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Golden Lands v4.0b AI [Latest Patch]


A custom PvP battleground where 2 teams (Horde and Alliance) fight each other to collect resources, capturing control-points and kill enemies around the map.



30 fully customized heroes to choose from, also there are exclusive heroes for the Horde and the Alliance.
All hero abilities has its upgrade, that can be learned starting from the level 4 and each 2 levels a point to spend in any upgrade is given to the player. The first level 3 upgrade enables his Superior Upgrade effect.
At level 14 the player can choose a Mastery for the hero, each hero has his own mastery effects.

The hero can select from 12 heroic traits with differents effects, only one heroic trait can be selected.

The Perks are bonuses like Attributes, Damage, Hp, etc. that a hero can learn at levels 6,11,16 and 19, instead a skill point.
The level 19 Perk will improve some enchantments.



The map has a Tiered item system, every not normal item can be Tier-up 2 times, improving the item attributes and his abilities.
Also there is 4 class of items (Weapon/Armor/Trinket/Magic Accesory). A hero can only carry 3 items of the same type at a time.
To tier-up an item, pres ALT and an icon will be showed next to the item in the inventory. The current tier of the item is denoted with color borders in the item icon (green, yellow and red).

All items can be enchanted (except normal items and consumables) , adding bonuses or new effects.
  • Some of the enchants are stackable(Multiple enchants of the same type in different items works).
  • An item can only be affected by one enchant at once.
  • There is 3 types of enchantments Weapon, Armor and Normal.
The Enchantment purchased is showed in this ability, the player can click the icon to sell the enchant.

To enchant an item pres ALT and a icon will be showed next to the item that can be enchanted.


In each side magical runes will be spawned each 2 minutes, every of them gives bonuses or other effects.


The Gold Mines and Towers are controllabe structures and the most important factor to win the game, the Towers provides a good place to defend and can spawn units, and the Gold Mines generates the Resources used to win the game.
  • Spawns units periodically to attack enemy Towers, also the Tower is upgraded (up to level 5) automatically if is controlled at least 10 minutes, his mana bar shows the progress.
  • Each upgrade brings a new unit to the spawned group.
  • To controll a Tower the hero need to enter the circle of power for 15 seconds.


  • The Gold Mines are special structures that generate the Resources periodically.
  • The structure is guarded by special units.
  • The guards level is equal to the own Tower.



The Commander are powerfull heroes that can be used to defend or attack Towers and Gold Mines.
This hero has the "Refine" abilities and "Normal" abilities.

  • The Refine abilities are enabled when the Commader is in the base.
  • The Refine abilities can be activated by any player of the team.
  • The Refine abilities affects all Towers and Gold Mine Guards.
  • The Refine abilities shares cooldown.


  • The Combat abilities are enabled when the Commader is fightning in the battleground.
  • The Commader can enter the battleground using the Commander Assault ability in the War Hall.
  • The Combat abilities damage and bonuses scales with the game time.



The Ancient Obelisk its a structure located in the middle of the map, is activated at 10 minutes of the game, the players can take the control of it for 5 minutes and after that time will be able to controled again.

  • To take the control of the Obelisk the player need to get closer to it and right-click it.
  • Takes 10 seconds to control the obelisk, when is controled emits a ray of healing every 3 seconds, this heals to a random allied hero that is in combat based on the game time.


The War Hall is a structure that each team owns, this structure has some useful abilities to help the players win the game.

  • Each ability cost Resources and has high cooldown.
  • Any player of the team can activate this abilities.



The is two extra game modes.
  • Last Man Standing: The teams fight each other in 15 rounds, the first team that kills all enemies in the battleground wins the round.
  • Obelisk Defend: Each round a team have to defend the obelisk for a set of time, and the other have to destroy the obelisk (25 hero hits). Win the team that achieves his objective.
The map supports AI players, they are sufficient enough to test the map, and help you understanding how to play the game.
  • The diference between Easy, Normal and Insane is the gold/exp earned and the gold lost upon death.
  • The AI can be semi-controlled be the player, making them to defend Towers/Gold Mines or go to a specific place. To activate this feature press the ALT key and Left-Click to a point in the map (this feature can't be spammed has 5s cd).







