• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

The Defence of the Castle

Developed on Warcraft III 1.31.1, so that or newer is required.
Please consider writing a comment/review below on your experience. Was it boring? Too hard? To easy? Something super overpowered? Please let me know!

The Defence of the Castle (DTC) is simple in concept.
You select a hero, and defend a castle from enemies spawning in waves.
The heroes are inspired by characters/units from other games.

It is meant to be fairly hard to beat and requires cooperative play! #coop
We have worked hard on trying to achieve a map that is both challenging but fun to play and that allows for multiple play styles.
There are now multiple difficulties to allow for an easier or harder experience.

Yes. The answer to the question that you all asked: Have you really done that masterpiece that is the map-preview? Yes I have!

Khadgar (Warcraft 2 Mage inspired)
* [Q] Fireball - Launches a Fireball that will bounce and explode 5 times in a line, dealing area damage each bounce.
* [W] Flame Shield - Shields the target by summoning 3 flames circling around the target unit.
* [E] Blizzard - Channels a storm of freezing ice shards that damages and slows units hit in a target area. The amount of ice shards will increase with longer channeling
* [R] Amplify Magic - Greatly Amplify the next spell cast (increase AoE, damage, etc.). Passively gives damage to all other abilities with a % of intelligence.

Samus (Metroid)
* [Q] Charge Beam - Channel to charge up a powerful attack that will fire on next attack order. Can stop and continue to charge later. Damage, Range, AoE is increased with longer charge.
* [W] Morph Ball/Bomb/Boost - Transforms Samus into Morph Ball mode, disabling her attacks but enabling the placement of energy bombs. She is also granted an armor bonus of 5 and an increase in movement speed.
* [E] Missile - Fires a missile in a straight line in the targeted direction that explodes upon impact with a unit dealing damage near the missile.
* [R] Overcharge - Causes Samus to Overcharge her beam cannon, enabling her to fire a massive wave of energy causing damage to any unit in a big line in front of her.

Mammoth Tank (Red Alert)
* [Q] V2 Rocket Support - Marks a location for a V2 Rocket strike. Deals damage to the target area after 2 seconds.
* [W] Tusk Missiles - Fires a pair of missiles against a randomly targeted enemy every 5 seconds, dealing damage to enemies within a small radius (increased by Stength-stat)
* [E] Agghhh Motherland - Gives friendly nearby units % bonus to damage and bonus HP/s regeneration.
* [R] Parabombs - Calls in a Badgerbomber airplane to drop 7 parabombs in a line (centered on target location)
* Passive: This unit fires two shots each time it attacks.

Master Chief (Halo)
* [Q] Weapon Roulette - Randomly switches weapon from a selection. Each weapon has its own unique characteristics. Increases the weapon-pool with points in this ability.
* [W] Drop Medkit - Drops a medkit that can be used by the Spartan as well as allies. Heals instantaneously on pickup.
* [E] Plasma Grenade - Throws a Plasma Grenade towards target point. If it hits an enemiy it will stick to it. The grenade then explodes after 2.5 seconds.
* [R] Vehicle Drop - Calls on vehicle air support. Warthog, Scorpion Tank, Heavy Scorpion Tank.

Darth Vader (Star Wars)
* [Q] Force Lightning - Calls forth lightning to damage enemies and slows the primary target.
* [W] Force Push - Sends a wave of force to damage enemies, pushing targets away.
* [E] Force Slow - Decreases the movement speed and attack rate of nearby enemy units
* [R] Force Choke - The Sith Lord can literally suck the breath out of his enemy, stunning them in the process.

Lothar (Warcraft)
* [Q] Charge - Charges target enemy, pushing aside and damage anyone on the way. Stuns and damages target. (D) Doubles block chance from Defensive Stance.
* [W] Slash - Slahes an area in front of Lothar. (A) Can critical hit, (D) Blocks all damage for very short duration, (L) Hitting many enemies heals all nearby allies.
* [E] Change Stance - Stance gives a passive and augments other abilities. The stances are: (A) Aggressive, (D) Defensive and (L) Leadership.
(A) Passive: Increases chance to critical hit and critical hit damage for each rank and gain more crit from Strength.
(D) Passive: Chance to block damage. A percentage of blocked damage is added to next basic attack. Note: Some items also gives block that improves this passive.
(L) Passive: Rallies a footman per 25 second up to a cap. After another 25 seconds if all footmen are alive, rally a captain. Having a captain reduces rally time.
* [R] Footmen Charge - 5 footmen charges in target direction, damages and slows enemies hit. Footmen will fight for you after the charge. After a while, footmen over you current leadership capactiy leave you.

Hattori Hanzou
* [Q] Shuriken - Throws 4 shurikens in rapid succession, damaging enemies hit, lowered by each enemy hit down to a cap. Shurikens stick around for 5 seconds after cast (see Ninja Strike). Damage is increased if cast while invisible.
* [W] Shadow Step - Instantly step to target location, become invisible and heal for a moderate amount, leaving a shadow behind for a short duration. The Shadow also cast your other basic abilities dealing 60% of the original damage)
* [E] Ninja Strike - Thrust your sword towards target-point, dealing damage to all enemies in a line towards that point and pull all Shurikens towards Hattori Hanzou.
* [R] Double Strike Assassination - Step out of existence for a short duration, while a shadow strike target-unit dealing damage and amplifying all damage dealt towards the target for a short duration. When the shadows strike is finished, attack the target with a powerful assassination move dealing damage (amplified by the first strike). The shadow lasts for a long duration.
* [D] Shadow Walker (available whenever a shadow is alive, cannot put "ability points" on this ability to improve it).
Swap place with the shadow with the shortest remaining duration, increasing its duration, restoring a significant amount of its hp and become invisible for a short duration.
These are some items in the map.
UNIQUE indicates that having more of the exact same item type does not result in "more" of the "marked" effect. If it has a name following it, other UNIQUE markers with the same name does not stack!

Mage Blade
A fancy blade matching the most popular mage fashion.
• 12 Intelligence
• 400 Mana
• 20 Damage
• 2% of Max Mana Damage on-hit, costs 1% of current mana and requires at least 20% available mana.

Heavy Shield of Strength
A shield that weighs a lot.
• 10 Strength
• 4 Armor
• 300 Health
• UNIQUE: 25% on-damage-taken to block 25 of the damage

Thunder Claws
Thunders the enemies with claws
• 10 Agility
• 75 % Mana Regeneration
• 7% Critical Hit Chance
• 15% Critical Hit Damage
• UNIQUE: on-critical-hit, throws a 150 Damage Chain Lightning (4 targets, 20 % reduction/target)
With the help of Damage Engine by Bribe, we have implemented a custom critical hit system.
The critical hit system used is this map are as following:
Each attack can crit and if an attack crit, all damage that it applies crits (excluding effects from items).
Critical Hit Chance are gathered from items or 10 agility -> 1% crit chance.
The base critical hit damage is 200% and can be increased with items.
When I've played this game, we commonly split the gold between us to ensure that all players had the same gold to spend on items.
Because we always did this, it is default to auto-gold-share.
If you want to opt-out or in, it is possible by writing in chat:
-auto gold share on/off (or for short: -ags on/off)
You only share your gold with others that also auto-gold-share.

Give gold just once by using the F11 (Allies) menu.

Before the auto-gold-share system, we made a "Add your gold to a pool, then split it between all players"-system.
-give team gold
This will add your gold to a pool. Other players can also do this command within those 7 seconds to add their gold to the pool. After 7 seconds of the first player writing this, the gold pool will be evenly split.
If it is not possible to split perfectly even, players with "lower player number" will get the change (1 gold more)

Every 5 levels, you teleport to the shop area where you can buy items, resurrect, enter PvP arena with custom teams and attack target dummies. Leave the shopping area by walking to the portal south of the fountain.
In the Friendly Battle Arena (Barracks by the enterence) each player selects what team to join and when someone press start, the PvP battle begins for those who have joined a team. Note that consumables are not refilled after the arena. Nothing is earned or lost by doing this.
There are 40 waves.
On wave 10, 20 30, 40 there is a boss with some special boss attacks.
Upgrade the castle to make it tougher and improve its abilities. Use it's mana to help you survive!

  • Most abilities are very custom.
  • Many abilities have stat-scaling, meaning they get more damage from primary stat (making them relevant in the later parts of the game).
  • There are an ok amount of items that seem decently balanced (hard to choose from).
  • A save system, so you can start from last time you were in town ("-save" to get the "-load XXXXXXX" code)
  • Fairly hard to beat, and that's the point!
  • You will probably die a few times before getting a hang of it.
  • A win on this map usually takes between 75-120 minutes.
  • A defeat on this map usually takes 20-120 minutes.
  • Mostly balanced for 2-3 players, 4 players are fairly untested (balance-wise).
  • Very hard to solo (if possible at all, mostly because of the bosses).
  • Amazing map-art-preview by humble map authors

This map was made by DarkkaneX & ling1000 & ThompZon.
Below follows the credits of various materials used in the map that were not created by the creators of this map.
Darth Vader:
Texture & Model: olofmoleman
Sound: Various Internet places
Samus Aran:
Original Texture & Model: aznwhore
Animations: Venom
Modified Textures & Model for Teamcolor: Zerox
Sound: (Metroid: Fan Mission) http://metroidr.brpxqzme.net/index.php?act=resdb&param=01&c=5
Master Chief:
Original Texture Model: Jun
Modified Textures & Model for Teamcolor: Werewulf
Halo Human Weapon Pack:
Texture and Model: Werewulf
Mammoth Tank:
Author: Illidan(Evil)X
Sound: Command & Conquer: Red Alert
Author: Illidan(Evil)X
Modified Texture: ThompZon
Author: Fingolfin
Communism Aura - Agghhh Motherland:
Author: General Frank
Rocket Icon:
Author :4eNNightmare
Halo Warthog:
Author: Forgotten_Warlord
Icon: Forgotten_Warlord, GhostThruster
Halo Scorpion:
Author: GhostThruster
Author: facelessuniverse
Sound: Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal
Orb of Fire
Author: General Frank
Anduin Lothar
Model & Texture: Tauer
Icon: BLazeKraze
Green Slime
Author: Hayate
D.O.'s Rocket Missile
Model by: Dan van Ohllus (aka Kuhneghetz)
Fountain of Souls, Fire Missiles, Culling Slash, Shock Blast
Author: Mythic
Colonial Raptor (Battle Star Galactica)
Author: Coxxon, syc
Damage Engine
Author: Bribe
Pathing Check
Author: Rising_Dusk, Vexorian, PurgeandFire
Relativistic Missiles
Author(s): chopinski
Additional Credits:
Music from:
Bad Dudes
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse
Warcraft I: Orcs & Humans
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness
Other Sounds from:
Baldur's Gate
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

Communism Aura - Agghhh Motherland:
Author: General Frank
Icon: Rocket
Author :4eNNightmare
Icon: Halo Warthog:
Author: Forgotten_Warlord, GhostThruster
Icon: Anduin Lothar
Author: BLazeKraze
Icon BTNJapaneseSword
Author: Mc !
Icon BTNMoonchantCrescent
Author: Apheraz Lucent
Icon BTNWWPeasant
Author: kola
Icon BTNRC_UGRD_3blade
Icon BTNFiendDagger
Author: PrinceYaser
Icon Orb of the Sun
Author: Darkfang
Icon BTNAllianceForce
Author: Blizzard Entertainment, JollyD
Icon BTNAllianceLionProtectShield
Author: JollyD
Icon BTNShockOrb
Author: The Panda
Icon BTNElectricEruption
Author: The Panda
Icon BTNBladestorm
Author: -Berz-
Icon BTNfrostpresence
Author; Blizzard Entertainment, Kawaii Stain
Icon BTNSorcererArmor
Author: PrinceYaser
Icon BTNArcaneArmor
Author: PrinceYaser
Icon BTNCupOfBlood
Author: JollyD
Icons: BTNGobletOfVampires, BTNwind boots, BTNPathfinder 02, BTNRubyAmulet, BTNrapier, BTNWeaver02, BTNRuby, BTNBloodThirster
Author: Novart
Icons: BTNRedWand2
Author D.ee
1.17: This version changes:
Items, Abilities, Game Interface, Triggers, etc.
  • Tons of spelling corrections, minor grammatical errors and fixed "random" additional words that have appeared (possibly due to me writing them there).
  • Introduced. Upon killing a boss select one out of 4 augments (randomly rolled each time, not saved in the "-save" command's code!)
  • There are currently some character-specific and some generic. Number of character-specific right now are:
    • Darth Vader: 5
    • Samus: 8
    • Khadgar: 5
    • Mammoth Tank: 5
    • Master Chief 3
    • Hattori Hanzou: 3
    • Tassadar: 2
    • Lothar: 4
  • Generic augments: 13
  • Note that I'll hopefully add more both character-specific and generics.
  • The hope is to allow games to be different from game to game
  • Income is now generated per wave instead of per enemy kill.
    • This slightly change the gold amounts over the course of the game and makes it way easier to track and change the gold amounts at each point in the game
    • Previously, you had the following total gold at each point in the game:
      • wave 5: 976
      • wave 10: 3796
      • wave 15: 6748
      • wave 20: 14060
      • wave 25: 17589
      • wave 30: 26558
      • wave 35: 31334
    • This has been changed to:
      • wave 5: 1250 ~0.3 full items (@4250g/"full item")
      • wave 10: 4500 ~1.03 full items (@4250g/"full item")
      • wave 15: 7600 ~1.76 full items (@4250g/"full item")
      • wave 20: 13900 ~3.25 full items (@4250g/"full item")
      • wave 25: 18700 ~4.37 full items (@4250g/"full item")
      • wave 30: 26800 ~6.3 full items (@4250g/"full item")
      • wave 35: 33450 ~7.8 full items (@4250g/"full item")
        • You can only have 6 items, but the point is that you can afford potions and extra lives etc.
  • Stats
    • There is now a "stat button" that shows some "hidden stats". The current shown stats are:
      • Damage
      • Movement Speed
      • Attack Speed (+%)
      • Attack Cooldown (base attack cooldown with attack speed applied)
      • Spell Power (base * multiplier)
      • Spell Haste (total from items and other sources)
      • Cooldown Reduction (what your spell haste "result" in)
      • Critical Hit Chance
      • Critical Hit Damage
      • Hp/s regeneration
      • Mana/s regeneration
      • Health Stone on-kill %
      • Mana Stone on-kill %
    • Might add more in future as needed.
  • Changed agility gives 1% crit chance and damage per X agility
    • from per 10 to per 5
  • Added intelligence now adds +1 Spell Power per 2 Intelligence
  • Shield System - Some abilties gives shields that absorbs some amount of damage (instead of damaging your hp). Typically only lasts a certain duration.
  • Khadgar:
    • Blizzard
      • Lowered Spell Power scaling from 25-45% to 24-40%
      • Increased base-damage from 24-48 to 26-50
      • Modernized tooltip (more colors etc.)
  • Samus
    • Bomb
      • Fixed bug causing it to drain more mana than intended (drained 15 more mana each cast!)
      • Lowered mana-cost per bomb within short duration from 15 to 10
    • Missile
      • Lowered mana-cost from 40-56 to 28-40
      • Increased base-damage from 40-60 to 60-80
      • "Buffed" empowered damage from +33% to +66% of critical hit damage
        • if you have no agility or bonus crit-damage, you have 2.0 in critical hit damage, resulting in: 0.66 * 2.0 = 1.32% bonus damage
    • Charge Beam
      • Increased base-damage per charge from 8-16 to 10-16
      • Increased time-per-charge from 0.3 to 0.35
      • Lowered mana-cost per charge from 5 to 4
      • Made attack speed lower time-per-charge more
        • from -0.1 second per 100% attack speed to -0.1 per 80%
      • Several improvments and bug fixes (should hopefully work if you die with full charge now!)
    • Overcharge
      • Lowered mana-cost from 125 to 100
  • Tassadar
    • Psionic Storm
      • Increased base-damage from 15-35 to 20-36
      • Lowered damage-scaling from 20-36 to 15-27% of your damage
      • Lowered Spell Power-scaling from 40-60 to 24-40 % of Spell Power
      • Note: Damage is applied 6 times!
      • Lowered mana-cost from 74-110 to 70-102
      • Lowered cooldown from 13-9 to 12-8.8
    • Force Field
      • Increased area for Bonus armor from 400 to 1000
      • Increased bonus armor from 10-18 to 24-36
  • Mammoth Tank
    • Tusk Missiles
      • increased damage from 40-80 to 66-90
      • "Modernized" tooltip
      • Minor performance improvments
    • V2 Rocket
      • Increased damage-scaling from 50-90% to 60-100%
      • Increased spell power scaling from 95-115% to 100-120%
      • Adjusted how targets are included to include units with their center outside the radius (but their collision size inside).
      • Minor adjustments to knockback calculations
      • Added vfx on where the V2 will land
  • Lothar
    • Slash
      • Change base healing to 20-36
      • Increased healing spell power scaling from 12-20 to 12-24
      • Increased healing missing hp from 1-3% missing hp to 2.0-3.6% missing hp
  • Master Chief
    • Weapons
      • Shotgun bullet-damage increased from 33% to 36%
      • Assault Rifle damage increased from 25 to 31
      • Assault Rifle "dice" change from 1D10 to 1D8
      • Magnum increased damage dice from 1D10 to 1D14
      • Sniper base-damage increased from 100 to 110
      • Rocket Lanucher base-damage increased from 100 to 110
    • Plasma Grenade
      • Increased base-damage from 90-170
      • increased damage-scaling from 60-80% to 62-90%
      • Changed the double damage to enemies within 50 units of grenade to only effect enemies and instead of 2x damage deal Critical Hit Damage
      • Adjusted tooltip
TODO: Many changes
Enemy Units:
TODO: Many changes
Enemy Bosses:
  • Increased max-hp from 1000 + 4250 * players -> 3550 * players + 550 * players * players
    • {5250, 9500, 13750, 18000} -> {4100, 9300, 15600, 23000} for {1,2,3,4} players
  • Increased max-hp from 3000 + 8500 * players -> 8000 * players + 1000 * players * players
    • {11500, 20000, 28500, 37000} -> {9000, 20000, 33000, 48000}
  • Increased max-hp from 8000 + 17000 * players -> 17000 * players + 2000 * players * players
    • {25000, 42000, 59000, 76000} -> {19000, 42000, 69000, 100000}
  • Increased max-hp from 12000 + 32000 * players -> 34000 * players + 2000 * players * players
    • {44000, 76000, 108000, 140000} -> {36000, 76000, 120000, 168000}

1.11: This version changes:
Items, Abilities, Game Interface, etc.
  • Tons of spelling corrections, minor grammatical errors and fixed "random" additional words that have appeared (possibly due to me writing them there).
  • Khadgar - Fireball
    • Lowered Spell Power-scaling from 80-100% to 70-90%
  • Intelligence
    • Each points gives you +0.2 Spell Power
  • Agility
    • Each points gives +0.1% Critical Hit Damage
  • Spiked Smasher of Armor Destruction
    • Fixed critical bug, causing when the armor debuff disappear to give the removed armor to last-damaged-unit (instead of to the unit whom lost the armor).
    • Added the tooltip for the health regeneration on-hit
    • Increased hp/s gained from 3 to 4, and additional hits within the 0.5 seconds "cooldown" now gives +0.25 hp/s instead of nothing.
  • Axe of the Brute
    • Increased hp/s from attacks-hit from 2 to 2.5, and additional hits within the 0.5 seconds "cooldown" now gives +0.25 hp/s instead of nothing.
  • Reactive Armor of Arcane Repulsion
    • Reduced number of enemies required to be nearby for it to activate from 7 to 4
  • Observing Staff of the Great Eye
    • Increased Armor from 32 to 35
    • Increased recipe-cost to keep the total-cost the same as before
  • Barricade
    • Increased hp from 150 + 30 * wave-number to 175 + 35 * wave-number
    • Increased rate of health-loss from 1 per 4 seconds to 1 per 3 seconds
  • Power Hammer of Fabrication
    • Constructed Barricades increased health-scaling from 235% to 240% of damage + Spell Power
    • Increased reate of health-loss from 1 per 4 seconds to 1 per 3 seconds
  • Mechanical Device of Convinsing Cloning
    • Fixed bug causing the heal-effect not to... Heal...
    • Added vfx to the healing-effect
  • Sentry Wards
    • Lowered gold-cost from 100 to 35
Friendly Battle Arena (PvP)
  • Fixed critical bug, causing your hero to be removed if dying. Possibly it had some interactions with extra lives? Anyways, fixed now!
  • Removed "Town Under Attack" sounds (fired when having barricades)
  • Disabled exp-gained for Hero-Picker-Heroes (they previously drained some of your exp if you were too close)
  • You can now always interact with the castle (repairing, upgrading etc.) instead of requiring a hero to stand nearby.
  • You can no longer stand on top of the Marketplace Exit-portal, it's more portal-like to go through instead of "over".
  • Outro-timings have been adjusted
  • Evil Zombie
    • Increased hp from 1500 to 1625
  • Skeleton Duelist
    • Increased hp from 305 to 315 hp
  • Clicky Daemon
    • Increased level from 16 to 20
      • This Should make it impossible to NOT be max-level before the final boss, regardless of deaths etc.
  • Boss 1
    • Increased hp from 1000 + 4000 * playerCount to 1000 + 4250 * playerCount
  • Boss 2
    • Increased hp from 3000 + 8000 * playerCount to 3000 * 8500 * playerCount
    • Lowered max-time between AI-actions from 25 seconds to 22 seconds
  • Boss 3
    • Increased hp from 6000 + 16000 * playerCount to 8000 * 17000 * playerCount
  • Boss 4
    • Lowered damage of Fire Arc from 55% of his damage to 50%
    • Set damage of "Firebolt" (the straight-going ones) to 25% of his damage instead of 25% of a variable. Should be same as before, but harder to be effected by misstakes.
1.10: This version changes:
  • When hero dies
    • Gain a Life Essence that can browse the shops, but not buy anything
    • Print text that you can ressurect and tried to make it clear how that works
    • Cannot go to "marketplace exit"
    • Lowered ressurection cost
  • Load Game
    • Lowered time before going to Marketplace

1.09: This version changes:
  • Hattori Hanzou
    • Shuriken
      • Increased base damage from 40-60 to 40-72
      • Increased damage-scaling from 24-40% to 25-45%
      • Lowered invisibility bonus damage from 40% to 25%
      • Increased damage fall-off per target hit from 8% to 10%
    • Shadow Step
      • Lowered missing hp% heal from 11-15% to 4-8%
      • Added damage-scaling healing 13-25% of damage as heal
  • Khadgar
    • Bugfix - Amplify Magic now deals bonus damage per rank in ability instead of per point of spell power
      • Example: fireball should deal {50%, 75%, 100%} bonus damage, based on amplifying magic rank, but dealt +25% damage per point of spell power, leading to ridiculous numbers if you have some amount of spell power
  • Lothar
    • Slash
      • Increased base-damage from 80-120 to 80-140
      • Increased damage-scaling from 80-100% to 79-115%
      • Increased healing spell-power scaling from 11-15% to 12-20%
    • Offensive Stance
      • Removed armor penetration
      • Added bonus damage per agility (0.6 - 1.0)
      • Increased crit from Spell-Power from 1% crit per {27 - 2*level} to {26 - 2*level}
      • Added 20-32 bonus damage when in offensive stance
      • Increased base-critical hit chance bonus from 2% to 5%
  • Ghost [Tier 2]
    • Lowered attack-speed from 3.25 to 4.0
    • Lowered hp from 600 to 550
  • Catapult [Tier 2]
    • Increased gold from 40 to 45
  • Huge Slime
    • Bugfix: Caused bug causing it to spawn more huge slimes
    • Slime Bolt
      • Damage lowered from 225 to 175
      • Cooldown lowered from 20 to 24 seconds
      • Range lowered from 800 to 650
  • New Enemy: Skeleton Duelist
    • Slightly tougher and faster "Skeleton Warrior", basically
    • Has a "pulverize" ability, dealing AoE damage
    • Has a "Berserk" ability, increasing movement speed, attack-speed and damage taken
  • Forest Troll:
    • Lowered hp from 700 to 650
    • Increased attack-speed from 2.25 to 2.0
  • Banshee
    • Lowered hp from 410 to 337
    • Increased armor from 12 to 137
  • Evil Zombie
    • Lowered hp regeneration from 1.0 to 0.0
  • Wave 4
    • Increased Zombies from 4 to 5
  • Wave 5
    • Changed 2 zombies to 2 Skeleton Duelists
    • Lowered Skeleton Warrior from 8 to 7
    • Lowered "Specials" from 3 to 2
  • Wave 6
    • Changed 2 Zombies to 2 Skeleton Duelists
    • Increased Specials from 1 to 2
  • Wave 7
    • Increased specials from 1 to 2
  • Wave 8
    • Changed 8 Skeleton Warriors to 5 Skeleton Duelists
  • Wave 9
    • Changed 1 Skeleton Orc to 5 Skeleton Duelists

  • Dracula 1 [Boss 1]
    • Slash (nearby) damage increased from 100 to 150
    • Targeted Skulls Spam
      • Fixed so he always channels when casting it, giving more time to deal damage to him
      • Increased total channel time from 2.8 seconds to 3.0
      • Increased time before first skull appearing from 1.5 to 1.6 seconds
    • Flying + Landing
      • Increased daze radius on landing from 350 to 400 units
  • Dracula 2 [Boss 2]
    • Lowered attack-speed from 4.5 to 5.5 seconds
    • Lowered base-damage from 150 to 100
  • Cho'gall [Boss 3]
    • New Model (by Tauer)
    • Lowered base-movement-speed, base damage, hp regeneration, attack-speed (slower)
    • Abilities: Bloodlust
      • Now triggered, boosts movement speed by 90 + 20 * counter and attack speed by 35% + 5% * counter
      • the "counter" is increased each time bloodlust is cast
      • Duration is 10 + counter seconds, cooldown is 35 seconds from bloodlust ended
    • Added 25% armor penetration on basic attacks
    • Every 4th attack triggers a slows on the one hit for 1 second and deals some bonus damage
    • Adjusted hp-scaling based on number of players in lobby
  • New Item: Axe of the Brute
    • 15 Damage
    • 150 Hp
    • On-attack-hit: Gain +2 hp/second regeneration from 4 seconds. 0.5 seconds cooldown
    • Total Cost: 900g
  • New Item: Spiked Smasher of Armor Destruction
    • 40 Damage
    • 200 hp
    • 15% Armor Penetration
    • 6% Crit Chance
    • On-attack-hit: Gain +3 hp/second regeneration for 4 seconds. 0.5 seconds cooldown.
    • On-attack-hit: Lower the targets armor by 6 (2 for further attacks within 0.5 seconds) per hit for 7 seconds. Each attack refreshes the duration of this effect.
  • Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
    • Bugfix, now fires every 4th attack instead of every
  • Endless Elixir
    • Increased restore from 400 + 25% of missing to 400 + 30% of missing
    • Increased bonus hp/mana from 350 to 400
    • Increased all-stats from 8 to 10
  • Infinite Vial
    • Increased restore from 300 + 20% of missing to 300 + 24% of missing
  • Mechanical Device of Convisning Cloning
    • Increased cooldown from 40 seconds to 75 seconds
    • Increased bonus mana from 350 to 400
    • Bugfix: now gains +75 hp per hero level as intended, instead of +50 as it was previously
  • Gnarly Stringer of Acute Toxicity
    • Increased crit chance from 8% to 10%
    • Increased damage from 20 to 30
    • Lowered attack-speed from 50% to 35% (tooltip said 40%, but it was 50% previously)
    • Removed a dagger from recipe, but kept the total cost the same by increasing the recipe cost
  • Cleaving Axe
    • Lowered gold-cost from 1400g to 900g
    • Items that build from this item have their recipe cost increase to keep their costs the same as before
  • DamageEngine
    • Changed so it does not redefine a "reforged native", making this map work on newer patches
  • Crit System
    • No 0-damage crits should show up
  • Diabolic Specials
    • Rock Blocker: Slightly increased the frequency and lowered hp of rocks
    • Fire Bolder: Lowered initial cooldown, lowered early-game damage but made it scale to about the same later
    • Hound Master: Increased hp and armor of hounds
    • Lightning Enhanced: Lowered cooldown of lightning and increased damage-scaling of lightning
    • Enraged: "bonus rate" scales with difficuly
    • Added difficuly-scaling-modifiers to all damages
1.06: This version changes:

  • Hattori Hanzou
    • Increased vision during night from 1000 to 1200
    • Shadow Walker (D)
      • Removed mana-cost
      • Increased shadow's health restore from 40% of missing hp to 50%
    • Double Strike Assasination (R)
      • Clone appears instantly instead of after a 0.25 delay
      • Increased damage-scaling from {120, 140, 160}% of damage to {140, 160, 180}%
      • Lowered mana-cost from 90 to 80
    • Shadow Step (W)
      • Increased shadow hp and armor from 60-80% to 80-100%
      • Lowered shadow's ability-mirror-damage from 60% to 50% of original damage
      • Adjusted shadows attack damage from 24-32% of heroes to 23-35%
      • Lowered cooldown from {26, 25, 24, 23, 22} to {20, 19, 18, 17, 16}
      • Lowered mana-cost from 60 to 50
    • Shuriken (Q)
      • Lowered mana-cost from 45 to 40
      • Lowered damage-reduction/hit from 10% to 8%
      • Pulling shurikens now also pulls shurikens that have not yet reached its destination
    • Ninja Strike (E)
      • Fixed bug causing shadows not to always use ability in expected direction
      • Changed spell from "spell" to "attack", applying "on-attack-hit", can critical hit, damage being reduced by armor, etc.
      • Shadow's damage count as being from hero with this spell, meaning they also count for on-hit, etc.
      • Increased damage-scaling from 70-110% of damage to 70-130%
      • Lowered mana-cost from 30-46 to 30-42
  • Tassadar
    • Increased base-damage from 50 to 60
    • Increased base-mana from 140 to 150
    • Force Field
      • Lowered mana-cost from 24-40 to 20-32
    • Psionic Storm
      • Lowered mana-cost from 80-120 to 74-110
    • Psionic Assault
      • Lowered mana-cost from 34-70 to 30-50
      • "Flattened" damase-scaling per bolt
        • from 40 + 12-20% of damage + 22-30% of Spell Power
        • to 40 + 18% of damage + 24% of Spell Power
      • Increasd bolts from 6-10 to 7-11
    • Void Rift
      • Lowered "pull intervall" from 0.14 to 0.21
      • This should hopefully make it less laggy
  • Samus
    • Lowered vision during night from 1000 to 800
    • Missile
      • Increased damage-scaling from 90-130% to 100-140%
    • Bomb
      • Increased damage-scaling from 56-80% to 60-100%
  • Lothar
    • Lowered vision during night from 1000 to 800
  • Khadgar
    • Lowered vision during night from 1000 to 800
  • Darth Vader
    • Force Lightning
      • Now also heals when below 33% hp (still heals when hitting solo-target)
      • Increased damage-scaling from 24-40% to 25-45%
      • Increased Spell Power-scaling from 70-110% to 80-120%
      • Increased missing-hp-scaling from 5-9% to 6-10%
      • Increased healing-base-value from 20-60 to 40-80
    • Force Push
      • Increased damage-scaling from 36-60 to 38-70
      • Increased missing-hp-scaling from 5-7 to 6-8
      • Lowered mana-cost from 40-52 to 38-50
    • Force Choke
      • Lowered mana-cost from 100 to 90
  • Master Chief
    • Plasma Grenade
      • Lowered mana-cost from 80 to 75
    • Medkit
      • Increased healing from bonus intelligence
        • from {100, 200, 300, 400, 500}%
        • to {200, 350, 500, 650, 800}%
  • Mammoth Tank
    • Tusk Missiles
      • Adjusted base-damage from 25-85 to 40-80
      • Increased Spell Power-scaling from 55-75 to 60-80
      • Increased damage-scaling from 70-110% to 80-120%
    • V2 Rockets
      • Increased spell power-scaling from 90-110 to 95-115
      • Increased damage-scaling from 50-70 to 50-90
  • Mechanical Device of Convinsing Cloning
    • Increased healing per second from 6 + 0.6% of missing hp to 10 + 2%
    • Made Clone not "unit-block", making it possible to walk through it
    • Fixed bug causing the hp of clone not being correct
  • Bloodtooth
    • Changed cooldown from not healing at all during 0.5 seconds to having its heal being reduced to 30% for the same duration
    • Removed "Unique"-marker
    • Increased healing for melee users from 3 to 4
  • Black Navaja
    • Added cooldown of 0.5 seconds, during which healing is reduced to 30% after triggering
    • Increased healing for melee users from 7+1% of missing hp to 7+2% of missing hp
    • Lowered recipe cost from 600 to 500 (total gold-value from 2500 to 2400)
  • Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
    • Increased cooldown from 0.5 seconds to 1.0 seconds. Note that this is will NOT trigger and have reduced healing, etc.
    • Made it harder to execute enemies, from hitting them while below 20% of their max-hp to 15% (other limitation left as is)
    • Loweared recipe cost from 1000g to 900g (total gold-value from 4900 to 4700)
    • Increased healing from % missing hp for ranged/melee users
      • from 1.25/1.25
      • to 1.75/2.75
    • Increased agility from 12 to 15
  • Death Dirk of Blood
    • Increased healing for melee users from 6 to 8
    • Changed cooldown from not healing at all during 0.5 seconds to having its heal being reduced to 30% for the same duration
    • Fixed bug causing the healing not to increased with critial-hit-damage correctly
    • Lowered gold-cost of recipe from 1400 to 1200 (total gold-value from 4600 to 4400)

  • Diabolic Specials
    • If a diabolic trait is rolled that the previous spawned diabolic-unit had, reroll it once
      • This should make it less likely to get many with the same traits
    • Increase tinting of specials
    • Rock-Blocker
      • Projectile speed lowered
        • from 200 + 0.7-0.9 * distance
        • to 180 + 0.5-0.75 * distance
      • Lowered hp... It's complicated math
  • Death Knight - Whirlwind
    • Increased immunity-time after being hit from 0.8 seconds to 1.2 seconds
    • Lowered damage from 4x unit-damage to 2.75x unit-damage (from 200 to 137.5 on normal difficulty)
  • Zombie
    • Increased damage- and backswing-point from 0.300 to 0.350
    • Lowered base-damage from 17 to 16
  • Forest Troll
    • Lowered damage
      • from 31 + 2D6
      • to 29 + 1D11
    • Lowered attack-speed from 2.0 to 2.25
  • Spiked Zombie
    • Lowered damage
      • from 22 + 2D12
      • to 22 + 1D8

  • Made an "On-hit-system" that several of the item-changes use
    • Heal on-hit now share the same floating text that is being updated for the following 0.5 seconds, increased of being spammed by new ones

1.05: This version changes:

  • New Item: Barricade Kit, gadget, 40g
    • Places a barricade with 150 + 30 per wave hp
  • New Item: Convinsing Clone (tm), gadget, 45g
    • Spawns a dummy at your current location lasting for a short while with way more hp than a barricade
  • New Item: Power Hammer of Fabrication
    • 45 damage
    • 450 mana
    • 45 Spell Power
    • 15 Spell Haste
    • Active: Builds a barricade with 325 + 235% of damage and spell power hp, 40 seconds cooldown.
    • Combined from: Mana-Steel Sword (1600g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g) + Barricade Kit (40g) + Recipe (2000g) = 4440g
  • New Item: Amullet of Amplification
    • 40 Spell Power
    • +7% Spell Power
    • Combined from: Stange Amulet (350g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g) + Recipe (550g) = 1700g
  • New Item: Observing Staff of the Great Eye
    • 75 Spell Power
    • +15% Spell Power
    • 10 Spell Haste
    • 32 Armor
    • Active: Places an invisible Ward at target location for 180 seconds, 60 seconds cooldown.
    • Combined from: Amulet of Amplification (1700g) + Scale Armor (400g) + 3x Sentry Ward (100g) + Recipe (2100g) = 4300g
  • New Item: Omni Gem
    • 175 hp
    • 175 mana
    • 17 Spell Power
    • Combines from: Gem of Life (200g) + Gem of Mana (200g) + Stange Amulet (350g) + Recipe (350g) = 1100g
  • New Item: Mechanical Device of Convising Cloning
    • 350 hp
    • 350 mana
    • 40 amor
    • 35 spell power
    • Active: Restore 6 + 0.6% of missing hp per seconds, and create a Convinsing Clone (tm) with 250 + 75 per hero level hp at your current location, both effects lasts for 10 seconds, 40 seconds cooldown
    • Passive: When you take damage when below 35% hp, automatically activate this item unless it's on cooldown.
    • Combines from: Omni Gem (1100g) + Scale Armor (400g) + Convinsing Clone (tm) (45g) + Recipe (2600g) = 4145g
  • Adjusted Recipe to include Amulet of Amplification
    • Arcane Staff of Amplification
    • Arcane Ring of Amplification
  • Arcane Ring of Amplification
    • Bug fix: it didn't give any stats before
  • Boot of Speed and recipes including it
    • Now shares a UNIQUE Boots, meaning that movement speed does not stack but now acts more consistat
    • Also those who had + attack speed now uses the stat system, meaning that attack-speed-scaling works with those items
  • Swift Blade of Quickening
    • Now also gives +5 Movement Speed per hit, in addition to everything else

  • Increased gold reward for the following enemies:
    • Orc Warrior (tier 4) from 30 to 32
    • Huge Slime from 250 to 300
    • Death Knight from 65 to 75
    • Big Slime from 30 to 35
  • New Diabolic Special Trait: Rock Blocker
    • Periodically throws rocks that blocks the way behind a hero
    • Rocks are destroyable and have timed life of 10 seconds
  • Diabolic Specals are now tinted, to hopefully make them easier to see.
    • Tints are somewhat dependent on their diabolic traits
  • Set boss levels
    • from { 10, 20, 30, 30 } + (number of players - 1) * 2
    • to: {10, 20, 30, 30}
  • Medivh:
    • Initial move is more delayed, giving heroes more time to adjust to the transition
    • Medivh Fire Firebolt Arc
      • Changed from spawning a ton of units fireing artilleriy shots to spawning projectiles using Relativistic Projectiles
      • Changed from 325 damage to 55% of Medivh damage (275 on normal difficulty)
      • This should make this attack less laggy
    • Medivh Castle Fire
      • Changed from spawning a ton of units to using special effects
      • This should reduce lagg when this happens
      • Forces next move to be teleport, so Medivh gets out of there
    • Medivh Directional Firebolt
      • Lowered damage from 175 to 25% of Medivhs damage (125 on normal difficulty)
      • Lowered collision size from 28 to 22
      • Incrased distance when he teleports near a hero from 250-350 range to 300-425 range.
    • Fountain of Souls
      • Lowered immolation damage from 400 to 250
  • Adjustment to stackable items, -split command now only work for stackable items, meaning that other items with "charges" cannot be unstacked
  • Difficulty System Adjustments
    • New Difficulty: Very Easy
      • Enemy hp: 80%
      • Enemy dmg: 60%
      • Heroes Extra Lives: 2
      • Heroes starting healing pot: 3
      • Heroes starting mana pot: 3
    • New Difficulty: Impossible
      • Enemy hp: 166%
      • Enemy dmg: 120%
      • Heroes starting healing pot: 1
    • Easy
      • Healing pot increased from 1 to 2
      • mana pot increased from 0 to 1

1.04: This version changes:
  • Hattori Hanzou
    • Increased attack-range from 100 to 115
    • Shadow Step
      • Lowered cooldown from {27, 26, 25, 24, 23} to {26, 25, 24, 23, 22}
    • Shadow Walker
      • Show mana-cost in tool-tip (beause you cannot see it while it's disabled by requiring a shadow)
  • Darth Vader
    • Force Lightning
      • Bugfix: Heal-check now only checks if there is 1 alive enemy in range, instead of 1 enemy
    • Force Push
      • Increased damage-scaling from {30, 35, 40, 45, 50} to {36, 42, 48, 54, 60}
      • Increased Spell Power scaling from {60, 65, 70, 75, 80} to {65, 70, 75, 80, 85}
    • Force Choke - Bugfix in underlying system, should now stun target (as intended)

  • Item Shop - Potions & Scrolls
    • Removed Scoll of Protection and Scroll of Speed
    • Note They were pretty worthless and only took up space
  • Recipe Shop - Trinkets
    • New Model by twilac. Will get updated with working portrait when it's fixed
  • New Item: Mana-Steel Sword
    • Combines from: Sword of Attack (800g) + Gem of Mana (200g) + Recipe (600g) = 1600g
    • Gives:
      • 25 Damage
      • 250 Mana
      • 12 Spell Haste
    • Sold in: Basic Recipes - Blacksmith
  • New Item: Soul Siphoning Sword of Slaughter
    • Combined from: Mana-Steel Sword (1600g) + Ring of Mana (850g) + Recipe (2000g) = 4450g
    • Gives:
      • 60 Damage
      • 20 Spell Haste
      • 500 Mana
      • +1% Mana Stone drop chance
      • Unique: On-enemy-kill: Restore 1 to 5 mana, increasing with your missing mana, increased further by 1 mana per 750 missing mana.
    • Sold in: Advanced Recipes - Blacksmith
  • Ring of Mana
    • Removed Brilliance Aura (It was already removed from tooltip, and was intended to be removed a while ago...)
  • Mage Blade:
    • Changed Recipe:
      • from: Wizzard Hat (500g) + Sword of Attack (800g) + Gem of Mana (200g) + Recipe (600g) = 2100g
      • to: Wizzard Hat (500g) + Mana-Steel Sword (1600g) + Recipe (500g) = 2600g
    • Increased damage from 20 to 25
    • Added: +12 Spell Haste
  • Magi Sword:
    • Added: +12 Spell Haste
    • Fixed tooltip to correctrly say its damage is 45 (said before 40)
    • Lowered recipe cost from 1200 to 800 (resulting in total gold value from 5300 to 5400)
    • This should be a buff to the item
  • Ent Bark Shield
    • Increased hp from 450 to 500
    • Increased radius to keep within for effect from 100 to 225
    • Lowered time-to-activation from 5 seconds to 4 seconds.
  • Forest Troll Priest
    • Heal mana-cost increased from 25 to 45 (reduces number of casts at full mana from 12 to 6.6)
    • Increased heal-range from 400 to 450
    • Lowered attack-range from 600 to 475
    • Increased gold-reward from 35 to 38
    • Increased attack-cooldown from 1.8 to 2 seconds
    • Lowered hp from 1750 to 1600
  • Death Knight
    • Lowered whirlwind movement-speed from 10/tick to 9.5/tick
    • Lowered casting probabilities when casting is available (hopefully resulting in not all cast at the same time)
    • Target of whirlwind must be alive and visible to death knight
    • Increased hp from 900 to 1000
    • Increased gold-reward from 50 to 65
  • Ghost
    • Lowered range from 625 to 550
      • Projectile still travels 750 units in a line
  • Evil Zombie
    • Increased gold-reward from 35 to 36
  • Ogre Magi
    • Lowered hp from 2500 to 2300
    • Increased gold from 45 to 48
  • Ogre Warrior
    • Lowered hp from 3000 to 2800
  • Grunt
    • Lowered hp from 1250 to 1175
  • Warmonger
    • Increased gold from 40 to 42
  • Small Slime
    • Increased gold from 11 to 12
  • Skeletal Marksman
    • Lowered hp from 400 to 385
  • Lowered range-motion-buffer from 250 to 200 for:
    • Zombie
    • Skeleton
    • Grunt
    • Raider
    • Ghoul
    • Skeletal Orc
  • 15
    • Spiked Zombies from 6 to 3
    • Zombie from 4 to 3
    • Evil Zombie from 10 to 11
  • 23
    • Grunt from 5 to 4
  • 24
    • Torest Troll from 4 to 3
  • 25
    • Death Knight from 2 to 1
  • 27
    • Death Knight from 2 to 1
  • 28
    • Forest Troll Priest from 4 to 3
  • 29
    • Ogre Warrior from 5 to 3
    • Ogre Magi from 4 to 3
  • Framework Functions:
    • Stun-function adjusted, should cause a few stuns that previously were unreliable to activate as intended
  • Difficulty System
    • Added a frame with difficulty-selection for first player in lobby
    • Easy:
      • Enemy hp: 90%
      • Enemy dmg: 80%
      • Heros starts with 1 extra life (ahnk, but takes no inventory space)
    • Normal
      • Enemy hp: 100%
      • Enemy dmg: 100%
      • As it has been up until this point.
    • Hard
      • Enemy hp: 133%
      • Enemy dmg: 110%
    • Note: Some enemy spells are not effected by the damage-reduction
    • In a future version, a "custom" difficulty with several options will probably come...

