Fighting for Azeroth 3D

Fighting for Azeroth: 3D
  • Players: 1-6, with AI support
  • Genre: minigame/other
  • Game version: any 1.24 or later
  • Map version: 1.10
This is a 3D fighting game, similar to Tekken, but with Warcraft 3 theme.
Players fight one on one, a fight lasts until either player wins 3 rounds, up to 2 minutes each.

Main features:
- 3D fighting: jumping, crouching, side stepping, launching the opponent in the air
- Lots of moves: each one of the 20 wc3 characters has at least 15 different attacks with new animations, including kicks, throws, fireballs, and combos.
- Move list: you can look up all the commands during the game by pressing Escape.
- Slow motion: time slows down when both players attack simultaneously and are under half health.

The game is played with arrow keys and WASD.
It starts at the character selection screen, use arrow keys to pick a character, and any WASD key to confirm.
Then, pick a player to fight against; if it's an AI player, you can also choose the character you will fight. A human player will get a dialog asking to agree for a duel.

During battle
  • Escape: pauses the game and shows movelist, with commands for all the different attacks your character can perform.
  • Escape 3 times - quit the fight, returning to selection screen
  • WASD - basic attacks, look up the combinations in movelist during the game
Arrow keys - movement:
  • Tap any arrow key to make a step in that direction
  • hold Left to block
  • hold Right to run
  • hold Up to jump
  • hold Down to crouch


What's new



  • Mana is gained when you are not attacking.
  • Crouching (arrow down) allows to avoid most attacks, except Mid. When an attack lands, you can see what type it is.
  • Blocking (arrow left) stops non-Low attacks.
  • Mix up your throws, lows and mids to make it harder to defend against.
  • Use fast moves to interrupt slow, powerful moves.
  • Some moves can't be interrupted by opponent's attacks, except by Throws
  • You can block, duck or sidestep fireballs
  • Blocking won't work if the opponent flanks you, you have to move to face the opponent
  • While knocked down, hit W to get up, or any arrow to roll
  • When hit with a grab, quickly hit W to break free
  • After the opponent misses his attack or if it gets blocked, you have an advantage in time - use it to punish him.

Compared to the 2-D version at FIGHTING for Azeroth v2.8 [ENG]
  • Sidesteps and other 3D mechanics
  • Damage and attack type indication
  • Slow motion when attacking each other simultaneously on low hp
  • Simplified mana regeneration, the mana bar is split in 3 parts, and full bars glow
  • Blocking no longer requires hitting W
  • Movelist has actual arrow icons instead of numbers, and you no longer have to scroll to find your character
  • Removed unnecessary options from the main menu, leaving just the character selection screen
  • Removed button buffering that led to characters still attacking after you stopped mashing
  • up to 6 players per host, not 2
  • camera is turned around for the player on the right side to remove back/forward key confusion and just make it left/right
  • some characters and moves from the 2D version are not implemented
  • breaking Throws is easier (note that Dreadlord's lifesteal is not a throw)
  • all characters now have intro & victory speeches, no exceptions
  • color selection since version 1.07

* Azsure for Arthas re-texture & reporting bugs
* Blizzard Entertainment
* Jass New Gen Pack, SharpCraft, MdlVis, War3 Model Editor, Blp Lab, Universal KLoader teams
* thanks to whoever made button.mdx, team color glow, and loading screen models
* everyone who wrote helpful comments on Hive and Xgm
* Archimond7450, TheBaBo & roehDU for reporting Desyncs
* WTii for playing the map on stream/YT and it's previous 2-D version before that

A frame is 0.03 seconds (or 8 times slower while in Slow Motion). Roughly, 17 frames is half a second, 8-9 frames is quarter of a second, and 33 frames is a full second.

High – only hits Standing/Air, can be blocked
Mid – hits Standing/Crouch, can be blocked in Standing but not Crouch
Low – hits Standing/Crouch/Ground, can be blocked in Crouch but not Standing
Special mid – hits Air/Standing/Crouch, can be blocked in both Standing and Crouch
i – the move’s startup, the number of frames before it hits
a/b/c – frames on hit/block/miss; e.g. Punch -3/-9/-12 means that on a hit, your opponent only has a 3 frame advantage, on a block it’s 9, and if you miss, they have a 12 frame advantage
KND – knocks down; the opponent will have to get up but this is not counted in the move’s advantage
HC – high crush, this move counts as crouching, thus dodging Highs
LC – low crush, this move counts as air, dodging Lows and Mids
Launch – the move launches the opponent into the air
Tracking – the move may not be avoided by side-stepping
X+Y damage – the second instance is fall damage, which will be dealt when the opponent touches the ground after being launched
QCF - to make the move, press down, then right, then release down and press the letter
No interrupt - this move does not get interrupted by enemy attacks, except Throws; instead, the character is frozen for 12 frames, and continues the attack after they expire. During such a move, you take 25% less damage.
Wallsplat - certain moves do extra damage if the opponent gets knocked into the wall
Hits ground - some moves may hit an opponent laying on the ground even if they are Mids, and launch them dealing bonus fall damage
f - for combos, indicates the frame of the previous attack from which the combo attack triggers
start, end - some moves have multiple active frames, but only hit once. For example, Jaina's Blizzard will try to hit on frames 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70, but once it hits it does not hit again. The later the move hits, the bigger your frame advantage, because the stun time on hit is the same, but neutral comes sooner.
Unblockable - this move may not be blocked, neither in crouch nor standing.

Common and character-specific states:

Common states












State types
- Standing: basic state type where you get hit with all attacks. The most common for moves.
- Crouch: avoids high attacks.
- Air: avoids all low attacks, and mids but not special-mids.
- Ground: may only be hit by low attacks.

