Hero Contest #4 - Animalistic Nature

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Animalistic Nature

Contestants must create a hero with a concept linked with the world of animals. The hero must possess the basics of an animal and combine the key of human nature with the one of animal instincts.


• No submission may violate the Hiveworkshop Rules.
• Teams are not allowed; the entire hero must be made by a single user. However, you're able to use any resources publicly available in THW database, except for spells.
• The hero must have a total of 4 skills. You can use any combination, all passive, all active, three active and one passive, anything, as long as it offers a creative approach to the play style. However, the three of them must be regular, while one of them must be an ultimate, gained at level 6, just like default Warcraft III.
• The spells can be made using GUI, JASS, vJASS, Zinc, cJass or just significant object editor work. A judge that is not familiar with all of the listed languages cannot be appointed.
• All spells must have been made after the start of this contest; no previous work allowed.
• You are allowed to use any enhancing system (Hero Contest #4 specific element), as long as it does enhance the functionality of the spell and it is bug free.
• You're allowed only one submission.
• Any submission must follow a Work In Progress (WiP), before it is published and labelled as the final piece.


First Place: 50 reputation points and your entry on an award icon
Second Place: 30 reputation points and an award icon
Third Place: 15 reputation points and an award icon


• Magtheridon96
• Adiktuz

Tell us if you want to judge. Appointed judges must have previous experience in spell-making, familiarity with the Object Editor and Trigger Editor themselves, knowledge of GUI, Jass, vJass, Zinc, cJass, in case each of those languages are used in the submissions.


How interesting is the hero to play with?/10

Is the hero bug and lag free? How well was the coding executed?/10

How well do the abilities work with each other? Do they fit with the theme of the hero?/10

How balanced the hero is? Is it extremely weak to own or extremely hard to face?/10

How good-looking the hero is? How well their appearance is fitting with the icons? Are the tooltips self-explanatory?/5
  • 70 % of the winner shall be determined by the contest's appointed judge(s).
  • 30 % of the winner shall be determined by the results of a public poll.


The contest shall begin on 07/03/2011 and conclude on 23:59, 4th August 2011, GMT
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Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
I hope its not another animal-morph hero like banehallow.
When you talk about animal heroes its almost all about animorphing ,LOL
Level 17
Jun 17, 2010
Final Entry - Eagle Warrior

Eagle Warrior


Model brought to you by donut3.5

Once in the time of olden, a race of men begged to the gods to give them power, they were ignored. So they begged to Mother Nature for the power of flight, to defeat their mortal enemies who dwell in the steep cliffs. Gaia heard their call and gave them this gift, but this ability came with a cost, it turned their bodies, now they resemble more eagle then man. Gaia warned the men that they would be stripped of their humanity if the first born of each of the Tribal Leaders wasnt sacrificed to her. Now with their new found powers they adapted and began to use Halberds, to strike down any opponent from range that exceeded normal means, causing deadly blows from the sky. Dorrum was the tribes head leader's first born, he learned of the sacrifice then fled the tribe. Now he works as a mercenary taking jobs as they come and seeking revenge on those who forsake him.​

Soar/Dive Bomb
Feather Weight
Demoralizing Screech
Eagle Spirit

Eagle Warrior soars into the sky. Once in the sky he is able to use Dive Bomb. Dive bomb deals damage based on Eagle Warriors height.

Level 1 - 250 height at a 2.5 ratio for 100 max damage.
Level 2 - 500 height at a 2.0 ratio for 250 max damage.
Level 3 - 750 height at a 1.5 ratio for 500 max damage.
The Eagle Warriors' wings allow them to fly around, so movement speed is increased. This also allows them to dodge incoming attacked easier.

Level 1 - 5% movement speed and 2% evasion.
Level 2 - 10% movement speed and 4% evasion.
Level 3 - 15% movement speed and 6% evasion.[c]
Let out a screech that puts fear into the hearts of enemies, reducing their armor and life regen. Also causing them to run away.

Levels - Armor is reduced by 3/6/9, health regeneration is reduced by 0.75/1.25/2.00 and units run 150 distance away.
The spirit of the Eagle is released. The eagle is controllable and its abilities are Swift Assault, Fury, and Terrifying Screech. Lasts 20 seconds.

Swift Assault - The Eagle spirit flies through a selected unit dealing 100 damage. 4 second cooldown.
Fury - When a unit is killed the Eagle spirit gains a 20% movement speed. Lasts 6 seconds.
Terrifying Screech - The Eagle spirit lets out a screech that terrifies all units in a selected area. Units are disarmed for 2 seconds and run away 300 distance. 5 second cooldown.

icon Credit goes to:bigapple90,SkriK,Palaslayer,Mr.Goblin,lieutang,lelyanra,Paladon,blizzard (=P)

Final Entry!!!!


  • EagleWarrior~IA~Final.w3x
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I have two questions.