1.03: This version changes:
  • All Heroes
    • Base mana increased from 120 to 140
    • Base mana regeneration increased from 0.75 to 0.85
  • Samus
    • Over Charge (ultimate)
      • Fixed a single group leak/cast
  • New Hero: Hattori Hanzou - Shadow Dancer
    • Information found under the "Heroes" section.
  • Lowered max mana from 400 to 350
  • Increased mana regeneration from 0.6 to 0.8
  • War Stomp - Lowered mana cost from 150 to 125
  • Grunt - Lowered base damage from 22 to 20
  • Warmonger - Lowered base damage from 58 to 48
  • Raider - Lowered base damage from 38 to 34
  • Catapult - Lowered base damage from 125 to 95
  • Death Knight
    • Gold Reward increased from 40 to 50
    • Level increased from 6 to 7 (I.E. exp for kill increased)
  • Ogre Magi - Gold Reward increasd from 40 to 45
  • Wave 22:
    • Grunts from 3 to 0
    • Forest Troll from 3 to 4
  • Wave 24:
    • Forest Trolls from 5 to 4
  • Wave 25:
    • Grunts from 4 to 3
  • Wave 26:
    • Grunts from 5 to 4
  • Wave 27:
    • Death Knight from 3 to 2
  • Wave 28:
    • Ogre Magi from 3 to 2
  • Wave 29:
    • Ogre Magi from 5 to 4
    • Ogre Warrior from 6 to 5
    • Warmonger from 6 to 5
  • https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/relativistic-missiles-vjass-lua-gui.325964/ version upgraded from 1.7 to 2.6
  • Many map-specific system updatges
1.02: This version changes:
  • New Item: Ent Bark Shield
    • Combines from: Small Shield (600g) + Ring of Life (850g) + Recipe (2900g) = 4350g
    • Item Details:
      • 450 Life
      • 25 Armor
      • 2 HP/s Regeneration
      • +1.25% Health Stone drop chance
      • Unique: 20% On damage taken: Block 20 damage
      • Unique: After keeping within 100 unit radius for 5 seconds, gain +40 armor and restore 8 + 1% of missing hp per second until you move outside the radius.
  • Ring of Life:
    • Removed Unholy Aura (+50% regeneration, +10% movement speed)
    • Added: 1.5 hp/s regeneration
    • Added: +0.75% Health Stone drop chance.
    • Lowered hp from 250 to 200
    • Increased "On level up" restore hp from 20% of missing hp to 25%
  • Ring of Mana
    • Removed Brilliance Aura (+75% regeneration)
    • Added 1 mana/s regeneration
    • Added +0.75% Mana Stone drop chance
    • Lowered mana from 300 to 250
    • Increased "on level up" restore mana from 20% of missing mana to 25%
  • Gem of Mana
    • Increased mana from 125 to 150
  • Ring of Power
    • Added +1% drop chance for Health Stone and Mana Stone
    • Removed: "if you have at least 180 spell power, gain +25 Spell Haste"
    • Increased price of recipe from 1900 to 2000 (total gold cost from 3600 to 3700)
    • Increased on-wave-completed restore 20% of missing hp & mana to restore 30%
  • Manaflowificator
    • Added +1% Mana Stone drop chance
  • New Bonus system by Chopinski replace by my own "Extendable Bonus System" (to be released)
    • Added most of the bonuses from NewBonus to my system
    • Added DTC specific bonuses to my system (such as Health Stone drop chance)
  • Health Stone/Mana Stone
    • Base dropchance adjusted from 3.5/3.0% to 3.25% for both
1.01: This version changes:
  • Samus
    • Charge Beam
      • Fixed issue making it impossible to cast when having 0% bonus attack speed or no bonus agility
      • Fixed issue making it charge slower with higher attack speed instead of faster
      • Increased Spell Power scaling per charge by +1% per charge for all levels
      • Increased Damage scaling from {6,7,8,9,10}% to {6.0, 7.5, 9.0, 10.5, 12.0}% per charge
    • Bomb
      • Fixed bug causing it to deal damage at world origin instead of at bomb location
      • Increased base damage from {75, 90, 105, 120, 135} to {70, 90, 110, 130, 150}
      • Increased danage scaling from {40, 45, 50, 55, 60} to {56, 62, 68, 74, 80}%
      • Increased Spell Power scaling from {80, 85, 90, 95, 100} to {86, 92, 98, 104, 110}%
  • Darth Vader
    • Force Lightning
      • Fixed spelling error in learn text
      • Increased isolated target healing base value from {20, 25, 30, 35, 40} to {20, 30, 40, 50, 60}
      • Increased isolated target healing % missing hp from 4% to 6%
    • Force Choke
      • Fixed spelling error in learn text
      • Fixed healing based on missing hp from {2,3,4}% to {3,4,5}% per second, as stated in learn tooltip
      • Increased healing on kill of missing hp from {10,15,20}% to {15,20,25}%
  • Mage Armor
    • Increased damage reduction, hp + mana restore when having effect up from 15 to 20
  • Arcane Armor of Blasting
    • Adjusted hp + mana restore when having effect up from 33 to 26 + 2.6% of missing
  • Life Staff
    • Increased healing from 3 + 1 per 333 missing hp to 3 + 1 per 300 missing hp
  • Lowered price from 50 to 40
    • Healing Potion
    • Mana Potion
  • Rejuvenation Potion
  • Lowered price from 100 to 90
  • Changed text for items from "Stackable" to "Item Stackable" when buying more items of same type increases stack size instead of being separate item
  • Leaderboard
    • When having an empty slot between players (I.E. red + teal, without blue), player colors are correct
  • Extra Life System
    • Fixed issue causing heroes who dies to drop all items and gets removed when having no extra life.
  • Death Knight
    • Whirlwinds
      • Spawn further away
      • Moves Slower
      • Changers direction after longer while
      • Lower "chance to cast", making them unlikely to cast all at once as soon as target appears
    • Lowered attack range from 475 to 425
  • Forest Troll
    • Lowered range from 525 to 500
    • Lowered hp from 760 to 700
    • Lowered armor from 10 to 5
  • Catapult
    • Lowered hp from 1150 to 1000
    • Increased time between attacks from 5 seconds to 6 seconds
  • Evil Zombie
    • Lowered hp from 1600 to 1500
    • Lowered time between attacks from 4 seconds to 3.5
    • Lowered range from 110 to 100
    • Lowered Range Motion Buffer from 250 to 200
  • Diabolic Specials - Hound Master
    • Increased hound hp from {120 + 7.5 * (1 + current_wave_nr * 0.045} to {120 + 9.0 * (1 + current_wave_nr * 0.045}
    • Changed from "moveing" to "destroy + recreate", fixing visibilty issues (hopefully)
  • Wave 16:
    • Lowered ghouls from 5 to 4
    • Lowered spiked zombies from 9 to 7
    • Increased specials from 1 to 2
  • Wave 17:
    • Lowered skeletal Marksman from 7 to 6
    • Lowered ghouls from 14 to 12
  • Wave 21:
    • Lowered Forest Troll from 4 to 3
  • Wave 22:
    • Lowered Forest Troll from 4 to 3
    • Lowered Grunt from 4 to 3
    • Lowered Specials from 3 to 2
  • Wave 23:
    • Lowered Grunt from 6 to 5
  • Wave 24:
    • Lowered Death Knight from 3 to 1
    • Lowered Forest Troll from 5 to 4
  • Wave 25:
    • Lowered Death Knight from 4 to 2
    • Lowered Grunt from 5 to 4
  • Wave 27:
    • Lowered Catapult from 5 to 4
1.00: This version changes:
Note quite the 1.0 I had in mind, but 0.99 had some issues that had to be fixed.
  • Removed debug prints for Death Knight
  • Made wave 20-30 significantly more easy (less enemies, slightly weaker)
  • Made wave 1-10 slightly harder (buffed several enemies)
  • Increased mana-stone drop-rate slightly
  • Changed Health Stone and Mana stone
    • restore 40 + 10% of missing.
    • Increased time to pick up, from 35 seconds to 45 seconds.
  • Fixed some other minor bugs and increased performance (less stupid unneeded loops)
  • Castle:
    • Removed Cyclon
    • War Stomp: Lowered mana cost from 175 to 150
    • Increased mana regeneration from 0.5 to 0.6
0.99: This version changes:
  • Rebalanced all heroes and enemies
  • Added "Diabolical Specials", few random enemies per wave gets random additional "traits" similar to how "special enemies" works in Diablo series
  • Adjusted all items one way or another
  • Added killed enemies has a small chance to drop health/mana stones to restore a small amount of hp/mana
  • Many hero adjustments and quality of life stuff.
  • Master Chief now have one secondary weapon, being able to swap main/secondary weapon for free. Rerolling weapon changes main weapon to a random unlocked one.
  • Added new enemy types and rebalanced waves (particularly wave 20-30)
0.92: This version changes:
  • All (or almost all) heroes: Recycle dummies used instead of killing them
  • Lothar
    • Text fixes, reference abilities instead of hard-coded values
    • Minor performance increases in few abilities
  • Khadgar
    • Redid Fireball in vjass using Relativistic Projectiles
      • Should function the same as before, but without dummies, global variables etc.
  • Mammoth Tank
    • New Icon for Double Attack
    • Tusk Missiles
      • New Icon
      • Redid "fire", no more "wait"
  • All Items: Any dummies used are now recycled instead of killed
  • Maul of Tremendous Impact
    • Removed damage (was 36)
    • Added "Unique: Gain 1.25% of max hp as damage"
  • Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
    • Removed base-damage of AoE (was 80)
    • Increased mana-restore from 4 to 6
    • Threshhold for insta-kill adjusted from 40% of wielders current hp to 30%
    • Increased life restored from 8+1.1% missing hp to 9+1.25% missing hp
  • Black Navaja
    • Increased mana-restore from 2 to 3
  • Golden Goblet of Gore
    • Adjusted healing per target hit from 12 + 1.25% missing hp to 10 + 1.5% missing hp
  • Ring of Power
    • Increased on-wave-complete healing and manarestore from 14% missing to 20% missing
    • Fixed sell-gold to be what it should be.
  • Golden Shield of Aegis
    • Increased armor of aura from 5 to 8
    • Lowered armor from 8 to 6
    • Increased life from 250 to 300
  • Mage Armor
    • Increased armor from 5 to 6
    • Increased damage-reduction, hp and mana back from 10 to 15
  • Arcane Armor of Blasting
    • Increased armor from 8 to 9
    • Adjusted blasting from 150 + 150% of spell power + 33% of intelligence to 150% of spell power + 75% of intelligence
    • Increased damage-reduction from 30 to 100
    • Increased hp and mana back from 30 to 33
  • Mighty Skull of Insight
    • Increased damage from 75% of Strength to 100% of Strength
  • Frozen Skull of Nova
    • Increased damage from 90% of Strength+120% of spell power to 120% of strength + 150% of spell power
  • Flaming Pauldrons of Radiant Heat
    • Increased health from 450 to 550
    • Increased armor from 8 to 9
    • Increased cost of recipe from 1400 to 1550 (total gold cost from 3850 to 4000)
  • Supreme Dagger of Swift Stabbing
    • Removed bonus damage (of 35)
    • Added: Unique: Gain +1 Damage per point of bonus agility.
  • Mage Blade
    • Lowered price of recipe from 800 to 600
    • Fixed sell-gold to be what it should be (2100g)
    • Changed Spell-blade effect
      • From: • On-attack-hit: Deal 2% of Max Mana Spell-Damage, costing 1% of current mana, requiring at least 20% of max mana.
      • to: • Gain 2% of max mana as damage while having at least 20% mana, but each attack costs 0.8% current mana.
    • Effect is now unique
    • Added Active: Toggle effect on/off
    • Removed chat-commands for checking damage and turning on/off
  • Magi-Sword
    • Lowered intelligence from 40 to 20
    • Lowered damage from 60 to 50
    • Recipe
      • from: Mage Blade (2300g) + Death Dealer (2500g) + Staff of Intelligence (1500g) + recipe (1100g)=7400g
      • to: Mage Blade (2100g) + Death Dealer (2500g) + Recipe (700g) = 5300g
    • Changed Spell-blade effect
      • From: • On-attack-hit: Deal 5% of Max Mana Spell-Damage, costing 1.5% of current mana, requiring at least 20% of max mana.
      • To: • Gain 4% of max mana as damage while having at least 20% mana, but each attack costs 1.2% current mana.
    • Effect is now unique
    • Added Active: Toggle effect on/off
    • Also effected by removal of chat-commands for spell-blade
  • Medivh (wave 40 boss)
    • Firebolt - Lowered collision size from 50 to 32
  • Necrolyte
    • Increased mana from 300 to 360
    • Increased mana-cost of Raise Dead (Necrolyte) from 50 to 100
    • Increased cooldown of Raise Dead (Necrolyte) from 5s to 10s
    • Spawned Skeletal Orc
      • Increased hp from 1800 to 2600
      • Increased armor from 10 to 20
      • Increased base-damage from 105 to 115
      • Increased move-speed from 270 to 280
  • Added hints about load/save at start and first 2 times entering shop
  • Friendly Battle Arena - Heroes not participating can no longer gain exp
  • No longer show "Starting wave 41" when victory popups up
Terrain - Final Boss Arena - Added a small pillar kinda in the center

0.91: This version changes:
  • All heroes:
    • Added colors for scaling EVERYWHERE
    • Standardized some phrasing
    • Show total damage dealt of abilities to more abilities (I.E. deal <total> (<base> + <bonus-from-stats> (<scalingPercent>% of <stat>)) damage).
  • Tassadar - New hero!
  • Lothar
    • Few spelling corrections
    • Increased collisionsize from 32 to 36
    • Charge
      • Reduced number of targets required for bonus effect from 5 to 4
      • Increased radius for bonus from 750 to 800
    • Reinforcements Charge
      • Increased attack-speed slow from {25, 30, 35}% to {40, 60, 80} %
      • Increased move-speed slow from {50, 65, 80}% to {60, 75, 90}%
  • Samus
    • Increased base intelligence from 20 to 24
    • Lowered Intelligence/level from 4.5 to 4.4 (still +1 at max level)
    • Lowered collision size from 32 to 30
    • Lowered collision size of Morphball from 24 to 20
    • Lowered model scale from 1.0 to 0.95
    • Overcharge
      • Fixed case where vfx not being destoryed correctly
    • Missile
      • Can no longer hit invulernable units
  • Mammoth Tank - V2Rocket
    • Fixed bug causing it to NOT deal its strength-bonus-damage
  • Master Chief - Plasma Grenade
    • Can no longer hit invulernable units
  • All Items - Added colors to bonuses, standardized phrasing
  • Sveral "original wc3 items" - Changed Icons, names, texts, stats.
  • Fixed few item-texts referencing the wrong abilities (showing wrong values in texts)
  • Gem & Orb of Illusion - Removed!
  • Item Adjustments
    • Translocator items
      • Now reset cooldown when placing them, only going on cooldown when "using" them
    • Ring of Life
      • Added "on-level-gained" restore 20% of missing hp
    • Ring of Mana
      • Added "on-level-gained" restore 20% of missing mana
    • Ring of Power
      • Added effect: "on-wave-completed: restore 14% of missing mana and hp.
    • Golden Goblet of Gore
      • Added effect: On the active: Also enemies within 225 unit radius takes 1 per charge of this item + 75% of Spell Power damage and heal you for 12 + 1.25% missing hp per enemy hit.
    • Several items using "charges" as "Stacks"
      • Fixed sell-gold-cost giving the correct amount
    • Cleaving Axe
      • 25 Damage
      • UNIQUE: Every 5th basic-attack: deals 80 additional damage to primary target, and deals 60 + 20% of damage dealt to primary target to enemies in a small area around primary target.
    • Phoenix Axe
      • 60 Damage
      • 300 Health
      • 20 Spell Power
      • UNIQUE: Every 5th basic-attack: deals 80% of Spell Power + 100 bonus damage to primary target, and 80% of Spell Power + 100 + 50% of pre-modifier-damage dealt to primary target to enemies within 200 units radius of the primary target.
    • Goblet of Fire
      • 450 Health
      • 250 Mana
      • 70 Spell Power
      • Fire Blast: Blasts enemies dealing 200 + 150% Spell Power damage within 200 units.
      • UNIQUE: On-ability-damage-dealt: Fire Blast one damaged unit. This effect has 15 seconds cooldown.
      • Active: Fire a targeted Fire Blast, 12 seconds cooldown.
    • Black Navaja
      • 9 Agility
      • 30 Damage
      • 3 HP/s Regain
      • UNIQUE: Every-4rd-basic-attack: Restore 7 + 0.9% of missing hp hp and 2 mana. Also deal 3x of total restored amount bonus damage to the primary target of the attack (minimum of +27 damage at 100% hp).
    • Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
      • 25 Agility
      • 55 Damage
      • 4 HP/s Regain
      • UNIQUE: Every-4rd-basic-attack: Restore 8 + 1.1% of missing hp hp and 4 mana. Also deal 80 + 4x of total restored amount bonus damage to primary target and the same amount + 30% of damage dealt to primary target to all enemies in a 200 unit radius around primary target. Any enemy hit by this effect with less than 20% of their hp and less than 40% of current hp are killed and triggers this effect again centered on them.
    • Mercurial Scimitar of Infinite Sharpness
      • 50 Damage
      • 30% Attack Speed
      • 10% Critial Hit Chance
      • UNIQUE: Every-3rd-basic-attack-on-enemy: Gain +5 damage. This stacks infinitly. This bonus resets completely when you have not attacked an enemy last 5 seconds.
  • Castle
    • Fixed texts, abilities, etc.
  • Dracula 1
    • Increased armor from 8 to 10
    • Lowered base-regeneration from -0.5 to -1.0
    • Fixed bug causing it not to fire "on-killed" cleaning up stuff, giving bonus gold etc. (if killed during flying-attack)
    • Lowered "skull-projectile" collision-size from 50 to 25
  • Dracula 2
    • Increased armor from 16 to 32
    • Lowered base-regeneration from 0.5 to -1.0
    • Increased collision size from 54 to 80
    • Removed "Soul Burn"
    • Added "AI Routines" for this boss, triggered attacks firing periodically
    • Increased attack-cooldown from 2.75 to 4.5
    • Increased base-damage from 0 to 150
    • Lowered projectile speed from 800 to 675
  • Cho'gall
    • Increased armor from 29 to 37
    • Lowered base-regeneration from 0.5 to -1.0
  • Medivh
    • Increased armor from 37 to 42
    • Increased hp/player increase from 30000 to 50000
  • Added "-save", saving wave, exp, gold to a code, so you can restart from last time you were in town
  • Leaving/disconnecting from game
    • now drops all items on the ground for the leaving hero
    • now gives away gold to be evenly split among the remaining players
  • "-random" hero selection - Fixed several bugs, now follows "standard procedure" instead of being handled its own way.
  • Adds all picked heroes to the "Heroes unit group" fixing several boss-trageting issues

0.89: This version changes:
  • Darth Vader
    • Force Lightning
      • Can now target any enemy (including structures)
      • Increased Intelligence Scaling
        • from {60, 85, 110, 135, 160}
        • to: {100, 120, 140, 160, 180}
      • Increased Strength-scaling
        • from {40, 50, 60, 70, 80}
        • To {50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
    • Force Push
      • Increased Strength-scaling
        • from {50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
        • to {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}
      • Increased Intelligence-scaling
        • from {30, 35, 40, 45, 50}
        • to {30, 40, 50, 60, 70}
    • Force Slow
      • Reduced mana-cost/second from {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} to {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
  • Mammoth Tank
    • Agghhh Motherland
      • Lowered % missing hp healing from {0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75} to {0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.1, 1.3}
    • Tusk Missiles
      • Increased Strength-scaling from {100, 125, 150, 175, 200}% to {100, 130, 160, 190, 220}%
  • Khadgar - Blizzard
    • No longer deals friendly building damage.
    • Performance fixes
  • Arcane Ring of Amplification
    • Some people call this "That one ring", because it's a fairly powerful ring! Not to be confused by THE one ring.
      • 400 Mana
      • 40 Spell Power
      • UNIQUE Amplification: If you have at least 2000 current mana, spells costs an additional 100% mana and you gain +50% Spell Power. While under 2000 current mana, this turns off.
      • UNIQUE Active: Toggle Amplification on/off. Requires at least 2000 current mana for this to turn on!
    • Combines from: Ring of Mana (850g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g) + Recipe (2500g) = 4150g
  • Adjusted the following items with new names and icons (non-combined items):
    • Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Attack Damage, Armor, Health, Mana, Spell Power
  • Removed the following items
    • Lowest version of: Damage, Armor, Strength, Agility, Intelligence
    • Highest version of: Health, Mana
  • Minor Changes to the following combined items:
    • Heavy Plate Armor (renamed from: Shield of Protection)
    • Small Shield
    • Ring of Life (Renamed from: Life Stone)
    • Ring of Mana (Renamed from: Mana Stone)
    • Mage Armor (Increased armor from 4 to 5)
    • Dragon Staff of Flames
    • Amulet of Fire (Renamed from: Amulet of Protective Flames)
    • Maul of Forceful Impact
    • Maul of Tremendous Impact
    • Ring of Power (Renamed from: Stone of Power)
    • Magi-Sword
    • Thunder Claws
    • Cup of Blood
    • Magical Dagger
    • Thunder Death Blade
    • Dagger of Fast Stabbing (renamed from Dagger of Swiftness)
  • Arcane Staff of Energy
    • Lowered Spell Power from 90 to 75
    • Changed unique passive
      • From: 30% On-ability-cast: Restore 5% of your max mana.
      • To: 40% On-mana-spent: Restore 40% of the spent mana.
  • Supreme Dagger of Swift Stabbing
    • Renamed from Dagger of Supreme Swiftness
    • Lowered Agility from 45 to 35
    • Removed movement speed
    • Lowered attack speed from 40% to 35%
    • Added +35 damage
    • Adjusted recipe
      • From: Dagger of Swiftness (1500g) + Brooch of Swiftness (1200g) + Bloodfeather's Heart of Agility +20 (1600g) + Recipe (1200g) = 5500
      • Dagger of Fast Stabbing (2000g) + Cloak of Agility +15 (1500g) + Recipe (900g) = 4400g
  • Staff of Insight
    • Recipe changed
      • From: Mantle of Intelligence +3 (100g) + Robe of the Magi +6 (500g) + Sobi Mask (200g) + Recipe (800g) = 1600g
      • To: Wizard Hat of Intelligence (500) + Magical Token (650g) + Sobi Mask (200g) + Recipe (650g) = 2000g
    • Lowered Intelligence from +15 to +12
    • Lowered Mana-regain from 75% to 48%
    • Removed Chain Lightning Active Ability
    • Added mana: 240
    • Added Spell Power: 12
    • Added: On-mana-spent: Restore 12% of the spent mana.
  • Staff of Supreme Insight
    • Lowered Intelligence from 40 to 36
    • Lowered Mana Regain from 100% to 64%
    • Removed Chain Lightning
    • Added mana: 360
    • Added: Unique: On-Mana-Spent: Restore 18% of the spent mana.
    • Added: Unique: Gain Spell Power equal to 1.5% of your max mana
    • Increased recipe price from 1000g to 1400g
  • Manaflowificator
    • Increased mana from 900 to 1000
    • Changed passive
      • From: 40% On-ability-cast: Restore 50% of the spent mana.
      • To: On-mana-costing-ability-cast: Restore 5% of your max mana.
  • Wand of Blasting - Lowered Spell Power from 40 to 30
  • Arcane Armor of Blasting - Lowered Spell Power from 50 to 40
  • Slimes - Reduced flat-slime time from 60 seconds to 24 seconds
  • Demonic Obelisk - Changed Defence type from fortified to large (heavy)
  • Ghost
    • Adjusted to use projectile system instead of spawning dummy units that casts abilities
    • Increased damage from 150 to 175
  • Medivh (final boss)
    • Adjusted directional projectiles to use relativistic missiles instead of my own version using units
    • Major trigger clean up and performance boost
    • Lowered Fountain of Souls pillar damage from 800/second to 500/second
  • Orc Grunt - Sound: Now uses the Warcraft 2 version.
  • AOETimedDamage_TimerElapsed
    • Optimisations, looping change from "ForGroup(g, function AOETimedDamage_DoDamage)" to "FirstOfGroup"
    • Optimisations, Use TimerUtils to recycle timers instead of destroying and recreating
    • This effects Khadgar Blizzard, any maybe other performance
  • Mana-refund/cost-increase
    • Consolidated most Mana-refund/increase triggers to 1, giving 1 floating text with the result, instead of many
    • Changed from "On-ability-cast" to "On-mana-spent" (to indicate that that it effects channeling-mana too)
      • Arcane Staff of Energy
      • Magical Amulet
      • Staff of Insight
      • Staff of Supreme Insight
0.88: This version changes:
  • Samus
    • Overcharge - Removed health cost
    • Charge Beam
      • Increased agility-scaling damage from {6, 9, 12, 15, 18}% to {6, 10, 14, 18, 22}%
      • Fully charged at max level, this increases agility-damage from 360% to 440%
      • Fixed bug in ability-text, now shows correct damage %
    • Place Bomb
      • Increased agility-scaling from {60, 75, 90, 105, 120} to {100, 115, 130, 145, 160}%
    • Missiles
      • Incraesed scaling damage from {110, 145, 180, 215, 250} to {120, 160, 200, 240, 280}
  • Darth Vader - Force Lightning
    • Increased cast-range from 800 to 1000
    • Lowered cooldown from {8, 7, 6, 5, 4} to {8, 6.5, 5, 3.5, 2}
  • Master Chief - Plasma Grenade
    • Increased intelligence scaling from {55, 75, 95, 115, 135} to {70, 90, 110, 130, 150}%
  • Lothar - Slash
    • Increased Area from 170 to 180
    • Increase healing area for allies within radius of 800 to 1200
    • Increased base damage from {180, 205, 230, 255, 280} to {180, 210, 240, 270, 300}
    • Increased agility-scaling from {80, 95, 110, 125, 140} to {100, 115, 130, 145, 160}
  • Khadgar
    • All abilities has been changed slightly
    • Focus magic to |c00AEBFF1Amplify|r the next spell.
      The spell must be cast within <A036,Dur1> Seconds.

      |cffffcc00Level 1
      [Q]|r Fireball - 100% bigger area, 50% more damage
      |cffffcc00[W]|r Flame Shield - 100% bigger flames, 30% more damage
      |cffffcc00[E]|r Blizzard - +1 initial shards, +1 shards/second, 75% slow
      |cffffcc00[Passive]|r - +|c00DF00FF10% Spell Power
      Cooldown: 40 Seconds

      |cffffcc00Level 2
      [Q]|r Fireball - 100% bigger area, 75% more damage
      |cffffcc00[W]|r Flame Shield - 100% bigger flames, 45% more damage
      |cffffcc00[E]|r Blizzard - +2 initial shards, +2 shards/second, 75% slow
      |cffffcc00[Passive]|r - +|c00DF00FF15% Spell Power
      Cooldown: 35 Seconds

      |cffffcc00Level 3
      [Q]|r Fireball - 100% bigger area, 100% more damage
      |cffffcc00[W]|r Flame Shield - 100% bigger flames, 60% more damage
      |cffffcc00[E]|r Blizzard - +3 initial shards, +3 shards/second, 75% slow
      |cffffcc00[Passive]|r - +|c00DF00FF20% Spell Power
      Cooldown: 30 Seconds
    • Launches a Fireball that will bounce and explode 5 times in a line, dealing area damage each bounce. First bounce will occur at the targeted location.
      Cooldown: <A01R,Cool1,.> Seconds

      |cffffcc00Level 1|r - Each bounce deals 80 + |c0072AAEE60%|r of Intelligence damage.
      Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost1>. 5.0 seconds cooldown.
      |cffffcc00Level 2|r - Each bounce deals 105 + |c0072AAEE70%|r of Intelligence damage.
      Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost2>. 4.5 seconds cooldown.
      |cffffcc00Level 3|r - Each bounce deals 135 + |c0072AAEE80%|r of Intelligence damage.
      Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost3>. 4.0 seconds cooldown.
      |cffffcc00Level 4|r - Each bounce deals 170 + |c0072AAEE90%|r of Intelligence damage.
      Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost4>. 3.5 seconds cooldown.
      |cffffcc00Level 5|r - Each bounce deals 210 + |c0072AAEE100%|r of Intelligence damage.
      Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost5>. 3.0 seconds cooldown.

      |c00AEBFF1Amplify|r - Bigger explosions, more damage!

      |c00888888Note that units near the center line can be hit by multiple bounces!
    • Shields the target by summoning 3 flames circling around the target unit for 10 Seconds.
      Each flame deals continuous damage to nearby units (85 radius).

      |cffffcc00Level 1|r - Flame deals 100 + |c0072AAEE60%|r of Intelligence damage per Second. Cooldown: 7 Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A,Cost1>
      |cffffcc00Level 2|r - Flame deals 150 + |c0072AAEE70%|r of Intelligence damage per Second. Cooldown: 6 Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A,Cost2>
      |cffffcc00Level 3|r - Flame deals 200 + |c0072AAEE80%|r of Intelligence damage per Second. Cooldown: 5 Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A,Cost3>
      |cffffcc00Level 4|r - Flame deals 250 + |c0072AAEE90%|r of Intelligence damage per Second. Cooldown: 4 Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A,Cost4>
      |cffffcc00Level 5|r - Flame deals 300 + |c0072AAEE100%|r of Intelligence damage per Second. Cooldown: 3 Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A,Cost5>

      |c00AEBFF1Amplify|r - Bigger flames (+100% radius), more damage

      |c00FF0000Deals Friendly Fire!|r Does not damage friendly buildings!
      |c00888888Flame Shielded units does not take damage from any Flame Shield!
      Casting on an already Flame Shielded unit refreshes the duration of that spell.
    • Blizzard
    • Adjusted intelligence-scaling from {10, 20, 30}% based on [R]-level to {20, 25, 30, 35, 40}% based on Blizzard-level
    • Slow starts after 1.5 seconds instead of instantly
    • Increased manacost/second increase from 2.5 to 3
    • Increased cast range from 900 to 1000
    • Added dynamic-ability text (showing updated damage-numbers)
    • Increased max-channeling duration from 30 seconds to 40 seconds
    • Added a cap of 60 shards/second (should make it harder to crash game with this)
  • Many sources of healing no longer show floatingtext when full health
  • New Item -
    Enhancing spell power, basically.
    • 300 Mana
    • 90 Spell Power
    • Increase all Spell Power by 35%
    • |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: 30% On-ability-cast: Restore 5% of your max mana.

    The % Spell Power is additative with other % sources.

    * Combines from: Magical Token (650g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g) + Recipe (2550g) = 4000g

  • New Item -
    These flaming pauldrons radiate more heat than the average flaming pauldrons.
    • 8 Armor
    • 450 Life
    • 35 Spell Power
    • |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: Deal 10 + 1 per level + 35% Spell Power Spell Damage per second to enemies within 250 units.
    • |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: 40% On-damage-taken: |c00AAAAAABlock|r 20 of the damage.
    * Combines from: Amulet of Protective Flames (900g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g) + Small Shield (450g) + Recipe (1500g) = 3850g
  • Recipe for Life Staff no longer say it combines into Shield of Honor...
  • Shield of Spell Protection - removed from shop.
  • New Enemy Unit - Ogre Magi - Has bloodlust and runes. Has less hp and deals less damage than an Ogre Warrior, but causes other units to be faster.
  • New Enemy Unit - Warmonger - An elite orc. Thougher, faster and deals more damage.
  • Grunt
    • Increased attack speed, from 3.0 attack-cooldown to 2.5
    • Increased hp from 1600 to 1650
    • Increased armor from 8 to 10
  • Raider - Increased armor from 1 to 5
  • Catapult
    • Lowered projectiles speed from 775 to 725
    • Increased minimum attack-range from 250 to 275
  • Forest Troll - Increased hp from 1000 to 1150
  • Forest Troll Priest
    • Increased hp from 1500 to 1700
    • Increased armor from 6 to 10
    • Increased Gold Bounty from 15 to 30
  • Dracula (level 10 boss)
    • increased time before "targeted skulls" from 0.5 seconds to 1.0 seconds
    • Added a special effect to indicate that this spell is about to be thrown
  • Dracula (level 20 boss)
    • Fixed bug with Circle of bats being cast once and looping
    • Increased hp/hero from 8000 to 10000
  • Cho'gall (level 30 boss)
    • Increased base-hp from 48000 to 50000
    • Increase hp per hero in game from 16000 to 20000
    • Increase armor from 22 to 29
    • Fixed bugs related to mines being summoned being counted to "current wave" and being removed (not killed), causing you to get stuck on that wave!
  • Medivh (level 40 boss)
    • Increase base hp from 60000 to 80000
    • Increase hp per hero in game from 20000 to 30000
    • Increase armor from 30 to 37
  • -- The idea is to reduce number of catapults and increase variaty --
  • Wave 22 - Changed from 9 Grunt, 6 Forest Troll, 6 Raiders to 8 Grunt, 5 Forest Troll, 8 Raider
  • Wave 23 - Changed from 12 Raider, 4 Catapult to 9 Grunt, 3 Warmonger, 1 Forest Troll Priest
  • Wave 24 - Changed from 3 Grunt, 12 Forest Troll, 2 Catapult to 5 Grunt, 8 Forest Troll, 4 Catapult
  • Wave 27 - Changed from 6 Grunt, 6 Ogre Warrior, 4 Catapult to 8 Ogre Warrior, 8 Catapult
  • Wave 28 - Changed from 8 Ogre Warrior, 8 Catapult to 9 Ogre Warrior, 2 Ogre Magi, 4 Forest Troll Priest
  • Wave 29 - Changed from 6 Forest Troll Priest, 8 Ogre Warrior, 3 Catapult to 5 Ogre Magi, 8 Ogre Warrior, 7 Warmonger
  • Wave 31 - Increased Orc Warrior from 6 to 7
  • Wave 33 - Increased Orc Warrior from 6 to 7
  • "-spell power" now shows base Spell Power, Spell Power multiplier (% increase sources) and resulting Spell Power
  • Working on a save system (Multiplayer Save is bugged in 1.31, so making a custom save system). Not yet usable.
  • "-random" command during hero-selection now calls the GUI-function instead of an "almost-copy" of it.
  • Changed Exp-range from 3500 to 4500
  • Lowered Awaken base factor from 0.4 to 0.35 and level factor from 0.08 to 0.06. Should be cheaper to ressurect.
  • Castle Shop-range instead from 1250 to 2500
  • Increased time to wave-start after shopping from 0 seconds to 5 seconds

