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Defense of Felwood

Defense of Felwood
Players use heroes, items, units, and defensive structures to protect 5 Night Elven Ancients against several challenging waves of Burning Legion attacks! At least 1 Ancient must survive to win.
-Hero Survival/Defense
-Theme Night Elf vs Legion
-Six difficulties (Easy, Normal, Heroic, Mythic, Mythic+, Impossible)
-Three modes ("Standard," "Exploration" +12.5 min starting time, and "Hardcore" no hero revive)
-Quests to guide play and acquire items
-Auto-save system to unlock minor upgrades, hero skins, and "corrupted tech"
-Mostly uses default assets to keep lore-like or campaign-like feel

Illidan is often portrayed as a villain for using demonic magic against the Burning Legion. In "Defense of Felwood" players have the choice of whether they want to use demonic magic when fighting the Burning Legion or adhere to Night Elf principles prohibiting the use of demonic magic. When faced with extraordinarily powerful and numerous foes, as Illidan was in the War of the Ancients, most players conclude that Illidan had not much of a choice - the use of the demonic magics such as the Skull of Gul'dan was practically mandatory. "Defense of Felwood" demonstrates that attempts to portray Illidan as a villain are wrong.
-Loosely based on Illidan's choice to use demonic magic
-Allows players to make the same tough decision as Illidan
-Eliminate the Legion by any means necessary or adhere to Night Elf principles against demonic magic
-Think of this map as an "alternative timeline" because there are several inaccuracies regarding canonical Warcraft lore
-Recommended media: Demon Hunter Lore Youtube Video (credit: Platinum WoW @YouTube)!!!
-"In his youth, he attempted to master the druidic forces, as his brother had, but the sorcery called to him in a way that the magic of the land did not. Unlike his brother, Illidan was born with amber eyes, at the time a sign of a great destiny — however, this actually indicated inherent druidic potential" (The Warcraft Encyclopedia).
-"When Archimonde's invasion of Azeroth had begun, Illidan sought to end it. He plotted the destruction of the Well of Eternity. He increasingly admired the powers of the Burning Legion, seeing a magical purity that underlay their chaotic behavior. Where the night elves struggled to maintain their ground, the Burning Legion's numbers did not seem to permanently diminish" (Ravencrest, Ink-splattered Page).

Elementary Tips:
-All items are explained in Quest Log (f9)
-Keep demons controlled near "choke-points"
-Play with 4 players
-Use Skull of Gul'dan, found from the Shrine near the Legion spawn point
-First push with cpu player can be really important for getting Skull
-Any hero can use Skull but it teaches Demon Hunters Metamorphosis
-Complete Skull quest to gain +20 stats, by sacrificing Night Elf Civilians
-Each Ancient that falls spawns an extra Infernal Juggernaut each wave (heroic or higher only)
-Horn of Cenarius trains 3x if a Keeper of the Grove uses it
-Corrupted Moon Well quest will only reward Bow if Priestess of the Moon completes it
-Warden can blink for +20 damage item in base, behind Purple's Altar

strategy I've used to beat "hard" difficulty:
1) demon hunter rushes skull with chimera
2) priestess gets bow
3) warden gets glave
4) keeper gets horn of cenarius and uses it on cooldown
5) all heroes rush skull and hold choke point
6) one hero sacrifices 20/20 Night Elves
7) all heroes hold choke point for the rest of the game and deal with specific units such as stunners eredar diabolists that spawn from about round 9-15
8) one or two heroes goes and creep/buy items while others hold choke point
9) important to hold choke point because each ancient that dies, another infernal juggernaut spawns
10) boss magtheridon spawns round 15, best way to kill is for keeper to root him. if you don't have a keeper than spam warstomp on him with doom guards or skull of gul'dan ability. also mana drain him if you have a demon hunter.
10) repel archimonde by kiting him and using invul pots to push him back. if he has no other targets except an invul target, he will retreat, buying time to get to the final round.

@Gnuoy (me!) for map creation and development
@Juju for inspiration and lore that led to map idea
@Uncle for help with load/save system configuration, as well as many other triggers.
The automatic save and load system simply would not be possible with out Uncle. Thank you Uncle!
@Tristronic for Sentinel respawn system triggers
@DREADMAN for help changing the skin path on a model (Primalist) and the Crypt (Northrend) to Night Elf Build animation!

