• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!


This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.

The High Priests of Zandalar are held in high regards by all troll kind.
One of the prominent figures of Zandalar's society.

Don't ask about 256 version, you can resize it easily to your needs.

Zandalari, High Priest, Priest, Troll

BTNZHighPriestv1 (Icon)

ZandalariHighPriest.blp (Texture)

13:52, 17th Jul 2015 Kwaliti: And what a troll conversion this is! Let this be a motivation for further work.
16:37, 17th Jul 2015 Sin'dorei300: Corresponding resource approved.




13:52, 17th Jul 2015

And what a troll conversion this is! Let this be a motivation for further work.
Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
It does look nice a lot, but could use some more work to be honest.
Not saying its bad or anything, but it is well done, just needs something more.
Can't put my finger on it quite yet.
It does look nice a lot, but could use some more work to be honest.

Yeah, I'm not perfect nor claim to be.

Probably, given that it is located on the same places as the the team color of the original texture.

Is that green color a team color of the unit?

Yeah, that's team color. I wanted to add to the top as well but sadly that's not working since it's the part that alpha's out.

This is really nice. It deserves a custom model to really look more like a troll. I hope someone works with you to create one.

Well, if someone's interested(I doubt it though)...
a creative and good-looking skin that successfully captures blizzard's art style

perhaps you should add more contrast to the entire skin, excluding the helmet and shield unwrap parts. it looks a tad too monotonous without additional contrast.

i also think the neck is too bland, and his torso muscles completely misdrawn, but those details aren't really noticeable in-game
Perhaps you should add more contrast to the entire skin, excluding the helmet and shield unwrap parts. It looks a tad too monotonous without additional contrast.

I also think the neck is too bland, and his torso muscles completely misdrawn, but those details aren't really noticeable in-game

About the neck, I would do something with it but sadly it get's cut off in the portrait version and that one wraps up really horrendously on it.
Can't really touch that. Maybe if you got any ideas.

Yeah, the torso is kinda odd I'll admit that but it's okay-ish in-game.

Hmm, I'll consider adding more contrast to it but first I need to retouch the upper part of that shield since it's kinda off.
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
Mask is just fine imo, he has those runes on the neck/chain part. And the mask resembles a real zandalari look to it.

I like this version it looks more mage-ish, although the previous version was good too(with the metal part) it was more warrior like or anti-mage, maybe you should keep both versions?




Great icon, it is hardly ( not ?) visible that it is based on a screenshot.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
(dangit, lost my original post)

First, let me just say TROLLS! *Ahem*. With that out of the way...

Man, what a great icon for that skin. Really captures the feel of the original. I love when people can finally do a good improvement on a screenshot (since those tend to make the best icons, IMO). Your practice is really paying off.

My one complaint would be that, like the skin it's based off of, the icon is a bit too... dense (or perhaps "detail-heavy"); it's kinda hard to see what's going on (the update was definitely an improvement, but I fear it needs to go further). Compared to it's analog:

There's just a lot going on, and not enough TC/troll-skin to be able to tell what's what.

This may have more to do with the skin, though, so I'll relegate the rest to my comment there.

Seriously, good work, though.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008

I gotta say, it's people like you that give (Troll) modders like me a hard time. I am bursting at the seams with all sorts of cool Troll models & skins that I simply don't have room to feature in the main race. At first I said "well then, they'll just be cool extras found in the campaign, among enemies", but I'm getting to the point where I'd need an entirely separate techtree for all the new stuff. :<



This skin is simply fantastic. Not only on a conceptual level (turning an Elven Spell Breaker into a Trollish High Priest-dude), but on an aesthetic level as well. And aesthetically, it's not just "good" but it really looks like it'd fit in-game; strong, contrasting colors, lots of good TC use, etc etc etc.

While I could gush about several parts of the model (especially those alpha'd out tusks drawn on both layers so they "stick" through, awfully creative), I must say the majority of the praise should go to the tower shield. See, the shield on this unit is it's most prominent & important feature; getting it drawn right is really important, as it's a big part of this unit's profile & silhouette. So with such a great, Trollish tower shield on; the great TC swatches & carvings, the jewel-things, the great big gold trims, the excellent planks of wood... He can't help but be awexome.

Again, super-excellent, and very deserving of the DC. My only qualms are basically things that can't be helped with a skin... But to be honest, as bad as I am at modeling, I feel the need to offer my help in making this guy seriously Trollish. I think that will take this model up to 11.

The tusks could be geomerged in, the hair could be messed around with, the face-plate, IMO, should definitely be changed somehow (the big swoopy 'wings' are just so Elvish); the arm's should be bare IMO (like, pauldrons & bracers, but no big flappy purple fabric), and... Yeah. Probably a bit of a Trollish hunch as well (I couldn't do that).

This needs to happen.

Anyway, sick texture man. Practice does indeed make perfect.

Deleted member 238226


Deleted member 238226

and the first skin you submitted have a director's cut!
i wonder if there will be another dc if you submitted more skin.
will wait for it :)

5/5 and +Rep for wonderfull piece of art.
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Level 12
May 9, 2009
This is a very good skin but I want to note that almost all trolls units either have:

1) team coloured hair
2) white hair

This one has brown hair... Sorry I just love consistency :/ ... And combined with all the other un-troll like aspects of this skins such as the shield/armour makes it really stand out from the jungle troll host.