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Sanctum of Domination Shadowlands

"For eons The Jailer was bound within The Maw. Now, his endless armies gather as he expands its boundaries to consume Oribos. In the face of annihilation, Bolvar marshals his last remaining allies to charge into the heart of Torghast and confront the Jailer where he is most powerful"

Welcome to the Sanctum of Domination Raid, where you adventure through all 4 wings of the Raid and can play with a friend up to a maximum of 2 players!

Wing 1 The Jailer's Vanguard:
This includes the "The Tarragrue, Eye of The Jailer and The Nine" Boss fights.

Wing 2 The Dark Bastille: This includes the "Remmant of Ner'Zhul, Soulrender Dormazain and Painsmith Raznal" Boss fights.

Wing 3 Shackles of Fate: This includes the "Guardián of The First Ones, Fatescribe Roh'Kalo and Kel'Thuzad" Boss fights.

Wing 4 The Reckoning: This include the
"Sylvanas Windrunner" Boss fight.

In addition to including the boss fights, you will also find all the dialogues, custom mobs, unique items and 3 different difficulties (Normal, Heroic, Mythic), and remember mortals the fate of the Shadowlands is in your hands!

It is recommended to play with reinforced graphics to avoid errors.

I want to thanks everyone who contributed the Shadowlands models, especially Nortuega for the sheer number of models and to Blizzard for this piece of Raid they gave us!

Faqka :infl_thumbs_up:

Models Used:

Blizzard Entertainment: Domination Sanctum Boss Battle Music, Domination Sylvanas Battle Music
Vinz: Blizzard 2, Daemonic Arrow, Void Fall, Void Rain, Wind Blast, Flamestrike
Nortuega: Burden of Life, Kyrian Maw (Without wings), Manifestation of Fatigue, Maw Inquisidor, Maw Necromancer, Maw Shade, Ner'Zhul Shadowlands, Painsmith Raznal, Shade Beast, Soggodon, Soulrender Dormazain, Stygian Giant, Sylvanas Shadowlands, Anduin Shadowlands
Zenonoth: Eye of The Jailer
Bardo: Jaina, Daughter of the Sea ( WoW )
FeelsGoodMan: Kel'Thuzad Shadowlands WoW Rip
VictorZ: Lich King Bolvar reforged
Sire Denatrius: Maw Eye Boss ( Green and Red ), Maw Inquisitor Boss
Vulfar: Maw Zombie
Bagysta: Nazgrim
Navys: Tichondrius
dehme: Forsaken DeathGuard
Aeonux: Garrosh Hellscream
Missing Shadowson - Zorrot: Zooval The Jailer
Sarkarar: Aeonus

Sanctum of Domination Wing 1 (Map)

Sanctum of Domination Wing 2 (Map)

Sanctum of Domination Wing 3 (Map)

Sanctum of Domination Wing 4 (Map)

It's pretty much killing units on the map. There is little no custom scripted stuff like abilities or diverse and fun gameplay mechanics. There's also not much more replayability than either playing as the orcs or humans. Approved. If you want more...
Level 8
Apr 29, 2020
Hotfixes of Sanctum of Domination: 15/2/23

1. The Nine

  • Signe and Kyra armor increased from 8 to 9 on all difficulties.
  • Skyja's armor increased from 10 to 12 on all difficulties.
  • Skyja's base damage increased from 75 to 85 on normal difficulty.
Developer Notes: After several tests and the short time that this boss fight lasts, it was decided to increase the armor to achieve a more interactive encounter with the boss's mechanics without killing him in just seconds.

2. Soulrender Dormazain
  • Ability "Torment" (Dormazain gains 5 damage and 1 agility every 20 seconds after the fight starts) has been replaced with (Dormazain torments Garrosh, unleashing a wave of Anima that deals 90/120/150 damage from Shadows according to the chosen difficulty).
Developer Notes: The change to this ability was made to make it even more similar to the boss in WoW, as well as giving it a chance to deal damage to ranged units even more easily.

