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The Hunter of Shadows (Edited)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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My edited version of the Reign of Chaos Orc campaign map. Added and tinkered some stuff around the map to make it more interesting, simplistic changes here and there to make it a mix of challenge and fun. This map will possibly be the last one i will edit for now, so don't expect another edited map anytime soon.

All details regarding map changes, credits etc. are in Spoiler section.

Note: One minor, noticeable bug is that the existing Peons who get converted to Fel Orcs are unable to build anymore, and i dont have a clue how to fix that, but a solution to that is to simply train new peons after conversion, then you can construct buildings per usual.

Welcome to spoilers. Here's some details:

New units:

- Gladiator (A heavy melee unit equivalent in strength to Tauren unit. Has Pillage and Cleave) - Model by Aeonux

- Fel Orc Gladiator (a corrupted version of the unit, reskinned it myself using War3ModelEditor to use Felguard skin, since there was no fel version) - Icon by Mr.Goblin

- Fel Orc Spearthrower (A replacement for the Troll Headhunter after you take a sip of that sweet Mannoroth juice. Has Defend and Envenomed Spears) - Base model by Johnwar, reskinned it to fel version myself, icon by 84chrome

- Fel Orc Reaver (A replacement for the Troll Witch Doctor unit after you take a sip of that sweet Mannoroth juice. Can cast Rain of Fire, Eye of Kilrogg and Siphon Mana) - Model by Arch-archdemon, icon by Dominus15.

- Glade Reaver (An enemy unit of the Shadowleaves (Blue) base, a fast close combat unit) - Model by AndrewOverload519

New Hero:

- Mog'thul Bloodaxe (A tanky Strength hero that completents Grom's Assassin based playstyle. Can cast Summon Bear, War Stomp, Critical Strike and Avatar) - Green and Fel models by Ujimasa Hojo, Green hero icon also by Ujimasa Hojo, and Fel hero icon by FrikY

Changes to existing units:

- Peons and Fel Orc Peons (no food cost, so feel free to go crazy with them)

- Grom Hellscream (New green and fel model by Tauer, icons by Murlocologist)

- A list of used Johnwar models (Orc and Fel Orc Grunt, Orc and Fel Orc Raider, Troll Headhunter, Troll Witch Doctor, Night Elf Archers, Dryads, Huntresses and Hippogryph Riders)

- A list of used Ujimasa Hojo models (Iron Horde models and icons for Demolisher and basically every Orc Building)

Neutral buildings added:

-Goblin Merchant (It contains Rexxar campaign items like Arcanite Shield, Killmaim etc. This time the merchant is blocked by roots that you can only kill with Fel Orcs)

Changes to existing Spells:

- Windwalk and Rain of Fire (New models by Vinz)

- New Spell Eye of Kilrogg (model by Direfury) an invincible, flying unit that you can summon and scout around them map.

The highlight of this map is of course our stag boy, Cenarius. It was extremely disappointing for me how much of a joke he was when we beat him after sipping some demon juice, so he got some BIG changes to make him far more dangerous (if not busted entirely :D) than his vanilla counterpart:

- New model by FerSZ

- His HP got a super beefy boost from 4000 to over 20000, so dont expect him to die fast. His mana pool remains the same 1k tho.

- His damage is also increased to 150 - 200 more or less, along with having faster attack rate, so be ready for some real pain.

- He is now equipped with items that wont make him as much of a pushover as he is without them. Necklace of Spell Immunity (so no more infinite stun locks with bunch of Fel Orc Warlocks spamming Fire stun balls), Mask of Death (making it more difficult for him to die cause why not), Baneblade armor (less damage taken and also buffs armor for his entourage), Gloves of Spell Mastery, Crown of Kings and Ring of Protection 5, which results in him in total having 50% damage reduction, which is insane in conjunction to his divine armor.

- In addition to having items and big stat boost, he also has a solid entourage of 3 Mountain Giants, 3 Chimeras and 10 archers.

So yeah, now you need nothing less than a full cap army to even try to kill Cenarius and his entourage, and even then you might fail and have to rebuild your army.

Other enemy changes:

- The food cost of the Night Elves has been removed, so expect now ALOT more of them defending their base and during attack waves. In addition, the Mountain Giants have been added to Moonhunters (LightBlue) base, both defense and offense in place of Ancient Defender, making their assault far less of a snail pace due to Ancient Defender's slow walk.

There is also a Secret Unit building to be discovered on this map, lets just say that if you find it, it will be a big help against Cenarius and his army.

Gameplay changes:

- The upkeep taxes has been removed, so feel free to max out your army at your leisure.

- The Fountain of Power has been added in main base, to save time on healing your units before you send them again. Be warned though, flying units like Chimaeras and Hippogryph Riders can also heal from this fountain if they are too close.

