will remove from the game. If Light or Void
Forces destroy it, they will capture and gain control tower again. Also Towers have regeneration auro for nearby allies and deal
damage over time to enemy units.



In W:C, every 1 minutes unstable light-void and nathrezim forces respawns at random location on the map. They can block minions path and trying to gain
control your Light or Void Keepers (towers) It gives extra experience when killed.



Every 10 minutes, random pillar of avatar vulnerable at south, north or middle of the map. Forces of light and void stop to push standart lanes and they start to invade pillar locations for southern or northern lanes. Nothing changed on middle lane. When pillar destroyed, It summons powerful avatars for team who destroyed pillars. Fallow the Avatar and gain the advantage of the game.

After the earlier game, minibosses of the dark below appears. Every bosses have rewards when they killed. Rewards effective on team and it shares loot.



Every heroes have garrisons from their factions. For Example if you select Baine or Thrall, you automaticly build Horde Garrison at your base location. Each Garrison have unique abilites and upgrades from their factions. Horde summons powerful shamans and cast natural disasters, Alliance summons glorius knights, footmans, riflemans, banners, Scourge raise ghouls and fearless undead army, Legion forces summons Powerful Doomguards and Inquistors and cast demonic portals to reforge the twisting nether.




Every heroes have their unique talent trees to improve their spells or reforge their game-play style. There will be 4 Main Stat talents (Movement speed, range, HP, Damage etc.) and 4+ unique ability talents. Many heroes can forge themself to tank, Damage dealer, Aoe Dealer, Healer, Support, Caster, Carry. (Not all roles avaible for heroes)


In W:C, there are many attack and armor types like Light, Fel, Arcane Void etc. Each heroes and units have special attack. It means Bolvar (Lich King) deals ''death'' type damage, Illidan (Lord of Legion) Deals ''Fel'' type Damage. They have advantages and disadvantages.




Eventually, the weight of all the wars he had fought began to weigh more heavily upon the former warchief and Thrall's own abilities and resolve eventually began to waver. During the Burning Legion's latest invasion of Azeroth, he passed both the Doomhammer and the mantle of leader of the Earthen Ring down to a shaman adventurer, knowing the future was now in safer hands. After the third sundering. Thrall loses his son at the battle for orgrimmar. Thrall burried his son to orgrimmar then soul of ragnaros whispered. Thrall fallowed whispers, ragnaros helped to him, he forged a powerful hammer with ragnaros soul and claim artifacts of Elemental Lords. Thrall became Lord of the elemental lords.

Role: Melee-offensive/berserker hero also can turn to semi ranged-damage dealer.

Advantages: Can effective on good range abilities. Intrupt casting enemies. Good aganist melee heroes.

Disadvantages: Low Health, cant escape, low mobility and no healing ability.


Turalyon and Alleria Windrunner appearat the homeworld of the Eredar, Argus. Turalyon has the full title of "High Exarch Turalyon" and was leading the assault by the Army of Light. After several years, Turalyon became voice of the light and he blessed by Naaru to become paragon of the light. At the third sundering, rise of the blackempire he leads warriors of the light to face aganist old gods. Now, he reclaim his destiny.

Role: Melee-supportive/tank hero also can turn to offensive melee-damage dealer, crowd control unit or burst based melee-warrior.

Advantages: Toughness, can escape from slow effects, Helpful for allies.

Disadvantages: Low dps, Stun, Slow movement, no offensive ability.


While bitterness might still linger over Cairne's demise, Baine had remained loyal to the Horde and its Warchief for the good of the tauren race.More recently, he supported the Darkspear Rebellion in ousting the warchief, and eventually pledged his support to Garrosh's successor, Vol'jin. With Vol'jin's passing shortly after the disastrous Battle for Broken Shore, Baine has remained loyal to Sylvanas Windrunner and was present when Vol'jin named her the Warchief with his dying breath. After the reunite Horde again by the thrall and saurfang, Baine became High Chieftain of the Horde.

Role: Melee-offensive/tank hero also can turn to caster-damage dealer, crowd control unit.