0.86: This version changes:
  • Heroes
    • Lothar - Charge
      • Charges towards the target enemy, knocking everything caught between out of the way and slams the primary target, causing it to be stunned and damaged.
        Hitting at least 5 enemy units (or one enemy Hero) will inspire nearby allies, triggering an additional effect depending on current stance upon hitting the target.
        Offensive Stance: Increase damage of allies within 750 units by 30% and grant them 4 health on-attack-hit and reduce armor of target by 16.
        Defensive Stance: Increase armor of allies within 750 units by 20.
        Leadership Stance: Increase attack speed of allies within 750 units by 20%.
        Cost 70 Mana, 10 seconds Cooldown.
        Level 1 - Primary target damage: 190 + 80% of Strength-stat. Stun duration: 1 seconds (half vs heroes).
        Duration of stance-effect is 2.7 seconds.
        Level 2 - Primary target damage: 220 + 110% of Strength-stat. Stun duration: 1.3 seconds (half vs heroes).
        Duration of stance-effect is 3.4 seconds.
        Level 3 - Primary target damage: 250 + 140% of Strength-stat. Stun duration: 1.5 seconds (half vs heroes).
        Duration of stance-effect is 4.1 seconds.
        Level 4 - Primary target damage: 280 + 170% of Strength-stat. Stun duration: 1.7 seconds (half vs heroes).
        Duration of stance-effect is 4.8 seconds.
        Level 5 - Primary target damage: 310 + 200% of Strength-stat. Stun duration: 2 seconds (half vs heroes).
        Duration of stance-effect is 5.5 seconds.
    • Darth Vader - Force Choke
      • By using the darkest force from the darkest corner of the dark side, the Sith Lord can crush the target with telekinesis stunning them in the process while draining the life essence from the target, healing himself.
        Lasts 4 seconds.
        Level 1 - Deals 175 + 100% of Strength-stat damage per second, self-healing 150 + 80% of Intelligence-stat health per second.
        Cooldown: 60 Seconds.
        Level 2 - Deals 250 + 150% of Strength-stat damage per second, self-healing 250 + 130% of Intelligence-stat health per second.
        Cooldown: 50 Seconds
        Level 3 - Deals 325 + 200% of Strength-stat damage per second, self-healing 350 + 180% of Intelligence-stat health per second.
        Cooldown: 40 Seconds.
        Damage and healing is applied 4 times per second.
    • Samus - Place Bomb - Bugfix: Time to reset mana-cost is now correct again ({6.0 -> 4.0} seconds instead of 0.0)
  • Items
    • Magical Token, Manaflowificator
      • Bugfix: Can now refund abilities at max-level!
      • Now funds mana for a units current mana-cost, incread of the base-mana-cost.
      • No longer show refunds for 0 mana abilities
    • Magical Token - Buffed from 20% to restore 25% of spent mana to 30% to restore 40% of spent mana.
    • Manaflowificator - Buffed from 25% to restore 50% of spent mana to 40% to restore 50% of spent mana.
0.85: This version changes:
  • Heroes
    • Lothar - Slash hit-radius increased from 165 to 170
    • Samus - Missile tooltip now shows correct values for cooldown.
  • Terrain
    • Main arena completely reworked!
    • Shopping area has some terrain adjustments.
    • Trees in main arena respawn when entering market place (every 5 waves)
    • Adjusted Snow/Rain to new terrain and cleaned up many leaking points related to it.
  • Items
    • Cloak of Agile Defence removed! (still existed, but was impossible to buy since last version)
    • Helm of Insight removed! (it was removed from shop since a few versions)
    • A ton of spelling correction, standardize how wording is shown, capitalization etc! Over half of items changed!
    • Added a few UNIQUE to items that had effects that didn't stack with more items of the same type that missed it since before!
    • All items and recipe now has the same item texts!
    • Spell Power system now adds/removed spellpower when gaining/dropping items, instead of setting to 0 and increase for each item (this enables temporary Spell Power boosts, something that would be buggy before this change!). It's also easier to add a new Spell Power item!
    • Maul of Foreful Impact - Lowered stun cooldown from 6 seconds to 5, lowered knockback range from 125 to 100
    • Maul of Tremendous Impact - Lowered stun cooldown from 6 seconds to 5, lowered knockback range from 200 to 150
    • Cup of Blood
      • Lowered sell gold to 0 (it was 1200 per charge of the item, instead of exactly 1200 regargless!)
      • Lowered mana per hp from 2.0 to 1.75
    • Golden Goblet of Gore
      • Gold Cost set to 0 (same problem as Cup of Blood)
      • Lowered mana per hp from 2.25 to 2.0
      • Reduced cooldown from 15 seconds to 12
    • Mage Armor
      • Increased effects (reduced damage, restore hp and mana) from 8 to 10
      • Increased Spell Power from 8 to 10
  • Enemy Changes
    • Bosses
      • Bosses now gain more hp/player instead of just having a flat amount.
        • This will probably be changed later, but it's a first step in balancing them for more than 2 players
      • Wave 10 Boss:
        • base hp adjusted from 10000 to {8000, 12000, 16000, 20000} depending on player count
        • Random Skulls spawn frequency lowered from every 2.0 seconds to every 1.9 seconds.
        • Increased "Active ability" frequency from every 7.5-14 seconds to every 7-11 seconds
        • Targeted Skulls active ability
          • Skull count increased from 8 to 12
          • Arc from -21 -> 27 degrees with 6 degrees steps to -54 -> 54 with 9 degree steps
        • Bugfix: No longer destroys a Hashtable afterwards, causing wave 37 to leave invunerable portals impossible to do anything about!
      • Wave 20 boss
        • base hp adjusted from 30000 to {24000, 32000, 40000, 48000} depending on player count
        • Armor increased from 10 to 16
      • Wave 30 boss
        • base hp adjusted from 80000 to {64000, 80000, 96000, 112000} depending on player count
        • Armor increased from 12 to 22
        • Increased rune cooldown from 5 to 10 seconds
        • Lowered rune duration from 200 seconds to 45 seconds
        • Bugfix: Center Rune are no longer added to "Current Wave", causing wave to be unbeatable (Stuck) if one was alive when boss died!
      • Wave 40 boss
        • base hp adjusted from 100000 to {80000, 100000, 120000, 140000} depending on player count
        • Armor increased from 12 to 30
    • Banshee
      • Lowered curse duration from 30/15 to 10/5 for units/heroes
      • Adjusted mana so they can only cast 2 Curse per Banshee
    • Skeletal Marksman
      • Lowered hitpoints from 800 to 760
      • Increased attack-cooldown from 2.1 to 2.4
    • Ghost - Increased attack-cooldown from 2.0 seconds to 3.5 seconds
    • Skeleton Warrior
      • Lowered hp from 220 to 215
      • Increased armor from 1 to 3
      • Lowered movement speed from 290 to 285
    • Evil Zombie
      • Increased hp from 2000 to 2400
      • Increased armor from 8 to 10
      • Increased attack-cooldown from 4.0 to 4.2
      • Increased base-damage from 90 to 111
    • Ogre Warrior
      • Increased armor from 10 to 15
    • Warlock
      • Adjusted where they open portals if you don't aggro them (because new terrain!)
      • Adjusted enemies spawning from portals. Intervals are shown (0-10) mean from 0 to 10 seconds since opening portal.
      • Wave 0 (0-10) no enemies spawn
      • Wave 1 (10-35) Spideres spawn from every 3 seconds to every 4, Broodmother spawn from every 8 to 9 seconds.
      • Wave 2 (35-60) Spider from every 2 seconds to every 4, Broodmother kept at every 6, Deamon from every 12 to 11.
      • Wave 3 (60+) Removed Deamon Spawn, Deamon Lord kept at every 4 seconds.
    • New Enemy: Spiked Zombie - Slow moving, durable, high armor, 1300 hp, 350 range zombie unit.
    • Will add more enemy types later!
  • Wave changes
    • This is the number of enemies spawned per portal per player (I.E. number is x2)
    • Wave 12 - lowered Skeletal Marksmen from 8 to 7, increased Zombies from 6 to 7
    • Wave 13 - replaced Skeletal Marksmen with Spiked Zombie
    • Wave 14 - Changed to 4 Evil Zombie, 3 Spiked Zombie, 3 Skeletal Marksman
    • Wave 15 - The new "Big Zombie Wave". 10 Evil Zombie, 4 Zombie, 6 Spiked Zombie
    • Wave 16 - Changed Skeletal Marksman to Spiked Zombie and increased them from 8 to 9
    • Wave 18 - Lowered Ghosts from 3 to 2 (easier introduction to them)
    • Wave 19 - Increased Evil Zombies from 2 to 3
  • Bugfixes/Cleanup
    • Hero Selection: "-random" and "-repick" now correctly sets the hero varibles and adds them to a unit group used by bosses.
    • "-dmg" commands removed! Damage are shown on ability tooltips now! (This was an old feature that was not adjusted in quite a while to changing abilities!)
    • Enemies treat Neutral Hostile as Neutral (This will help with enemies pathing)

0.82: This version changes:
  • Heroes
    • Lothar
      • Slash
        • Healing changed
          • from {25, 35, 45, 55, 65} hp + {1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5} per 100 missing hp
          • to {24, 30, 36, 42, 48} + {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}% of intelligence hp + {1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0} per 100 missing hp
        • Damage changed
          • Base from {190, 230, 270, 310, 350} to {180, 205, 230, 255, 280}
          • Strength scaling from {80, 90, 100, 110, 120}% to {40, 50, 60, 70, 80}%
          • Added agillity scaling {80, 95, 110, 125, 140}%
      • Defensive Stance
        • Added floatingtext for retaliation damage amount
        • Added block {11, 12, 13, 14, 15}% of incoming damage on all attacks
      • Charge
        • Increased range from 800 to 900
        • Adjusted text to metion augmentation from stances
    • Darth Vader
      • Force Push
        • Mana cost increased from 40 to {40, 43, 46, 49, 52}
        • Base damage adjusted from {100, 145, 210, 295, 400} to {150, 175, 210, 255, 310}
        • Added intelligence damage-scaling {30, 35, 40, 45, 50}%
        • Increased Strength damage-scaling from {15, 30, 45, 60, 75} to {50, 60, 70, 80, 90}%
        • Now has area indicator (showing units that are pushed)
        • Reduced cast range from 800 to 650
        • Now pushed using Bribes GUI Knockback 2.5D system instead of home-made simple knock-back
        • Moved to Q-hotkey
      • Force Slow
        • Adjusted manacost from 5/s at all ranks to {4,5,6,7,8} mana/s
        • Set initial manacost to 0 from 5
      • Force Lightning - reworked!
        • Moved to hotkey W
        • Conjure lightning through the Dark side of the Force, hitting the target and those near it.
          The primary target is slowed for 2 seconds (half vs heroes) and takes full damage, while enemies within 175 units of the primary target are also hit by lightning, taking 65% of the damage and are not slowed.
          Cost <A07E,Cost1> Mana.
          |cffffcc00Level 1|r - Deals 200 + 60% of intelligence + 40% of Strength, slows attack and movement speed by 70%.
          <A07E,Cool1> seconds cooldown.
          |cffffcc00Level 2|r - Deals 270 + 85% of intelligence + 50% of Strength, slows attack and movement speed by 75%.
          <A07E,Cool2> seconds cooldown.
          |cffffcc00Level 3|r - Deals 340 + 110% of intelligence + 60% of Strength, slows attack and movement speed by 80%.
          <A07E,Cool3> seconds cooldown.
          |cffffcc00Level 4|r - Deals 410 + 135% of intelligence + 70% of Strength, slows attack and movement speed by 85%.
          <A07E,Cool4> seconds cooldown.
          |cffffcc00Level 5|r - Deals 480 + 160% of intelligence + 80% of Strength, slows attack and movement speed by 90%.
          <A07E,Cool5> seconds cooldown.
    • Master Chief
      • Weapon Roulette
        • Adjusted texts
        • Shotgun
          • attack-range increased from 400 to 425
          • AoE Radius increased from {25, 90, 125} to {35, 100, 150}
        • Rocket Launcher
          • attack-range decreased from 800 to 750
          • AoE Radius lowered from {50, 100, 175} to {40, 80, 160}
        • Assault Rifle - Attack-range lowered from 650 to 625
        • Magnum - Attack-range increased from 650 to 675
    • Samus
      • Missile
        • Adjusted cooldown from 3 to {3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5} seconds
        • Adjusted mana-cost from 50 to {40, 44, 48, 52, 56} mana
        • No longer damages friendly buildings
      • Bomb
        • Damage from Agillity increased from {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}% to {60, 75, 90, 105, 120}%
      • Charge Bream
        • Increased projectile speed from 1000 to 1350
    • Mammoth Tank
      • V2 Rocket now knocks units away from explosion slightly
      • Parabombs texts now mention that units can be hit by multiple bombs
    • Khadgar
      • Fireball - texts now mention that units can be hit by multiple bounces
  • Items
    • * Death Dirk of Blood
      * Builds from: Bloodtooth (1400g) + Critial Slicer (1000g) + Sword of Attack +20 (800g) + Recipe (1400g) = 4600g
      A bit more deadly and bloody than a regular dirk.
      • 65 Damage
      • 4 HP/s Regain
      • 10% Critical Hit Chance.
      • 25% Critical Hit Damage.
      • |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: On-attack-hit: restore 6 health and add 2 damage per 100 missing hp of target. If critial hit, health restored is multiplied by total Critial Hit Damage, and bonus damage is multiplied by total Critial Hit Damage.
      * Spiked Plate of Vengeance
      * Builds from: Shield of Protection (2000g) + Gem of Health (375g) + Recipe (1625g) = 3950g
      A plate armor so spikey and vengeful that it hurts physical attackers, no matter where they are!
      • 14 Armor
      • 350 Life
      • |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r on-physical-damage-taken: |c00AAAAAABlock|r (60% of total armor) damage and damage the attacker by 200% of total armor + 50% of total |c00AAAAAAblocked|r amount (from any |c00AAAAAAblock|r source).
      |c00888888Physical is all damage except for magic and ability-damage.
      * Golden Shield of Aegis
      * Builds from: Shield of Protection (2000g) + Small Shield (450g) + Recipe (1800g) = 4250g
      Not any sheild can protect nearby allies, but this sheild made from a heavy, soft metal can!
      • 8 Armor
      • 5 Armor Aura to allies within 1200 units
      • 250 Life
      • |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r all allies under the effect of the aura, on-physical-damage-taken: |c00AAAAAABlock|r 10 damage.
      • |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r 30% on-damage-taken to |c00AAAAAAblock|r 12% of the damage (or 25, whichever is bigger).
      * Magical Dagger
      * Builds from: Gloves of Haste (400g) + Claws of Attack +9 (400g) + Recipe (500g) = 1300g
      Useful for stabing, rather fast. With a magic touch.
      • 18 Damage
      • 18% Attack Speed
      * Dragon Staff of Flames
      * Builds from: Magical Dagger (1300g) + Amulet of Protective Flames (900g) + Recipe (1750g) = 3950g
      Inspiring allies with the flames of a dragon! Also decent for whopping enemies on the head.
      • 35 Damage
      • 4 Armor
      • 15 Spell Power
      • |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: 20% Attack Speed Aura to allies within 450 units. Allies under the effect of the aura, on-attack-hit: fires a fire-bolt towards the target of the attack, hitting first enemy along the way, dealing 25 ability-damage in a 75 unit radius. Each unit can only have one fire-bolt in the air at once.
      • |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: Deal 10 + 1 per level + 20% Spell Power Ability-Damage per second to enemies within 200 units.
    • * Shield of Honor renamed to Shield of Protection
      * Removed devotion aura
      * Armor: 10
      * Now only blocks physical damage (I.E. non-magic and non-spell (ability) damage)
      * Maul of Forceful Impact
      * Added knockback when stunning, knocking target back 125 units
      * Maul of Tremendous Impact
      * Added knockback when stunning, knocking target back 200 units
      * Bloodtooth
      * Healing on-hit reduced from 4 to 3
      * Life Staff
      * Base healing reduced from 4 to 3
      * Increased Healing Area from 500 to 600
      * Gloves of Haste
      * Lowered attack speed from 15 to 12
      * Arcane Armor of Blasting
      * Damage increased from 100 + 100% spell power + 30% intelligence to 150 + 150% spell power + 33% intelligence
      * Damage Reduction, healing and mana increased from 25 to 30
  • Enemies
    • Dracula 2nd form (wave 20 boss)
      • Can no longer damage himself from AoE-attacks (I.E. he can attack melee targets)
      • Increased attack-range from 600 to 625
      • Increased armor from 8 to 10
    • Dracula (wave 10 boss)
      • New model!
      • Adjusted damage, hp, strength, regeneration, attack-cooldown
      • Removed all old abilities (Except for "random skulls flying around)
      • Have 2 new "abilities"
        • 1. Targeted skulls
          • Fires a series of skulls towards a hero
        • 2. Charge/Slash
          • if units are in melee range, swipe nearby units dealing damage
          • else, start flying, then charges towards a hero, knocking aside any unit on the way dealing some damage. When reached destination, land with a smash, slowing and damaging nearby units. Also swipes upon leanding, damageing those very near more.
  • Other changes
    • Castle Repair Rate upgrade hp/s increased from 0.5 to 0.75
    • Added a doodad in the quadrant with the ramps
    • Most knockbacks now use Bribe Knockback 2.5D system instead of a home-made (worse) way of doing it.
0.79: This version contains:
  • Heroes
    • Lothar
      • Slash
        • Healing is now increased with points in Slash instead of on Change Stance
        • Now always heals
        • While in Leadership Stance, healing is doubled, and non-hero-units heal for an additional 20.
        • Heal now: {25, 35, 45, 55, 65} + {1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5} % of missing hp
        • Defensive Stance block duration increased from 0.8 seconds to 1.0 seconds
      • Change Stance - Leadership Stance
        • Footman rally time lowered from 25 seconds to 20 seconds
        • Footman rally time with captain lowered from 18 seconds to 14 seconds
        • Footman Health Increased
          • From {75, 100, 125, 150, 175} + {14, 15, 16, 17, 18}% of Lothar Max HP
          • To {70, 85, 100, 115, 130} + {15, 17, 19, 21, 23}% of Lothar Max HP
        • Footman Damage Increased
          • From {20, 25, 30, 35, 40} + {14, 15, 16, 17, 18}% of Lothar Strength
          • To {20, 25, 30, 35, 40} + {15, 17, 19, 21, 23}% of Lothar Strength
    • Samus
      • Bomb - Increased mana cost per bomb from 10 mana to 15 mana
      • Charge Beam
        • Added Initial Damage, dealt regardless of number of charges: {60, 70, 80, 90, 100} + {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}% of agility
        • Increased damage per charge:
          • From {22, 24, 26, 28, 30} + {3, 6, 9, 12, 15} % of Agillity
          • To {22, 25, 28, 31, 34} + {6, 9, 12, 15, 18} % of Agillity
  • Items
    • New Item: Amulet of Protective Flames 900g
      • 3 Armor
      • 7 Spell Power
      • UNIQUE: Deal 7 + 0.5 per level Ability-Damage per second to enemies within 200 units.
    • Life Staff
      • Lowered Healing from 4 + 1 per 250 missing hp to 4 + 1 per 333 missing hp
      • Increased area of healing from 350 to 500
    • Inconveniently Heavy Shield
      • Has 25% chance to block 50% of incoming damage, as the item-text say.
      • Previously blocked 66% of incoming damage
    • Small Shield
      • Bugfix: Had 20% to block 20 damage AND 25% to block 25 damage, now only has 20% to block 20
    • Heavy Shield of Stength
      • Now has 25% to block 25 damage, as it should
    • Shield of Honor
      • Instead of a hardend-skin reduce 6 damage, now has an always block 6 damage
  • General
    • Debug-print printing every second has been removed... (Possibly the main reason for this update)

0.78: This version contains:
  • Items
    • Bloodtooth - 1400g
      • 25 Damage
      • 2 HP/s Regain
      • UNIQUE: On-attack-hit: restore 4 health

      Life Staff - 4750g
      • 40 Damage
      • 600 Health
      • 40 Spell Power
      • |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: Every second passivly, and on-basic-attack-hit: restore 4 + (1 per 250 missing hp) health for all allies within 350 units. Doubled for non-heroes.

      Boots of Occasional Lightning - 1200g
      • 60 Movement Speed
      • 15 Spell Power
      • UNIQUE Lightning Boots: Every 500 units of movement generate 1 charge up to 20 charges. When over 8 charges, standing within 500 units of an enemy will cause a lightning attack on an enemy draining 8 charges, dealing 75 + 75% of Spell Power + 25% of all stats.

      Boots of Occasional Fulmination - 3300g
      • 80 Movement Speed
      • 45 Spell Power
      • UNIQUE Lightning Boots: Every 500 units of movement generate 1 charge up to 20 charges. When over 8 charges, standing within 500 units of an enemy will cause a lightning attack on an enemy draining 8 charges, dealing 150 + 150% of Spell Power + 35% of sum of all stats ability-damage.

      Cup of Blood - 1200g
      • 400 Health
      • 0.1 Spell Power per charge of this item
      • Activly Use: Drains health equal charge of this item, restoring 2.0 mana per health drained, increasing the charges by 10 (max 200). 15 seconds cooldown.
      • Starts with 100 charges

      Golden Goblet of Gore - 4250g
      • 1000 Health
      • 20 + 0.1 Spell Power per charge of this item
      • Activly Use: Drains health equal charge of this item, restoring 2.25 mana per health drained, increasing the charges by 10 (max 600). <A06Z,Cool1> seconds cooldown.
      • Starts with 250 charges

      Mage Armor - 1600g
      • 10 Intelligence
      • 4 Armor
      • 8 Spell Power
      • On-ability-cast: Casting mana-costing abilites gives the wearer Magical Protection for 5 seconds.
      • On-damage-taken: If you have Magical Protection on you, it's comsumed to reduce incoming damage by 8, restore 8 life and mana.

      Arcane Armor of Blasting - 5000g
      • 20 Intelligence
      • 8 Armor
      • 50 Spell Power
      • On-ability-cast: Casting mana-costing abilites gives the wearer Arcane Charge for 5 seconds.
      • On-damage-taken: If you have Arcane Charge on you, it's comsumed to reduce incoming damage by 25, restore 25 life and mana and blast the area around the damage source (150 units) dealing 100 + 100% of Spell Power + 30% of Intelligence ability-damage to enemies.

      Frozen Skull of Nova - 4750g
      • 22 Strength
      • 450 Mana
      • 75 % Mana Regeneration
      • 35 Spell Power
      • |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: 22% on-attack-hit to deal 90% of Strength and 120% Spell Power as ability-damage to enemies within 125 of target.
    • Mighty Skull of Insight bug fix
      • Now deals damage near target instead of near wearer (as the item-text say!)
  • Heroes
    • Master Chief
      • Weapon Roulette - Bugfix: AoE Weapons can now only trigger item-effects once, instead of once per target!
      • Plasma Grenade - Reworked Ability
        • The Master Chief throws a plasma grenade, that will explode after 2.5 seconds, towards target location. The plasma grenade will stick to any unit it hits while in the throw. Long throws will cause the plasma grenade to bounce at target location, making it travel slightly further.
          Units very close to the explosion (within 50 units) takes double damage.
          Units far away from the explosion (further than 200 units away, up to 325) takes half damage.
          Cost 80 Mana, 3.5 seconds cooldown.
          Level 1 - Deals 180 + 60% of Intelligence damage.
          Level 2 - Deals 260 + 80% of Intelligence damage.
          Level 3 - Deals 340 + 100% of Intelligence damage.
          Level 4 - Deals 420 + 120% of Intelligence damage.
          Level 5 - Deals 500 + 140% of Intelligence damage.
      • Vehicle Drop - Reworked Ability
      • [*]
        Calls on vehicle air support, dropping a vehicle at target location, dealing damage based on intelligence and stunning nearby enemy land units for 2 seconds.
        The dropped vehicle lasts 40 seconds.
        70 Seconds Cooldown.
        |cffffcc00Level 1|r - A Warthog is dropped.
        The drop deals 100% of intelligence damage to enemies in the area.
        The Warthog life is: 800 + 50% max hp + 50% max mana
        The Warthog attacks 3 times per second and deals 25 + 20% of intelligence + 20% of agillity to a single target.
        |cffffcc00Level 2|r - A Scorpion Tank is dropped.
        The drop deals 150% of intelligence damage to enemies in the area.
        The Scorpion Tank life is: 1200 + 75% max hp + 75% max mana
        The Scorpion Tank attacks once per 2 seconds and deals 175 + 150% of intelligence + 150% of agillity damage in a small area.
        |cffffcc00Level 3|r - A Heavy Scorpion Tank is dropped.
        The drop deals 200% of intelligence damage to enemies in the area.
        The Heavy Scorpion Tank life is: 1600 + 100% max hp + 100% max mana
        The Heavy Scorpion Tank attacks once per 2 seconds and deals 250 + 180% of intelligence + 180% of agillity damage in a small area.​

        Impact delay of vechile drop increased from 1.0 seconds to 1.917 seconds
        Added a dropship vfx dropping the vechile
        Increased cast range from 500 units to 1000 units​
    • Mammoth Tank
      • V2Rocket
        • Damage changed from {230, 340, 500, 710, 970} to {180, 300, 420, 540, 660} + {100, 110, 120, 130, 140} % Str
        • No longer deals damage to friendly buildings
    • New Icons for:
      • Khadgar - Amplify Magic, Flame Shield
      • Samus - Place Bomb, Charge Beam
      • Lothar - All 3 Stances, Slash
    • All Heroes
      • Level Skip for Abilities increased to 3 from 2-3 semi-randomly
      • Bonus Attribute
        • Lowered all stats from 5 to 4
        • Has 2 Level Skip for ability (else you couldn't use all ability-points)
  • Waves/Enemies
    • Wave 35 - Huge Slime
      • Huge Slimes are now re-added to current_wave-unit-group when changing in size (taking damage)
      • Prevously, if a single Huge Slime was alone left and it took some damage and you killed the spawned medium-slime from when it changed size, the wave would end with enemies left in the arena that would probably kill the castle before you could get back into the arena.

0.75: This version contains:
  • Hero Changes
    • Lothar
      • Defensive Stance movement speed increased from 225 to 250
    • Mammoth Tank - Aagghh Motherland
      • Increased % of missing hp/s from {0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50} to {0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75}
      • Lowered cooldown from 30 seconds to 26 seconds.
    • Samus
      • Bomb
        • Cooldown lowered from 3 seconds to {0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5}
        • Mana cost increased by 10 per cast, until a timer of {6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.5, 4.0} seconds has finished.
      • Missile
        • Cast time lowered from 0.5 seconds to 0.2
  • Item Changes
    • ALL recipes now has the same icon as the resulting item
    • Hopefully easier to find items, but might cause issues that people think they will get the resulting item, not a "useless combine item"
    • Boots of Speed now references the correct ability in item-description. Still gives +40 movement speed!
    • Broach of Switness lowered movement speed from +80 to +60
    • Broach of Upgraded Swiftness movement speed still +80
  • General
    • Fixed many, if not all, bugs related to illustions messing up abilities
0.74: This version contains:
  • Hero Changes
    • Samus Bombs (Q in Morph Ball) are now instant cast (instead of somewhere around 0.4 seconds)
    • Samus Charge Beam has been reworked.
      • Channel to charge up. Every 0.2 seconds, gain a "Charge".
      • Each charge increases damage, range, AoE of the attack
      • Fire by attack order an enemy
      • Known issues: If standing still while exiting ball, the attack will fire at the nearest enemy.
    • Lothar Slash (Q)
      • Mana reduced from 50 to 45
      • Defensive Stance Block increased to 0.8 from 0.6 seconds
    • Lothar Defensive Stance has been buffed
    • Lothar Charge now continues to the target, even if it dies (instead of stopping as soon as it dies).
    • Lothar Reinforcements Charge (R)
      • It's footmen now, instead of knights
      • The 5 footmen stay around after the initial charge.
      • The footmen has the stats of the Change Stance Leadership passive.
      • adjusted cooldown, from 65/65/65 to 90/80/70
      • Fixed how it handles nearby terrain
    • Khadgar Flame Shield - Duration reduced from 12 to 9 seconds, Cooldown from 15 to 11 seconds
    • A lot of minor text fixes, spelling corrections, etc.
  • New Option!
    • If you want a more casual experience player 1 (red) can write "-nodeath", and any damage that would've resulted in death instead heals the hero to max.
  • Items has a lot of text fixes (I.E. minor lies and missmatches of what the recipe say and what the item say).
  • A few debug texts when playing normal (I.E. not debug mode) has been removed.
0.71: This version contains:
  • Fancy minimap preview!
  • 5 more waves
  • Last wave is another boss
    • Boss has "AI"-routines and is way more scripted than other bosses
    • Boss has 2 "stages"
    • Boss has a lot going on, meaning that you have to keep moving and destroy obelisks to survive
  • Lothar is here!
    • Lothar has 3 stances, augmenting the playstyle (hopefully)
    • Lothar might get adjusted in future versions (more augementations on abilities based on stance?)
  • Mammoth Tank - Aggghhh Motherland - Buffed: Now has % missing hp/s in the regeneration, on top of the old flat hp/s.
  • Khadgar - Flame Shield - Fixed bug where the damage of aplified version would get 15% more base damage per intelligence point, instead of per level of Amplify Magic.
  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

0.51: This version contains:
  • New Icons!
    • Castle Upgrades
    • Mammoth Tank - V2 Rocket Support and Parabombs
    • Master Chief - Plasma Gernade
  • Bug fixes related to castle upgrade
  • All recipes have [Brackets] on item components indicating where they are found.
  • Fixed bug related to enemy-summoned units, not needed to be killed before next wave begins.
  • Player 1 (Red) must now be named "WorldEditDev" to enter "Debug"-mode
0.50: This version contains:
  • New Items
    • Magical Token, a "small" Spell Power item
    • Wand of Blasting, a "pure" Spell Power item
    • Manaflowificator, an item with the active of Translocator and mana-related stuff
  • Many text changes, clearifications, consitencies, punctuation and spelling correction
  • Lowered price of many consumables
  • Can no longer "Boost" outside of the map to the South as Samus
0.49: First version released to Hiveworkshop
Note: This log was originally not intended to be shared, but we thought it might be interesting for you to see how development on the map has progressed through the years.

This is how we, [T] for ThompZon and [C] for DarkkaneX, communicate when we work on what part of the map to let each other keep up on what's happening.

== IN [T] 2024-01-07 17:24 - Import, Units, Map, Triggers - OUT: 18:04 ==
* Import/Units - Advanced Recipe - Weapon Smith
* Updated model from "V_Man_BlackSmith_W_portr3" to "V_Man_BlackSmith_W_portr5"
* Triggers - Boss Kill
* Changed "You have also gained |cff33A053+1 talents|r!" to "You have also gained an |cff33A053augment|r!"
* Removed +1 wood (was talent points)
* Maps - New Map version: 1.18 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Updated description, etc.
* Uploaded 1.17 to hive

== IN [T] 2024-01-03 13:18 - Triggers, Units - OUT: 18:51 ==
* Units - Created UnitTargetDummy (because old "TargetDummy" was a hero and that isn't needed in most cases)
* Triggers - Samus - Charge Beam
* Reset everything in "SADie"
* Changed "target" from "TargetDummy" to "UnitTargetDummy" (should no longer have a "Mountain King" resurrectable)
* Triggers - ExtendableBonusSystem - DTCBonuses
* Added "Shield on wave start" for hp, spellpower damage
* Added a bonus-table (remade some minor init-stuff)
* Triggers - Shield System
* Added functions for "untimed" instances
* Triggers - OnWaveStartEvents
* Added Shield for "Shield on wave start" amounts
* Triggers - Talents - System
* Fixed some minor bugs
* Triggers - Talents - Generic
* Shield before the Storm
- Gain on-wave-start, gain a |c00D4D4FFShield|r for |c0096f0645%% of max hp|r + |c00FF780075%% of damage|r + |c00DF00FF75% of Spell Power|r.|n|c00888888Also gained before Friendly Battle Arena
* Triggers - Talents - Lothar
* Adjusted Brannigan Leadership Style
- Quantity before quality, lower footman rally time by 6 seconds, increase footman capacity by 2 but reduce their |c0096f064hp-scaling|r by |c0096f06412%% of your hp|r|r.
* Elite Soldiers
- Increase footmen |c00FF7800damage|r by |c00FF780010 + 8%% of your damage|r and |c0096f064hp|r by |c0096f064+175|r but reduce Leadership Footmen capacity by 1.

== IN [T] 2024-01-02 15:45 - Triggers - OUT: 16:59 ==
* Triggers - Lothar - Leadership
* Extracted several variables to allow talents to modifiy them
* Triggers - Talents - Lothar
* Added Brannigan Leadership Style
- Quantity before quality, lower time to get footmen by 5 seconds, increase footman capacity by 2 but reduce hp by |c0096f06475|r and |c0096f064hp-scaling by 5%%|r.
* Added: Commander
* Increase footman capacity by 1 and their hp by |c0096f06425|r.
* Added Elite Soldiers
* Increase footmen |c00FF7800damage|r by |c00FF780010 + 6%% of your damage|r and |c0096f064hp|r by |c0096f06450 + 8%% of your hp|r but reduce Leadership Footmen capacity by 1.
* Elite Captain
* Increase Footman Captain bonuses by another 33%% and their bonus to footman rally time by another 2 seconds.
* Setup to make them possible to pick in-game

== IN [T] 2024-01-01 13:21 - Map, Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 19:24 ==
* Maps - New Map version: 1.17 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Triggers - Diabolic Special - Hound Master
* Hounds are added to "current wave" unit-group
* Defined start-chain-distance as its own constant
* Added 25 units to max-chain-distance
* set "check visibility" to false
* Items - Spelling corrections:
* Recipe for Mechanical Device of Convinsing Cloning -> Recipe for Mechanical Device of Convincing Cloning
- Convinsing -> Convincing (on several places, name, purchase-text, description, etc.)
* Items - Spiked Smasher of Armor Destruction
* Fixed "required item" parts of recipe to say "Axe of the Brute" instead of "Brute Axe"
* Triggers - Talent Cards
* Added player-individual tracking of "currentTier" and "max tier" to allow player-specific additions of augments
* Added functions to add augments for all players
* Triggers - OnBossKill - Show augments (for 1,2,3, NOT 4... Unclear when the UI should be shown and it doesn't effect anything)
* Triggers - GameStart - Load
* Add correct number of augments when loading a game
* Triggers - Stat Frames
* Capitalized hp/s and mana/s to be uniform with the other stats
* Triggers, Abilities - HattoriHanzou - Shadow Step
* Removed requirement that "click location" is walkable, as we already adjust to closest valid location
* Increased healing scaling from {13, 16, 19, 22, 25} % of damage to {14, 18, 22, 26, 30}% of damage
* Items/Triggers - Golden Goblet of Gore
* changed "drain" for "sacrefice" and minor test adjustments to make it clearer.
* Added: • Restore |c0096f061.5 + 0.3% of missing hp|r hp on-enemy-kill.
* Items/Triggers - Regenerating Branch
* Lowered hp/s from 1.0 to 0.75
* Items/Triggers - Blood Tooth
* Lowered hp/s from 1.5 to 1.1
* Increased life on hit from 4.0/3.0 to 4.5/3.5 for melee/ranged characters
* Items/Triggers - Black Navaja
* Lowered hp/s from 2.0 to 1.4
* Increased damage from 20 to 22 (Note: previous mistake made it only give +10 dmg instead of +20 as intended, now +22)
* Buffed on 4th hit
* healing from 1.0/2.0 % of missing hp to 1.4/2.1 % of missing hp
* mana from 3 to 4
* Items/Triggers - Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
* Lowered hp/s from 2.5 to 1.8
* Increased agility from 15 to 18
* Added +50 search range to find units and checks "IsUnitInRangeXY"
- This +50 range is to find unit-center, "IsUnitInRangeXY" checks point-to-edge-of-unit
* Increased healing for range unit from 1.75% of missing hp to 2.0% of missing hp
* tooltip said effect restored 6 hp, but it actually did 5 + <hero-level>/10
* Changed to 7
* Items/Triggers - Death Dirk of Blood
* Lowered hp/s from 2.5 to 2.0
* increased damage from 50 to 55
* Items/Triggers - Maul of Forceful Impact
* Lowered hp/s from 2.0 to 1.5
* Increased Strength from +6 to +7
* Items/Triggers - Maul of Tremendous Impact
* Lowered hp/s from 4.0 to 2.5
* Increased Strength from +22 to +24
* Items/Triggers - Ring of Life
* Lowered hp/s from 1.5 to 1.0
* Items - Dagger of Fast Stabbing
* lowered chance to trigger effect from 20% to 18%
- recipe didn't contain all effects it had... Spell Haste now visible on Recipe
* Items/Triggers - Supreme Dagger of Swift Stabbing
* Increased Agility from 20 to 22
* lowered chance to trigger effect from 20% to 18% and increased bonus from 33% to 35%
* Items/Triggers - Observing Staff of the Great Eye
* Lowered Spell Power from 75 to 65
* Increased Spell Haste from 15 to 25
* Items/Triggers - Dragon Staff of Flames
* Added search radius to make bigger targets easier to hit
* Added +15% of target's damage to bolt
* Increased aura radius from 800 to 1000

== IN [T] 2023-12-31 14:21 - Triggers, Game Interface, Abilities - OUT: 17:00 ==
* Triggers - Spawn Heroes
* Call the setup talent triggers
* Triggers - Hero Talents
* Setup all heroes to use their talants
* Added Life and mana on-kill generic-talents (1 + 0.25% of missing)
* Triggers - ExtendableBonusSystem - DTCBonuses
* Added Life-on-kill and mana-on-kill both "flat amount" and "percent missing"
* Triggered on kill during wave and by kill during Friendly Battle Arena
* Triggers/Game Interface - Increased Spell Power per Intelligence from 0.25 to 0.5
* Triggers/Game Interface - Increased Crit Chance/Dmg per Agility from 1% per 8 to 1% per 5
* Triggers - Removed Spellweaver Talent Kitchen 3rd party system
* Triggers - OnBossKill - Show augments (for 1,2,3, NOT 4... Unclear when the UI should be shown and it doesn't effect anything)
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Slash
* Lowered base-healing from {40, 44, 48, 52, 56} to {20, 24, 28, 32, 36}
- TODO: Make Talents work when loading a saved game

== IN [T] 2023-12-30 12:57 - Triggers - OUT: 20:42 ==
* Triggers - Hero Talents
* Added setup
* Added 7 "boring generic" augments (stats)
* Call setup for Darth Vader
* Added debug command "-aug X" (showing augmentations for tier X (1-4))
* Added Cleanup if not debug
* Triggers - HeroTalentUICards and Hero Talents
* Debugged and made it work for Darth Vader (using "-aug" command)

== IN [T] 2023-12-29 12:20 - Triggers - OUT: 15:46 ==
* Triggers - HeroTalentUICards
* Adjusted functions to set card-content and onclick functions
* Triggers - Hero Talents
* "Converted" talents to cards (not yet "setup" to use them though)
* adjusted several titles and descriptions

== IN [T] 2023-12-10 14:37 - Triggers - OUT: 16:47 ==
* Triggers - HeroTalentUICards
* functions to show/hide cards
* Hides when one is selected
* Setup base for random onclick events and changable title and texts.

