
  1. deepstrasz

    The Frozen Throne menu sea creature

    0:50-> (a little to the left from the Quit button). Can someone please extract that model and make a doodad out of it with its animations? If not, at least do you know any similar models? Thanks.
  2. Duvo

    How can I hide parts of a mesh during specific animations using 3ds max and neodex?

    Hi guys, I'm working on a building model. I'd like to have construction and upgrade animations which require me to hide part of the mesh depending on what part of an animation the model is. What's the best way to go about this?
  3. deepstrasz

    (SOLVED) Vashj submerged version with movement, please?

    Basically, I need Lady Vashj submerged like the Myrmidon, Naga Royal Guard and/or Snap Dragon. This means, you can use their submerged version but the portrait has to be that of Vashj. One more thing, while moving the model needs too look the same as submerged. Please and thanks.
  4. BrothForMyPeople

    Animating a model

    So I've created (reedited/modified?) this model and I want it moving. Are there some animating tutorials?
  5. BrothForMyPeople

    Alternate Animations

    How to make an unit to stand and attack alternate animations? I have a model with sword and pistol animations, and I want an unit with this model to stand with the sword and a second unit (with the same model) to stand with the pistol (stand alternate). I have no clue how to do this... Thanks...
  6. Verdun

    Building Birth Animation ?!?

    This must be one of these things that are self-evident to everyone else, but with all the tutorials I have seen so far and every model I have looked at in the model editor I simply cannot figure out how to create "birth" animations (specifically, for buidlings). I have tried making birth...
  7. DeMoN100

    Spell Animation

    Hello there, I am trying to make a spell effect that loops on a unit until the buff is removed from him. The spell I am using is inner fire and the effect appears on the unit. Now I am running into a issue with this and the issue is as soon as I cast another spell from any unit on any unit the...
  8. TheAyalalalalon

    Model help

    Hello I made a custom model from the Units\Creeps\Archnathidpurple\Archnathidpurple I wanted him to have a special ability that was a hook I have removed its sting so when i cast the abiltiy i dont have 2 stings at once but here is my problem I want the unit to have the sting normally when he...
  9. Nebilac

    Corpse moving to the center of the map

    I decided to try out editing models for the hell of it. All went fine until I tried it out in World Editor. Only problem is that when the unit dies, its fleshy corpse disappears and teleports to the center of the map. But the corpse isn't actually there, since when I do Raise Dead, it will spawn...
  10. sarumanthecursed

    Model edit request

    Good day everyone! :) I need the fire effect in this HaradrimArcherVII model's "Attack 2" anim to be removed ;however, I would also like a version of the "Attack 2" anim with the fire effect as a spell animation. Any help in regards to this would be greatly appreciated and obviously credited...
  11. Elf_Lord

    Root Bone Animation Issue

    Hey, all! I'm a novice modeler in need of some advice or a fix here with an animation issue. I needed to give the Eredar model an actual fall-over death animation, so I made one in Mdlvis. A little over-the-top, I admit, but that's what I needed for this design. The problem is that the Eredar...
  12. sarumanthecursed

    Animation swap request

    Heyy all, i am requesting for someone to kindly (or unkindly :P ) give the ingame vulture model the animations of the ingame summoned hawk, specifically the attack animation. Any help will be immensely appreciated and credited in my upcoming map. Thanks all and have a fantastic day!
  13. HerrDave

    War of the Ring - Mirkwood Spider

    It is I, HerrDave and I am 100000% out of-- just-- *angry sounds* I cannot for the life of me animate this model. I need to have it's legs spread out in all animations but the standing animation, and I am being completely screwed by MdlVis. If anyone would be willing to -suffer- through...
  14. Elf_Lord

    Shredder Animation/Selection Issue

    So I was playing around with the Goblin Shredder model, trying to make a "disabled" animation set, and I finally got something I thought was passable. When I placed the unit in the editor, however, the unit was completely unselectable, but only when playing the new animations; when I turned off...
  15. Seavalan Legend

    Basic Shapes + Recolored Wisps

    I would like to request a few things. I think they would be simple, but they might not be as I have no experience in 3d modelling. My first set of requests is 11-15 Basic 3D shapes textured similar to either Checkered Cube (Green), Checkered Cube (Purple), or in a similar checkered pattern, but...
  16. Jamin8r

    How to add the Burrow animation?

    Ok, let me describe my map. It's a melee map and most undead ground units have the sacrifice ability to morph into another creature --> Banshees become Poltergeists, Necros become Revenants, Crypt Fiends become Nerubian Fiends, etc. Everything is good to go for the undead except for one little...
  17. Veronnis

    Transfuse (Spell Effect) (Simple Animation)

    Hello! Thanks for reading this if you're taking the time. I'm looking to have a spell effect created that is like the following! (Base Particle: Bloodlust, buff) When cast on a target unit: 7-20 (You pick) red glows (Preferrably staggered/not the same distance) appear around the target...
  18. GraduallyIBeganToHateThem


  19. Mister_Haudrauf

    Valid Animation Tags

    Hello friends, I want to know which animation tags/names are all valid. That means animations that are used by Warcraft 3. Edit: I know it sounds weird that i ask this, but i plan to make a model that can use both Sword/Shield and a Bow with Special Arrows Meaning: Attack One (Sword &...
  20. Kolossoni

    Can someone add swimming animations to this NAGA model?