- A solid boost to the Gold Mine's total gold income, because you will be spending alot of money on this map, both for building your army and buying items from Goblin Merchant.

- The trees leading towards the Furbolg village and beyond has been removed, so no more hassle with peons or demolishers to clear the way.

- Additional Watch Towers have been placed around the main base, making it easier to fend off the initial attack waves.

- There were loot changes to certain hostile units in gauntlet towards the Chaos Well. Furbolg Shaman drops Talisman of Evasion, Ursa Warrior drops Ancient Janggo of Endurance, Satyr Hellcaller drops Legion Doom-Horn, and Satyr Shadowmancer drops Scroll of Town Portal for quick return to base.

New Dialogues:

Additional dialogues have been added around the new stuff i've added like Goblin Merchant, just for some immersion.

And that's it for Spoilers, Enjoy the Map


Alot more units have been added in the gauntlet towards the pool, so a sizeable army is recommended now to advance through it. There are also Ancients protecting last four segments of the gauntlet, so bringing in some Demolishers would also be good.


- Edited Cenarius' run animation a bit, so its not a hilariously fast gallop.

- Fel Orc Reaver has changed ranged attack, and i've also made him a bit pricy, from 125 gold to 250, due to him having quite strong spells.

- Changed the icon of Orc Gladiator, so it's not confused for Wolf Rider. (Icon by Muoteck)

- Changed the icon of Berserk ability (icon by Serbianbeast)

- Boosted the Enchanted Roots' armor and hp regen. Apparently you can slowly but surely take it down with 12 or so upgraded demolishers, thus skipping the need for killing it with chaos damage units, si it received a significant boost to avoid any cheeses like those.


- Just added the new loading screen for artistic purposes.


Big update this time for Satyrs and Night Elves!


- New models have been added (Kane's Fallen, Pack Satyrs by Shakral, WyrWuulfe) for Satyr units, like Satyrs, Shadowdancers and Hellcallers, along with a new unit, Satyr Spearthrower, for a little enemy variety.
- A Satyr agility hero unit has been added at the Chaos Well, Xarius the Flayer, that can use Demon Hunter abilities, except instead of Meta he uses inferno, to make the final part of the gauntlet more challenging.

- Corrupted Ancient Protectors got a dmg boost, so it gives you more of an incentive to kill them with demos.

Night Elves:

- Blue Base: Archers and huntresses have been removed and are now dryad oriented faction, but they also have a Glaive Thrower for long range siege and Berserk Wildkin as heavy melee units.
- Light blue Base: Sentry unit has been added for more choice of melee (model by Johnwar), buffed its dmg and armor a bit to make the unit less of a pushover. It also retains Bloodlust, so its a neat way to buff their units during assault.
- Dark Green Base: Removed archer units and added Ashenvale Golems (model by D.O.G) and Ents (model by Dark Hunter1357) for defense and offense, so it wont be exactly a piece of cake to breach the base.

Additional buildings have been added to each base, so it is not an instant base wipe when you attack it with demon-juiced army.

A second main quest has been added, Power of Nature, where you have to destroy Ancients of Eternity (except for Cenarius tree) in each base to remove OP buffs
Cenarius gets when this quest starts. So i wouldn't suggest fighting Cenarius at this point unless you have a death wish lol

To know which tree has certain buffs, you will have to bring Grom along during your base attacks, though that one is a given.


The Hunter of Shadows (Map)

Sadly, a meager edit, mostly a reskin. Simple. If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! R U L E S Site Rules Map Submission Rules M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N BB CODES BB Codes | HIVE MELEE MAPS...
Level 6
Jun 2, 2021
It was interesting to play. But I've encountered some issues such as units/spells not having any hotkeys and not being able to build the dragon roost (it shows that you can build it literally anywhere, even on top of other buildings, but when a peon goes to build it, nothing happens). In one instance I believe windwalk didn't actually make Grom invisible since he could still be attacked. Orc and NE reskin were quite nice. Your base feels like a settlement with the walls in place. I like the addition of some new enemies. Haven't gotten to Cenarius yet but, fingers crossed, I won't need all 40k or so gold I gathered lol. Oh one more thing I'd like to suggest: increase the difficulty of creeps leading to the pool. If reaching the pool with only Grom was easy, two heroes completely trivialize the gauntlet haha. Anyway, I've ranted enough already, quite nicely done :)
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
cool and all man but the mountain giants werent awake at this time? so its kinda going against the lore??

Kinda, lets just say they woke up earlier. At least its not druids of Talon and Claw that are awake, cause there are missions where we go wake them from their nap :D

Besides, Ancient Protector as an assault unit is so pathetic, he gets sniped by my towers before he could even reach them, so a Mountain Giant was a good replacement, along with being a great entourage for Cenarius.

