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Techtree Contest #9 - Biome

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Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Don't see what is wrong with it being that your entry came late and we didn't know the state of the contest at that time.

I mean if we count your entry in (and we do), you had an extra 4 days compared to others who didn't work on their entry.

So think it's only fair that until we sort out judges others get the chance to finish their entry or do some polishing.

Dunno why you guys are so annoyed by this really, it's the only fair thing to do imo and we don't even have judges at this point.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Am I missing some post as I don't see anyone annoyed. If you are referring to me, then do not mistake surprise for anger as I am glad that I can polish some things that are bugging me. And I am even willingly volunteering to help everyone with some feedback. I do wish I would receive some feedback for my race too. And Spellbound seems happy too.
Don't see what is wrong with it being that your entry came late and we didn't know the state of the contest at that time.

I mean if we count your entry in (and we do), you had an extra 4 days compared to others who didn't work on their entry.

So think it's only fair that until we sort out judges others get the chance to finish their entry or do some polishing.

Dunno why you guys are so annoyed by this really, it's the only fair thing to do imo and we don't even have judges at this point.

Not sure who you're referring to, but afaik Vel and myself are pretty glad we got the extension.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Kingz said:
Ergh i would have worked more on my entry if i knew this was gonna be judged.
Erm...* Didn't it say so on the first page/post?* We had official "Criteria" for judging, and a whole section for "Appointed Judges"...

KIngz said:
Everyone can polish their submission and i don't think anyone would object. And Kyribo might even finish his submission till then, who knows.
Lawl.* We can only hope.* I'm not even sure what happened to my time this week. :<* It's been crazy; it seems I've utterly lost my ability to be up past 11pm, and blah blah blah whiney-whine.* I'll see what I can do, but don't hold the train for me. :<

Fladdermasken said:
Okay. You have until December 1st.
Schweet.* I for one welcome our new deadline-extending overlords. :p
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Wait is the poll removed?

Also nobody examined my race...actually was I the only one who examined races here?

I will try to provide a review of your race today VeljkoM, or tomorrow.
Tho i stopped playing melee a while ago so it's more of opinions of mine.


VeljkoM race review:

Impaler - No melee attack animation?
Scorpion - start with 0 armor??? Weak start until upgraded compared to others
Organic mine - Has model of normal goblin mine, no explosion effect
Fire Scarabs have more life while burrowed?

Remove Alternate word from Enrage for Ruby Lord to remove him being burrowed


Ruby Lord:

Big power spike when ruby lord gets lvl 6, but not worth leveling to 6
because other heroes power spikes way earlier. Effective drain tank.

Scarab Lord:

Healing is nice, but underwhelming at level 1,
progress the healing and mana cost with levels.
Insane INT growth for a STR hero.

Battle Focus - no cooldown, no mana cost
Using math we get the following effect:
0.6 * 2.5 = 1.5 damage multiplier for the whole army

Seeing as Reavers have cleave they can decimate land armies (and will)
while under battle focus.
This gets insane when coupled with dark command because the damage multipliers
are big.

29-49 damage on reaver, so 39 is average.
39 * 1.3 (dark command) * 1.5 (battle focus) = 76 average damage
And they cleave for half of it, so pretty much doing full damage in AoE.

So you get almost double the damage dealt, for all units near the scarab lords.
Oh and he is healing them.
And summoning more of them.

A hero with an aoe 1.95x damage multiplier with summoning needs balancing,
and it's a hard thing to do since the damage increase actually multiplies.

Couple yourself with a night elf ally and you are looking at a:
1.25 (roar) * 1.3 (dark command) * 1.5 (focus) = 2.4375 damage multiplier
You get the idea of where im going with this.


Has goblin factory in tooltip, available at level 1.
I would say that the chaos damage is a bit too much on the guards when you factor in the damage
multipliers Scarab Lord gets rolling.


The most random one of all, doesn't seem to fit much.
He strugles with identity of a DPS hero and a support hero.

Half of his skills suggest support (Summoning, Passive), and half of them suggest
damage dealing (AoE damage, Ultimate).

Sand Elementals trivialize clearings of camps, because they have
a ton of health and Taunt for some reason.

For a creatuer made of sand they for some reason have Heavy armor.

The flame orb spell is pretty straightforward, however there is 0 reason to
level it instead of the elemental.
It has an average damage range with mediocre cooldown and high mana cost.

The passive seems cool, if only the hero had a need for such high mana gains
or had a Attack Speed steroid to make it matter much.