@ThePanda Crystalys Bow (2017)
@kangyun for several hero models and icons!
@Ujimsama Hojo for several hero models, Hunter's Hall skin and icons!
@DREADMAN for help changing the skin path on a model (Primalist)!
@lllLSDlll Tome of Wonders (2004)
@Red XIII Den of Wonders (2009)
@JesusHipster Maiev Shadowsong (2016)
@Lord_T Night Elven Town Hall (2008)
@-berz- Warden Glaive Icon (2010)
@Hexus Fountain Statue, Owl, and more (2012)
@Mephestrial Legion Teleporter (2010)
@MatiS Night Elf Structures (2016)
@Retera Owl Moon Priestess (2021)
@xw1995327www and @Kacpa2 Cordana Felsong (2022)
@johnwar for Night Elf Runner (2023)
@cavman for Cat Form Icon (2009)
@unknown102 Den of Wind (2016)
@84chrome Corrupted Night Elves (2021)
@JollyD Regrowth Icon - actual use of icon in map pending update
@Everyone else that tested or offered me any ideas, and players that host the map
@Blizzard default assets
@Karkan, Deviant Art, edit of Blizzard art

Thank you every who contributed any assets to this map! I think everyone is on this list but please help me and comment if you notice anyone's name is missing!

See "resources in use" below for complete details and links to these models and icons:
@(Azsure) Blizzard Entertainment "Dark Regeneration (Icon)" (2016)
@84chrome "Corrupted Night Elves" (2021)
@84chrome "Corrupted Night Elves" (2021)
@8512590215848 "BTNMoonSight (Icon)" (2011)
@Albert "Defiler of the Grove (Icon)" (2023)
@Aldeia "Druidic Boots (Icon)" (2023)
@Aldeia "Elune's Multishot (Icon)" (2023)
@Aldeia "Tome of Balance" (2023)
@AndrewOverload519 "BTNSylvanEnchantress (Icon)" (2013)
@AndrewOverload519 "Sylvan Enchantress" (2013)
@assasin_lord "HeroGlow" (2009)
@bakr "Pandaren Buildings" (2023)
@-Berz- "BTNWardenGlaive (Icon)" (2010)
@bigapple90 "BTNSharpenWarden (Icon)" (2009)
@BlackRockClan "BTNMoonAmulet (Icon)" (2004)
@BLazeKraze "BTNCatsEye (Icon)" (2014)
@BLazeKraze "BTNHealingLeaf (Icon)" (2014)
@BLazeKraze "BTNIllidanDemonicPower (Icon)" (2015)
@Blizzard Entertainment "BTNAbility_Druid_CatForm (Icon)" (2004)
@Blizzard Entertainment "BTNINV_Misc_PocketWatch_01 (Icon)" (2004)
@Blizzard Entertainment Jaccouille "Panther Prowl" (2019)
@Blizzard Entertainment Ujimasa Hojo "Demon Hunter and Derivatives (Model)" (2016)
@borissuworov Ujimasa Hojo "Dark Trolls Bundle (Ujimasa's derivates) (Model)" (2022)
@Cavman Kuhneghetz "BTNNEDruidCatForm (Icon)" (2009)
@CreatorD3292 "Magic Aura 02" (2014)
@Darkfang "BTNMoonSkin (Icon)" (2011)
@Diegoit "BTNAcornThrow (Icon)" (2022)
@Don Valentino "Felsworn Satyr (Icon)" (2018)
@General Frank "Pandaren Villager" (2009)
@General Frank "Spellbringers: Nature Haven" (2023)
@Golden-Drake "BTNFearWarden (Icon)" (2010)
@Hexus "Elven bed (Model)" (2012)
@Hexus "Fountain Statue" (2012)
@Hexus "Owl perch" (2012)
@Hexus "Owl" (2012)
@Hexus "Statue Lantern" (2012)
@Hexus "Stone Arc" (2012)
@JesusHipster "Health Surge" (2012)
@JesusHipster PROXY "Maiev Shadowsong" (2016)
@johnwar "Malfurion Stormrage (Re-Classic Pack)" (2023)
@johnwar "Night Elf Sentry and Runner (Re-Classic Pack)" (2023)
@JollyD "BTNGiftHive (Icon)" (2012)
@JollyD "BTNTreeGrowth (Icon)" (2012)
@kangyun "Btnptmoon (Icon)" (2016)
@kangyun "Priestess of The Moon (version#Whitehair)" (2015)
@Kenshein "HeroWarden" (2013)
@lllLSDlll "BTNTomeOWonders (Icon)" (2004)
@Lord_T "Night Elven Town Hall" (2008)
@MatiS "Night Elf Structure (Felwood)" (2016)
@Maxwell "BTNSeedOfCorruption (Icon)" (2018)
@Mephestrial "LegionTeleporter" (2010)
@Mouseketeer "BTNSatyrFemale (Icon)" (2022)
@Moy "BTNDemonicEnchantment (Icon)" (2015)
@Moy "BTNPotionOfLife (Icon)" (2017)
@Mr.Goblin "BTNPandaVillager (Icon)" (2009)
@nhocklanhox6 "Green Light" (2013)
@NO-Bloody-Name "BTNTheEssenceoftheWood (Icon)" (2011)
@Null "BTNDay Time (Icon)" (2023)
@Null "BTNDruid Claws (Icon)" (2019)
@Null "BTNHuntress/Sentry (Icon)" (2019)
@PrinceYaser "BTNDryadSigil (Icon)" (2023)
@PrinceYaser "BTNEmeraldNecklace (Icon)" (2018)
@PrinceYaser "BTNEmeraldStaff (Icon)" (2018)
@PROXY "Female Satyr (Model)" (2014)
@Red XIII "DenOfWonders (Model)" (2009)
@Retera "Owl Moon Priestess" (2021)
@Rubellu Sidus "Priestess of the Moon - On Foot" (2016)
@Sarsaparilla Kacpa2 "Cordana Felsong (Model)" (2022)
@Sellenisko "BTNDarkElfAura (Icon)" (2014)
@Sellenisko "DarkElfAura (Model)" (2014)
@Sin'dorei300 "Blackberry (Icon)" (2016)
@Sin'dorei300 "Moon Priestess Charm" (2014)
@Sun gate "Scream of terror" (2020)
@The Panda "BTNCrystalysBow (Icon)" (2017)
@The Panda "BTNPlasmaBeams (Icon)" (2022)
@The_Silent "BTNTorturedSoul (Icon)" (2008)
@The_Silent "BTNTorturedSoulGreen (Icon)" (2008)
@TheZodiarch "Primalist (Keeper of the Grove)" (2023)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Altar of Storms and Derivatives" (2013)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Ancient of Lore and DerivativesCorrupted Night Elves (Collision)" (2018)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Ancient of Wind and Derivatives (Model)" (2021)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Ancient of Wind and Derivatives" (2021)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Barracks (Orc) and Derivatives" (2013)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Burrow (Orc) and Derivatives" (2016)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Crypt (Northrend) and Derivatives" (2013)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Farm (Pig) and Derivatives" (2013)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Great Hall and Derivatives" (2013)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Hippogryph Rider and Derivatives" (2018)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Malfurion Stormrage and Derivatives" (2018)
@Ujimasa Hojo "Priestess of the Moon and Derivatives" (2016)
@Unknown102 "BTNNightElfGraveyard (Icon)" (2016)
@Unknown102 "Den of Wind (Night Elf "Graveyard") (Model)" (2016)
@Zephyrius2412 "Blood Lust Variations" (2017)

