Warcraft III's DotA is OVER???

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Level 9
Mar 31, 2011


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Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
Well not to be a ass or anything, but its like a dream come true.
I was really not a fan of DOTA, but I did like the spells the heroes and villains had and nothing else, and boy wonder how much DOTA people will enjoy the new one.
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Level 11
May 10, 2008
ya its a shame... DOTA made wc3 very popular and now that hes not gonna update it ne more... i have a feeling there isnt going to be that many people online any more :(
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Just because a map isn't updated anymore doesn't mean people will stop playing it.
DotA is still gonna be played by random users on bnet.

Until Dota 2 is released of course.
Level 9
Mar 31, 2011
I wish number of people playing warcraft will be the same after Valve and Icefrog's DotA 2's release. :cry: I'm working on a map right now, and I wish people will play it with BNET, Garena, or any other gaming platforms which connect players, to play together :cry: .
Level 11
May 10, 2008
Just because a map isn't updated anymore doesn't mean people will stop playing it.
DotA is still gonna be played by random users on bnet.

Until Dota 2 is released of course.

You could be right, but nonetheless wc3 is a dieing game =\, i dont even play it ne more :(
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Just because a map isn't updated anymore doesn't mean people will stop playing it.
DotA is still gonna be played by random users on bnet.

Until Dota 2 is released of course.


You guys don't think. Look at Footman wars does anyone care what version it is? It is still played by some, Dota's no new versions will shorten its life but not completely. It will still be played by some die hard fans who continue to play war3 even after 10 years.

And also you judge only by the poor battle net when Garena is times better. See what's going in in Garena, not exactly 'over' lol
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
Well there is DotA Imba or whatever it's called :3
Surely someone will pick it up and keep going. Maybe.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
For some reason, I doubt that IceFrog would entirely forget about his game, either he could pass it on to somebody else to start a new era, or he could continue it as usual, just with an extra game to update.
Level 7
Jun 16, 2008
There's enough evidence to substantiate the fact that we really shouldn't worry. :/ As mentioned before, it's very likely that people will still host and play previous versions of DotA for quite some time. And, despite DotA's popularity, there are still many who preferred other map genres - such as ORPGs or TDs - over DotA, who will simply resume playing those. It's saddening yet true that W3 will lose some popularity and players, but the loss of the DotA updating stream certainly won't bring about a complete abandonment of Warcraft III. Relax, people. Besides, this brings forth a great opportunity for mappers to create a new blockbuster AoS-style map. See this as a refreshing change, not some apocalypse.
Level 9
Mar 31, 2011
A "NEW" blockbuster AoS-style map :smile: .

- - - -
Btw, I think my laptop can't run Valve's DotA 2, so I'm sticking with Warcraft 3 hahaha... Poor guy here, LOL...
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
I Admit, I liked dota in past few years of playing it, I was considered eh...
lets say a veteran on the game >.>

Anyway, the only thing that is good about dota is I guess the fame you will get among the players ?? and if you really are willing to play it, you'll get too addicted unless there is an inspiration or something to stop you from playing it...

Even if Icefrog wont update the map, it wont die but its population will decrease about 50 - 60% if it does not get updated.... and Im sure someone will make a new map which persons will be addicted to again.. its just a cycle among us humans :)

Start by advertising it to your friends, and then its up to them to spread it more until it reach to guys you have never knew and they'll spread it till its the whole world who knows about it.,,, :)
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
nope DotA won't stop, they already got a big group making ideas and improvements in the game, unlike before, that other person (before guinsoo and icefrog) made the whole map all by him/herself without help that ended in disaster, plus the developers already got 2 gaming companies LOL and HON + Valve's coming DotA II so I'd say no, DotA won't stop updating
Level 9
Mar 31, 2011
Most in here, Philippines, don't know about "warcraft", they only play "DotA", and they call warcraft as DotA, I dunno why...
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
As long as the file size limit isn't reached, I'm sure it can continue, I don't see how people can leave DotA in just one fell swoop like that after so many years of playing.
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
but then some players(like me) are retired already, and the people playing dota here in the philippines is slowly decreasing. only the kids are now playing it. Now we "Retired Players" are playing only if there is someone challenging us with a bet. And sometimes we just go to Computer shops/PC Bangs maybe 10x a year ? and beat the ass of the guys there and spread our name in shops so yeah, once Icefrog stops updating it the slowly decreasing of players will then be rapid.
Level 9
Mar 31, 2011
Well, I think why they are slowly decreasing are because of games based on DotA, which are LOL(League of Legends) and HoN(Heroes of Newerth).
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Well WoW killed warcraft 3 lore


What does Dota have to do with war3 lore?