Fixed some desyncs.
Reduced hero kill bounty gold.
Increased units and neutrals bounty gold.
Disruption Magus
Q: Reduced base damage from 90/140/190/240 to 90/120/150/180.
W: Now affects 300 AoE at all levels.
Q. Reduced base cd from 8s to 7s.
Scarlet Guard
W: Reduced cast range from 400 to 200.
W: Set cooldown to 7s at all levels.
Up2: Changed to - Increases W cast range by 50/100/150.
Sup2: Changed to - The W absorbing buff remains for 2 seconds.
Sacred Defender
E: Increased cooldown from 20s to 25s.
Q: Fixed a bug where the upgrade reduces cooldown.
Q: Fixed a bug where the missile always returns to the caster even if he did not casted the return ability.
Gryphon Rider
Q: Reduced damage from 120/180/240/300 to 100/140/180/220.
Up2:  Also increases the duration of the amplification by 1/2/3s.
Dwarf Runner
R: Reduced stun duration from 1.5s to 1s.
Q: Increased cooldown from 12s to 18s.
Q: Knockback no longer semi-disables the enemies.
CM: Increases strength bonus from 18 to 24.
Fel Rider
Q: Increases buff duration per bounce from 0.4s to 0.5s.
Q: Set the mana cost to 120 at all levels.
E: Set the mana cost to 25 at all levels.
 Up1: Changed to – Increases the duration of the armor reduction by 2/3/4s.
   Fixed a bug where the Q has an older WM effect.
Up1: Also increases the ability cast range.
E: Reduced max heads from 15 to 10.
Voodoo Priest
Q: Reworked.
W: Reduced Attack count to kill at 2 in all levels.
E: No longer gives/steals movement speed, rather redirects damage.
R: No longer gives a soul by killing enemies, rather the souls are restored periodically.
Axe Master
WM: Gives spell immunity during axe rotation instead of damage buff.
 Q: Reduced damage from 125/225/325/425 to 125/200/275/350.
Shadow Crawler
Sup1: Changed to – Increases cast range by 200.
Doomed Queen
CM: Increased damage reduction from 12% to 20%.
R: Now the demon can attack any unit, not building and the demon attacks the target of Life Drain.
Plague Bringer
E: Changed the damage base to 35 at all levels.
R: Increased Hp cost from 6/8/10% to 8/10/12%.
Elder Sage
Up1: Reduced Q bonus damage from 40/60/60 to 20/40/60.
W: Now heals/damage units around.
Tempest Druid
Reduced base attack damage from 60 to 50 and increased attack rate from 1.75 to 1.8s.
Dream Eater
Reworked some abilities and upgrades.
W: Increased damage to 80/100/120/140.
WM: Changed to - When entering combat casts E.
R: Increased damage stolen from 20/40/60 to 40/50/60.
Champara Bros
Ujimasa Hojo
Marcelo Hossomi
HungaryMaster (Magyar)
Eldin HawkWing
Blizzard Entertainment

Golden Lands v4.0b AI (Map)

ReviewGolden Lands Key ConceptAoS - A kind of AoS which I never seen before. I like that you added plenty pieces of information.:pgrin: The loading screen is nice. Is good that you can see your hero's details well enough before choosing it. I played...
Firstly I like the whole map. I think, It's based on WoW battlegrounds. Here is my review Terrain + Terrain smooth and detailed. + Less doodad and pure quality + It reminds me a wow battleground. + It fits gameplay Gameplay + Combat is non-stop. +...
I only played one game game against AI but I have to say that everything felt really crisp and you did a great job with the terrain and UI/presentation. From what little I played the heroes seemed fairly original and their designs had a recurring...
You should use another colour than the second red for team 1's AI. The first player is already red. Why does Honour have the icon of the teleportation stone? Maybe make a special box/unit where you enchant items with a finite number of inventory...

Deleted member 247165


Deleted member 247165

Golden Lands

Key Concept
AoS - A kind of AoS which I never seen before. I like that you added plenty pieces of information.:pgrin: The loading screen is nice. Is good that you can see your hero's details well enough before choosing it. I played this one the moment you uploaded it and every time on updates to see how you evolved.

