[Feedback] Compiled List of 1.30 / 1.29 Bugs & Issues

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On 1.29.2 after I saved the map with wrong call remove location names and the progress bar remained there. I saved once more after I corrected the names even though the save progress bar was still there and remained there. However, the map was saved as there was no * on the menu bar after the map name.
Closed the map and tried loading it again and the World Editor crashed. Then, I opened the editor, loaded the map and this is what happened ingame:

View attachment 302431

The spell's hotkey doesn't work by the way.

View attachment 302432 View attachment 302433

Everything custom has been overwritten...

Even the custom teams:

View attachment 302437

It looks like your map is missing or has a corrupted war3map.wts. If you have a backup (likely with JassHelper/WEX/JNGP) try replacing it in an MPQ editor.
Level 2
Apr 11, 2011
Hi ppl. I found a strange bug which causes random players in multiplayer game to lose their control over their units. It feels like function SetUserControlForceOff() is applied: units can be selected but any of orders are ignored, like abilities or move command. When you alt+tab your wc3 process then you might get rid off these limitations, you need to do it several times.
How do i get this bug: I made a trigger which gives an ability to the selected by player allied unit on chat-string event.


On the image, the highlighted text was abided.
Also I've tested this bug on 1.26 patch with kloader (2 players in local game). Everything worked fine, there was no the bug.
Level 6
Jun 18, 2004
I had a similar experience as deepstrasz. It is not just the .wts file. It created different strings for all the objects (w3a, w3h, w3u, etc.), which I couldnt match with the old .wts file. I had to overwrite all the object files and .wts file to get it back to normal (luckily I had a backup, it dawned on me that without the name of for example an ability it is actually incredibly difficult to find out what it did!)
There is also a long-standing issue with Campaign Custom Data, which I want to report now to Blizzard.

The root problem is that the Campaign Custom Data does not have game data set patch information (melee data set or custom data set), but it still needs it, so it reads it from whatever map is open at the time the campaign is saved. This option can be set in Scenario Options:

This causes big problems, if you save the campaign sometimes with Melee Patch data and some times Custom Object Data (TFT patch 1.07, RoC 1.01).
The problem is a bit insidious to reproduce, but I'll give you an example:

1. Download Gnoll Campaign
2. Open the campaign in Campaign Editor (F7)
3. Then edit Chapter1.w3x to open it.
4. Open Object Editor (F6). Place it side-by-side with the Campaign Editor Custom Data view. You should see something like this:

Please pay attention to the Advanced Command Training upgrade especially it's Art - Button Position (X). I've marked the Object Editor version in a red circle and the Campaign Editor version in a green circle.
They are the same, as it should be. Also, pay attention to the BLUE TEXT COLOR, which tells that the field has been changed.
Note that Chapter1.w3x uses Custom Game Data Set:

5. Close the Chapter1.w3x and open a default empty map (or you can use any melee map or even a blank black screen). All they count as using Melee Game Data Set.
6. Save the campaign.
7. Close the world editor.
8. Open the World Editor and reopen the campaign.
9. Open Chapter1.w3x
10. View Object Editor (F6) and Campaign Custom Data (F7), side-by-side:

Now you can see that Art - Button Position (X) is no longer blue, which means that the field is no longer considered to be changed.
In the object editor, therefore Art - Button Position (X) is 1, which means that the Advanced Command Training upgrade has moved one to the left.

This is not the worst problem this bug can produce, but with a bad luck it can prevent players and AIs building units, if techtrees are affected.

Anyways, it would be very good to be fixed, because it is very difficult to understand, what is causing this problem in campaigns.

Best regards,


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Level 21
May 29, 2013
I finally installed the patch 1.29 via battle.net, after getting my cd keys registered. I like the new features, but I'm having some problems after I installed the patch:

1. All custom campaigns are now gone. Even the standard DemoCampaign.w3n can no longer be found inside the Campaigns folder. I know some things were moved to the Documents folder in patch 1.28 (which I skipped), but I don't see another Campaigns folder in there.

2. Kor'gall and his ogre clan in The Founding of Durotar campaign had black (neutral) team color, which has now been changed to maroon.

Before patch 1.29:

After patch 1.29:

3. I think one of the recent patches changed the team color of destructibles. They used to have black team color (the old black, which is now called coal). However, now they look black in World Editor, but when I test the map, they change to either red or blue, depending on the 'Set Ally Color Mode' minimap setting. Doodads are not affected by this (they're still black), only destructibles.

Can anyone confirm or deny this? I can't remember the last time I worked with destructibles that have team color, so it is possible that I'm just misremembering.

