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World Editor and Undead Race NOW LIVE

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Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Please add a trigger that applies a texture on a model
For example, I want to make a spell that freezes the target. That trigger apply Ice\snow texture on the model
Or I want to make units with low HP, covered in blood. With that trigger, I can apply a blood-drops texture on the model.

Does anyone agree with me?

Wouldn't that require individual textures for each unit type? I do agree with the notion of changing between textures on the same model via triggers would be cool, but I think what you're hoping for there may be a little more involved than swapping skins, or at least something else entirely. It's still a cool idea that would be nice to see able to be done in the World Editor, though.
Level 9
Apr 7, 2012
the model exporter should be a blender pluggin,no one wanna buy another messed up tool from Autodesk.So dissappointed!

You can get a three year trial for it. Just model in blender and then export to Max and then export the model in the format required.
Level 2
Mar 21, 2009
World Editor won't run for me. I'm on the newest version ( When I start the editor (in the x86_64 folder), nothing happens. Sometimes it says "Editor running" for a few seconds in battle.net where it would say "Warcraft III is running". Using German locale, tried changing to English but that didn't work either.
Level 2
Jun 27, 2011
World Editor won't run for me. I'm on the newest version ( When I start the editor (in the x86_64 folder), nothing happens. Sometimes it says "Editor running" for a few seconds in battle.net where it would say "Warcraft III is running". Using German locale, tried changing to English but that didn't work either.

As specified elsewhere in this thread, you have to launch it from the Battlenet launcher.
Level 2
Mar 21, 2009
As specified elsewhere in this thread, you have to launch it from the Battlenet launcher.

How do I start the editor in the bnet launcher? Nothing here:

EDIT: I found it now.... very unusual place, above all other stuff ("Editor starten" in the top half of the pic, if anyone else wonders)
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Level 2
Mar 21, 2009
Found it, ty.
First thing I noticed is that maps are stored in your Documents folder, I'm really not a fan of that because it clogs up your boot drive. I've accumulated about 2 gigs of maps over the years, really don't want that in my boot drive if I didn't install my game there in the first place.
It should either be a choice where maps are read/written or it should be in the WC3 folder just like it always was in classic wc3. Most people wouldn't look for their maps in the documents folder.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
First thing I noticed is that maps are stored in your Documents folder, I'm really not a fan of that because it clogs up your boot drive. I've accumulated about 2 gigs of maps over the years, really don't want that in my boot drive if I didn't install my game there in the first place.
It should either be a choice where maps are read/written or it should be in the WC3 folder just like it always was in classic wc3. Most people wouldn't look for their maps in the documents folder.
Give us a normal/sane option to have our maps where we install the game, please.
Level 2
Mar 21, 2009
Give us a normal/sane option to have our maps where we install the game, please.

Even replays are stored in the documents folder. So you've gotta clean that folder every half year or so if you turned on "save all replays" (as you should!). Really, really not a fan of having to keep an eye on my wc3 maps/replays size on my boot drive!


Site Director
Level 64
Jan 1, 2006
After more testing:

World Editor suddenly crashes when I try to save. With an error that says "JASS HELPER - NO MORE MEMORY". It's just a plain simple map I was testing a few doodads with. Nothing fancy at all.

Any idea what might be the cause of this? @Dr Super Good @Kam @MindWorX

Also, I get crashes a few seconds in game in other custom maps. I can play an entire 1v1 game with no crashes. That is if the game will start once an opponent has been found and it doesn't go black screen.

Here's one of my test maps that keeps crashing.


  • The Black Book Reforged.w3x
    137.9 KB · Views: 138
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Level 21
Mar 15, 2010
I decided to try out one of my very first maps and got this :D:

Azmodan texture over bridge.png Azmodan texture over everything.png Azmodan texture in game.png
This is a metamorphosis texture made by Denu, which has the import path texures\Black32. It essentially covers everything on the map.

I also noticed that cinematic black filters are slightly transparent, even at 0% transparency. I could clearly see units move around etc after each cinematic.
Black fade filters not working.png

Regarding custom models, I kind of expected this:
File Errors.png

Although it would seem that these guys managed to load:
Custom models which loaded.png

In-game, even though the unit model wouldn't show up, it's portrait did during cinematics
Model not visible but portrait is working.png

It would seem that the trigger Sound - Stop "sound" <after fading> is still not working properly. It just cuts off instantly. I really hope this will be fixed!
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And here are the thinks that i noticed so far:

1 - Most imported assets are not working (Could not load error)

Classic World Editor
View attachment 336723

Reforged World Editor
View attachment 336724

2 - The game seems too dark, i dont know if its the gama or the custom models lack something that the new revamped engine needs in order to make them look as they should.