Heroes are well designed and they have cool abilities. Can say the same thing about the items, I like that organized them well.:plol: I played almost all of your heroes but the one that I liked the most was Death Sting. The combats are cool and you managed to add interesting things into it, like the commander of each faction. I like how tried to differentiate the gameplay by changing the victory mechanic. Heroes can enhance their skills. Looks like a talent tree.:peek: Thumbs up for that! The multiboard is very detailed, good job for that, you added everything in it. There's global experience. I suggest you remove this. Having such thing in AoS is not the best thing but it's up to you. Aside from those, I haven't seen any bugs. Is great that you impleneted AI as well. Though they cast their spells well in fights, they do not seem to buy items.:pshock:

Terrain & Aesthetics
Same as the gameplay, the map layout is different that most AoS and I like how the terrain looks.:plol: The bases are well designed and really fit their factions.

Well designed spells from simple to really custom ones. Good job on that!:pwink:

Final Suggestions
Add more heroes, remove the global experience thing, the commanders seem to have the same spells, I believe they should have abilities that fit their race. Make the AI buy items. :pcon:There are also minor spelling errors.

You've done a good job. This one should go in approved state. My rating for it is 5/5
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Thanks i'm glad that like you.

Add more heroes, remove the global experience thing, the commanders seem to have the same spells, I believe they should have abilities that fit their race. Make the AI buy items. :pcon:There are also minor spelling errors.

- I will be add more heroes soon, i'm working on 2 new ones.
- The globals experience its only applied for map objectives, capture a Gold Mine or Base gives experience to all players of the team. Also killing the enemy boss also gives exp globally. But the experience of creeps and heroes is shared between nearby heroes.
- The Bosses has the same spells for equality, at beginning i had the idea of making thematic spells but its seems hard to balance.
- The AI buy items, you has downloaded this version?, i remember that in the previous beta version they don't buy items.
- If you point me where is the spelling errors it can help me.​

Thanks for the review.
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Level 13
Aug 23, 2011
Firstly I like the whole map. I think, It's based on WoW battlegrounds. Here is my review


+ Terrain smooth and detailed.
+ Less doodad and pure quality
+ It reminds me a wow battleground.
+ It fits gameplay


+ Combat is non-stop.
+ There are no destroy base priority. It makes different gameplay.
+ Global experience good thing for that gameplay. It feels you are working together as a team.
+ Capture objective makes map alive.
+ To many variations of items.
+ Players can understand capture base by horn sound. It makes to focus your objective.
+ Combat Texts are good.
+ I love cooldown bar.
- Heroes become main thing on mid game. Creeps not effective to much.
- AI becomes so powerfull on early game. It's hard to challange for me like a newbie.
- Portals need delay or something like that. I can escape instantly from the area. And camera doesnt focus on my hero.
- Buying mercanery system useless on late game. Heroes can kill them instantly
- Items are confusing for newbies. There are upgrade/enchant and recipe system. (it's good but confusing)


+ 15 heroes but too many build for your hero. It makes better gameplay. (I like options for heroes)
+ 5 ability / 1 Perk selects from 12 / 3 talent-Side effects / Masteries. It's hard to understand on begining but I played 1 hero with 4 different ways.
+ Upgrading your abilties.
- Upgrading your abilites by honor point makes unbalance between heroes. 1 hero can carry the whole game.
- Many items need honor point. If you are weak game forces to rage-quit you.


= Add suggested item vendors for heroes. It will be easy to understand builds. (Leaguge of legends system, you need to know which item usefull for your hero)
= My own suggestion: import warsong glutch/arathi basin war theme to your map from WoW. It makes better atmosphere
= Add tooltip on gameplay ( -tooltip etc.)
= Nerf the AI or add option for AI Level (It's best AI I have ever Seen before on hiveworkshop, do not misunderstand)
= Add camera focus on way gates
= Add more powerfull mercenaries and change their costs.
= Add global honor point events for weak players on mid game
= Hero selection system is too detailed. It's good but I spend 10 min to how to select my hero.
= Add upgrade to creeps.