4. I have no idea if this is even a bug, but when I use the 'Player - Change Color' action while a group of units is selected, a random portrait is shown instead of the portrait of the currently selected subgroup (unit type). As you can see in my screenshot the Peon is selected, but the Wisp's portrait is shown.

Game Bug:
1. The score screen after 24 player games displays two copies of the original 12 colors, instead of all 24 colors. The variant of the original 12 colors that each new color most closely resembles is used. I've presumed that Blizzard knows about this and intends to fix it later. It's just some spot in the game code where they haven't fully updated the color system to support 24 instead of 12. This makes it confusing if there's say both a Maroon and Red player or a Navy and Blue player or a Violet and Purple player in a game as you can't distinguish them on the score screen.

Apparently it's not officially a bug, but I swear it wasn't the case before that after selecting team colors in a lobby, that clicking the selection box again then clicking away without making a selection would cause the player's color to revert to the next available color, instead of keeping the color they'd already selected. It's annoying now, in big lobbies I like to be choosy with colors, and I tend to click away a couple times real fast and now this causes me to have to re-pick my color every time.
Why isn't this on the list? The score screen doesn't let us distinguish between Red and Maroon; Blue and Navy; Teal and Turquoise; Purple and Violet; Yellow and Wheat; Orange and Peach; Green and Mint; Pink and Lavender; Gray and Coal; Light Blue and Snow; Dark Green and Emerald; Brown and Peanut.
I don't remember noticing this until today...
It seems that the last two Faceless Ones are considered ranged but actually attack ground units from a melee range and air units with the same attack from a 500 range as opposed to other units which have two attacks with different range (and damage) like the Granite Golem.
This always bothered me when I made units with two attacks.
And come on, the Faceless don't shoot lightning but throw Death Coil projectiles.
It's actually the Necromancer missile, but I agree; the tooltips should definitely be changed.
I think it's because the damage and attack types are the same for both attack modes but it should not be considered a ranged unit when it has a melee attack on ground. Because then all units which have an air attack mode with a range bigger than melee should also be considered ranged.
I think everyone should know by now that attacks have some weird interactions/properties:
As you pointed out, if a unit has two attacks that have the same type, base damage, number of dice and sides per die, (but different targets allowed, weapon type, range, cooldown, etc.) the attack info (damage type, range and speed) of the second attack (attack 2) is not displayed on the bottom middle part of the screen, below the unit's name (like Faceless One Terror and Deathbringer).

This is also true for attacks that have only 'Tree', 'Debris' or 'Wall' in the 'Combat - Attack 1/2 - Targets Allowed' field (aka Special attacks). Aside from them being invisible, those attacks are also not affected by attack speed modifiers (most workers have an invisible second attack that can only target trees).

Also, if the projectile arc, art and speed are set to '0' or 'None' for attack 2, the values are inherited from the same fields of attack 1 (even if they're not used by attack 1). This can be seen in many standard units (Mortar Team, Cannon Tower, Demolisher, Meat Wagon, Gargoyle, Frost Wyrm, Ancient Protector, Dragons, Magnataur Reaver, etc.).


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Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
This is also true for attacks that have only 'Tree', 'Debris' or 'Wall' in the 'Combat - Attack 1/2 - Targets Allowed' field (aka Special attacks). Aside from them being invisible, those attacks are also not affected by attack speed modifiers (most workers have an invisible second attack that can only target trees).
Yeah but at least both attacks have the same range.
2. Kor'gall and his ogre clan in The Founding of Durotar campaign had black (neutral) team color, which has now been changed to maroon.

Before patch 1.29:

After patch 1.29:

This is hopefully a known issue in 1.29. Player 13 used to be Neutral Hostile (Black) in 1.28 and earlier patches, but now in 1.29 and later the player 13 is a normal player with the color Maroon. It affects at least Unit - Change Color trigger action, and maybe also Art - Team Color object editor field. Surely, this problem was caused by the addition player slots 13–24.
In version 1.29.2, the following native:

native BlzSetUnitArmor takes unit whichUnit, real newArmor returns nothing

does not accept signed values functionally. My guess is that it treats the parameters as unsigned floats (I don't know the actual term), so any value exceeding 2 147 483 647 (2^31 - 1) will represent the armor negatively.

