AUTOBattle v0.38b

AUTOBattle is a round based strategy game which inspired by DOTA 2 Custom Map named "Autochess".
That challenges you to battle other players in a round by round fight to survive as the last player standing. You engage in fast paced economic and tactical decision making in order to out last, out smart, or overpower your opponents. The battles are automated as suggested by the title of the game, however, you have control of the starting positions of your chosen composition. Throughout the game your builder will receive experience each round and level up which will increase your food thus increasing the maximum number of units you can have on the field. Each round you will be given the option to purchase new heroes that are randomly selected from a globally limited inventory. Heroes have different degrees of rarity that is governed by a percentage chance to find a unit of that rarity and further modulated by the remaining total of all units of that rarity. In each round, your composition will be tested in two ways: firstly, through defense where your victory determines whether you lose lives, and secondly (possibly against a different player) through offense where you are able to cause your opponent to lose lives. Each hero that survives the offensive battle will cause the defending player to lose 1 life. Once a player loses all their lives, they are defeated and their units are then decomposed and returned to the global stock.
  • Generally 40-50 minutes gameplay if player wins.
  • Easy to learn, hard to master.
  • 9 Player Slots, but playable with any amount of players. (Fullhouse Suggested.)
  • 35 Different Heroes.
  • Each Arena have different cool and detailed themes, beautiful terrain.
  • Active Developer and active community.
  • Pretty balanced gameplay


  • Gold Income: First 4 rounds give 1/2/3/4 gold after round end, 5th and all other rounds give 5 gold after round end.
  • Win Reward: Players gain 1 bonus gold if they beat the round. (On Their Board)
  • Player Level: Players gain 4 exp after each round, whenever player levels up, food increases by 1.
  • Win/Lose Streaks: For 3/6/9 Win/Lose Streaks players gain 1/2/3 bonus gold.
  • Interest: For each 10 gold player has, player gain 1 more gold after round ends. (Max 5 Interest.)







Saken for his beautiful terrain work.
Abfal for Merge Unit ability.
Tasyen for His Item Fusion Shop
All Ghost Slayers community which helps me to make game better and balanced.

General Frank



I dont own any of these but I found some on Youtube.

(Click the images for the link)

AUTOBattle v0.38b (Map)

Changes made, Approved. (previous comments: AUTOBattle v0.33a)


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Looks like you've used some resources which you have not credited: Resources in Use by AUTOBattle v0.32d | HIVE

Please use hidden/spoiler tags on the images/screenshots for easier scrolling.

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage
Level 10
May 16, 2013
Looks like you've used some resources which you have not credited: Resources in Use by AUTOBattle v0.32d | HIVE

Please use hidden/spoiler tags on the images/screenshots for easier scrolling.

Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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Map Description Making: Good & Bad
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How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Daffa the Mage

Sorry, I updated the description.
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
I played my first game today.
So i can give my first impressions from a single playthrough.
Keep in mind i've never played autochess.

The presentation of it all seemed fine.
I think i kind of got the hang of it after 1 game and understood the concepts, which is good.

I think the game needs better navigation for players, because the first 10 minutes didn't feel intuitive.
-The game was flooded with text, it felt overbearing and whenever this happens i literally just turn my brain off and just play. Whatever happens happens. Less text would be good.
-Buy button had too much text, i still don't know what its all about. The text wasn't well structured for readability.
-The game seems very random at times, like i really don't get the point of placing your units since the AI just doesnt care about unit priority anyway. My tank which i intended to tank for my backline just ignored enemy frontline went straight for enemy backline and all my backline units just got shredded because of this random AI behaviour. There didn't seem like a way to deal with casters either. One of the players had Lich, Archmage in the back and it was dominating. It shredded everything. If the game had assassins would prioritise the backline i think that would make it better in terms of Rock Paper Scissor type balance.
-Im not sure if players are picked randomly, but i think the game would be massively improved if you knew who you were playing against ahead of time so you could make adjustments. Maybe hide each others positions and unit compositions during this time. I dont know, the game just feels very random and this is a big turnoff for me personally.
-Generally i think the game would be improved if options that concerned your owned unit table were separated from the random unit pool table and not have every command on the horse (maybe sth like pic related).


