@Gnuoy (me!) for map creation and development
@Juju for inspiration and lore that led to map idea
Uncle for help with load/save system configuration, as well as many other triggers.
The automatic save and load system simply would not be possible with out Uncle. Thank you Uncle!
Tristronic for Sentinel respawn system triggers
@DREADMAN for help changing the skin path on a model (Primalist) and the Crypt (Northrend) to Night Elf Build animation!
Crystalys Bow (2017)
kangyun for several hero models and icons!
Ujimsama Hojo for several hero models, Hunter's Hall skin and icons!
@DREADMAN for help changing the skin path on a model (Primalist)!
Tome of Wonders (2004)
Den of Wonders (2009)
Maiev Shadowsong (2016)
Night Elven Town Hall (2008)
Warden Glaive Icon (2010)
Fountain Statue,
Owl, and more (2012)
Legion Teleporter (2010)
Night Elf Structures (2016)
Owl Moon Priestess (2021)
@xw1995327www and @Kacpa2
Cordana Felsong (2022)
@johnwar for
Night Elf Runner (2023)
@cavman for
Cat Form Icon (2009)
Den of Wind (2016)
Corrupted Night Elves (2021)
@JollyD Regrowth Icon - actual use of icon in map pending update
@Everyone else that tested or offered me any ideas, and players that host the map
@Blizzard default assets
@Karkan, Deviant Art, edit of Blizzard art
Thank you every who contributed any assets to this map! I think everyone is on this list but please help me and comment if you notice anyone's name is missing!
See "resources in use" below for complete details and links to these models and icons:
@(Azsure) Blizzard Entertainment "Dark Regeneration (Icon)" (2016)
@84chrome "Corrupted Night Elves" (2021)
@84chrome "Corrupted Night Elves" (2021)
@8512590215848 "BTNMoonSight (Icon)" (2011)
@Albert "Defiler of the Grove (Icon)" (2023)
@Aldeia "Druidic Boots (Icon)" (2023)
@Aldeia "Elune's Multishot (Icon)" (2023)
@Aldeia "Tome of Balance" (2023)
@AndrewOverload519 "BTNSylvanEnchantress (Icon)" (2013)
@AndrewOverload519 "Sylvan Enchantress" (2013)
@assasin_lord "HeroGlow" (2009)
@bakr "Pandaren Buildings" (2023)
@-Berz- "BTNWardenGlaive (Icon)" (2010)
@bigapple90 "BTNSharpenWarden (Icon)" (2009)
@BlackRockClan "BTNMoonAmulet (Icon)" (2004)
@BLazeKraze "BTNCatsEye (Icon)" (2014)
@BLazeKraze "BTNHealingLeaf (Icon)" (2014)
@BLazeKraze "BTNIllidanDemonicPower (Icon)" (2015)
@Blizzard Entertainment "BTNAbility_Druid_CatForm (Icon)" (2004)
@Blizzard Entertainment "BTNINV_Misc_PocketWatch_01 (Icon)" (2004)
@Blizzard Entertainment Jaccouille "Panther Prowl" (2019)
@Blizzard Entertainment Ujimasa Hojo "Demon Hunter and Derivatives (Model)" (2016)
@borissuworov Ujimasa Hojo "Dark Trolls Bundle (Ujimasa's derivates) (Model)" (2022)
@Cavman Kuhneghetz "BTNNEDruidCatForm (Icon)" (2009)
@CreatorD3292 "Magic Aura 02" (2014)
@Darkfang "BTNMoonSkin (Icon)" (2011)
@Diegoit "BTNAcornThrow (Icon)" (2022)
@Don Valentino "Felsworn Satyr (Icon)" (2018)
@General Frank "Pandaren Villager" (2009)
@General Frank "Spellbringers: Nature Haven" (2023)
@Golden-Drake "BTNFearWarden (Icon)" (2010)
@Hexus "Elven bed (Model)" (2012)
@Hexus "Fountain Statue" (2012)
@Hexus "Owl perch" (2012)
@Hexus "Owl" (2012)