*unfortunately HD graphics were causing a crash for unknown reasons, so this map is restricted to SD graphics only.*
If this bug is fixed, HD graphics option can be enabled again. Personally I think HD default assets are ugly.

Defense of Felwood (Map)

Ability descriptions when you learn them show only a max of 3 levels while in reality it's more. Not sure how to get more food to get the Mountain Giant. For some reason there's a constant red minimap ping on the Tree of Eternity. I feel it's useless...
Level 19
Mar 16, 2008
Only 4 heroes (default melee), items for me not useful and so many spam...
Thanks for trying out this map and I understand why you say that. I created a tips section to in part respond to the impression that this map is too difficult.

edit: also wanted to keep focus on demon hunter lore. so kept it only a few heroes relevant to the lore.
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Level 8
Jun 15, 2022
Thanks for trying out this map and I understand why you say that. I created a tips section to in part respond to the impression that this map is too difficult.
you need more heroes, like damager/tank/healer for interesting gameplay and more items for them. Also paths to trees very inconvenient, need some changes in terrain


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Ability descriptions when you learn them show only a max of 3 levels while in reality it's more.
Not sure how to get more food to get the Mountain Giant.
For some reason there's a constant red minimap ping on the Tree of Eternity.
I feel it's useless for the AI controlled ally to attack the Death Towers to the south. They lose units and make the base defense harder. The towers should probably be invulnerable or not able to be targeted since they are not meant to be destroyed anyway.

It's a nice old school defense type map that falls short of gameplay variety (only the same 4 night elf heroes) and replayability. It's extensively based on standard Warcraft III mechanics, items etc.


