Mythic helps out in the arena but is mostly the news and PR guy. Those two often overlap.So now I could assume Media Manager == Arena Moderator.
No offense but that answer doesn't help too much against confusion, towards who takes responsibility in arena. It's not directed at you, but someone at least should know, or could answer. As for example on latest arena discussions there was like no arena-mod interaction. Or if it's not clear on staff side, that's totally okay, too, if it's at least somehow transparent. And together with your statement that Mythic, Media Manager, is the person who manages Arena, it just got more confusing.
follow these stepsHi there how can I post some maps here?
Use the green Report button and mention it. A moderator will move the post/thread.Hi everyone! I've posted a skin on Hive, without noticing that there is a separate section for Reforged skins. How can I move my skin from the normal Skins section, to the Reforged HD Skins section, without deleting the entire bundle?
You can post new thread in the Suggestions forum. I don't believe this is in there.How do I bookmark a source? I liked some icons but I could only bookmark the second comment, not the original post!
is it a bug or am I missing something?