Classic World Editor
View attachment 336725 View attachment 336726

Reforged World Editor
View attachment 336727 View attachment 336728

3 - It seems that the terrain texture path overriding is no longer working as well. I wonder if the custom lightnings like the @Spellbound pack will also be buggy. might be a good idea to give it a look.

Classic World Editor
View attachment 336729

Reforged World Editor
View attachment 336730

4 - It also seems that the method we use to create custom loading screens is not working as well. Its only using the LoadingScreenBL part.

Classic Loading Screen
View attachment 336731

Reforged Loading Screen
View attachment 336732

5 - Icons are not working properly as well, some work, some dont

Some In Game pics

View attachment 336734 View attachment 336735 View attachment 336736

View attachment 336737 View attachment 336738 View attachment 336739

Regarding the models, i think i can upload Muradin's and Sylvanas models since they are from Heroes of the Storm, so i should give credits to Blizzard for creating the models and to nerthfill from the Warcraft Underground community for ripping them.

About uploading the map, i could do it, but its a 90 mb file and i would have to ask for permission from @YourArthas and the guys that created the Rebirth Mod to do it since i'm using a few of their models and they have a disclaimer. But if they do i wouldnt mind, because i was already planning on releasing the map, if permissions granted, as a guide to new map makers that want to learn Jass and vJass since i've already written 25000 lines of code on it.

Apart from all of those bugs, if you guys give it a good look at the Reforged In Game Pics, you will see that, for the custom models that are working, the game can create their shadow perfectly!! Thats Cools AF!!

You can report it, I've already adressed the issue that causes model imports to be broken to employees with explaining why
Level 2
Mar 9, 2014
Posting from my bug report on the blizz forums
-All floating text is showing as red

-All of my custom heroes’ ability icons appear the same as the default paladin abilities, the tooltip text is correct inside the ‘Hero Abilities’ page, but shows the Paladin’s ability tooltips once you skill the ability. In addition to this, it plays the art of the respective paladin ability when using the custom abilities. I haven't tested if this is because all my custom heroes are based on paladin, I honestly can't remember what my template hero is.

-Many custom model assets are not loading.

-A lot of debuffs appear to be referencing the incorrect debuff art, namely Stuns and Slows are referencing the art of the base Stunned (Pause) art and Slows are referencing the art of Sorceress' Slow ability.

Also, @Bribe your Knockback Engine appears to be busted, When I use it to knockback regular units without locust, it plays the SFX, but nothing else. However if I use it to move a dummy unit projectile it works just fine.
Level 21
Mar 15, 2010
I haven't tried loading any of my newer maps, I know it would be a complete shitshow. :D I really hope that things gets sorted out eventually, so that awesome projects like Flickering Light can transition into the new editor without sacrificing tons of work.

I'm going stick to our current editor and wait for the official release of the reforged beta one. :)
Level 21
Apr 12, 2018
Level 21
Apr 12, 2018
Not surprisingly Test Map is insufficient to test the Campaign maps, but I expected this since that was the case during TFT beta, too. It's a shame because I wanted to know what that new row of drop-downs did.

  • Shallow water in editor is almost invisible, deep water is visible but does not look very deep.
Not only this, but the lower water height affects all the Doodads in the water, too. I use a Water Plane, for example, at the water height, and with the current Shallow Water they're now all appearing under the ground instead.

ED: Figured out what the drop-downs did. It's actually a sort for the Import Manager.
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Icon Reviewer
Level 61
Jun 2, 2008
For me id love it for the editor to have a clickable button that allows us to be able to download models/skins/icons with a simple click somehow.. instead of having to download every single one you need. Or, have it easier to upload to your map.. because sometimes uploading some models and skins are very frustrating... :/

Also, will our old maps work on the reforged editor? Im sure this question has been said but id like to know myself. I hope it does.
Can we expect a full change log for both the game and the world editor once the game is released? The change logs for the World Editor has been severely lacking recent patches, but full of new features that the community have to dig up.