All basic states:

Neutral: this is the default state out of which you do most moves. There is a neutral state for each statetype.
Block (standing): the moment you hit “Arrow Left” while in Neutral Standing, the Character goes into Block. It will stop Mid and High attacks.
Block Recovery: when you successfully block an attack, you go into this state for a number of frames depending on the move’s properties. After this many frames, you return into Neutral. During the recovery, you may not move or attack, and if another attack somehow lands during that time, it will hurt you.
Back Dash: during Standing Neutral or Block, if you release the “Arrow Left” less than 0.45 seconds after pressing it, your character will make a step back at 540 starting speed. During the time between pressing and releasing the key, you count as Blocking. A Backdash takes 17 frames to go into Neutral.
Dash: during Standing, if you press “Arrow Right”, the character will dash forward at 720 starting speed. A Dash takes 17 frames to go into Neutral.
Run forward: if you keep holding the “Arrow Right” for 7 frames, the character will start running forward at a constant speed of 540.
Jump start: if you press “Arrow Up”, the character prepares to jump. If you don’t release the button in 9 frames, they will make a jump in place, or forwards/backwards if you are holding “Arrow Right” or “Arrow Left”.
Sidestep Left: if you release “Arrow Up” less than 9 frames after pressing, the character makes a step to their left (up, away from the camera). It takes 15 frames and then goes into Neutral.
Sidestep Right: when you release “Arrow Down” less than 0.45 seconds after pressing it, the character makes a step to their right (down, closer to the camera). It takes 15 frames and then goes into Neutral.
Crouching: if you press “Arrow Down” while Neutral Standing, you instantly go into Crouch Neutral. This state has its own set of attacks and they are indicated in the movelist by an arrow down icon before the letters. While crouching, you may not move normally, but avoid high attacks and block Low attacks.
While standing (up): this state activates when you release “Arrow Down” in Crouch Neutral, more than 0.45 seconds after pressing the button (if you release sooner, you make a sidestep). Or when a Crouch move returns into Neutral and the button is not held down to continue crouching. It instantly changes your state type to “standing”, but takes 8 frames to change into Neutral.
Hurt: each time you get hit with an attack, it puts you in this stunned state for a number of frames depending on the attack. After that, you revert into Neutral of your current state type.
Roll: if you press an Arrow while on the ground, the character will roll in that direction. Rolling back has 640 starting speed, otherwise it’s 540. Rolling can pass through the opponent without collision, and takes 16 frames after which the character stands up.
Stand up: while on the ground, if you press W, or after doing a roll, the character gets up. It counts as crouching, and 15 frames later switches to Crouch Neutral. If you are not holding “Arrow Down” and do not press any letters, then it will also take more frames to stand up from crouch to standing, see “While standing”.
Falling: when a move causes knock down, the character falls for a number of frames depending on the move. This state counts as crouching; after the frames expire, it turns into the neutral ground state.
Bouncing knockdown: certain moves cause knock down that, instead of just laying on the ground, bounces back in the air after a certain number of frames, usually 10. The character’s state type changes first to crouch, then to air.
Frozen: some moves freeze the opponent for some time. A frozen opponent does not get launched or knocked back by further attacks. This state can not be interrupted until it expires.
Hit throw: this state is assumed when you get hit by a throw. It typically lasts 14 frames. During that time, you can press W to break out of that throw, but if you press any other letter then the attempt fails and you don’t get to break out of that throw.

Standing Normals

D Spin kick: High 80 damage at 100 range, 14i +12/-13/-18 LC, Launch, Tracking

fA Throw: Throw 20+65 damage at 100 range, 9i -21/-21/-55 KND

A Punch: High 60 damage at 90 range, 8i -3/-9/-12

dW: Stab: Mid 90 damage at 120 range
- start 11i -20/-29/-32 end 19i -12/-21/-24

W: Slash: Mid 100 damage at 105 range, 11i -9/-16/-21

S: Low kick: Low 45 damage at 90 range, 12i -1/-5/-10

Crouching Normals

dA Uppercut: Special mid 70 damage at 90 range, 12i +7/-21/-26 HC, Launch

dW Low cut: Low 100 damage at 100 range, 13i +4/-21/-26 HC, KND

dD Low kick: Low 50 damage at 110 range, 10i -11/-11/-16 HC

dS Knee: Special mid 75 damage at 85 range, 9i -3/-25/-23 HC, Launch

Air Normals

D Spin kick: High 80 damage at 100 range, 14i +12/-13/-18 KND, LC, tracking

S Kick: Mid 60 damage at 110 range, 12i +12/-23/-25 KND, LC

W/A Slash: Mid 90 damage at 120 range, 9i -21/-26/-28 LC

Special moves

QCF+W Fake dash [1 bar]: Mid, 50 damage projectile, 5i -39/-39/-49 KND

QCF+A Shuriken [1 bar]: High, 60 damage projectile, 15i -7/-7/-17

WS Windwalk [1 bar]: Special-mid 100 damage at 90 range, KND
- start 10i -20/-27/-32, end 30i +0/-7/-12

AD Burning blade [1 bar] Low 100+50 damage at 120 range, -11/-18/-23 Launch

WD Flurry [1 bar]: multihit, No interrupt
- 10 times Mid 25 damage at 90 range, 6i +6/-1/-6
- 11th hit Mid 25 damage at 90 range, 6i -28/-35/-40

dSD Meditate 25i, heals 100 health over the next 50 frames, takes 100 total frames


W, dW (f18) Low cut: Low 100 damage at 100 range, 13i +4/-21/-26 HC, KND

W, dW, uW (f24) Critical strike: Mid 90 damage at 120 range, 9i -21/-26/-28 LC

D, D (f23) Knee: Special mid 75 damage at 85 range, 9i +7/-25/-23 HC, Launch

D, D, A (f15) Uppercut: Special mid 70 damage at 90 range, 12i +7/-21/-26 HC, Launch

dSD, u (f25-75) Jump

dSD, W (f25-75) Low cut: Low 100 damage at 100 range, 13i +4/-21/-26 HC, KND


A+W Whirlwind: multihit, No interrupt, tracking
- Special-mid 80 damage at 120 range, 5i +5/+5/-15
- High 65 damage at 140 range, 15i +8/-5/-12
- High 65 damage at 140 range, 12i +8/-5/-12
- High 65 damage at 140 range, 12i +0/-13/-20

Standing normals

W Chop: Mid 120 damage at 135 range, 14i -15/-21/-28, Hits ground +32 fall damage

D Low kick: Low 50 damage at 90 range, 11i -6/-10/-15

S Shovel: Low 75 damage at 110 range, 13i -11/-17/-23

A Hook sweep: Low 45 damage at 100 range, 10i +10/-19/-26 KND, Tracking, doesn’t hit ground