Advantages: Toughness, can escape from area, So many Knockback abilites.

Disadvantages: Low attack speed, low movement speed.


Bolvar's body was altered by the dragons' flame, and was taken by the Scourge into Icecrown Citadel, where he was tortured by the Lich King in an attempt to bend him to his will. However, the noble spirit of Bolvar resisted the Lich King's depravations. After the death of Arthas Menethil, Bolvar demanded that Tirion Fordring place the Helm of Domination on Bolvar's head so that he would forever be the Jailer of the Damned - imprisoning the Lich King within the Frozen Throne once more and containing the threat of the Scourge.

Role: Melee-caster/tank hero also can turn to long ranged caster, crowd control unit.

Advantages: Can effective on sustain enemies. Stun enemies, summons hordes of scourge. Good aganist caster heroes.

Disadvantages: No healing ability, low movement speed, low attack speed.


Lord Marrowgar, Pieced together by the Lich King from the bones of a thousand vanquished adventurers, he is the guardian of the Frozen Throne within The Spire, and wields the power of the throne itself. Now Bolvar reanimate him to unleash power of the newscourge. Boneeeestooooormmmm!

Role: Melee-berserker/tank hero also can turn to insta killer.

Advantages: Great AoE damage, Immune for spells for seconds, high movement speed.

Disadvantages: Low Healt point, long cooldowns.


Matron Mother Malevolence is a shivarra. She is accompanied by Priestesses of Delight, Shivarra Destroyers and Priestesses of Dementia. By her own admission, she joined the Illidari because she considered Sargeras "a bore" and felt that there was no fun in his goal to destroy all life. Now, she returned to serve as illidari again.

Role: Melee-assasin/illusionist hero also can turn to half caster-assasin.

Advantages: Illusionist hero. Deals high damage on less seconds. Can blink to enemies, high movement speed, immune spells for seconds.

Disadvantages: Low Hp, Can killable easly, Low durability for spells.


Though he was unable to stop Gul'dan from opening the Tomb of Sargeras, allowing the Legion to flood into Azeroth once more, Khadgar is determined to find the means to reseal the portal and foil the Legion's invasion. He knows that the combined forces of the greatest champions of Azeroth are necessary to succeed, even as dissenting voices speak against a coalition and risk ultimate destruction by the demons. After Third Sundering, Dalaran destroyed and Kirin'tor Survivors escaped to Lordearon. Khadgar became Guardian of Azeroth and he promise save Azeroth once again.

Role: Ranged/Caster-Burst damage Hero. Also can turn Summoner.

Advantages: Can be effective with long ranged attacks. Many crowd control effects. Can push lanes easly.

Disadvantages: No healing ability, Low hit point, Long casting times.


He then attempts to use Illidan's body as a vessel for the Dark Titan Sargeras. Due to duping the Grand Magistrix of Suramar, Elisande, by the Legion, he was able to start the incantation in the Nighthold. He is interrupted by Khadgar and a group of heroes. After a long fight, Illidan's soul is returned to his body, allowing the demon hunter to end the spell. He then uses fel energy to destroy Gul'dan and crushes the skull in his hand, ending the warlock's reign of terror for good. After 8 years. Guldan reborned at Mardum and met with Kil'jaiden. Their master destroyed and they decided to control untamed legion forces. But Guldan wants to rule Burning legion by himself and he left from Kil'jaiden.

Role: Ranged/caster hero, AoE damage dealer, Can turn to half-tank unit.

Advantages: Great AoE damage, AoE effective spells, life drain.

Disadvantages: Low Healt point, low movement speed, no stun.


After he falls, Thrall announces that he can feel the elements awakening and rejoicing, and that the Cataclysm was over. In the depths of Maelstorm, his wounds aided by N'zoth. He raised again on third sundering and flight to wyrmrest temple. He Drained powers of dragon flights and gain control of Northrend.

Role: Ranged/Caster-Burst damage Hero. Also can turn to tank or Attack damage dealer.

Advantages: Can be effective with long ranged aoe spells. Gain armor bonus, high healt point.