== IN [T] 2023-12-03 14:39 - Triggers - OUT: 16:41 ==
* Triggers - HeroTalentUICards
* Setup basics of card-picking
- Have decent setup
- TODO: Make it possible to show/hide, change text-content, and hook up "talents"

== IN [T] 2023-11-12 13:05 - Triggers - OUT: 16:18 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions and Talents
* Fixes due to Table upgrade
* Talents now each have their own subtable in a unit-subtable in the talent maintable
- Previously talent subtable was directly in talent maintable, conflicing with unit indexes that also was directly under maintable

== IN [T] 2023-11-11 14:08 - Triggers, Map - OUT: 17:08 ==
* Maps - New Map version: 1.16 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Triggers - Updated Table by Bribe from 4.1.? to 6.0
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Fixes due to Table upgrade
* Triggers - Talents
- need fixes due to Table upgrade

== IN [T] 2023-09-18 22:56 - Import, Triggers - OUT: 23:47 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* Heart Crystal and Mana Crystal by twilac
- Debugged Hearth Crystal model a bit
- Both will probably be tweaked somewhat
- Removed Mana Stone, Health Stone by Kenathorn

== IN [T] 2023-09-10 12:26 - Items, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 14:34 ==
* Item/Abilities - Ring of Power
* Adjusted tooltip Unholy Aura:
* from: "Unholy Aura|r: |c0096f064<A02P,DataB1,%>% Health Regeneration|r, <A02P,DataA1,%>% Move Speed"
* to: "Unholy Aura|r: |c0096f064<A02P,DataB1,.> hp/s Regeneration|r, <A02P,DataA1,%>% Move Speed"
* Adjusted tooltip Brilliance Aura:
* from: "Brilliance Aura|r: |c008064EC<A02Q,DataA1,%>% Mana Regeneration|r"
* to: "Brilliance Aura|r: |c008064EC<A02Q,DataA1,.> mana/s Regeneration|r"
* Adjusted aura "editor suffix"
* Set hp/s regeneration from 0.75 to 1
* Item/Abilities - Inconveniently Heavy Shield
* Adjusted tooltip Unholy Aura:
* from: "Unholy Aura|r: (|c0096f064<A06H,DataB1,%> % Health Regen|r, <A06H,DataA1,%> % Move Speed)"
* to: "Unholy Aura|r: (|c0096f064<A06H,DataB1,.> hp/s Regeneration|r, <A06H,DataA1,%> % Move Speed)"
* Adjusted aura "editor suffix"
* Set hp/s regeneration from 0.75 to 1
* Triggers - Custom Frames
* Added hp/s and mana/s to frames
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added check for aura (brilliance/unholy now adds +1)
- NOTE: it only checks for buff and add fixed amount, it doesn't check the value on the ability!!
* Abilities - Manaflowificator
* Increased brilliance aura from 0.9 to 1.0 mana/s

== IN [T] 2023-09-09 15:22 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 17:12 ==
* Triggers - Custom Frames
* Added healthstone and manastone droprate to stat-frame
* Text in the stat-frame is now dependent on the size of the stat-frame (so only 1 place need resize)
- TODO: Add regeneration
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added functions to get hp/mana regeneration (estimates excluding auras)
- unit-base + strength/mana * 0.03 + bonuses in bonus system
- Currently unclear how auras interact
- Discovery: Unholy Aura and Brilliance Aura is not % bonus, it's X (hp/mana) per s
- There is a % option, but no abilites have it on by default.
- the % option is unclear what values it boots (unit base, unit base + strength regeneration or also including other sources of regeneration)
- For now, I adjust tooltips to whatever I think it closest to the truth
* Items - Manaflowificator
* Adjusted tooltip from " Brilliance Aura|r: |c008064EC<A009,DataA1,%>% Mana Regeneration|r" to " Brilliance Aura|r: |c008064EC<A009,DataA1,.> mana/s Regeneration|r"

== IN [T] 2023-09-03 11:20 - Triggers, Import, Units - OUT: 16:49 ==
* Triggers - Talents
* Tassadar
* Setup his individual talent tree
* Faster Storm
Psionic Storm deals its damage faster, reduces cooldown and total damage. Waves occur 3 times per second (up from 2 per second), base cooldown is reduced by 1.5 second and damage per wave is reduced by 10%%.
* Storm Duration
Psionic Storm gains 2 more waves.
* Triggers - Tassadar - Psionic Storm
* Broke out various constants to variables
* Adjusted tooltip to use said variables
* Triggers - Cooldown Reduction System
* Added possibility to modify "base cooldown" of an ability
* Triggers/Import - Imported and added credits for:
* Villager Man Blacksmith by Twilac
* Villager Teen Blacksmith by Twilac
* Units - Advanced Recipes - Weapon Smith
* Changed model from Villager Male 2 to Villager Man Blacksmith
* Reset tint from 255,160,160 to 255,255,255
* Units - Basic Recipes - Blacksmith
* Changed model from Villager Child 2 to Villager Teen Blacksmith
* Reset tint from 255,180,180 to 255,255,255

== IN [T] 2023-09-02 14:35 - Triggers - OUT: 15:27 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* GiveGoldToPlayers now correctly registers the amount of gold earned (save saves correctly)
* Triggers - Samus Charge Beam
* Use New/Release timers (recycled) instead of create/destroy
* Setup pause/unpause functions with timers instead of waits
* Increased timed life of dummies from 3 seconds to 5 seconds
* Triggers - Samus Missile
* Removed 1 % from tooltip on empowered missile damage
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank - Motherland
* Change R2I2Sx100 to R2Sx100 (handles 0.XX stuff better)

== IN [T] 2023-09-02 13:25 - Triggers, Units - OUT: 13:40 ==
* Triggers - Waves
* Increased reward from wave 10 (boss 1) from 1250 to 1500 (+250g)
- This way, you can still buy boots and some potions and still get 1 full item
* Units - Repair Now
* Lowered price from 500 to 400
* Units - Upgrade Essence of Life
* Increased price from 200 to 225
* Units - Upgrade War Stomp
* Lowered price from 200 to 175

== IN [T] 2023-08-27 11:56 - Triggers, Units - OUT: 16:17 ==
* Triggers - Waves
* Setup new array for "wave_gold_reward"
- This is a change from gold-per-kill to gold-per-wave (independent of kills)
- This is a step towards allowing configurable "doors" opened, number of player, etc. while keeping gold-income at a satisfying rate.
- "old" gold values total: (single player, not spending any gold)
- Wave 5: 981
- Wave 10: 4187
- wave 15: 7139
- wave 20: 14460
- wave 25: 17589
- wave 30: 26900
- Wave 35: 31715
- Might have encountered a bug when 2 (or more) enemies die from an AoE, the next wave is spawned multiple times?
- This might (of course) effect the values above
- Test 2:
- wave 5: 976
- wave 10: 3796
- wave 15: 6748
- wave 20: 14060
- wave 25: oops, forgot to record this result
- wave 30: 26558
- wave 35: 31334
- I know that single player probably needs slightly more gold (for castle upgrades, all on 1 player instead of shared)
* Gold is rewarded per wave from "wave_gold_reward" variable:
* wave 1: 150
* wave 2: 200
* wave 3: 250
* wave 4: 300
* wave 5: 350 - sum: 1250, ~0.3 full items (@4250g/"full item")
* wave 6: 400
* wave 7: 450
* wave 8: 500
* wave 9: 550
* wave 10: 1250 - sum: 4400, ~1.03 full items (@4250g/"full item")
* wave 11: 500
* wave 12: 550
* wave 13: 600
* wave 14: 650
* wave 15: 800 - sum: 7500, ~1.76 full items (@4250g/"full item")
* wave 16: 750
* wave 17: 800
* wave 18: 850
* wave 19: 900
* wave 20: 3000 - sum: 13800, ~3.25 full items (@4250g/"full item")
* wave 21: 920
* wave 22: 940
* wave 23: 960
* wave 24: 980
* wave 25: 1000 - Sum: 18600, ~4.37 full items (@4250g/"full item")
* wave 26: 1020
* wave 27: 1040
* wave 28: 1060
* wave 29: 1080
* wave 30: 4000 - Sum: 26800, ~6.3 full items (@4250g/"full item")
* wave 31: 1100
* wave 32: 1125
* wave 33: 1150
* wave 34: 1175
* wave 35: 2000 - Sum: 33350, ~7.8 full items (@4250g/"full item")
* wave 36: 1200
* wave 37: 1250
* wave 38: 1300
* wave 39: 2000
* wave 40: 25000 - 64100, ~15.1 full items (@4250g/"full item")
* Finally setup the variable
* Single player gets, on bosses +500 * boss-index
* Triggers - WaveCompleted
* Added a variable for "wave_completed", defaulted to false.
* Add "udg_wave_completed == false" to conditions for "wave completed"
* When killing "last enemy(s)" of a wave, set this to true
* After the timer that is created "on wave complete actions" (next wave, teleport to shop, outro), set to false
- This should ensure that "spawning of next wave" is always triggered at most once
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added "GiveGoldToPlayers" function, that gives an amount of gold to all human players (all player slots before castle-player, if they are in "udg_current_human_players")
* Units - All Enemy Units
* Removed all gold rewards
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecial
* Removed bonus gold on kill
* Triggers - Boss Kill
* Removed bonus gold
* Triggers - OnMarketplaceEnter
* Removed AutoGoldShare (mostly just to test)

== IN [T] 2023-08-19 14:23 - Abilities, Triggers, Items - OUT: 16:14 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Charge Beam
* Increased base-damage per charge from {8, 10, 12, 14, 16} to {10.0, 11.5, 13.0, 14.5, 16.0}
* Time per charge increased from 0.3 to 0.35
* Lowered attack-speed for faster charge-up from 0.1 seconds per 100% attack speed to 0.1 seconds per 80% attack speed
* Lowered mana-cost per charge from 5 to 4
* Now uses "g" temporary variables instead of "temp". Should reduce chance for bugs caused by items
* Abilities - Samus - Overcharge
* Lowered mana-cost from 125 to 100
* Triggers - Master Chief - Plasma Grenade
* Increased base-damage from {90, 110, 130, 150, 170} to {100, 120, 140, 160, 180}
* Increased damage-scaling from {60, 65, 70, 75, 80} to {62, 69, 76, 83, 90}
* Items/Triggers - Manaflowificator
* Lowered chance to restore 5% max-mana from 30% to 20%
* Items/Abilities - Sentry Wards
* Lowered cost from 35 to 25
* Increased recipe cost of Great Staff of the Observing Eye by 10
* Increased duration from 5 minutes to 7 minutes
* Abilities/Items/Triggers - Observing Staff of the Great Eye
* Increased ward duration from 180 seconds to 200 seconds
* Increased Spell Haste from 12 to 15
- Tooltip said 10, so that's 15 now (corrected)
* Triggers - Boss Killed
* Boss Gold reward changed
* from {2000, 4000, 6000, 20000} Split equally among players
* to {1000, 2000, 3000, 20000} per player, regardless of player-count (with bonus of 50% if solo)
* Made talent-message it's own triggers (new-line |n showed up instead of making it a new... Line...)

== IN [T] 2023-08-18 20:03 - Triggers, Units - OUT: 20:12 ==
* Triggers - Master Chief - Shotgun
* Increased damage per bullet from 33% to 36%
* Units - Master Chief - Assault Rifle
* Increased base-damage from 25 to 31
* Lowered damage dice from 1D10 to 1D8
* Units - Master Chief - Magnum
* Increased damage dice from 1D10 to 1D14
* Units - Master Chief - Sniper
* Increased base-damage from 100 to 110
* Units - Master Chief - Rocker Launcher
* Increased base-damage from 100 to 110

== IN [T] 2023-08-18 17:34 - Items, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 17:56 ==
* Items/Triggers - Goblet of Fire
* Changed recipe:
* From: Cup of Blood (900g) + Wand of Blasting (1850g) + Gem of Mana (200g) + Recipe (1300g) = 4250g
* to: Omni Gem (1100g) + Wand of Blasting (1850g) + Recipe (1300g) = 4250g
* Items/Triggers - Omni Gem
* Lowered recipe price from 350 to 200 (total price from 1100g to 950g)
* Increased recipe price from Goblet of Fire and Mechanical Device of Convincing Cloning by 150g
* Items/Triggers - Frozen Skull of Nova
* Increased Strength from 12 to 15
* Increased Spell Haste from 18 to 20
* Items/Triggers - Life Staff
* Increased missing hp on hit and tick from 1 per 300 missing hp to 1 per 250 missing hp.
* Increased range from 750 to 800
* Items/Triggers/Abilities - Dragon Staff of Flames
* Increased damage from 30 to 35
* Lowered Spell Power from 50 to 45
* Increased attack-speed aura from 20% to 30%
* Increased aura area from 450 to 800

== IN [T] 2023-08-17 20:41 - Triggers, Items, Abilities, Units - OUT: 23:09 ==
* Triggers - StartGame
* When loading, set lumber (I.E. talent points) to (wave-number+1) / 10
- wave-number is 0-indexed, so this should give the expected number of talent-points
* Items - Lether Pants
* Changed flavour-text, from "Pants that are keeps your..." to "Pants that keep your..."
* Items/Triggers - Acrane Armor of Blasting
* Increased armor from 40 to 45
* Increased Intelligence from 14 to 15
* Increase healing and mana restored from 26 + 2.6% missing to 30 + 4.0%
* Items/Triggers - Staff of Supreme Insight
* Increased Spell Power from mana from 2% to 2.4%
* Triggers - Shadow Step
* Removed debug print "Shadow step" on every cast
- TODO: Adjust "invalid step location" logic, should try to "auto fix" more
* Triggers/Abilities - Shuriken
* Increased decay time from 5 seconds to 6 seconds
* Lowered Spell Power scaling from {25, 30, 35, 40, 45} to {24, 28, 32, 36, 40}
* Abilities - Medkit
* Lowered cooldown from 14 seconds to 12
* Abilities - Missile
* Increased base-damage from {40, 45, 50, 55, 60} to {60, 65, 70, 75, 80}
* Lowered mana cost from {33, 36, 39, 42, 45} to {28, 31, 34, 37, 40}
* Travel distance to empower "reverted" back to 900 units from 850 units
* Adjusted learn-text to mention critical damage-scaling
* Triggers - Empowered Missile Talent
* "buffed" to resuce distance to empower by 100 units
* Units - Sith Lord
* Increased base armor from 38 to 42
* Increased base hp from 200 to 215
* Units - Regent Lord of Azeroth
* Increased base armor from 36 to 40
* Increased base hp from 200 to 210
* Triggers - Shielding Bombs
* Increased Shielding from 50% of damage to 60%
* Abilities/Triggers - Tusk Missiles
* Increased base-damage from {40, 50, 60, 70, 80} to {66, 72, 78, 84, 90}
* Abilities/Triggers - V2 Rocket
* Increased damage-scaling from {50, 60, 70, 80, 90} to {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}
* Increased Spell-power scaling from {95, 100, 105, 110, 115} to {100, 105, 110, 115, 120}
* Triggers/Abilities - Psionic Storm
- Note: This damage is applied 6 times!
* Increased base-damage from {15, 20, 25, 30, 35} to {20, 24, 28, 32, 36}
* Lowered damage-scaling from {20, 24, 28, 32, 36} to {15, 18, 21, 24, 27}
- had 216% damage scaling before (over 6 ticks)! Now 162%
* Lowered spell-power scaling from {40, 45, 50, 55, 60} to {24, 28, 32, 36, 40}
- had 360% spell power scaling before (over 6 ticks)! Now 240%
* Lowered cooldown from {13, 12, 11, 10, 9} to {12.0, 11.2, 10.4, 9.6, 8.8}
* Lowered mana cost from {74, 83, 92, 101, 110} to {70, 78, 86, 94, 102}
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Slash
* Increased missing hp healing from {1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0} to {2.0, 2.4, 2.8, 3.2, 3.6}
* Increased Spell Power healing scaling from {12, 14, 16, 18, 20} to {12, 15, 18, 21, 24}
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Choke
* Lowered mana-cost from 90 to 85
* Increased missing hp heal scaling per second from {3, 4, 5} to {4, 5, 6}
* Increased missing hp damage scaling per second from {4, 6, 8} to {6, 8, 10}
* Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Lightning
* Missing hp damage scaling increased from {6,7,8,9,10}% to {6, 8, 10, 12, 14}%
* Base damage from {100, 130, 160, 190, 220} to {110, 140, 170, 200, 230}
* Abilities/Units - Ghoul
* Slow Poision
* Lowered damage per second from 2.5 to 2.0
* Lowered hp from 350 to 325
* Lowered hp regeneration from 10 to 5
* Lowerred max-damage by 1
* Units - Banshee
* Lowered max-damage by 1
* Items/Triggers - Small Shield
* Lowered blocked damage from 18 to 15
* Items/Triggers - Maul of Forceful Impact
* Increased damage from 12 to 15
* Items/Triggers - Maul of Tremendous Impact
* Fixed bug causing it to give less damage after an "item refresh" (1.5% of maxhp instead of 1.75%)
* Increased Strength from 20 to 22
* Items/Triggers - Ring of Power
* Increased mana-stone and Health-stone droprate increased from 1.0% to 1.25%
* Items/Triggers - Swift Blade of Quickening
* Increased damage from 25 to 30
* Increased per attack bonus
* Attack speed 4% to 5%
* Movement Speed 5 to 6
* damage 3 to 4
* Items/Triggers - Golden Shield of Aegis
* Increased block for allies within aura from 10 to 12
* Increased hp from 350 to 375
* Items/Triggers - Gnarly Stinger of Acute Toxicity
* Increased critical hit chance from 10% to 12%

== IN [T] 2023-08-16 20:43 - Maps, Abilities, Units - OUT: 21:04 ==
* Maps - New Map version: 1.15 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Units/Abilities - Skeleton Duelist
* Sprint
* Lowered duration from 7 to 3 seconds
* Lowered cooldown from 25 to 12
* Lowered attack speed from 50% to 40%
* Increased damage taken from +33% to +40%
* Slam
* Lowered damage from 38 to 24
* Increased chance from 30% to 35%
* Lowered radius from 150/250 for full/half to 120/240
* Lowered base damage from 10 to 9
* Increased gold reward from 15 to 17
* Units - Skeletal Mage
* Lowered range motion buffer from 250 to 200
* Lowered max-damage by 1
* Units - Evil Zombie
* Lowered maxhp from 1725 to 1500
* Lowered Range Motion Buffer from 200 to 150
* Units - Ghoul
* Slow Poison
* Lowered duration
* Heroes: from 1.0 seconds to 0.75 seconds
* Units: from 4.0 seconds to 2.0 seconds
* Lowered damage from 4.0 to 2.5 per second
* Units - Skeletal Marksman
* Lowered base damage from 17 to 14
* Lowered hp from 385 to 375
* Lowered movement speed from 270 to 260
* Units - Spiked Zombie
* Lowered hp from 700 to 625
* Lowered hp/s from 1.0 to 0.0

== IN [T] 2023-08-12 15:52 - Abilities, Units - OUT: 17:30 ==
* Abilities - Skeleton Dualist
* Sprint:
* Increased movementspeed and attackspeed bonus from 40% to 50%
* increased damage taken from +25% to +33%
* Increased Duration from 6.5 seconds to 7 seconds
* Slam:
* Increased chance from 25% to 30%
* Lowered radius from 200/300 for full/half to 150/250
* Increased damage from 35 to 38
* Abilities - Slime Bolt
* Lowered range from 650 to 550
* Units - Skeleton Duelist
* Increased hp from 340 to 350
* Units - Evil Zombie, Zombie
* Increased Animation Damage Point from .300 to .400
- (longer time into animation to caused damage)
* Increased Animation Backswing Point from .300 to .350
* Units - Zombie, Skeleton Warrior, Ghoul, Skeletal Orc
* Lowered Range Motion Buffer from 200 to 175
* Units - Banshee
* Increased damage from 15 to 17
* Units - Death Knight
* Increased Animation Damage Point from .300 to .550
* Increased Backswing Point from .300 to .800
* Units - Spearman
* Lowered range from 500 to 475
* Adjusted damage from 73-103 to 80-95
* Lowered range motion buffer from 250 to 200
* Lowered hp regeneration from 25 to 2
* Increased armor from 37 to 65
* Units - Big Slime
* Increased Level from 7 to 8
* Increased hp from 3750 to 3900
* Units - Small Slime, Big Slime, Huge Slime
* Increased Damage Point from .300 to .400
* Increased Backswing Point from .300 to .500
* Units - Huge Slime
* Increased hp from 20000 to 21500
* Units - Small Slime
* Increased gold from 12 to 13
* Units/Abilities - Ogre Magi
* Lowered Movementspeed from 270 to 250
* Lowered Mana from 500 to 450
* Lowered Bloodlust Duration from 10 seconds to 9
* Lowered Bloodlust cooldown from 9 seconds to 7
* Lowered Bloodlust cast range from 600 to 450
* Units - Castle
* Increased armor from 35 to 40
* Increased Armor from upgrades from 15 to 20
* Upgrades/Units - Repar Rate upgrades increased from 1.0 to 1.5 per upgrade
* Abilities - Essence of Live (castle)
* Increased cooldown from 1.0 to 1.25 seconds

== IN [T] 2023-08-06 12:04 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 14:43 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Shadow Step
* Adjusted hp and armor of Living shadows from {80, 85, 90, 95, 100}% to {50, 60, 70, 80, 90}%
* Fixed bug causing Shadow Step to heal more than intended
- had 7-12% missing hp heal, now does 4-8% as learn-tooltip already said
* Triggers - Shadow Dancer - Talent - Shadow Focus
* Living Shadows lasts for 1 more second and ability mirroring damage increased from 50% to 70%, but the damage from the Shadow Dancer own abilities is lowered by 20%.
* Made the shadow mirror damage a variable and added a hero ability damage modifier
* Added living shadow time modifier

== IN [T] 2023-08-05 20:49 - Triggers - OUT: 22:14 ==
* Triggers - Shadow Dancer - Talent
* Setup the "talent tree" for the Shadow Dancer
* Triggers - Shadow Dancer - Talent - Tripple Shadow
* Double Strike Assasination also leaves a Living Shadow from where the Shadow Dancer disappears from, but no longer amplifies the damage taken for the primary target.
* Setup triggers
* Triggers - Shadow Dancer - Talent - Double Strike Shuriken
* Landing at least two Ninja Strikes on the same target throws a Shuriken at that target.
* Added function for throwing single Shuriken (including all shaodws)

== IN [T] 2023-08-05 16:22 - Triggers - OUT: 19:06 ==
* Triggers - Master Chief - Talent - Active Targeting
* Adjusted it to:
The enemy furtherest away without the mark within 1500 unit radius is marked every 7 seconds, and enemies hit with Vehicle Drop.
Consume the mark on attack hit, amplify the damage by 25%% and ignore 75%% of the target's armor for that attack and gain +|c00FF484010%% Critical Hit Chance|r for 4 seconds.
* Consume Mark trigger
* Timed markings trigger
* On Vehicle Drop add mark
* Finished :)
- TODO: Add more bonus depending on distance away?

== IN [T] 2023-07-30 19:05 - Triggers, Import, Abilities, Buffs - OUT: 21:10 ==
* Triggers/Import - Imported and added credits for "Snipe Target" by Tranquil
* Triggers/Abilities/Buffs - Active Targeting Talent
Hitting an enemy with Plasma Grenade or Vehicle Drop and every 6 seconds passivly, mark an enemy (prioritizing enemies far away).
Landing a basic attack on a marked enemy: Consume the mark and gain +25% |c00FF7800Damage|r, |c00DF00FFSpell Power|r and |c00FF4840Critical Hit Damage|r for 6 seconds.
* Setup Talent part of triggers
* Setup debuff ability and buff (visuals)
- TODO: Add debuff to units and consume debuff and give hero buffs.

== IN [T] 2023-07-30 13:21 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 14:52 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Master Chief - Plasma Grenade
* Change the double damage for units within 50 units of grenade to only effect enemies and instead of dealing 2x damage now deal CriticalHitDamage bonus
* Setup to enable to have a talent to disable friendly fire
* Adjusted learn text to reflect changes to only amplify damage against enemies and that it is crit-damage instead of 2x
- Simplified phrasing somewhat
* Updated the ability text to these changes including simplification

== IN [T] 2023-06-11 11:56 - Triggers, Import, Abilities, Buffs - OUT: 14:54 ==
* Triggers/Abilities/Buffs - Master Chief Talents
* Setup talents
* Talent: Fresh Weapon: When changing weapon gain |c00FF4840+12%%/+6%% Critical Hit Chance|r when Rouletting/Switching weapon for 14 seconds when keeping that weapon. 50 seconds cooldown when Switching weapons.
* Import/Triggers - Imported "ShinyStarAura" by Stan0033 and biridius
* From Shocking Wave Aura and Variations pack
* Added credits

== IN [T] 2023-06-10 17:10 - Triggers - OUT: 18:08 ==
* Triggers - MammothTank Talents, V2 Rocket
* Talent: V2 Krak Missile: Damage against units within 75 units of the center is increased by 40%% and are stunned for 1 second, but explosion radius is reduced by 50 units.
- Tweaked V2 Rocket tooltip slightly
- Added V2 talents to tooltip when you have them active
- With this, Mammoth Tank has 5 talents :)

== IN [T] 2023-06-10 12:34 - Triggers - OUT: 15:12 ==
* Triggers - MammothTank Talents, V2 Rocket, Tusk Missiles, Agghhh Motherland
* Talent: V2 Tusk Targeting: If you fire V2 Rocket within Tusk Missile range, fire Tusk Missiles at center of V2 Rocket target.
- Extracted stuff to functions to be able to make these interactions
* Talent: Motherland's Grace: Agghhh Motherland healing is increased by |c0096f0640.4%% of missing hp|r per second.
- Extracted damage%, hp/s and hp/s based on Missing hp to variables
- Use variables instead of "calculation", add to variables on "learn"
* Talent: High Explosive Tusk Missiles: Increase explosion radius by 40 but lower max range by 100.
- Extracted radius to variable, prints it in ability-text

== IN [T] 2023-06-04 23:02 - Triggers, Import - OUT: 23:32 ==
* Import - Imported "Target Indicator Thinner" by ThompZon
* Triggers - MammothTank V2 Rocket
* Changed vfx to the thinner edition
* Triggers - MammothTank Talents
- TODO: Deside on design
- Iron Curtain: Every 3rd Agghhh Motherland cast also Iron Curtains the Mammoth Tank, Shielding for 65%% of max hp for 15 seconds.
- Can use "Iron Curtain Ready" sound when it's ready
- Alternate design: Calling in Parabomb while under the effect of Agghhh Motherland Iron Curtains the Mammoth Tank, Shielding for 65%% of max hp for 15 seconds.
- TODO: Implement: V2 Tusk Targeting: Firing V2 Rocket within range of Tusk Missiles fires the Tusk Missiles at the V2 target.
* Triggers - MammothTank
* Extracted the "fire" part of Tusk Missiles, enabling other triggers to fire tusk missiles "at will".

== IN [T] 2023-06-04 16:07 - Triggers, Import - OUT: 18:10 ==
* Triggers - Darth Vader Talents and abilities
* Force Lightning on learn, if having Force Shock Talent, also increase slow duration
* Force Shock, stun if also Force Slowed, on top of also ensuring some amount of healing
* Split talents: Force Shock -> Lightning Shock (+100% duration)
* "New" talent, Explit Weakness: When Force Lightning hits a Force Slowed target, half of the duration is a stun and if the heal wouldn't occur, it occurs with 50%% effectivness.
* Triggers/Import - Imported and added credits for "Target Indicator" by ThompZon
* Triggers - MammothTank V2 Rocket
* Fixed bug causing it only to deal base-damage (and the "percent value" from scaling)
* Added "Target Indicator" for V2 Rocket, showing outline of where it will hit
* Added "center-to-edge-of-unit" check (I.E. seach for slightly bigger than AoE-radius and check if unit is in radius (I.E. including collision size))
* Slight modifications to knockback formula.
* From (250 - <distance-to-center>) * 0.66 + 75
* To (100 + 250 - <distance-to-center>) * 0.66
- Note: Radius is 250

== IN [T] 2023-06-03 12:16 - Triggers - OUT: 15:17 ==
* Triggers - Darth Vader Talents
* Darth Vader Force Choke tooltip now shows more accurate info when having Drain Force Energy
* Renamed Drain Force to Drain Force Energy
* Force Shock: Force Lightning slow duration is increased by 100%%. Additionally, when Force Lightning hits a Force Slowed target, half of the duration is a stun and if the heal wouldn't occur, it occurs with 50%% effectivness.
* Setup slow increase and boolean variable
- TODO: Add the other effects

== IN [T] 2023-06-02 18:52 - Triggers - OUT: 19:39 ==
* Triggers - Darth Vader Talents
* Drain Force: Lower all |c0096f064healing|r of Force Choke by 33% and convert it to restore |c008064ECmana|r. Any |c0096f064health scaling|r use |c008064ECmana|r instead.
* Triggers - Darth Vader Force Choke
* Enabled Drain Force when it's on
* Changed some divisions by 4 to multiplications by 0.25
* Updates to tooltip text triggers, does not work 100% with Drain Force

== IN [T] 2023-06-02 17:16 - Triggers - OUT: 17:33 ==
* Triggers - Darth Vader Talents
-- TODO: Design: * Drain Force: Shifts 10% of damage and 15% of healing to restore mana.

== IN [T] 2023-05-31 22:37 - Triggers, Map - OUT: 23:15 ==
* Triggers - Khadgar Talents
* Heavier Ramping Blizzard: Lowered initial shards by another 0.5 and increased accelerate by 0.25
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank Tusk Missiles
* Extracted range to variable
* Updated tooltip to "modern ways" and prints range in tooltip
* Minor optimisation, use native instead of BJ-function for starting timer
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank Talents
* Talent: Auto Energizing Tusk Missiles: On enemy kill, lower the remaining cooldown of Tusk Missiles by 1 second.
* Map - New Map version: 1.14 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
- A lot have happened during 1.13, want a new "back-up-point"

== IN [T] 2023-05-28 16:58 - Triggers, Import, Units - OUT: 22:48 ==
* Triggers - Khadgar Talents/Fireball/Flame Shield
* Finished implementation of Talent Splitting Fireball
* Talent: Soothing Flame Shield: Instead of dealing |c00FF0000Friendly Fire!|r, the flames sooth allies, |c00D4D4FFShielding|r them for 12%% of the damage for 3 seconds.
* Talent: Shielding Flame Shield: If target is friendly, shield it for 200% of Flame Shield DPS.
* Talent: Heavier Ramping Blizzard: Starts with 2.5 less Initial Shards but increase Shards per second by 1.5 and mana-cost increase per second by 1
- TODO: Test Heavier Ramping Blizzard, and blizzard in general
* Triggers - Khadgar Flame Shield
* Fixed bug causing Flame Shield to 0.8 to 1.0 damage per second (it's Spell Power scaling) instead of its calculated damage
- Seems like it was fine in latest version released on Hive, so unsure when this bug creapt in
* Triggers - Khadgar - Blizzard
* Changed initial shard calculasions from a separate trigger with "calculasions" to variables that are increased by learning
* Changed accelerating shards from same calculation trigger to variable
* Tooltip use these variables
* Extracted mana-cost increase per second from 3 to a variable (still 3 though)
* Tooltip and ability use this variable
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for Short Hag
* Units - Changed model of Advanced Recipe - Trinkets from Villager Male to Short Hag
* Triggers - Samus Talents - Smart Missiles
* Increased radius bonus of Smart Missiles from +25 to +40
* Units - Skeleton Duelist
* Increased hp from 315 to 340
* Units - Zombie (tier 1)
* Increased hp from 270 to 290
* Units - Orc Warrior (Tier 4)
* Increased hp from 2500 to 2700
* Units - Nectolyte (Tier 4)
* Increased hp from 1300 to 1450
* Units - Warlock (Tier 4)
* Increased hp from 1600 to 1700
* Units - Banshee
* Increased armor from 137 to 237
* Units - Ghost
* Increased armor from 40 to 237
* Lowered hp from 550 to 495
* Units - Huge Slime
* Increased hp from 17500 to 20000
* Units - Evil Zombie
* Increased hp from 1625 to 1725
* Units - Catapult
* Increased minimum-attak-range from 275 to 300 (just rounder number)
* Triggers - Diabolic Specials Core
* Increased base bonus armor per wave from 0.75 to 1.0
* Added base damage per wave of 0.35
* Increased unit percent bonus hp from +50% to +60%

== IN [T] 2023-05-28 11:55 - Triggers, Game Interface - OUT: 14:42 ==
* Game Interface - Hero-stats text
* Changed Crit-chance and -damage from agility-stat from "percent" to use "%" (need double % (%%) to make it work in-game)
* Triggers - Khadgar Talents
* Setup so Khadgar uses his own talent-tree instead of the ToDo-talents (copy paste of ToDo though)
* Talent: Extended Fireball Bounces: Fireball travels further, adding 2 more bounces
* Talent: Setting up base for Splitting Fireball: When a Fireball bounce lands on a target with |c00AEBFF1Amplified Flame Shield|r, 3 new Fireballs originates from the Flame Shield target, going in direction of the Flame Shield fire orbs
* Triggers - Khadgar Fireball
* Changed so effect-reference isn't stored in a local-variable and is destroyed in the same call
* Tooltip now gets number of bounces from variable instead of "hard-coded string"
* Triggers - Flame Shield
* Named constants for Buff and Ability Id

== IN [T] 2023-05-21 11:29 - Triggers - OUT: 13:23 ==
* Triggers - ToDo Talents
* Setup talents for heroes without proper implemented talent trees
* Triggers - Setup all other heroes to use TODO Talents, giving +10 haste when chosen
* Triggers - Boss Kills
* Gives +1 lumber and a message regarding talents
* Triggers - Darth Vader - Force Pull
* Chaged it from giving random bonus for random duration on top of pull to instead give a shield for 4% of max hp + 35% of Spell Power for 5 seconds.

== IN [T] 2023-05-20 17:18 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 19:29 ==
* Abilities - Remnant Energy
* made ability have correct buff (now it works!)
* Triggers - Talent - Charge Up Bomb
* When you fully charge your Charge Beam, place a Bomb.
* Triggers - Talent - Auto Bomb
* Your attacks have a 10% chance of placeing a Bomb.
* Triggers - Talent - Overcharge Missiles
* After Overcharge has fired, fire 3 Missiles in the same direction with a small arc.
* Triggers - Talent - Charged up weapon
* Each Charge Beam Charge generated gives |c00FF4840+1%% Critical Hit Chance|r and |c00FF4840+1.5%% Critical Hit Damage|r for 16 seconds.

== IN [T] 2023-05-20 13:02 - Abilities, Buffs, Triggers - OUT: 15:09 ==
* Abilities/Buffs/Triggers - Remnant Energy
* A dummy Ability with vfx and buff
* A Talent causing Overcharge and Charge Beam to leave Remnant Energy on target, consumed by next attack to do <something>
* Triggers - Remnant Energy
* Setup base that consumes the buff when samus hits target with it
* Triggered bonus damage (+10% of Damage and Spell Power)
* Triggered mana-restore (8)
* Triggered Shield (same value as bonus damage)
- Seems to not work
* Triggers - Overcharge, Charge Bream
* Apply Remnant Energy if boolean is set
* Triggers - Talents
* Setup talent to activate Remnant Energy
* Defined effect:
Overcharge and Charge Beam hits leaves |c00CCAACCRemnant Energy|r on enemies hit. When Samus lands an attack on a target with |c00CCAACCRemnant Energy|r, the energy is consumed, damage of attack is increased by |c00FF780010% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF10% of Spell Power|r, restore |c008064EC8 mana|r and gain a |c00D4D4FFShield|r of |c00FF780010% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF10% of Spell Power|r for 5 seconds.

== IN [T] 2023-05-19 13:02 - Triggers - OUT: 15:29 ==
* Triggers - Samus Missile
* Changed empowered damage from +33% to deal 66% of your critical hit damage (0.66 * 2.0 = 1.33)
* Extracted missile radius to variable
* Added variable for friendly fire
* Extracted empowered travel distance to variable
* Changed ability-text to use "modern" utils and takes values from variables
* Triggers - Samus Talents
* Added talent for "Smart Missiles", no longer deal friendly fire and increased radius by 25 units
* Added talent for "Enhanced Empowered Missiles" that makes missiles get empowered 50 units earlier and damage increased from 66% of CritDmg to 80% of CritDmg
- I.E. from +~33% damage to +~60% damage
* Added talent for "Shilding Bombs", allies within blast radius of bomb gains shield for 50% of the bombs damage for 5 seconds.
* Triggers - Shield System
* Fixed bug when destorying shield missing to reset unit-index-shield-reference

== IN [T] 2023-05-18 13:02 - Triggers - OUT: 14:46 ==
* Triggers - Samus Missile
* Prepared missile to gain talents changing some aspects of it
- Note: Not put in map yet, just in the jass-file

== IN [T] 2023-05-17 18:03 - Triggers - OUT: 20:02 ==
* Triggers - Talent
* Setup Samus Talents
- Forgot to "sign out" before dinner

== IN [T] 2023-05-01 11:31 - Triggers - OUT: 14:47 ==
* Triggers - Custom UI/Talents
* Adjustments to UX of Talent-button
* Triggers - Initialization/AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Setup hero_select_units to match the hero_select_regions and hero_select_index (set when selecting hero)
* Added "transer talent tree"-function, so we add talent-tree to showcase-units, then transfer it to the "real units"
* Triggers - Repick
* transfer talent-tree back to "showcase-unit"
* Triggers - Spawn DarthVader/other heroes
* Removed setup talent tree
* Adjusted to use "initHero"
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Moved "hide unit", "is_hero_taken", "player_is_ready", "heroes_unit_group" from Spawn hero to "InitHero"
* AbilityEvents for Samus
- Chargebeam-hit, morph, missile fired, overcharge fired, bomb placed,
- boost started, chargebream start, chargebeam full, missile empowered
* Triggers - Added "DelayedInitialization" that runs after 0.75 seconds
- several systems have a delayed init for unknown reason, this is for stuff that requires them to be ready to go
* Setup Talents for Darth Vader
- TODO: Setup basic talents for Samus

== IN [T] 2023-04-30 12:25 - Triggers - OUT: 17:10 ==
* Triggers - Custom Stat View
* Fixed various minor stuff regarding Custom Stat View
* Triggers - Talents
* Added a "Talents" button so you can access the talent tree without chat-command

== IN [T] 2023-04-29 12:56 - Triggers - OUT: 19:00 ==
* Triggers - Custom Stat View
* Setup button to open/close stats-panel
* Hide stats-panel when no unit selected and when tooltip-window is opened

== IN [T] 2023-04-25 19:49 - Triggers - OUT: 21:18 ==
* Triggers - Custom Stats View
* Moved hero primary stat icon slightly to give space for another button in hero-unit-card-UI-thing

== IN [T] 2023-04-23 17:03 - Triggers - OUT: 19:21 ==
* Triggers - Talents
* Split the views from the rest of the systems, as recommended by the author
* Triggers - Custom Stat View
* Setup base to show custom-stats
* Hardcoded to test-DV hero

== IN [T] 2023-04-22 14:13 - Triggers, Import - OUT: 19:50 ==
* Triggers - AbilityEvent
* Moved around some indexes to avoid 0 (it's kinda considered null in some cases)
* Changes AE-events to use the constants for the abilities instead of "magical numbers"
* Changed usage of tables and hashtables
* Import/Triggers - Imported "Ubershield White" by Vinz
* Added credits
* Triggers - ShieldSystem
* Changed floating text to instead of showing damage blocked by shield, show current/total
* Changed default vfx of shield
* from "Very Generic Shield with TC" by BoatyMcBoatface300
* to "Ubershield White" by Vinz
* Triggers - Darth Vader - Force Push
* Changed minimum push distance from hard-coded to a variable
* Changed Ability-text to print these new variables instead of hard-coded string
* Changed ability-text-scaling-values "old-school method" to "new-school method"
* Added a note that you pull instead of push if you've selected that talent in ability-text
* Triggers - Darth Vader - Talents
* Added a "Force Push Distance" talent, increasing minimum push (or pull) distance from 325 to 550 units

== IN [T] 2023-04-21 17:09 - Triggers - OUT: 19:35 ==
* Triggers - Talents
* Setup constants for spell icons for talent system
* Continue with Generic Darth Vader talents
* Rebalanced and minor bug fixes on generic talents
- Seems to be some issues with the bonuses?
* Triggers - Darth Vader Spells
* Fire AbilityEvents for everything except Force Slow

== IN [T] 2023-04-19 16:30 - Triggers - OUT: 17:44 ==
* Triggers - Talents/AbilityEvent
* Fixed minor issues in activate talent and register ability event
- Seems to work now! Yaay!
* Setup base for "generic bonus talent"

== IN [T] 2023-04-18 22:14 - Triggers - OUT: 22:23 ==
* Triggers - Talents/AbilityEvent
* Changed max bonus types from 1 to 4 to always 1
* Increased minimum time from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds
* Simplified add talent bonus now that we can only have 1 bonus-type
- Should be easier to register and verify bonus, and also easier for player to understand.

