Done it and what I can say: it have a good potential.
But firstly some errors, that I saw during my walkthrough:
- When Bwonsamdi cinematic starts, camera can show you a cliffs and far beyond, revaling un-decorated areas;
- Where you can find last 2 Illusions of Zarjira?
- Most enemies are easy to kill, but from elite naga difficulty dramatically increases. It's not a gameplay problem, but balance suffers from that point;
- Zarjira little unbalanced - she killed main force of my troll stack in first 5 seconds of battle;
- Zuni? Does he lived through battle with Zarjira? If I remember correctly, he was killed by her spells, but in map you can bring her down without Zuni death. It's a lore-free or lore-wise map?
Afterall, my first map in WC3 was worser than yours.
Wish you best and be creative - in such things you need to be creative!
Yes, I noticed that has well. My Zar´jira triggers are pretty basics, because I don´t have to much expierence in boss fights. I understond that she will cast all his abilities at once in the begginig, and kill most of your army, making the effort the player does until that point to keep them alive pointless.
Also the Ilusions of Zarjira are supposed to be hidden expect of the first one, the second one is just at the north of the bog beasts, in the most south west area. The third one is passing the hidden Salamander visir that you can find following a lava path just before destroy the zarjira gate.
Yeah, I try to make a more challenge fight at the end:
1.- The first in the big group in wich you have a normal sea witch and a lot of adds. Maybe pitch the player unprepared, because it will be pretty much expecting another normal group. I think in that case I could make some warning before, but the encounter itself is can be handle without losing a unit is you positing them correctly and using your abilitys, that I think are that are perfect for this map.
2.- The second I know it was a pain and is the Naj´tess encounter. He is toufth, and of course in the first try he will kill like most of your range unit in a second. But he can be handle correctly again using the correct formation, putting a healing totem and spawing healing wave and hex to not get overwhelmed be his minions. Is because of that I put a warning just before face him so the player could save and start again if he managed to face the encounter poorly. But still maybe I should nerf his mana poll, to limit the spells he casts and make the encounter more manegable.
LORE.- There are lore changes of course, I hate to make them but I think they were necesary. The Bwonsamdi encounter with Vol´jin dosent happen in that specefic context, but during the reclamation of the Echo Isles in the Cataclysm pre-expansion event. Vol´jin ask him for aid aggainst the traitor hex lord Zalazane, not Zar´jira. That is because there are no voice-lines when they speak about her. Also Zuni, well I need a unit to survirve the Zar´jira encounter, and he was the most tanki, so Vol´jin dont speak alone in after the dead of Zar´jira, becose it didin´t make sense because he is obiusly talking to a third person. Also even if you lose him at the end he will apear at the final scene, for the same reason. I know he die in lore, but he is so a minor character that I didin´t find it a meaninful retcon. But I will change it anyway and replace him with random headhunters at the end.
I really apreciate the feedback, is very important to me.