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 19
Mar 16, 2008
That's a fair review and thank you for the list of suggestions.
-went ahead and fixed the ability descriptions for rank 4s and made the towers invulnerable
-mountain giant you would need to make a moonwell with a wisp at the merc camp, maybe that's not clear or too annoying. i was worried making a mountain giant cost 5 food, it would make the game too easy
-The red pinging is to show where the legion is currently targeting. Not sure how to make that more clear or if it's just annoying. I find it kind of useful when I play because they randomly target an ancient.

-with the towers being invulnerable, i still want the ai to have a target, so i'm making the shrine reappear after you destroy it with 500k hp, for the AI to have a target incase the choke point is held and there are no other targets. previously i had the ai not attacking so this wasn't a problem but then the base became congested with units.
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Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Hello, i played this map a few times, here are my thoughts.


- The biggest one by far is with the difficulty, i tried the map multiple times, and every time i play it no matter what difficulty i pick, the map sets it back to hard, even when i choose easy or normal, from wave 1 the demons send waaay too many units, and on top of that they also send those infernal machines that drop infernals once in a while which is insane for such a strong unit to be sent in the early waves, the ancients are getting destroyed in a matter of seconds, there is not much that can be done to stop the waves, heroes are too weak at the beginning and you can only buy 1 or 2 units to help at the start but is not enough.

- The waves come too fast as well, there should be atleast 2 minutes between the waves, so players have time to breath.

- The food should be increased by 10 so players can hire more units to help at the start! you can do that by giving players 1 extra moonwell from the start.

- The nightelves allies are also super weak, i get it that is a defence map but god damn, they are all dying from wave 1 or 2, 30 demons and 1 infernal machine obviously will eradicate 3 ancients and 2 night elf units!

You have to give each ancient more units and better protection, increase their units cap to atleast 30 (for each ancient faction), so they can build more units to protect themselves a little so they aren't completely useless.

- The heroes spells should be Q W E R, from what i can see they got the default hotkeys, but those are dog shit, B for blink? a spell that u should be able to spam? yea right.

- About the heroes themselves, i don't see anything bad about having the normal war3 heroes, the only problem is the lack of choice, maybe you can add more heroes for variety and replayability reasons.

- Since this is a pretty big map, i highly suggest you give the heroes the posibility to buy a staff of teleport, so they can move faster from a place to the other, that will make exploring the map easier while also defending against the waves, you can add the staff on the ancient of wonders for example.

- Another suggestion i have is to give heroes a backpack, so they can store more items and have more space, since you can get tons of items from the waves and creeps anyway, this way you dont have to go back and forth by walking to keep selling items all the time. ( i know you can hire a runner for that, but he is soo slow and he can only hold 2 items...)

- From what i have seen, you have an entire team that you can join from the lobby and that is the observars/runners, i have no idea why would you do that since nobody wants to play any map just as a runner, a non hero unit that can hold 2 items in the inventory and has no abilities... that seems weird!

- From what i have seen there is an exploration mode where u have more time to prepare before the waves start, playing that mode i had the chance to actually play the map a little more and have time to prepare, i eventually got to wave 15 before i died, the Pitlord enemy hero was too strong, i was dealing 0 dmg to him, he needs to be nerfed a little.

- I like the sidequests, but they are pretty basic, killing 1 unit and thats it, also there is no reward besides the item that drops from the mob, how about with each quest completed the allied night elf forces get stronger? maybe they get extra food and extra units, that would be cool! that also means you have to make the minibosses for the quests stronger.

- Lastly there should be more neutral creeps around the map, and even stronger mini bosses, for example that whole murloc area in the south east of the map, is such a big area and you get almost no reward for even going there other than a few health potions, there should be some strong mini bosses i feel like waiting for you in those parts.

- I like the voicelines u implemented, they add to the roleplay aspect of the game, i really enjoyed those, how Maiev attacks Illidan after he uses the skull and blames him for everything, that was hilarious.

Overall i really enjoyed the concept of the map, i think the map can be very fun to play, it just needs a few more changes and it could become great, keep working on it and good luck!
Level 19
Mar 16, 2008
Hello, i played this map a few times, here are my thoughts.
I really appreciate all your time you put into map. I would recommend using the new hot key settings in reforged and it can over ride everything to be Q W E R. I can repost the details later. I don't have a ton of time right now IRL. As far as difficulty, perhaps this isn't a good example because I am the designer of the map, but I've beaten it multiple times on 'heroic' difficulty. As far as selecting easy then it reverts to heroic, I have not experienced this bug.

I can tell you really delved into the map and seem to understand it well. I can implement more thoroughly respond to your review later.

I'd be happy to play with you sometime and see what your strategy is!

