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Hero Contest #4 - Animalistic Nature

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Level 17
Jun 17, 2010
By the way, InfinateAnswers, it's highly risky to use five abilities. Some people have been banned in the past from the contest.

omg! wow i did not notice i had 5 abilities wow... fail. Bad counting on my end. Haha ill take out the feather thing, isnt as important as the others.

yep but its a spell that transform?

If you look at mine as an example, my first spell is replaced by another spell. Its not 5 spells, its still 4 spells, because they work hand in hand just different names and such =)
Level 17
Jan 21, 2010
lupiz the plague bunny
when the easter island has been invaded by more ferocious creature, the evil easter bunny send their most powerful battle mage, lupiz, with his ancient power of the easter island, he creates disease among his enemies, making them suffer a great amount of hp loss, while the disease spreading, he can easily move in the disease, and kill the most powerless enemy. The disease it self is a body part of him, he can manipulate it to healing him faster than other fountain can do, he even maximize his battle power to creates crater that can make any enemies that affected by plague to commanded by him
model bought to you by blizzard
this is a wip only, the map will be uploaded after the entire spell is finished
Level 5
Dec 11, 2008
So... the model have wings but walks like the Dreadlord?

if i was you i would make it like the dreadlord, and forget the flying thing.

because its really frustrating to see someone walking in the sky instead of flying.To make the things more realistic, my suggestion is to make it a ground unit.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
Alright. Here's my submission:

Just kidding. I'll really have to scope around the models section to find a fitting hero-model. I'm also slightly gray as to what would qualify as "animal instinct with human nature". It'll probably get cleared up more as the contest continues so I'll just stay tuned.

Good luck everybody.
Level 18
Jan 21, 2006
I don't know if I'm joining yet. I would like to since I missed the last one due to Europe, but depending on how the weather is I may have time to kill indoors.

Just did a quick sweep of some hero models. I couldn't really find anything that caught my eye but there were a lot of werewolf-style models to choose from. The WereTiger model would be nice if it had any real animations, it's quite limited. Another I found is a werewolf modeled around the Beast Master - maybe I'll do something with that (if judges can be found).
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Work in Progress for Beef_is_back

The Beast Kin Berserker
Using the Diablo 3 Barbarian model by Kuhneghetz, skin by Mr. Goblin
Once savage and untamed, bridling with uncontrollable fury, the Beast Kin Berserker was a danger to everyone and everything around him. Outcast from the Human society, he found refuge among the Orc Hordes. Seeing a strong warrior, Thrall had his shamans train the Beast Kin Berserker. He found solace in the world of animals, and by mimicking the techniques of the animals he observed, he found both a way to tear enemies apart on the battlefield and control his anger. He spends his spare time sitting calmly sitting in the shade of tall trees, observing the natural world around him to learn more battle skills. His only true goal is to bring glory to the Horde, but he still harbors a deep hatred for the Humans.

In battle, the Beast Kin Berserker is a force to be feared. He mirrors the raw and savage power of animals to crush his enemies. The blood of the weak isn't enough to satiate his hunger for battle, he specializes in hunting down enemy heroes and generals.
Skill 1: Feral Strike Skill 2: Tauren Smash Skill 3: Panther Instincts Skill 4: Undecided
The Beast Kin Berserker mimicks the movement of a wolf and dashes behind an enemy at speeds too fast for the human eye to catch, and tears out the hamstring of his victim. Deals 25/50/75 bonus damage and slows for 15%/25%/35% for 4/6/8 seconds. (Active) The Beast Kin Berserker uses the technique taught to him by the tauren, and slams the ground, creating a tremor in the earth and an explosion of dirt. Units within 300 area of effect are hurt, knocked back, and dazed. Units that are dazed have 60% reduced movement speed, and become un-dazed upon taking damage equal to 10% of their total life. Deals 75/135/165 damage and dazes for 3/5/7 seconds. 0.8 second casting time. (Active) The Beast Kin Berserker trains all day in mirroring the abilities of animals. His observation of the panther has made him able to gain strength from the hunt. The Beast Kin Berserker will gain back 5%/10%/15% of an enemy units max hp whenever he kills a unit. If the killed unit is a hero, he will permanently gain 1 strength. (Passive) (Ultimate, Active)

Authors Notes
I didn't want to create just another hero about morphing into an animal (kindof the reason I stopped reading those stupid animorph books in 1st grade), or another hero that is an animal (the contest is about animalistic nature, I wanted to that from the Human side), instead, I wanted to make a human who has an actual connection to animals. I thought about all the people I know who love animals, and the first that came to mind was Liam. Liam is an autistic boy who has anger management issues. The only thing that calms him down is animals, he loves them. I do like Liam as a person, he's smart and funny, and I admire him for being able to overcome his autism and anger problem. He tries hard and really is an inspiration for me. This hero idea is dedicated to him, and his love for the natural world.

