The Magic Kingdom v1.2

The Magic Kingdom
1.31+, SD Graphics
Once a powerful nation, torn into four nations.
Once a united banner, shattered by greed and lust.

The Magic Kingdom is one of the most powerful factions in the Resistance Against the Cake Crusade RP. Utilizing a heavy combination of advanced magic and some of the scariest magic-tech combinations, they are a dangerous force to be reckoned with.





Authors Notes

A whole new arsenal of the human army called The Magic Kingdom.

+ Powerful Heroes
+ Expansive tech tree with choice embedded
+ Has very powerful late game units
+ Late game dominance
+ Can easily amass forces with summons

- The path selection is like a tattoo mark, you're stuck with it once you choose it for the game
- Most units lack survivability
- Path selection decides how some of your units behave in battle
- Anti-spellcaster is a big problem for this faction

- Remember that your worker has an offensive ability
- All structures can fire against invaders as long as they are not magic immune, with Town Hall dealing heavy damage randomly
- Bladedancer has a powerful Energy Blast ability that can wreck troops in the early game

[December 1st, 2023 [1.2]]
Mind Control Field selection area now reflect actual affected area
MagiTech Research Center no longer mentions Sky Guardians
Crystal Tower's selection scale reduced from 5 to 4.5
Protector Aura now uses their own aura instead of Devotion Aura
New Model for Knightblade to fix crash
Blessing of Light hotkey collision with Charge hotkey
Raven's Mystic Heal tooltip
Fix 1.31 AI Heroes

New Model for Holy Priest
New Icon for Holy Priest
New Icon for Energy Aura Buff
Summon Lava Spawn renamed to Summon Lavalings
Lava Spawn renamed to Lavalings
Lavalings now deal siege instead of pierce
New Icon for Scroll of Heaven
New Icon for Psychomancer Adept/Master Training
New Icon for Sorcerer Elite Training
Sorcerer tooltip changed
New Icon for Magic Explosion
New Icon for Purification Bomb
Changed Custom Tank attack projectile
Replace Charge with Shield Up for Bladedancer

Magister's Brilliance Aura increased from 75/150/225% to 150/300/450%
Shadow Cluster cooldown reduces from 60 to 30 seconds
Custom Magic Tank health increased from 550 to 700
Custom Magic Tank base damage increased from 11 to 15
Mind Blast now requires Psychomancer Adept Training instead of Psychomancer Master Training
Psychic Mute Wave now disables all forms of attacking and spells
Holy Priest movement speed increased from 290 to 320
Warmage movement speed reduced from 300 to 290

Storm Arrow forked damage reduced from 175 to 150
Storm Arrow bash damage reduced from 15 to 10
Storm Arrow bash chance reduced from 15% to 5%
Magic Fortress health reduced from 1400 to 1175
Enhanced Energy Blast damage reduced from 200 to 150
Legendz' Mystic Heal armor bonus reduced from 0.2 to 0.1
Combat Aura percent damage bonus reduced from 55% to 40%
Magic Fortress' Tornado damage reduced from 750 to 600

[March 12th, 2023[1.1]]
Fixed Magic Fortress tooltip
Fixed Soldier of Heaven tooltip
Fixed Purification Bomb tooltip
Fixed Mind Control Field tooltip
Fixed Fate Denial tooltip
Fixed Brilliance Aura tooltip and hotkey
Fixed Apocalypse tooltip
Fixed Healer spellcaster upgrade info
Fixed Survival Guidance requirement
Fixed Magic Rain hotkey

New Icon for Magister
New Icon for Warmage
New Icon for Energy Aura
New Icon for Fate Denial
New Icon for Soldier of Heaven
New Icon for Shock Aura
New Icon for Storm Arrow
New Icon for Battle Support
New Effect for Battle Support

Storm Arrow effect improved with an active ability addition
Elemental Harnesser now has Shock Aura (unlocked by research)

Magic Fortress' Thunderstrikes increased from 2 to 3
Purification Bomb mana cost decreased from 175/200/225 to 150/150/150
Crystal Tower's Magic Break summoned damage increased from 100 to 200
Custom Tank's Legendz Blessing damage block increased from 20 to 25
Pyschomancer's Mind Blast damage increased from 60 to 100
Crystal Tower's base damage increased from 9 to 19

[December 4th, 2021 [1.0]]
First Upload
Terrain by Blizzard Entertainment

Systems :

General Frank
Ujimasa Hojo

General Frank
Ujimasa Hojo
The Panda
Gear of Rage
Antares A
5 years ago, I launched the very first version of Night Empire faction that has a very mixed bag of reviews for its time. People applaud the idea and the enjoyable factor, but dislike the balance of the faction. Since then, I had been interested in the idea of making a faction with a sub-faction tech-tree befitting of my most favored faction in my RP history.

