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Golden Lands v4.0b AI [Latest Patch]


A custom PvP battleground where 2 teams (Horde and Alliance) fight each other to collect resources, capturing control-points and kill enemies around the map.



30 fully customized heroes to choose from, also there are exclusive heroes for the Horde and the Alliance.
All hero abilities has its upgrade, that can be learned starting from the level 4 and each 2 levels a point to spend in any upgrade is given to the player. The first level 3 upgrade enables his Superior Upgrade effect.
At level 14 the player can choose a Mastery for the hero, each hero has his own mastery effects.

The hero can select from 12 heroic traits with differents effects, only one heroic trait can be selected.

The Perks are bonuses like Attributes, Damage, Hp, etc. that a hero can learn at levels 6,11,16 and 19, instead a skill point.
The level 19 Perk will improve some enchantments.



The map has a Tiered item system, every not normal item can be Tier-up 2 times, improving the item attributes and his abilities.
Also there is 4 class of items (Weapon/Armor/Trinket/Magic Accesory). A hero can only carry 3 items of the same type at a time.
To tier-up an item, pres ALT and an icon will be showed next to the item in the inventory. The current tier of the item is denoted with color borders in the item icon (green, yellow and red).

All items can be enchanted (except normal items and consumables) , adding bonuses or new effects.
  • Some of the enchants are stackable(Multiple enchants of the same type in different items works).
  • An item can only be affected by one enchant at once.
  • There is 3 types of enchantments Weapon, Armor and Normal.
The Enchantment purchased is showed in this ability, the player can click the icon to sell the enchant.

To enchant an item pres ALT and a icon will be showed next to the item that can be enchanted.


In each side magical runes will be spawned each 2 minutes, every of them gives bonuses or other effects.


The Gold Mines and Towers are controllabe structures and the most important factor to win the game, the Towers provides a good place to defend and can spawn units, and the Gold Mines generates the Resources used to win the game.
  • Spawns units periodically to attack enemy Towers, also the Tower is upgraded (up to level 5) automatically if is controlled at least 10 minutes, his mana bar shows the progress.
  • Each upgrade brings a new unit to the spawned group.
  • To controll a Tower the hero need to enter the circle of power for 15 seconds.


  • The Gold Mines are special structures that generate the Resources periodically.
  • The structure is guarded by special units.
  • The guards level is equal to the own Tower.



The Commander are powerfull heroes that can be used to defend or attack Towers and Gold Mines.
This hero has the "Refine" abilities and "Normal" abilities.

  • The Refine abilities are enabled when the Commader is in the base.
  • The Refine abilities can be activated by any player of the team.
  • The Refine abilities affects all Towers and Gold Mine Guards.
  • The Refine abilities shares cooldown.


  • The Combat abilities are enabled when the Commader is fightning in the battleground.
  • The Commader can enter the battleground using the Commander Assault ability in the War Hall.
  • The Combat abilities damage and bonuses scales with the game time.



The Ancient Obelisk its a structure located in the middle of the map, is activated at 10 minutes of the game, the players can take the control of it for 5 minutes and after that time will be able to controled again.

  • To take the control of the Obelisk the player need to get closer to it and right-click it.
  • Takes 10 seconds to control the obelisk, when is controled emits a ray of healing every 3 seconds, this heals to a random allied hero that is in combat based on the game time.


The War Hall is a structure that each team owns, this structure has some useful abilities to help the players win the game.

  • Each ability cost Resources and has high cooldown.
  • Any player of the team can activate this abilities.



The is two extra game modes.
  • Last Man Standing: The teams fight each other in 15 rounds, the first team that kills all enemies in the battleground wins the round.
  • Obelisk Defend: Each round a team have to defend the obelisk for a set of time, and the other have to destroy the obelisk (25 hero hits). Win the team that achieves his objective.
The map supports AI players, they are sufficient enough to test the map, and help you understanding how to play the game.
  • The diference between Easy, Normal and Insane is the gold/exp earned and the gold lost upon death.
  • The AI can be semi-controlled be the player, making them to defend Towers/Gold Mines or go to a specific place. To activate this feature press the ALT key and Left-Click to a point in the map (this feature can't be spammed has 5s cd).