Disadvantages: Spells costs Healt point of Deathwing, Decreases armor on metamorph.


Despite his defeat in Magister Terrace, Kael'thas reborned at the Mardum with the power of Demonic Energy and conquered mardum and build a new kingdom at the edge Mardum for his minions and his kind. His appearance, however was changed: his skin was sickly pale, and a crystal was lodged in his chest, and his Verdant Spheres getting more powerfull. Having collected the necessary energies from powerful demons in Mardum. He named his kind ''Felblood''. Now he joined to eternal war between light and void to conquere twisting nether for his kind.

Role: Ranged/caster hero, Crowd Controller.

Advantages: Can effective on disarm enemies. Stun enemies, summons phoenix. Good aganis melee heroes.

Disadvantages: No healing ability, low movement speed, long cooldowns.




Each hero have 5 usable slots. 1 for Legendary weapon, 1 for unique enchanted scroll and 3 for Weapon Sockets. And players have 1 empty slot to upgrade their inventory but, if item useless for hero, it will destroy items on 6. slot. Players need to be carefull to not gather useless items for them.

Scrolls and Sockets


At the begining of game, When your hero lands to Seat of Pantheon, Ethereal races can help you on your battle but not for free. They are collecting Powerful Cosmic Materials for their goals. They sells powerful Gems and Enchanted Scrolls. There are many scrolls to burn, silence, dispell, observe enemies and heal, enchant your allies. Every player can only select 1 scroll. So, you need to be carefull to choose your scroll. You cant replace them after you bought.

Upgrading Socket


Also, you can forge your weapon by Void, Light and Titan Type Gem stones. Gems give minor stats to customize your gamestyle. Players can be off-tank, burst damage dealer, off-tank/off caster or build their own way. Players can upgrade their stones by mining ores on map. It's not easy to upgrade it. Ethereals disturb players while mining and They need to lucky to upgrade stones.

Type of Gem Qualities are = Common > Rare > Epic

There is hidden etheral nethercrafters to upgrade your gem by some Gold. But players need to upgrade your gem first by Mining to get Epic ones.

Legendary Weapons


Every hero has a legendary unique weapon. Thrall wield Sufuras, Bolvar reforge frostmourne, Turalyon blessed alliance hammer by Naaru etc. Each weapon have unique abilites and customization options. Players can forge their weapon by Essences of Cosmos to customize your own game style. But, its not for players. There are alot of Bosses drops cosmic essance. They are powerful and need teamwork for collecting essences. Sometimes you need to fight with enemy team on boss fights.

Forging Legendary Weapons


There are 6 Cosmic Shrines. Players need to kill Bosses at frost, fire, nature, Earth/storm and Fel shires to collect their orbs to upgrade your weapon. When players collect orb of cosmic creatures, their weapons upgrade instantly. But, orb will destroy when players try to collect useless orb for them.


Also some Ethereals try to open rifts to Seat of Pantheon to transfer their loot to K'aaresh their Homeland. Sometimes they aren't succesfull to open portal. Broken rifts creates Creature named Cosmic Anomally. If its not kill for short period, it will split and become much more powerfull. Sometimes you need to avoid them if its too late. It drops random Cosmic Orb. So dont worry if you dont get your orb from shrines. Cosmic Anomally will give it for you.



















The Titan of Creation, Azeroth unleashed from the lands of mortals. Titans completed their mission to save azeroth and they left from shattered world. Nobody has seen them for a long time. Childs of Azeroth are alone now. Old Gods still corrupting lands and feeding from core of titans to unleash their Leader Argus the Unmaker.

Bolvar raised again with new scourge and they are defending and expanding their lands. Nerubians fallowed their leaders and they attacked to new scourge. Banshee Queen exiled from horde. Agatha and Sylvanas joined to New Scourge.

Horde rebuild themselfs. Era of one ruler ended and thrall created Council of Warchiefs. Orgrimmar destroyed on third sundering and horde moved to center of kalimdor. Thunderbluff became main citidel of horde.

