You're a fool - that's because DoBRP was converted to JASS by it's protector. Maric found a GUI version, along with a GUI version of CotM, and used that.
You can even compare the HRP 1.1 converted GUI and DoBRP JASS - they are very similar, with the exceptions of Maric's additions. And the unmistakable variable names - they are both in DoBRP and HRP, and the chances of them being coincidences are obscenely unlikely.
Furthermore, Maric stated previously, that he used DoBRP's triggers:
"Do as you will. I dont need my name pasted allover and I dont care if you all use my triggers. Those triggers are from a DoBRP by Draike, added to by me, so none of them originate from Motive and you can dodge all that copyright stuff even if you believe it applies to reality."
So, therefore, conclusive proof that LoKRP's triggers were stolen from DoBRP without permission.