Please tell me syntax highlighting will be supported by the editor later on, it's really awkward having to rely on other tools for scripting.

I had no problem loading one of my maps in the editor, but I was unable to run it. It appears an error message is displayed out of bounds when the game launches as the "button-click" sound plays when pressing enter.

Edit: I managed to get my map to load after disabling Bribes Damage Engine (Damage Engine - it's something in that script that causes an error with Reforged.

My terrain had some weird glitched textures near cliffs, see images below.
TerrainBug1.PNG TerrainBug2.PNG TerrainBug3.PNG TerrainBug4.PNG

Reworking the terrain caused new textures to stretch and saving and reloading the map reverted all changes back to the first picture; not sure how it looks in-game as the map won't run.

Have anyone managed to extract common.j and looked up any new natives?

Other issues found:

  • The doodad Blocks Ruined (Ashenvale) model path in World Editor is set to "Objects\InventoryItems\TreasureChest\treasurechest.mdl", but is displayed correctly in-game.
  • Camera objects via Camera Palette doesn't show up in editor.
  • Using "expansion only" features won't flag the map properly. I based a map of Outland tileset and "Expansion Required" was set to "No". Might be intended as of Reforged.
  • The options for Custom Sound Environment in "Map Properties" start as "WESTRING_...".
  • Trigger actions:
    • Game - Create checkpoint with name Checkpoint.w3z (True checkpoint message)
    • Game - Create campaign checkpoint with name MapSaveName (Hide checkpoint message)
    are both using the same label "Game - Create Save Checkpoint" in the actions window.
  • Using
    • Game - Create checkpoint with name Checkpoint.w3z (True checkpoint message)
    causes a syntax error:
  • Something is broken with the UI natives, the first image is Reforged and the second image is how it's supposed to look:
WC3ScrnShot_110619_194709_001.png WC3ScrnShot_110619_194836_01.png
  • Using the "-0.1" selection circle trick to hide health bars of units doesn't hide the new Hero level box.
  • Regions don't become visible/hidden when chaning editor palettes. You have to manually hide/show them from "View -> Regions" (Ctrl + R).
  • Most animations played in editor are broken. Plays the first few frames and then resets immediately.
  • Calling the following native as Custom script: call SetDayNightModels("","") no longer causes the game to become pitch black out of light sources (personally I think the Reforged version looks better now, but I know some maps that rely on the darkness).
  • The World Tree model (Doodads\Ashenvale\Structures\Worldtree\Worldtree) isn't updated in editor or in-game.
  • Doom Guard still uses old non-reforged icon in editor (ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNDoomGuard.blp).
  • Model height varies greatly between Reforged and non-Reforged models (or the variations are in the wrong order); if you've manipulated doodad height in the editor it will not look the same between versions.
  • Certain special effects play their sounds multiple time after they're created.
  • EDIT 2019-11-09:
  • Selecting a unit in-game that's owned by a non-assigned player in "Scenario Properties -> Players" causes the game to crash.
  • The doodad "Viny Plant" (Sunken Ruins) is not animated properly in-game. Only plays the first few frames and then resets.
  • The "Owlkin" Unit Sound Set is bugged. When selecting a unit with this sound set it wrongly screams "Kill!" only and the death sound is also wrong.
  • Models under the water doesn't render in the World Editor, but they do in-game.
  • Using the trigger action "Cinematic - Fade in over 0.00 seconds using texture Black Mask and color (100.00%, 100.00%, 100.00%) with 0.00% transparency" clearly has transparency in-game even if it's set to 0.00%.
  • The Multiboard doesn't retain the same size between classic and Reforged.
  • The cinematic doodads "Trap Fire/Trap Frost/Trap Side Fire/Trap Side Frost" causes very rapid lightning effects that causes heavy strain on the eyes.