Alliance regained their old kingdoms and seven kingdoms rebuilded. Anduin become High King of the Alliance. By the power of the Kultiran Sailors, they discovered dragon islands and southern Islands. Stormwind and Ironforged invaded by twilight cultists.

Mantid forces rules Pandaria once again. Pandarians escaped to high mountains. Zandalari corrupted by C'thraxxi and Kultiran destroyed on sundering

Deathwing reborned and absorbing power of wyrmrest tower. And he became terror of Northern Wastes. New Old God Ny'etoth
raises from overgrowth at barrens. Corrupter of Life-Nature god became terror of kalimdor. Vines of Ny'ethoth reaches to skies.

Nathrezim forces still fighting on azeroth.

Daughter of Fate (Written by Andre Ashraf)

After the third sundering the lands of kultiras-her home-sank to the bottom of the great sea, with most of the kultirans dead including her mother grand admiral catherine proudmoore, Jaina took the remaning few survivors to the newly discovered southern islands to establish a new home for her people. But to their dismay, they found the islands swarming with void forces. So they renamed themselves the kultiran pirates in honour to their fallen brethren. They kept fighting endless battles on several fronts, but finally they retook most of the islands but only one part remains, the fortress of the old god N’zoth. They couldn’t possibly defeat the old god on their own, but they went to the battle nevertheless. When the kultirans were at the brink of defeat, suddenly several airships appeared out of nowhere, these airships started attacking the void forces and with their aid the kultirans regained the upper hand and after several hours they killed the last void soldier. But they found out that the old god N’zoth escaped to the maw of azeroth. The airships belonged to the army of New lordaeron and they were here to enlist the kultirans into the new alliance, with Jaina proudmoore as their new grand admiral.
After this decisive battle the kultiran pirates took full control of the southern islands and established their new kingdom.

Muradin Bronzebeard (Written by Andre Ashraf)

After the third sundering the dwarven capital of ironfoge was destroyed and nothing remains of it. So the dwarves under command of muradin bronzebeard moved to the southern lands of the dark-iron dwarves who killed muradin’s father in the past. He personally led the battle against the dark-iron dwarves and won and he took their lands for his people, but right after that his new kingdom was under attack by void forces that came from the western sea. They were too powerful for his small forces to handle so his brother Magni bronzbeard made a spell that engulfed the new capital of the dwarves in a force field that doesn’t let anyone in or out. So muradin is trying to save his kingdome from destruction by void forces, so he went to stormwind to get help from highking Anduin but he was surprised to find it destroyed, but he didn’t stop at this and went to the kingdom of new-lordaeron and asked its king for help. So muradin returned with help from lordaeron and Dalaran to retake his kingdom.


Special Thanks to @Spellbound for UI

Music: Blizzard World of Warcraft Legion Patch 7.3 - Mac'aree, Krokun Soundtrack

Soundsets: Blizzard World of Warcraft Character Voice Over. I edited (cut/optimize/replace) files

WoW Models: Rıpped by lord_Marrowgrath, Thursian (warcraftunderground), dariel (warcraftunderground)

Models, Icons and Triggers

Tranquil, FrIkY, Pyritie, Vestros, Hossom, JetFangInferno, Grendel, Frankster, CombattheWombat, eubz, shockwave, PeeKay, shamanyouranus, sPy, General Frank, Happy Tauren and Ampharos_222, Mc!, Nasrudin, wij, Mc!, Tiki, unwirklich, CRAZZYRUSSIAN, PeeKay, kola, JollyD, Blood Raven, Fjury, -BerZeKer-, fagge, bigapple90, Hellx-Magnus, NFWar, -Berz-, Kimberly, Mr. Goblin, Darkfang, Pharaoh, ChevronSeven, Happy Tauren, BlackDoom, Hemske, Blizzard Entertainment, inhuman89, Alpain WhiteDeath, PrinceOfFame, Gusanomental, PrinceYaser, Cigo, alfredx_sotn, Buster, EdwardswolenToe, Norinradi JetFagInferno, Illıdan(Evil)X, Marcelo Hossomi, apaka, Champara Bros, Mythic, Infrenus, Vestras, Rizz_Boomer, Mephestrial, Ikillforeyou, epsilon, Vurdalak, sPy, Dentothor, Boogles, Power, UgoUgo, Supa-, ChaoticHunter, xyzier_24, Hawking, Murlocogologist, DeuceGorgon, Herrdave, Solu9, Thereaper, 67chrome, Daenar7, Khadzamit, frEAk49, ChevronSeven, Blackdoom, wet_water, Serbianbeast, GooS, kola, -berz, 4eNNightmare, Hellx-Magnus, Mad, Blazekraze, TheKaldorei, FerSZ, Minimage, Stefan.K, Hyunrai, FhelZone, Sxar, Ceterai