3. Guardian of the First Ones
  • "Sentry" damage increased from 20 to 30 on all difficulties.
4. Kel'Thuzad
  • Kel'Thuzad armor increased from 8 to 9 on all difficulties.
5. Sylvanas Windrunner
  • Sylvanas will heal 1500 health each time she jumps off the platforms in stage 3 on all difficulties.
Developer Notes: This change seeks a longer fight duration at this stage to be closer to the Rage timer, preventing units from being able to heal in large numbers while moving from platform to platform.

Bug Fixed:
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused certain decorative elements to not be visible on the maps.
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Level 8
Apr 29, 2020
Hotfixes of Sanctum of Domination: 22/2/23

1. The Tarragrue

  • You will not be able to escape once the boss encounter has started.
Developer Notes: This change was made because he was the only boss in the entire raid that you could exit once it had started.

2. Eye of The Jailer
  • Every 30 seconds that the Eye of The Jailer is in phase 3 it will deal more damage per second (4/8/12/16/20, etc).
Developer Notes: This change serves as Rage so they can't get away, losing aggro to recover health and mana.

3. Painsmith Raznal
  • "Spiked Balls" damage increased from 100 to 135 on all difficulties. They also received a health increase from 1200 to 1350.
4. Fatescribe Roh'Kalo
  • The ability "Fated Conjunction" (Fatescribe Roh-Kalo triggers a Fated Conjunction, causing several beams of energy (150 damage) against players). Affected units go from 8 to 9 on Normal/Heroic difficulty and from 10 to 11 on Mythic difficulty.

  • The ability "Despair" (Hurls a flask of acid at a target. The flask breaks upon impact, splashing a powerful acid on nearby hostile units). Affected units will have their armor reduced by 4/5/6 instead of 3/4/5 depending on the difficulty chosen. Cast time reduced from 2.30 sec to 2 sec.

  • The ability "Invoke Destiny" (Absorbs the life essence of a target enemy unit by taking 100 hit points per second from it. Lasts 5 seconds). It will go to 150 health points per second but with a duration of 3 seconds. Inflicting a total of 450 HP instead of 500 in fewer seconds.
Developer Notes: These changes are intended to have a more challenging encounter by not being able to introduce the WoW rune mechanic.

5. Guardian of The First Ones
  • Added missing dialogue from Bolvar Fordragon after this encounter ends.
Developer Notes: I thought this dialogue didn't exist but then I realized that the dialogue for this encounter is bugged in WoW.
Level 8
Apr 29, 2020
Hotfixes of Sanctum of Domination: 8/3/23

Implemented the character Quartermaster Rahm in "The Jailer's Vanguard" and "The Dark Bastille" giving units the ability to "repair" their armor if they stay close to it.

Developer Notes: This serves more than anything so that the units can recover and make it more similar to what the Raid is in WoW.

2. Removed 2 Grunts, 2 Sorceress, 1 Witch Doctor, 1 Spellbreaker, 1 Priest, 1 Archer and 1 Huntress in "The Jailer's Vanguard"

3. Removed 1 Spellbreaker, 2 Huntress, 1 Priest and 1 Archer in "The Dark Bastille"

Developer Notes: These changes were made to balance the maps due to the new implementation of Quartermaster Rahm.

Mini bosses will have a chance to drop (Scroll of Damage, Scroll of Mana, Scroll of Protection, Scroll of Speed).

Bug fixed: 10/3/23
  • Music of the maps "The Jailer's Vanguard", The Dark Bastille" and "Shackles of Fate"
  • Miniboss of the map "The Jailer's Vanguard"
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Level 8
Apr 29, 2020
Hotfixes of Sanctum of Domination: 13/3/23

1. The Tarragrue

  • "Hungering Mist" damage reduced from 250/275/300 to 175/175/200 depending on the chosen difficulty.
  • "Hungering Mist" stun changed from 3 to 2 seconds on all difficulties.
  • "Chain of Eternity" damage reduced from 225/250/275 to 200/225/225 depending on the chosen difficulty.
  • "Chain of Eternity" stun changed from 4/4/5 to 3/3/4 seconds depending on the chosen difficulty.
Developer Notes: After receiving some feedback from some players it was decided to nerf "The Tarragrue" and avoid frustrations with the damage it does.