This is still a work in progress. Any models, icons, or abilities are subject to change.

Any suggestions for how to improve my hero are welcome. I welcome feedback of any kind.

Demo and triggers are coming soon. Stay tuned to this post.

Kuhneghetz and Mr. Goblin for the amazing D3 Barbarian Model
Lelyarna for the Aggressive Icon
Kimberely for the Worgen Claw Icon
Crazy_Russian for the Tauren Stomp Icon
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Level 17
Jun 17, 2010
Oh, so you're joining, Berb; I would vm/pm you to join as a judge, but the option is yours :]

InfinateAnswers, it's not your problem, but you can try finding another model for the sake of consistency. That eagle hero is in-theme though, so, I wouldn't worry about it :]

well this model is the only one that works really because of the halberd like weapon in his hand, and it matches my lore. =)
Level 11
May 26, 2009
I too wish to participate in this competition. This post is reserved for future purposes. All data is work in progress and may be subject to change. I highly appreciate all forms of feedback.

Things to do:
  • Create triggers.
  • Balance things.
  • Upload test-map.
Work in progress by Chizume | Hero Contest #4 | Model created by Callahan | Icons created by Blizzard Entertainment & CRAZYRUSSIAN | Special thanks to Beef_Is_Back
The Bloodchanter
In the otherwise sandy lands of Qua'Asil there was still one place where growth flourished. Shi'jin had grown up in the Goldmarsh Meadow and had learned to relish its unusual beauty. His father was a respected councilman and he had two sisters named Xi'jin and Cha'jin. The life in the Goldmarsh Meadow was simple and harmonious, especially compared to the rest of Qua'Asil where warlords reigned and died with every season it seemed. The citizens of Goldmarsh Meadow had however always been left alone as a great mountain chain separated them and only a narrow pass linked the two together.

Shi'jin loved tigers, he always had. He thought they had a certain mysterious and majestic aura. Although they were not very common in Goldmarsh Meadow, or in Qua'Asil for that matter, one could stumble upon one prowl about once in a while. There was one tiger that was known in particular. Whenever it hunt down its prey it roared deep and vividly, so strong it turned into a chant crossing mountains and oceans. It was known by the name Bloodchanter.

One morning Shi'jin was out exploring and talking with his sisters in the fields just outside his town. Cha'jin suddenly stops and stares at a bush. Shi'jin and Xi'jin stops to look as well. Nothing happened. The three decided to move on, but Cha'jin was now scared and wanted to go back. She dragged her feet and walked behind Shi'jin and Xi'jin. A deep roar and a shrill scream sounded and then the gurgling of blood leaking out of a cut throat. Shi'jin turned around to see a great tiger standing with his paw over his sister Cha'jin. Blood was pulsating over her pale beautiful skin and down onto the muddy ground. Shi'jin had no time to think. He shouted to Xi'jin, who was crying loudly in shock, to run and without hesitation she did. Shi'jin quickly picked up a sharp sturdy stick in his vicinity and pointed it at the tiger. He was trembling and could barely stand up straight. He was about to vomit. Shi'jin opened his mouth to speak. The tiger looked at Shi'jin as he said, in an as clear voice as he could. But his words sounded hollow to Shi'jin as he said them. He said "You will do my sister no more harm, Bloodchanter".


21 (+1.3/lvl)
33 (+2.4/lvl)
17 (+0.9/lvl)




Ravage (Q)
Deals 30/45/60 normal damage to a single target restoring health equal to the amount of damage dealt to the Hero. Enhances the Hero with Surge for 4 seconds.

If the Hero is affected by Force the target is also stunned for 0.75 seconds.
If the Hero is affected by Chant the ability deals and restores 15% additional damage and health.

Surge grants the Hero 4% lifesteal and 7% attack rate while active.

Using this ability deals damage to the Hero equal to the mana used.



Blood Chant (W)
Marks all enemies under 40% health in a small/medium/large area around the Hero granting the Hero vision of them and 2/3/4% increased movement speed for every marked target for 6 seconds. Enhances the Hero with Force for 4 seconds.

If the Hero is affected by Surge the Hero gains 1% lifesteal for every marked target for 6 seconds.
If the Hero is affected by Chant the duration is increased by an additional 6 seconds.

Force grants the Hero 7 bonus damage and movement speed by 13% while active.

Using this ability deals damage to the Hero equal to the mana used.



Frenzy (Passive)
Upon using an ability the Hero gains 4/8/12% movement speed for 4 seconds. Does stack. Additionally returns 10/15/20% of health lost from using abilities.



