The only disappointing is that Dota dominated over the melee, many left the ladder and switched to play Dota... And this graph if correct compares melee and Dota. Whatever the graph should look, it woould really show Dota is much higher. But that's something i KNow ssince few yrs ago so nothing new.
So you can have your fight Doters vs Mapmakers but we, Meleers don't care
I don't like Dota very much but it is not the reason for the fall of interest in melee, so I don't mind it and I play it with friends. I only hate the stupid trolls coz elsewhere I don't see as much unmannered noobs as in Dota. Heck they learn to control 1 hero for 5 years, some of us learn to do that with units and buildings as well.
Pyramidhe@d: The melee gets boring fast only if you haven't gone inside it for years to know what is cool about playing another and another game vs elf, ud or whataver. If you like soccer and follow which team wins vs who, takes part in what league, etc. war3 is the same and that's why it is called electronic sports, it's on PC but has the same idea and what's more you can be part of it. Ofc after YEARS anfd not before, when you see no difference in the balance, it gets boring, but that needs years. Not 1-2 games, "oh i lose, boring, bye'. In order to be good it takes years, and to me the the interesting in melee started when I became relatively good.
I left ladder 1.5 yers ago coz:
• I learnt about SC2 coming soon (no point in playing more war3), war3 was for several years already, needs a change, I was away from games for that much and coz hu vs ud was never balaced, only expand wins to beat an even not so good ud, that's the strat since 3 years ago. Coz ud always is much stronger than hu in late game.