Crouch normals

dS Shoulder: Special mid 90 damage at 90 range, 8i -24/-25/-34 HC, No interrupt, Launch, +40 wallsplat

dW Chop: Low 100 damage at 110 range, 12i -11/-15/-22, HC, doesn’t hit ground

dD Uppercut: Special mid 70 damage at 90 range, 12i +7/-21/-24 HC, Launch

dA Hook throw: Low 30+100 damage at 105 range, 11i -3/-17/-24 HC, Launch

Air normals

uS Dive: Mid 60+60 damage at 120 range, 12i +11/-15/-25 LC, Hits ground, No interrupt

uD Air kick: Mid 60 damage at 110 range, 12i +12/-23/-25 LC, KND, +40 wallsplat

uW/A Air chop: Mid, 120 damage at 135 range, 14i -15/-21/-28 Hits ground +32 fall damage

Special moves

QCF+S Deathroll [1 bar]: Special Mid, multihit, No interrupt, HC, KND
- 42 damage at 127 range, 20i +14/-3/-10
- 42 damage at 127 range, 10i +14/-3/-10
- 42 damage at 127 range, 10i +14/-3/-10
- 42 damage at 127 range, 10i +14/-3/-10
- 42 damage at 127 range, 10i -2/-19/-26

A+D Bite [1 bar]: Throw 100 damage at 120 range, 14i -20/+6/-40 No interrupt, KND, Heals 100 health

W+D Impale [1 bar]: Low 50+60 damage projectile, Launch

QCF+A Grappling hook [1 bar]: Throw 100 damage at 320 range, 7i +54/-10/-24

bS+D Vomit [1 bar]: projectile 42i -6/-6/-30 No interrupt, Unblockable, KND
- Vomit deals 10 damage, and poisons for 45 damage + any damage Timmy took during vomiting
- Vomit may miss a crouching or prone opponent


A, W (f24, hit): Mid 120 damage at 135 range, 14i -15/-21/-28, Hits ground +32 fall damage


A+W Rageart: Mid, No interrupt, multihit
- 120 damage at 135 range, 16i +6/-13/-14
- 120 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-14
- 120+90 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-21, Launch

Standing normals

fA: Stab: Mid 90 damage at 120 range
- start 11i -9/-18/-21 end 19i -1/-10/-13

A: Cut: Mid 90 damage at 120 range, 12i -14/-20/-30

W: Chop: Mid 100 damage at 130 range, 15i -9/-26/-33 Hits ground +32 fall damage, KND

D: Double kick: multihit
- Low 40 damage at 100 range, 12i -5/-5/-15 doesn’t hit ground
- High 90 damage at 100 range, 15i +23/+11/-9 KND, Tracking

S: Low kick: Low 50 damage at 90 range, 10i -10/-14/-19

Crouch normals

dW: Sword upper-cut: Low 70+45 damage at 90 range, 14i +4/-23/-32 HC, Launch, Hits air, but not ground

dA: Sword cut: Low 100 damage at 110 range, 12i -11/-17/-24 HC, Doesn’t hit ground

dD: Sweep kick: Low 50 damage at 100 range, +14/-11/-16 HC, Launch

Air normals

uS/D: Air kick: Mid 60 damage at 110 range, 12i +12/-23/-25 LC, KND, wallsplat +40

uW/A: Air slash: Mid 100 damage at 130 range, 15i -5/-22/-29 LC, KND, Hits ground +32 fall damage

Special moves

A+S Death grip [1 bar]: Throw 65 damage at any range, 9i +33/-17/-51 (misses air/ground)

W+D Frostmourne [1 bar]: Mid 100 damage at 130 range, 15i +71/-22/-29 Hits ground, Freeze 100 frames

QCF+A Death coil [1 bar]: High 85 damage projectile, 20i -12/-12/-22

dS: Throw [1 bar]: Throw 30+120 damage at 125 range, 9i +28/-6/-40, Launch, Hits ground

bA: "Guard stance" High 100 damage at 90 range, 22i +24/-/- Unblockable, No interrupt, Tracking
- can be interrupted during the startup time
- the sword hits the opponent when they come within range
- the stance uses 1 mana per frame, spending 1 bar in 10 seconds
- to cancel the stance, hold "arrow right"; it takes 16 frames to return to neutral
- Arthas can also do a stab [A] or slash [W] from this stance


A, bA (f15) Mid 90 damage at 120 range, 12i -14/-20/-30

A, bA, W (f20) Low 70+45 damage at 90 range, 14i +4/-23/-32 HC, Launch, Hits air, but not ground


A+W Rageart: Mid, No interrupt, multihit
- 120 damage at 135 range, 16i +6/-13/-14
- 120 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-14
- 120+90 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-21, Launch

Standing normals

W: Whip: Mid 20+50 damage at 400 range, 6i -13/-13/-28 Launch, Hits ground, may miss at close range

A: Stab: High 75 damage at 100 range, 10i -4/-10/-14

S: Low kick: Low 50 damage at 90 range, 11i -6/-10/-15

D: Spin kick: High 110 damage at 110 range, 14i +12/-13/-18 Launch, Tracking

Crouch normals

dS: Mid kick: Special mid 60 damage at 100 range, 11i -1/-17/-21 HC
- on counterhit against standing, 90 damage +11/-15/-21 Launch

dA: Stab: Special mid 65 damage at 100 range, 9i -3/-9/-13 HC

dD: Sweep kick: Low 50 damage at 100 range, 14i +14/-11/-16 HC, Launch

dW: Throw: Throw 20+75 damage at 100 range, 9i -21/-21/-55 HC, Launch

Air normals

uS/D: Air kick: Mid 100 damage at 90 range, 9i -17/-21/-23 LC, Launch

uW/A: Whip: Mid 20+50 damage at 400 range, 6i -13/-13/-28 Launch, Hits ground, may miss crouch/ground

Special moves

W+S: Life drain [2 bars]: High 4x30 damage projectile, 12i -12/-28/-28 Heals 90 health
- if the projectile hits, it does 30 damage, and then the Demoness syphons 30 health x3 times