Overall 5/5 your map is unique. I enjoyed much. And your map forced me to try every heroes.
Good luck by the way.
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Yes its based on the Arathi Basin BG, mainly because the goal its getting x amount of resources to win.

- Heroes become main thing on mid game. Creeps not effective to much.
The creeps are upgraded every 7 minutes (more HP and attack damage) and the towers become stronger (more HP, armor and damage) with every level, yeah in some points the tower its strong enough to get rid of a lot of creeps alone. maybe this require a bit of balance maybe i will view how the creeps are upgrade. i don't want super strong creeps because if the enemy team has 3 bases vs 1 base of your team, the creeps are accumulated fast and its a bit hard to get rid of a bunch of them.

AI becomes so powerfull on early game. It's hard to challange for me like a newbie.
Actually the AI has 3 levels of power, the easy AI only has 10% increased exp. But i think that the main reason that AI are too strong its because they play the game how it should be, they make decisions fast, better than a newbie that are expending his time viewing how the game works. But with practice i think the AI are complitely easy to win.

- Portals need delay or something like that. I can escape instantly from the area. And camera doesnt focus on my hero.
The portal its rigth i think, they offers a better way to defend/attack objectives from the other side of the map, if they don't exist or are disabled for a time defending/ambush/attack enemies will be more difficult because there are only a bit way to go.
And about the camera, you are right, i will implement that when i figured how to detect when a unit uses the portal ability.

- Buying mercanery system useless on late game. Heroes can kill them instantly
The neutrals gains bonus HP and MP based on the hero main attribute but i think it's not enough for the late game. Maybe i will add a way to hide this unit and the hero can call it when it requires. more like a pet system.

Items are confusing for newbies. There are upgrade/enchant and recipe system. (it's good but confusing)
Yeah the items are not friendly to newbies, and i'm thinking about to how making it more simple. Maybe the recipe system will be gone for the future updates.

Upgrading your abilites by honor point makes unbalance between heroes. 1 hero can carry the whole game.
A hero can upgrade 1 ability per level. But the upgrade cost honor that is used for purchase the recipes of items as well.
Maybe increasing the level skip requeriment to 2 levels. Or maybe requires some balance.

Many items need honor point. If you are weak game forces to rage-quit you.
Yeah, when your team are lossing, its a bit hard to get honor points, the best solution for this its attacks together with your boss, because he increases his Rage level and deals more damage, but the AI tend to go alone to get objectives.
The suggestion that will be good here is, when you are lossing, dont fight alone vs 2,3 heroes, take advantage of the boss rage, attack gold mines to force the enemies to defend it and leave, go for neutrals, basically bait the enemies, when the other team has various points captured its hard to defend all of them.

= Add suggested item vendors for heroes. It will be easy to understand builds. (Leaguge of legends system, you need to know which item usefull for your hero)
Good suggestion, i will add it.

= My own suggestion: import warsong glutch/arathi basin war theme to your map from WoW. It makes better atmosphere
I already have the Capture/Loss points from Arathi Basin, do you refer to the music theme? if yes would be good, i will implement it.

= Add tooltip on gameplay ( -tooltip etc.)
I don't understand.

= Nerf the AI or add option for AI Level (It's best AI I have ever Seen before on hiveworkshop, do not misunderstand)
Like i said above, its question of practice, and thanks, i was spending too much time on this AI :D.

= Add more powerfull mercenaries and change their costs.
Yeah i will change to mercenaries to make it more viable.

= Add global honor point events for weak players on mid game
Capturing bases and gold mines gives honor globally, and every kill of any player gives 2 honor globally. The hero don't loose honor when killed. But i will take care about.

= Hero selection system is too detailed. It's good but I spend 10 min to how to select my hero.
Yeah its hard the first time, i will think about this.

= Add upgrade to creeps.
The creeps are upgraded every 7 min, and every new level of the towers adds 1 new unit to the spawned group.

Thanks for the review, it motivates me to making more changes to the map :).
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Warcraft Moderator
Level 67
Aug 10, 2018
I only played one game game against AI but I have to say that everything felt really crisp and you did a great job with the terrain and UI/presentation. From what little I played the heroes seemed fairly original and their designs had a recurring theme that promoted a certain style of gameplay unique to the hero. I enjoyed conquering objectives to gain Honor, and I really enjoyed the amount of customization each hero had between Items, Enchants, Ability Masteries, and Talents. Overall, a really solid AoS map. 4/5.