2. Sylvanas Windrunner
  • Added the ability "Banshee's Fury" (Sylvanas erupts with Banshee magic, inflicting 50 Shadow damage to all players every second for 4 sec) on Heroic and Mythic difficulties (only in Stage 3).
  • Sylvanas will cast the "Withering Fire" ability more frequently in Stage 3.
  • "Night's Edge Poison" ability is replaced by "Banshee's Bane" (Sylvanas burdens targets with a ravenous affliction, inflicting 6 Shadow damage every second) in Stage 3.
  • Sylvanas' health increased to 98525 on Heroic difficulty and 102725 on Mythic difficulty.
  • "Domination Arrows" damage increased from 75 to 100 and radius from 85 to 100 in Stage 3.
  • "Dark Sentinel" health increased from 600 to 700.
  • Enrage reduced by 30 seconds.
  • Adjusted the radius in which Sylvanas can cast "Withering Fire"
  • Replaced the "Curse" ability with "Raise Dead" from the Mawforged Summoner mob.
  • "Spire Thrower" now stuns the target for 1 second.
Developer Notes: I didn't have time to adjust the fight for the 8/3/23 hotfixes but now i do :infl_thumbs_up:

Bug fixed:
  • Adjusted the size of the Arbiter.
  • Fixed some mobs spawning during Stage 2 against Sylvanas.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
It's pretty much killing units on the map. There is little no custom scripted stuff like abilities or diverse and fun gameplay mechanics.
There's also not much more replayability than either playing as the orcs or humans.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 8
Apr 29, 2020
Hotfixes of Sanctum of Domination: 16/3/23

1. Soulrender Dormazain

  • "Rivers of Souls" healing increased from 15% to 20%.
2. Painsmith Raznal
  • The ability "Echos of Pain" was changed and now Wreaths an enemy unit in magical flames which cause 14 damage per second, prevent the casting of spells, and reduce attack damage by 30%.
3. Guardian of The First Ones
  • Added a new ability "Unstable Energy" (Removes all buffs from units in a target area and deals 500 damage to summoned units) on Heroic and Mythic difficulty.
  • The terrain of the boss fight was modified to look more like WoW.
4. Kel'Thuzad
  • The base damage of "Deep Freeze" increased from 90 to 90/120/150 depending on the chosen difficulty.
  • Unitarget damage of "Frost Blast" increased from 100/100/125 to 100/125/150 depending on the chosen difficulty.
  • Damage of "Ice Shard" increased from 200 to 300.
  • In the second Intermission one more "Unstoppable Abomination" will appear in Mythic difficulty.
  • In the third Intermission, one more "Soul Reaver" will appear in Mythic difficulty.
Bug fixed:
  • Night Elves will have a chance to critically strike for 1.5x their normal damage. As well as the possibility of activating Fire Arrows (+10 damage).
  • Knights received the ability "Sundering Blades".
  • Fixed Claw Druids health from 300 to 600.
  • All the stairs were changed to ramps.
  • Added the Sanctum of Domination Background when loading a map.
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Level 8
Sep 28, 2020
The map is strange. The idea in general is not bad, to try to transfer the mechanics of the raid to the gameplay of Warcraft. But this is done rather lazily. I played this map with a friend, and I still didn't understand a lot. Unfortunately, I couldn't get far even on Normal, because this game is very uncomfortable to play.
But the idea is cool, if you make the gaming experience even a little meaningful and enjoyable, you can even get stuck in it.
Level 8
Apr 29, 2020
Hotfixes of Sanctum of Domination: 9/8/23

1. Thrall

  • Added the Flameaxe ability (Empowers the caster, causing attacks to apply Flameaxe, inflicting 12 Fire damage every second for 10 sec).
  • Added the War Drums ability (Adds a damage increase to the attacks of nearby friendly units).
Developer Notes: These changes were made to add more simplicity and similarity to the abilities that Thrall possesses in WoW.