It was interesting to play. But I've encountered some issues such as units/spells not having any hotkeys and not being able to build the dragon roost (it shows that you can build it literally anywhere, even on top of other buildings, but when a peon goes to build it, nothing happens). In one instance I believe windwalk didn't actually make Grom invisible since he could still be attacked. Orc and NE reskin were quite nice. Your base feels like a settlement with the walls in place. I like the addition of some new enemies. Haven't gotten to Cenarius yet but, fingers crossed, I won't need all 40k or so gold I gathered lol. Oh one more thing I'd like to suggest: increase the difficulty of creeps leading to the pool. If reaching the pool with only Grom was easy, two heroes completely trivialize the gauntlet haha. Anyway, I've ranted enough already, quite nicely done :)

Thank you very much. Yea, for some reason there is this bug where existing Peon Units after conversion cant construct buildings, so you have to create new fel peons for that. Units/spells dont have hotkeys on purpose cause i couldn't be bothered adding them, nor do i know how to :D Ill add them though if its so needed. I havent made any changes to Windwalk other than visual model, so that one is weird.

Sure, sounds simple enough. I wasnt sure how much people care about gauntlet leading to the pool, but ill make it harder to reach with future update :)
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
yeah true but well did the AI get edited? i mean since there is no food limit or very high one i guess the player will have like a 60 man army?
Players no, they still get 100 food cap, but enemy bases can basically have an endless army, i just set AI to have numbers between 20-30 in base and attack waves.
Level 11
May 19, 2022
Players no, they still get 100 food cap, but enemy bases can basically have an endless army, i just set AI to have numbers between 20-30 in base and attack waves.
you know a cool idea would be to base attack wave diversity based on the names of enemy factions for example the "shadowleaves" would be more archer/dryad focused since their name imply stealth the "moon hunters" will be more huntress and brute force focused etc.
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
you know a cool idea would be to base attack wave diversity based on the names of enemy factions for example the "shadowleaves" would be more archer/dryad focused since their name imply stealth the "moon hunters" will be more huntress and brute force focused etc.
That's what i did actually, only there's huntresses in blue base too, but oh well. :D

If you havent played the map yet, then check it out, you can see what unit types i added for base defense and attack waves.
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
Well, now this mission feels a bit harder that I remember. Good.
I'd suggest to change Orc Gladiator's icon to prevent confusing with wolfrider. Also, Orc Gladiator and Fel Orc Gladiator portraits are missing.
Yea, for some reason the Orc Gladiator model doesnt have a portrait. And since the model is not on hive anymore, its stuck without a portrait, and i dont have a clue how to make one.

I added the wolfrider icon since it was fitting, due to Gladiator having a horned helmet too, but i guess you have a point, it is a bit confusing, ill change it to something else :D
For some reason, the map lagged during an attack by the blue elf faction with their new units and then it just froze that I had to force myself to Alt-F4. Not sure if this is relevant, but I was also busy burning some roots that supposedly requires chaos attack but me being silly trying to kill it regardless, and it is supposedly started to work.
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
For some reason, the map lagged during an attack by the blue elf faction with their new units and then it just froze that I had to force myself to Alt-F4. Not sure if this is relevant, but I was also busy burning some roots that supposedly requires chaos attack but me being silly trying to kill it regardless, and it is supposedly started to work.
That's odd, i play tested the map many times and i never had that issue. Could it be that you had higher version of the game, like 1.31 or above? That's the only explanation i can think of (im playing the 1.26 game version btw).
That's odd, i play tested the map many times and i never had that issue. Could it be that you had higher version of the game, like 1.31 or above? That's the only explanation i can think of (im playing the 1.26 game version btw).
I'll try 1.27 in that case then


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Sadly, a meager edit, mostly a reskin.


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

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Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
Sadly, a meager edit, mostly a reskin.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

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Appreciate the approval, but meager? 1 star? Oof, thats like i put one of the worst maps to exist in Hive :D


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Appreciate the approval, but meager? 1 star? Oof, thats like i put one of the worst maps to exist in Hive :D
Yeah, the low rating also comes because it's an edit and not original work but yes the changes are quite insignificant overall. There are really creative ones on the site, albeit few.
Level 15
Jul 5, 2013
Yeah, the low rating also comes because it's an edit and not original work but yes the changes are quite insignificant overall. There are really creative ones on the site, albeit few.
Its an edit yes, but i can't say the changes are insignificant. This map in vanilla campaign is a joke even on hard mode, especially when you get juiced up by demon blood, if anything the changes i made made this map a whole lot more fun to play without changing core gameplay mechanic of this map, for me at the very least. Just saying.

Creative how? Curious to know.