Some issues I had:
-Messy tooltips. Some spelling mistakes and over complicated tooltips. Add a description for Gold/Honor in the top right UI. Also, I noticed that your tooltips for learning an ability are a lot better than your already learned tooltips. I think you should use the learning format that separated the abilities description from the actual stats like damage, slow %, duration, etc.

-The Talents (the stats that you could level up every few levels on your hero) seemed unbalanced. I noticed at one point I could choose from: "+25 to One Attribute" OR "+20 to All Stats". I clearly went with +20 to All Stats seeing as how that amounts to a total of +60 Stats versus +25. I'd lower the +All Stats to something like 5/10/15 or increase the single stat.

-Overall balancing seems all over the place, but that's to be expected with AoS games. Me and 2 of my AI allies couldn't fight a lower level hero (The scorpion hero) because he had the Regeneration Rune. Not sure if this is intended, but it seemed a bit too powerful.

-Not sure if there are tips or a guide, but if not, maybe add a -Noob command that will give the player tips throughout the game. Like a tip for when you get enough honor (25+) to upgrade your skills, a tip for when you have enough gold for a recipe, a tip for when you can level up a new Talent.
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
-Messy tooltips. Some spelling mistakes and over complicated tooltips. Add a description for Gold/Honor in the top right UI. Also, I noticed that your tooltips for learning an ability are a lot better than your already learned tooltips. I think you should use the learning format that separated the abilities description from the actual stats like damage, slow %, duration, etc.
Nice suggestion, i think that the tooltips are a bit confusing even with the highlighted words. Making the format same as the learn tooltip will be good. also will be more flexible if i want to implement dynamic tooltips in a future.

-The Talents (the stats that you could level up every few levels on your hero) seemed unbalanced. I noticed at one point I could choose from: "+25 to One Attribute" OR "+20 to All Stats". I clearly went with +20 to All Stats seeing as how that amounts to a total of +60 Stats versus +25. I'd lower the +All Stats to something like 5/10/15 or increase the single stat.
You are right, this need a bit more balancing to make all the options viable and useful.

-Overall balancing seems all over the place, but that's to be expected with AoS games. Me and 2 of my AI allies couldn't fight a lower level hero (The scorpion hero) because he had the Regeneration Rune. Not sure if this is intended, but it seemed a bit too powerful.
Do you reffer to the short dash? the scorpion hero selects the "Flash Recovery" heroic trait, that it allows he to dash a short distance and heals him upon end, based on his level, but this heal can make a "Critical" increases the healing too much. Maybe this hero it's a bit unbalanced (movility ability [E], magic resistance [Q}, good slow [W]) in the next version will be nerfed a bit.

Not sure if there are tips or a guide, but if not, maybe add a -Noob command that will give the player tips throughout the game. Like a tip for when you get enough honor (25+) to upgrade your skills, a tip for when you have enough gold for a recipe, a tip for when you can level up a new Talent.
Yeah i will be add a Tips system to help players, good suggestion.

Thanks for playing the map, i will handle all your suggestions :).

Played the map with a friend and one thing that bothered us was that the AI picks heroes before the players do, heavily limiting the amount of options we had as a result. Could you make it so that the AI picks heroes after players?
Ups i changed the elapsed time that AI starts picking heroes for testing purposes, and i forgot change it again.

In the next version it will be fixed, thanks for playing the map.



Warcraft Moderator
Level 67
Aug 10, 2018
It wasn't Flash Recovery (I was using that myself), I think it was the Healing powerup/rune that you can pick up. I assumed you had made one similar to the DotA Regen Rune, except that in this case it isn't dispelled upon taking damage. I saw some kind of nature icon in his status bar, I'll have to play again since it's all becoming a bit foggy now.
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
The healing rune its not similar to DotA because it heals you instantly based on your level.
One item gives rejuvenation but in the item build of the hero this item not exist.
The Elder Sage (E) ability makes healing overtime and has a nature icon.
The Healing Salve item recovers Hp and Mp periodically and cannot be dispelled upon taking damage. The AI sometimes purchase this item and uses it.
Some of big sources of healing that the map has is the healing of Paladin's (E) and the heroic trait (Replenish).