Fixed some desyncs.
Reduced hero kill bounty gold.
Increased units and neutrals bounty gold.
Disruption Magus
Q: Reduced base damage from 90/140/190/240 to 90/120/150/180.
W: Now affects 300 AoE at all levels.
Q. Reduced base cd from 8s to 7s.
Scarlet Guard
W: Reduced cast range from 400 to 200.
W: Set cooldown to 7s at all levels.
Up2: Changed to - Increases W cast range by 50/100/150.
Sup2: Changed to - The W absorbing buff remains for 2 seconds.
Sacred Defender
E: Increased cooldown from 20s to 25s.
Q: Fixed a bug where the upgrade reduces cooldown.
Q: Fixed a bug where the missile always returns to the caster even if he did not casted the return ability.
Gryphon Rider
Q: Reduced damage from 120/180/240/300 to 100/140/180/220.
Up2:  Also increases the duration of the amplification by 1/2/3s.
Dwarf Runner
R: Reduced stun duration from 1.5s to 1s.
Q: Increased cooldown from 12s to 18s.
Q: Knockback no longer semi-disables the enemies.
CM: Increases strength bonus from 18 to 24.
Fel Rider
Q: Increases buff duration per bounce from 0.4s to 0.5s.
Q: Set the mana cost to 120 at all levels.
E: Set the mana cost to 25 at all levels.
 Up1: Changed to – Increases the duration of the armor reduction by 2/3/4s.
   Fixed a bug where the Q has an older WM effect.
Up1: Also increases the ability cast range.
E: Reduced max heads from 15 to 10.
Voodoo Priest
Q: Reworked.
W: Reduced Attack count to kill at 2 in all levels.
E: No longer gives/steals movement speed, rather redirects damage.
R: No longer gives a soul by killing enemies, rather the souls are restored periodically.
Axe Master
WM: Gives spell immunity during axe rotation instead of damage buff.
 Q: Reduced damage from 125/225/325/425 to 125/200/275/350.
Shadow Crawler
Sup1: Changed to – Increases cast range by 200.
Doomed Queen
CM: Increased damage reduction from 12% to 20%.
R: Now the demon can attack any unit, not building and the demon attacks the target of Life Drain.
Plague Bringer
E: Changed the damage base to 35 at all levels.
R: Increased Hp cost from 6/8/10% to 8/10/12%.
Elder Sage
Up1: Reduced Q bonus damage from 40/60/60 to 20/40/60.
W: Now heals/damage units around.
Tempest Druid
Reduced base attack damage from 60 to 50 and increased attack rate from 1.75 to 1.8s.
Dream Eater
Reworked some abilities and upgrades.
W: Increased damage to 80/100/120/140.
WM: Changed to - When entering combat casts E.
R: Increased damage stolen from 20/40/60 to 40/50/60.
Champara Bros
Ujimasa Hojo
Marcelo Hossomi
HungaryMaster (Magyar)
Eldin HawkWing
Blizzard Entertainment

Golden Lands v4.0b AI (Map)

ReviewGolden Lands Key ConceptAoS - A kind of AoS which I never seen before. I like that you added plenty pieces of information.:pgrin: The loading screen is nice. Is good that you can see your hero's details well enough before choosing it. I played...
Firstly I like the whole map. I think, It's based on WoW battlegrounds. Here is my review Terrain + Terrain smooth and detailed. + Less doodad and pure quality + It reminds me a wow battleground. + It fits gameplay Gameplay + Combat is non-stop. +...
I only played one game game against AI but I have to say that everything felt really crisp and you did a great job with the terrain and UI/presentation. From what little I played the heroes seemed fairly original and their designs had a recurring...
You should use another colour than the second red for team 1's AI. The first player is already red. Why does Honour have the icon of the teleportation stone? Maybe make a special box/unit where you enchant items with a finite number of inventory...
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
The first bug fixed.
The second bug is because i use some function to pause the units with the latest patch, but in this open source version i'm not using that so you can use all heroes at the end.

I almost forget that when he has anti-magic shield his meat hook triggers the shield and result nothing happened.

Ok, the spell is correctly denied but the hero is still channeling the ability, so its an easy fix.

Thanks for all the reports.

I will upload the fixed version.
Level 1
Jul 13, 2020
Hello there Manuel! I recently found out your map and really like this unique AoS style map. I seem to have found a problem with the latest patch, it seem the details about the ability upgrades of Q-W-E skills are not showing when i hover on them instead they only say "Upgrade the ability x of the hero". I still don't know if the issue is with the map or with my patch version (I am using patch 1.29.2 btw). I hope you can check on this later. Thank you again. :)
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Hello there Manuel! I recently found out your map and really like this unique AoS style map. I seem to have found a problem with the latest patch, it seem the details about the ability upgrades of Q-W-E skills are not showing when i hover on them instead they only say "Upgrade the ability x of the hero". I still don't know if the issue is with the map or with my patch version (I am using patch 1.29.2 btw). I hope you can check on this later. Thank you again. :)

The problem is the game version, this map can be played on 1.29 but the abilities that have dynamic tooltips are broken because blizzard changed the way that the function to change the tooltip works.
So, the tooltips are supposed to work well in 1.30+ patch.
You can download 1.31 from the hive (i remember seeing a thread somewhere) or if you have knowledge about coding you can fix this on your own (the map is unprotected) if not then contact me via pm.

