Building Birth Animation ?!?

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Level 14
Jun 9, 2008
This must be one of these things that are self-evident to everyone else, but with all the tutorials I have seen so far and every model I have looked at in the model editor

I simply cannot figure out how to create "birth" animations (specifically, for buidlings).

I have tried making birth animations like I create every other animation - just moving/rotating bones around. To no avail - When I put the model in the editor, I only get weird half-animations, or the model just doesn't do anything at all until it's done, and then the finished results just appears.

I'm not looking for ways to add birth animations via triggers or anything - I want to understand the miracle of birth itself :p

Again, I probably fail to see something obvious, but it's driving me up the walls.
Level 14
Jun 9, 2008
Human and Orc buildings have geosets that only show up in the birthday animations. They are mostly scaffolds and those drapey-cloth thingies.
Nightelf and Undead buildings use an attachment called 'Birthlink' that 'generates' a special build-up model that only shows up during the birth animation.
Thanks! Is there anything else that sets birth animations in general apart from other animations? For instance, if I have like a demon-thingy slowly rise up from the ground (in the game, not in real life), is there anything in particular I have to consider?

EDIT: btw, something might just be wrong with how I do animations, but I found my birth anims work a LOT better when I set the unit's "blend time" to 0. Fancy that.
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Depends on what of the two methods I mentioned you are using.
If you are using the 'in-model' method then you have to make sure the geosets only appear in the 'Birth' animation and disappear of the that animation.
If you are using the the method of using a Bithlink attachment you have to make sure the referred model only appears in Birth and disappears at the end of it and that the referred model actually works.
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