QCF+A: Fireball [1 bar]: High 120 damage projectile, 12i -10/-10/-20


W, W+D (f13-29): Whip slam [1 bar]: Mid 35+50 damage -15/-21/-25 Launch

S, bS (f13, hit): Special mid 25+60 damage at 110 range, 7i +5/-20/-25 Launch

S, bS, D (f23, hit): Mid 90 damage at 100 range, 10i -4/-10/-14 Hits air, Launch


A+W Rageart: Mid, No interrupt, multihit
- 120 damage at 135 range, 16i +6/-13/-14
- 120 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-14
- 120+90 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-21, Launch

Standing normals

S Stab: Low 80 damage, doesn’t hit ground
- start 90 range, 10i -19/-20/-29
- end 140 range, 14i -15/-16/-25

W Cleave: High 110 damage at 125 range, 14i +8/-23/-28, KND, Tracking

A Punch: High 65 damage at 90 range, 9i -1/-2/-11

D Double kick: multihit
- Low 40 damage at 100 range, 12i -2/-2/-12, doesn’t hit ground
- High 60 damage at 100 range, 12i +10/-2/-22, Launch

Crouch normals

dW Slash: Low 60 damage at 100 range, 14i +10/-21/-26, HC, KND

dA Punch: Low 40 damage at 90 range, 9i -3/-4/-13, HC, doesn’t hit ground

dS Shoulder: Special mid 90 damage at 90 range, 8i -24/-25/-34, HC, No interrupt, Launch, wallsplat +40

dD Kick: Low 65 damage at 90 range, 11i -9/-13/-18 HC

Air normals

uS/D Air kick: Mid 60 damage at 110 range, 12i +12/-23/-25, LC, KND, wallsplat +40

uA/W Chop: Mid 80 damage at 155 range, 13i -14/-20/-27, LC, Hits ground +32 fall damage, Hits air

Special moves

W+D Throw: 20+65 damage at 100 range, 9i -9/-21/-55 Launch

A+D Roar [1 bar]: 60 damage at 150 range, 16i +16/-23/-32 KND, Unblockable, No interrupt, wallsplat +60
- Roar burns 10% of the opponent’s maximum mana on hit

QCF+S Giant swing [1 bar]: Throw 65+60 damage at 125 range, 9i -8/-10/-24 Launch, wallsplat +90

QCF+A Fireball [1 bar]: High 120 damage projectile, 12i -10/-10/-20


W, bW (f22): Backswing: Mid 140 damage at 125 range, 14i +8/-23/-28, KND

W, bW, uW (f24): Low 70+45 damage at 115 range, 10i +14/-13/-22, Launch


A+W Rageart: Mid, No interrupt, multihit
- 120 damage at 135 range, 16i +6/-13/-14
- 120 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-14
- 120+90 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-21, Launch

Standing normals

S Slide kick: Special mid 75 damage at 90 range, HC, Launch, hits ground
- start 11i -7/-27/-31
- end 16i -2/-22/-26
- Slide kick does not launch crouching opponents, but forces them into standing

W Blade spin: multihit, LC
- High 60 damage at 105 range, 11i -2/-6/-11
- High 60 damage at 105 range, 11i -8/-12/-17

A Stab: Mid 75 damage at 90 range, 10i -1/-5/-10

D Kick: Mid 90 damage at 90 range, 13i -3/-9/-22, Launch

Crouch normals

dW Backflip: Special mid 60 damage at 100 range, 10i -2/-27/-32 Launcher, HC, LC
- counts as crouching until the hit frame, then counts as air

dA Stab: Special mid 50 damage at 90 range, 7i -4/-8/-13, HC

dS Sweep kick: Low 55 damage at 100 range, 13i +11/-14/-19, HC, Launch
- against crouching opponents, +1/-14/-19 and doesn’t launch

dD Mid kick: Low 45+45 damage at 100 range, 12i +6/-19/-24, HC, Launch, doesn’t hit ground

Air normals

uW Backflip: Special mid 60 damage at 100 range, 10i -2/-27/-32 Launcher, LC

uD Air kick: Mid 60 damage at 110 range, 12i +12/-23/-25, KND, LC, wallsplat +40

uS Air slide: Mid 90 damage at 135 range, LC, KND
- start 10i +4/-25/-32, end 14i +8/-21/-28

Special moves

W+D Throw [1 bar]: Throw 140 damage at 115 range, 9i -18/+10/-4

A+D Immolation [1 bar]: 160 damage at 320 range, 36i +27/-/-9, Unblockable, KND, No interrupt

QCF + A Fireball [1 bar]: High 120 damage projectile, 12i -10/-10/-20

u, fA Air fireball [1 bar]: Mid 120 damage projectile, 12i -10/-10/-20, LC


dS, W: Blade spin: multihit, LC
- Mid 90 damage at 105 range, 11i -2/-6/-11 Launch
- Mid 90 damage at 105 range, 11i -8/-12/-17 Launch

dS, W, D: Kick Mid 90 damage at 90 range, 13i -3/-9/-22, Launch


A+W Rageart: No interrupt, multihit
- Mid, 120 damage at 135 range, 16i +16/-17/-24, Launch
- 65 damage, 4i +20/-/- Launch
- 65 damage, 20i +20/-/- Launch
- 65 damage, 20i +25/-/- Launch
- 50 damage, 15i +25/-/- Launch
- 50 damage, 15i +25/-/- Launch
- 50 damage, 15i +10/-/- Launch

Standing normals

S Low kick: 40 damage at 90 range, 11i -7/-9/-13, doesn’t hit ground
- on counterhit does 90 damage, +19 Launch

D Spin kick: Mid 80 damage at 110 range, 14i +12/-13/-18, Tracking, Launch

A Uppercut: Special mid 90 damage at 90 range, 11i -3/-22/-25, Launch

W Punch: High 60 damage at 90 range, 8i -3/-9/-12

Crouch normals

dA Uppercut: Special mid 100 damage at 90 range, 11i -12/-18/-21 HC, Launch, LC

dD Frontflip: Mid 90 damage at 100 range, 14i +14/-8/-20 HC, LC, KND

dS Cancan kick: multihit, LC, Launch, doesn’t hit ground
- Low 50 damage at 115 range, 13i +20/-12/-14
- Low 50 damage at 115 range, 14i +19/-12/-15

dW Punch: Low 50 damage at 90 range, 9i -8/-12/-14 HC

Air normals

uA/W Air punch: High 70 damage at 135 range, 10i +12/-13/-18 LC

uD Air spin kick: High 80 damage at 110 range, 14i +12/-11/-16 LC, Launch, Tracking

uS Air kick: High 120 damage at 90 range, 9i -11/-15/-17 LC, KND

Special moves

QCF+W Firepalm [1 bar]: HC, No interrupt, multihit
- Mid 60 damage at 135 range, 24i +7/+16/-8
- High 60+60 damage, 17i +10/+10/-