©2018 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Legion is a trademark, and World of Warcraft, Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.


If you like that map and you enjoyed well or you have idea about lore, gameplay, hero idea, please dont forget to join our discord channel. Also dont forget the subscribe on patreon. Getting supported financially will allow me to focusing working on this project. All of the money donated to this project will flow into the creation of new content, heroes, improvements, new mechanics, etc. Also I will port this project to Warcraft III: Reforged. Together we will improve Moba genre.


Patch 1.2

Marrowgar Cold Flame ability Hotkey fixed.
New hero Guldan added.
New hero Kael added.
New hero Deathwing added.
New faction garrison added for twilight forces.
New player tower added.
Terrain Improved.
New event added. Every game has new event rotations.
New hero Stat teaser added.
Tower hp's reduced.
Basic AI added.

Patch 1.1

FPS increased.
All hero Hp increased by 2000.
All hero stats reworked.
ALL Hero MS increased by 50.
Thrall Q ability tooltip hotkey fixed.
Marrowgar ability hotkey positions fixed.
Matron Mother Creating Item bug fixed.
Matron Mother Blink Strike Ability cooldown reduced to 6 from 9.
Matron Mother Talent Tree fixed.
Matron Mother Reworked.
Miralis tooltip fixed.
Void Scourge Garrison Unit spawn owner corrected.
Terrain reworked.
LEgion and Dimension base towers added.
Player tower options added.
New Glpyh system added.
Way Gate Event Added.
All titan essence required items/upgrades reworked.
Ultimate upgrades added.
Orb Vendor Tooltips and prices reworked.
Filesize Reduced.

by lord_Marrowgrath


WARCRAFT: Collapse v1.2d (Map)

ReviewWarcraft Collapse Key ConceptAoS - The theme you set this AoS onto, is interesting but the way you designed it needs really a lot more work.:rolleyes: GameplayHeroes start with all of their 4 abilities but no upgrades to their levels. The...
At first I was sceptic about the map, but it's not bad. It just needs improvements, vital improvements. 1. Impressions on Environment: The terrain and doodads are really cool and such, they give a somewhat contemporary feel to the game. The problem...


Hosted Project GR
Level 18
Jun 22, 2007
I'll post my feedback here on the fly:

-Intelligence levelup tooltip shows Q as hotkey even though thats the hotkey for Agility.

-no hotkey for teleport spell is bad (at least there is none shown on tooltip).

-Blessed angel (hostile) teleported me twice to the corners of the map. Is that meant to happen? Seems a bit too much to get nuked by the enemy core base in this way. Or perhaps it was caused by my blink attack (played Matron Mother).
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Level 13
Aug 23, 2011
I'll post my feedback here on the fly:

-Intelligence levelup tooltip shows Q as hotkey even though thats the hotkey for Agility.

-no hotkey for teleport spell is bad (at least there is none shown on tooltip).

-Blessed angel (hostile) teleported me twice to the corners of the map. Is that meant to happen? Seems a bit too much to get nuked by the enemy core base in this way. Or perhaps it was caused by my blink attack (played Matron Mother).

Thanks for bring quick feedbacks. I'll fix hotkeys on hero levelup stats.

I just want to players must click their teleport. It gives immunity, so It needs quick movement :) If its gona be problem I will add Hotkeys for it.