The Magic Kingdom started development around the time of 1.31 rolls around. I cannot be sure when I exactly started this idea, but I can say it has been quite a long time and Cherrymage aka Directive255 can tell that I had this idea for a long time. There are some videos of the older WIP that date at least a year back, showing how the faction without any proper graphic in place back then.

The idea with this particular faction is the utilization of branching to unlock the advanced section of the faction's tech tree. While preserving their general counter against most enemies in the mainline tech, some of the more interesting expansion of the faction is located within each sub-tech that is accessible after a major decision made by the commanding player on what sub-tech they wish to pursue.

The faction is almost completely made by myself. Cherrymage did help with some suggestions for extra replayability back in the 2020 showcase version. There were some really absurd ideas also planned in the bag. Some of them are listed for your convenience (this is based on the 1.0 release):
- A secondary sky-artillery unit that is similar to the current Sky Fortress, but cheaper and more manage-able (see Sky Guardians in the Object Editor)
- Watchers used to have Gaze Magic (which supports its name, lore-wise), which doubles them as sensor units (this role is now exclusively handled by Drone, so players have a reason to actually train a Drone)
- Each sub-tech is supposed to have its own tank, instead of having one tank with altered versions like how it is currently
- The Arrow Barrage was intended to be more of multiple waves, but due to radius and effectivity issues, I decided to reduce the waves and instead make the arrows hit like trucks
- Before I decided on having each faction be extremely exclusive in play-style, there was a plan to make Knightblade a general unit
- Magic Mines are considered at one point (based on EMP Mines in Mental Omega), but I decided against including it (this faction already has TOO MANY dangerous tools)
- The Crystal Tower is supposed to be available only on Legendz Path, but after considering the fact that having another tower-less faction is not fun (see Night Empire), I decided to allow all paths to access the tower albeit at the second tier. The buildings having an in-built weapon is my answer to the tower-less part of T1.
- At one point, I was considering having this faction abuse the summoning abilities to the next level. I did not decide to pursue this path since Humans will enjoy hard-countering the faction with Priests (Orcs also with Spirit Walkers). This faction's current summoning roster, with exception of Elite Mage's Meteor and Golem (Legendz Path), is very much counter-able with dispels.
- I was considering having a full roster of spellcasters, but having a hard time coming up with new unique ones let me scrap that idea.
- Before the late phase of development, Holy Infusion was your average Holy Light. This is to mitigate heavy healing issues for Daffa and Raven paths (Mystic Heal is not cheap), but I decided to put Holy Infusion instead so they are more oriented on having a tank unit that they don't have (just use it on a Bladedancer and voila!). Legendz already has good HP and armor buffs, as well as better crowd controlling with Fear Aura and Shock Aura, so Holy Light is quite ridiculous for them. As for Future, a combination of Knightblades and Healer is deadly with proper micro (unless you use air units as a response).

If you like this work and wish to support me financially, you can support me via Ko-fi.

The Magic Kingdom v1.2.0 (Map)

Sorcerer and Holy Priest have the same icon. Same with Magistress and Psychomancer. The icon for the training of Magistress, Sorcerer and Psychomancer is the same. Study Sanctum's selection circle is too small and the Crystal Tower's too big. Pheonix...


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Sorcerer and Holy Priest have the same icon. Same with Magistress and Psychomancer.
The icon for the training of Magistress, Sorcerer and Psychomancer is the same.
Study Sanctum's selection circle is too small and the Crystal Tower's too big.
Pheonix Protector's icon=Immolation's.
The Aura abilities in the Vault have the same icon as Brilliance Aura.
Protector Aura's icon=some other ability's from the Vault.
Mind Blast and Magic Explosion don't say how much the slowing lasts. They're practically the same spell.

Generally, a nice idea with techtree branching but very reliant on original Warcraft III material.


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Downpatch to 1.31 with the assistance of Map Adapter.