    I found this custom naga model from this random website, but the model lacks a "swimming" sequence like most naga models. Can somebody add them for me? I don't know where she's from though. She doesn't look like a WOW model either... P.S. I'm NOT demanding anything. Therefore, I don't mind if...
  21. NightStalker

    Animation Problem

    So I have this unit with lots of animations. I called a specific animation by using custom script SetUnitAnimationByIndex, it can call several animations but when i call the 23rd or 24th or some other numbers higher than these the unit simply won't obey and use its simple stand animation. Is...
  22. Jamin8r

    Making a unit appear IN a building

    Is there any way to make a unit appear in a building, just chilling out? For example, I want to make a villager appear in a Naga Spawning Grounds as if he is actually in a hot tub... I tried a number of things, so I'm wondering if it's possible?
  23. Mazur

    Unit animation change

    I want to make a worker based on a villager. The problem is that his 'attack' animation is punching with his bare fists so it looks stupid when he's lumbering. He has another animation in which he's using a pickaxe but it's the 'work' animation and therefore it's only played when he's building...
  24. Mazur

    Building's construction animation.

    I used a trigger to play a humans' tower upgrade animation so it looks like it's still under construction but it only works for 60 seconds. After that, the tower disappears and only its ground texture is visible. A similar problem occurs with the 'birth' animation. Is there any way to make it...
  25. Thiiago

    Matrix Eater now? i am so confused x.x

    - Basically i always used the: Oinkerwinkles Animation Transferer for transfers my animations. Ex: I want an "Watcher" with Attack animation of Archer too, i tranfers the animation of attack of archer to watcher.. etc. BUT, the OAT (Oinkerwinkles Animation Transferer), dont open more in my...
  26. NightStalker

    Current Animations or a new one?

    Heya!! I've got a very good animated model. So I want a add a roll system into my map which is pretty similar to the one in DS(Dark Souls) series, which would allow the user to avoid incoming attacks. What I need for this is a good roll animation though. In my model there is a jump animation...
  27. sarumanthecursed

    Need Birth,Work and Damage anims

    Hey all >:D. I know this is quite the lengthy request and I don't expect one user to fulfill it but, it would be greatly appreciated if some one can give the following models (See Pastebin Link) a; Damage anima state (could just have added fire attachments), a Working animation ( ya might have...
  28. Sxar

    How import animation geoset?

    I want to made model of warrior with shield and cape but I sucks creating animation. Any tip/guide/idea to import animation for other model's geoset to my model like cape for Arthas to a footman bones in MDLVIS? or animations of shield-up of the footman and put it up to Arthas with sword?
  29. Yours Truly

    Editing the "Trueshot Aura" model to instantly disappear when "killed"

    Can anyone edit the Trueshot Aura so that it has a death animation? I wanted it to disappear instantly when I destroy it instead of it having no effect until approximately 5 seconds. Rep will be given. Thanks.
  30. Sxar


    Hello there! I want to create a multi-morph model, is that possible or I must create only with one morph? There's some tutorial that I can help as guide?
  31. BossGengar

    Mannoroth with HeroPitlord Animations

    I've been looking for Mannoroth with the Hero Pit Lord animations. Basically a HeroPitlord but with Mannoroth's textures. Or vise-versa? Would someone find this for me? Thanks in advance!:)
  32. TheAyalalalalon

    [Trigger] Move units in range to a point with an animation

    So i made a skill that moves all enemy units in range to a point but i want this trigger to be a bit animated instead of instatly move. Detener Events Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability Conditions (Ability being cast) Equal to Custom Ability Actions...
  33. gabriono

    Model animations does not play

    I made a model in Gmax, converted it into .mdl and into .mdx. Opened the .mdl with War3 model Editor and with War3 Viewer and checked the animations and they work but it does not show ingame. I can see the animations in WE viewer but they aren't playing. I will post a demo map when I get home in...
  34. Thiiago

    Animation tranfer? How i can?

    I always using the program: Oinkerwinkles-Animation-Transferer For transfers my animations, example: - I want an Footman with Night Elf Archer, attack animation. - Or i want an Priest with Footman meele attack animation. Etc.. BUT, now i using the Win10, and the .exe of...
  35. troylowyee

    Bow smack animation for archer

    I am making a game, where the archer has this melee knockback ability. Unfortunately, there is no melee attack slam animation, something like a blademaster attack slam but without the jump. Its wierd without the animation. If you could help me insert a melee attack slam animation into an archer...
  36. tolist85

    My Drawings,animations,cartoon about War Craft

    Hello everyone, i have my drawings about war craft characters. Please leave comment! Have fun!
  37. RobertMKD

    Is there a way to make illusions play animations and change color/transparency?

    I need illusions to do stuff that normal unit's can a lot in my map, but normal illusions don't, so how do I go around that?
  38. Times

    How to place sound on animation?

    Hello, just came around here to ask if I can place a sound on an animation with MdlVis (or another freeware program?) And if it's possible, how can I do it?