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Warcraft Legacies
Warcraft Legacies is a Control Point based grand strategy in which each player takes control of one of the driving forces in the Warcraft storyline, from the beginning of Reign of Chaos to the end of The Frozen Throne and further into World of Warcraft Storylines.
The game starts with players mining from a starting goldmine to kickstart their economy. Then, income is gained automatically over time by maintaining ownership over Control Points. Expand your dominion quickly to secure a strong economy! Many factions have unique economy systems like the Twilight Hammer and the Bilgewater Cartel.
Quests simulate the events of the Warcraft story in a competitive sandbox environment. Unleash the undead plague as the Scourge, summon the Burning Legion from the broken world of Argus, or don the terrible Crown of Domination as Arthas Menethil. Every faction has unique quests to shape their way through the story of Warcraft and alternate timelines.
Many artifacts from the Warcraft universe can be acquired to give your heroes an edge; Thrall and his mighty Doomhammer , the fabled Book of Medivh can be found in the Dalaran Dungeons, and those powerful enough to do so can retrieve the Eye of Sargeras itself from his Tomb.
Leaver System
Allies leaving is not unduly punishing. When an ally leaves the game, his remaining teammates take equal shares of his units, gold, lumber, and hero experience. His unique units and heroes are refunded and that gold is taken as well, resulting in a simple, clean gameplay experience.
Dynamic Sound Design
The whole map is divided into regions with unique sound ambiances to create a dynamic soundscape of the world. Every faction also has a unique music theme edited from World of Warcraft that will play when their main event happens, adding to the musical diversity of Warcraft.
Take control of one of the primary forces in the Warcraft storyline, each with their own tech-tree, starting position, events, and heroes. Experience a radically different gameplay experience each time you play a new faction!
Burning Legion Team
Scourge Play as the Lich King controlling vast hordes of Undead in Icecrown, preparing for the Plague that will ultimately tear apart the North Alliance.
Burning Legion Control the Dreadlords Mal'ganis and Tichondrious in the broken world Argus as they lead a small force of Demons in their quest to bring the full might of the Legion to Azeroth.
Start as the secretive Cult of the Damned, maneuver your way through the Third war until the time comes for the Forsaken to rise up.
Fel Horde Rule the corrupted Fel Horde with an iron fist as the brutal Pit Lord, Magtheridon. Secure the untamed regions of Outland as you expand outward through the Dark Portal, shattering entire civilizations in your relentless onslaught.
The Alliance
Lordaeron Command Lordaeron's forces in their battle for survival against the Undead Plague, utilizing robust front-lines troops and miracles of the Light to support your allies.
Dalaran Take charge of the magical city of Dalaran and their powerful cadre of Mages, safeguarding the Book of Medivh against otherworldly forces.
Quel'thalas Rule over the majestic city of Quel'thalas, ensuring the protection of the legendary Sunwell and utilizing formidable ranged units to secure victory.
Khaz Modan Organize the Dwarven and Gnomish armies from the royal seat of Ironforge, utilizing a mix of raw martial skill and advanced technology to stem the tide of the Fel Horde.
Stormwind Take control of the human forces led by the benevolent King Varian Wrynn as they attempt to push back the forces of the Fel Horde pouring from the Dark Portal.
Scarlet Crusade From the humble peasants of Lordaeron, slowly build up your forces to defend your lands and support the Alliance. The crusade will soon enough unleash and purge any opposing force.
Gilneas Isolated from everyone, your kingdom is afflicted by the Worgen curse. Save the Gilnean people from their curse and isolation by defeating Arugal, the dark Archmage.
Kul'Tiras Take control of the powerful fleet of the Kul'Tiras. Your domination of the world's ocean makes you very safe, but your allies are not so lucky. Your choice of where to send your army to reinforce your allies will decide the fate of the Alliance.
The Horde
Frostwolf Clan Unite the Orcs, Darkspear Trolls and Tauren under the banner of the Frostwolf Clan, seeking out a new home in the untouched wilds of Kalimdor.
Warsong Clan Command the bloodthirsty Warsong Clan under the banner of Grom Hellscream, and overwhelm the Night Elven forces with your brutish army of Orcs, Ogres and Goblins.
Rule the island nation of Zandalar. Unite all the scattered under one banner, one glorious Troll Empire. Gather powerful artifacts to summon the Troll Gods.
Bilgewater Cartel
Expand your business ventures all across the world. Manage your traders and Oil reserves to balance your economy to victory. Do not let your greed be your undoing.