New features/improvements found:

  • Trigger Editor performance and Writing Triggers at map save is greatly improved.
  • A new pathing palette (currently not functional). Will probably allow us to paint pathing terrain instead of using pathing blockers, nice.
  • Dialogue Editor (F11) (currently not functional?). Will probably allow for a more immersive cinematics.
  • You can change the skin of any unit via the Unit Properties windows (double-clicking on a unit you've placed in the editor). You can replace the entire model.
  • You're able to enable/disable a new checkmark in Map Properties, "Use accurate probability for calculations". Not sure what this is.
  • You're able to set "Supported Modes" in Map Properties. You can choose from "SD", "SD and HD" and "HD". This will probably be used to let a map maker select his/her playerbase.
  • Foliage generated by terrain can be hidden via "View -> Foliage" (Ctrl + F).
  • New Import Manager (now called Asset Manager) with new features.
  • All new trigger GUI actions I could find:
  • Events
    • Player - Button for ability Animate Dead and order Human Peasant - Repair pressed.
    • Player - Button for build Peasant pressed.
    • Player - Button for train Peasant pressed.
    • Player - Button for Research Iron Forged Swords pressed.
  • Conditions
    • (Load No sound of string from ) Equal to True
    • (Skin ID of (Triggering unit)) Equal to 0
    • (Skin ID of (Last created item)) Equal to 0
  • Actions
    • Cinematic - Set Dialogue Text ID For Sound No sound Dialogue Text ID abc
    • Cinematic - Set Speaker Name Text ID For Sound No sound Speaker Name Text ID abc
    • Game - Set Max Checkpoint Saves to 10
    • Game - Create checkpoint with name Checkpoint.w3z (True checkpoint message)
    • Game - Create campaign checkpoint with name MapSaveName (Hide checkpoint message)
    • Visibility - Show Terrain: False
    • Visibility - Show Sky Box: True
    • Game - Start Recording with FPS: 60
    • Game - End Recording
    • Cinematic - Hide Cinematic Panels True
    • Player - Create Ability Button Effect for Animate Dead and Human Peasant - Repair
    • Player - Create Train Button Effect for Peasant
    • Player - Create Build Button Effect for Peasant
    • Player - Create Research Button Effect for Iron Forged Swords
    • Player - Create Learn Button Effect for Acid Bomb
    • Player - Destroy Button Effect (Last created Button effect)
    • Set VariableSet CommandButtonEffectVariable = (Last created Button effect)
    • Unit - Set Unit Skin of (Triggering unit) to 'Hamg
    • Item - Set Item Skin of (Last created item) to 'tdx2'
    • Cinematic - Create Minimap Icon on Archmage 0000 <gen> of color (255, 255, 255) using units\human\Gyrocopter\Gyrocopter and fog visibility Visibility
    • Cinematic - Create Minimap Icon at (Center of (Playable map area)) of color (255, 255, 255) using units\human\Gyrocopter\Gyrocopter and fog visibility Visibility
    • Cinematic - Create Minimap Icon at (0.00, 0.00) of color (255, 255, 255) using units\human\Gyrocopter\Gyrocopter and fog visibility Black mask
    • Quest - Destroy Minimap Icon for (Last created minimap icon)
    • Quest - Set Minimap Icon Visible for (Last created minimap icon) to True
    • Quest - Set Minimap Icon (Last created minimap icon) self destroy when attached unit is dead to False
    • Set VariableSet MinimapIconVariable = (Last created minimap icon)


  • Please consider implementing syntax highlight to the trigger editor for (v)JASS and/or LUA.
  • Enable the use of custom script for Events and Conditions.
  • Right-click an action in the trigger editor and be able to convert that action into custom script with corresponding function; then you don’t have to convert an entire trigger to check what function lies begind a GUI action.
  • Add functionality to change the hotkeys of abilities in-game via triggering.
  • Create folders in the Object Editor for Units/Items, etc.
  • Hide the health-/mana/level bars of a specific unit via triggering.
  • An efficient way of storing local player data instead of via .txt files.
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Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
For me id love it for the editor to have a clickable button that allows us to be able to download models/skins/icons with a simple click somehow.. instead of having to download every single one you need. Or, have it easier to upload to your map.. because sometimes uploading some models and skins are very frustrating... :/
You can save and load maps as folders since 1.30 or 1.31.
Level 21
Apr 12, 2018
Well here's something interesting. You can change your unit's appearance to look like something else entirely.


  • SkinChange.jpg
    88.7 KB · Views: 466
Level 9
Sep 20, 2015
For me id love it for the editor to have a clickable button that allows us to be able to download models/skins/icons with a simple click somehow.. instead of having to download every single one you need. Or, have it easier to upload to your map.. because sometimes uploading some models and skins are very frustrating... :/

Also, will our old maps work on the reforged editor? Im sure this question has been said but id like to know myself. I hope it does.