@Hexus "Statue Lantern" (2012)
@Hexus "Stone Arc" (2012)
@JesusHipster "Health Surge" (2012)
@JesusHipster PROXY "Maiev Shadowsong" (2016)
@johnwar "Malfurion Stormrage (Re-Classic Pack)" (2023)
@johnwar "Night Elf Sentry and Runner (Re-Classic Pack)" (2023)
@JollyD "BTNGiftHive (Icon)" (2012)
@JollyD "BTNTreeGrowth (Icon)" (2012)
@kangyun "Btnptmoon (Icon)" (2016)
@kangyun "Priestess of The Moon (version#Whitehair)" (2015)
@Kenshein "HeroWarden" (2013)
@lllLSDlll "BTNTomeOWonders (Icon)" (2004)
@Lord_T "Night Elven Town Hall" (2008)
@MatiS "Night Elf Structure (Felwood)" (2016)
@Maxwell "BTNSeedOfCorruption (Icon)" (2018)
@Mephestrial "LegionTeleporter" (2010)
@Mouseketeer "BTNSatyrFemale (Icon)" (2022)
@Moy "BTNDemonicEnchantment (Icon)" (2015)
@Moy "BTNPotionOfLife (Icon)" (2017)
@Mr.Goblin "BTNPandaVillager (Icon)" (2009)
@nhocklanhox6 "Green Light" (2013)
@NO-Bloody-Name "BTNTheEssenceoftheWood (Icon)" (2011)
@Null "BTNDay Time (Icon)" (2023)
@Null "BTNDruid Claws (Icon)" (2019)
@Null "BTNHuntress/Sentry (Icon)" (2019)
@PrinceYaser "BTNDryadSigil (Icon)" (2023)
@PrinceYaser "BTNEmeraldNecklace (Icon)" (2018)
@PrinceYaser "BTNEmeraldStaff (Icon)" (2018)
@PROXY "Female Satyr (Model)" (2014)
@Red XIII "DenOfWonders (Model)" (2009)
@Retera "Owl Moon Priestess" (2021)
@Rubellu Sidus "Priestess of the Moon - On Foot" (2016)
@Sarsaparilla Kacpa2 "Cordana Felsong (Model)" (2022)
@Sellenisko "BTNDarkElfAura (Icon)" (2014)
@Sellenisko "DarkElfAura (Model)" (2014)
@Sin'dorei300 "Blackberry (Icon)" (2016)
@Sin'dorei300 "Moon Priestess Charm" (2014)
@Sun gate "Scream of terror" (2020)
@The Panda "BTNCrystalysBow (Icon)" (2017)
@The Panda "BTNPlasmaBeams (Icon)" (2022)
@The_Silent "BTNTorturedSoul (Icon)" (2008)
@The_Silent "BTNTorturedSoulGreen (Icon)" (2008)
@TheZodiarch "Primalist (Keeper of the Grove)" (2023)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Altar of Storms and Derivatives" (2013)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Ancient of Lore and DerivativesCorrupted Night Elves (Collision)" (2018)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Ancient of Wind and Derivatives (Model)" (2021)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Ancient of Wind and Derivatives" (2021)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Barracks (Orc) and Derivatives" (2013)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Burrow (Orc) and Derivatives" (2016)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Crypt (Northrend) and Derivatives" (2013)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Farm (Pig) and Derivatives" (2013)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Great Hall and Derivatives" (2013)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Hippogryph Rider and Derivatives" (2018)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Malfurion Stormrage and Derivatives" (2018)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Priestess of the Moon and Derivatives" (2016)
@Unknown102 "BTNNightElfGraveyard (Icon)" (2016)
@Unknown102 "Den of Wind (Night Elf "Graveyard") (Model)" (2016)
@Zephyrius2412 "Blood Lust Variations" (2017)