Tiger's Craze (R)
Attacks an enemy with brutal strength dealing 20 normal damage plus 1 normal damage for every 7 health the target is missing. Enhances the Hero with Chant for 4 seconds.

Chant makes the Hero's attacks deal additional damage equal to 2% of the target's maximum health.

If the Hero is affected by Surge the Hero restores 10% health of damage dealt.
If the Hero is affected by Force the ability ignores the target's armor value.

Using this ability deals damage to the Hero equal to the mana used.

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Level 11
May 26, 2009
I like it Chizume, balanced on your first shot or just place holders?

I try to balance it as much as possible in the draft process but the exact numbers will most likely change. See any major imbalances? My goal with this Hero is to put importance to synergy and player skill. Also I want more frequent use of abilities and this means lower damage and duration values as well as lower cooldowns of course. Shi'jin (named after some Chinese white tiger God) will be a great chaser and hero-killer with strong single target damage output, but he is also vulnerable to over-use of his own abilities as well as enemy crowd-control (especially stuns/slows/blinds) abilities; as he must keep lifestealing targets to make up for his low defense and health.
I try to balance it as much as possible in the draft process but the exact numbers will most likely change. See any major imbalances? My goal with this Hero is to put importance to synergy and player skill. Also I want more frequent use of abilities and this means lower damage and duration values as well as lower cooldowns of course. Shi'jin (named after some Chinese white tiger God) will be a great chaser and hero-killer with strong single target damage output, but he is also vulnerable to over-use of his own abilities as well as enemy crowd-control (especially stuns/slows/blinds) abilities; as he must keep lifestealing targets to make up for his low defense and health.

You are going to need some major balancing there.

With ravage, if the unit has chant, it deals over 105 damage. 105 damage is how much life is lost. Because the ultimate resets the cooldowns one everything if it has surge (given by ravage), including itself, you could continually spam ravage and the ultimate, continually gaining life and dealing about 125-ish damage. Furthermore, if the hero just took the passive, it would lose less and less health, meaning you could be gaining upwards of 50 health every time you spam those two.

This needs to be balanced to the melee game. A hero that can drop other heroes very quickly is ridiculously imbalanced. Agility and Intelligence heroes have ridiculously low hp, and your guys high movement speed, coupled with the ability to slow enemy units by a lot (over 30% if chant is active, which it almost always will be), will absolutely destroy any hero.

I like the concept of the hero, and how everything stacks together, but it doesn't really fit the theme (He's a bloodchanter, none of his abilities are really animalistic, only thing that is animal about him is the model). Remember that this isn't an AoS, hero hunters in melee are hard to balance naturally so they aren't overpowered.

I really do like the hero, but you might need some changes for balacing and for it to fit the theme (ask one of the judges how well it fits, but personally I don't think it does)

EDIT: Is the character description supposed to be in another language? I think it's Latin.
Level 11
May 26, 2009
With ravage, if the unit has chant, it deals over 105 damage. 105 damage is how much life is lost. Because the ultimate resets the cooldowns one everything if it has surge (given by ravage), including itself, you could continually spam ravage and the ultimate, continually gaining life and dealing about 125-ish damage. Furthermore, if the hero just took the passive, it would lose less and less health, meaning you could be gaining upwards of 50 health every time you spam those two.

This needs to be balanced to the melee game. A hero that can drop other heroes very quickly is ridiculously imbalanced. Agility and Intelligence heroes have ridiculously low hp, and your guys high movement speed, coupled with the ability to slow enemy units by a lot (over 30% if chant is active, which it almost always will be), will absolutely destroy any hero.

EDIT: Is the character description supposed to be in another language? I think it's Latin.

It is latin. "Lorem ipsum" is commonly used by designers as a filler so that the mind will not focus on what the text says but how the design looks.

I will look into what you have mentioned, nerf some data and probably switch some of the "enhancements" around. I am not a big melee player but I will try the Hero in melee games for balance.

Imho nothing feels very animalistic in raw data form. I will however look over this as well.

Thank you for your feedback :)
It is latin. "Lorem ipsum" is commonly used by designers as a filler so that the mind will not focus on what the text says but how the design looks.

I will look into what you have mentioned, nerf some data and probably switch some of the "enhancements" around. I am not a big melee player but I will try the Hero in melee games for balance.

Imho nothing feels very animalistic in raw data form. I will however look over this as well.

Thank you for your feedback :)

You're welcome :)

For balancing, I'd recommend taking away the part where all the cooldowns are reset. Set the cooldown a little higher on some of the abilities and up the manacost on ravage by 15-20. Those are my suggestions :thumbs_up:

I'd talk to an informed person about how animalistic it is.
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