Well at this point is suggest to make a in app browser to Hive Resource section, so when i download an asset i can choose to directly imported in the editor
Just curious, is "calculate shadows" still take alot of time in the updated Editor? I mean 8000 doodads take an hour or two in the classic one, I will be impressed if it is minimized/optimized in the new one considering this has been requested by alot of users for years.
I filled a 64x64 map with ~4500 doodads and it took around 20 seconds to generate; but shadows are currently disabled in the World Editor, so hard to say if it even works or not.


Hosted Project: SB
Level 13
Jun 11, 2004
I'd like to report something that basically breaks my map -

Before the last patch, when a (non-human) unit with an active expiration timer began constructing a building, that unit's expiration timer would pause until construction finished. This is a mechanic that my map relies upon.
Unfortunately, this mechanic no longer works. A unit's expiration timer now continues to decay while constructing a building, which means the unit can expire during construction, killing the building.

This normally wouldn't be a problem, I would just fix it with triggers. Unfortunately, there is no way that I can see to reference the unit doing the construction in triggers. There is "Constructing Structure" and "Constructed Structure," but no "Constructing Unit." Also, Triggering Unit does not work.

I would like to request that either the old behavior be restored, or add the ability to reference the constructing unit in the trigger editor. Otherwise my map is basically broken :(


Icon Reviewer
Level 61
Jun 2, 2008
Well at this point is suggest to make a in app browser to Hive Resource section, so when i download an asset i can choose to directly imported in the editor

I believe it would be a lot easier because when uploading a simple icon you have to go into import editor and import it and then you have to change the file name to something else in order for your icon to not come out a green box while in game.. So I think it would be beneficial for everyone to have a browser for all mods to have a simple install into every map. Not sure how that would work but I think that would be a nice touch overall.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Just curious, is "calculate shadows" still take alot of time in the updated Editor? I mean 8000 doodads take an hour or two in the classic one, I will be impressed if it is minimized/optimized in the new one considering this has been requested by alot of users for years.
Back in the old days, people left the PC overnight.
Level 9
Sep 20, 2015
So i figured out one thing that may helps you.

If you get this screen after you test the map there is an error in your map that is probably created by some stuff. This is basically the empty error message we got in classic, but this time the error window is not shown, a part from the bot left corner.
I was able to make a map work after some time. I exported all Object Editor data and triggers data.
Created a new map.
Imported all object editor, imported all triggers.
Then i made some adjustments to the code, deleted some triggers and it finally loaded.

EDIT: This may seem obvious but i didn't realized this becasue when i checked the syntax and saved the map no errors were shown, so i thought the map was fine.
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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Any idea what might be the cause of this? @Dr Super Good @Kam @MindWorX
I do not have the beta.
Also, I get crashes a few seconds in game in other custom maps. I can play an entire 1v1 game with no crashes. That is if the game will start once an opponent has been found and it doesn't go black screen.
You may need to post your technical specifications.

There are known issues with some of the graphic settings causing crashes. Try turning everything to low (but not classic graphics) to see if that makes WC3 with Reforged graphics more stable.
Level 4
Sep 9, 2010
I'd really like for "Art - Animation - Cast Backswing" and "Art - Animation - Castpoint" in Object Data to be defined on each ABILITY rather than on the UNIT.
Would save a lot of uncomfortable triggering of animations with custom hero models and abilities.
Can we expect a full change log for both the game and the world editor once the game is released? The change logs for the World Editor has been severely lacking recent patches, but full of new features that the community have to dig up.

Please tell me syntax highlighting will be supported by the editor later on, it's really awkward having to rely on other tools for scripting.

I had no problem loading one of my maps in the editor, but I was unable to run it. It appears an error message is displayed out of bounds when the game launches as the "button-click" sound plays when pressing enter.

Edit: I managed to get my map to load after disabling Bribes Damage Engine (Damage Engine - it's something in that script that causes an error with Reforged.

My terrain had some weird glitched textures near cliffs, see images below.
View attachment 336809 View attachment 336810 View attachment 336811 View attachment 336812

Reworking the terrain caused new textures to stretch and saving and reloading the map reverted all changes back to the first picture; not sure how it looks in-game as the map won't run.

Have anyone managed to extract common.j and looked up any new natives?