Fixed Magic Fortress tooltip
Fixed Soldier of Heaven tooltip
Fixed Purification Bomb tooltip
Fixed Mind Control Field tooltip
Fixed Fate Denial tooltip
Fixed Brilliance Aura tooltip and hotkey
Fixed Apocalypse tooltip
Fixed Healer spellcaster upgrade info
Fixed Survival Guidance requirement
Fixed Magic Rain hotkey

New Icon for Magister
New Icon for Warmage
New Icon for Energy Aura
New Icon for Fate Denial
New Icon for Soldier of Heaven
New Icon for Shock Aura
New Icon for Storm Arrow
New Icon for Battle Support
New Effect for Battle Support

Storm Arrow effect improved with an active ability addition
Elemental Harnesser now has Shock Aura (unlocked by research)

Magic Fortress' Thunderstrikes increased from 2 to 3
Purification Bomb mana cost decreased from 175/200/225 to 150/150/150
Crystal Tower's Magic Break summoned damage increased from 100 to 200
Custom Tank's Legendz Blessing damage block increased from 20 to 25
Pyschomancer's Mind Blast damage increased from 60 to 100
Crystal Tower's base damage increased from 9 to 19

Blessing of Light no longer increases maximum health
Purification Bomb maximum distance reduced from 1000 to 900
Phoenix Charge mana cost increased from 120 to 125
Holy Light damage increase reduced from 1/2/3 to 0/0/0
Apocalypse's summon duration reduced from 25 to 15 seconds
Apocalypse's cooldown increased from 120 to 180 seconds
Heal [Future Path] health bonus on Knightblades reduced from 50 to 25
Heavenly Blades' damage increase reduced from 150% to 100%
Bladedancer's Energy Blast's stun duration for hero reduced from 1.25/2.00 to 0.50/1.00
Bladedancer's Energy Blast's stun duration for unit reduced from 2.50/4.00 to 1.00/3.00
Worker's Energy Blast no longer can target heroes
Holy Infusion target cannot be targeted twice
Magic Capital build time increased from 50 to 140 seconds
Main Hall food provided reduced from 20/25/30 to 12/16/20
Storm Arrows now requires Improved Arrows upgrade
Shadow Hound's summoned units reduced from 3 to 2
Crystal Tower food cost increased from 0 to 3

Sorcerer and Holy Priest have the same icon. Same with Magistress and Psychomancer.
The icon for the training of Magistress, Sorcerer and Psychomancer is the same.
Study Sanctum's selection circle is too small and the Crystal Tower's too big.
Pheonix Protector's icon=Immolation's.
The Aura abilities in the Vault have the same icon as Brilliance Aura.
Protector Aura's icon=some other ability's from the Vault.
Mind Blast and Magic Explosion don't say how much the slowing lasts. They're practically the same spell.

Generally, a nice idea with techtree branching but very reliant on original Warcraft III material.
I hope I covered the similarities correctly in this patch.
Same as above.
Crystal Tower seems to be okay, I seem to miss the Sanctum
Do I need to make this one custom icon?
Fixed some of the icon, I still have yet to decide for Raven
Fixed in 1.1
Ah, shoot. Missed that.

I am open to balance suggestions and such, so feel free to hit away!
[December 1st, 2023 [1.2]]
Mind Control Field selection area now reflect actual affected area
MagiTech Research Center no longer mentions Sky Guardians
Crystal Tower's selection scale reduced from 5 to 4.5
Protector Aura now uses their own aura instead of Devotion Aura
New Model for Knightblade to fix crash
Blessing of Light hotkey collision with Charge hotkey
Raven's Mystic Heal tooltip
Fix 1.31 AI Heroes

New Model for Holy Priest
New Icon for Holy Priest
New Icon for Energy Aura Buff
Summon Lava Spawn renamed to Summon Lavalings
Lava Spawn renamed to Lavalings
Lavalings now deal siege instead of pierce
New Icon for Scroll of Heaven
New Icon for Psychomancer Adept/Master Training
New Icon for Sorcerer Elite Training
Sorcerer tooltip changed
New Icon for Magic Explosion
New Icon for Purification Bomb
Changed Custom Tank attack projectile
Replace Charge with Shield Up for Bladedancer

Magister's Brilliance Aura increased from 75/150/225% to 150/300/450%
Shadow Cluster cooldown reduces from 60 to 30 seconds
Custom Magic Tank health increased from 550 to 700
Custom Magic Tank base damage increased from 11 to 15
Mind Blast now requires Psychomancer Adept Training instead of Psychomancer Master Training
Psychic Mute Wave now disables all forms of attacking and spells
Holy Priest movement speed increased from 290 to 320
Warmage movement speed reduced from 300 to 290

Storm Arrow forked damage reduced from 175 to 150
Storm Arrow bash damage reduced from 15 to 10
Storm Arrow bash chance reduced from 15% to 5%
Magic Fortress health reduced from 1400 to 1175
Enhanced Energy Blast damage reduced from 200 to 150
Legendz' Mystic Heal armor bonus reduced from 0.2 to 0.1
Combat Aura percent damage bonus reduced from 55% to 40%
Magic Fortress' Tornado damage reduced from 750 to 600