Joe-black-5, betas are tied to ones battlenet account so they can not be exchanged unless you exchange another CDkey with it and give up the whole account.
Errrrr Doos 101 xD xD xD I just checked my email and bnet acc cause of your post. Know that wave 1 is over days ago and no1 will get anything until wave 2, no point even to check.
Btw they SHOULD give you one to test Alienware M15x. Im with Alienware M17 (not M17x) ATI HD 3870 512 MB, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26 GHz, 3 GB DDR3, which is not even sold anymore with the new 'X'. Heh either there are already ppl with Alienware M17 currently in beta or the blizzard program doesn't say what company your system is from. Though it's not like every1 is buying AW even if many use Dell.
Joe-black-5, betas are tied to ones battlenet account so they can not be exchanged unless you exchange another CDkey with it and give up the whole account.
Narrator, you will need to create a battlenet account and register atleast 1 blizzard battlenet game onto it via giving a CDkey (warning you can only attach 1 key for a certain game per account and that key will be permantly attached and so can not be attached to another account). Then you do the fillin form and processes to enter the SC2 beta draw. Then you wait and prey to whoever you believe influences luck that you will be choosen. You will get a confirmation Email if you are.
There is some word of a possible open beta towards release, but that is nothing more than trivia for now.
Why should they give you a key just because you wasted your money on a PoS computer?
AW is a little more specific laptop than testing 'just another Dell computer'. It has its own specific drivers and so on. I'm not saying me, Im saying someone with AW, I dont know any1 yet. I hope PoS doesnt mean piece of shit... coz that would make your comment very silly... I'll just let you know that they choose lower computers, mine isnt high, but much lower to see how low they can run on.
It does mean that, and yes, AW are huge PoS's for how outrageously priced they are.
They may be overpriced but that's because they are gaming laptops, specially designed with the needs of a gamer. There is NOTHING better than customizing a laptop, so all that already made crap sold everywhere is complete BS, nothing beats customizing. Just because you see some Acer Aspire or smth else with the same or better specs doesn't meen it's better for gaming... Not to say the only non-custom built laptop i'd recommend is Dell and AW is Dell-based.
without all the usless features like unupdatable drivers and hardware that never gets updates.
I heard that a few people were paid $400 us bucks just to test for bugs all over the games.
Anyway, hopefully hive evolves to fit this game, because wc3 is gonna drop slowly.