Kalimdor Pact
Sentinels Control the militant Sentinels under Tyrande Whisperwind's command in their mission to secure the world against evil. Move fast before the orc invaders defile your lands.
Druids Play as the legendary nature demigod Cenarius and his Druidic children as they safeguard the immortal World Tree from those who would threaten nature.
Exodar Fight for survival as the exiled Draenei. You start in Draenor, hopelessly outmatched by the Fel Horde. Survive long enough to escape through the Exodar ship and rebuild in Azeroth.
Old God Forces
Black Empire Start in a seperate reality, Ny'alotha, a horrible reflection of Azeroth. Summon obelisks to merge the two worlds and unleash the wrath of the Old Gods upon the living.
Control the ancient kingdom of Ahn'qiraj, hidden beneath the sands of Silithus. Safe behind your gate, awaken your God C'thun and unleash the qiraji swarms upon the World.
Twilight Hammer
Control the crazy cult of the Twilight Hammer. Corrupt peasants and workers all over the world to join your cult and bid your time until the Cataclysm unleashes your wrath upon all the non-believers.
Start off as a lone Illidan Stormrage. Navigate through a series of dungeons in a personal quest for power, awaken the Naga to fight for you and decide who to fight for.
mc !
Public Resource Provider
General Frank
Ujimasa Hojo
Don Valentino
System Libraries
This map is a sequel to Azeroth Wars Reforged, the thread of the map is here: Azeroth Wars Reforged Original author (Azeroth Wars): Augur Original authors (Legacy Reborn): Eagleman
Seems pretty neat. Some places seem a bit too cramped, islands included. Also, very reliant on Warcraft III original material.
If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!
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Warcraft Legacies is an incredible successor to the legacy of Azeroth Wars. It captures the essence of what people loved about the map in the first place, while adding even more factions, lore, interesting mechanics and events from the Warcraft franchise, with fantastic polish on top of it all despite the complexity of all the intersecting systems and what must be an absolutely massive amount of object data.
Of course! Augur has long left the community and passed the old map, Azeroth Wars. Eagleman, as you can see from his comment here, also passed the map a long time ago to other editors.
I myself have been the lead editor of Azeroth Wars Legacy Reborn and then Azeroth Wars Reforged for the past 5 years before i started working on this project, as you can see here! Azeroth Wars Reforged
I myself have been the lead editor of Azeroth Wars Legacy Reborn and then Azeroth Wars Reforged for the past 5 years before i started working on this project, as you can see here! Azeroth Wars Reforged
Sweet. Just post the transition stuff in the map thread description with all the necessary links, please. That way, there will be no issues with tracking permission(s) and such.
A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.
Not sure if this is the newest version of this map but can we please have Satyrs or Mogu as the 24th playable race? If you choose Satyrs as the 24th race they could easily start as part of the Burning Legion team lead by Prince Xavalis, Xalan or Peroth'arn and be focused mostly on Kalimdor while having bases in Northrend and the Broken Isles if you decide to update the Island to have Val'sharah and such while also having paths to free Xavius to become mostly Nightmare to join the Old Gods team and gain Il'gynoth or become Redeemed and join the Night Elves team lead by Avrus or possibly even join the Illidari team lead by Zandras. While if you choose the Mogu as the 24th race you'll have to somehow add Pandaria and they could have it so that the Zandalari is their ally led by Zul at the start instead of the Horde which could lead to some interesting new team gameplay but just make it so the Zandalari can be betrayed by the Mogu if you so choose then they can join the Horde team with Rastakhan or Talanji leading them or you can also make it so that the Mogu can kill Lei Shen the Thunder King and have the Rajani take over lead by Qian so they can join the Horde with the Zandalari or lastly you can make them become the Zian-Ti possibly lead by Monara so they can join the Scourge team.
Also if you fix the Broken Isles you can give the High/Blood Elves players and Tauren players new allies to claim such as the Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren with the Stonedark Drogbar or maybe even some Emerald Dream units help for the Night Elven players while also giving the Dalaran players a new place to retreat to if need be.
I think I've seen Zoom on Youtube playing this map, if so I think it uses my Admiral's Elite Guard model. I used to play Azzy Wars so I'll need to give this a try some time
-The -Control cheat takes control of the player one number higher than what you type in, so if you type "-control 3", you take control of Player 4 instead.
-Players 8 and 24 seem to not exist.
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