Ultimate makes me wonder what kind of a role this hero is suposed to be,
he can take down outposts alone faster than the Ruby Lord but having an ultimate
based on illusions means any race can shut him down with a single dispell.


Melee Units:

Scorpions - 0 starting armor, subpar life and dps. Slightly stronger than scarabs
but same food cost and melee. Tough to keep them alive till they get upgraded.
By the time they become relevant they are outclassed by other units imo.

Reaver - Broken with Scarab Lord, lackluster without him. Lower health than
all of heavy unit counterparts along with subpar armor.

Ranged units:

Fire Scarab - Core early game unit imo, stays relevant during later ingame due
to having burrow.

Stalker - Really liked these units, however i feel like the 2nd passive
needs tonning down on duration. Big minus is the cost, and i don't see myself
spending so much resources on a unit that only annoys enemies.

Hive Guards - Heavy version of gargoyle. The ability needs a boost since
it is not enough to make Hive Guard a threat while in a duel.
Fact is that web will stomp this unit hard and make it generally a risky choice.

Impaler - Pretty nice unit, works well but feels bland for such a cool model.
Can be used as a tower of sort to defend the base.

Mana Eater - Everything about this unit seems powerfull (when researched fully).
Drain Magic was used on destroyer because of his negative mana regeneration.
However mana eaters can use this mass dispell with no cost frequently.
Spell immunity prevents quick dispatch of these units with abilities and
them being ranged doesn't help much.
Their mana burning seems kinda strong but the biggest problem i have with them
is that they have Spell Immunity as a fast ranged unit.

Spell Casters:

Venomancer - Corrupted tree can be targeted and destroyed way too fast. Feels like
a waste of mana. Decay seems balanced in all aspects, the drain could be boosted
while the duration could be lowered to make it more of a threat.
Symbiosis - This is where the things become interesting. Combined with
the Scarab Lord and Hive Guards spawning large group of units is a big balancing issue.
However paired without Scarab Lord the effect isn't that great.
Absolutelly broken combined with Scarab Lord + Reavers combo.

Corpse Harvester - Moving fountain, never used the bombs but the health regen
makes this unit a pretty great addition. Costs next to nothing to train,
but is suicidal vs undead. Didn't ever use the bombs since restoration synapsis
requires 200 mana of a 300 pool.
It joins the game way too late however.

Sand Witch - Oh boy. This caster puts a lot of others to shame. It has both
a defensive spell, and offensive AoE curse and a AoE crowd control spell.
However i have to point out that Curse from banshees is a single target spell
for a reason. Couple a sand witch with 3 reavers a scarab lord and 2-3 venomancers
and you have a show on your hand. Unless the enemies brought a lot of dispells
they don't really stand a chance with this combo.

Favorite strategy:

2xVenomancer + 3xReaver + Scarab lord + 1xSand witch + 3xHive Guards +1x Mana Eater:

Venomancers give a 1.2 damage multiplier (attack speed!!!) which then multiplies
with the existing 1.95 damage multiplier of Scarab Lord abilities for a
whooping 2.34x damage multiplier (or 134% increase if you will).
Reavers get a 13 armor (8 base + 5 buff) with 50% cleave and sand witches toss around
the enemies and blind them. Hive Guards are there for the air support and the
unit spawning combo with venomancers but they can be made into quite the dps machines
when the multipliers start rolling.
Mana Eater is essential to keep webs and other nasty buffs away. However 1 does the job.

Memorize the Rally point when spawning an egg, attach it to the egg via HashTable, then when the unit spawns
order the Attack Move order to that point. Atm it's a hassle not being able to rally point the egg. Also drones seem to harvest wood too slow for my taste.
The burrow ability kicks in late imo for Scorpions and Fire Scarabs.


I calculated the damage amplification when paired with a night elf ally wrong.
It won't multiply, it will add up:

(1.0 + 0.25 (roar) + 0.3 (dark command)) * 1.5 (battle focus) = 2.325 (132.5% increase), rather than 2.4375 (143.75% increase).
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Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Argh I hate when I write a response and account loggs off. I lost all detailed responses...

Anyway will take all in consideration though I don't necessarily agree with all stuff (Scorpion 0 armor, not that different from ghoul; magic immunity is not that different from other anti casters; Ruby Lord for me was nightmare for me when he was controlled by human) and some stuff I already fixed (Battle focus; Reinforcements). And some things I can't fix like Lurker attack animation, I doubt my capabilities regarding fixing eggs rally point but will try.