There is a trigger leak on matron mother blink strike. I'll fix it.

Does it feature AI?

No, it's not. AI not planned for now but there will be challenging AIs on future progress

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Warcraft Collapse

Key Concept
AoS - The theme you set this AoS onto, is interesting but the way you designed it needs really a lot more work.:rolleyes:

Heroes start with all of their 4 abilities but no upgrades to their levels. The slots for items are occupied by things that show no instructions on how to be used or upgraded. The heroes are pretty basic with spells mainly from Warcraft 3, not even modified at least. On top of that, many features that you added are not explained. Like the Horde War Call ability from the Stronghold. "Summons the Horde Skydestroyer to the location over the duration"o_O . How about the damage? Health or being invulnerable or anything else? I picked Thrall to test out the map. His Chain Lightning has a cast range of about 470 ? For an Intelligence hero who tends to die instantly from enemy attacks, being forced to expose himself like that in order to cast a spell is not a great thing. Agility and Intelligence bonus stat upgrade have the same hotkey "Q" . :confused:22 of Thrall's spells also have this issue. I played it again after, with Turalyon. His spells were more interesting. His potrait icon is the one of Arthas? You can find dozens of awesome icons on Hiveworkshop for anything you might ever think of. The stats of the heroes seem a bit weak since 4 creeps are able to lower a hero to 300 health after 3-5 attacks. That is not really ok in an AoS. Sometimes, neutral creeps of the legion or those elementals appear and engage you or the creeps. Nice thing added but it does not make it up to the lack of interesting gameplay. I know it's called Warcraft Collapse but the gameplay must not be a ruin. "Gold is mined from gold mines" ? I don't see them around. Destroying the enemy ancient does not end the game. Here's the proof: Imgur
There are no items in the AoS, except for those scrolls, gems. :(Those 2 versions of the hero weapon that you can spawn form the stronghold, castle or whatever building you get as a hero, will vanquish after you pick the item up. The stat appears for 2 seconds then instantly vanquishes and the bonus is lost. The gameplay needs a lot of improvement.

Terrain & Aesthetics
The map layout is nice so is the custom UI that fits the theme. The doodads, however, are placed....in a...chaotic way and most of them block vision and some of them move and distract you with other special effects. Doing that in a fight is really bad since it can cause a lot of confusion.:pmeh: The terrain should interact with the gameplay but not in that way. You imported a great quota of special effects but they all seem to be used wrong. Those voices that talk out of nowhere become annoying at some point:psick:.

I saw some custom spells and there were also basic Warcraft 3 without any modifications. Ex: Chain lightning, bloodlust:sadpanda:.

Final Suggestions
There are tooltips that need to be fixed. "deal damage + Int x5 damage" should be "deals damage + 5x Int as bonus damage" The terrain needs work. It does not help if is gigantic and blocks vision. The gameplay needs the most work. 10 heroes for a basic version is not even the average number that the AoS maps around here have. There are lag spikes sometimes when you cast a spell also when the summoning spell of the stronghold is used. Check the triggers and fix the memory leaks.:pcry:

Hate me or not, I have a lot of experience in AoS both playing and creating one. This one is not ready for approval. Not in the current state. A big flashy terrain will never make up to the lack of gameplay. That's what you should focus on! For a +91 mb map, this one should offer a lot of cool things. As of now, it gets a 3/5 and it should go in awaiting update.:wscrolleyes:
Last edited by a moderator:
Level 13
Aug 23, 2011
Thank you for your review.
There is a naaru named netherguide. It explains inventory system. Its so basic just buy 4 items at start.

So many Instructions avaible on game and there
Players forging abilites by talent trees. And there is no rule like its "int hero, its agi hero" every hero can be mainly int, str, agi based hero. Players make their own way. Creeps are hard. Game based on your survivebility. Players need to learn how to kill creeps or how they survive. Neutral forces block your faction and players gain bonus gold from them. Thats the main thing on game.
Players gain gold from every units killed by their faction. Your team work together to gain gold not by 1 person last hit skill.
You get weapons from neutral bosses not your base. Please read instructions on that page.
Stats not lost after 2 seconds. You push to wield item on 6. ıtem slot on your hero. I told you again please read weapon section on that page.