War3 Dota could die eventually due to people moving to sc2 or HoN/LOL (latter has nice name lol game indeed).

Also not Icefrog but Blizzard Dota. I don't see a difference between Icefrog and someone else doing the same. If such map is constantly updated with fixes and new heroes, then it will be played. People had reason to hate Dota filling all the pages on War3 bnet but in SC2 bnet just 1 map out of 10-16 other maps on the same page, it is unreasonable, unless you see 10 different Dota types which I doubt will ever happen lol.

An example how it doesn't have to be Icefrog to be most played: SC2's Storm of the Imperial sanctum by vjeux does pretty much the same for all who simply got tired of entering War3 and now do the same in sc2. If he constantly updates it, it will become like a new Dota but without balancing and fixes like War3 Dota, no one will take it seriously.
Level 7
Jun 16, 2008
Wait, as I recall Icefrog got the Dota: llstars from another user... do you think Icefrog will pass down the Dota to someone else?

With all the fame and popularity he has amassed? Very unlikely. One thing that is common about humans - once you've achieved fame or built a legacy, you hold onto it for as long as possible. It was passed down to Icefrog when it was still 'just' an AOS-style map.
Level 14
Mar 23, 2011
Well WoW killed warcraft 3 lore
dota is killing it by some ppl thinking that the warcraft cinematics are dota movies or something,when i saw this video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuOWpFreH1w ,in the description he said "this is not a real trailer,I JUST MADE IT FOR FUN",he just added a requiem for a dream soundtrack and made a simple compilation of warcraft 3 cinematics, i was holy S*IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :goblin_wtf: :ogre_rage::vw_wtf::eekani::witch_doc_sad::nemad::pshock::week: ,what the hell was he thinking,i could pwn him in any melee game (Which i kinda suck in)
well moving into WoW, well the whole RTS scheme was changed into MMORPG,which some "REAL" warcraft fans complain on
I find this as an advantage to Wc3 mods as this will give the name of Wc3 back into Wc3 and not the Wc3 into Dota and will get Wc3 players to realize that there are more maps than Dota and that icefrog only got lucky with Dota because he got in first to gain all the popularity with a long lasting map,but it seems to late for a map to get as populure as Dota untill now (if the popularity of Dota does realy decrease) giving more advantage to over mods to get more attention. Also I don't think that the Dota fan popularity will decrease due to the great interface of Dota in Wc3 and atleast wont get taken over by Blizzard Dota due to the ugly interface that looks dull and realy dark(this is what I think).
Level 9
Mar 31, 2011
I find this as an advantage to Wc3 mods as this will give the name of Wc3 back into Wc3 and not the Wc3 into Dota and will get Wc3 players to realize that there are more maps than Dota and that icefrog only got lucky with Dota because he got in first to gain all the popularity with a long lasting map,but it seems to late for a map to get as populure as Dota untill now (if the popularity of Dota does realy decrease) giving more advantage to over mods to get more attention. Also I don't think that the Dota fan popularity will decrease due to the great interface of Dota in Wc3 and atleast wont get taken over by Blizzard Dota due to the ugly interface that looks dull and realy dark(this is what I think).

AGREED :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
I find this as an advantage to Wc3 mods as this will give the name of Wc3 back into Wc3 and not the Wc3 into Dota and will get Wc3 players to realize that there are more maps than Dota and that icefrog only got lucky with Dota because he got in first to gain all the popularity with a long lasting map,but it seems to late for a map to get as populure as Dota untill now (if the popularity of Dota does realy decrease) giving more advantage to over mods to get more attention. Also I don't think that the Dota fan popularity will decrease due to the great interface of Dota in Wc3 and atleast wont get taken over by Blizzard Dota due to the ugly interface that looks dull and realy dark(this is what I think).