Also I thought since Dark Command attack buff is based of Roar it wouldn't actually stack. I also think battle focus mixed with Impalers and Desolators could be a problem too. I honestly thought cleave and critical strike did not stack also so I didn't stop to consider reavers being that powerful.

All in all I thank you very much.
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Afaik as long as the buff id is different abilities stack.

If you ever played Dota you would know cleave stacks with crit :)

Ghouls start with 0 armor but are boosted by having Death Knight in 80% of the games, which gives them regeneration and Death Coil.

Scarab Lords healing is great in huge battles but bad in clearing camps since most of the time you aren't using it at 100% (only one or two units are damaged).

It's not the problem that a magic immune creature exists, the problem is it's paired with several strong abilities and flying ranged unit. Makes it very, very hard to dispatch quickly, and because he can devour magic and burn mana he is a primary threat.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Huh I always thought stronger overrides the weaker. Well anyway will nerf hard Battle Focus regardless.

I did play dota, when I was 8th grade so many many moons ago. And well I know that bash, critical and tauren passive don't work together but since cleave is different version of passive yeah guess it should definitely work... dear god what have I done.

I was aiming scorpoins intentionally to be weak and to need numbers. Since you can definitely spam them faster than any other tier 1 unit. Though to be honest I didn't think 1,2 armor makes a difference. Guess armor won't hurt considering I don't have proper defensive aura hero.

Yeah no idea how to fix that other than make it less mana consuming. Should see if there is some way to set limit on amount healed. Oh right regarding the intelligence thing I based the hero of dreadlord so I didn't alter stat gain.

Thought it wouldn't be that hard to use regular air counters for it. It is too good unit still. Maybe nerfing drain magic range and AoE and reducing the burn mana effect (it is already naturally reduced against heroes luckily).
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Final entry
pick undead to play as custom race

Lords of Dust



Known before as the three houses of mages, the Lords of Dust had to bind themselves to the elements of Dust, Ash and Wind to escaped a curse cast on them.
Some of them still try to this day to find a way to return to their flesh form without the curse of petrification turning them to stone.
They roam the deserts in search of living beings, absorbing lesser beings and trading with those who prove useful.

House of Kalem

This house was the first to relinquish the idea of practicing magic ever again. They decided to bind their essence to dust and never practice magic at a high level again. They boast the best combat stats but fall short on defense and usage of magic on an advanced level.

House of Phaeris

Mages of Phaeris were always fond of fire magic and so they decided to bind themselves to the closest thing they could, coal and ash. Their bodies lack the strength of the house of Kalem but they can wield magic at a higher level and are attuned highly to fire magic.

House of Eerin

The leader of Eerin convinced his people that the curse is actually a blessing, and that it was a sign from the old gods. He and his followers bound themselves to desert winds, forever relinquishing a chance to return to their previous state but have become highly attuned to magic.
They lack the combat abilities of Kalem and destructive power of Phaeris but have highly developed shields against magic and are masters of support magic.

  • Unit's have no basic regeneration, use abilities or items to keep your armies healthy
  • Single main building, which cannot be rebuilt if destroyed, features a defensive ability and the ability to attack
  • Custom building animation and look
  • 3 custom heroes, each filling a different role with custom spells
  • Tier 1 caster
  • Unique tier progression
  • Automatic tree harvesting
  • Synergies between units
  • More stuff, too late to count them all, try the map!

Known bugs/things missing:
  • No credit list (no time, will make a separate post with all credits later)
  • Some tooltips probably
  • Anything else, let me know


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The Sunvipers were Nagas before they left Queen Azshara's dominion to search for broken pieces of an ancient relic, rumoured to be the remnants of a rogue N'aaru. Their quest took them to a desert where the fragment they found gave them Light-attuned powers. The Sunvipers sought to find the other pieces but the only way their small numbers would be successful in this endeavour would be through magic-guided dreams. To protect them while they slumbered, they formed a cult of human mage-slaves that they called the Sandborn to rule in their stead.

As the years went by, however, the Sandborn were beset by a number of enemies and after several wars, they decided that the best way to maintain the secret of the sleeping Sunvipers was to hide their cities entirely instead of risking defeat. In a mass-sacrifice, the Sandborn buried their great cities under the shifting sands of the desert, awaiting the natural awakening of their naga masters to return as undead servants of the Light.