  • unknown.jpg
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Level 13
Jan 19, 2008
I'll let Uyarrr answer you on your questions, but I will comment on the SS you got from W3U discord. The parts you marked with the questions marks were just added as fluff, and will be deleted or replaced with something different. The idea of separating some of the abilities to other parts of the terrain is an interesting idea though, but that wouldn't be my call to make. I think the majority of player base come in to AutoBattle with a prior knowledge of the game so that's why everything is squeezed onto the builder unit. Also, thank you for sharing this picture again because it made me realized I never centered up the circles of power. :D
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
Yeah i figured that might be the cause, it might be best to keep everything on the horse as not to alienate players.
At least until people start figuring out the 1.31's UI changes.
Which would let us make more clean UI without all the command buttons.

The question marks i drawed were meant to be like units that represent a unit that would hold those commands.
Level 13
Jan 19, 2008
Yeah, I can't wait for all of the cool UI's to unfold now that the new patch has dropped. I'm just hoping for a hot-fix quick, because a lot of stuff was broken, as I'm sure you're aware of too lol.

The question marks i drawed were meant to be like units that represent a unit that would hold those commands.

Ahh, okay I understand what you mean now. If Uyarrr wants to split it up, I'm sure I could make those fit in with each environment.
Level 4
Jan 10, 2013
after playing this map a couple of times with a friend we wanna make some sort of review.

First of all we both never played the dota 2 map so this is a first impression to us.
The gameplay is really fun and different than many other popular maps, which makes it fun to replay.
Also the terrain looks quite nice, only the last player spot (looks like a swimming pool to me) is somehow hurting my brain and should be altered.
We would like to help you in some way to improve the map so let's talk about all the various bugs and then what could be changed/added from our perspective.

  • Blackscreen after playing: The map seems to leak heavily which causes a seemingly forever blackscreen after every game.
    This can usually be fixed by making sure to free allocated memory space from locations/units/player/... variables.
  • Food not increasing: If you are for some reason AFK when the game starts and a few rounds pass your food sometimes does not increase if you haven't picked the horse yet. Just today i had a game where i came back to my PC with horse being lvl 4 and food at 3/3.
  • Gears not giving item: I had a bug once to get no item after collecting 6 gears, strange was to still have 1 Gear left so my friend thought that instead of an item i actually got a gear item.
  • Alchemist giving 2 gold: For some reason my friend hat the bug that alchemist dropped 2 coins, but also this happened just once.
  • Goblin sapper: Using the goblin sapper in round 1 does not count as a win/lose but still you end up losing 1 gold.
  • Player 10 spot: It is possible to put units on the upper half on this spot on top of it hurting your brain after looking too long xD.
  • Goblins too strong: From our perspective is the goblin racial in general too strong and adding a 4th goblin will completely break the gameplay. The reason we think it is too strong simply lies in the fact that you can't win the game without picking 2 goblins for extra items. To improve this there has to be another way to get items (like buying with gold) or changing the goblin bonus to something different (like goblins are usually not craftsmen in warcraft lore, they are usually bankers and make big money. Gnomes are the ones who build machines^^). Therefore I can think about a bonus that gives gold and is related to being a banker. Following bonus might be interesting: 2 goblins income gained with 10 gold less required (0=1g/10/20/30/40), 4 goblins makes income -20g required (0 = 2g/10=3g/20=4g/30=5g) and with 6 goblins its either -30 req or 50% more income in general.
    If you add the options to buy items with money it is fair to all players and goblins can get a few more from gold but it might no longer be that strong anymore.
  • Dwarfs are too strong: Somehow collecting 6 dwarfs is insanely good and you usually win by doing this. The reason might be on one hand that +12 armor is quite good on Muradin and the Tank who has extra lifereg from his class effect. Also there are no red units in dwarf so you can easily get the 6 unit effect. Then all dwarfs have in general good effect, the flying machine has very fast attack speed and can therefore be perfectly combined with the stun hammer, also it can even tank with leech and lifereg. This can be fixed by making other races stronger too or having 1 red unit for each race (dwarfs too) which is required to get all 6.
  • Orcs too weak: Orcs seem too weak to us as the dmg bonus effect is not bad but somehow makes them not equally strong as the other races. On the other hand are orc units in general not that good and could get a little buff for example higher attack speed so the damage bonus is more effective. The grunt and the raider are simply bad and gul'dan is also quite weak compared to the other red units. As improvement orcs could get some sort of crit effect as racial.
  • Nightelf have too many rare units: It is almost impossible to get the nightelf 6 unit effect anytime soon without a big portion of luck. So it would be better if there are atleast 2 white units and just 1 red in this pool.
  • Life not always 40: It would be fun to have the option to choose more than 40 lifes, for example 40/60/80 as the game usually ends before you can fully upgrade or collect all race boni. With more units added it will also be more rng and harder to collect your desired team.
  • Naga as new pool suggestion: As there is still space for another pool (and you maybe even further increase this) we can think of a naga pool. The wc3 campaign offers enough units for this with. Lady Vashj could be red, royal guard purple, couatl blue, myrmidon and siren green, snap dragon and turtle white. The race effect can be something related to water element like freezing effect on attack or applying parasite to enemy and leaving siren unit out of the pool.
  • Mage class: Mage class could get some effect to improve mana regeneration (quite obvious)
  • Death class: Fitting to the death class theme would be to summon skelettons upon killing a unit.
  • Bloodelf race would be nice: As Kael is currently alone he would be the perfect founding stone for a bloodelf race. We can think of having Kael, Spellbreaker, Mage, Priest and maybe some other lore characters or animals (in bloodelf lore there are usually manawyrm, dragonhawks and cats). As racial effect something with mana drain/mana destruction would fit their theme. (Destroy mana on attack or an effect to steal mana from enemy)
  • More options to reduce the random factor: Some things I came up with are race rolls and single slot rolls. Maybe this both things can be combined to one. Single slot roll might be the most interesting thing, it would be nice to have the option to just reroll 1 of the 5 units but therefore have the option to either roll on high rarity or role on same pool unit. Costs might be 1g normal reroll, 2g pool roll, 3g rarity roll. Another thing to add might be in general the rarity roll. For example 5g to roll all units with results only between blue>red.
  • Buying life: Not sure if this is necessary but could be interesting to get some options to buy life back.
  • Item roll: As already mentioned in the goblin issue it would be nice to buy random items. Possible price could be 5g for each item or more if having too much money might make this too op. Item roll could also get a 1-x round cooldown to balance it.