2. Jaina
  • Added the Avalanche ability (Jaina continually hurls ice at her current target every 1 sec for 5 sec inflicting 125 Frost damage and drain 30 mana to target).
  • Added the Freezing Blast ability (A cresting wave of ice surges over players in a line in front of the caster, dealing 200 Frost damage on impact).
Developer Notes: These changes were made to add more similarity to the abilities that Jaina possesses in WoW.

3. The Tarragrue
  • "Hungering Mist" damage reduced from 175/175/200 to 140/175/175 depending on the chosen difficulty.
  • "Hungering Mist" stun changed from 2/2/2 to 1.30/2/2 seconds depending on the chosen difficulty.
  • "Chain of Eternity" damage reduced from 200/225/225 to 150/200/250 depending on the chosen difficulty.
  • "Chain of Eternity" stun changed from 3/3/4 to 2/3/4 seconds depending on the chosen difficulty.
4. Eye of The Jailer
  • "Deathlink" it will bounce from 5 targets to 4/5/5 depending on the chosen difficulty.
  • "Annihilating Glare" damage reduced from 125 to 90/125/125 depending on the chosen difficulty.
  • "Annihilating Glare" it will bounce from 16 targets to 12/16/16 depending on the chosen difficulty.
  • "Slothful Corruption" movement speed penalty reduced from 25/30/35% to 20/25/30% depending on the chosen difficulty.
  • "Slothful Corruption" attack speed penalty reduced from 25/30/35% to 20/25/30% depending on the chosen difficulty.

5. The Nine
  • Kyra will not cast the "Agatha Eternal Blade" ability on Normal difficulty.
  • Skyja will not cast the "Agatha Eternal Blade" ability on Normal difficulty.

6. Remnant of Ner'Zhul
  • "BoneStorm" damage reduced from 50/80/80 to 40/70/70 depending on the chosen difficulty.

7. Soulrender Dormazain
  • Ability "Torment" went from doing 90/120/150 damage every 20 seconds to 125 damage every 12 seconds and with a maximum of 5 targets on all difficulties.

8. Painsmith Raznal
  • "Spiked Balls" armor reduced from 3 to 2.
  • "Spiked Balls" health reduced from 1350 to 1250.
  • The terrain of the boss fight was modified to look more like WoW.

9. Kel'Thuzad
  • Kel'Thuzad will no longer cast the "Dark Evocation" ability on Normal difficulty.

10. Sylvanas Windrunner
  • "Shadow Dagger" cooldown increased from 20 to 24 sec.
  • "Wailling Arrow" cooldown increased from 30/30/25 to 40/30/25 sec.
Developer Notes: All these nerfs were made to make the maps more accessible for new or inexperienced players and they can see the story calmly.

Bug Fixed:
  • Fixed Errors in abilities and quest texts.
  • All the Kodo Beasts of the 4 maps were removed.
Developer Notes: Due to some private comments, please be reminded that each item obtained that is not part of the Bosses loot table can only be used on their respective maps.
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Level 8
Apr 29, 2020
Hotfixes of Sanctum of Domination: 24/9/23

1. New Items Table

  • Whispering Shard of Power: Gives a 10% chance that an attack will do stun an opponent for 1 seconds and provides a +3 bonus to Strength, Agility and Intelligence. This item drops from Remmant of Ner'Zhul.

  • Weave of Warped Fates: You can use the Weave of Warped Fate to unravel your fate and return 4 allies to life. Lasts 120 seconds. This item drops from Fatescribe Roh'Kalo.