• The Sandborn build through their Monoliths. The construction happens in safety, and once done, the building can be unearthed in the vicinity of a Monolith that is Anchored to the ground. Monoliths are able to move around.
• The Sandborn abuse health regeneration. Their structures and mechanical units cannot be directly repaired (other than through Hierophants) and must regenerate. They are only able to regenerate during daytime.
• The Sandborn are extremely effective resource gatherers. Two Megaliths should take care of your lumber needs. (WARNING: I don't know why the Megaliths move to the center of the map to resume their harvest cycle, so avoid having more than 2 on lumber or it could crash the game.)


Pyramid of Light/Nexus/Apex ------- Trollschnitzel (Edited - R) | Pyramide
Ancient Shrine -------------------- Sin'dorei300 (Edited) | RuinedCurvedWall
Mausoleum ------------------------- Ujimasa Hojo (Reskinned) | Vault of Relics
Buried Temple --------------------- Ujimasa Hojo (Edited) | Citadel
Monolith -------------------------- Retera | -n/a
Conduit Stone --------------------- Kino (Edited) | Dreamspire
Reliquary ------------------------- Retera (Model) | -n/a


Sandborn Avatar ------------------- MiniMage | SandElemental
Reaper of the Dust ---------------- -Grendel (Edited) | Priest of Pustrescence
Grand Priestess ------------------- Retera/DeuceGorgon (Edited) | Medusa - Ancient Witch


Sandling/Sand Elemental ----------- Minox (Skin) (Edited) | Sandman
Hierophant ------------------------ *Daenar7 | ProteaSapiens.blp
Earthripper ----------------------- Kuhneghetz | Stingray (Variation 1)
Djinn ----------------------------- Kuhneghetz | Earth Mephit
Scytheclaw ------------------------ -Grendel | Dune Scorpion
Empyreal -------------------------- WhiteDeath (Edited) | FrostRevenant
Sunfire Cleric -------------------- -Grendel | Undead Fire Mage
Desert Moth ----------------------- Retera (Model) | -n/a
Sphinx ---------------------------- morbent (Skin) | Sphinx.blp
Guardian of the Dust -------------- 67Chrome (Skin) | Mummy_by67chrome.blp
Megalith -------------------------- Retera | **Pyramide
Enigma Cube ----------------------- Retera (Animations) | -n/a


Awaken Sphinx --------------------- WILL THE ALMIGHTY | Dirt Explosion
Focused Beam ---------------------- WILL THE ALMIGHTY | LaserYellow (WILL Effects 3 - WMDs - wc3campaigns)
Shining Corona -------------------- JesusHipster | DivineBarrier
Sun Globe ------------------------- Frankster | Orb of Light
Dome of Sunlight ------------------ Callahan | VoodooAura
Erosion Aura ---------------------- JetFangInferno | NagaBirth\SandBreathDamage
Kindle ---------------------------- Pyritie | Fire High and Uber
Hidden Essence (Buff) ------------- Infrisios | Duel
Jinx ------------------------------ JetFangInferno | ChakraTarget (JetFang RandomFxPack - wc3campaigns)
Spell Rift ------------------------ JesusHipster | GatherSouls
Gold Harvest/Lumber Harvest ------- Power | HarvestLife\GainLife
Harvest Sand FX ------------------- JetFangInferno | NagaBirth
Shining Flare --------------------- WILL THE ALMIGHTY | HolyStrike (WILL FX pack - wc3campaigns)
Earthquake Explosion FX ----------- JetFangInferno | Explosion (JetFang RandomFxPack - wc3campaigns)
Sun Conduit Lense Flare ----------- dhguardianes (Edited) | Blue Lense Flare
Sun Globe Death ------------------- JetFangInferno | WispExplode
Guardians of the Dust ------------- Dragunov (Edited) | Sarcophagus
Ancient Arcana -------------------- Daelin | SorceryMark (Daelin MetaMarks - wc3Campaigns)
Ancient Arcana FX 2 --------------- nhocklanhox6 | Unleash the power


Wind Conduit ---------------------- JetFangInferno (Edited) | RoarCaster
Sun Conduit ----------------------- WILL THE ALMIGHTY | JudgementTarget
Sphinx ---------------------------- UgoUgo | OrbOfWind
Reaper of the Dust ---------------- BurninRose | TornadoMissile
Grand Priestess ------------------- epsilon (Edited) | SpiritArrow_ByEpsilon
Soulsinge Blast ------------------- 00110000 | Mini Comet
Astral Pixies --------------------- ChevronSeven | AncestralGuardianMissileBlue