W+D Throw [1 bar]: Throw 50+75 damage, 9i -9/-21/-55 Launch

A+D Flamestrike [2 bars]: 195 damage, KND, Unblockable
- targets the enemy position at 6i, 21 frames later creates a radius 320 explosion +11/-/-25

QCF+W Fireball [1 bar]: Mid 115 damage at 135 range, 16i +8/+8/-16
- if the punch misses, creates a High 115 damage projectile, 16i -4/-4/-16


W, A (f16, hit): Special mid 90 damage at 90 range, 11i -3/-22/-25, Launch

W, A, D (f16, hit): Mid 80 damage at 110 range, 14i +12/-13/-18, Tracking, Launch


A+W Rageart: Mid, No interrupt, multihit
- 120 damage at 135 range, 16i +6/-13/-14
- 120 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-14
- 120+90 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-21, Launch

Standing normals

W Chop: Mid 100 damage at 120 range, 15i -9/-14/-21

A Rend: High at 90 range, multihit
- 35 damage, 8i -3/-6/-8
- 35 damage, 8i -3/-6/-8

S Sweep: Low 65 damage at 100 range, 13i +13/-12/-17 Launch

D Tail uppercut: Special mid 25 damage + 75 poison at 90 range, 12i -5/-24/-33 Launch

Crouch normals

dD Leap: Special mid, 80 damage at 90 range, HC, No interrupt, LC, KND
- start 13i +7/-13/-29, end 29i +23/+3/-13
- against a crouching or air opponent, only does 40 damage, only +13 on hit, and doesn’t knock down

dS Slash: Low 100 damage at 100 range, 13i +4/-21/-26 HC, KND

dA Punch: Special mid 60 damage at 90 range, 8i -5/-13/-15 HC

dW Stab: Mid 80 damage at 120 range, HC
- start 11i -13/-22/-25, end 19i -5/-14/-17

Air normals

uS/D Air kick: Mid 60 damage at 110 range, 12i +12/-23/-25, LC, KND, wallsplat +40

uW/A Air chop: Mid 100 damage at 120 range, 15i -9/-14/-21 LC

Special moves

A+D Slow [1 bar]: 10i, halves the opponent’s movement speed for 360 frames (including knockback)

A+S Throw [1 bar]: Throw 20 damage + 120 poison at 100 range, 9i +17/-10/-24 KND, hits ground

QCF+S Crushing wave [1 bar]: Special mid 75 damage projectile, 13i +15/-9/-21, KND, wallsplat +75

QCF+A Fireball [1 bar]: High 100 damage projectile, 15i -7/-7/-17


S, fD (20f, hit) Special mid 25 damage + 75 poison at 90 range, 12i -5/-24/-33 Launch

S, fD, fD (24f, hit) Special mid, 40 damage at 90 range, No interrupt
- start 13i +7/-13/-29, end 29i +13/+3/-13


A+W Rageart: Mid, No interrupt, multihit
- 120 damage at 135 range, 16i +6/-13/-14
- 120 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-14
- 120+90 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-21, Launch

Standing normals

S Low kick: Low 50 damage at 90 range, 11i -6/-10/-15

W Slash: Mid 100 damage at 105 range, 12i -8/-10/-20

D Spin kick: High 110 damage at 110 range, 14i +12/-13/-18 Launch, Tracking

A Stab: Special mid 75 damage at 90 range, 10i -1/-5/-10

Crouch normals

dW Frontflip: Mid 90 damage at 100 range, 14i +14/-8/-20 HC, LC, KND

dS Knee: Special mid 60 damage at 85 range, 9i +7/-34/-23 LC, KND

dA Stab: Low 55 damage at 90 range, 9i -4/-8/-13 HC

dD Mid kick: Low 45+45 damage at 100 range, 12i +6/-19/-24 HC, Launch, doesn’t hit ground

Air normals

uS/D Air kick: Mid 60 daamge at 110 range, 12i +12/-23/-25 LC, KND, wallsplat +40

uW/A Air slash: Mid 80 damage at 90 range, 9i -11/-15/-17 LC

Special moves

S+D Blink [1 bar]: 9i -13

W+D Throw [1 bar]: Throw 150 poison +20 fall damage at 100 range, 9i -9/-21/-55 Launch

QCF+W Spin [1 bar]: No interrupt, multihit
- High 75 damage at 100 range, 12i -4/-6/-16
- High 75 damage at 100 range, 12i -4/-6/-16
- High 75 damage at 100 range, 12i -8/-10/-20

QCF+A Shadowstrike [1 bar]: High 10 damage + 120 poison projectile, 12i -6/-6/-20


W, bW (f20) Mid 100 damage at 105 range, 9i -8/-10/-20


A+W Rageart: Mid, No interrupt, multihit
- 120 damage at 135 range, 16i +6/-13/-14
- 120 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-14
- 120+90 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-21, Launch

Standing normals

A: Cut: Special mid 125 damage at 120 range, 13i -8/-20/-27 Tracking

S: Low kick: Low 50 damage at 90 range, 10i -10/-14/-19

D: Headbutt: High 70 damage at 100 range, 13i +19/-29/-17 No interrupt, KND, wallsplat +40

W: Poke: Mid 60 damage at 135 range, 13i -5/-11/-17 wallsplat +40

Crouch normals

dA: Cut: Low 100 damage at 110 range, 12i -11/-17/-24 HC, Doesn’t hit ground

dD: Headbutt: Special mid 75 damage at 90 range, 12i +1/-18/-30 HC, Launch

dS Shoulder: Special mid 90 damage at 90 range, 10i -12/-13/-22, HC, No interrupt, Launch, wallsplat +40

dW Killing blow: High 165 damage at 120 range, 24i +22/+22/-30 No interrupt, KND, Tracking