Voices not comes from nowhere. Those are boss encounters. Every bosses have own unique voices. Players can understand easier which events on. So I didnt place them for my own joys.

You can improve chain lightning or bloodlust. I focused for pure game not DDay for apocalyptic spells.

Dont forget it's not standart aos.
It's heroes of storm variation.

And thank you for feedback I will fix them for better quality.
(Edit: All feedbacks fixed)
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Level 7
Jun 19, 2017
At first I was sceptic about the map, but it's not bad. It just needs improvements, vital improvements.

1. Impressions on Environment:
The terrain and doodads are really cool and such, they give a somewhat contemporary feel to the game. The problem is that, because of so many World of Warcraft imports, the Warcraft 3 feel is completely lost. Anyway thumbs up for the work.

2. Impressions on Interface:
The interface is a bit overwhelming with all those customs, also I think it will be good if you make the interface icons of Damage/Armor types with their original respective borders (infocards) rather than BTN.

3. Impressions on Heroes:
I played The Lich King and he was really plain in terms of synergy between abilities. The heroes feel kind of weak compared to the lane creep (as Alexen said up). I noticed that the global experience was not disabled, not sure if that's intentional though, but I don't like it as idea for an AoS map because it kills the competitive play a little. I can't talk of balance between heroes because I played alone, but if the other heroes also have this kind of simple abilities, I'm not sure if the PvP element would be fun.

4.Impression on Gameplay:
The gameplay is pretty straight forward, no items, no side objectives, just a simple push and retreat. The map is easy to play, but if you want to make it more interesting, you should consider creating some more interesting features and interactions instead of relying on special effects.

So my last aggregation is like this: Simple gameplay dressed in cool graphics and visuals.
Level 13
Aug 23, 2011
At first I was sceptic about the map, but it's not bad. It just needs improvements, vital improvements.

1. Impressions on Environment:
The terrain and doodads are really cool and such, they give a somewhat contemporary feel to the game. The problem is that, because of so many World of Warcraft imports, the Warcraft 3 feel is completely lost. Anyway thumbs up for the work.

2. Impressions on Interface:
The interface is a bit overwhelming with all those customs, also I think it will be good if you make the interface icons of Damage/Armor types with their original respective borders (infocards) rather than BTN.

3. Impressions on Heroes:
I played The Lich King and he was really plain in terms of synergy between abilities. The heroes feel kind of weak compared to the lane creep (as Alexen said up). I noticed that the global experience was not disabled, not sure if that's intentional though, but I don't like it as idea for an AoS map because it kills the competitive play a little. I can't talk of balance between heroes because I played alone, but if the other heroes also have this kind of simple abilities, I'm not sure if the PvP element would be fun.

4.Impression on Gameplay:
The gameplay is pretty straight forward, no items, no side objectives, just a simple push and retreat. The map is easy to play, but if you want to make it more interesting, you should consider creating some more interesting features and interactions instead of relying on special effects.

So my last aggregation is like this: Simple gameplay dressed in cool graphics and visuals.

Thank for your review. I'll work for better quality
This one is the most epic terrain I've ever seen for a long time, it looks completely HD and works epic with our HD mod, I'm sure it will really fit Reforged too, it is great that you embraced the new era of Warcraft III with WoW imports, I'lld suggest importing more HD wow models instead of custom Wc3 ones especially for demons so they'll really fit the map alot more! I'm still testing the gameplay though, after all those years looks like I found a moba I can enjoy
Level 13
Aug 23, 2011
This one is the most epic terrain I've ever seen for a long time, it looks completely HD and works epic with our HD mod, I'm sure it will really fit Reforged too, it is great that you embraced the new era of Warcraft III with WoW imports, I'lld suggest importing more HD wow models instead of custom Wc3 ones especially for demons so they'll really fit the map alot more! I'm still testing the gameplay though, after all those years looks like I found a moba I can enjoy