If I set the armor to a negative value to -1 in the object editor, the armor reduction works fine, but if I set armor (runtime) to 4 294 967 295 (2^32 - 1), the armor will display as -1 but will fully block physical damage. (Emphasis on -1)

In fact, armor values beyond 130,000,000
would be likely to reduce all physical damage to nothing.
Level 2
Apr 11, 2011
Also i found another strange thing. Now it relies on inventory while "Enemy inventory display" is turned off in Game Constants. It happens when watching an enemy hero buying items. What happens then? – item icons appears over their inventory slots for brief time periods (1-3 secs), but UI is not supposed to handle them graphically. I mean, when you selecting unit that cannot carry items, UI changes into appropriate graphic, where slots for items ain't there. Can it be fixed? Items should not appear at all, as the boolean of "Enemy inventory display" was set to false.
And also can you extend rights of 'Allied with shared vision'-alliance state over inventory visibility, whereas "Enemy inventory display" is false. Because right now i can see inventory of ally item-carring units only if i have 'allied vision with shared units' alliance state over him or 'allied units with fully shared units'.


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The list should be purged of all resolved problems after every release (not PTR), or a new topic made. It is getting quite unreadable with all the striked through items and an important problem could be overlooked.

I was told Blizzard was using this thread for their internal Q/A system. I didn't want to mess up the line numbers in-case they were using it for reference, but you're right a wipe is probably in order about now.
Since Patch 1.30: World Editor crahses when compiling the jass file, if the variable Editor contains a variable of unknown Type (not defined in TriggerData) but valid jass Type example "unitpool".

The attached map contains such a unknown variable of type "unitpool" and crashs on V1.3.

Edit: For people affected by this you proably modified World Editor Data, you need to change your files position a bit checkout.
Or you copied a spell using such unknown variables.


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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
An ability based on Channel that targets items seem to automatically crash the game in 1.30. Warcraft III 2018.08.09 - - Streamable

However it seems to work fine if you use for example Frost Bolt instead of Channel.
Thank you for the report, the issue is being looked into and seems it is not just limited to channel but all abilities that are given unusual targets like eat tree on a unit.
Level 4
Jul 8, 2015
Several of the Orc Shaman's unit soundset in the German version seems to have been replaced with the English version in patch 1.30. Not all of them though, but from what I can tell it affected Pissed1, Pissed2, Pissed5, What1-4, Yes1, Yes3, Yes4, YesAttack1-3.

Might as well take the opportunity to mention that Grom Hellscream's YesAttack3 has suffered from this problem for a long time already, though in that case I'm not sure it was ever any different.

Not sure if any other units are affected.


Warcraft Moderator
Level 69
Aug 10, 2018
Tested this just now on 1.30

The Action "Unit - Disable Ability" doesn't work as intended. If Disable = True and Hide UI = False, the ability will continue playing it's art effects.

For example, I have an Instant non-channeling ability based on Channel with a 4 second Art Duration and Art - Caster = Thunderclap.
I have a trigger that says "When you start the effect of an ability (Channel), then disable it = true and hide ui = false.

With this setup, the Channel ability is disabled as intended, but it's 4 second Thunderclap animation bugs out and will loop forever (every 4 seconds in this case).

It's a purely visual bug. The ability can't be cast while disabled as intended, and there is no issue if you don't use the Art Effect fields via the object editor (as far as I know).

Edit: Turns out the disable unit ability/hide ability actions don't really work at all, although i'm sure everyone knew that already...
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Level 4
May 18, 2018
in 1.30 (with the hotfix) if you have a hero with an ability based on the Orb of Slow item ability and the hero dies, the ability you have a chance of casting on attack becomes available for casting.

I also tested it in 1.29 to make sure and it doesn't happen there.

Warcraft III 2018.08.11 - - Streamable


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Level 2
Jul 17, 2016
Weird, i used to get crashes from that in 1.28.5. Maybe it's related to the IDs you are using?
I can't say about 1.28 for sure, but it definitely did not crash on 1.26, 1.27 and 1.29. I had a spell which made dummy cast innerfire, bloodlust, curse and soulburn on one target. All had same buffid.
Level 11
Jun 2, 2004
I'm getting a crash on startup when using windows compatibility settings.

"Required library 'WINTRUST.dll' not found"

This happens on windows 7 with "disable visual themes" checked in the compatibility settings. The game successfully launched for me once I turned it off.

Googling this error turned up a few similar issues people were having with starcraft 2. So it's not unique to this patch.
Level 16
Mar 25, 2016
Does not work anymore. Most of the times the tooltip would just be empty. Sometimes you get weird stuff that looks similar to parts of rawcodes or you get file paths (e.g. ReplaceableTextures\...) to some UI elements. Also if you enter the same argument the tooltip might even change.