Thanks for playing :).
Level 6
Jul 28, 2019
When I started playing Wc3 again, after a good decade break, this was one of the first custom games I joined. "Wow, maps have gotten really great!" I thought. Fast forward months, I've never been able to find someone else hosting this or get enough to join when i host. I do play later in the day US West hours, which is the worst time to play any online game (worst playerbase and small numbers). Really fun aos, the ai is pretty mean too
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
When I started playing Wc3 again, after a good decade break, this was one of the first custom games I joined. "Wow, maps have gotten really great!" I thought. Fast forward months, I've never been able to find someone else hosting this or get enough to join when i host. I do play later in the day US West hours, which is the worst time to play any online game (worst playerbase and small numbers). Really fun aos, the ai is pretty mean too
I used to host the map in pre reforged patches and i played games 3vs3 5vs5, but now with reforged the player base has reduced a lot and the crossed realms has been removed, so the chance for the map to being hosted is minimal, also the AoS maps aren't really popular on the community, that is why i decided to code the AI almost from the beginning.
And i'm happy that you like the map, i'm working on a new version, but so slowly, thanks for playing :D.
Level 4
Jan 1, 2021
First let me thank you for making such a cool map with AI that works so well. I usually play these AoS or arena-styled maps with my friends or myself against the AI and this map is really great for that. I think the way you can build and upgrade your hero and their items really makes this map amazing, it feels like there are so many ways to play one hero and growing your hero's power by choosing the proper items to build and upgrade feels great.
The heroes I've played as well have pretty fun abilities and mostly seem to be of an appropriate power level. I'd also like the commend the addition of multiple game modes, being able to choose last man standing instead of doing a full game is a nice option to have, though I wish that there were some varied locales for that mode as opposed to using the same part of the map each time, which is also the same part of the map for the obelisk capture mode. That being said though I think this map is great, and I hope you'll continue working on it.
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
First let me thank you for making such a cool map with AI that works so well. I usually play these AoS or arena-styled maps with my friends or myself against the AI and this map is really great for that. I think the way you can build and upgrade your hero and their items really makes this map amazing, it feels like there are so many ways to play one hero and growing your hero's power by choosing the proper items to build and upgrade feels great.
The heroes I've played as well have pretty fun abilities and mostly seem to be of an appropriate power level. I'd also like the commend the addition of multiple game modes, being able to choose last man standing instead of doing a full game is a nice option to have, though I wish that there were some varied locales for that mode as opposed to using the same part of the map each time, which is also the same part of the map for the obelisk capture mode. That being said though I think this map is great, and I hope you'll continue working on it.

Thanks i really appreciate the feedback, i'm working on the map from time to time.
About the extra game modes, i'm not focusing on it at the moment and i have new modes in mind to the next version also i will remove the obelisk defend mode or modified i'm not sure.

I recently uploaded a new version in which i was working for a long time, with a lot of changes to the heroes, items, gameplay, AI and mechanics.

Thanks for playing, any suggestion is welcomed. :)

Full changelog (a lot of text) -> Golden Lands Updates
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
I fixed some game breaking bugs, should be fine now, also there is a new hero and some extra changes.

-Fixed a bug with the Last Man Standing and Obelisk Defend game mode.
-Fixed a bug which the AI stands in the middle of the map for no reason.
-Fixed controlled Obelisk has no vision area.
-Heroes no longer gain 20 Hp per level.
-Increased heroes base Hp by 150.
-Reduced Gold Mine Defenders (Captain and Warlord) base damage from 80 to 60.
-Reduced Towers projectile speed.
-New Hero Warden (Night Elf - Agility).
-Hunting Dagger: Reduced exp bonus from 15% to 10%.
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
New version released has a bunch of changes related to the gameplay, new UI for heroes selection and some new features.

full changelog here:

The main post info and the screenshots are outdated so i will update it soon.

Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Hi, it has been a long time.
I uploaded the last major version of this map, it brings a lot of quality of life changes using the new UI natives, new content and some adjustment to abilities, AI players and gameplay.
Also i updated the post adapting it to the last version (the images and the info was updated).
I will release new versions only fixing posible bugs or balance.

Regards :)
Level 4
Jan 1, 2021
Hey, not sure if you are still working on this map but, I think the preview item/enchant item buttons are missing from the hero information window, unless I am doing something wrong. In 3.5 I remember seeing them but its empty for me on the 4.0b. You can still buy upgrade tokens to upgrade items but there is no way of enchanting them as far as I can tell. I also find myself and my friends needing to use 4.0a and 4.0b has desyncs pretty much every time we reach the 2nd or 3rd round in last man standing.
Level 8
Oct 4, 2016
Hey, not sure if you are still working on this map but, I think the preview item/enchant item buttons are missing from the hero information window, unless I am doing something wrong. In 3.5 I remember seeing them but its empty for me on the 4.0b. You can still buy upgrade tokens to upgrade items but there is no way of enchanting them as far as I can tell. I also find myself and my friends needing to use 4.0a and 4.0b has desyncs pretty much every time we reach the 2nd or 3rd round in last man standing.
I'm not working on this atm, the buttons description is already fixed in the next version but i could not find the desync problem, it need more test and time to be solved.
