You are free to uploaded these yourselves. Just ask permission and give credit.
I have an offer for you, if you have time and desire to create bit more advanced deriatives, write me at Discord DracoL1ch@9998You are free to uploaded these yourselves. Just ask permission and give credit.
It's for me, or Ujimasa?I have an offer for you, if you have time and desire to create bit more advanced deriatives, write me at Discord DracoL1ch@9998
others models with Scarlet Captain and Huntsman skin will be nice.Hi, Ujimasa, I have some ideas for you, how about:
Forest Troll Buildings like this...
Shadowmoon clan Buildings with
"Units\Creeps\OrcWarlock\OrcWarlock.blp" texture
Scarlet Crusaders units with Heinvers's
"Scarlet Oracle 256.blp"
"ScarletKnight256.blp" textures
Let me know, if you liked these ideas...View attachment 306161 View attachment 306162
Ujimasa Hojo Presents
Silver Covenant
- Alleria Windrunner
- Archer
- Archer (Dragonhawk Mount)
- Archer (Gryphon Mount)
- Archer (Hippogryph Mount)
- Dragonhawk Rider (Optimized)
- Dragonhawl Rider (Child)
- Lancer (Hippogryph Mount)
- Priest (High Elf, Optimized)
- Ranger (High Elf, Gryphon Mount)
- Sorceress
- Spell Breaker (High Elf)
- Spell Breaker (High Elf, Gryphon Mount)
- Sylvanas Windrunner (Optimized)
- Sylvanas Windrunner (Dragonhawk Mount)
- Villager (Female High Elf, Optimized)
- War Mage
- Worker (High Elf, Optimized)
- Academy
- Altar
- Arcane Well
- Blacksmith
- Barrow Den
- Farm (Modified)
- Hunter's Hall
- Lumber Mill
- Mage Tower (Optimized)
- Mage Tower (BETA)
- Roost
- Shipyard (Human)
- Shipyard (Night Elf)
- Tower
- Town Hall
Author's Notes:
I don't know, if it's already made, but how about Warlock (Reign of Chaos) & derivatives.
@Ujimasa Hojo i have one question you go make a human variations of the necromancer.knight of gilneas and stromgarde and human warlock variation? And you go make the you model of Warcraft 2 death knight like a unit?
I think he means will the model be given a decay and decay bone animation so that it can be used as a unit?
I think he means will the model be given a decay and decay bone animation so that it can be used as a unit?
I think he means will the model be given a decay and decay bone animation so that it can be used as a unit?
i think have this one too, but i dont remember where
Can anyone tell where i can find this? It's not with the other Peasants.
Ujimasa Hojo Presents
Knights of the Ebon Blade
Author's Notes:
- Abomination
- Assassin (Elf)
- Banshee
- Bat Rider
- Death Archer
- Death Archer (Dragonhawk Mount)
- Death Knight (Centaur)
- Death Knight (Draenei)
- Death Knight (Dwarf)
- Death Knight (Dwarf, Gryphon)
- Death Knight (Forsaken)
- Death Knight (Harpy)
- Death Knight (Lost One Draenei)
- Death Knight (Ogre)
- Death Knight (Optimized)
- Death Knight (Orc)
- Death Knight (Orc, Mounted)
- Death Knight (Tauren)
- Death Mage
- Death Priest
- Death Ranger
- Death Seer
- Death Walker
- Death Witch
- Deathbringer Thrall
- Demoness
- Dragonhawk Rider
- Dranosh Saurfang (Deathbringer)
- Druid of the Claw
- Druid of the Talon
- Druid of the Talon (Undead Hero)
- Gravecopter
- Gryphon Rider
- Knight
- Lich (Knights of the Ebon Blade)
- Malfurion Soulcage
- Othmar Garithos (Death Knight)
- Paladin
- Paladin (Mounted)
- Plaguer (Goblin)
- Priestess of Death
- Priestess of Death (Hippogryph Mount)
- Rifleman
- Sorceress
- Soul Thief
- Tomb Raider
- Warrior (Undead Tauren)
- Optimized models have linearized animations, built-in portrait animations, fixed bugs (if there were any), additional animation (if applicable). These can be used to serve as a template for alternative skins if you want to keep the original skin and model.
Please add peon and derivatives.Ujimasa Hojo Presents
Horde (Old)
- Blackhand the Destroyer (Warcraft 1)
- Death Knight (Warcraft 2)
- Drak'Thul (Optimized)
- Drek Thar (Warlock)
- Grommash Hellscream (Morph)
- Grommash Hellscream (Wolf Mount)
- Grunt
- Gul'Dan (Horse Mount)
- Gul'Dan (Optimized)
- Raider (Blackrock)
- Teron Gorefiend
- Warlock (Old, Optimized)
- Warlord (Morph)
Author's Notes:
- Optimized models have linearized animations, built-in portrait animations, fixed bugs (if there were any), additional animation (if applicable). These can be used to serve as a temple for alternative skins if you want to keep the original skin and model.
I don't mind other Hiver's custom skins here. Of course, I would need their permission.
You could use this Skin with a little bit of Color tinting. Or simply Ask for a Custom Skin that you can always reuse.
I'm in the hopes of derivatives from some in-game models and got some ideas hehe
- Botani Mound
- Spawn of N'zoth (maybe red, green, dark green, dark purple)
- Flesh Mound
- Ancient of Oblivion (maybe using ancient skins to make forgotten look night elvish or wood elvish)
- Infinite Dragon Roost
- Ghost Dragon Roost
- Chrome Dragon Roost
- Undead Dragon Roost
- Wretched Huntress
- Wretched Assassin
- Wretched Catapult
- Wretched Ancient Protector
- Wretched Ancient of Life
- Wretched Ancient of Lore
- Wretched Ancient of War & Wind
- Wretched Dragon
- Black Troll (Shadow Troll)
- Grey Troll (Stone Troll)
- Sand Troll (maybe using human skin or Rexxar?)
- Blood Troll (maybe using gutz.blp, abomination, and some blood-related stuff and pale skin of dreadlord)
- Red Sapper
- Red Tinker
- Black Sapper
- Black Tinker
- Chaos War Golem
- Ice Goblin Sapper
- Ice Goblin Tinker
- Chaos Shredder (maybe replace the mapping of texture of shredder with skins of the Infernal Cannon / Juggernaut?)
- Red or Green Abomination (maybe a goblin looking abomination?)