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Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Does not work anymore. Most of the times the tooltip would just be empty. Sometimes you get weird stuff that looks similar to parts of rawcodes or you get file paths (e.g. ReplaceableTextures\...) to some UI elements. Also if you enter the same argument the tooltip might even change.
Testmap works fine for me when testing from editor. Please elaborate instructions to recreate.
Level 16
Mar 25, 2016
The research and normal tooltip of acid bomb are supposed to be the same.
Initially they are supposed to be 726, but the research tooltip shows something else. Most of the times it is empty, but sometimes it shows one or two seemingly random characters.
If you type a chat string prefixed with a "-" the tooltips are changed to that, so you can check different tooltips. Though it is not required, because the initial tooltip already shows the bug.

I tested it on both from the editor and by starting another map noramlly in warcraft.
Level 1
Aug 14, 2018
A few maps that were able to load up in 1.29 WE even older versions of WE had suddenly stopped working in 1.30 WE gave me "Warcraft III World Editor has stopped working."

i suspect war3map.w3d of those maps were somehow not able to read from 1.30 WE as replacing it with a default one i was able to load those maps up.

Anyone has experience the same issue?
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A few maps that were able to load up in 1.29 WE even older versions of WE had suddenly stopped working in 1.30 WE gave me "Warcraft III World Editor has stopped working."

i suspect war3map.w3d of those maps were somehow not able to read from 1.30 WE as replacing it with a default one i was able to load those maps up.

Anyone has experience the same issue?

Can you share a demo map which reproduces the issue?
Level 8
Jul 10, 2008
Game performance dramatically decreased since 1.30 came out.

And I mean, DRAMATICALLY. Maps working fine, are now experiencing HUGE lag issues. Its as if the game struggles now to execute the map script and kneels under it. I suspect its the operations limit change, but not sure.

What is clearly visible is that 1.30 made things WORSE not better. As I said maps working lag free fine, are now kneeling.
Setting the event damage will not work on initially zero damage. However, it works with any other initial amount.

native BlzSetEventDamage takes real r returns nothing


(Tested in version 1.30.9922 and 1.29.2)
  • Enabling the attack ability for a unit (via BlzUnitDisableAbility, with disable set to false) would cause the unit to attack nearby enemies EVEN WHEN THEY ARE DEAD (pardon the capitals). :O
    (Solution: Upon death, store the difference between the disable counter and 0, such that on death, the unit has a disable counter of 0, and when revived, it is restored.)
Sounds are not usually heard during map initialization. However, in the current patch, they are heard.
Test map here:
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Level 6
Sep 22, 2011
Hi guys, i have played WC 3 and tinkered with the editor, but i am no programmer and maybe the solution to my problem is here somewhere but i can't for the life of me find it, or maybe i did but didn't understand it. So to get to the point, i have downloaded many maps and campaings and looked them over in the editor and made some changes ( for learning purposes, i would never plagiarize, i just play them by myself) but since the new patch i cant save any changes i make. I get the same message every time:

Unable to create directory: '//LENOVO-PC/Users/LENOVO/Documents/WarcraftIII/Campaings/The Invasion of Kalimdor.w3nTemp\'

System error: The system cannot find the path specified.

Any help is appreciated, also i am sorry if this is not the place for this subject, but this started since the new patch and this forum seems quite active and full of knowledgeable people.
Level 6
Sep 22, 2011
Try to create the directory named Campaigns (or Campaings ??) in //LENOVO-PC/Users/LENOVO/Documents/ manually before saving
its a typo :D( you cant copy/paste from an error report) , i already have a folder named campaigns, with several custom campaigns in it, they all work, i can open them in the editor, it just wont save the changes.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Unable to create directory: '//LENOVO-PC/Users/LENOVO/Documents/WarcraftIII/Campaings/The Invasion of Kalimdor.w3nTemp\'
I had this problem while trying to run Test Map. I had to do this: File->Preferences-Test Map:
editorTestMapIssue.png basically erase the folder/file path and just leave Maps.
What version are you running by the way? It happened on 1.29 to me.
Level 6
Sep 22, 2011
I had this problem while trying to run Test Map. I had to do this: File->Preferences-Test Map:
View attachment 304887 basically erase the folder/file path and just leave Maps.
What version are you running by the way? It happened on 1.29 to me.
Maps work perfectly, just the campaigns are a problem. This started 2 days ago after i patched the game to its current state. But your way gave me an idea, i moved the campaigns folder(with all the custom campaigns in it) to the program files(86)/warcraft III folder and made some changes... and it worked (they didnt show up in the game tho) , it kept the changes, after that i noticed that there is a new folder named campaigns in my documents/warcraft III folder( when i installed the game a few months back i had to create the campaigns folder since it was absent), so i moved the campaigns in that folder and deleted the one i created, and now all works. Thanks a bunch! :)
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