1. When you say "Balancing", do you mean balancing to the melee game? What are we supposed to make it balanced to?

2. In the theme of making a hero animalistic, are we allowed to include an object editor ability that fits in with the theme of the hero, (Example, I make a werewolf who has the power to summon wolves) or must every single spell be triggered?
Level 17
Jun 17, 2010
From my understanding, making an object editor spell takes off points, because the point of the contest is to make a completely original hero with your own spells. hence the category of "coding" and for the balancing, the only thing id see for that is melee balancing.

Question: The model im using doesnt use a flight animation when moving, rather it walks on air. Will that deduct points because i dont see as how this will be bad on my end if the model being used isnt flight-efficiant.
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Balance refers to the current potential power of the melee heroes.
@Beef_is_back, yes, you can of course add an object editor ability (where would you base it anyway? :p)
@busterkomo, although previous contests allowed specific systems (xe, Damage, AIDS, IsUnitMoving, etc.), this contest allows everything. It's the idea most likely that will be judged, not the coding exclusively. I did this for the sake of variety among contests of the same type.
Level 16
Apr 18, 2011
Zuluhed the Whacked
Skin created by Red Shift
Under the leadership of Thrall, the Orcs have rediscovered their ancient Shamanistic traditions. In an attempt to rid the Horde of its demonic corruption, Thrall banned the use of Warlock magic and necromancy. Now, all Orc magic users practice Shaman magic which draws its power from the natural world and the elements.
Remember this is only WIP, i will upload map, and add more info later on.


  • Hero Contest.w3x
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Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
Under the leadership of Thrall, the Orcs have rediscovered their ancient Shamanistic traditions. In an attempt to rid the Horde of its demonic corruption, Thrall banned the use of Warlock magic and necromancy. Now, all Orc magic users practice Shaman magic which draws its power from the natural world and the elements.
Remember this is only WIP, i will upload map, and add more info later on.

No Spells yet?
P.S. i love the way you use some models
Level 16
Oct 17, 2009
And here's a WIP of my hero.


Many years ago, Nightmare was once a human child but after a terrible encounter with werewolves, he became one of them. He lost his memory after the attack, remnants of his past were destroyed, he couldn't remember his name or anything, all he knew was that he is a Lycan. During his days as a werewolf, he lived alone in a pack and was trained to be an elite warrior. As time grew he became more and more enraged but for no reason, this caused him to be more and more brutal. He killed one of his men while sparring and due to this, the alpha of his pack banished him from their tribe, furious about this sentiment, Nightmare attacked the alpha wolf but lost. The pack left him half-dead by the road, he lay there for days as his wounds healed and after a week, he woke up and his rage grew stronger, filling his heart with hatred. And so, he traveled to the icy north and there he trained hard. After many years of training, he has now come back, hunting down his tribe with revenge in his eyes.
Blue Howl
Feral Impulse
During his training, he has
perfected an ability that lets
him take away a part of
himself and menifest it into
a physical being, a wolf,
and with Nightmare's help,
will bring down anything.
With Nightmare's thirst for
battle and blood, his
power increases causing
his attacks to become quicker
and stronger, each hit becoming
Warriors in battle will hear a
startling howl signifying
Nightmare's presence.
Allied units will be encouraged
to stand longer in battle and
increase their defenses,
whilst enemy units will
tremble in fear causing them
to lower their guard.
Nightmare becomes more
and more feral as the battle
rages on, giving him an extra
boost in power and doubles the
efficiency of his abiilities.

Test Map: Link

Credits go to Fan & xXm0RpH3usXx for their awesome werewolf model, Iyzz_Fryzz for the howl icon.
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Level 22
Nov 14, 2008
By the way, InfinateAnswers, it's highly risky to use five abilities. Some people have been banned in the past from the contest.

Probably due to that a normal melee hero has a level cap of 10 and 4 abilities.

I'll follow this for sure. Unfortunatly, my JNGP doesn't work on my W7 64x for some unknown reason (exporter f*cked up).

Good luck!


And why is cJASS allowed? It's not allowed, neither in the spell section nor the JASS section and I do wonder who will be the judge, Nest? :)
10, don't raise that cap, otherwise the balance criterium won't be estimated right.

cJass is allowed, because it works just fine; I doubt anyone will use it though. Since it's a coding language, I don't see why it shouldn't be included. I'm tired of previous contests with hundreds of limitations.

As for the judge, I'll ask Bribe, Dr Super Good, Berb and Maker, unless someone wants to fill in.

By the way, I love your WiPs guys, the way you present your heroes; lore is really important.

I'll go for a bird hero.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010

is it allowed to create a ultimate that transform into another hero? that got spells aswell?.. or is against the 10 spell rule?

Well here is your answer.

The hero must have a total of 4 skills. You can use any combination, all passive, all active, three active and one passive, anything, as long as it offers a creative approach to the play style. However, the three of them must be regular, while one of them must be an ultimate, gained at level 6, just like default Warcraft III.
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