== IN [T] 2023-04-17 16:20 - Triggers - OUT: 20:28 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Made a "ScalingTextValueless"-version of the ScalingText-function, useful for talants (that don't update as it is currently)
- This does not show the final calculated value, just the scaling %
* Darth Vader Force Push now fires DTCHeroAbilityEvents
* Triggers - Talents
* Hooked up talent activation to AbilityEvent bonuses
- Seem to be an issue here
* Fixed several bugs related to talent setup
* Darth Vader have a talent tree with 1 talent. Open by selecting him and chat "-tt" (talent tree)
* Triggers - StringUtils
* Updated R2Sx100 to be able to show 2 decimals when appropriate

== IN [T] 2023-04-17 10:56 - Triggers - OUT: 15:18 ==
* Triggers - Talents
* Text for general base
* Setup most stuff for "general triggers"
* Need to hook it up so it takes effect when selecting and some other stuff too

== IN [T] 2023-04-15 13:51 - Triggers - OUT: 18:16 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions - DTCHeroAbilityEvents
* Setup evaluation and registration
* Triggers - Talents
* Setup general (reusable) base
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Extended some parts with regards to Shielding and order of code

== IN [T] 2023-04-14 16:44 - Triggers, Import - OUT: 17:53 ==
- I worked some on a shield system without writing here, oops
* Import/Triggers - Imported "Very Generic Shield with TC" by BoatyMcBoatface300
* added credits
* Triggers - ShieldSystem
* Created a shield system that blocks damage for a certain amount of hp, possibly (probably) time limited
* Applies late (after block and armor) and damage is taken from the shield until it is consumed instead of your hp.
- I.E. You can add 100 hp shield that lasts for 5 seconds, then take 50 damage (50 shield remains, no damage was taken),
- then gain another 100 hp shield for 5 seconds (150 remains),
- then take another 25 damage (125 remains),
- then the first sheild timer expires (100 remains)
- then take 125 damage, 0 shield remains, 25 hp damage taken
* "Imported" system
* Hooked up to process on damage taken
* Triggers - DelayedDebug
* Add 200 shielding for debug HattoriHanzou

== IN [T] 2023-04-11 18:04 - Triggers - OUT: 19:00 ==
* Triggers - Credits
* Added credits for "BTNcrWarp10" by CRAZYRUSSIAN in "Credits Icons Others"
- This is the icon for Force Push
- Couldn't find it and I should've added it already... Strange...
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Setup base for "DTCHeroAbilityEvents"
- This is to be able to add general to abilities in a standardized way
* Setup jass-code for hero picked, to centralize common code on the SpawnHero-triggers
* Triggers - SpawnHero
* Calls the new InitHero-function
* Triggers - Lother ability-cast-triggers
* Adds call to trigger the DTCHeroAbilityEvents

== IN [T] 2023-04-10 12:27 - Triggers - OUT: 17:52 ==
* Triggers - Spellweaver's Talent Kitchen
* Managed to get it to run by removing BlzFrameSetLevel-call in TalentView#SetUpLink
* Uncommented this.ResetTalentViewModels in TalentClicked to get UI to "refresh", making your click visually "happen".
* Added credits
* Triggers - ChatOpenTalents
* "-tt" now opens the example talent tree
* Removed by "RemoveDebugTriggers"
* "DelayedDebug" now connects example talent tree to preplaced Hattori Hanzou unit
* Triggers - Hero Spawn
- Tested, then removed, Added example talent tree to Darth Vader and Samus
- Tested, then removed, Commented "RemoveDebugTriggers" removal of ChatOpenTalents
- Works fine (without desync) in multiplayer
* Triggers - Setup DarthVader-Talents-file
* Added it to DarthVader-hero-spawn
* TODO: Everything

== IN [T] 2023-04-08 16:26 - Map, Triggers - OUT: 18:50 ==
* Map - New Map version: 1.13 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Triggers - Imported "Spellweaver's Talent Kitchen" by The_Spellweaver
* Messed around trying to make something work...
* DelayedDebug contains code for connecting it to testing Hattori Hanzou

== IN [T] 2023-03-25 10:23 - Abilities, Triggers, Game Interface - OUT: 13:11 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Khadgar - Blizzard
* Lowered Spell Power-scaling from 25-45% to 24-40%
* Increased base-damage from 24-48 to 26-50
* Updated tooltip to follow "modern standards" including colors and have a number for mana-increase per second.
* Triggers/Abilities - Tassadar - Force Field
* Increased area for bonus armor from 400 to 1000
* Increased bonus armor from 10-18 to 24-36
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Missile
* Lowered range to empowered from 900 units to 800
* Lowered mana-cost from 40-56 to 33-45
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Bomb
* Fixed bug causing the mana-cost to be 15 over what the tooltip said
* Lowered mana-cost per bomb from 15 to 10
* Triggers - Spell Power print
* Now uses players owned by triggering player instead of selected units
* Triggers - Credits
* Removed old "credits 1-5", the "topic based" way included everything
* Added credit for Hattori Hanzou Icon (Source: Nioh 2, Modified by: ThompZon)
* Moved sound credits to the sound topic, away from model topic
* Triggers - Commands
* Updated command-list in quest-log
* Added info on Auto Gold Share
* Added info on Spell Power
* Removed longer commands for attack speed and movement speed
* Fixed listed short-command for attackspeed
* Triggers/Game Interface - Crit
* Increased crit chance and damage from agility from 1% per 10 to 1% per 8
* Updated quest log entry for it
* Trigger/Game Interface - Spell Power
* Fixed texts saying you gained 1 Spell Power per 5 Intelligence to Spell Power 1 per 4 intelligence (that's how 0.25 works)

== IN [T] 2023-03-12 20:00 - Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 21:01 ==
* Triggers - Initialization
* Added a "difficulty_player_count" that is basically the player-count, but could be modified +/- later.
- If effects difficulty things related to player count (I.E. boss hp)
* Run a "UpdateAbilityText" for Hero-Picker HattoriHanzou Shadow Walker ability, to let it have cooldown shown
* Triggers - Boss1
* Increased max-hp from 1000 + 4250 * players -> 3550 * difficulty_player_count + 550 * difficulty_player_count * difficulty_player_count
- {5250, 9500, 13750, 18000} -> {4100, 9300, 15600, 23000}
* Triggers - Boss2
* Increased max-hp from 3000 + 8500 * players -> 8000 * difficulty_player_count + 1000 * difficulty_player_count * difficulty_player_count
- {11500, 20000, 28500, 37000} -> {9000, 20000, 33000, 48000}
* Triggers - Boss3
* Increased max-hp from 8000 + 17000 * players -> 17000 * difficulty_player_count + 2000 * difficulty_player_count * difficulty_player_count
- {25000, 42000, 59000, 76000} -> {19000, 42000, 69000, 100000} 17000 * x + 2000 * x * x
* Triggers - Boss4
* Increased max-hp from 12000 + 32000 * players -> 34000 * difficulty_player_count + 2000 * difficulty_player_count * difficulty_player_count
- {44000, 76000, 108000, 140000} -> {36000, 76000, 120000, 168000}
* Units - Hattori Hanzou
* Lowered Acquisition Range from 600 to 450
* Abilities/Trigger - Hattori Hanzou - Shadow Step
* Learn text "Shadow Dancers" -> "Shadow Dancer's"
* Tooltip "Shadow Dancers" -> "Shadow Dancer's"
* Abilities/Trigger - Hattori Hanzou - Ninja Strike
* Learn text "finishd" -> "finished", "If thrown when" -> "If striking when" (as it was in tooltip), "resetting its damage" -> "resetting the damage"
* Tooltip: "finishd" -> "finished"
* Tooltip note at the bottom: "This attack counts as a regular attack, meaning that it applies on-attack-hit-effects, can critially hit and its damage is reduced by armor."

== IN [T] 2023-03-11 13:16 - Items, Triggers, Abilities, Game Interface, Buffs, Units, Map - OUT: 17:43 ==
* Items - Diadem of Nobility
* Rewrote text for it, hoping that it will show up for all players...
-> A diadem fancy enough for noble people. Fancy indeed!
* Items - Shiv of Critical Stabbing
* Critial -> Critical
* Items - Spiked Smasher of Armor Destruction
* Smaching -> Smashing
- TODO: Check if regen is there and details in its armor reduction
* Item - Soul Siphoning Sword of Slaughter
* Convertion -> Conversion
* Item - Frost Mines
* All Tiers, changed "... mine and stunning and enemies..." to -> "... mine, stunning them..."
- The "ands" were varied between the tiers
* Game Interface
* Armor text spell fix -> "loweres damage" -> "lowers the damage"
- Tested replacing percent -> %, but it doesn't work. Probably due to the "%d"-nature of the fields
* Removed "Town Attack Generic" and "Under Attack Generic" sounds
* Item - Convinsing Clone
* "Convinsing" -> "Convincing"
* Item/Buffs/Triggers - Mechanical Device of Convinsing Cloning
* "Convinsing" -> "Convincing"
* Group for healing-part was missing, and the trigger was never turned on, fixed!
* Added Rejuvenation vfx to healing
* Triggers - Cho'gall
* Increased max-hp from 6000 + 16000 * players -> 8000 + 17000 * players
* Triggers - Dracula1
* Increased max-hp from 1000 + 4000 * players -> 1000 + 4250 * players
* Triggers - Dracula2
* Increased max-hp from 3000 + 8000 * players -> 3000 + 8500 * players
* Lowered mainAI time between action maxtime from 25 seconds to 22 seconds
* Items - Omni Gem
* moderatly -> moderately
* Triggers - Initialization
* Disable exp gained for hero-picker-arena-heroes
* Removed code for trying to only show difficulty settings for 1 player. May the fastest one win!
* Creates 1 "circle of power"-based unit without model with inventory that cannot gain items at point of castle. Should provide "Nearby Patron" always!
* Abilities - Hattori Hanzou - Shuriken
* Learn text "damage damage" -> "damage"
* Items - Sentry Wards
* Lowered gold-cost from 100 to 35
* Items/Triggers - Observing Staff of the Great Eye
* Increased recipe cost by 65 to keep it same as before with cheaper Sentry Wards
* Increased Armor from 32 to 35
* Items/Triggers - Reactive Armor of Arcane Repulsion
* Reduced number of units required for repulse from 7 to 4
- It didn't really trigger ever when I played with it, should trigger more often now!
* Items/Triggers - Spiked Smasher of Armor Destruction
* Fixed bug causing the "debuff timeout" return the armor to last-damaged-unit instead of the unit with the debuff.
* Buffed regeneration from 3 hp/s to 4 hp/s and and added 0.25 for further attacks within 0.5 seconds of the "original attack".
* Added the regeneration to tooltip (it was missing)
* Items/Triggers - Axe of the Brute
* Increased regeneration added on-hit from 2 to 2.5, and added 0.25 for further attacks within 0.5 seconds of the "original attack".
* Triggers - Friendly Battle Arena
* Disables extra life by removing the reincarnation ability, instead of disabling the ability for the player (I.E. same way as regular extra life works)
* Enable extra life by re-adding reincarnation ability, instead of enabling the ability for the player (I.E. same way as regular extra life works)
* Triggers/Game Interface - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Every 10 intelligence now also gives +2 Spell Power
* Destructables - Exit-portal
* Unticked "Is Walkable", making it no longer possible to stand "on top" of the portal
* Units - Evil Zombie
* Increased hp from 1500 to 1625
* Units - Skeleton Duelist
* Increased hp from 305 to 315
* Units - Clicky Daemon
* Increased level from 16 to 20 (should give more exp, giving anyone who isn't already max-level max-level)
* Abilities/Triggers - Khadgar - Fireball
* Lowered spell power scaling from 80-100% to 70-90%
* Triggers - Medivh
* Fire Arc
* Lowered damage from 55% of his damage to 50%
* Firebolt (the pew pew)
* Adjusted to 25% of his damage instead of 25% of "wave-specific-real1" (lower risk of "random" values to appear for the damage)
* Items/Units/Triggers - Barricade + Power Hammer Barricade
* Increased rate of health loss from 1 hp per 4 seconds to 1 hp per 3 seconds
* Barricade hp increased from 150 + 30*wave to 175 + 35 * wave
* Power Hammer Barricade hp increased from 325 + 235% of damage and spell power to 325 + 240% of damage and spell power
* Triggers - Outro
* Increased fade-out from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds
* Increased fade-in from 2 seconds to 2.5 seconds
* Moved music start so it is "same distance" to "real cinematic", hopefully
* Map - New Map version: 1.12 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Uploading 1.11 to hive

== IN [T] 2023-03-05 14:04 - Units, Triggers, Abilities, Constants, Map - OUT: 17:47 ==
* Abilities - Ressurection Details
* Just a dummy ability with info on how ressurection works:
Every 5 waves the party comes here. You can ressurect when that happens.
In the meantime, you can check out items.
* Abilities - Inventory (Life Esseence awaiting ressurection)
* Just a dummy ability allowing you to checkout item-costs, no
* Triggers - On Hero Death
* If at least 1 hero is alive, spawn a Life Esseence in marketplace, allowing players to check out items and have an indicator that they can ressurect
* Pan camera to life essence
* Triggers - Initialization
* Now removes ALL Player 1 (Red) Units, instead of specified
* Now gives ressurection-stone to netural passive at start
* Triggers - On Hero Ressurection
* Remove all Life Essence of owner of triggering player
* Constants
* Lowered Awaken constant factor from 0.35 to 0.25
* Lowered Awaken level factor from 0.06 to 0.05
* Lowered max Awaken cost from 1000 to 800
- Resulting costs, level - cost
- 1 - 105g
- 15 - 400g
* Reset Revive Cost, to make it easier to see what the relevant one is (Awaken vs Revive)
* Increased Item Give Range from 500 to 600
* Increased item sell percent from 85% to 90%
* Map - New Map version: 1.11 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Uploading 1.10 to hive
* Triggers, Constants, Interface
* Every 10 agility now also give 1% critical hit damage
- It previously gave:
- Every 10 agility give 1% critical hit chance.
- +1% attack speed
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added function for GetCriticalHitDamageInclAgi
* Triggers - ShowCrit chat command
* Fixed issue in to what player message is send
* Now uses new function to get crit-damage
* Triggers - CritSystem
* Now uses new function to get crit-damage, instead of directly access the crit-damage array
* Triggers - Lothar - Slash
* Now uses new function to get crit-damage, instead of directly access the crit-damage array for crit-slash
* Triggers - Lothar - Offensive Stance
* Now uses new function to get crit-damage when showing total crit-damage-value

== IN [T] 2023-03-04 14:50 - Triggers, Destructables - OUT: 18:22 ==
* Triggers - When entering the shop-area
* Increased wave for save-notice from 10 to 15 (shows first 3 times in shop area)
* Show portal, enable exit-trigger, show Friendly Battle Arena
* Destructables - Made the Shopping-area-exit-portal a destructable instead of a doodad, so it is possible to show/hide it.
* Triggers - Initialization, When On-marketplace-exit
* Hide Portal, disable marketplace-exit-trigger, hide Friendly Battle Arena
- the above should mean that it's safe to be in marketplace during waves (I.E. ressurect)
* Triggers - Hero Death
* Increased time-to-castle-death if all heroes are dead from 2.5 to 4 seconds
* Adjusted conditions so trigger is only run if a hero died
* Adjusted player-check from an "or" with specified players to checking if contained in player group
* Triggers - StartGame
* Use "heroes_unit_group" instead of creating temp-groups when referencing heroes
* Skip intro-music when loading game
* "Skip" waits when loading game (wait "0" seconds, unsure if waits are actually needed
- AFK for a while during this time
- TODO: Change gold-sharing somewhat

== IN [T] 2023-02-27 11:58 - Terrain, Items, Triggers, Map - OUT: 12:46 ==
* Terrain - Slightly increased space near recipe shops (into the water to give slightly more space to go around shop)
* Map/Units - Removed some stray units
* Items - Healing Salve, Moon Orchid
* Added note that it works in combat
* Triggers - Damage Engine
* Inlined the "BlzGetEventIsAttack" function with its contents ("BlzGetEventDamageType() == DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL"), so people on newer patches can play the map too.
- No reason to make the map not start on newer patches imo, although it will always be kept at 1.31.1
* Map - New Map version: 1.10 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Uploading 1.09 to hive

== IN [T] 2022-09-12 20:24 - Import, Triggers - OUT: 20:39 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* Chelid by -Grendel, edited by Twilac

== IN [T] 2022-09-11 16:30 - Map, Import, Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 22:00 ==
* Map - New Map version: 1.09 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* Chelid by -Grendel
* Units - New Enemy: Skeletal Giant Scorpion
* A big, "heavy" scorption
* The Idea is to replace some of the "evil zombies" with something more... Tricky
- When below X% Hp, has a chance to burrow, heal a little and return from somewhere else
- Also have the ability to sting. Details are being figured out, but either slow, root or the scorption starts pulling the target
* Units - Evil Zombie
* Lowered hp reg from 1.0 to 0.0
* Units - Skeleton Duelist
* Changed attack sound from "metal chop light" to "... medium"

== IN [T] 2022-09-10 13:37 - Items, Triggers, Units - OUT: 16:05 ==
* Item/Trigger/Units - Spiked Smasher of Armor Destruction
* Finished Effect
* Added stats and effect
* Added to shop (Advanced weapons)
* Units/Triggers - Skeleton Duelist
* Increased hp from 260 to 305
* Increased movement speed from 295 to 305
* Increased interval of checking for cast "berserk" from 0.76 to 0.86 seconds
* Lowered chance of triggering (if available) from 7% to 6%
* Increased duration of "berserk" from 6 to 6.5 seconds
* Units - Banshee
* Increased armor from 111 to 137
* Increased hp from 300 to 337
* Triggers - Diabolic Special - Rock Blocker
* Lowered time to first cast from 14-20 seconds to 10-16 seconds
* Lowered interval of casting from 11.5-16 seconds to 10-16 seconds
* Lowered hp of rocks
* from 320 + 21 * (1 + 0.02*wave) * wave
* to 250 + 20 * (1 + 0.02*wave) * wave
* Triggers - Diabolic Special - Fire Bolder
* Lowered time to first cast from 14-20 seconds to 10-16 seconds
* added difficulty-damage-scaling to damage dealt
* Adjusted damage to deal slightly less early, about the same mid-game and slightly more late
* Triggers - Diabolic Special - Hound Master
* Increased armor of hounds from 25 + 2 * Wave to 25 + 3*wave
* Increased hp
* from 120 + 9 * (1 + 0.035 * wave) * wave
* to 120 + 10 * (1 + 0.035 * wave) * wave
* Triggers - Diabolic Special - Lightning Enhanced
* Lowered cooldown of lightning from 0.15 to 0.13 seconds
* Increased damage
* from 30 + 5 * (1 + 0.3 * wave) * wave
* to 30 + 5.5 * (1 + 0.35 * wave) * wave
* added difficulty-damage-scaling to damage dealt
* Triggers - Diabolic Special - Enraged
* added difficulty-damage-scaling to "bonus rate"-multiplier

== IN [T] 2022-09-07 17:43 - Abilities, Triggers, Items, Import - OUT: 20:02 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Hattori Hanzou - Shadow Step
* Reverted lowering of base-heal
* from {50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
* to {60, 80, 100, 120, 140}
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* BTNInjusticeSmasher By JollyD
* BTNBruteAxe by PrinceYaser
* Triggers/Items - New Item: Axe of the Brute
* description
• |c00FF780015 Damage|r
• |c0096f064150 Health|r
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: On-attack-hit: Gain |c0096f064+2 hp/s regeneration|r for 4 seconds, 0.5 seconds cooldown.
* Combined from: Axe of Attack (400g) + Gem of Life (200g) + Recipe (300g) = 900g
* Setup recipe
* added combine triggers
* Triggered effects
* Added to shop (basic blacksmithing)
* Items - Cleaving Axe
* Lowered price from 1400 to 900g
* Adjusted recipe price for items building out of this item to keep their price the same
* Recipe for Phoenix Axe
* Recipe for Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
* Triggers/Items - New Item: Spiked Smasher of Armor Destruction
* description
• |c00FF780040 Damage|r
• |c0096f064200 Health|r
• |c00BA7A6115% Armor Penetration|r
• |c00FF48406% Crit Chance|r
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: On-attack-hit: Gain |c0096f064+3 hp/s regeneration|r for 4 seconds, 0.5 seconds cooldown.
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: On-attack-hit: Lower the target's |c008AAAC0armor by 6|r (|c008AAAC02 armor|r for further attacks within 0.5 seconds) per hit for 7 seconds. Each attack refreshes the duration of this effect.
* Combined from: Death Dealer (2500g) + Brute Axe (900g) + Recipe (1000g) = 4400g
* Setup Recipe
* Added combine triggers
* Started effect
- TODO: effect, add to shop

== IN [T] 2022-09-06 22:31 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 22:39 ==
* Items/Triggers - Gnarly Stringer of Acute Toxicity
* Increased crit chance from 8% to 10%
* Increased damage from 20 to 30
* Lowered attack-speed from 50% to 35% (tooltip said it gave 40% previously, but was actually 50%)
* Adjusted recipe, removed dagger from recipe, increased recipe cost to keep final item at same price

== IN [T] 2022-09-04 20:00 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 21:19 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Lothar - Offensive Stance
* Adds {20, 23, 26, 29, 32} damage when in offensive stance, in addition to bonus from agility
* Increased critical hit when in offensive stance from 2 + 1/level to 5 + 1/level
* Abilities/Triggers - Hattori Hanzou - Shadow Step
* Lowered %missing hp healing from {11, 12, 13, 14, 15}% to {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}%
* Lowered base-heal from {60, 80, 100, 120, 140} to {50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
* Added healing: {13, 16, 19, 22, 25}% of damage
- More insentive to build damage items, less insentive to go tank (less %missing hp restore)
* Triggers - Crit System
* Fixed conditions so no "random" 0-damage crits show up

== IN [T] 2022-09-04 13:14 - Triggers, Units, Abilities, Buffs, Items - OUT: 17:31 ==
* Units/Abilities/Buffs - Skeleton Duelist
* Increased level from 1 to 2 (exp gained from killing from 25 to 40, I think)
* Lowered damage from 14-18 to 11-13
* Lowered Slash damage from 60 to 35
* Lowered movementspeed from 300 to 295
* Adjusted attack animation damage point and backswing point
* Adjusted "berserk"
* Lowered the "berserk" duration from 8 seconds, 30s cooldown to 6s, 25s cooldown
* This now increases movement speed and attack speed by 40%, damage taken by 25%
* Adjusted vfxs
* Units - Forest Troll
* Lowered hp from 700 to 650
* Increased attack speed from 2.25 to 2.0
- Should be moderatly easy to kill
* Units - Grunt, Orc Warrior, Warmonger
* Adjusted attack animation damage point and backswing point
* Triggers - On unit index, "enemy check" bug fixed
* Units - Banshee
* Lowered hp from 410 to 300
* Increased armor from 12 to 111
- Made tankier to attacks, softer against spells
* Triggers - Setup Waves
* Wave 4
* Increased Zombies from 4 to 5
* Wave 5
* Changed 2 Zombies to 2 Skeleton Duelist
* Lowered Skeleton Warrior from 8 to 7
* Lowered specials from 3 to 2
- Should level up slightly earlier in the wave
* Wave 6
* Change 2 Zombies to 2 Skeleton Duelists
* Increased specials from 1 to 2
* Wave 7
* Increased specials from 1 to 2
* Wave 8
* Changed 8 Skeleton Warriors to 5 Skeleton Duelists
* Wave 9
* Changed 1 Skeletal Orc to 2 Skeleton Duelists
- Wave 13-20 have a ton of evil zombies... Maybe should be slightly touched-up
* Items/Triggers - Endless Elixir
* Increased restore from 400 + 25% of missing to 400 + 30% of missing
* Adjusted tooltip on recipe to correctly say +40 Spell Power instead of 35
* Increased bonus hp/mana from 350 to 400
* Increased all-stats bonus from 8 to 10
* Items/Triggers - Infinite Vial
* Increased restore from 300 + 20% of missing to 300 + 24% of missing (a strict upgrade from consumable potion!)
* Items/Triggers - Mechanical Device of Convinsing Cloneing
* Increased cooldown from 40 seconds to 75 seconds
* Increased bonus mana from 350 to 400
* Fixed bug causing dummy to have 250 + 50 per hero-level hp, instead of +75 per hero-level as intended
* Abilities/Triggers - Lothar - Slash
* Increased base-damage
* from {80, 90, 100, 110, 120} to {80, 95, 110, 125, 140}
* Increased damage-scaling
* from {80, 85, 90, 95, 100} to {79, 88, 97, 106, 115}
* Increased healing's spell power scaling
* from {11, 12, 13, 14, 15}
* to {12, 14, 16, 18, 20}
* Abilities/Triggers - Lothar - Change Stance + Offensive Stance
* Reworked passive from gaining armor penetration from bonus damage to giving damage from agility.
* Offensive Stance: {0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0} damage per agility
- Easier to understand, cooler, you can build items to effect this and see the outcome eaiser, boosts other abilities...
- Can get around +100 damage from this if you build some agility items
- Still gives critial hit chance
* Increased crit from spellpower gain 1% per {27 - 2*level} to 1% per {26 - 2*level}

== IN [T] 2022-09-03 15:46 - Import, Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 19:07 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* Skeleton Duelist by Villagerino
* Units/Triggers/Abilities - new enemy: Skeleton Duelist
* Slightly tougher and faster skeleton warrior, basically
* Added a "pulverize", chance to deal AoE damage and playing "slam" animation.
* Added "Berserk" with +25% attack speed, movement speed.
* Unit finished setup
- TODO: Add it to a wave

== IN [T] 2022-08-29 20:08 - Triggers - OUT: 20:20 ==
* Triggers - Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
* Simplified hit-counter trigger

== IN [T] 2022-08-23 19:18 - Map - OUT: 19:25 ==
Map - New Map version: 1.08 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Uploaded 1.07 to hive

== IN [T] 2022-08-22 16:43 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 20:56 ==
* Triggers - Cho'gall
* Now turns off "AI" on death
* Lowered 4th attack % current hp damage from 20% to 16%
* Increased "scaling" movement speed from 15 per bloodlust casted to 20
* Lowered base bloodlust speed from 95 to 90 (first cast still +110 ms)
* Lowered cooldown between abilites from 7-12 seconds to 6-10 seconds (random interval)
* Triggers - HugeSlime Update Size and Spawn more
* Adjusted trigger to adjust size before spawning new one
- This should fix bug causing it to spawn more huge slimes
* Abilities - Slime Bolt
* Lowered damage from 225 to 175
* Increased cooldown from 20 seconds to 24 seconds
* Lowered range from 800 to 650
* Triggers - Khadgar - Fire Ball
* Adjusted Amplified damage of Fireball
* from 25% + 25% per spell power
* To 25% + 25% per rank in Amplify Magic
* Triggers - Khadgar - Flame Shield
* Adjusted amplified damage
* from 5% + 15% per spell power
* to 5% + 15% per rank in Amplify Magic
* Triggers/Abilities - Khadgar - Blizzard
* Increased damage scaling
* From {12, 14, 16, 18, 20}%
* to {13, 16, 19, 22, 25}%
* Incerased Spell Power scaling
* from {20, 25, 30, 35, 40}%
* to {25, 30, 35, 40, 45}%
* Units - Ghost
* Lowered attack-speed from 3.25 to 4.0
* Lowered hp from 600 to 550
* Units - Catapult
* Increased gold reward from 40 to 45
* Abilities/Triggers - HattoriHanzou - Shuriken
* Lowered invisibility bonus damage from 40% to 25%
* Increased damage-scaling from 24-40% to 25-45%
* Remove shurikens from projectile-list when pulling and when "decaying"
- This should hopefully fix bug cauing this ability to pull random projectiles
* Increased base-damage per shuriken from 40-60 to 40-72
* Increased damage-fall-off per target hit from 8% to 10%
* Triggers - Dracula 1 - Slash Nearby
* Damage increased from 100 to 150
* Cooldown to next ability lowered from default (7-12) to 4-7 seconds
* Triggers/Abilities - Dracula 1 - Targeted Skulls
* Removed check for order
* Changed to "Disable other abilities when cast" to disable possibility of attack-orders during channel
* Adding it as an ability, right before order to cast, then delete it when finished
- Hopefully makes him stop more consistant, seems to work :)
* Increased total channeltime from 2.8 to 3.0 seconds
* Increased delay before first cast from 1.5 seconds to 1.6
* Abilities - Dracula 1 - Landing (after flying)
* Increased radius of daze from 350 to 400
* Units - Dracula 2
* Lowered attack-speed from 4.5 to 5.5 seconds between attacks
* Lowered base-damage from 150 to 100
* Triggers - Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
* After firing, start counter on 1 instead of 0 (when checking modulo 4 == 0)
- Fixes issue of it firing on ALL attacks...

== IN [T] 2022-08-21 13:45 - Import, Triggers, Units - OUT: 16:51 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* LightningShieldTargetSteps by ThompZon, Twilac
* Units - Cho'gall
* Lowered base health regeneration from -7 to -10 (still positive after strength of unit)
* Lowered base damage from -60 to -160
* Triggers - Cho'gall On-hit
* Each attack applies a "stack" up to 4 (where it will "fire")
* When hit with 3 stacks (4th hit), take bonus damage and become stunned for 1 second
* Stacks dissipate after 6.5 seconds of not being hit, 1 stack at the time with 1.5 seconds between stacks
- Stacks are "ticking down", not wiped all at once.
* deal 20% target's current hp as a spell on 4th hit (multiplied by damage-difficulty-modifier)
* Triggers - Cho'gall Setup
* Increased hp from 5000 + 15000 * players to 6000 + 16000 * players
* Units - Lothar, Darth Vader, Khadgar, MammothTank
* Added "medium" tag (makes some special effects "bigger", fit the model better)

== IN [T] 2022-08-20 12:40 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 17:54 ==
* Triggers - Dracula 1 - Targeted Skulls
* Now also checks order, to ensure that it cancels if he "moves away" or something during channel
* Abilities - Channel 1.4 seconds
* Enabled "disable other abilites", he cannot be canceled with stuns if he starts the channel
* Duration is needed to match Cho'galls animations better
* Triggers - Cho'gall Main AI
* Runs first Bloodlust after 15 seconds (to "enter the arena")
* Runs first AI-action after 30 seconds (5 seconds after bloodlust expired)
* Require 2 seconds left until next bloodlust
* Finalized Summon Runes
* Runs next "AI-action" 7-12 seconds later
* Bloodlust Increased "cooldown" from 30 seconds to 35
* Triggered Barrage
* More or less same as current, but minor tweaks on how it is setup (eliminated wait for example)
- Having issues with timers :/
* Units - Cho'gall
* Adjusted cast point

== IN [T] 2022-08-18 19:31 - Triggers - OUT: 21:07 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added function for NPCs to get a target within some range (prioritizes heroes)
* Triggers - Cho'gall Main AI
* Setup most of casting Runes.
- Need to find point where to cast it, then call old trigger (that has been adjusted)

== IN [T] 2022-08-14 14:00 - Triggers, Abilities, Import, Units - OUT: 19:42 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* Cho'gall by Tauer
* Unit - Cho'gall
* Changed model and tint
* Set team-color to purple (the Warcraft 2 color of Cho'gall)
* Increased collision size from 58 to 72
* Lowered base-movement-speed from 280 to 230
* Lowered base-damage from 100 to -60 (actual damage from 760 to 600)
* Lowered base HP Regeneration from -1 to -7 (actual regen from 12.2 to 6.2)
* Increased attack-cooldown from 2.1 to 2.4
* Triggers/Abilities - Cho'gall Bloodlust
* Triggered
* Now boosts movement speed by 90 + 15*counter and attack speed by 35% + 5% * counter
* Counter is increased by 1 each bloodlust
* Duration is 10 + counter seconds, "cooldown" is 30 seconds (starting from bloodlust ended)
* Triggers - Cho'gall Init
* Added 25% armor penetration (ignores 25% of your armor, to hurt, even with high armor)
* Every 4th attack slows target for 1 second
* Triggers - Cho'gall Main AI
* Setup base
- TODO: Add actions

== IN [T] 2022-08-13 14:36 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 15:08 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Lightning
* Added condition for heal, "or you are below 33% of your max hp"
* Added it to ability and texts
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Push
* Lowered mana-cost
* from {40, 43, 46, 49, 52}
* to {38, 41, 44, 47, 50}
* Removed "repeating" sentence on learn-text to simplify
* Increased damage based on missing hp by 1% across the board to 6-8%
* Increased damage-scaling
* from {36, 42, 48, 54, 60}
* to {38, 46, 54, 62, 70}
- Note, this has been "double-buffed" since last release
Map - New Map version: 1.07 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Uploaded 1.06 to hive

== IN [T] 2022-08-12 18:13 - Triggers, Items, Units, Abilities - OUT: 19:57 ==
* Items - Black Navaja
* Lowered price of recipe from 600 to 500 (total gold cost from 2500 to 2400)
* Items/Triggers - Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
* Lowered price of recipe from 1000g to 900g (total gold cost from 4900 to 4700)
* Increased % missing hp heal amount (ranged/melee)
* from 1.25/2.5
* to 1.75/2.75
* Increased agility from 12 to 15
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecial - Rock Blocker
* Lowered rock projectile-speed
* from 200 + (0.7 to 0.9) * distance
* to 180 + (0.5 to 0.75) * distance
- More time to react to them
* Lowered rock hp on wave {1, 10, 20, 30, 40}
* From {375.5, 650, 1050, 1550, 2150}
* to {341.42, 572, 908, 1328, 1832.}
- should be able to clear them slightly easier, they should be clearable with fairly small "investment"
* Triggers - Death Knight - Whirlwind
* Increased time immune to whirlwind after being hit from 0.8 seconds to 1.2
* Lowered damage
* from 4x unit damage (unit has 50 damage, so 200)
* to 2.75x unit damage (around 137.5 damage)
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Missile
* Increased damage-scaling
* from {90, 100, 110, 120, 130}
* to {100, 110, 120, 130, 140}
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Bomb
* Increased damage-scaling
* from {56, 62, 68, 74, 80}
* to {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}
* Increased Spell Power-scaling
* from {86, 92, 98, 104, 110}
* to {85, 95, 105, 115, 125}
* Unit - Zombie
* Attack damge- and backswing-point increased from 0.300 to 0.350
* Lowered base-damage from 17 to 16
* Unit - Spiked Zombie
* Lowered damage from 22 + 2D12 to 22 + 1D8
* Unit - Forest Troll
* Increased attack-cooldown from 2.0 to 2.25
* Lowered damage from 31+2d6 to 29+1d11
* Triggers - Ability-texts
* When printing percentages, increased difference required for printing with decimal
- More often use no decimal-point when printing percentages
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Lightning
* Increased damage-scaling
* from {24, 28, 32, 36, 40}
* to {25, 30, 35, 40, 45}
* Increased added damage from missing health
* from {5,6,7,8,9}
* to {6,7,8,9,10}
* Increased spell power-scaling
* from {70, 80, 90, 100, 110}
* to {80, 90, 100, 110, 120}
* Increased conditional healing base-value
* from {20, 30, 40, 50, 60}
* to {40, 50, 60, 70, 80}
* Abilities - Master Chief - Plasme Grenade
* Lowered mana-cost from 80 to 75
* Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Choke
* Lowered mana-cost from 100 to 90
* Triggers/Abilities - Master Chief - Medkit
* Increased healing from bonus intelligence
* from {100, 200, 300, 400, 500}
* to {200, 350, 500, 650, 800}
* Triggers/Abilities - Mammoth Tank - Tusk Missiles
* Adjusted base-damage from {25, 40, 55, 70, 85} to {40, 50, 60, 70, 80}
* Increased spell-power scaling
* from {55, 60, 65, 70, 75}
* to {60, 65, 70, 75, 80}
* Increased damage-scaling
* from {70, 80, 90, 100, 110}
* to {80, 90, 100, 110, 120}
* Triggers/Abilities - Mammoth Tank - V2Rocket
* Increased spell-power scaling by 5% on all levels
* from 90-110
* to 95-115
* Increased damage-scaling
* from {50, 55, 60, 65, 70}
* to {50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
== IN [T] 2022-08-08 17:35 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 20:04 ==
* Triggers - LifeOnHitSystem
* This is actually kind of generic "on hit system", minor adjustments to make it better at that
* Items/Triggers - Black Navaja
* Reverted back to bonus damage
* use common hit-counter for unit instead of its own
* Increase healing for melee users
* From 7 + 1% of missing hp
* to 7 + 2% of missing hp
* Adjusted text
* Items/Triggers - Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
* Increase healing for melee users
* From 9 + 1.25% of missing hp
* to 9 + 2.5% of missing hp
* moved into the OnHitSystem
* "Lowered" insta-kill-limit from 20% hp to 15% hp
* Minor performance improvements
* Increased cooldown from 0.5 seconds to 1 second
* Adjusted text
* Items/Triggers - Death Dirk of Blood
* Increased healing for melee users
* From 6
* to 8
* Moved into OnHitSystem
* Removed "hard" cooldown (of 0.5 seconds)
* Added 0.5 seconds "soft-cooldown" with effectivness reduced to 30%
- This also fixes a bug causing it to not increase heal/damage on critical hit correctly
* Adjusted text
* Lowered gold-cost of recipe from 1400 to 1200 (total gold-cost from 4600 to 4400)
== IN [T] 2022-08-07 12:52 - Items, Triggers - OUT: 19:14 ==
* Triggers - LifeOnHitSystem
* Several adjustments
* Now 30% effectiveness beyond the first for the following 0.5 seconds (to handle AoE and Master Chief more fairly)
* Sums up attacks within this 0.5 period
* Added support for "custom" life-on-hit
* Items/Triggers - Bloodtooth
* Describes the mechanic
* Incrased to 4 health/hit for melee users
* Items/Triggers - Black Navaja
* Changed damage
* from "bonus damage" (applied before critical hit, I.E. damage that gets multiplied)
* to "spell" damage
* Exists in LifeOnHitSystem instead of GUI-triggers
* As is with the system, lowered effectivness for the following 0.5 seconds after heal.
== IN [T] 2022-08-06 19:57 - Triggers - OUT: 20:14 ==
* Triggers - LifeOnHitSystem
* Now auto-unregisters non-heroes on-death (polling every 10 seconds)
- only Bloodtooth uses this system so far
== IN [T] 2022-08-06 14:47 - Units, Triggers, Items - OUT: 18:13 ==
* Units - Tassadar
* Incrased base-damage from 50 to 60
* Incrased base-mana from 140 to 150
- This will hopefully help his terrible early-game
* Units - Lowered Vision during night from 1000 to 800 for:
* Samus
* Lothar
* Khadgar
* Units - Shadow Dancer
* Increased vision during night from 1000 to 1200
* Triggers - Tassadar - Void Rift
* Incrased time between "pulls" from 0.14 seconds to 0.21 seconds (to hopefully reduce lagg)
* Triggers - Hattori Hanzou
* Fixed some of the stuff I said I did yesterday, but apparently didn't do in the editor...
* Triggers - LifeOnHitSystem
* Created system for this
* It sums up all damage within a tiny amount of time from LifeOnHit and sums it up, instead of having one text per heal-instance
* Items/Triggers - Bloodtooth
* Changed life-on-hit to use new system
* Changed AoE mechanic
* from having 0.5 second cooldown
* to lowered to 33% effectiveness after first instance within 0.05 seconds
* Removed UNIQUE marker (Meaning that building more of this item increases the heal amount)
* Added LifeOnHit-bonus to item
* Removed dedicated on-hit trigger for this item
== IN [T] 2022-08-05 20:50 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 21:40 ==
* Abilities - Tassadar - Force Field
* Lowered mana-cost from {24, 28, 32, 36, 40} to {20, 23, 26, 29, 32}
* Abilities - Tassadar - Psionic Storm
* Lowered mana-cost from {80, 90, 100, 110, 120} to {74, 83, 92, 101, 110}
* Triggers/Abilities - Tassadar - Psionic Assault
* Lowered mana-cost from {34, 43, 52, 61, 70} to {30, 35, 40, 45, 50}
* "Flattened" damage
* from 40 + {12, 14, 16, 18, 20}% of damage + {22, 24, 26, 28, 30}% of Spell Power
* to: 40 + 18% of damage + 24% of Spell Power
* Incrased bolts from {6, 7, 8, 9, 10} to {7, 8, 9, 10, 11}
== IN [T] 2022-08-05 16:06 - Units, Items, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 18:55 ==
* Units - Cloning Device target dummy
* Changed movement-type from foot to none
- does no longer block unit movements
* Units - Living Shadow
* Changed sound-set from footman to Spirit of Vengeance
* Items/Triggers - Mechanical Device of Convinsing Cloning
* Incrased healing per second
* from 6 + 0.6% of missing
* to 10 + 2% of missing
* temp_unit got set to the dummy for no reason, bugging its hp, fixed now.
* Triggers - Diabolic Specials
* if a diabolic gets same a trait that last generated diaboloc had, reroll once and allow it if it rolls again
* Increased tint amount slightly to make specials more "visible"
* Triggers/Abilities - Hattori Hanzou - Double Strike Assasination
* Made the clone attack instantly instead of after 0.25 seconds
* Lowered mana-cost from 90 to 80
* Incrased damage-scaling
* from {120, 140, 160}%
* to {140, 160, 180}%
* Triggers/Abilities - Hattori Hanzou - Shadow Walker (Swap place with shadow)
* Removed mana-cost
* Increased shadow health restore from 40% to 50% of missing hp
* Triggers/Abilities - Hattori Hanzou - Shadow Step
* Increased shadow hp and armor
* from {60, 65, 70, 75, 80}% of Hattori
* to {80, 85, 90, 95, 100}% of Hattori
* Lowered shadow ability-mirroring-damage from 60% to 50%
* Adjusted damage-scaling of shadows from 24-32% to 23-35%
* Lowered cooldown from {26, 25, 24, 23, 22} to {20, 19, 18, 17, 16}
* Lowered mana-cost from 60 to 50
* Triggers/Abilities - Hattori Hanzou - Shuriken
* Lowered mana-cost from 45 to 40
* Lowered damage reduction/hit from 10% to 8%
* Made it possible to pull shurikens that have not reached its final destination yet (ability text kind of say that's how it works)
* Triggers/Abilities - Hattori Hanzou - Ninja Strike
* Fixed bug causeing shadows to throw their ninja strikes in non-consistant direction
- stored point-coordinates in temp_real-variables across damage-events
* Adjusted variable usage to make it clearer
* Changed damage type from spells (regular spell) to normal-attack-damage
- This means that it applies "on-hit" and can critically hit and be reduced by armor
- The shadows ninja-strike count as being from the Shadow Dancer, meaning that on-attack-item-effects apply
- This can increased item-build diversity
* Incrased its damage-scaling
* from {70, 80, 90, 100, 110}% of damage
* to {70, 85, 100, 115, 130}% of damage
* Lowered mana-cost
* From {30, 34, 38, 42, 46}
* to {30, 33, 36, 39, 42}

== IN [T] 2022-07-31 12:38 - Map - OUT: 13:09 ==
* Map - New Map version: 1.06 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
-- Uploaded 1.05 to hive

== IN [T] 2022-07-29 12:45 - Items, Triggers - OUT: 15:14 ==
* Items - Power Hammer of Fabrication
* Fixed issue in tooltip of recipe saying it take 1 damager per 5 seconds, but it was per 4 seconds (as the item said)
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecial
* Added tint to speicals
- All effects effect the tint differently, but all colors (r,g,b) keep within 100-255

== IN [T] 2022-07-25 14:48 - Abilities, Triggers, Import, Buff - OUT: 20:26 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Convinsing Clone (tm)
* Changed ability to not spawn any unit (becuase it said "watery minion" in timed life), spawn via triggers instead
* Now plays birth animation with spawned
* Triggers/Import - Imported and added credits for:
* BTNMechanism by NFWar
* BTNMinorElementalShard by Novart
* Split Credits - Icons Items into 2 parts (it was too long to add more to it :O)
* Items/Abilities/Triggers - New Item: Mechanical Device of Convinsing Cloning
* Description
With some gears and thing-a-majigs, this is able to clone the user on demand or automatically!
• |c0096f064350 Health|r
• |c008064EC350 Mana|r
• |c008AAAC040 Armor|r
• |c00DF00FF35 Spell Power|r
• |c00CCAACCActive|r: Restore |c0096f0646 + 0.6% of missing hp|r per second and create a Convinsing Clone (tm) with |c0096f064250 + 75 per level|r at your current location, both effects lasts for 10 seconds. 40 seconds cooldown.
• |c00CCAACCPassive|r: When you take damage when below |c0096f06435% hp|r, automatically activate this item if it isn't on cooldown.
|c00888888Note: Cooldown is represented by a buff.
* Triggered active and passive Clone (tm)
* Added stats
* Triggered healing
* Combines from: Omni Gem (1100) + Scale Armor (400) + Convinsing Clone (tm) (45g) + Recipe (2600g) = 4145g
* Combine Trigger
* Added to Advanced Armor shop
* Item/Triggers - New Item: Omni Gem
* Description
A moderatly powerful gem.
• |c0096f064175 Health|r
• |c008064EC175 Mana|r
• |c00DF00FF17 Spell Power|r
* Added stats
* Combined from: Gem of Life (200g) + Gem of Mana (200g) + Strange Amulet (350g) + Recipe (350g) = 1100g
* Added combine trigger
* Added to trinkets (basics) shop