Air normals

uS/D Air kick: Mid 60 damage at 110 range, 12i +12/-23/-25, LC, KND, wallsplat +40

uA/W Chop: Mid 80 damage at 155 range, 13i -14/-20/-27, LC, Hits ground +32 fall damage, Hits air

Special moves

A+D War stomp [1 bar]: Low 60+60 damage at 190 range, 15i +15/-16/-21 Launch, No interrupt

uA+D War stomp [1 bar]: Low 60+60 damage at 190 range, 15i +15/-16/-21 Launch, No interrupt, LC

QCF+D Throw: Throw 60 damage at 100 range, 9i -8/-21/-55, KND, wallsplat +105

QCF+A Shockwave [1 bar] Special mid 100 damage projectile, 14i +18/-6/-18 KND, wallsplat +65


S, A (17f): Special mid 125 damage at 120 range, 13i -8/-20/-27 Tracking

S, A, A (24f): Special mid 125 damage at 120 range, 13i -8/-20/-27 Tracking

S, A, A, W (24f): High 165 damage at 120 range, 24i +22/+22/-30 No interrupt, KND, Tracking


A+W Rageart: Mid, No interrupt, multihit
- 120 damage at 135 range, 16i +6/-13/-14
- 120 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-14
- 120+90 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-21, Launch

Standing normals

D: Spin kick, High 110 damage at 110 range, 14i +12/-13/-18 Launch, Tracking

S: Low kick, Low 50 damage at 90 range, 11i -6/-10/-15

W: Punch, High 60 damage at 90 range, 8i -3/-9/-12

A: Staff slam, Mid 50 damage at 100 range, 12i -11/-22/-25 wallsplat +35

fD: Axe kick, multihit
- Special mid 55 damage at 90 range, 12i -7/-2/-12
- Mid 65 damage at 90 range, 12i +6/-19/-24 Launch

fS: Power kick, Special mid 40 damage at 90 range, 12i -13/-15/-20 wallsplat +25
- on counterhit or against crouching opponent, does 65 damage, +0 instead of -13, Launch

fW: Throw 20+65 damage -21/-21/-55 KND

Crouching normals

dS: Low kick, Low 50 damage at 90 range, 11i -9/-13/-18 HC

dD: Knee, Special mid 55 damage at 90 range, 11i +12/-13/-18 HC, Launch, wallsplat +40

dW: Uppercut, Special mid 70 damage at 90 range, 12i +7/-12/-24 HC, Launch

dA: Staff attack, multihit
- Low 55 damage at 90 range, 15i -3/-9/-12, HC, doesn’t hit ground
- Special mid 75 damage at 90 range, 12i -13/-19/-22 HC, Launch

(ground) S: Get up kick, Low 80 damage at 100 range, 10i -6/-10/-12 HC

Air normals

uW/A Air staff: Mid 140 damage at 110 range, 13i -13/-15/-19 KND, LC

uD Air spin kick: High 80 damage at 100 range, 14i +12/-13/-18 KND, LC, Tracking

uS Air kick: Mid 80 damage at 90 range, 9i -17/-21/-23, hits ground

Special moves

A+D Blizzard [1 bar]: 140 damage at 120-280 range, Unblockable, freezes for 100 frames
- start i30 +50/-/-50, end i70 +90/-/-10

S+D Slow [1 bar]: 10i, halves the opponent’s movement speed for 360 frames (including knockback)

QCF+W Frost bolt [1 bar]: High 30 damage projectile, 12i +80/-20/-20 freezes for 100 frames

QCF+A Ice shards [2 bars]: Special mid, multihit
- 45 damage projectile 12i +4/-4/-6
- 45 damage projectile 6i +4/-4/-6
- 45 damage projectile 6i +4/-4/-6
- 45 damage projectile 6i +4/-4/-6
- 45 damage projectile 6i -2/-10/-12


A, S (f16): Low 50 damage at 100 range, 6i -5/-11/-14, doesn’t hit ground

A, S, A (f14): Mid 75 damage at 100 range, 12i +7/-22/-25 KND, wallsplat +35


A+W Rageart: Mid, No interrupt, multihit
- 120 damage at 135 range, 16i +6/-13/-14
- 120 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-14
- 120+90 damage at 135 range, 14i +6/-13/-21, Launch


Fighting for Azeroth: 3D, v1.10 (Map)

You don't need to write the number of players in brackets; the game and site knows it. It's an OKish map. Sometimes, the controls are unresponsive especially when more than 1 keys are pressed. Sounds could be better for abilities, hits, falls...
Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Has anyone played it yet? Especially interested in multiplayer results as I only had one report on MP so far.
The best characters to pick with the most moves are as follows:
1. Blademaster - 22 moves (done)
2. Peasant - 15 moves
3. Abomination, Jaina - 13 moves
4. Felguard - 12 moves
5. Arthas, Golem, Kael - 10 moves
6. Dreadlord, Illidan, Maiev, Shaman, Panda - 8-9 moves
7. Skeleton, Uther - have no special moves, only normals like punch


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
You don't need to write the number of players in brackets; the game and site knows it.

  1. It's an OKish map. Sometimes, the controls are unresponsive especially when more than 1 keys are pressed.
  2. Sounds could be better for abilities, hits, falls, jumps-landings, etc.
  3. I could not jump and attack at the same time.
  4. I'm not sure why there are more than 2 players since the game can only be played by two; I guess for tournaments?
  5. Maybe an option to select more arenas.
There has been some extensive work on the animations and such. It's to be appreciated. However, it's far from being a smooth game.


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
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Daffa the Mage
Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Fixed a few bugs with multiplayer and physics, added some moves - every character now has at least 16 moves in the movelist, including at least one throw, air attack, and a rage art

Rage art (A+W) is a special move that is available once the character is down to 20% hp, the less hp the more damage it does. During the rage art, the character takes less damage, and it can't be interrupted even by throws, but can be blocked. It can only be used once per round.