Other issues found:

  • The doodad Blocks Ruined (Ashenvale) model path in World Editor is set to "Objects\InventoryItems\TreasureChest\treasurechest.mdl", but is displayed correctly in-game.
  • Camera objects via Camera Palette doesn't show up in editor.
  • Using "expansion only" features won't flag the map properly. I based a map of Outland tileset and "Expansion Required" was set to "No". Might be intended as of Reforged.
  • The options for Custom Sound Environment in "Map Properties" start as "WESTRING_...".
  • Trigger actions:
    • Game - Create checkpoint with name Checkpoint.w3z (True checkpoint message)
    • Game - Create campaign checkpoint with name MapSaveName (Hide checkpoint message)
    are both using the same label "Game - Create Save Checkpoint" in the actions window.
  • Using
    • Game - Create checkpoint with name Checkpoint.w3z (True checkpoint message)
    causes a syntax error:
  • Something is broken with the UI natives, the first image is Reforged and the second image is how it's supposed to look:
  • Using the "-0.1" selection circle trick to hide health bars of units doesn't hide the new Hero level box.
  • Regions don't become visible/hidden when chaning editor palettes. You have to manually hide/show them from "View -> Regions" (Ctrl + R).
  • Most animations played in editor are broken. Plays the first few frames and then resets immediately.
  • Calling the following native as Custom script: call SetDayNightModels("","") no longer causes the game to become pitch black out of light sources (personally I think the Reforged version looks better now, but I know some maps that rely on the darkness).
  • The World Tree model (Doodads\Ashenvale\Structures\Worldtree\Worldtree) isn't updated in editor or in-game.
  • Doom Guard still uses old non-reforged icon in editor (ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\BTNDoomGuard.blp).
  • Model height varies greatly between Reforged and non-Reforged models (or the variations are in the wrong order); if you've manipulated doodad height in the editor it will not look the same between versions.

New features/improvements found:

  • Trigger Editor performance and Writing Triggers at map save is greatly improved.
  • A new pathing palette (currently not functional). Will probably allow us to paint pathing terrain instead of using pathing blockers, nice.
  • Dialogue Editor (F11) (currently not functional?). Will probably allow for a more immersive cinematics.
  • You can change the skin of any unit via the Unit Properties windows (double-clicking on a unit you've placed in the editor). You can replace the entire model.
  • You're able to enable/disable a new checkmark in Map Properties, "Use accurate probability for calculations". Not sure what this is.
  • You're able to set "Supported Modes" in Map Properties. You can choose from "SD", "SD and HD" and "HD". This will probably be used to let a map maker select his/her playerbase.
  • Foliage generated by terrain can be hidden via "View -> Foliage" (Ctrl + F).
  • New Import Manager (now called Asset Manager) with new features.
  • All new trigger GUI actions I could find:
  • Events
    • Player - Button for ability Animate Dead and order Human Peasant - Repair pressed.
    • Player - Button for build Peasant pressed.
    • Player - Button for train Peasant pressed.
    • Player - Button for Research Iron Forged Swords pressed.
  • Conditions
    • (Load No sound of string from ) Equal to True
    • (Skin ID of (Triggering unit)) Equal to 0
    • (Skin ID of (Last created item)) Equal to 0
  • Actions
    • Cinematic - Set Dialogue Text ID For Sound No sound Dialogue Text ID abc
    • Cinematic - Set Speaker Name Text ID For Sound No sound Speaker Name Text ID abc
    • Game - Set Max Checkpoint Saves to 10
    • Game - Create checkpoint with name Checkpoint.w3z (True checkpoint message)
    • Game - Create campaign checkpoint with name MapSaveName (Hide checkpoint message)
    • Visibility - Show Terrain: False
    • Visibility - Show Sky Box: True
    • Game - Start Recording with FPS: 60
    • Game - End Recording
    • Cinematic - Hide Cinematic Panels True
    • Player - Create Ability Button Effect for Animate Dead and Human Peasant - Repair
    • Player - Create Train Button Effect for Peasant
    • Player - Create Build Button Effect for Peasant
    • Player - Create Research Button Effect for Iron Forged Swords
    • Player - Create Learn Button Effect for Acid Bomb
    • Player - Destroy Button Effect (Last created Button effect)
    • Unit - Set Unit Skin of (Triggering unit) to 'Hamg
    • Item - Set Item Skin of (Last created item) to 'tdx2'
What exactly is checkpoint in Wc3 ?
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