== IN [T] 2022-07-22 12:30 - Items, Triggers, Abilities, Import - OUT: 16:39 ==
* Triggers/Import - Imported and added credits for:
* BTNSeerStaff by Novart
* BTNEmeraldAmulet by Novart
* Items/Abilities/Triggers - New Item: Observing Staff of the Great Eye
* description
Better than the Observing Staff of the Regular Eye.
• |c00DF00FF75 Spell Power|r
• |c00DF00FF+15% Spell Power|r
• |c00D2B2FF10 Spell Haste|r
• |c008AAAC032 Armor|r
• |c00CCAACCACTIVE|r: Places an invisible Observing Eye at target location giving vision near it lasting for <A021,Dur1> seconds. <A021,Cool1> seconds cooldown.
* Added active ability, 60 seconds cooldown, lasts for 180 seconds
* Combined from: Amulet of Amplification (1700g) + Scale Armor (400g) + 3x Sentry Ward (100g) + Recipe (2100g) = 4300g
* Added stats
* Combine Trigger
* Added to shop (advanced trinkets)
* Items/Triggers - New Item: Amulet of Amplification
* description
An amulet with the power of amplifying your power!
• |c00DF00FF40 Spell Power|r
• |c00DF00FF+7% Spell Power|r
* Combined from: Strange Amulet (350g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g) + Recipe (550) = 1700g
* Added stats
* Added combine triggers
* Added to shop (basic trinkets)
* Item - Boots of Occasional Lightning and Boots of Occasional Fulmination
* Moved recipe button one step to right (from x=2 to 3)
* Item/Triggers - Arcane Staff of Amplification
* Changed recipe
* From: Magical Amulet (650g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g) + Recipe (2800g) = 4250g
* To: Magical Amulet (650g) + Amulet of Amplification (1700g) + Recipe (1900g) = 4250g
* Items/Triggers - Arcane Ring of Amplification
* Changed recipe
* From: Ring of Mana (850g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g) + Recipe (2500g) = 4150g
* To: Ring of Mana (850g) + Amulet of Amplification (1700g) + Recipe (1600g) = 4150g
* Increased mana from 400 to 450
* added stats (didn't give anything before? wtf?)
* Items/Triggers - Brooch of Swiftness and Upgraded
* Moved stats from abilities to triggers (makes bonus movement speed actually work if other sources have it, and attack-speed trackable)
* Items/Triggers - Brooches, boots of lightning, boots of speed
* Added "UNIQUE boots:" text to the movement speed
- This means that only one source of movement speed works at the time following items:
- boots of speed
- brooches (including upgrades)
- boots of lightning (including upgrade)
- Note: It kind of worked like this before, but not 100%
* Items/Triggers - Swift Blade of Quickening
* On-attack also increases movement speed of 5 per hit (in addition to attack speed and damage, as it did before)

== IN [T] 2022-07-21 14:36 - Units, Abilities, Items, Triggers, Import - OUT: 18:37 ==
* Triggers/Import - Imported and added credits for:
* BTNTrainingDummy by Eagle XI
* BTNPowerHammer by NFWar
* Item/Triggers/Abilities/Units - New Item: Convinsing Clone (tm)
* Places a Convinsing Clone (tm) to assist you in getting out of a sticky situation. Has 250 + 50 per hero level hp, lasts 15 seconds, 18 seconds cooldown
* Triggersed hp
* Stackable
* Added to shop (Gadgets)
* Units/Items - Barricade Kit
* Lowered regeneration of Barricade from 1.0 to -0.25
* Added note: It will slowly break down, taking 1 damage per 4 seconds.
* Items/Triggers - New Item: Power Hammer of Fabrication
* description:
Just another Power Hammer. Typically used when a regular hammer doesn't have enough power.
• |c00FF780045 Damage|r
• |c008064EC450 Mana|r
• |c00DF00FF45 Spell Power|r
• |c00D2B2FF15 Spell Haste|r
• |c00CCAACCACTIVE|r: Fabricates a fortified Barricade with |c0096f064325|r + 235% of |c00FF7800Damage|r and |c00DF00FFSpell Power|r |c0096f064hp|r, taking 5 seconds for it to be fully built. Due to quality not being a priority, it will break down, taking 1 damage per 4 seconds. 40 seconds cooldown.
* combined from: Mana-Steel Sword (1600g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g) + Barricade Kit (40g) + Recipe (2000) = 4440g
* Triggered Barricade hp (the effect)
* Added combine triggers
* Added stats
* Added to shop (Advanced Recipes - Weapon Smith)

== IN [T] 2022-07-20 13:02 - Items, Abilities, Units, Triggers, Import - OUT: 16:52 ==
* Item/Abilities/Units/Triggers - New Item: Barricade Kit
* Cost: 40g
* Places a Barricade (size of a farm) with 150 + 30/wave hp. Blocks movement. Enemies are likely to hit it
* Stackable
* Added to shop (Gadgets)
* Triggers - StackableItems
* Added Barricade Kit to stackable items
* Split-stack now checks if item is in "Stackable Items"-array, meaning that only those items can be split (hopefully)
- We now have 2 places to adjust when adding stackable items
* Made Rejuvination Potion stackable (as it say it should be in tooltip)
* Triggers/Import - Imported and added credits for:
* Training Dummy by communist_orc, animations and adjustments by twilac
- TODO: Setup item for this
* Item/Unit - Setup base for target dummy item

== IN [T] 2022-07-19 13:50 - Units, Triggers, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 19:12 ==
* Units - Orc Warrior [Tier 4]
* Increased gold reward from 30 to 32
* Units - Huge Slime
* Increased gold reward from 250 to 300
* Units - Death Knight
* Increased gold reward from 65 to 75
* Units - Big Slime
* Incrased gold reward from 30 to 35
* Units - Removed unused units
* Circle of Bats (dummy unit)
* Medivh Fire Lobber
* Units - Setup unit "blocking rock"
* Triggers - Diabolic Special - Rock Blocker
* Creates a line of rocks behind the target within 1200 units (prioritizes heroes) that have medium/high hp, lasts 10 seconds.
* Trigger - DelayedDebug
* Set number of diabolic specials "effects" on debug-unit from 4 to 1

== IN [T] 2022-07-17 12:55 - Triggers, Units, Items, Abilities, Terrain - OUT: 17:44 ==
* Triggers - Medivh Castle Fire
* Working on making in Special Effect-based instead of units
* Force a "teleport" move from Medivh when fire starts
* Made it flames "grow" as it did with units
* damage is dealt to all non-boss-units in region
* Triggers - Spawn Boss 4
* Stores its damage in wave_specific_real1-variable
* Adjust its damage with difficulty, as with other bosses
* Units/Triggers/Abilities - Medivh
* Now has 500 damage without an attack
- This is for basing his spells damage on, and let it scale with difficulty
* Changed primary attribute from Strength to Intelligence
* Fixed bug, Medivh checked "last created hashtable" instead of wave_specific_hashtable for initial action
* Makes Medivh walk towards hero "later", giving slightly longer for heroes to "adjust" to new Arena
* Fountain of Souls immolation damage lowered from 400 to 250
* Triggers - Directional Firebolt
* Changed damage from 175 to 25% of Medivhs damage (125 damage on Noraml difficulty)
* Lowered collision size from 28 to 22 (I.E. "hit radius" is smaller)
* When teleporting when doing this attack, increased distance from 250-350 to 300-425
- Should reduce risk of teleporting beside you and "one shot" you with this spell
* Triggers - Fire Arc
* Lowered damage from 65% of damage to 55% (from 325 to 275)
* Lowered damage radius
* from {60, 120, 180} for {100%, 40%, 10%} of damage
* to {50, 100, 170} for {100%, 40%, 10%} of damage
* Units/Abilities - Medivh Castle Fire Big/Medium/Small units and abilities
* Deleted
* Terrain/doodad - Medivh Arena
* Made a few pathways wider and removed 2 doodads
* Incrased terrain heights in rocks to make them more likely to block Directional Firebolts

== IN [T] 2022-07-13 20:34 - Triggers - OUT: 22:09 ==
* Triggers - Spawn Boss
* Changed level of boss:
* from X + (number of players - 1) * 2, where X was {10, 20, 30, 30} for boss 1,2,3,4
* to {10, 20, 30, 30}
* Triggers - Medivh Fire Firebolt Arc
* Changed from spawning a unit and order it to attack a position to a projectile in the Relativistic Projectile System
* Bind damage of this attack to Medivh's damage (I.E. gets effected by difficulty)
- This should make this attack less laggy
* Triggers - Medivh Castle Fire
* Started setup "put castle on fire" with special effects instead of units (to make it less laggy when it appear)
- TODO: finish it!

== IN [T] 2022-07-10 15:54 - Triggers - OUT: 16:25 ==
* Triggers - Difficulty
* Added difficulty parameters:
* Starting healing potion
* Starting mana potion
* Added difficulties:
* Very Easy
* 80% enemy hp
* 60% enemy dmg
* 2 extra lives
* 3 mana potions
* 3 healing potions
* Impossible
* 166% enemy hp
* 120% enemy dmg
* 1 healing potion
* Adjusted difficulty
* Easy
* Healing potion from 1 to 2
* Mana Potion from 0 to 1

== IN [T] 2022-07-06 19:39 - Map - OUT: 21:30 ==
* Map - New Map version: 1.05 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Uploaded 1.04 to hive
- was afk for quite a while (dinner)

== IN [T] 2022-07-06 18:03 - Abilities, Units, Triggers - OUT: 19:08 ==
* Abilities - Troll Priest Healing
* Increased mana-cost from 25 to 45
* Increased cast-range from 400 to 450
* Units - Forest Troll Priest
* Lowered hp from 1750 to 1600
* Increased gold bounty from 37 to 38
* Increased attack cooldown from 1.8 seconds to 2
* Triggers - Darth Vader - Force Lightning
* Only try to damage alive enemies
- This should make it heal more often, I.E. even if there are corpses near the target
* Triggers - Dummy Recycler
* Added function "GetDummyFacingTarget", "creating" a dummy 50 units away from target, facing target
* Triggers/Abilities - AbilityFrameworkFunctions - Stun Target
* Removed "Organic" from ability dummy stun ability
* fetch dummy using new "GetDummyFacingTarget", instead of "creating" it "on top" of target
* Set dummy player to owner of target instead of not setting it (resulting in Player 14)
- Hopefully makes this function more reliable
- initial testing (non-multiplayer) seems to work...
* Triggers - Init
* Only show difficulty screen if non-testing

== IN [T] 2022-07-05 17:23 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 19:26 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Difficulty Selection
* Now add/removes abilities for triggering unit, instead of last-created unit
* Tooltip for hard now say "hard" instead of "normal"
* Prints when difficulty is set
* Tried setting up UI for difficulty selection
* Inserted UI for difficulty selection
* Easy now also give +1 extra life
* Boss hp is now also effected by difficulty
* Boss base-damage is now also effected by difficulty
- Boss spells are not!
* Removed seleciton abilites

== IN [T] 2022-07-04 22:10 - Import, Triggers, Units - OUT: 22:19 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* VillagerWomanSitting by twilac
* Units - Basic Recipes - Trinkets
* Changed model from child to VillagerWomanSitting

== IN [T] 2022-07-04 17:57 - Triggers, Units, Abilities, Items - OUT: 19:05 ==
* Triggers - Lowering Units in some Waves
* Wave 15
* Spiked Zombie from 6 to 3
* Zombie from 4 to 3
* Evil Zombie from 10 to 11
* Wave 23
* Grunt from 5 to 4
* Wave 24
* Forest Troll from 4 to 3
* Wave 25
* Death Knight from 2 to 1
* Wave 27
* Death Knight from 2 to 1
* Wave 28
* Forest Troll Priest from 4 to 3
* Wave 29
* Ogre Warrior from 5 to 3
* Ogre Magi from 4 to 3
* Units - Death Knight
* Increased hp from 900 to 1000
* Increased gold from 50 to 65
* Units - Evil Zombie
* Increased gold from 35 to 36
* Units - Ogre Magi
* Increased gold from 45 to 48
* Lowered hp from 2500 to 2300
* Units - Ogre Warrior
* Lowered hp from 3000 to 2800
* Units - Grunt
* Lowered hp from 1250 to 1175
* Units - Skeletal Marksman
* Lowered hp from 400 to 385
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Push
* Increased damage scaling from {30, 35, 40, 45, 50} to {36, 42, 48, 54, 60}
* Increased Spell Power scaling from {60, 65, 70, 75, 80} to {65, 70, 75, 80, 85}
* Removed one new-line before cooldown reduction in tooltip. Hopefully makes it show for more/all players instead of just some.
* Items/Triggers - Ent Bark Shield
* Increased time to activate from 3.5 to 4 seconds
* Increased area from 100 units to 225 units
* Added a "SpellMarker" vfx to help make it clear what the radius is
* Units - Item Shop - Potion & Scrolls
* Removed Scroll of Speed and Scroll of Protection
- They were underwhealming as is and only needlessly "takes up space"

== IN [T] 2022-07-03 18:18 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 18:41 ==
* Triggers - Mage Blade
* Fixed combine trigger to be as updated recipe say
* Triggers/Items - Soul Siphoning Sword of Slaughter
* Fixed bonuses (referenced the recipe instead of the item)
* Fixed gold-value, so it has correct sell-value
* Items - Ring of Mana
* Removed Brilliance Aura (it is not in tooltip either!)
* Triggers/Items - Ent Bark Shield
* Added alive-checks for effect
- Should remove vfx when dead
* Lowerd duration to activate from 5 seconds to 3.5 seconds
* Increased hp from 450 to 500

== IN [T] 2022-07-03 14:23 - Items, Triggers - OUT: 14:27 ==
* Items/Triggers - Soul Siphoning Sword of Slaughter
* Increased "further mana restore" from 1 per 1000 missing mana to 1 per 750 missing mana.

== IN [T] 2022-07-02 13:59 - Import, Triggers, Items, Units - OUT: 18:03 ==
* Triggers/Import - Imported and added credits for:
* BTNMastercraftLongsword by PrinceYaser
* BTNMournblade by PrinceYaser
* Item/Triggers/Units - New Item: Mana-Steel Sword
* Description:
Mana-infused steel sword. Useful for whacking enemies.
• |c00FF780025 Damage|r
• |c008064EC250 Mana|r
• |c00D2B2FF12 Spell Haste|r
* Combine from: Sword of Attack (800g) + Gem of Mana (200g) + Recipe (600g) = 1600g
* Setup Recipe
* Combine Trigger
* Added bonuses from item
* Added to Basic Recipes - Blacksmith
* Item/Triggers - New Item: Soul Siphoning Sword of Slaughter
* Description:
A high quality sword with the power of soul-to-mana convertion. Useful for slaying enemies.
• |c00FF780060 Damage|r
• |c00D2B2FF20 Spell Haste|r
• |c008064EC500 Mana|r
• |c008064EC+1% Mana Stone drop chance|r
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: On-enemy-kill: Restore |c008064EC1 to 5 Mana|r, increasing with your |c008064ECmissing mana|r, increased further by |c008064EC1 Mana|r per |c008064EC1000 missing mana|r.
* Setup Recipe
* Combines from: Mana-Steel Sword (1600g) + Ring of Mana (850g) + Recipe (2000g) = 4450g
* Setup combine triggers
* Added basic bonuses
* Triggered effect
* Added to shop
* Items/Triggers - Mage Blade
* Changed Recipe:
* From: Wizzard Hat (500g) + Sword of Attack (800g) + Gem of Mana (200g) + Recipe (600g) = 2100g
* To: Wizzard Hat (500g) + Mana-Steel Sword (1600g) + Recipe (500g) = 2600g
* Added: • |c00D2B2FF12 Spell Haste|r
* Increased damage from 20 to 25
* Fixed Mage Blade (off) not having the same base-stats as regular Mage Blade
* Items/Triggers - Magi-Sword
* Lowered recipe cost from 1200 to 800 (total cost increased from 5300g to 5400g)
* Added: • |c00D2B2FF12 Spell Haste|r
* Fixed tooltip, saying correct damage-value of 45 instead of 40
* Units - Forest Troll Priest (Tier 3)
* Increased gold/kill from 35 to 37
* Units - Warmonger (Tier 3)
* Incrased gold/kill from 40 to 42
* Units - Small Slime (Tier 4)
* Increased gold/kill from 11 to 12

== IN [T] 2022-06-26 19:47 - Items, Triggers, Units, Ability, Buffs - OUT: 23:01 ==
* Items - Slightly Magical Wand
* Changed tooltip
* from: An actual magic wand! Although not very powerful, but it's magical!
* To: A magical wand! Powerful enough to be useful, probably.
* Triggers - Deathknight Whirlwind
* Lowered probability for whirlwind to be cast from 30% to 17%
* Increased time between checks from 0.66 to 0.88
* Lowered movement speed from 10/tick to 9.5/tick
* Targets must be alive and visible to death knight player to cast
* Units - Forest Troll Priest
* Lowered range from 600 to 475
* Units - Ghost
* Lowered range from 625 to 550
- projectile still traveles 750
* Units - Lowered Range Motion buffer from 250 to 200 for:
* Zombie
* Skeleton
* Grunt
* Raider
* Ghoul
* Skeletal Orc
- This should make them somewhat easier to fight in melee, I hope
* Units - Shadow Dancer
* Increased range from 100 to 115
* Ability - Shadow Step
* Lowered cooldown from {27, 26, 25, 24, 23} to {26, 25, 24, 23, 22}
* Ability - Shadow Walker
* Tooltip now has mana cost in it (because you cannot see it while it's disabled due to not having shadow)
* Ability/Triggers - Select Difficulty
* Setup abilities for Select Difficulty: Easy, Normal, Hard, Custom
* The wisp owned by "lowest player number" gains power to select difficulty
- I.E. Blue if only Blue + Teal is in game will gain the abilities
* Setup triggers that adds/removed abilities, so selected difficulty cannot be pressed again
* there is now a variable being set when clicking the "Select Difficulty"-abilities
* Difficulties are:
* Easy: hp -> 90%, dmg -> 80%
* Normal: hp -> 100%, dmg -> 100%
* Hard: hp -> 125%, dmg -> 110%
* Custom: TODO
* Triggers - CreateWave
* Apply hp/dmg difficulty for regular enemies

== IN [T] 2022-06-22 11:14 - Units, Map, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 12:18 ==
- Compensating for reduction of units/wave in earlier change, to keep closer to previous valus of gold/exp after 20-30 waves
* Units - Death Knight
* Gold Rewards increased from 40 to 50
* Level from 6 to 7
* Units - Ogre Magi
* Gold Rewards increased from 40 to 45
* Map - New Map version: 1.04 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Uploaded 1.03 to hive
* Uploaded tooltip-fixed 1.03 version to hive (no one had downloaded initial release)
* Map - Back to 1.03
* Abilities/Triggers - Shurikens
* Adjusted tooltip to say 850 units traveled, as it's the case
* Abilities/Triggers - Ninja Strike
* Adjusted tooltip to say the line is 450 units long, as it's the case
* Map - Resaved to 1.04

== IN [T] 2022-06-19 12:50 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 13:32 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Shurikens
* Fixed issue causing shurikens to be destoryed on first target hit, indead of when hitting the hero when pulling back
* Lowered base damage from 45-85 to {40, 45, 50, 55, 60}
* Lowered scaling damage from {25, 30, 35, 40, 45} to {24, 28, 32, 36, 40}
* Lowered mana-cost from 50 to 45

== IN [T] 2022-06-18 16:07 - Triggers, Abilities, Unit - OUT: 19:02 ==
* Triggers - Ninja Strike
* Removed debug print
* Triggers - Shadow Step
* Made "Invalid Destination" message only appear for owner of caster
* Triggers - Spawn Shadow Utils
* Set "research" to 1 when spawning
* Abilities/Triggers - Shuriken
* Lowered manacost from 60 to 50
* Increased speed from 800 to 925
* Increased range from 800 to 850
* Fixed tooltip so it correctly say that shurikens lay around for 5 seconds
* Lowered damage from 50-90 to 45-85
- The pull doesn't seem to deal damage...
* Abilities/Triggers - Ninja Strike
* Lowered manacost from 40-52 to 30-46
* Special Effects now show
* Made thrust thinner and slightly longer (from 65 width to 45, from 400 length to 450)
* Abilities - Shadow Walker
* Lowered manacost from 25 to 20
* Abilities - Shadow Step
* Lowered manacost from 70 to 60
* Abilities - Double Strike Assasination
* Fixed level-requirements as all other Ultis have
* Units - Shadow Dancer
* Changed sound-set from Blade Master (replaced by Darth Vader) to Grom
* Lowered attack-cooldown from 1.8 to 1.7
* Increased movement-speed from 320 to 330
* Units - All Heroes
* Increased base mana regeneration from 0.75 to 0.85
* Incrased base mana from 120 to 140

== IN [T] 2022-06-10 17:39 - Triggers, Regions, Map - OUT: 18:01 ==
* Triggers - Setup Waves:
* Wave 22:
* Grunts from 3 to 0
* Forst Trolls from 3 to 4
* Wave 24:
* Forst Trolls from 5 to 4
* Wave 25:
* Grunts from 4 to 3
* Wave 26:
* Grunts from 5 to 4
* Wave 27
* Deathknight from 3 to 2
* Wave 28
* Ogre Magi from 3 to 2
* Wave 29
* Ogre Magi from 5 to 4
* Ogre Warrior from 6 to 5
* Warmonger from 6 to 5
* Regions/Map/Triggers - Spawn Hattori Hanzou
* Setup spawn triggers, regions, selection circle, terrain-texture leading up to it.
* Added to "Repick"
* Increased index on "random" to allow Hattori to be picked by "-random"

== IN [T] 2022-06-08 22:13 - Triggers - OUT: 22:45 ==
* Triggers - Double Strike Assasination
* Use "ShowUnit" false to hide unit
* Reselect hero if local player owns the hero
- Seems decent :)
- The vfx is not quite what I was thinking though...

== IN [T] 2022-06-08 17:33 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 19:14 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Double Strike Assasination
* Setup so it requires register function to be explicitly called, preventing registering to damage engine when no Shadow Dancer is selected
* Increased time "outside reality" from 0.5 seconds to 0.75 seconds
* Ability text
* Tweaked durations, resulting in shadow finishing strike as hero reappears
* TODO: Fix how unit "Disappear from reality"
- Maybe use "Hide Unit" and manipulate unit-selection to force-select hero as he reappears?
* Triggers - HHinit
* Calls to register abilities
* Triggers - Debug Initialization
* Also calls HHInit

== IN [T] 2022-06-06 22:39 - Triggers, Import - OUT: 23:47 ==
* Triggers/Import - Adjusted import and added credits for:
* Ephemeral Cut edited by Twilac to only the animation part I wanted
* Triggers - Double Strike Assasination
* Adjusted vfx
* Added damage
* Setup Damage amplification (but currently not registered, meaning it wont really work)

== IN [T] 2022-06-06 17:39 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 20:18 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Created PlayEffectLater functions
* Triggers/Abilities - Double Strike Assasination
* Messed with special effects

== IN [T] 2022-06-04 13:08 - Abilities, Triggers, Import, Buffs - OUT: 19:13 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Double Strike Assasination
* Text:
Step into the shadows, disappearing from reality for 0.5 seconds, during witch a Living Shadow assasin-strike target unit from the front, dealing half of damage then amplify damage taken from any source to target for 4 seconds. Right after the first strike, reappear behind the target for an assasin strike dealing damage.
The Living Shadow lasts for 18 seconds.
|c008064ECMana Cost: <A01F,Cost1>|r.

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Damage: 250 + |c00FF7800120% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF150% of Spell Power|r. Damage amplification: 20%. Cooldown: <A01F,Cool1> Seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Damage: 350 + |c00FF7800140% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF175% of Spell Power|r. Damage amplification: 30%. Cooldown: <A01F,Cool2> Seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Damage: 450 + |c00FF7800160% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF200% of Spell Power|r. Damage amplification: 40%. Cooldown: <A01F,Cool3> Seconds.
* Setup Debuff ability/buff
* Setup base of ability
* creates shadow behind, moves hero to front
* Cast a spell that does animation (that has "Disable Other Abilities=true")
- This makes it "unstoppable" (cannot cancel with move-order or stuns, etc.)
- TODO: Damage amplification, damage, tooltips (when learned that updates), icon... More?
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* Ephemeral Cut by Vinz (formerly Mythic)
* Armor Penetration Red (already has credits to Vinz for Armor Penetration)
* BTNShadowDisguise by Darkfang
* BTNDaggerAttack_rc by xbc, recolor by me
* Import/Triggers - Removed import/credits:
* BTNShadowstep by Nudl9
* Ability - Shuriken
* Set cooldown from 1.0 to {7.0, 6.5, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0}
* Ability/Triggers - Shadow Step
* Changed icon from BTNShadowstep by Nudl9 to BTNShadowDisguise by Darkfang
* Made creation of living shadow more flexible to make it usable for Double Strike Assasination
* Ability - Ninja Strike
* Changed icon from BTNDaggerPrinceYaser to BTNDaggerAttack_rc

== IN [T] 2022-05-28 12:20 - Abilities, Triggers, Research - OUT: 17:51 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Ninja Strike
* Enabled "Disabled Other Abilities" flag. It's no longer able to be cancelled by move-orders or stuns!
* Added dynamic tooltip
* Finished?
* Triggers - Shadow Step
* Fixed bug causing ability not to heal
* Changed healing from 12% missing hp to {60, 80, 100, 120, 140} + {11, 12, 13, 14, 15}% of missing hp
* Adjusted tooltip to reflect this change (more dynamic!)
* Sets Reseach for Living Shadow when Living Shadow is up, and "remove" it when all are dead
* Abilities/Triggers/Research - Shadow Walker [D]
* Setup Ability:
Swaps place with the Living Shadow with the least remaining time, restore 40% of its missing hp, extend its duration by 4 seconds. The Shadow Dancer gains 25% movement speed and invisibility for 3 seconds.
* Requires Living Shadow (Research) to activate ability
* Triggered ability
* Fixed tooltip (only cooldown is dynamic)
- Only Ulti left now! :D

== IN [T] 2022-05-27 13:00 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 15:56 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Ninja Strike
* Setup events for:
* Animation
* "Fire"
* Cancel/Stop
* Added dummy version to Living Shadows
* Fire animation for living shadows
* Added vfx
* Added shuriken pull
* Added damage
* Added bonus damage when invisible
- TODO: updating ability-text
* Triggers - Samus Overcharge
* Fixed a group leak (introduced when added damage-scaling to the ability)

== IN [T] 2022-05-26 14:35 - Abilities, Triggers, Units - OUT: 15:50 ==
* Units - Shadow Dancer
* Lowered base attack-cooldown from 1.9 to 1.8
* Increased base armor from 27 to 29
* Incraesed Animation - Cast Point from 100 to 200
* Incrased Animation - Cast Backswing from 450 to 550
* Triggers/Abilities - Ninja Strike
* Tweaked a ton, still cancelable, but timings and animation seems to work well
* TODO: VFX, damage, mirror to "Shadows", and maybe more?

== IN [T] 2022-04-24 15:25 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 17:20 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Ninja Strike
* Messing with animation etc.
- Cannot recreate Lothar Slash (being impossible to cancel with move-order spam as its being cast)

== IN [T] 2022-04-23 14:47 - Import, Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 17:32 ==
* Import/Trigges - Imported and added credits for:
* Piercing Thrust by Vinz (previously known as Mythic)
* Abilities/Triggers/Units - Ninja Strike
* Ability Text:
Execute a thrusting strike in target direction, dealing damage and slowing to all enemies in a line within 400 units.
If thrown when the Shadow Dancer is invisible, damage is increased by 25%.
After the strike is finishd, pull all shurikens to the Shadow Dancer, resetting its damage as if its newly thrown.
Mana: 50. Cooldown: 4 seconds.

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Damage: 70 + |c00FF780070% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF78% of Spell Power|r.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Damage: 85 + |c00FF780080% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF86% of Spell Power|r.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Damage: 100 + |c00FF780090% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF94% of Spell Power|r.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Damage: 115 + |c00FF7800100% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF102% of Spell Power|r.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Damage: 130 + |c00FF7800110% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF110% of Spell Power|r.
* Added ability to unit
- TODO: Everything

== IN [T] 2022-04-16 13:20 - Triggers - OUT: 15:59 ==
* Triggers - Shuriken
* Finished ability
* Coded dynamic ability text
* Triggers - Living Shadows Death
* Create special effect
* Remove Living Shadows to hide death animation

== IN [T] 2022-04-15 12:51 - Import, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 18:29 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* BTNShadowstep by Nudl9
* BTNStarShot by Dentothor
* Triggers/Abilities - Shadow Step
* Changed Icon to BTNShadowstep
* Added invisibility
* Added dynamic tooltip
- Currently has 1 second cooldown for testing reasons
* Triggers - Relativistic Missiles
* Updated from 1.7 to 2.6
- Fixed Plasma Grenade and DiabolicSpecial Lightning Enhanced, deflect requires Z-parameter now
- Tested various abilities, seems to behave!
* Triggers/Abilities - Shuriken
* Learn Text:
Throws 4 Shuriken in direction of target point over 0.75 seconds, traveling 800 units, dealing damage damage to all enemies hit, but is reduced by 10% for each target hit down to 40% of original damage.
If thrown when the Shadow Dancer is invisible, damage is increased by 40%.
Thrown Shurikens lays on the ground for 4 seconds before disappearing.
|c008064ECMana Cost: <A019,Cost1>|r.

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Damage: 50 + |c00FF780025% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF25% of Spell Power|r. Cooldown: <A019,Cool1> Seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Damage: 60 + |c00FF780030% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF30% of Spell Power|r. Cooldown: <A019,Cool2> Seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Damage: 70 + |c00FF780035% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF35% of Spell Power|r. Cooldown: <A019,Cool3> Seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Damage: 80 + |c00FF780040% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF40% of Spell Power|r. Cooldown: <A019,Cool4> Seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Damage: 90 + |c00FF780045% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF45% of Spell Power|r. Cooldown: <A019,Cool5> Seconds.
* Setup base of ability
* Coded lots of it

== IN [T] 2022-04-14 16:22 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 18:39 ==
* Triggers/Abilities/Units - Shadow Step
* Added special effects
* Added refund if invalid teleport position
* Increased range to 1200 again
* Added %missing hp restore (12%)
* Made it a hero ability and setup learn text
* Setup Living Shadow unit, with vfx ability (attaching special effects)
* Triggered creating of Living Shadow with scaling
* Units - Grunt [Tier 3]
* Lowered base damage from 22 to 20
* Units - Warmonger [Tier 3]
* Lowered base damage from 58 to 48
* Units - Raider [Tier 3]
* Lowered base damage from 38 to 34
* Units - Catapult [Tier 3]
* Lowered base damage from 125 to 95

== IN [T] 2022-04-13 20:01 - Triggers - OUT: 21:09 ==
* Triggers - Current Arena
* Set "current_arena" in the following siruations:
* Initialization (main area)
* MarketplaceEnter (shopping area)
* MarketplaceExit (main area)
* FriendlyBattleArenaStart (Battle Arena)
* FriendlyBattleArenaEnd (shopping area)
* MedivhStart (Medivh Arena)
- it contains no pathable area outside where you are and all pathable areas inside the current area
* Triggers - Shadow Step
- Failed to cancel spell depending on conditions... It's too instant
* Now only teleports if destination is pathable, within 1000 units, in current_arena

== IN [T] 2022-04-13 18:12 - Abilities, Triggers, Units - OUT: 18:31 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Shadow Step
* Changed base ability from channelt to Reveal (Human tower ability)
- now able to keep old order when cast

== IN [T] 2022-04-12 23:05 - Triggers, Abilities, Map - OUT: 23:32 ==
* Map - Path Blockers
* Placed more path blockers ground near areas you can be in
* Triggers/Abilities - Shadow Step
* Lowered Shadow Step range from 1000 to 800
* Triggerd move unit with checks
- Checks doesn't work. Can teleport to unpathable places...
- Also should change ability base to "Reveal", it should keep the old movement order

== IN [T] 2022-04-12 20:48 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 21:13 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Shadow Step
* Learn Text:
Steps through the shadows, blinking to target point within 800 units, restoring 10% of missing hp and becomes invisible for 4 seconds.
The Shadow Dancer leaves a Living Shadow behind lasting for 6 seconds that are able to mirror the Shadow Dancers other basic abilites dealing 60% of the damage.
Mana: 70.

Level 1: Living Shadow has 60% of hp and armor. Damage: 24% of damage + 30% of Spell Power. Cooldown 26 seconds.
Level 2: Living Shadow has 65% of hp and armor. Damage: 26% of damage + 35% of Spell Power. Cooldown 24 seconds.
Level 3: Living Shadow has 70% of hp and armor. Damage: 28% of damage + 40% of Spell Power. Cooldown 22 seconds.
Level 4: Living Shadow has 75% of hp and armor. Damage: 30% of damage + 45% of Spell Power. Cooldown 20 seconds.
Level 5: Living Shadow has 80% of hp and armor. Damage: 32% of damage + 50% of Spell Power. Cooldown 18 seconds.
* Setup trigger that just when cast

== IN [T] 2022-04-10 15:23 - Map, Import, Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 19:19 ==
* Map - New Map version: 1.03 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Uploaded 1.02 to hive
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* Hero Hanzou Hattori by Black_Stan
* Credits: split up Models in "Heroes + related" and "Enemies + Neutral"
* Imported my "Hanzou Hattori" icon
* Shuriken by Hayate
* Units - Several of the heroes
* Adjusted the shadows
* Units - New Hero: Shadow Dancer - Hattori Hanzou
* Setup the unit with the model
* Made Icons made this unit use the icon
* Abilities - War Stomp (Castle)
* Lowered Mana Cost from 150 to 125
* Units - Castle
* Increased mana regeneration from 0.60 to 0.80
* Lowered max mana from 400 to 350
* Lowered "priority" from 8 to 1 (hopefully less likely to be attacked)

== IN [T] 2022-04-09 13:05 - Triggers, Units, Items - OUT: 15:36 ==
* Triggers/Units/Items - Ent Bark Shield
* Finished loop, can now activate and heals while active
* Added to shop
* finished "on drop"
* Tested and finished up :)
* Adjusted values for active, +40 armor, heal 8 + 1% missing hp per second
- TODO: Add the block-part (forgot about it!)
* Items/Triggers - Manaflowificator
* Added +1% Mana Stone drop chance

== IN [T] 2022-04-08 20:23 - Triggers - OUT: 20:58 ==
* Triggers - Ent Bark Shield
* Finished "pickup"
* Outlined "loop" (WIP!)
- TODO: "item drop", "loop"

== IN [T] 2022-04-08 17:15 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 18:17 ==
* Triggers/Items - Ring of Mana
* Removed Brilliance Aura (+75% mana regeneration)
* Added +1 mana/s regeneration
* Added +0.75% Mana Stone drop chance
* Lowered mana from 300 to 250
* Increased on-level-up mana restore from 20% of missing to 25%
* Items/Triggers - Ring of Health
* Changed "Health Globe" to "Health Stone" (as they are named everywhere else)
* Lowered hp from 225 to 200
* Increased on-level-up heal from 20% of missing to 25%
* Items/Triggers - Gem of Mana
* Increased mana from 125 to 150
* Items/Triggers - Ring of Power
* Added +1% drom chance of Health and Mana Stones
* Removed "If you have at least 180 Spell Power, also give 25 Spell Haste".
* Increased recipe gold-cost from 1900 to 2000 (total cost from 3600 to 3700)
* Increased on-wave-completed restoration from 20% of missing to 30% of missing hp & mana
* Items/Triggers - Ent Bark Shield
* Added +1.25% Health Globe drop chance (+38% more Health Stones from the default)
* Ensured bonuses and item-tests were matching
* Setup "pickup" trigger for position tracking
- TODO: "item drop", "activate" and "loop"

== IN [T] 2022-04-07 19:20 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 20:26 ==
* Triggers - ExtendableBonusSystem BasicBonuses
* Fixed Bonus hp + mana
* Triggers/Items - Ring of Life
* Removed Unholy Aura (50% hp regeneration, 10% movement speed)
* Added +1.5 hp/s regeneration
* Added +0.75% Health Globe drop chance (+23% more Health Stones from the default)
* Lowered hp from 250 to 225
* Triggers - Health/Mana Stone
* Set default drop chance for both to 3.25% (from 3.5%/3.25%)

== IN [T] 2022-04-07 17:45 - Triggers, Import - OUT: 18:11 ==
* Triggers/Import - Imported and added credits for:
* Forest Blessing by Yours Truly
- The name is "Yours Truly", I.E. not me...
* Triggers - ExtendableBonusSystem BasicBonuses
- Tested around and found issues with bonus hp and mana, can peek at "New Bonus" to handle it
- TODO: Fix bonus hp and mana

== IN [T] 2022-04-06 20:20 - Triggers - OUT: 21:28 ==
* Triggers - NewBonus -> ExtendableBonusSystem
* Changed from NewBonus -> ExtendableBonusSystem
* Implementend several bonuses into the new bonus system
* Implementend bonuses for health and mana stone
- TODO: Test it!

== IN [T] 2022-04-02 21:36 - Triggers - OUT: 21:45 ==
* Triggers - Ent Bark Shield
* Added base bonuses to item

== IN [T] 2022-03-31 21:45 - Items, Import, Triggers - OUT: 22:10 ==
* Triggers/Import - Imported and added credits for:
* BTNForest Protector by Novart
* Items/Triggers - New Item: Ent Bark Shield
Ent Bark Shield
Numerous ents had to be harvested in order to make this shield.

• |c0096f064450 Life|r
• |c008AAAC025 Armor|r
• |c0096f0642 HP/s Regeneration|r
• |c0096f064+1% Health Globe drop chance|r
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: 20% On-damage-taken: |c00AAAAAABlock 20 of the damage|r.
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: After standing still for 5 seconds, gain |c008AAAC0+40 Armor|r and restore |c0096f0646 + 1.5% of missing hp|r per second until you move.
* Combines from: Small Shield (600g) + Ring of Life (850g) + Recipe (2900g) = 4350g
* Added combine triggers
- TODO: Effects, bonuses, etc. and add to shop

== IN [T] 2022-03-27 15:01 - Triggers, Units, Abilities, Items, Map
* Triggers - Waves
* 16:
* Lowered ghouls from 5 to 4
* Lowered spiked zombies from 9 to 7
* Increased specials from 1 to 2
* 17:
* Lowered skeletal Marksman from 7 to 6
* Lowered ghouls from 14 to 12
* 21:
* Lowered Forest Troll from 4 to 3
* 22:
* Lowered Forest Troll from 4 to 3
* Lowered Grunt from 4 to 3
* Lowered Specials from 3 to 2
* 23:
* Lowered Grunt from 6 to 5
* 24:
* Lowered Death Knight from 3 to 1
* Lowered Forest Troll from 5 to 4
* 25:
* Lowered Death Knight from 4 to 2
* Lowered Grunt from 5 to 4
* 27:
* Lowered Catapult from 5 to 4
* Triggers - Death Knight Whirlwind
* Increased "fail rate" of casting whirldwind from 20% to 70%
- Should take longer for them to cast their abilities when in range and not all at once!
* Increased distance to target when cast from 425 units to 725
* Lowered speed from 11 units per tick to 10
* Increased time before between changing direction from every 120 ticks to every 160 ticks
- there are 25 ticks/seconds
* Units - Changes to enemies
* Forest Troll
* Lowered Range from 525 to 500
* Lowered hp from 760 to 700
* Lowered armor from 10 to 5
* Catapult
* Lowered hp from 1150 to 1000
* Increased time between attacks from 5 seconds to 6
* Evil Zombie
* Lowered hp from 1600 to 1500
* Lowered time between attacks from 4 seconds to 3.5
* Lowered range from 110 to 100
* Lowered Range Motion Buffer from 250 to 200
* Death Knight
* Lowered range from 475 to 425
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Bomb
* Fixed bug, causing it to damage at (0,0) instead of at bomb location
* Increased base damage from {75, 90, 105, 120, 135} to {70, 90, 110, 130, 150}
* Increased danage scaling from {40, 45, 50, 55, 60} to {56, 62, 68, 74, 80}%
* Increased Spell Power scaling from {80, 85, 90, 95, 100} to {86, 92, 98, 104, 110}%
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Lightning
* Fixed spelling error, missing s in "increaing"
* Increased isolated target healing base value from {20, 25, 30, 35, 40} to {20, 30, 40, 50, 60}
* Increased isolated target healing % missing hp from 4% to 6%
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Choke
* Fixed spelling error, missing s in "increaing"
* Fixed healing based on missing hp from {2,3,4}% to {3,4,5}% per second, as stated in learn tooltip
* Increased healing on kill of missing hp from {10,15,20}% to {15,20,25}%
* Triggers/Items - Life Staff
* Increased healing from 3 + 1 per 333 missing hp to 3 + 1 per 300 missing hp
* Triggers - Samus - Charge Beam
* Fixed issue causing it to not charge up unless you had any amount of bonus attack speed or agility.
* Fixed issue increasing charge-up time with attack-speed rather than lowering it
* Items/Triggers - Mage Armor
* Increased damage reduction, hp and mana from 15 to 20
* Items/Triggers - Arcane Armor of Blasting
* Adjusted hp/mana restore from 33 to 26 + 2.6% of missing hp/mana
- I.E. you need to have less than 300 hp/mana missing in order to be equal to what it was before
* Items - Chanrged purchase text from "Stablable" to "Item Stackable" for:
* Healing Potion
* Mana Potion
* Healing Salve
* Moon Orchid
* Stone Skin Potion
* Items - Rejuvenation Potion
* Lowered price from 100 to 90
* Items - Healing Potion, Mana Potion
* Lowered price from 50 to 40
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecial - HoundMaster
* Increased hounds hp from {120 + 7.5 * (1 + current_wave_nr * 0.045} to {120 + 9.0 * (1 + current_wave_nr * 0.045}
* Changed lightning effect from moving it to destroy + recreate it, hoping it will solve visibilty issues
* Map - New Map version: 1.02 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
//* Uploaded 1.00 to hive

== IN [T] 2022-03-26 19:05 - Triggers - OUT: 19:19 ==
* Triggers - Samus - Charge Beam
* use ScaleText for on ability-text to print damage values etc.