Burn Magic ------------------------ PeeKay | BTNEnhanceBody
Sun Globe ------------------------- Peekay | BTNSphereOfDivine
Shining Corona -------------------- NFWar | BTNTicTac
Dust Cloud ------------------------ Juice_F | BTNSandStorm
Erosion Aura ---------------------- PeeKay | BTNPetry
Guardians of the Dust ------------- 67Chrome | BTNMummy
Arcane Riddle --------------------- CRAZYRUSSIAN | BTNcrWarp11
Tremor Waves ---------------------- -Berz- | BTNRift
Desert Tendrils ------------------- CRAZYRUSSIAN | BTNcrWarp4
Flowing Sand ---------------------- D.ee | BTNSandstorm3
Grinding Sand --------------------- -Berz- | BTNAvalanche

Unit Indexer ---------------------- Bribe
DOT in GUI ------------------------ Paladon & Dynasti
Fade System ----------------------- crehym
Damage Engine --------------------- Bribe
Autofly --------------------------- Magtheridon96
LastOrder\AbortSpell -------------- Rising_Dusk
SimError -------------------------- Vexorian
GetClosestWidget ------------------ Bannar aka Spinnaker
IsDestructableTree ---------------- PitzerMike
Loop Spell Template --------------- Bribe
Custom Race System ---------------- Archmage Owenalacaster

* Reskin is mostly done by me but I used the ProteaSapiens texture to give more texture
to the tail of the Hierophant.

** While the base of the model is indeed Trollscnitzel's Pyramide, Retera made significant
modifications that turned it into the great model for the Megalith, so it deserves special

Any other custom models/icons/fx were made by yours truly, but it's entirely possible that
I've overlooked a few resources made by other people (or mislabeled some). If your work is in my map and has
not been credited, please let me know and I'll update the list of credits.


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Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Desert Swarm

Short Bio: Insectoid race that hates all life and sees its purpose to expand the desert across the entire globe. Race is divided between the serving caste of monstrous insect and ruling caste of humanoid insects.

Unique Features:
- Units hatch from eggs. Broken eggs will spawn lesser version of the unit. Added rally point but it doesn't work always especially with "warpten" cheat.
- Units regenerate only during they day. You can summon daylight for emergency much like how Night Elves summon Moon. Main Building casts Sunlight.
- Moisture Extractors and Obelisks spawn sand which increase attack of Swarm units and slows down enemy units. Extractors can now create 1 Obelisks. Obelisks can be upgraded to restore mana or hurt enemy units. Sand is removed when source is destroyed. My quest to you is to cower entire map in sand.
- Units can be upgraded to be trained faster
- Some units can move while burrowed

Main Building

Drone: Basic Worker. At tier 3 gets harvest upgrade so you can easier replace units during the end game. Can burrow and move underground

Hatchery; Main Troop building

Scorpion - Basic light melee unit. It is rather weak and the only upgrade it gets is increase in health and move speed. Can burrow and move underground. Slightly buffed in latest version. (Burrow now at tier 1 but needs shop)

Fire Scarab - Basic ranged unit. Gets upgrade to increase rate of fire and moment. Can burrow and move. (Burrow now at tier 1 but needs shop)

Reaver - Advanced melee unit. Gets Cleave upgrade. This unit needed more love. Slightly buffed in latest version but cleave is nerfed.

Shrine; Advanced Troop building

Stalker - Harassment unit. Has permanent stealth but it takes 20 seconds to regain it after unit attacks. Has Slow Venom that drastically reduces speed of infected unit and can be upgrade to use Pestilence (tier3) to turn off enemy buildings. Now cheaper, buffed attack and Pestilence reduced to 3 seconds.

Impaler - Siege Unit. On Surface it acts as melee siege tank and can be upgraded with Sharp Carapace. When burrowed (can't move) unit gains long ranged attack and also line damage attack. Buffed range since it had lower range than other siege units and it is pain since he can't move. I simply wasn't able to add attack animation.

Hive Guard - Light Air unit, serves as anti air. Has only melee pierce attack to deal with enemy air units and can infect air units with parasite that slows them, hurts over time and spawns couple of uncontrollable wasps. Unit buffed in this version.

Mana Eater - Flying anti caster. Immune to magic, can dispel buffs and summoned units with Drain magic which feeds the unit with mana, has Feadback that destroys enemy mana and gives mana to Mana Eater. Has upgrade Mana Transfer that allows the unit to channel the mana it gathers to friendly unit or a hero. Nerfed in this version, lower hp, lower feadback (tooltip was originaly wrong), longer CD on Drain Magic, negative mana reg instead of no reg and increased cost.

