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Dawn of Warcraft

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There are legends of a Green Dragon Lord in these lands ...

¤ Collect
resources to build structures, craft weapons and tools to employ your town's inhabitants.
¤ Discover new areas and enemies to gain
knowledge and advance your technology.
¤ Mine
ore, smelt metal, and weave cloth to outfit and transform your army.
¤ Search for powerful
artifacts and rare gems.

Dawn of Warcraft (Map)

Good concept, but will need a lot of work. For starters, changing the name of craft material and items to a different color so you don't accidentally attack them when trying to target a plant as well as telling apart those that are turned into...
Definitely not an RPG. You should remove that tag. If you want, maybe Defense/Survival would work instead. You should write a better description, more informative. It's an interesting concept however, you should create your own terrain, maybe use...
A modified melee map with crafting and RPG elements; units retrain and upgrade with items, mounts must be trained and mounted.

Each race gets a new tier 0.5 unit as well as other new units from the campaign. There are now over 12 natural resources to build and craft with. Combine raw materials in forges to create metals and cloth/fabrics at weavers. Gain knowledge to upgrade at the town center.

In the center of the map is a large world boss that drops artifacts. Monsters and beasts roam the wilderness, but also can be hunted for food and skins.

Aspects of the environment are random/procedurally generated so each game is unique. Early stage sill, probably bugs in the unit/upgrade tooltips and costs. Let me know what you think.
Level 29
Apr 6, 2010
Good concept, but will need a lot of work.

For starters, changing the name of craft material and items to a different color so you don't accidentally attack them when trying to target a plant as well as telling apart those that are turned into leaderboard ingredients, an automatic collection system (at least for wood and minerals), and maybe making plants and trees auto-attackable. Case in point: Flax (the killable plant) and Flax (the item).

Units should be able to drop their items to return to workerhood. Or maybe have a base unit that's not the worker but can do things like pick up items.

Ballistae cost Knowledge to be repaired.

Farms should produce food (plants or animals) and automatically harvest it.

Blacksmith can't be directly given crafting materials, it says "item can't be pawned". Right-clicking works though.

Smith buildings take flax from workers, weaver buildings take ore.

Leaderboard ingredients should be consumed as soon as a unit starts training/building starts upgrading (some of them don't seem to consume their materials).

Arcane Sanctum doesn't list needed materials in its tooltip. Arcane Vault does list them, but can't be built even with enough materials (that or I didn't have enough materials but the leaderboard didn't update).

There's no build limit for Oracles (and 5th heroes).

Dragonhawks and Gryphons need non-mounted models.

Some poisons don't seem affected by the antidote/Jade Ring.

There should be a way to convert unwanted items into resources, or exchange them for something.

Marksmanship needs NE buildings.

When Wisps build an Ancient, the items they carry should be dropped.

Reinforced Defenses require a Fortress, Fortress requires Reinforced Defenses.

Watch Tower, Ogre Mound and Tauren Totem have no tooltip requirements.

Burrow costs 160 food and 40 knowledge to upgrade.

Undead buildings should spread blight.

If sheep drop wool, I didn't see it.

Is killing a new enemy the only way to get Research?
Last edited:
dang cleavinghammer, amazing feedback :)

Uploaded some fixes from your comments: mostly the 5th heroes, tooltips/costs/repair, new crystal nodes in map center, + some more screenshots.

Soldiers can buy pickaxes to become workers again, typically from a lumbermill type structure.

wool you get from attacking sheep, not killing them. perhaps an info tooltip is in order..

I plan on having some regions you can explore to get knowledge. Possibly knowledge should also come from attacking rather than having to kill ore deposits..

I'm waiting for reforged before I get too into custom models/skins n such. Exciting times.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Definitely not an RPG. You should remove that tag. If you want, maybe Defense/Survival would work instead.
You should write a better description, more informative.

  1. It's an interesting concept however, you should create your own terrain, maybe use some custom icons for better representation.
  2. Resources can be given to the tent from at least 300 range by right clicking.
  3. An annoyance is that you have to right click buildings to gain the resources on the board when in range of those buildings; it doesn't work automatically when sending a carrying unit near a tent.
  4. If you cancel construction of a building, you don't get the resources back.
  5. Progress is slow. Not sure if everyone has the same advantages over resources around the map/starting points. Seems so.
  6. What to do with Copper? Is it supposed to be Bronze? You can't give it to buildings. I gather, I have to process it in the Blacksmith. You should write proper tooltips.
    Tooltip Tutorial
    Creating Good Descriptions
  7. Darn, and you need other resources to smelt too. It's a tad too complicated for a game.
Generally a really showy concept but convoluted.


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
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