Also made the AI a bit stronger.
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Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Added survival mode (after placing cursor on character, press Esc, then choose Survival) - playing with random AIs until you lose a round, showing how many rounds you lasted.

fixed a few bugs like
* permanent freeze if hit by a frostbolt in air
* could press esc and choose modes during intro animations

added menu and hint sounds, and some other minor changes
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Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Known issues in 1.04:
- please don't press Ctrl-Shift-C, or game camera will not work properly
- the lava arena has low camera height when near the lava
- sidesteps/backdash are doubled
- to play against AI (including practice mode) in multiplayer, you need a spare AI opponent not in combat with another player
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Level 15
Nov 30, 2007
  • After about 15 - 20 minutes the frame rate increased like hell and the game became unplayable - not sure why this happend though. We were 3 players initially and 3 AI:s.
  • The controls were really hard, though that might be me being bad at Tekken. ^^
  • Can multiple players play simultaniously, or is it 1 arena at a time? Because one guy left instantly so I'm wondering if he had an AI to play against.
  • Perhaps import custom sound from Doom: "3, 2, 1, Fight", "Humiliated" (the one you hear in dota) and some custom song.

I'd rate it 3/5, very cool concept but could need some further polishing.
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Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
  • After about 15 - 20 minutes the frame rate increased like hell and the game became unplayable - not sure why this happend though. We were 3 players initially and 3 AI:s.
Thank you for the feedback. I messed up in the last update while trying to improve the controls. Pressing W creates a unit which isn't removed.
Will try to fix this as soon as I can (probably never).
There can be multiple combats simultaneously, may be the third player didn't understand how to choose opponents in the menu.
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Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Made some quick changes in 1.04d to hopefully improve performance
* Sidesteps backdashes no longer doubled
* W no longer spawns lag units in the background
* Sweeps and spinkicks now launch
* Jaina got a new move, right+S kick launches on crouch or counterhit
* fixed camera being too low on lava arena

The laptops right arrow jammed so that's all I managed to do.
Edit: also fixed survival mode incorrect AI moves after first round - the move set remained from the first opponent
[Survival and Training modes are accessed by pressing Escape instead of WASD when picking a hero]

Edit2: sorry if there are many notifications about updates, for some reason hive doubled the map file
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Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Update 1.05
- 2 more heroes: Demoness & Troll priest
- screen fades out when the battle is finished
- you can now pick your favourite arena in the Escape menu
- holding arrow keys on the character selection screen now scrolls it
- small bugs fixed. there are probably more bugs now lol.

Edit: yes there were. 1.05b Fixed the lightnings behaving all weird.
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Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Update 1.05c
- it ain't much but I have finally found and fixed the stupid typo that messed up lightning effects, now they disappear properly.
The bug used to occur whenever a demoness would use W+S life drain, or in any other situation when there were multiple lightning effects at once.
Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Update 1.06
- Fixed trees and houses in front of the camera obscuring the view
- Everyone got more air attacks so that all WASD buttons do something after jumping
- Running speed reduced from 640 to 540
- Reduced preload time at the start of the game from 6 to 2 seconds
- New loadscreen
- Fixed some broken combos, changed some moves
- Knees nerfed, Dreadlord's stomp nerfed
- Kael's Flamestrike now costs 2 bars and takes a few frames longer to cast, but hits harder

There are some multiplayer issues with multiboards (saw these in WTii's recent video) and I just can't fix them.
- Only one player gets to see their movelist at a time, while the other has to wait for their turn to press Esc.
- If there are multiple simultaneous fights, the multiboards are blinking
- Multiboards can get all messed up sometimes after a player presses Esc, health bars get intermingled with movelist text
Level 6
May 8, 2014
I always favor those maps which introduce different game types,surpassing old school rts-ones.Like your other map ToMM,this map is amazing as usual,maybe too good for I couldn't even find a single bug.However,you might need tons of balancing feedback from hardcore fighting-game fans,espacially Tekken players I guess.What a pity for a masterpiece being buried by us.
Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Somebody on YT asked for framedata, so I'll be slowly adding it to the map's description under the "Framedata" tab.
For now it's only the basic states and Blademaster, and some explanations on what any of it means.

Basically, the framedata shows how fast each move is, and how much time you or your opponent have to make their move after that attack hits, misses or gets blocked. There is also the type (High, Mid, Low, Special, Throw), damage, range, does it track, does it launch, and if it avoids highs or lows.

WARNING: Don't open the framedata tab if large walls of text make you uncomfortable.

Edit: please don't mind the resource updates, no need to redownload the map for now. I'm just adding the framedata. It takes me a while to interpret the code.
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Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Version 1.07
- may now choose player color before the game, also added the -color command (-color red, blue, teal, purple, yellow, orange, green, pink or grey)
- new texture for Arthas, by Azsure
- reduced character health by 15% to make "time ups" more rare
- changes with some moves damage, etc
Level 14
Dec 24, 2008
Version 1.07
- may now choose player color before the game, also added the -color command (-color red, blue, teal, purple, yellow, orange, green, pink or grey)
- new texture for Arthas, by Azsure
- reduced character health by 15% to make "time ups" more rare
- changes with some moves damage, etc

Nice, you should consider swapping the icon for Arthas to be the death knight version too now though, as well as his death sound effect, seeing as it's no longer his paladin one.

PS: Apparently typing a -color command that isn't among the ones you listed crashes the game, I tried typing -color light blue before seeing the list of colors and crashed.
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Level 14
Dec 24, 2008
Ok so, here's two things I noticed:
One is that when a player reaches the Rageart threshold (By losing enough health), but has a move that restores health above the Rageart limit, that player will still have the Rageart on them, presumably still able to perform their ultimate when in truth they shouldn't be able to anymore since their health is above the maximum needed. This can be easily confirmed by playing on Practice and doing enough damage to the A.I. Since they restore their health back quickly, once they get their Rageart they'll keep it even after being back at full health.

Another is that Arthas's Death Sound Effect should be the Death Knight one too, this would also allow him to be distinguished from Uther's, which shares the same sound effect. This can be easily modified in Magos' Model Editor.
unknown.png should look like this.

Edit #2: Sometimes you get stuck after rolling out a lot on the edges like this:
Had to end the fight afterwards.