Warcraft Moderator
Level 67
Aug 10, 2018
Ah, now I'm all sorts of confused. Maybe it was just a healing salve, because I believe I had the Elder Sage on my team (I remember being healed by him, Furion model?). So if it was the Healing Salve then perhaps have it dispel from taking damage, or, maybe reduce it's effect by like 50% or something while in combat. Or keep it the same as it is, now that I realize how it works it's not a big deal.

Anyway, good luck with the map.
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
The salve heals 250 Hp in 30 seconds, that means 8.33 Hp per second.
Reducing it to 50% during combat would be nice.

Thanks for the suggestions :).

Fixed the time when AI start picking heroes.
I'm working on a new system to learn the hero upgrades.
The Upgrades can be learned directly in the hero, and has a better tooltip structure.



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Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
You should use another colour than the second red for team 1's AI. The first player is already red.
Why does Honour have the icon of the teleportation stone?
Maybe make a special box/unit where you enchant items with a finite number of inventory slots. I guess you could use the stash for it?

Well, there's a whole lot of stuff going on that needs time to take in properly. It's an expansive AoS.


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Daffa the Mage
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
You should use another colour than the second red for team 1's AI. The first player is already red.

Do you refer to the color of the Horde Team? the red its representative for The Horde and it's a bit darkened, i will search for other variations of red.

Why does Honour have the icon of the teleportation stone?

Ups i didn't notice, i will change the honor icon.

Maybe make a special box/unit where you enchant items with a finite number of inventory slots. I guess you could use the stash for it?

I'm not sure if uderstand this, do you refer to make a unit with inventory, so the player can place the item in this unit and give the unit a way to enchant the items?
at the beginning I thought do it like this, but selecting a specific enchant will be difficult because there are a lot enchants to choose from.

I'm remaking the items, and possibly the mechanic of enchanting will be changed as well.

The map it's overwhelming the first time, but when you take it, its easy to play and i'm thinking many more features but also thinking a way to make it more friendly to newbies.

Thanks for approval :).
Level 1
May 16, 2019
awesome map! I stayed the whole Sunday playing.
I've been playing mobas since before mobas and I was amazed at the originality of your map. Great work
looking forward for future updates o /
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
After a long time, new version available, fully working on 1.31.1 patch.

New Hero: Goblin Grenadier (Agility/Neutral)



Version 1.2
- Removed recipe system by a Tier-up item system.
- Added new Items.
- Balance Changes.
- And more.
- Full changelog here. Golden Lands Updates


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Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
New Update V1.7
  • New Hero Warlock (Intelligence/Undead)
  • New Items
  • Various improvements to the AI
  • A lot of balance and changes to abilitites and items




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Level 1
May 16, 2019
Amazing work as always.
but u cant find the skill mastery preview from early versions Oó, also the the "perk attributes", "special attributes" and "perk select" menus arent showing nothing :(
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Amazing work as always.
but u cant find the skill mastery preview from early versions Oó, also the the "perk attributes", "special attributes" and "perk select" menus arent showing nothing :(
That's true, i think that the optimizer did something bad this time, because in the dev version all of them are fine.
I will see whats its causing this bug, thanks for playing :)
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Update Version 1.9
  • Added a Results Multiboard, where the players can see a plenty pieces of information about the match.
  • Added a Victory Scene (more pleasant than the poorly text "The Horde Wins")
  • Some Balance Changes



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Interesting map. But the time waiting for round is too long, and AI druid always stuck inside the cliff.
And when AI is at a much lower level, they'll continue to attack enemy instead of staying with minion or junging to gain exp.
I don't know how many heroes are teleporting when seeing the buff on buildings.
Revive time could be longer on high level hero.
Hoping there'll be a just killing mode.:D

Archer is str hero, is that on purpose?
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Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Interesting map. But the time waiting for round is too long, and AI druid always stuck inside the cliff.
And when AI is at a much lower level, they'll continue to attack enemy instead of staying with minion or junging to gain exp.
I don't know how many heroes are teleporting when seeing the buff on buildings.
Revive time could be longer on high level hero.
Hoping there'll be a just killing mode.:D

Archer is str hero, is that on purpose?