== IN [T] 2022-03-26 16:58 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 18:19 ==
* Triggers - Extra Life System
* Instead of enable/disable the revive ability for player, add/remove it for unit
- Hopefully this will no longer "delete" charater and drop items on ground on death
* Triggers - Leaderboard
* Fixed color in leaderboard to handle "holes" in "player order"
* Changed "player-to-row" to check player slot status instead of containing player group
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Charge Beam
* Increased spell power by +1% for all levels
* Increased damage scaling from {6,7,8,9,10} to {6.0, 7.5, 9.0, 10.5, 12.0}
- TODO: use ScaleText for on ability-text to print damage values etc.
* Triggers - StringUtils, AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added R2Sx100 that scales real by 100 and prints without decimals if there aren't any, with one decimal otherwise
* ScaleText now uses R2Sx100 instead of R2I2Sx100, making it easier to add decimals to scaling and ability texts become correct
- Untested!

== IN [T] 2022-02-05 13:20 - Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 19:11 ==
* Triggers - Death Knight - Whirlwind
* Removed debug prints
* Triggers - Wave setup
* Wave 17:
* Evil Zombies from 8 to 6
* Specials from 1 to 2
* Wave 22:
* Grunt from 6 to 4
* Forest Troll from 5 to 4
* Specials from 2 to 3
* Wave 23:
* Grunt from 7 to 6
* Wave 24:
* Grunt from 7 to 4
* Specials from 1 to 2
* Wave 25:
* Grunt from 7 to 5
* Wave 26:
* Grunt from 7 to 5
* Wave 28
* Warmonger from 7 to 6
* Wave 29
* Warmonger from 7 to 6
* Ogre Warrior from 7 to 6
* Units - Rebalanced units:
* Grunt
* Lowered hp from 1350 to 1250
* Lowered base damage from 26 to 22
* Increased animation damage points from 330 to 350
* Increased animation backswing points from 640 to 700
* Increased attack-cooldown from 2.5 to 2.75
* Raider
* Lowered hp from 1600 to 1475
* Lowered base damage from 45 to 38
* Forest Troll
* Lowered hp from 800 to 760
* Lowered base damage from 34 to 31
* Increased regeneration from 15 to 20 hp/s
* Forest Troll Priest
* Lowered hp from 1900 to 1750
* Lowered base damage from 42 to 35
* Skeleton Warrior
* Increased base damage from 8 to 9
* Increased hp from 145 to 155
* Zombie
* Increased base damage from 15 to 17
* Skeletal Orc
* Increased hp from 555 to 575
* Ghoul
* Lowered damage from 10-15 to 7-15
* Dracula 1 (boss 1)
* Lowered base damage from 40 to 20
* Increased animation backswing point from 800 to 900
* Death Knight
* Increased level from 5 to 6
* Catapult
* Increased level from 3 to 4
* Giant Spider
* Increased hp from 2200 to 2600
* Increased level from 6 to 7
* Increased speed from 330 to 350
* Increased gold bounty from 20 to 35
* Orc Warrior (Tier 4)
* Lowered gold bounty from 35 to 30
* Triggers - Dracula 2
* "Wall of soul beams" no longer has "initial indicator"
- Hopefully meaning there is easier to see the danger
* Soulbeam dps lowered from 400 to 330
* Netherblast (projectiles) damage increased from 200 to 250
* Triggers - Boss setup
* Lowered base-crit (excluding agility) from 0 to -1.0 (-100%)
- This should prevent crits from bosses, needs 1000 agility to get to 0
* Triggers/Items - Health/Mana Stone
* Increased Mana Stone drop-rate from 2.75 to 3.0%
* Increased time for Health & Mana Stones from 35 seconds to 45 seconds
* Adjusted restored amount from:
* Health: 50 + 7% of missing hp to 40 + 10% of missing hp
* Mana: 60 + 8% of missing mana to 40 + 10% of missing mana
* Abilities/Triggers - Tassadar - Psionic Storm
* Lowered base damage from {20, 25, 30, 35, 40} to {15, 20, 25, 30, 35}
* Lowered damage scaling from {23, 26, 29, 32, 35} to {20, 24, 28, 32, 36}% of damage
* Abilities/Triggers - Rock Bolder guys
* Added "Fire orb" attachments similar to lightning enhanced, but fire...
- It's visible "who" has this ability now!
* Triggers - Tassadar Attack
* Fixed condition on attack, should result in sound being played!
* Triggers - Tassadar - Void Rift
* increased "pull" interval from every 0.12 to 0.14 seconds
* Adjusted some calculasions for radius and pull
* move "slow dummy" on "pull" (around 7 times per second) instead of on every "tick" (40 times per second)
* Abilities/Triggers - Mammoth Tank - Parabombs
* Increased damage-scaling from {40, 45, 50}% to {40, 50, 60}% of damage
* Triggers - PreventStartingUnitsMovements
* Adjusted conditions, added a 0.0 wait before stopping. Seems to work
* Units/Abilities - Castle
* Removed Cyclon (Castle) Ability
* Increased mana regeneration from 0.5 to 0.6
* Abilities - War Stomp (Castle)
* Lowered mana cost from 175 to 150
- Triggers - "Drop all items and remove hero"
- Seached for instances of remove unit. They are reasonable and should not be able to trigger on wrong unit.
- Seached for instances of drop item. They are reaonable and should not be able to trigger on wrong unit.
* Triggers - Spacebar Positioning
* Changed some logic, now uses "Heroes unit group" instead of looking for each players units
* Map - New Map version: 1.01 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Uploaded 1.00 to hive

== IN [T] 2022-01-29 18:52 - Map - OUT: 19:11 ==
* Map - New Map version: 1.00 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Uploaded 0.99 to hive

== IN [T] 2022-01-27 16:46 - Triggers, Abilities, Items, Terrain, Regions - OUT: 18:35 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Khadgar - Fireball
* Changed damage
* From {60, 80, 100, 120, 140} + {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}% of (intelligence + spell power)
* to {40, 55, 70, 85, 100} + {50, 55, 60, 65, 70}% of Damage + {80, 85, 90, 95, 100}% of Spell Power
* Updated learn- and updating tooltips.
* Triggers/Abilities - Khadgar - Flame Shield
* Changed damage
* From {60, 75, 90, 105, 130} + {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}% of (intelligence + spell power)
* to {30, 40, 50, 60, 70} + {50, 55, 60, 65, 70}% of Damage + {80, 85, 90, 95, 100}% of Spell Power
* Updated learn- and updating tooltips.
* Triggers/Abilities - Khadgar - Blizzard
* Changed damage
* From {24, 30, 36, 42, 48} + {20, 25, 30, 35, 40}% of (intelligence + spell power)
* to {24, 30, 36, 42, 48} + {12, 14, 16, 18, 20}% of Damage + {20, 25, 30, 35, 40}% of Spell Power
* Updated learn- and updating tooltips.
* Triggers/Abilities - Tassadar - Psionic Storm
* Changed damage
* From {30, 35, 40, 45, 50} + {36, 42, 48, 54, 60}% of (intelligence + spell power)
* to {20, 25, 30, 35, 40} + {23, 26, 29, 32, 35}% of Damage + {40, 45, 50, 55, 60}% of Spell Power
* Updated learn- and updating tooltips.
* Triggers/Abilities - Tassadar - Psionic Assault
* Changed damage
* From 40 + {22, 24, 26, 28, 30}% of (intelligence + spell power)
* to 40 + {12, 14, 16, 18, 20}% of Damage + {22, 24, 26, 28, 30}% of Spell Power
* Changed bonus bolts per current mana from +1 bolt per {600, 550, 500, 450, 400} to {500, 450, 400, 350, 300}
* fixed bug, base damage was actually 45, when tooltip said 40
* Updated learn- and updating tooltips.
* Triggers/Abilities - Tassadar - Void Rift
* Changed damage
* From {75, 100, 125} + {75, 100, 125}% of (intelligence + spell power)
* to {75, 100, 125} + {40, 50, 60}% of Damage + {75, 100, 125}% of Spell Power
* Updated learn- and updating tooltips.
- Huzzah! The last "base stat that actually means base-stat + spell power" has been changed!
* Item - Slightly Magical Wand, Strange Amulet
* Changed Spell Power note from:
Spell Power enhances the power of hero abilities by acting as the attribute with the highest % scaling, in addition to where it is specified.
Spell Power also gives power to several items.
Spell Power enhances the power of hero abilities and items as specified by the ability or item.
* Triggers - Health/Mana Stone
* Lowered drop-rate
* Health Stone: from 4% to 3.5%
* Mana Stone: from 3% to 2.75%
* Terrain/Regions - Hero Selection
* Moved Hero-selection circles in front of the heroes, extending region to cover it and adjusted texture to match

== IN [T] 2022-01-21 16:03 - Triggers, Import - OUT: 19:04 ==
* Triggers - Mana/Health Stone drop
* Added 2 playernumber-indexed array for on-kill drop-chance for mana stone and health stone
* Initial values of 4% for health stone and 3% for mana stone
* Changed guaranteed drop (last kill of the next-to-last wave before base) from chance of either hp or mana to drop both.
* Added on-moster kill, roll 0.0-1.0 and if less than players drop % for mana/hp stone, drop one
* Increased time before deleted from 25 seconds to 35 seconds.
- This gives a continues source of hp/mana and another thing that items can effect
* Added a quest describing how health/mana stone works
- This thing makes the map easier, it should be possible to make it harder in other ways now that you get minor hp/mana restored "regularly"
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* Spell Marker by Vinz
* FelMeteor from "Mor'gul Warlock" by Direfury, KILLCIDE, Mr.Goblin
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecial FireBolder
- Every so often, a marker is added beside the FireBolder-Enhanced guy
- After 2 seconds, a fire bolder is spawned at the marker, traveling in a direction, exploding upon impact or after long traveled distance, dealing "big" damage.
* Setup code for doing this
* Setup code for adding it to a "special"
* Made several adjustments
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecial HoundMaster
* Increased distance before chains limits movement from 550 to 575

== IN [T] 2022-01-20 17:59 - Import, Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 18:46 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* Mana Stone by Kenathorn (from "Icons to Models Pack")
* Health Stone by Kenathorn (from "Icons to Models Pack")
* Items/Triggers/Abilities - Health Stone
* Powerup that heals hero that picks it up
* Heals: 50 + 7% of missing hp
* Items/Triggers/Abilities - Mana Stone
* Powerup that heals hero that picks it up
* Mana restored: 60 + 8% of missing mana
* Triggers - MonsterKilled
* On wave X4 and X9, last monster drop a restore stone 100% of the time
* restore stone is 1/3 of the time mana, health otherwise.
* Decays after 25 seconds
- TODO: Add % to drop in more cases

== IN [T] 2022-01-09 16:50 - Abilities, Triggers, Items - OUT: 18:59 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Master Chief - Weapon Handling stuff
* Changed "Weapon Roulette" learn- and regular tooltip
* Changed event to "finished" instead of "Starts effect" (same as it was pre-changes)
* Items/Triggers - Increased Spell Power:
* Strange Amulet: from 5 to 8
* Slightly Magic Wand: from 20 to 30
* Amulet of Fire: From 7 to 15
* Cup of Blood: from 10-20 (10 per charge) to 15-25 (+5 base), AND hp from 200 to 225
* Golden Goblet of Gore: from 45-80 to 65-100, lower spell haste from 1 per 20 charges to 1 per 25
* Wand of Blasting: from 30 to 40
* Goblet of Fire: from 50 to 75, increased mana from 300 to 350
* Boots of Occasional Lightning: from 15 to 20
* Also moved movement speed to system
- Fixed bug: probably didn't give any spell power previously
* Boots of Occasional Fulmination: from 45 to 60
* Also moved movement speed to system
- Fixed bug: probably didn't give any spell power previously
* Dragon Staff of Flames: from 30 to 50
* Endless Elixir: from 25 to 40, and increased hp/mana from 300 to 350
* Flaming Pauldrons of Radiant Heat: From 35 to 50
* Magical Amulet: from 8 to 15
* Frozen Skull of Nova: from 35 to 50
* Also: lowered spell haste from 25 to 18
* Also fixed bug: lowered mana regeneration to 2 (as stated by tooltip) from 3
* Life Staff: from 30 to 40
* Mage Armor: From 10 to 12
* Arcane armor of Blasting: from 40 to 65
* Manaflowificator: from 20 to 25
* Phoenix Axe: from 20 to 25, also increased hp from 350 to 400
* Staff of Supreme Insight: from 1.5% of max mana to 2% of max mana
* Arcane Staff of Energy: from 75 to 100, lowered % from 35 to 25.
* Arcane Ring of Amplification: from 40 to 50, lowered mana-cost-increase from 100% to 66%
* Triggers - Wand of Blasting
* Replaced it's own "deal damage" (in GUI) to "AbilityFrameworkFunctions" version.
- Also adjusted radius, so it no longer lies...
* Item/Triggers - Ring of Power
* Lowered bonus Spell Haste if having 180 Spell Power from 30 to 25

== IN [T] 2022-01-08 16:50 - Triggers, Upgrades - OUT: 18:46 ==
* Triggers/Upgrades - Master Chief - Weapon Handling stuff
* Figured out that it takes one "tick" before unit-type is updated when morphing (changing weapon)
* Renamed "upgrade" that blocks Weapon Roulette and Swap usage
- TODO: Update learn tooltip of Weapon Roulette, but works otherwise :)
- TODO: Also, maybe change swap vfx, channel duration, etc.

== IN [T] 2022-01-07 16:53 - Triggers, Abilities, Upgrades - OUT: 19:33 ==
* Abilities - Deathknight - Whirlwind
* Made "Slow"-ability hidden in unit-card
* Triggers/Abilities/Upgrades - Master Chief - Weapon Handling stuff
* Setup most of weapon swap. Still slightly broken... :/

== IN [T] 2022-01-06 14:40 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 17:22 ==
* Triggers - Imported "LineSegmentEnumeration" by AGD, IcemanBo
* Added credits
* Triggers/Abilities/Units - Samus - Overcharge
* Use Special Effects instead of units for... Special effects...
* Changed damage
* from {500, 750, 1000}
* to {300, 400, 500} + {150, 175, 200}% of damage and spell power
* Lowered mana cost from 150 to 125
* Added knockback: 333 units over 0.6 seconds "straight away" from Samus
* Added updating ability-text
* Deleted old "LaserDummy" unit-types

== IN [T] 2022-01-04 15:56 - Units, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 18:47 ==
* Units/Abilities/Triggers - New enemy: Death Knight
* Added dummy ability, targeting hero
* Setup triggers for tageting and firing Whirlwind
* Setup triggers for death and spawn
* Whirlwind deals 4x deathknight damage
* If friendly fire, deals 40% damage. If friendly has less than 200 hp, damage is lowered to 20%
* Whirlwind has 8.5 seconds cooldown, costs 150 mana (Death knight has 420 mana, 0.75 mana/s)
* Units - Grunt
* Increased hp from 1200 to 1350
* Increased gold from 25 to 26
* Increased armor from 75 to 85
* Units - Forest Troll
* Lowered hp from 900 to 800
* Increased range from 475 to 525
* Increased regeneration from 10 to 15
* Increased base damage from 30 to 34
* Units - Raider
* Lowered regeneration from 10 to 2
* Increased movement speed from 350 to 400
* Increased base-damage from 32 to 45
* Increased attack-cooldown from 1.65 to 2.25
* Increased armor from 45 to 55
* Increased level from 3 to 4
* Increased gold from 30 to 35
* Increased hp from 1500 to 1600
* Units - Warmonger
* Increased hp from 1650 to 1750
* Triggers - Wave Setup
* Wave 21:
* Lowered Grunt count from 7 to 6
* Lowered Forest Troll count from 5 to 4
* Wave 22
* Lowered Grunt count from 8 to 6
* Lowered Forest Troll count from 5 to 4
* Lowered Raider count from 8 to 6
* Increased diabolic count from 1 to 2
* Wave 23
* Lowered Grunt count from 9 to 7
* Increased Forest Troll Priest count from 1 to 2
* Wave 24
* Changed 4 Catapults to 3 Death Knights
* Lowered Forest Troll count from 8 to 5
* Increased Grunt count from 5 to 7
* Wave 25
* Lowered Grunt count from 10 to 7
* Changed 7 Forest Troll to 5 Raiders
* Changed 3 Forest Troll Priest to 4 Death Knights
* Wave 26
* Lowered Grunt count from 9 to 7
* Increased Forest Troll Priest count from 3 to 4
* Wave 27
* Lowered Ogre Warrior count from 8 to 7
* Lowered Catapult count from 7 to 5
* Added 3 Death Knights
* Wave 28
* Changed 8 Ogre Warrior to 7 Warmongerer
* Increased Ogre Magi from 2 to 3
* Wave 29
* Lowered Ogre Warrior count from 8 to 7

== IN [T] 2022-01-03 20:48 - Triggers - OUT: 21:04 ==
* Triggers - Deathknight - Whirlwind
* Added knockback
* Added script to map, fixed compile issues

== IN [T] 2022-01-02 18:38 - Abilities, Buffs, Triggers - OUT: 20:15 ==
* Abilities/Buffs/Triggers - whirlwind
* Made ability with buff, 50% Slow
* finished up initial draft of triggers

== IN [T] 2021-12-25 14:16 - Terrain, Triggers - OUT: 19:24 ==
* Terrain - Minor terrain adjustments to bottom right of main arena, thinned out wall towards center and moved doodads slightly
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Adjusted damageAoE-triggers to make them hit bigger targets easier (factor in unit collision size)
* Triggers - Outline trigger for deathknight whirlwind

== IN [T&C] 2021-12-11 20:19 - Map, Import, Triggers - OUT: 22:13 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.99 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits for:
* Death Knight model by Deolrin, Whitehorn, Pyramidhe@d
* Chargedbolt sound from Diablo 2
* Triggers - ChatSetMaxHp
* Added debug-command set max hp
* Triggers - ChatPlay
* Added debug-command "-play" (exact match)
* Plays a hardcoded sound
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecials - Lightning Enhanced
* Added Diablo 2 sounds for Chargedbolt

== IN [T] 2021-12-01 17:35 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 18:32 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Master Chief - Switch Weapon
* Create ability that will, later, replace "Current Weapon" abilities
- It will replace its icon and ability text
* Worked on "rewrite" on ability to handle switch and roulette
- Currently no change!

== IN [T] 2021-11-27 17:03 - Triggers, Abilities, Terrain - OUT: 17:41 ==
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecials - Hound Master
* Improved check "if unit is chained" and include "alive" check for searching for new targets.
* Lowered range to "start chain" from max-range (550) - 125 = 425 to 400.
* Add special effect when chaining (mirror image death)
* Abilities - Ogre Magi - Bloodlust
* Increased cooldown from 7 to 9 seconds
* Terrain - Medivh Arena
* Added another pillar in "main arena"
- These pillar block staight pew pew lazorz
* Added another ramp down to the "hole" to the right

== IN [T] 2021-11-20 16:15 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 16:58 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Fixed issue with "GetRecycledDummyFacingUnit"
* Now sets owner to same as owner of the unit it should face
* unpauses the dummy
* Note: does not return the dummy, it sets it to bj_lastCreatedUnit (Last Created Unit), to prevent leak
* Triggers - Dagger of Fast Stabbing
* Minor cleanup/Simplification due to changes in "GetRecycledDummyFacingUnit"
* Triggers - Supreme Dagger of Swift Stabbing
* Now uses same method as "Dagger of Fast Stabbing" for buffing (also verified that it works!)
* Abilities - Dragon Staff of Flames
* Added same vfx as aura-buff for the one wearing the item
* Triggers - Lothar - Charge
* Use g_-variables for damage, instead of temp_

== IN [T] 2021-11-19 16:23 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 17:06 ==
* Triggers - Samus - Charge Beam
* Fixed text issue
* Fixed "uncharged" damage, increased damage scaling by 5% to match the "learn" text.
* Abilities - Samus - Boost
* Increased max-distance from 700 to 1000
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Morphball/Bomb
* Increased damage% from {30, 35, 40, 45, 50} to {40, 45, 50, 55, 60}
* Increased Spell power% from {75, 80, 85, 90, 95} to {80, 85, 90, 95, 100}
* Changed to use g_-variables instead of temp_-variables where appropriate
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Offensive Stance
* Increased armor penetration from damage, from 1 per {14, 13, 12, 11, 10} damage to per {10, 9, 8, 7, 6} damage
* Increased crit-chance from spell power from 1% per {30, 28, 26, 24, 22} to per {25, 23, 21, 19, 17}
* Triggers - Hound Master
* Lowered hero break-chain distance (still impossible to walk out) from max distance + 75 to max distance + 25
* Increased the quadratic hp component from 0.04 to 0.045.
- Couldn't see why chains ever would be invisible...

== IN [T] 2021-11-18 17:33 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 17:45 ==
* Triggers - Fixed compile issues that didn't get saved due to randomly corrupt file last session
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Missile
* Increased damage% from {88, 96, 104, 112, 120} to {90, 100, 110, 120, 130}
* Increased spell power% from {55, 60, 65, 70, 75} to {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}

== IN [T] 2021-11-17 23:15 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 23:39 ==
* Triggers - Lothar - Leadership Stance
* Fixed tooltip, showing wrong base values for footmen
* Fixed tooltip, showing wrong values from spell power
* Triggers - Darth Vader - Force Push
* Changed variables from temp_X to g_X
- This has historically been an ability that sometimes does not deal damage.
- Although I believe it's already fixed, now it's even more fixed!
* Triggers - Darth Vader - Force Lightning
* Moved over to use g_X
- Also believed this has some issues
* Abilities/Triggers - Samus - Charge Beam
* Increased base damage on Chages from {7, 9, 11, 13, 15} to {8, 10, 12, 14, 16}
* Increased scaling damage on Chages from {5,6,7,8,9} to {6,7,8,9,10} % of damage
* Increased scaling damage on Chages from {8, 10, 12, 14, 16} to {9, 11, 13, 15, 17} % of Spell Power
- TODO: Maybe jass doesn't compile. I had to revert a few minutes. It's a "1" that's missing on a destroy group.

== IN [T] 2021-11-14 18:51 - Gameplay Constants, Units, Upgrades, Triggers, Items - OUT: 20:59 ==
* Gameplay Constants - Increased sellgold from 75% to 85%
* Units - Huge Slime
* Increased Gold Bounty from 200 to 250
* Units - Small Slime
* Increased hp from 1150 to 1250
* Increased basedamage from 45 to 50
* Increased Gold Bounty from 10 to 11
* Units - Castle
* Increased base armor from 25 to 35
* Increased base repair-rate from 1.0 to 1.5
* Units/Upgrade - Castle Defence upgrade
* Fixed text, now say correct armor amount
* Increased hp/upgrade from 1000 (actually, 20% of base hp) to 1250 ("fixed amount" bonus, independent of base hp)
* Units/Upgrade - Castle Repair Rate upgrade
* "increased" from 0.75 hp/s (or 0.75% increarase of base) to 1.0 hp/s (or 0.66% increase of base, with new increaserd base)
* Units - Clicky Daemon
* Increased Gold Bounty from 0 to 75
* Increased attack-cooldown from 2.8 to 3.1
* Units/Triggers - Spider (Warlock spawned)
* Increased hp from 950 to 1050
* Increased armor from 3 to 25
* Increased spawn interval from 4 to 5
* Increased base damage from 65 to 75
* Triggers - Warlock Portal Start
* Grant vision of portals to players
* Units - Portal (Warlock)
* Increased sight radius from 0 to 150
* Items/Triggers - Item Definition
* Now contains basic stat items
* Basic stat items are now using "bonus system" for giving its bonus instead of "classic item bonus"
* Prevent buildings from getting bonuses from items
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecials - Lightning Enhanced
* Lowered cooldown of lightning from 0.18 to 0.15 seconds
* Lowered base damage from 33 to 30
* Triggers/Units - Repair NOW
* Added (XX%) at the end of the message, where XX is current percent
* Increased repair amount from 25% to 33%
* Triggers - Leaving game now prints leave message first of trigger, loop dropping items now print hero name of unit dropping items
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecials - Enraging
* Lowered attack speed and move base amount by 1
* Lowered bonus rate modifier from {0.41 + wave / 36} to {0.41 + wave / 45} (Still ends up over 1.0)
* Triggers - Hero Select
* Now fires set icon on leaderboard twice (maybe makes a difference?)
* Triggers - Added variables: g_real1, g_int1, g_group
- These should never be used by any event that can be fired from typical abilities (such as damage events, kills, etc.),
- only from "abilities".
- G-prefix is because no other variables starts with g, meaning quick to find in dropdown.
- G stands for "global" I guess
* Triggers - Lothar - Slash
* Counting targets hit now uses "g_int1", should prevent it from counting "wrong"
* Changed damage type from "normal" to "force" (could also be one source of the issues)
* Set g_real1 to temp_real6, preventing damage events that use it from interfere (if any)
* Now searches in a bigger radius and count hit on "collision area" as hit, instead of only center of unit.
- Should make slash waaay more reliable!

== IN [T] 2021-11-13 15:49 - Map - OUT: 16:03 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.98 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)

== IN [T] 2021-11-12 15:10 - Units, Trigger, Abilities, Models - OUT: 18:46 ==
* Units - Skeleton Warrior (tier 1)
* Reverted lowering of hp, back to 145 from 140
* Units - Skeleton Mage
* Lowered armor from 15 to 10
* Units - Skeletal Orc
* Increased hp from 535 to 555
* Units - Forest Troll (Tier 3)
* Lowered hp from 1000 to 900
* Units - Giant Spider (Tier 4)
* Increased hp from 1600 to 2200
* Units - Warlock (Tier 4)
* Increased hp from 1400 to 1600
* Units - Lothar
* Lowered range from 110 to 105
* Model - Master Chief
* Repositioned health-bar (no longer in his head)
* Attachment point for "Chest Alternate" that is on his back, rotated so weapon is "on his back"
* Renamed "Weapon" to "Weapon Alternate" that is "where weapons go"
* New "Weapon" that is in front of front hand, where weapon is expected to be.
- TODO: Fix Chest Alternate to have consistant rotation across animations
- Currently unused!
* Triggers/Abilities - Master Chief - Switch Weapon
* Started setting up for swappable weapons, but no real change so far

== IN [T] 2021-11-11 20:37 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 23:13 ==
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecials
* Adjusted scaling part again
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Lightning
* added: if only 1 target is hit, restore {20, 25, 30, 35, 40} + 4% Missing hp
- AFK for 2½ hours or so xD
* Added info to texts
- Give you some tool to gain some health, but have a high mana-cost, is situational and is a very small heal.
* Units - Lothar
* Increased attack range from 100 to 110
* Increased armor from 35 to 36

== IN [T] 2021-11-10 20:16 - Units, Triggers - OUT: 20:38 ==
* Unit - Zombie (tier 1)
* Lowered attack range from 80 to 70
* Lowered hp/s from 0.5 to 0
* Lowered hp from 280 to 270
* Lowered armor from 8 to 3
* Unit - Skeleton Warrior (tier 1)
* Lowered attack range from 85 to 75
* Increased armor from 35 to 38
* Lowered hp from 145 to 140
* Lowered hp/s from 2.0 to 0
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecials - Enraged
* Bonus rate of enraged now scales with wave-number with a factor of 0.41 to 1.511 (for wave 0 to 40)
* Increased bonus damage from 2.0 to 2.5
* keeping movement speed at 18/per hit and attack speed at 14% per hit (multipled by the above mentioned factor)
* Increased max movement speed from 400 to 433 (increase damage when "full")
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecials
* Stone Skinned and Giant
* Lowered "flat amount" of bonus and slightly increased wave-scaling amount
- I.E. "easier" early, about same or harder later

== IN [T] 2021-11-09 17:44 - Units, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 18:32 ==
* Units - All Heroes
* Increased base mana from 100 to 120
* Increased base hp from 180 to 200
* Increased base hp/s from 0.5 to 0.6
* Triggers - Lothar - Leadership Stance
* Fixed bug causing captain not to gain its +33% stats
* Abilities - Lothar - Charge
* Lowered mana cost from 70 to 65
* Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Lightning
* Lowered mana cost from 80 to 70
* Units - Darth Vader
* Increased armor from 35 to 38
* Units - Lothar
* Increased armor from 33 to 35
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Push
* Fixed an issue, causing it not to push
* Increased damage from missing hp from {4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0} to {5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0}%
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Lightning
* Increased damage from missing hp from {4,5,6,7,8} to {5,6,7,8,9}%
* Lowered alpha to non-primary-tartets to (hopefully) show that it deals less damage to them.

== IN [T] 2021-11-08 20:30 - Abilities, Triggers, Units - OUT: 21:00 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Slash
* Increased damage from {60, 75, 90, 105, 120} to {80, 90, 100, 110, 120}
* Adjusted scaling damage from {78, 86, 94, 102, 110} to {80, 85, 90, 95, 100}% of damage
* Increased base healing from {20, 25, 30, 35, 40} to {30, 35, 40, 45, 50}
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Leadership Stance
* Increased footman
* base hp from 100 to 150
* base damage from 15 to 20
* base armor from 10 to 15
* Units - All Heroes
* Increased base mana regen from 0.5 to 0.75
* Units - Lothar
* Increased base armor from 30 to 33
* Units - Sith Lord
* Increased base armor from 32 to 35
- TODO Test if heroes can manage first 5 waves solo (Lothar couldn't before buffs at least)

== IN [T] 2021-11-01 19:53 - Import, Buffs - OUT: 20:03 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported "Alacrity" and "Call to Arms" by Mythic/Vinz (he changed name)
* added credits
* Buffs - Lothar Charge buffs
* Inspiring Offense
* Changed model from "Disarm" to "Call to Arms" (basically same model, but without a "crack" through the sword)
* Inspiring Leadership
* Changed model from "Radiance" (on hands) to "Alacrity" (overhead)
* Changed icon from "defend" to "human flag"

== IN [T] 2021-10-31 14:20 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 17:28 ==
* Triggers - Lothar - Change Stance - Offensive Stance
* Ability text
* Refresh offenstive stance bonuses when updating ability-texts
* Triggers - Lothar - Charge
* Update ability directly when bonus has applied and after the bonus has expired when in offensive and defensive stance
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added struct for DelayedTrigger execution
* Added function "SetDurationPercent" that sets duration of ability. 2.0 for 100% increase.
* Triggers - Lothar - Change Stance - Defensive Stance
* Refresh defensive stance bonuses when updating ability-texts
* Abilities/Triggers - Lothar - Reinforcements Charge
* Changed Learn text
-- FROM --
Sends forth 5 footmen, charging in target direction, damages and dazes enemy units for <A06L,Dur1,.> seconds (half vs Heroes) and stands and fights with you after the charge. Footmen details are found on Leadership-stance passive. Footmen over your current command capacity retreat after 35 seconds.
|c008064ECMana Cost: <A06K,Cost1>|r.

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - The charge deals 120 + |c00EE8072100% of Stength|r damage, slows movement by <A06L,DataA1,%>%, |c00FFC899attack speed by <A06L,DataB1,%>%|r. <A06K,Cool1> Seconds Cooldown.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - The charge deals 160 + |c00EE8072125% of Stength|r damage, slows movement by <A06L,DataA2,%>%, |c00FFC899attack speed by <A06L,DataB2,%>%|r. <A06K,Cool2> Seconds Cooldown.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - The charge deals 200 + |c00EE8072150% of Stength|r damage, slows movement by <A06L,DataA3,%>%, |c00FFC899attack speed by <A06L,DataB3,%>%|r. <A06K,Cool3> Seconds Cooldown.

|c00888888Each enemy can only be hit once.
--- TO ---
Sends forth 5 footmen, charging in target direction, damages and dazes enemy units for <A06L,Dur1,.> seconds (half vs Heroes) and stands and fights with you after the charge. Footmen details are found on Leadership-stance passive. Footmen over your current command capacity retreat after 30 seconds.
|c008064ECMana Cost: <A06K,Cost1>|r.

|cffffcc00Offensive Stance|r: Charge deals 50% more damage.
|cffffcc00Defensive Stance|r: Daze lasts for double duration.
|cffffcc00Leadership Stance|r: Allies within 800 restore |c008064EC12% of their missing mana|r.

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - The charge deals 80 + |c00FF780070% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF80% of Spell Power|r damage, slows movement by <A06L,DataA1,%>%, |c00FFC899attack speed by <A06L,DataB1,%>%|r. <A06K,Cool1> Seconds Cooldown.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - The charge deals 100 + |c00FF780085% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF100% of Spell Power|r damage, slows movement by <A06L,DataA2,%>%, |c00FFC899attack speed by <A06L,DataB2,%>%|r. <A06K,Cool2> Seconds Cooldown.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - The charge deals 120 + |c00FF7800100% of Damage|r + |c00DF00FF120% of Spell Power|r damage, slows movement by <A06L,DataA3,%>%, |c00FFC899attack speed by <A06L,DataB3,%>%|r. <A06K,Cool3> Seconds Cooldown.

|c00888888Each enemy can only be hit once by the charge.
* Lowered duration of Footmen from 35 seconds to 30 seconds.
* Implemented new damage
* Implemeneted Offensive Stance bonus damage
* Implemented Daze bonus for Defensive Stance
* Implemented mana restore for Leadership stance
* Fixed ability text

== IN [T] 2021-10-30 16:16 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 18:57 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Change Stance - Offensive Stance
* Added bonus crit and armor penetration when entering Offensive Stance
* Almost finished with ability text
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added "bonus damage" and Armor Penetration (both percent and flat-amount) as option for "ScaleText"
* Added "GetBonusDamage" function

== IN [T] 2021-10-30 15:00 - Triggers - OUT: 15:20 ==
* Triggers - Cooldown Reduction
* Filtered out "Change Stance" (the spellbook) from cooldown reduction system.
- Guessing and thinking of what changed, this seemed like a probable cause of the issues. Seems like I was correct :)

== IN [T] 2021-10-30 00:00 - Abilities - OUT: 00:01 ==
* Abilities - Lothar - Change Stance
* Increased cooldown from 0.00 seconds to 0.5 seconds

== IN [T] 2021-10-29 17:00 - Triggers, Abilities, Items - OUT: 20:13 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Change Stance - Defensive Stance
* Lowered 20% blocking from 100% of armor to {50, 60, 70, 80, 90}% of armor
* All stance changes now trigger on "Starts the effect of ability" instead of "being cast".
* Lowered duration of change stance timer from 0.1 to 0.04
* Changed retailiation damage to new amount
* Initial (non-updating) implementation of bonus armor from Defensive Stance.
- Only adds armor on entering stance and removed when leaving stance.
* Updated ability-text
- There is an issue with changing stance if you have an "active item", solved by dropping it and pickign it up...?
- Spellbook with abilitiy becomes empty if switching back and forth while having Goblet of Fire or Golden Goblet of Gore in inventory...
- Seems to be there in 0.96, but not 0.95?...
- Real strange...
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added "bonus strength/agility/intelligence" as options for "ScaleText"
* Items - ThunderClaws
* ActivlyUsed set to false

== IN [T] 2021-10-26 20:02 - Triggers, Abilities, Buffs - OUT: 21:11 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Change Stance - Defensive Stance
* Made it always block 10% instead of 11-15%
* Made it have 20% of blocking 100% of armor additional, instead of <complex stuff>
* Deleted old unused "Supreme Blocking" buff from old charge bonus
- TODO Give bonus armor, do ability text, and retailiation... And test

== IN [T] 2021-10-24 14:54 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 19:33 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Change Stance
* Increased Footman spawn time from 20/15 seconds to 26/20 seconds
- With Spell Haste, it's easy to get them too frequently
* Implemented Leadership Stance
* Adjusted most of the values related to leadership stance

== IN [T] 2021-10-23 18:46 - Abilities - OUT: 20:21 ==
* Abilities - Lothar - Change Stance
* Design changed
== From ==
Allows Lothar to change between an Offensive, Defensive or Leadership stance.
Offensive Stance:
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - 4% + |c00EE80722.0% of Stength|r% Critical Hit Chance and 5% + |c00EE80726% of Stength|r% Critical Hit Damage.
|cffffcc00Additional Points|r - +1% + +|c00EE80720.5% of Stength|r% Critical Hit Chance and +5% + |c00EE80721% of Stength|r% Critical Hit Damage.

Defensive Stance:
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Reduce movement speed by 50, passively |c00AAAAAAblocks 11% of incoming damage|r and has 25% chance to |c00AAAAAAblock 10|r + |c00EE807230% of Stength|r more. Whenever any damage is |c00AAAAAAblocked|r (including by items or abilities), 30% + |c00EE807212% of Stength|r% of the |c00AAAAAAblocked|r damage is added to the base damage of the next attack (within 4 seconds of the last |c00AAAAAAblock|r).
|cffffcc00Additional Points|r - +1% to |c00AAAAAApassive block amount|r. +5 and +|c00EE80725% of Stength|r to |c00AAAAAAblocked amount|r. +5% and +|c00EE80722% of Stength|r% of |c00AAAAAAblocked|r damage to the retaliation damage.

Leadership Stance:
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Every <A06O,Cool1,.> seconds, a footman joins (initial capacity of 1). If you have your current footmen capacity, no captain and a unit is ready to rally, a captain is rallied. Footmen has 70 + (|c0096f06415% of max hp|r) hp and deals 20 + (|c00EE807215% of Strength|r) damage. Captain has 33% more hp and damage and decreses the time for footmen to join to 14 seconds.
|cffffcc00Additional Points|r - +15 and +|c0096f0642% of max hp|r hp, +5 and +|c00EE80722% of Stength|r damage. At level 3, 5: Footman capacity increase by 1.
== TO ==
Allows Lothar to change between an Offensive, Defensive or Leadership stance for no mana cost and no cooldown. The stance have effects on other basic abilities.
|cffffcc00Offensive Stance:
Level 1|r - 2% + |c00EE80721% per 10 Bonus Stength|r + |c00DF00FF1% per 30 Spell Power|r |c00FF4840Critical Hit Chance|r and |c00BA7A611 Armor Penetration|r per |c00FF780014 bonus damage|r.
|cffffcc00Additional Points|r - |c00FF4840+1% Critical Hit Chance|r and +|c00DF00FF1% per 2 less Spell Power|r, and |c00BA7A611 Armor Penetration|r per |c00FF78001 less bonus damage|r.

|cffffcc00Defensive Stance:
Level 1|r - Reduce movement speed by 50, gain |c00EE807275% of Bonus Stength|r + |c00DF00FF20% of Spell Power|r as |c008AAAC0bonus armor|r, passively |c00AAAAAAblocks 10% of incoming damage|r and has 20% chance to |c00AAAAAAblock an additional|r |c008AAAC0100% of armor|r damage. 50% of |c00AAAAAAblocked|r damage is stored as retaliation damage for 4 seconds, refreshing whenever a block occurs. Retaliation damage is added to the next basic attack.
|cffffcc00Additional Points|r - Gain |c00EE8072+15% of Bonus Stength|r and |c00DF00FF+5% of Spell Power|r as |c008AAAC0bonus armor|r and +5% of |c00AAAAAAblocked|r damage is stored to retaliation damage.

|cffffcc00Leadership Stance:
Level 1|r - A footman joins your cause every <A06O,Cool1,.> seconds up to 1 footman. When at max capacity for footmen, rally a Captain (max 1 Captain). Captain has 33% more hp, damage and armor than footmen and lower rally time by 7 seconds. Foormen has hp: 100 + |c0096f06415% of max hp|r, damage: 14 + |c00FF780010% of damage|r, armor: 10 + |c008AAAC016% of armor|r. Mentioned stats is increased by |c00DF00FF1% per 60 Spell Power|r.
|cffffcc00Additional Points|r - Foodmen gains +2% of stats and |c00DF00FF+1% per 5 less Spell Power|r. Level 3, 5: Increase footman capacity.
* TODO: Implement it!