Thanks so much!
Level 19
Mar 16, 2008
I'm going to address some common feedback I've been receiving on this map. While I definitely understand where the players are coming from, I think these feedbacks are premature assessments.

1) "it's too hard" - no it's just balanced for 4 players working as a team and using items. try lowering difficulty to practice and find a team to develop a winning strategy with. In the map the players are not facing ordinary foes, this is an invasion of the Burning Legion! My current best is beating Mythic difficulty with 3 players.

2) "needs more heroes" - well unfortunately when the Burning Legion attacked the Night Elves, they didn't have more heroes. Night Elves don't really have strength heroes, they are more agility and intellect. Anything except for these 4 default heroes would really ruin the authenticity of the Burning Legion invading the Night Elven land. I added additional skins to try and satisfy that desire for more heroes.

3) "tech is too expensive" - well it's not a tower-defense nor base-building map. It's a hero defense map. I don't want to lower wisp cost because tech will be unlocked too early and lose emphasis on hero defense or shape the optimal playstyle in a way that is not fun. Tech is offered as a way to burn excess gold or any other clever way you can figure to use it but it's not intended to be optimum strategy. So the gold costs are increased. If you find a strategy that relies on tech, then you are clever.

Totally open to feedback. However, if it's related to any of these three topics, it will need a very persuasive "game balance" related argument and also likely lore-justified argument before I would change any of these three topics.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2008
Jun 29 updates -More minor updates related to succubus units not being invisiible and flying units sitting idle when a some ancients are dead. No major changes.
Jul 31 update - minor bugs fixed. also added some "corrupted" tech unlocked by mythic/heroic difficulty.
Aug 2 updates- elaborated on "corrupted" tech, minor bugs fixed, some what significant updates and bugs fixed regarding corrupted building system and Warden anti-corruption building system.
Aug 5 update - more bugs, minor stuff, changed cinematic to move less because some players said it made them dizzy.
Aug 7 update - major bug related to corrupted tech fixed.
Dec 13 update - added 5 more skin options for heroes, fixed minor bugs, Druid Pouch item now refunds some mana to help players that complain about mana burn - druids have lore foundation for refunding mana to their allies, slightly increased spawns after the Shrine dies.
Dec 15 update - fixed a major bugs from update 1.69-1.73, recommended to play on 1.74+, made some minor balance changes, and cosmetic changes.
Dec 18 update - polished corrupted tech values, added some upgrades, fixed major bug related to one of the upgrades, minor polishing.
Dec 19 update - polished corrupted tech, added more hero skins. fixed minor bugs.
Jan 1 2024 update (v3.28) - Expanded save/load system to track which of the 4 heroes the player was victorious with, also tracks extra niche victory achievements such as what difficulty you didn't use demonic magic on, which difficulty you beat as "Hardcore" no death mode, or the "Exploration" extra starting time mode. Also fixed dozens of bugs, expanded corrupted tech and adjusted some costs. It is difficult to balance corrupted tech and some of the later difficulty tech because 9/10 groups cannot play at that difficulty successfully, some balance changes, runner able to tech directly to non NE heroes, such as Human (locked behind Heroic save), Fel Orc, Pandaren, or Naga. Previously required teching and -repicking hero once you had the new altar trained. This still requires a Mythic+ prestige save, so extremely difficult. I really don't know if Mythic+ is possible to beat. I think it is if you have a really serious and skilled group. Personally the highest I've legitimately beat is plain Mythic. Impossible is meant to more or less be something ridiclious to see how long they can last, added prestige for runner slots.
Jan 3 2024 update (v3.33) - major bug that would sometimes overwrite saves fixed.
Jan 4 update (v3.36) - minor bugs fixed.
Jan 6 update (v.3.43) - major bug with loading system fixed, minor bugs fixed.
Jan 9 update (v3.58+) - major crash fixed when runner players would play with heroic prestige.
Jan 11 update (v3.66+) - minor bugs fixed, polishing.
Jan 15 update (v3.72+) - removed murkdeep escort quest because it kept causing desyncs, replaced with new quest, fixed minor bugs, expanded corrupted tech.
Jan 19 update (v3.74) - minor bugs fixed, polish.
Feb 28 update (v.3.80) - mostly focused on Impossible difficulty, polished other minor things.
May 6 update (v.3.82) - minor bug fixed that would trigger aggro from yellow warden even when she is dead during sacrifice mechanic.
Jul 28 update (v3.84) - minor bug fix, changed model of Elune.
Aug 24 update (v3.85) - fixed duplicate hotkeys for default hotkey users, fixed bug where light of elune hero would run around map.

Still looking for feedback.
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