Thanks for playing :).

- The time between rounds is too long because help newbies to select which item purchase.
- To unstuck a hero you can type -unstuck #player but this is a bit annoying so i'm thinking about how i can detect when a hero is stuck and then order him to tp.
- The AI always go for conquer unprotected/weak points but sometimes commit suicide. I'm always working on the AI changing/improving his behavior. Maybe in the future they will be more careful and they can jungling.
- About the teleporting, you are right i will think about how to fix this.
- Actually the respawn time is based on how far you died from your main base, so will be more risky fight and die in the enemy side of the map.

- About the Killing mode, isn't the Last Man Standing mode similar to Kill Mode? or do you mean to a Mode where the winner will be the team that achieves X amount of killing?

- The Archer is a strength hero, i like making that weird heroes :p also it fits to the Lizard theme, also his attributes/attributes per level are balanced to be a mix of Agility/Strength. some people complains about this hero cuz is too strong on some scenarios.
- The time between rounds is too long because help newbies to select which item purchase.
- About the Killing mode, isn't the Last Man Standing mode similar to Kill Mode? or do you mean to a Mode where the winner will be the team that achieves X amount of killing?
- The Archer is a strength hero, i like making that weird heroes :p also it fits to the Lizard theme, also his attributes/attributes per level are balanced to be a mix of Agility/Strength. some people complains about this hero cuz is too strong on some scenarios.

- Maybe there'll be better to have a NPC to let the team skip the waiting time.
- I mean that achieves amount one and yes. Last Man is a group fight mode, the place is small and isn't friendly to some agi heroes. And some assassin hero like bandit in Defult mode they can only kill other hero then teleport home to restore, due to the short revive time they can't buy much time for their team, and more likely spending the same time with the reviving hero walking back to battlefield. If they want to help the team they have to take mines. So a just-kill mode will be nice.
- Archer seems performs well to me, and I love this purple style. Assassin hero with control and immunity is easy to slay her. So zealot and bandit are my favourite, and I think Voodoo cane is a better choice than other accessory for bandit (Maybe you can increase animal's size?).

My own opinion is based on AI fight, I only play with AI and don't know what happen when playing with real people.
Also looking forward to see a not-mage undead hero.:D
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
- Maybe there'll be better to have a NPC to let the team skip the waiting time.
- I mean that achieves amount one and yes. Last Man is a group fight mode, the place is small and isn't friendly to some agi heroes. And some assassin hero like bandit in Defult mode they can only kill other hero then teleport home to restore, due to the short revive time they can't buy much time for their team, and more likely spending the same time with the reviving hero walking back to battlefield. If they want to help the team they have to take mines. So a just-kill mode will be nice.
- Archer seems performs well to me, and I love this purple style. Assassin hero with control and immunity is easy to slay her. So zealot and bandit are my favourite, and I think Voodoo cane is a better choice than other accessory for bandit (Maybe you can increase animal's size?).

My own opinion is based on AI fight, I only play with AI and don't know what happen when playing with real people.
Also looking forward to see a not-mage undead hero.:D

- I will think about a mode that involve only killing.
- Ok i will increase the model size.

I'm working on a some sort of (zombie/undead/tank) hero, and i have a lot of ideas so with some time i will add them to the map.
You can join the discord server if you want, there are several Hero Arena maps that we test sometimes.
- I will think about a mode that involve only killing.
- Ok i will increase the model size.