Many of this suggestions are not that important or probably harder/ more complex to implement and balance. Still there are a few points that seriously affect gameplay like the need of 2 goblins for the extra item.
The blackscreen doesn't matter so much if the gameplay can be improved instead and bugs happend quite rarely anyway.
As the builder unit is already full of abilities things like more roll options have to be moved to another spot, I can just think of putting a tower on bottom right spot and give him many roll functions with 1 spell swap between single/full role. Builder unit can get the buy life function or change reroll button to a spell that selects the roll tower for you.
In general it would be nice if more tactics are viable, but like every game there will always be some sort of meta build. There should just be counter to certain builds (nuke build can somehow counter dwarfs, but that's about it).
It is still fun to play this map over and over again and we hope you will further release new version soon :).
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Level 13
Jan 19, 2008
Also the terrain looks quite nice, only the last player spot (looks like a swimming pool to me) is somehow hurting my brain and should be altered.
  • Player 10 spot: It is possible to put units on the upper half on this spot on top of it hurting your brain after looking too long xD.
I noticed the ability to move units into the other playing field last night when I was testing out LB's spot. A lot of people wanted something flashy so I went with that look at first, but not everyone gets good FPS when playing there and I've been told by a lot of people it's too bright cough weaklings cough so in the next update that will be released I've entirely removed the flashing platform in the middle and got rid of the special effects beneath the arena.

Glad you enjoy the game and the terrains for the levels! :D
Level 10
May 16, 2013
I played my first game today.
So i can give my first impressions from a single playthrough.
Keep in mind i've never played autochess.

The presentation of it all seemed fine.
I think i kind of got the hang of it after 1 game and understood the concepts, which is good.

I think the game needs better navigation for players, because the first 10 minutes didn't feel intuitive.
-The game was flooded with text, it felt overbearing and whenever this happens i literally just turn my brain off and just play. Whatever happens happens. Less text would be good.
-Buy button had too much text, i still don't know what its all about. The text wasn't well structured for readability.
-The game seems very random at times, like i really don't get the point of placing your units since the AI just doesnt care about unit priority anyway. My tank which i intended to tank for my backline just ignored enemy frontline went straight for enemy backline and all my backline units just got shredded because of this random AI behaviour. There didn't seem like a way to deal with casters either. One of the players had Lich, Archmage in the back and it was dominating. It shredded everything. If the game had assassins would prioritise the backline i think that would make it better in terms of Rock Paper Scissor type balance.
-Im not sure if players are picked randomly, but i think the game would be massively improved if you knew who you were playing against ahead of time so you could make adjustments. Maybe hide each others positions and unit compositions during this time. I dont know, the game just feels very random and this is a big turnoff for me personally.
-Generally i think the game would be improved if options that concerned your owned unit table were separated from the random unit pool table and not have every command on the horse (maybe sth like pic related).