  • Forbidden Necromantic Tome: Increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 6 and has a 3% chance to deal double damage. Summons 2 Skeletons to fight for you for 30 seconds. Lasts 60 seconds. This item drops from Kel'Thuzad.

  • Jaithys, the Prison Blade: Jaithys' ability was changed and now instead of reviving 10 fallen allies to fight for 240 seconds it will have the following effect - "With skill, you plunge the Jaithys Sword into the ground, giving rise to replicas that emanate shadows and deal 200 points of damage in a straight line, while stunning your opponents for 1 second. Lasts 20 seconds" This item drops from Kel'Thuzad.

2. Items Drop Table

Wing 1 The Jailer's Vanguard:

  • Moriaz's Spare Targe
  • Elethium-Bladed Glaive
  • Cavalier Oathbreaker's Grasps
  • Greaves of Extermination
  • Titanic Ocular Gland
  • Jotungeirr, Destiny's Call
  • Archon's Spear
Wing 2 The Dark Bastille:
  • Whispering Shard of Power
  • Hellscream's Requiem
  • Ebonsoul Vise
  • The First Sigil
Wing 3 Shackles of Fate:
  • Reactive Defense Matrix
  • Weave of Warped Fates
  • Carved Ivory Keepsake
  • Forbidden Necromantic Tome
  • Jaithys, the Prison Blade
  • Mantle of Eternal Victory
Wing 4 The Reckoning:
  • Tarnished Insignia of Quel'Thalas
  • Old Warrior's Soul
  • Dark Ranger's Quiver
  • Edge of Night
  • Rae'Shalare, Death's Wisper
  • Vengeance's Reins (Mythic)
3. Bonus Items Drop Table
  • Shard of Bek
  • Shard of Jas
  • Shard of Rev
  • Shard of Cor
  • Shard of Kyr
  • Shard of Tel
  • Shard of Dyz
  • Shard of Oth
  • Shard of Zed

4. Sylvanas Windrunner
  • Sylvanas will regain 1000 health every time she jumps off platforms in stage 3 on all difficulties instead of 1500.

Bug Fixed:
  • Fixed Errors in items.
  • Fixed abilities Thrall and Jaina.
  • Fixed Errors in dialogues.
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Level 8
Apr 29, 2020
Hotfixes of Sanctum of Domination: 3/10/23

1. Kel'Thuzad

  • New Unlocked Mechanic: From now on, every time Kel'Thuzad dies, players must enter his phylactery and kill "Remmant of Kel'Thuzad". If Kel'Thuzad's life is not reduced in his phylactery, he will cast "Vengeful Destruction" which will be deadly for all units.

  • Inside Phylactery "Remnant of Kel'Thuzad" will cast "Freezing Blast" and "Glacial Winds" on all difficulties.

  • For now, the life and damage done within the phylactery will remain the same across all difficulties.

  • The health of the "Soul Reaver" that appear during the encounter reduced from 3225 to 1800 health on all difficulties.

  • The health of the "Unstoppable Abominations" that appear during the encounter was reduced from 5250 to 2625 health on all difficulties.

  • "Ice Shard" damage reduced from 300 to 250 on all difficulties.

  • The encounter terrain was modified.

Developer Notes: All of these changes are made for greater similarity to the encounters that are in WoW.

2. Soulrender Dormazain
  • "Ruinblade" spread damage increased from 25% to 30% on all difficulties.
  • The area of effect of "Ruinblade" increased from 200 to 220 on all difficulties.

3. Guardian of The First Ones
  • "Purging Protocol" damage reduced from 150/175/175 to 150 on all difficulties.
  • "Threat Neutralization" damage reduced from 100/125/125 to 100 on all dificulties.