The Blizzard Allstars interface is fine. Plus it might be a screenshot from a pretty early version.

Dude, don't you realise that those Dota fans will earlier or later get bored of WC3 version and will get the SC2 with Blizzard Allstars (Which doesn't have a dull interface as some people say) or Dota 2, made by Valve. And because there will be no more updates, no more people will come to replace them, which will lead to a major decrease of Warcraft 3 popularity, because people who came only for Dota have low chances of getting intrested in some other maps, so this mean a decrease of Warcraft 3 multiplayer player amounts, but this doesn't mean there will be less Dota - the die hard Dota fans will stay, leaving the game servers full of Dota, not letting any other map become popular. And pretty much quite a lot of those mappers who had a map that was at least somewhat popular in WC3 multiplayer have moved to SC2.
If you know my big bro you would understand Tleno.....
I probably only said what I said because only a thew people who I know play Wc3 where I live as I got this game years ago and have only started to realize Wc3's potential only in the recent year but peoples opinions are there opinions and if they stand by it I respect that as everyone makes a decition based on who they are and that is why I beleave that even with if Dota dies out (*ha?*) alot of hardcore players that pay Dota isn't the only game they play as one cannot gain skills for one thin by only doing that one thing and other Wc3 maps are the target and I think that Wc3 wont die out because people will get bored of Dota (and not only on the Wc3 vertion) and start to play custom games more often.
Another example why Wc3 wont die out so easily is that alot of people envy low graphic games as they don't want eye candy (Aparently for some Sc2 is good for that?) and instead like to play for the objective and also alot of people like games to be a bit cartooney and off tune.
I knew this was going to happen..
I contacted IceFrog a few months ago telling him that if he's ever going to leave 'DotA', then he should pass it down to someone with a hefty amount of Jass knowledge :p (I was kinda hinting myself xD)
Unfortunately, he hasn't talked to me in months now and he kicked me off his beta-testing team o-o
Level 5
Aug 16, 2010
never been a big fan of dota, there is an ocean of maps, and its actually the small map makers with little credit, that make the best maps... so to say:"the noname artists rule"
Dota was just one of the first, got an easy name, has a song, and a long history of perfection...
Most no name artists are anyway much better, even concerning music... consider hardstyle: there are hundreds of noname artists, and they dont make cash even though their music is better... because there are artists like blutoniumboy or noiscontrollers, that steal the credit...
however the other argument is my mc donalds theory... they got to the top by being the best, so they deserve to be there even if they are pathetic now... 20 years ago u really did get that burger u see in the TV... now u get a weird good smelling flop of plastic (tastes good though)...
Warcraft is dieing... i used to spend endless hours working on maps, but now i play mass effect 2... its just a different dimension...
And to all: dota is wrather useless... it is the world editor that made it so popular... there would have been another map which would have goten the same fame... its just that there is no other map maker in the world that is easier to use or that pays of more... second in line would probably be the editor to sc1, but there again u r very limited... and sc1 is WAY behind wc3 so QED wc3 will be legend very soon...]
if blizard realy wants to get the support of the non WoWers, then they will need to make a game which is new and better than wc3 and has an easy editor, that u can use to change everything, maybe an editor with even the same concept... but i doubt that will happen...
Level 5
Jun 30, 2004
make your own DotA2 here in WC3 environment Mags rather than an asking him :)...
Don't go copying DotA straight up it's arse. It makes you look incredibly lazy, naive, shameless, unintuitive, and a second-rate thief. I've seen too many maps that basically cracked DotA open and copy+pasted 80% of the heroes and items. Oh, god there was this one map where all of the shops were 100% identical and the "secret shops" were in the exact same places in DotA with the exact same items. I was playing with the guy who made the map and when I pointed this out he said, "Oh it's done on purpose." Well, OBVIOUSLY. If it wasn't done on purpose it wouldn't be there... It made me laugh, but my heart and soul were crying.

If he was trying to parody DotA, he really needs to do research on what a parody really is; a parody is not a rip-off.
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