I'm working on a some sort of (zombie/undead/tank) hero, and i have a lot of ideas so with some time i will add them to the map.
You can join the discord server if you want, there are several Hero Arena maps that we test sometimes.
Thanks for inviting, discord is banned in china, I'm still trying.:D
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Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
New Version, 2.1.
A lot of changes related to gold mines, balance changes, some rework on abilities and a new hero!!
The Moon Mistress (Intelligence, Night Elf)





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Level 2
Dec 16, 2011
Hey. Just wanted to say that i've played your map quite abit and i really like it. Kinda reminds me of the good ol' Arathi Basin from wow which was my favourite BG :D Anyways, i was wondering if there's any place i can find info about how the resistance, evasion and block stats work? I suppose evasion and block is somewhat straight forward but abit unsure about resistance. Couldn't find any explanation of this ingame. Regardless, thanks for a great map :)

Also i apologize if anyone else already suggested this, but i think it would be nice to choose the amount of resources required to win in the original mode. Say something like anywhere from 2, 3, 4 or 5k depending on how long of a game you're in the mood for. I think that'd be nice at least. Just a suggestion :)
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Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Hey. Just wanted to say that i've played your map quite abit and i really like it. Kinda reminds me of the good ol' Arathi Basin from wow which was my favourite BG :D Anyways, i was wondering if there's any place i can find info about how the resistance, evasion and block stats work? I suppose evasion and block is somewhat straight forward but abit unsure about resistance. Couldn't find any explanation of this ingame. Regardless, thanks for a great map :)

I have a guide writed but is outdated and incomplete so, i may update it, since I think the game will not vary much from what I have so far.
Info about those mechanics:
- Block: Chance to block 50% of the attack damage received, when it procs, recovers 4% of max Hp (mostly for strength heroes)
- Evasion: The classic evasion, denies all attack damage.
- Resistance: It's exactly like magic resistance.
There are other mechanics that are important as well.
- Attack Strength: Reduce the Block and Evasion chance of the attacked enemy.
- Spell Strength: Reduce the resistance. (its like spell penetration)

Also i apologize if anyone else already suggested this, but i think it would be nice to choose the amount of resources required to win in the original mode. Say something like anywhere from 2, 3, 4 or 5k depending on how long of a game you're in the mood for. I think that'd be nice at least. Just a suggestion :)

There is a command for that, -rtw # only work on the normal game mode.
-rtw 1: sets the resources cap to win to 2000
-rtw 2: sets the recoures cap to win to 2500
-rtw 3: sets the recoures cap to win to 3000 (default)
This command can be active and changed before the game starts.

Thanks for playing :) if you have some other suggestions about the heroes and the items will be welcome.
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
New Version 2.2
- Two new heroes
- Plague Bringer (Strength, Undead)
- Headhunter (Agility, Orc)
- Some Fixed and Balance.






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Level 2
Dec 22, 2019
The items organising in this AoS seems a bit confusing and takes time to understand a build for your hero. The heroes are amazing. I like the druid one a lot. Bonus for being an AoS with capture points. +Rep
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
New Version, 2.3
Drastic modifications to the game play, the boss has been removed, he was influencing the game too much, now the game is strictly PvP.
- Changed the Boss by a Commander placed in each Base, this unit can cast a special abilities that affects heroes or building globally, and has long cooldown.
- New Items and some changes to items.
- Added commands for single player (read the F9 menu)
- Changed some mechanics related to the Obelisk, Enchantments, Traits and Towers.

Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
New Version 2.4
- New hero Gryphon Rider (Human - Agility)

- Balance changes.
- A lot of changes to items and heroes.
- Multiple teleports to the same Tower, Gold Mine has better clustering.
- Masteries and Enchantments changed costs.
- Refine abilities gives Magic Immunity to Guards.


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Level 1
May 16, 2019
i cant play 2.6 and idk why =(
also whats "SD only" stands for?

wc3 version 1.30.2


amazing map :D

edit: map doesnt show on client
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Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
i cant play 2.6 and idk why =(
also whats "SD only" stands for?

wc3 version 1.30.2


amazing map :D

edit: map doesnt show on client

Oh sorry but i'm using the latest version of warcraft editor (1.32) to save it, so that is why you can't play in older versions.
And the SD Only is because i forced the map to run with the Classic graphics in Reforged (until the official editor get some updates for coding).
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Hi, this is the last version of the map i really enjoyed developing it, but now i need to face up another things on my life.
I will make some patches for bugs or balance if is required but there will be no new things.

The map is unprotected, you can see how some abilities or the AI are coded, but WARNING the code is messy (
I'm only supposed to understand it :p).