Desert Sanctum; Caster Building

Sand Witch - She can initially cast Sand Armor that increases armor to friendly unit, Sand Storm that she channels at targeted area and makes all units miss and Whirlwind that summons stationary Whirlwind that periodically trows units in the air. Removed slowness effect from desert storm and reduced miss to 30%, effecting all isn't change it always was like that but tooltip did not say (if it didn't then it was a bug). Sadly didn't think of replacement for one of the two AoE spells.

Venomancer - He casts initially Decay that lowers enemy armor and drains health very slightly, Corrupt Tree that creates stationary ward which periodically damages enemy units with roots and Symbiosis which increases attack and move speed of single unit but if unit dies it spawns wasps. Corrupted tree can't be target anymore.

Corpse Harvester - Support unit. Initially can spawn Organic Bomb from a corpse that acts as suicide units and you can have only 3 at a time. Regeneration Synapse (tier3) allows unit to create Healing Spawn that heals nearby units. Since both spells use corpses, Harvester can pick up corpses and be upgraded to make its own. Organic Bombs now can move and burrow (upgrade required) and have explosion effect and Synapse costs less mana.

Ultimate Building

Desolator - Heavy Flying air unit. Lacks usual splash and instead has incinerate which makes unit killed by Desolator to explode and deal 200 AoE damage. Also has range upgrade. Buffed to justify the high cost.

The Heroes

Grand Vizier; Caster Hero

This is damage dealing hero, the one self passive serves to boost either frequent use of damage or summoning spells (think of briliance aura, siphon mana and dark sacrifice). Actually this Hero is rip off from Archmage (AoE, Summon, Passive Mana Reg) but ult ruins the synergy which simply doesn't fit at all.

Fire Skull - Tosses a bouncy lava rock that with each bounce splinters several rocks that hurt enemy units. Standard hurting spell. (damage buffed)
Sand Elemental - Summoned melee unit that has taunt. I figured it would distract enemy from your fragile starting units. (taunt removed from level 1 and stats nerfed)
Arcane Resort - Passive chance to convert set amount of enemy hp in to mana for hero. Mana regenerating technique I figured would be useful.
Mirage - Creates two copies of the hero. Copies receive only half of damage and deal double. Homage to certain boss in Ahn'quiraj.

Ruby Lord; Tank Hero

I was lazy to polish this hero. He might look boring and weak at lower levels but at high level I fear this hero since he is hard to kill.

Impale - Cone Shaped Impale.
Bloodthrist - Temporary life steal and increased attack. (nerfed life steal effect and reduced duration)
Reflect - Reflects all attacks back to the enemy. Doesn't reflect spells, it merely blocks them.
Enrage - Now it is Metamorphosis and no longer increases attack nor it gives magic immunity and instead hero gets cleave.

Scarab Lord; Leader Hero

Yeah no extra text for this guy. Probably still OP.

Dark Command - AoE damage spell and also increase attack of your units. I have distinct feeling I lack single target spells to hurt. (tested, it does not stack with Roar)
Battle Focus - Grants critical strikes to friendly units for very short duration. Rather op and needs balance and doesn't differ that much with each level. (has mana and cd now and reduced critical)
Regenerating presence - Healing Immolation, figured that I needed some heal from heroes. I imagine it would be interesting combo with mana eater ability to supply hero with mana. (increased effectiveness but mana is more consumed at early levels)
Reinforcements - Open the portal to Northrend which spawns nerubians periodically. (No longer have chaos attack and no longer level 1 spell)

Missing in action 4th hero; Would be agility with more focus on single target, especially heroes.

I don't think I'll ever be satisfied with this race and I am sure who ever tests this will find bugs and unbalances. Don't be shy to report what you find.


  • THW.TC9.VeljkoM.DesertSwarm(v3).w3x
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Welp, I'm off of work, and with ~50 minutes on the clock (since sans any contrary notification, "day of" means "11:59:59 PM of that day"), I'll see what I can pump out. At best we'll have a nice, 4th-place entry to make the rest of you guys look good. xD

//EDIT (And repost)// - Double Welp. Never mind. 'Twas a valiant effort, but alas, there remained too much unfinished. I look forward to future Contests, when I can hopefully find enough time around my schedule to actually compete. Sorry, ya'll.
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