Thank you for your review! I tried something different like terrain-gameplay on moba/aos map and I hope I will make it better. I'm glad to hear your comment.
I'm fixing and improving game-play you can check map progress here [Aeon of Strife] - WARCRAFT: Collapse
Level 1
Apr 23, 2019
I saw the map on epic war and I want to review the project that I play. First of all, environment is different than I have seen before. It has world of warcraft atmosphere. I am impressed by the terrain of the map. On gameplay, map is so active but my character is too weak for fighting against bosses that I died so many times. Character progression is precisely unique. I don't think all hero spells unlocked in early games a good idea but it makes the game faster.

Despite all of these factors, I like the map and I think you can do better. Good luck though. :)


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Please credit all possible resources used: Resources in Use by WARCRAFT: Collapse v1.0 | HIVE and models, sounds/music etc. external to Warcraft, like from other games and so on.
  1. Thrall's Lightning says the hotkey is R when it's Q.
  2. Warcraft III spells on heroes, mostly.
  3. Information about the gameplay should be in the quest log or somewhere in the map too.
  4. Armours don't have proper descriptions. Thrall has Humanoid but the description is that for Medium one.
  5. If I have one stone but other sockets free, why can't I have a stone of each type on me?
  6. You can deny towers even if they're at full health.
  7. Two Cosmic Anomalies were overlapping each other.
  8. You can also attack neutral Ethereal Explorers.
  9. You could make passive icons look passive (Matron Blades?) with this: Button Manager v1.8.2
  10. For some reason, after entering the battleground without choosing a scroll and stone, this happened:
  11. Bonestorm is basically the same as the Matron's R spell.
  12. Cold Flame and Bonestorm have their positions switched.
Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage
Last edited:
Level 13
Aug 23, 2011
Please credit all possible resources used: Resources in Use by WARCRAFT: Collapse v1.0 | HIVE and models, sounds/music etc. external to Warcraft, like from other games and so on.
  1. Thrall's Lightning says the hotkey is R when it's Q.
  2. Warcraft III spells on heroes, mostly.
  3. Information about the gameplay should be in the quest log or somewhere in the map too.
  4. Armours don't have proper descriptions. Thrall has Humanoid but the description is that for Medium one.
  5. If I have one stone but other sockets free, why can't I have a stone of each type on me?
  6. You can deny towers even if they're at full health.
  7. Two Cosmic Anomalies were overlapping each other.
  8. You can also attack neutral Ethereal Explorers.
  9. You could make passive icons look passive (Matron Blades?) with this: Button Manager v1.8.2
  10. For some reason, after entering the battleground without choosing a scroll and stone, this happened:
  11. Bonestorm is basically the same as the Matron's R spell.
  12. Cold Flame and Bonestorm have their positions switched.
Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage

Thank you for your review. I want to answer some questions/bug things for players

Answer for 3: There is a guide NPC at bases
Answer for 7: Its not overlapping
Answer for 4: A huge info for Weapon armor types
Also I tested you cant denny or hit your friendly or neutral units
I gived all credits that I use in-gameplay. So many unused files at there. I just wrote credits for In-game materials.

Please read ''Description'' before playing map. It will be easier to understand mechanics.

Thank you again your feedbacks. I'll fix it for better.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Answer for 3: There is a guide NPC at bases
I totally forgot about that guy. Sorry, my bad.
nswer for 4: A huge info for Weapon armor types
I was specifically referring to Thrall's armour type description.
Also I tested you cant denny or hit your friendly or neutral units
You can if you maniacally press A and click on an allied unit/building.
I gived all credits that I use in-gameplay. So many unused files at there. I just wrote credits for In-game materials.
The rules are clear that the credits are to be written in the map thread description.
Please read ''Description before play'' It will be easier to understand mechanics.
Sure, but it has to be clear ingame because not everybody will know of this site while playing it on B.net in a custom game.
Level 4
Jun 9, 2017
Before i try this out. is this game for 1.29? or only latest patch.
also is this still playable and good if played in single player or just multiplayer