Hello, thanks for your comments. :peasant-thumbs-up-cheers: Game is still in Beta. I worked more for gameplay instead of making it user friendly. There will be cinematic tutorial soon, planned but I don't know when. Buy Unit tooltip is structured well I think, it describes Unit Stocks and Unit prices. After all, even units attack random targets, positioning is insanely important. Because spellcasters always use their ability instantly when round starts. Expert player friend Maecrow made a guide for it, I'll also add it here right now. But trust me game isn't random like you said at all, because experienced players with better formations and positions, they have way higher win rate when compared to other players.
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Level 1
Aug 8, 2019
hello. I'm an editor in Korea. I tried to play your map in a korean server which is called M16.
But I cann't play it in a korean server. so I wanna make a new korean version map like autobattle.
I've made a map which is like Heroes of storm defense. so i can handle how to make a map a little bit.
can you help me to make it?
becuz in korea we use only the korean server not asia.
I hope you help me to make a new map based on your map. thank you.
pls contact me [email protected]
Level 5
Aug 8, 2012
Been testing this map with my friends quite a bit recently, its very well made and polished. There exists some auto chess version in Korean couldnt find it, nor know how it compares to this, but so far Im looking forward to further additions!
Level 13
Jan 19, 2008
Been testing this map with my friends quite a bit recently, its very well made and polished. There exists some auto chess version in Korean couldnt find it, nor know how it compares to this, but so far Im looking forward to further additions!

Glad you enjoy the map! Uyarrr has been hard at work updating this often. The terrain should be completed pretty soon after he does all the hot fixes he needs for this current version.
Level 5
Aug 8, 2012
Haha coincidentally we've been playing SFZ 1.50a as well which I can see you worked on, another map that I look forward to seeing updated. Fun, simple and amusing, can’t wait to see what continues to get added!

Yeah I'll be continuing to play this with my friends, would be interesting to see a way to manage/swap/buy/sell or gamble items, I feel like this system could be expanded.

I think it would be even more awesome to add some more units to each race, gives the game more variety and added replay ability. One bug I noticed (not sure if its intentional) but when playing with others the lives displayed aren't shown for everyone. Aside from that, this is really turning out amazing!
Level 13
Jan 19, 2008
Haha coincidentally we've been playing SFZ 1.50a as well which I can see you worked on, another map that I look forward to seeing updated. Fun, simple and amusing, can’t wait to see what continues to get added!

By chance have you gotten that version to work lately? Since the 1.31 patch I've not been able to host the game without it kicking me back to my clan chat channel.

Yeah I'll be continuing to play this with my friends, would be interesting to see a way to manage/swap/buy/sell or gamble items, I feel like this system could be expanded.

I'm pretty sure Uyarrr plans on getting a system in place to either purchase & sell or gamble items; as of right now if you're going for items at least 2 goblins are kind of necessary for your build. This way it won't require goblins as part of your meta to get the edge over your enemies.

I think it would be even more awesome to add some more units to each race, gives the game more variety and added replay ability. One bug I noticed (not sure if its intentional) but when playing with others the lives displayed aren't shown for everyone. Aside from that, this is really turning out amazing!

Uyarrr has been good with adding a new unit per major update he does while fine tuning in between major updates with hot fixes for any bugs that come up. Concerning that bug in particular, I think that has to do when people skip player slots or when people have too long of a name it messes up the leader board. I believe he has a fix planned for this but it's been a low tier bug to fix since it's purely a visual thing that doesn't affect game play since you can still click on the enemies builder unit to check their lives.
Level 13
Jan 4, 2014
Hey I played this recently and the idea and game-play was pretty cool. The decor is really well made too. I played v1.3, so i don't know if it's too old a version, but it was pretty unplayable. I had the footman hero with a few tank items and the duels would last like 5 mins each, because my unit was unkillable and he did no damage. You should consider adding a sudden death feature if duel lasts too long.
Level 3
Jun 13, 2011
HI, Could someone upload a version of this map that compatible with war3 1.30.4? the AUTOBattle v0.38b seems only work in 1.31+ When I put the map in 1.30.4 maps folder the map doesn't show in game.
Level 10
May 16, 2013
HI, Could someone upload a version of this map that compatible with war3 1.30.4? the AUTOBattle v0.38b seems only work in 1.31+ When I put the map in 1.30.4 maps folder the map doesn't show in game.

This map uses new natives from New warcraft versions, I don't think it's possible to make it work in older versions without editing the code.