4. Fatescribe Roh'Kalo
  • "Fated Conjunction" cooldown decreased from 9 to 8 sec on all difficulties.

Bug Fixed:
  • Fixed different item descriptions.
  • Fixed different icons.
Level 8
Apr 29, 2020
Hotfixes of Sanctum of Domination: 6/10/23

The Tarragrue
  • Ability "The Jailer's Gaze" increases damage from 100 to 150 on all difficulties but The Tarragrue loses all other abilitys on Phase 2.
2. The Nine
  • Ability "Soulful Blast" damage increased from 150 to 200 on all difficulties.
  • Ability "Fragments of Destiny" damage increased from 100/125/150 to 150/175/200 depending on the chosen difficulty.
  • Ability "Agatha Eternal Blade" was temporarily removed.
  • Ability "Brynja's Mournful Dirge" will now silence for 10 seconds on all difficulties.
  • Skyja will release "Fragments of Destiny" in phase 1 on Mythic difficulty.
  • Signe's base damage increased from 20 to 30 on all difficulties.
  • Kyra's base damage increased from 25 to 35 on all difficulties.

3. Soulrender Dormazain
  • Ability "Ruinblade" (The Soulrender Dormazain strikes with such force that 30% of his damage strikes through to enemies near the primary attacked unit) will also have a chance to increase the Boss's damage by 50.
  • The size of the boss increased.

Developer Notes: All of these changes are made for greater similarity to the encounters that are in WoW.

Bug Fixed: 9/10/23
  • Bolvar Fordragon's abilities that do not appear correctly in Wing 4.
  • Thrall and Jaina abilities not appearing correctly in Wing 4.
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Level 8
Apr 29, 2020
Hotfixes of Sanctum of Domination: 6/7/24

1. New Unlocked Mechanic (Torghast):
As you climb Torghast, the Towers of the Damned scattered throughout the maps will have different mechanics added in search of the players' suffering. Starting with basic hits on Wing 1, adding a spell for each map cleared.

2. Sylvanas Windrunner

New Unlocked Mechanic:
From now on during phase 2 of the encounter Sylvanas will continuously launch "Haunting Wave" in different directions as they advance along the chains.
  • "Haunting Wave" (Sylvanas releases rolling energy and inflicts 100 Shadow damage in line).

  • This spell disappears once you pass phase 2.

3. The Tarragrue
  • The terrain of the boss fight was modified to look more like WoW.
4. Eye of The Jailer
  • "Annihilating Glare" damage reduced from 90/125/125 to 90/120/120 depending on the chosen difficulty.

5. The Nine
  • The terrain of the boss fight was modified to look more like WoW.

6. Remnant of Ner'Zhul
  • "Aura of Spite" damage increased Bonus Damage from 10% to 15% on all difficulties.

7. Soulrender Dormazain
  • The Towers of the Damned during the encounter will have the chance to cast "Warmonger Shackles".
  • Garrosh during this encounter will only be able to perform white hits with a Critical Chance.

8. Painsmith Raznal
  • "Reverberating Hammer" the armor granted to the boss increased from 1 to 2.
  • "Dualblade Scythe" the armor granted to the boss increased from 2 to 3.

9. Guardian of the First Ones
  • Enrage time reduced from 260s to 240s on all difficulties.

10. Kel'Thuzad
  • The terrain of the boss fight was modified to look more like WoW.
  • "Dark Evocation" reduces the number of skeletons per body from 3 to 2 on all difficulties.
  • "Dark Evocation" appears again on normal difficulty.
  • "Dark Evocation" Skeleton Warrior duration increased from 120s to 180s.
Bug Fixed:
  • "Shadowsteel Colossus" No longer has Spell Immunity.
  • "Unstoppable Abomination" increased the number of targets affected by Demolition from 6 to 7.
  • "Mawforged Goliath" now has one more ability called "Aura of Violence" (An aura that gives nearby friendly units a damage shield, which deals 10% of an enemy unit's attack damage back to it).
  • Effects that do not appear correctly during the final encounter against Sylvanas.

Others upgrades:
  • Added all fight dialogue sounds.
  • Added all the icons for all the items that appear in the Raid.
Developer Notes: After a long time I was able to add all the sounds/icons of all the dialogues and items that occur in the Raid, allowing greater immersion in the map and the fights.