Edit #3: For some reason during Survival, my opponent was nonexistent from the start. Even after quitting Survival mode and trying it again afterwards I got the same result.
I hadn't done anything weird prior to this other than lose on first round vs a random Tichondrius on Survival. Switching modes to Practice then Survival fixes this however.

Edit #4: This happened now in Practice mode too, right after winning a 3 streak Survival.

I'm attaching the replay if you need it for testing purposes.


  • Az Fighting for Azeroth 1.07b.w3g
    271.4 KB · Views: 145
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Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Update 1.08
- Rage is removed if your health is back above the treshold
- changed Arthas' death sound
- survival should now work properly and continue past 3 wins as intended
- removed the excessive player slot 7
- moves that can't be interrupted now get delayed on hit, for 12 frames
Move changes
- Maiev/Trog Knee can now be blocked in crouch (special mid instead of mid)
- Illidan's Slide can now be blocked in standing (special mid instead of low)
New character: Tauren Chieftain
Level 14
Dec 24, 2008
Btw, it seems the the bug where both players get stuck on the edges seems to be randomly prevalent in some games, it might probably be arena-specific, but I can't tell.
As for Tauren Chieftain, the only thing I noticed is that he's a really good juggler, his combo potential is insane compared to some other characters, or maybe it's just me vs the A.I. but some fighters like Uther get absolutely bodied for some reason.

Also, his ultimate war cry appears to use the Lich's warcry voice line for some reason, not sure if this was intentional, but I'm guessing it isn't :p


  • Az Fighting for Azeroth 1.08.w3g
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  • Az Fighting for Azeroth 1.08 Tauren Chieftain.w3g
    109.4 KB · Views: 152
Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
>As for Tauren Chieftain, the only thing I noticed is that he's a really good juggler, his combo potential is insane compared to some other characters, or maybe it's just me vs the A.I. but some fighters like Uther get absolutely bodied for some reason.

I think it's just the reduced health to 850 makes it easier to quickly win vs the ai now.
The ai is kinda bad at defending against tracking moves, which the tauren has plenty of.
Are there any moves that are too good at specifically juggling? Anything that keeps the opponent in the air wasn't intended so I should fix that.
Level 14
Dec 24, 2008
Are there any moves that are too good at specifically juggling? Anything that keeps the opponent in the air wasn't intended so I should fix that.
Well, not exactly air moves, just combo moves in general that overall deal plenty of damage before the opponent gets a chance to react, you can see it a few times in the replay I attached, I can't really say which combos they were since most of the time I was button smashing :p

Another thing I noticed is that sometimes, the opponent won't K.O. even after having their health bar completely depleted, needing to do one last hit before they actually fall down.
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Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Update 1.09
- character health increased back to 1000
- round time limit increased to two minutes
- all uninterruptable moves now reduce the damage taken by 25%
- High attacks may no longer hit the opponent higher than 140 flying height
A few new moves for Jaina and Arthas
- Arthas got a crouch uppercut, and a special defencive stance, which can be cancelled into a stab or slash
- Jaina got an axe kick and a 2-bar attack that launches 5 projectiles
Level 14
Dec 24, 2008
It's not possible to play the latest map versions on multiplayer due to the lack of a computer enemy player, Start Game will be greyed out. This didn't happen in older versions with the Reserved Computer Player slot.

Btw, one thing I noticed is different in this version compared to your old 2.8 map, is that it's not possible to jump above the opponent's head and to the other side, attempting to jump through them will just not move you beyond their position. Is this intentional? Because I feel that it should be possible since it's a common game mechanic in fighting games to be able to reposition yourself behind opponents by jumping through them.
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Level 14
Dec 24, 2008
So far I had a test on multiplayer with a random player today, sadly it ended with a desync, one thing that happens alot is that pressing ESC to display the move list sometimes glitches out which causes the move list to display while the game is unpaused.


  • Az Fighting for Azeroth 1.09b.w3g
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Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Good catch with the throw spam.
I think having them in the menu would make it harder to remember moves. It's easier to just open it during fights.
I'll try a different fix for now. Tested it in kloader, seems to work.

Update 1.09c
- fixed Felguard/Dreadlord throw spam where it would cancel the throw into itself
- attempt to fix multiboards
- you may no longer unpause while the other player is looking at their movelist (but can still give up)
- reduced "cooldown" of opening/closing movelists to 1.4 sec
Level 1
Jul 17, 2020
This is an amazing mod bro you basically got me into this whole warcraft 3 thing because of this!!! Do you plan on adding all the main heroes like sylvanas thrall etc. at some point?
Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
This is an amazing mod bro you basically got me into this whole warcraft 3 thing because of this!!! Do you plan on adding all the main heroes like sylvanas thrall etc. at some point?
There's plenty space left in the map file so I could always add more characters. Sylvanas actually already has some animations done (from the 2D version). I'll give it a try.
I've just been busy working on my other map (Vanguard strike), and the multiboard code in this fighting map is a big mess.

more slots.png
I could probably fill all these slots with more characters over time.
I'll try to add Sylvanus, Thrall, Grom and Archimond next update.
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Level 1
Jul 17, 2020
There's plenty space left in the map file so I could always add more characters. Sylvanas actually already has some animations done (from the 2D version). I'll give it a try.
I've just been busy working on my other map (Vanguard strike), and the multiboard code in this fighting map is a big mess.

View attachment 359732
I could probably fill all these slots with more characters over time.
I'll try to add Sylvanus, Thrall, Grom and Archimond next update.
That would be amazing man good luck
Level 23
Apr 3, 2018
Ok it seems I've finally managed to fix the multiboards.
I've tested it using KLoader, but please confirm if it works correctly now.

Changelog 1.10

New characters
- Sylvanas
Sylvanas moves.png

Bug fixes
- fixed typo causing double letter commands to work incorrectly sometimes (e.g. w+d throw spam)
- fixed multiboard blinking during multiple ongoing fights
- fixed multiboard glitch causing movelists to intermingle with health bars

- changed the way double bar cost is displayed in the movelist to [bar][bar] instead of [2 bars]
- now both players see their movelists when one presses Esc
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Level 1
Jul 17, 2020
Awesome work man this sylvanas is epic! looking forward to more in the future, im suprised this hasnt gone viral. Yea everything seems to be working correctly so far