== IN [T] 2021-10-17 15:09 - Triggers, Abilities, Buffs - OUT: 18:18 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added get/set for armor penetration
* Triggers - NewBonus
* Integrated armor penetration to system
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecials - Hound Master
* Lowered distance to break chain from 700 to 625
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Charge
* Changed damage scaling
* from {80, 110, 140, 170, 200}% of strength
* to {60, 65, 70, 75, 80}% of damage and spell power.
* Increased duration of stance specific buffs
* from {2.7, 3.4, 4.1, 4.8, 5.5}
* to {3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0}
* Added duration scaling: +1 second per 75 Spell Power (at all ranks).
* Changed stance-specific bonuses:
* Offensive
* From +30% damage (units own "base damage"), and on-hit: heal 4 hp, and target: -20 amor
* To +25% of Lothars current damage, and on-hit: heal 5 hp
- Note: Target armor reduction removed!
* Defence:
* From +20 armor
* To + 40% of Lothars Armor
* Leadership
* From +20% attack speed
* to +30% attack speed and +20% movement speed
* Increased "knock aside damage" from 50% of primary target to 60%
* Added: Knocked aside targets are slowed for 30% instead of being stunned when hit
* Increased stun duration from {1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00} to {1.50, 1.75, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50}
- still half vs heroes
* Updated tooltips
* Abilities - Lothar - Slash
* Added more colors to learn tooltip

== IN [T] 2021-10-15 18:27 - Triggers - OUT: 19:15 ==
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecials - Hound Master
* Learned some black magic to solve issue of calling a function lowered down in code in vjass
- it's possible to define function: "keyword Xxx", then you can call funtion called "Xxx" before it's defined if you use Xxx.evaluate(params).
* No longer have timer that checks for targets for hound masters if none exists
* Triggers - ExtendableBonusSystem
* Fixed so the core compiles

== IN [T] 2021-10-14 17:36 - Map, Triggers - OUT: 21:11 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.97 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
- AFK for quite a while
* Triggers - Armor Penetration
* Enabled triggers for Armor penetration
* Triggers - Debug Damage Printing
* Moved from DamageEvent==1 to AfterDamageEvent==1, so it factors in all modifiers
* Triggers - Debug Armor Penetration
* Setup trigger for: "-set apen% X" to set armor penetration to ignore X% of armor (valid input 0-100).
- Currently not implemented, missing way of setting armor penetration currently.
* Triggers - ExtendableBonusSystem
* Started writing my own bonus system to replace NewBonus by chopinski
- Problems when it increased in version, and I kinda wanted it, but had my custom bonuses "in" older version of
NewBonuses, making it frustrating to upgrade. It would require me do "redo" my bonuses in that system.

== IN [T] 2021-10-13 20:23 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 21:01 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Master Chief - Medkit
* Incrased % missing hp from {10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 17.5, 20.0}% to {14, 16, 18, 20, 22}%
* Increased cooldown from 10 seconds to 14 seconds
* Fixed learned ability title from "Drop Medkit" to "Medkit"
* Adjusted tooltip to remove unnessesary ".0"
* Triggers - Diabolic Specials - Hound Master
* Break chain if chained somehow gets more than 700 units away (for example by translocating rune)
* Hound master will be able to chain again if this happens!
* Lowered distance for chain to attach from 500 units to 425 (I.E. one must be fairly close to get chained)
* Lowered "look for target to chain" interval from 1.0 seconds to 1.37 seconds
* This timer runs always :/

== IN [T] 2021-10-11 18:55 - Triggers, Units - OUT: 20:32 ==
* Triggers/Units - Diabolic Specials
* Hound Master
* Finished up foundation, time to debug!
* Debugged, finished and enabled! :D
* Added attack-move to center for hounds
* Lowered level of Hounds from 6 to 1 (lowered exp from killing)

== IN [T] 2021-10-10 14:44 - Triggers, Import, Units - OUT: 17:32 ==
* Triggers - Friendly Battle Arena
* Disabled Extra lives for heroes entering Friendly Battle Arena
* Enabled Extra Lives for heroes when Friendly Battle Arena ends
* Import/Triggers - Imported "Spellbounds Custom Lightning Effects" by Spellbound
- Imported WHCA (White Chain Alternative)
* Added credits
* Triggers - Marketplace Exit
* Pausing "Creating next wave" timer at victory, preventing "Starting Wave 41"-message
* Triggers/Units - Diabolic Specials
* Tiny - Added +25% attack speed, on top of the existing movement speed bonus
* New DiabolicSpecials: Hound Master
* Has 2 hounds in chains and when within 550 units of a hero, chain them.
* Chained units cannot move more than 550 units away from the Hound Master (I.E. hounds + chained heroes)
- WIP!

== IN [T] 2021-10-09 21:57 - Triggers, Units, Game Interface - OUT: 22:14 ==
* Triggers - Extra Life
* On-lethal-damage-taken, only use extra life if battle_arena_ongoing == false
* Units - Friendly Battle Arena - Fight
* Added note on the "Fight"-"button" that extra lives are NOT consumed during Friendly Battle Arena
- TODO: Enable/disable extra lives!
* Game Interface - Damage per Primary attribute
* hardcoded "Damage per primary attribute" to 1.5 (because otherwise it shows 1)

== IN [T] 2021-10-09 16:38 - Triggers, Abilities, Units, Terrain - OUT: 18:48 ==
* Triggers - Master Chief - Drop Medkit
* Fixed an issue causing it gain 100x more bonus from spell power than indended
* Fixed ability-text showing the correct values
* Changed name of ability from "Drop Medkit" to "Medkit"
* Increased scaling of bonus intelligence from {100, 175, 250, 325, 400}% to {100, 200, 300, 400, 500}%
* Increased time of Medkits from 4 minutes to 5 minutes (a wave is often between 1-2 minutes, so basically lasts for 3 waves)
* Triggers - DiabolicSpecials
* Incrased count of special "attribute" per special unit from {1 to 1 + waveNumber/18} to {1+waveNumber/22 to 1+waveNumber/14}
- that is
- From: wave 1-18: 1-1, wave 19-36 1-2, wave 37-40 1-3
- To: wave 1-13 1-1, wave 14-22 has 1-2, wave 22-27 has 2-2, wave 28-40 has 2-3
* Triggers - Skulls
* Simplified "Skulls" (Dracula 1 and Ghost) to not have "isBossSkull" property
* Always does NOT do friendly fire and are destroyed upon impact
* Triggers - MedivhFirebolt
* Lowered damage from 200 to 175
* Lowered collision from 32 to 28
* Lowered max-range from 2250 to 1750
* Lowered "target z" from 70 to 30
* Lowered arc from 3 to 2 degrees
* Terrain - Medivh Arena
* Increased hight of "pillar" near center of "open area", should make it block MedivhFirebolt more consistant now
* Units - Ghost [Tier 2]
* Increased damage from 100 to 166
* Increased Gold Bounty from 25 to 30
* Triggers - SetupWaves
* Wave 16: Lowered Ghouls from 8 to 5
* Wave 17: Lowered Ghouls from 16 to 14
* Wave 21: Lowered Grunts from 9 to 7, Lowered Forest Troll from 6 to 5, Increased Diabolic Count from 1 to 2
* Wave 25: Lowered Grunts from 12 to 10, Increased Diabolic Count from 1 to 2
* Wave 26: Lowered Grunts from 12 to 9, Increased Ogre Warrior from 3 to 4
* Wave 27: Lowered Catapults from 8 to 7
* Wave 29: Lowered Ogre Warriors from 8 to 7, Warmongerer from 7 to 6, Diabolics from 1 to 2
* Wave 31: Increased Diabolics from 1 to 2
* Wave 36-38: Increased Diabolics from 1 to 2
* Units - Orc Juggeraught [Cho'gall]
* Lowered base damage from 795 to 495
* Units - Medivh Fire-ball-lobber
* Lowered base damage from 350 to 300
* Abilities - Medivh Fountain of Souls immolation
* Lowered damage from 500 to 400
* Units - Ogre Magi
* Removed Runes
* Increased gold from 35 to 40
* Units - Grunt
* Lowered base-damage from 28 to 26
* Lowered hp from 1350 to 1200
* Lowered range from 100 to 96
* Lowered gold from 30 to 25
* Units - Ogre Warrior
* Lowered base-damage from 128 to 108
* Lowered range from 125 to 100
* Lowered hp from 3500 to 3000
* Units - Evil Zombie
* Increased hp from 1500 to 1600
* Lowered attack-cooldown from 4.2 to 4.0
* Increased damage from 69 to 79
* Lowered range from 120 to 110
* Units - Forest Trolls
* Lowered base-damage from 32 to 30
* Lowered hp from 1200 to 1000
* Units/Abilities - Forest Troll Priest
* Changed healing based on "priest heal" to based on "Holy Light"
- This should make them attack when heal is on cooldown
* Increased gold from 30 to 35
* Units - Banshee
* Increased hp from 380 to 410
* Units - Skeleton Marksman
* Lowered damage from 19 to 17
* Units - Warmongerer
* Increased gold from 35 to 40
* Lowered hp from 1700 to 1650
* Units - Skeletal Orc
* Increased hp from 525 to 535

== IN [T] 2021-10-08 20:50 - Triggers - OUT: 20:57 ==
* Triggers - Several item triggers
* Changed how it checks if an attack is an attack to allow Master Chief bullets to count as attacks (as well as future custom "attacks")
* From Frozen Skull of Nova to rest of items

== IN [T] 2021-10-07 22:25 - Triggers - OUT: 22:29 ==
* Triggers - Several item triggers and crit core
* Changed how it checks if an attack is an attack to allow Master Chief bullets to count as attacks
* From top to Frozen Skull of Nova

== IN [T] 2021-10-05 20:50 - Abilities, Triggers, Items - OUT: 21:31 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Mammoth Tank - Parabombs
* Lowered base damage from {140, 200, 260} to {100, 150, 200}
* Triggers - Master Chief - Bullet
* Changed damage-application from classic "UnitDamageTarget" (Native) to "Damage.applyAttack" (DamageEngine)
- Slight performance increase and ensures correct damage setup
* Triggers/Item - Reactive Armor of Arcane Repulsion
* Fixed so Master Chief bullets also triggers on-hit (it didn't allow "coded" damage before)
* Lowered cooldown on-hit from 0.1 to 0.035 (basically same game-tick)
* Lowered collision additional radius from 16 to 8 (unit's collision radius + this => "catch" those units to "follow" with the knock-back)
* Increased radius from 225 to 250
* Increased knockback distance by 50
* Removed non-enemies earlier from group to be able to skip duplicated if-statements (also performance increase)

== IN [T] 2021-10-02 23:48 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 23:58 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Master Chief
* Drop Medkit
* Increased cut-off for self-heal from 40% hp to 50%
* Plasma Grenade
* Changed wording in learn text. Instead of "Deals X + Y + Z damage." it is "Damage: X + Y + Z."
* Incerased damage-scaling from {50, 55, 60, 65, 70} to {60, 65, 70, 75, 80}
* Shotgun (passive-ability)
* Added a "."

== IN [T] 2021-10-02 16:41 - Import, Units, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 17:18 ==
* Import - Made custom disable of "Rejuvination Potion" icon (BTNCRPandaP4 by CRAZYRUSSIAN)
- "DISBTN" on Hiveworkshop is NOT looking very disabled...
* Units - Castle
* Defense Upgrade Bonus: Incrased from 2 to 15 (increasing power level slightly from pre-major-changes)
* Defence Base: Increased from 5 to 25 (keeping same power level as before)
* Triggers/Abilities - DiabolicSpecials - Lightning Enhanced
* Lowered cooldown of lightning-spawning from 0.24 seconds to 0.18 seconds
* Increased ticks they stick around from 12 to 14 (from 9 seconds to 10.5 seconds)
* Increased movement-speed-variation per tick from +/- 45 to +/- 50
* Incerased direction-angle change per tick from +/- 45 degrees to +/- 50 degrees
* Lowered max-speed from 300 to 275
* Moved one vfx indicating Lightning Enhanced from "origin" to "chest"
* Added another one at "hand,right"
* Units - Spartan [Rocker Launcher]
* Changed "Area of Effect Targets" from <nothing> to "Enemy, Ground"
- Hopefully preventing friendly fire
* Abilities - Assault Rifle
* Changed Icon from "SMG" to "Assault Rifle"

== IN [T] 2021-10-01 14:34 - Triggers, Abilities, Buffs, Import - OUT: 18:37 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported "Burning Rage Orange" by Mythic (now named Vinz on hive)
* Added credits
* Triggers/Abilities/Buffs - Diabolic Specials
* Fixed naming bug: Number of Prefixes/suffixes was added before they were added, making it wierd.
- I.E. "and X Evil Zombie". Should only add "and" if more than 1 prefix
* Fixied several more naming bugs
* Added Special: Enraging
* Buff text: This unit is Enraging; it gains more attack speed, movement speed and damage the more it attacks.
* Gains +18 movement speed per attack hit up to 400, and +14% attack speed up to +250%
* When one hit the cap, instead gives +2 damage, meaning +4 damage when both are maxed out
* Starts with +15 movement speed
* Continue on: Lightning Enhanced
* Damage formula:
- 33 + 5 * (1.0 + udg_current_wave_nr * 0.03) * udg_current_wave_nr
- wave {1, 10, 20, 30, 40} -> {38.15, 98, 193, 318, 473}
* Added missiles
* Registered on damage event
* Added 0.24 second cooldown on spawning lightning
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions - AoE damaging functions:
* Use Damage.applySpell instead of wc3 default "call UnitDamageTarget", minor performance boost for abilities using those functions

== IN [T] 2021-10-01 17:26 - Triggers, Abilities, Buffs - OUT: 18:48 ==
* Triggers/Abilities/Buffs - Diabolic Specials
* Added Special: Dinky Snappy
* An alternative to giant (50% roll for giant vs dinky snappy)
* Movement speed bonus of: 20 + 20% of current
* Size 0.75
* Names: All specials must have at least 1 prefix and 1 suffix.
- Changed how prefixes and suffies to names are handled
* Increased maximum specials from 1 to 1 + wave_number / 18
- It still keeps minimum number at 1 though the game at the moment
* Started new special: Lightning Enhanced
- Setup abilities/buffs (devotion aura based, dummy edition with its own buff)
- TODO: on damage taken (with a small cooldown), spawn lightning

== IN [T] 2021-09-26 20:34 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 20:50 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Diabolic Specials
* Added new special: Aura Enhanced
* Added auras
* Thorns (12% damage return)
* Command (+12% damage)
* Vampyric (22% life steal)
* Endurance (+12%/12% move/attack speed)
* Deviotion (+12% armor)

== IN [T] 2021-09-26 17:59 - Triggers, Abilities, Buffs - OUT: 19:28 ==
* Triggers - Debug
* Create a random unit and call Diabolic Specials for it
* Triggers/Abilities/Buffs - Diabolic Specials
* Fixed Stone Skin VFX
* Added new special: Giant!
* Increases hp (+50% + 200 + 20 * wave_number), visual-size (+40%). Lowered movement speed (-20%)
* Added new special: of Luck
* Increases crit chance by 30%. Default crit chance/damage is 0% / 200%
* gives another +5g
* Has "yellow things on hands" to show how lucky he is!

== IN [T] 2021-09-25 19:55 - Triggers, Abilities, Buffs - OUT: 21:34 ==
* Triggers/Abilities/Buffs - Diabolic Specials
* Setup trigger that Specialifies a unit
* Added "Stone Skin" Diabolic Special
- TODO: Add more specials!
* Triggers - Wave setup
* Added 1 Special to most waves
* Few have 0 or 2-3
- should probably be tweaked
* Triggers - Create Wave
* Changed spawn interval from 0.5 to random 0.4-0.6
* Spawn "Diabolic units" with increasing chance as unit count gets lower
- TODO: text it!

== IN [T] 2021-09-25 14:02 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 18:19 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Slash
* Lowered based-damage from {80, 100, 120, 140, 160} to {60, 75, 90, 105, 120}
* Changed damage scaling
* from {100, 115, 130, 145, 160}% of agi + {40, 50, 60, 70, 80}% of str
* to {78, 86, 94, 102, 110}% of damage + {60, 65, 70, 75, 80}% of spell power
* Changed healing scaling from {6,7,8,9,10}% of intelligence to {11, 12, 13, 14, 15}% of Spell Power
* Changed Leadership stance extra healing to non-heroes from +20 (flat amount) to +25%
* Increased cooldown from 3.5 seconds to 4.5 seconds
* Increased Defensive Stance block duration from 1.0 seconds to 1.2 seconds
* fixed tooltips
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added "ShowCritText"
* Added "ScalingText" takes value, percent, "bonusType". Simplifies ability-text writing.
* Triggers - CritCoreFloatingText
* Is now displayed in AfterDamageEvent, meaning it should display "correct value"
- This means after all modifications (including armor!)
- Previously it displayed "some value", ignoring armor, ignoring several damage modifiers!
* Triggers - CritCore
* Lowered crit chance of agility from 10% per agility-point to 0.1% per agility (as intended)

== IN [T] 2021-09-23 21:40 - Triggers - OUT: 22:25 ==
* Triggers - Crit Core
* Use "GetCriticalHitChanceInclAgi" to get crit-chance
* Triggers - Armor Penetration
* Setup 2 arrays, armor penetration flat and armor penetration percent
* On unit index, set to 0
* Set armor pierced to {armor of target * armor penetration percent + armor penetration flat}
* Happens on DamageEvent 3.75 (must happen before 4.0, becuase that's when armor is "applied")
- This only works stuff that normally is effected by armor except for "magic" attack type

== IN [T] 2021-09-22 20:12 - Units, Triggers - OUT: 20:37 ==
* Units - Skeletal Orc
* Lowered hp from 575 to 525
* Triggers - "-crit"
* Fixed print to use correct values
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added function "GetCriticalHitChanceInclAgi"
- TODO: use it in more places than "-crit"

== IN [T] 2021-09-21 19:57 - Triggers, Units, Abilities, GamePlay Constants, Items - OUT: 22:01 ==
* Triggers - Selectable heroes (init)
* Master Chief "change weapon" abilities disabled for Player 7 (to cleanup UI when selecting)
* Gameplay Constants
* Increased exp required per level from {1.0 * previousLvl + 100 * Level} to {1.05 * previousLvl + 100 * Level}
* Increased exp to level 2 from 200 to 225
* Triggers - Boss Hp
* Boss 1 - Changed hp from 2500 + 2000 per player to 1000 + 4000 per player
* Boss 2 - Changed hp from 6000 + 6000 per player to 3000 + 8000 per player
* Boss 3 - Changed hp from 50000 + 20000 per player to 6000 + 16000 per player
* Boss 4 - Changed hp from 80000 + 50000 per player to 12000 + 32000 per player
- I believe boss 3-4 isn't changed since major rework
* Units/Abilities - Rough rebalance of units previously unchanged (I think)
* Grunt (tier 3)
* Lowered hp from 1650 to 1350
* Increased armor from 10 to 75
* Lowered base damage from 38 to 28
* Warmoger (tier 3)
* Lowered hp from 2250 to 1700
* Increased armor from 20 to 125
* Lowered base damage from 78 to 58
* Increased collision size from 32 to 36
* Increased level from 4 to 5
* Raider (tier 3)
* Lowered hp from 1650 to 1500
* Increased armor from 9 to 45
* Lowered base damage from 38 to 32
* Catapult (tier 3)
* Lowered hp from 1350 to 1150
* Increased armor from 10 to 50
* Lowered base damage from 175 to 125
* Increased attack cooldown from 4.50 to 5.0
* Lowered range from 1500 to 1400
* Forest Troll (tier 3)
* Increased hp from 1150 to 1200
* Increased armor from 0 to 10
* Lowered damage from 38 to 32
* Lowered range from 500 to 475
* Forest Troll Priest (tier 3)
* Increased hp from 1700 to 1900
* Increased armor from 10 to 37
* Increased cooldown of heal from 1.0 to 4.1 seconds
* Increased mana-cost from 1 to 25
* Increased mana-regeneration from 0.75 to 1.5
* Increased heal amount from 200 to 250
* Lowered attack-cooldown from 2.0 to 1.8 seconds
* Lowered base-damage from 48 to 42
* Increased level from 4 to 6
* Ogre Magi (Tier 3)
* Lowered hp from 3800 to 2500
* Increased armor from 15 to 62
* Lowered base damage from 80 to 65
* Increased attack cooldown from 2.0 to 2.25
* Increased level from 4 to 7
* Ogre Warrior (Tier 3)
* Lowered hp from 4200 to 3500
* Increased movment speed from 175 to 190
* Increased armor from 15 to 70
* Lowered base damage from 158 to 128
* Increased level from 4 to 6
* Ghost (Tier 2)
* Incrased level from 3 to 5
* Banshee (Tier 2)
* Incrased level from 2 to 3
* Skeletal Orc (Tier 2)
* Incrased level from 2 to 3
* Increased hp from 500 to 575
* Increased movement speed from 200 to 210
* Orc Warrior (tier 4)
* Lowered hp from 3000 to 2500
* Increased armor from 15 to 90
* Lowered base damage from 76 to 58
* Spearman (tier 4)
* Lowered hp from 2000 to 1800
* Increased armor from 7 to 37
* Lowered base damage from 75 to 68
* Necrolyte (tier 4)
* Lowered hp from 1450 to 1300
* Increased armor from 2 to 17
* Lowered base damage from 120 to 110
* Increased level from 4 to 7
* Warlock (tier 4)
* Increased armor from 0 to 12
* Lowered base damage from 120 to 110
* Increased level from 4 to 7
* Giant Spider (tier 4)
* Increased hp from 1250 to 1600
* Increased armor from 5 to 66
* Increased base damage from 65 to 77
* Increased level from 4 to 6
* Spawned Skeletal Orc (tier 4)
* Increased hp from 2600 to 2250
* Increased armor from 20 to 100
* Increased base damage from 115 to 105
* Small Slime (tier 4)
* Lowered hp from 1380 to 1150
* Increased armor from 6 to 40
* Lowered base damage from 50 to 45
* Big Slime (tier 4)
* Lowered hp from 4000 to 3750
* Increased armor from 12 to 40
* Lowered base damage from 115 to 105
* Increased level from 5 to 7
* Huge Slime (tier 4)
* Lowered hp from 25000 to 17500
* Increased armor from 15 to 75
* Lowered base damage from 215 to 175
* Increased level from 10 to 12
* Clicky Daemon (tier 4)
* Lowered hp from 13332 to 9666
* Increased armor from 15 to 125
* Lowered base damage from 989 to 660
* Lowered number of die from 11 to 6
* Increased level from 5 to 16
* Abilities - Enemy Abilities
* Ogre Runes
* Lowered max damage from 375 to 250
* Lowered max damage radius from 125 to 90
* Lowered partial damage from 250 to 150
* Increased activation delay from 0.1 to 0.5 seconds
* Dracula 1 Landing smash
* Lowered slow amount from 45% to 42%
* Lowered slow duration from 2.35 to 2.32
- Give slightly bigger chance of escaping an attack
* Huge Slime Bolt
* Lowered damage from 300 to 225
* Increased cooldown from 18 to 20
* Ghoul Slow Poison
* Lowered duration normal (non-heroes) from 5 seconds to 4 seconds
* Spiked Zombie Spiked Shell
* Increased bonus armor from 8 to 40
* Units/Triggers - Dracula 1
* Lowered base damage from 80 to 40
* Skulls Arc
* Increased channeling before first skull from 1.0 seconds to 1.5 seconds
* Increased total channling time from 2.0 seconds to 2.70 seconds
* Keep "Warning vfx" until it stops
* Increased damage from 100 to 120
* Random Skulls
* Increased damage from 100 to 120
* Increased time between active ability from 7-11 seconds to 9-12 seconds
* Items/Triggers - Mana Poach
* Lowered mana regeneration from 1.0 to 0.5 per second
- 1.0 was totally broken op for rank 1!
* Items - Healing Salve, Moon Ochid
* Lowered price from 40 to 10
* Lowered number of charges from 3 to 1
- Makes it easier to buy first time at town
* Items - Stone Skin Potion
* Increased armor from 8 to 40
* Items/Triggers - Lowered mana regeneration of several items
* Mighty Skull of Insight - from 2.0 to 1.0
* Frozen Skull of Nova - from 3.0 to 2.0
* Staff of Insight - from 2.0 to 1.25
* Staff of Supreme Insight - from 3.0 to 2.0
* Thunder Claws - From 2.0 to 1.0
* Thunder Death Blade - from 3.0 to 2.0
* Items/Triggers - Lowered Health on several items
* Flaming Pauldrons of Radiant Heat - from 500 to 450
* Heavy Shield of Strength - from 250 to 225
* Ring of Life - from 300 to 250
* Inconveniently Heavy Shield - From 600 to 500
* Items/Triggers - Maul of Tremendous Impact
* Increased damage from 1.5% of max hp to 1.75%
* Items/Triggers - Phoenix Axe
* Lowered damage from 50 to 40
* Lowered haste from 20 to 18

== IN [T] 2021-09-20 19:03 - Triggers, Regions, Map - OUT: 21:07 ==
* Triggers - Crit Core
* Moved event to 3.50, because armor is handled at 4.0. Leaves some room for after-crit-before-armor events
* Triggers - Several Items
* Fixed crit-checks to use correct variables and events
* Moved Arcane Armor of Blasting, Mage Armor to trigger AFTER armor is calculated (slight buff!)
* removed AoE checks
* Dagger of Fast Stabbing
* Supreme Dagger of Swift Stabbing
* Mighty Skull of Insight
* Frozen Skull of Nova
* Lite Staff
* Swift Blade of Quickening
* ... Probably more
* Triggers - Update Ability Texts
* Added a wait of 0.0 before updating
- This allows dropped items to become dropped before updating text, meaning they won't be counted.
* Triggers - Init
* Add so players can control Player 7 units
* All Selectable heros
* Make them invulnerable (going by units in region instead of picking them individually)
* Give them to Player 7 (castle)
* Set movement-speed to 0
* Triggers - Start game
* Remove so players can control Player 7 units
* All Selectable heros
* Give them to Neutral Passive
* Changed all pre-placed selectable heroes to have their skill selected to Bonus Attribute
* Changed fountain owner from Player 7 to Neutral Passive
- TODO: Test more the hero select stuff

== IN [T] 2021-09-19 18:02 - Triggers - OUT: 18:18 ==
* Triggers - Crit Core
* Simplified crit core and made so it actually works now...
* Crit-text now shows over the target, instead of the source
* It's all self-contained in one trigger, instead of spread out in several...
* Any effects depending on crit should happen after DamageEvent 5.
- Lothar Aggressive stance is slightly broken after this
* Added hit_is_crit-variable that is set after DamageEvent 5
- TODO: Modify "on-critical-hit" to use that variable instead of the old ones!

== IN [T] 2021-09-18 19:16 - Triggers, Abilities, Import, Units - OUT: 19:34 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - MammothTank - Parabombs
* Redoing lost changes
- luckely I had all tooltip and code changes in an opened VSCode window
* Import - Imported "SpiritOfVengeanceMissile" by JetFangInferno
* Added credits
* Units - Bomb (Samus)
* Changed model from Wisp to "SpiritOfVengeanceMissile" model
* Removed shadow

== IN [T] 2021-09-18 13:16 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 17:29 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Push
* Changed scaling
* From {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}% Strength + {30, 40, 50, 60, 70}% Intelligence
* To {30, 35, 40, 45, 50}% Damage + {60, 65, 70, 75, 80}% Spell Power + {4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 5.5, 6.0}% of Missing Hp
* Changed push range from 500 to 325-650, depending on Darth Vaders hp
* Fixed tooltips
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Lightning
* Lower base damge from {115, 150, 185, 220, 255} to {100, 130, 160, 190, 220}
* Changed scaling
* From {100, 120, 140, 160, 180}% Intelligence + {50, 60, 70, 80, 90}% Strength
* To {24, 28, 32, 26, 40}% Damage + {70, 80, 90, 100, 110}% Spell Power + {4, 5, 6, 7, 8}% of Missing Hp
* Increased cooldown from {8.0, 6.5, 5.0, 3.5, 2.0} to {8, 7, 6, 5, 4}
* Increased mana cost from 75 to 80
* Updated tooltips
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Choke
* Added: if target dies while channeling, restore % of missing hp {10, 15, 20}.
* Lowered base damage from {120, 160, 200} to {120, 150, 180}
* Changed scaling of damage
* From {100, 150, 200}% of Strength
* To {70, 80, 90}% of Damage + {4, 6, 8}% of Missing hp
* Lowered base healing from {120, 160, 200} to {100, 130, 160}
* Changed scaling of healing
* from {80, 130, 180}% of Intelligence
* to {70, 85, 100}% of Spell Power + {2, 3, 4}% of missing hp
- Note: this is per second, multiply by 4 for total values!
* Lowered mana cost from 125 to 100
* Updated tooltips
- Might be OP xD

== IN [T] 2021-09-17 17:41 - Triggers, Abilities, Import - OUT: 19:44 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - MammothTank - Parabombs
* Lowered base damage from {150, 225, 300} to {140, 200, 260}
* Changed scaling from {50, 75, 100}% of Strength to {40, 45, 50}% of Damage + {80, 90, 100}% of Spell Power
* Fixed tooltip
* Import/Triggers - Imported "BTNcrWarp10" by CRAZYRUSSIAN
* Added credits
* Triggers/Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Push
* Changed Icon from Tornado to BTNcrWarp10
* Lowered base damage from {90, 120, 150, 180, 210} to {80, 100, 120, 140, 160}
* TODO: implement above change and scaling changes

== IN [T] 2021-09-16 20:36 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 22:40 ==
* Triggers - Imported "Alloc" by Sevion
- Added credits
* Triggers - Cooldown Reduction
* Upgraded version from my modified 1.7 to official 1.8
- Seems to have performance improvements and new utilities that seem usable
* Triggers - Khadgar - Fireball
* Fixed tooltip having Flame Shield's cooldown instead of its own
* Triggers - Map Root triggers
* Added R2I2S-function that does Real + 0.0001 -> integer -> String. Something done very often!
- That addition is to prevent classic floaing point -> integer precision issues (i.e. 4.0 is actually 3.999999... -> 3)
* Added R2I2Sx100 that multiplies input real by 100 before conversions
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Fixed bug in damage calculasions, counting damage from bonus primary stat twice
* Abilities - Darth Vader - Force Choke
* Increased cooldown from {60, 50, 40} to {80, 70, 60} seconds
* Abilities - Samus - Overcharge
* Increased cooldown from 60 to {90, 80, 70}
* Abilities - MammothTank - Parabombs
* Increased cooldown from 60 to {100, 90, 80}
* Abilities - Lothar - Reinforcements Charge
* Increased cooldown from {90, 80, 70} to {110, 95, 80}
* Lowered footman duration from 40 seconds to 35
* Abilities - Master Chief - Vehicle Drop
* Increased cooldown from 70 to {100, 90, 80}
* Lowered mana-cost from 150 to 100
* Abilities - Khadgar - Amplify Magic
* Increased cooldown from {60, 50, 40} to {80, 70, 60} seconds
* Triggers/Abilities - MammothTank - V2 Rockets
* Lowered base damage from {100, 125, 150, 175, 200} to {100, 120, 140, 160, 180}
* Adjusted scaling from {100, 110, 120, 130, 140}% strength to {50, 55, 60, 65, 70}% of Damage + {90, 95, 100, 105, 110}% of Spell Power
* Increased knockback slightly, from {0.7 * (250 - distance) + 60} to {0.66 * (250 - distance) + 75}
* Adjusted tooltip

== IN [T] 2021-09-07 16:31 - Triggers, Abilities, Import - OUT: 23:42 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Morphball/Bomb
* Changed bomb cooldown from {0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5} to 0.75
* Increased mana-reset time from {6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.5, 4.0} to {8.0, 7.5, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0}, lowered by Spell Haste
* Lowered base damage from {100, 130, 160, 190, 220} to {75, 90, 105, 120, 135}
* Changed scaling from {100, 115, 130, 145, 160}% of agility to {30, 35, 40, 45, 50}% of Damage + {75, 80, 85, 90, 95}% of Spell Power
* Changed refresh ability from add-remove ability to level-up-down
* Added changed icon when cost is increased
- AFK for hours of this time
* Default Icon is now "ShockOrb_Contained", when mana-cost is increased, use the old "ShockOrb"
- Now possible to see on icon when it costs more mana!
* Import - Imported modified "ShockOrb_Contained"
* Original work "ShockOrb" by ThePanda, modified ("contained") by me

== IN [T] 2021-09-07 12:38 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 15:29 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Charge Beam
* Triggering damage change
* Triggered tooltips

== IN [T] 2021-09-06 18:18 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 20:54 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Missiles
* Lowered base-damage from {120, 140, 160, 180, 200} to {40, 45, 50, 55, 60}
* Changed damage-scaling from {120, 160, 200, 240, 280}% of agility to {88, 96, 104, 112, 120}% of damage + {55, 60, 65, 70, 75}% of Spell Power
* Added "upon traveling for at least 900 units, the missile gets empowered, increasing the damage dealt by 33%"
* Increased cooldown from {3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5} seconds to {5.0, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, 3.0}
* Increased max-range from 1750 to 2000
* Attached effect upon reaching 900 units, and cleaning it up
* Changed max-range from 2000 from target-position to 2000 from caster position (as intended)
* Ability-text shows updating cooldowns
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Charge Beam
* Lowered uncharged base damage from {50, 60, 70, 80, 90} to {40, 50, 60, 70, 80}
* Lowered base damage per charge from {10, 13, 16, 19, 22} to {7, 9, 11, 13, 15}
* Changed uncharged scaling damage from {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}% of Agility to {30, 35, 40, 45, 50}% of Damage
* Changed scaling damage per charge from {6, 10, 14, 18, 22}% of agility to {5,6,7,8,9}% of Damage + {8, 10, 12, 14, 16}% of Spell Power
* Increased time per charge from 0.2 to 0.3
* Added "Lower time per charge by 0.1 per 100% bonus attack speed to a minimum of 0.1 seconds."
* Lowered initial mana cost of ability from 5 to 0
- This will prevent it to trigger "on-mana-costing-ability-cast"
* Implameneted chargeup attack speed scaling
- TODO: fix calculations, tooltip and effect xD

== IN [T] 2021-09-05 17:24 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 19:48 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Master Chief - Drop Medkit
* Increased healing from intelligence from {100, 150, 200, 250, 300} to {100, 175, 250, 325, 400}
* Added "When below 40% current hp, instantly consume the medkit instead of dropping it".
* Increased cooldown from 7.5 seconds to 10 seconds
* Increased mana cost from {40, 45, 50, 55, 60} to {50, 55, 60, 65, 70}
* Abilities/Triggers - Master Chief - Weapon Roulette
* Added updating cooldown on ability-text
* Abilities/Triggers - Master Chief - VehicleDrop
* Changed initial damage of drop from {100, 150, 200}% of Intelligence to {100, 200, 300} + {100, 150, 200}% of Spell Power
* Changed scaling of Vehicle from {20, 150, 200}% of Intelligence and Agility to {10, 65, 80}% of Damage
* Lowered hp-scaling of Vehicle from {50, 75, 100}% of hp and man to {50, 65, 80}%
* Lowered duration from 40 seconds to 30
* Added drop base damage of {100, 200, 300}
- I believe Master Chief is "finished" for now

== IN [T] 2021-09-04 19:30 - Triggers - OUT: 20:17 ==
* Triggers - Master Chief - Plasma Grenade
* Fixed tooltip
* Triggers - Goblet of Fire
* Fixed cooldown of passive effect to trigger instantly instead of next game-tick
- Could lagg the game
* Triggers - Master Chief - Drop Medkit
* Tooltip shows actual cooldown instead of base-cooldown

== IN [T] 2021-09-04 16:34 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 18:24 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Tassadar - Force Field
* Finished tooltip
* Fixed bugged details in implementation
- Tassadar is "finished" for now
* Triggers - Master Chief - Vehicle Drop
* Tooltip show actual cooldown
* Abilities/Triggers - Master Chief - Plasma Grenade
* Changed damage scaling from {70, 90, 110, 130, 150}% of Intelligence to {50, 55, 60, 65, 70}% of Damage and {90, 100, 110, 120, 130}% of Spell Power
* Increased cooldown from 3.5 seconds to 5 seconds
* Updated ability to deal correct damage
- TODO: Update ability-text

== IN [T] 2021-09-04 13:36 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 14:42 ==
* Triggers - Tassadar
* Tooltips now also updates cooldown
* Triggers/Abilities - Tassadar - Force Field
* Now also gives bonus armor to allies near the cast force field
* Changed effectiveness vs allies from {100, 80, 60, 40, 20}% to {100, 75, 50, 25, 0}%
* Force vs enemy heros increased from 50% of normal to 66% of normal
* Increased collision size for 100% from 30 to 32 (meaning slightly more effective against bigger enemies, 64 size -> 50% up from 60 size)
* Gives {10, 12, 14, 16, 18} + {8, 10, 12, 14, 16}% Spell Power bonus armor for 4 + 1 per {250, 225, 200, 175, 150} Spell Power seconds.
* Allies within 400 of cast-point gains the armor
- TODO: Fix tooltip

== IN [T&C] 2021-09-03 19:48 - Triggers, Abilities, Items - OUT: 23:30 ==
* Triggers - Marketplace Exit
* Finishes playing sound before playing it again
* Restructured code to use more direct loops instead of ForGroup with EnumUnit etc.
* Triggers/Abilities - Mammoth Tank - Motherland
* Changed bonus damage from {40, 55, 70, 85, 100}% of base-damage (pre bonuses) to {30, 35, 40, 45, 50}% of total damage (include bonus)
* Triggered bonus
* Abilities/Triggers - Mammoth Tank - Tusk Missiles
* Fixed tooltip, again
* Items - Maul of Forceful Impact, Staff of Supreme Insight
* Fixed recipe tooltip
- Notes: Written "Diabolic speical units"

== IN [T] 2021-09-03 17:05 - Triggers, Items, Units, Abilities - OUT: 18:19 ==
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank abilities
* Removed cooldown debug-prints
* Triggers - Cooldown Reduction
* Removed debug-print
* Item - Frozen Skull of Nova
* Fixed recipe to be same as item (spell haste was missing)
* Item - Golden Goblet of Gore
* Changed cooldown group from "item +3 damage" to its own dummy ability
* Item - Goblet of Fire
* Changed cooldown group from "item +3 damage" to its own dummy ability
* Item/Triggers - Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
* Lowered Spell Haste from 15 to 10
* Units/Triggers - Dracula 2
* Increased armor from 32 (pre-adjust) to 80 (lower than the 160 armor to be same effectiveness as before)
* Adjusted hp from 7000+5000/player to 6000 + 6000/player
* Triggers/Abilities - Khadgar - Fireball, Flame Shield, Amplify Magic
* Added dynamic cooldown reduction to tooltip
* Changed Amplify Magic tooltip structure slightly to make tooltip easier to update

== IN [T] 2021-09-02 22:39 - Units, Triggers - OUT: 22:50 ==
* Units/Triggers - Dracula 2
* Lowered hp from 16000 + 8000/player to 7000 + 5000/player
* Lowered soul beam damage from 60 per tick to 40
* Lowered soul beam aoe from 175 to 160
* Lowered damage of Nether Blast from 300 to 200
* Lowered damage of spinny thing from 40 per tick to 35
* Lowered distance from 1.8-3.8 to 2.0-3.0
* Lowered damage of Darkness Rising from 50/tick to 40
* Lowered teleport-away damage from 150 to 100
* Triggers - Ghost
* Changed damage to deal whatever total unit attack damage is (I.E. same as before, but changable in several ways)

== IN [T] 2021-09-02 16:49 - Triggers - OUT: 17:27 ==
* Triggers - Cooldown Reduction
* Added event "On ability learned", register that ability (with all safe-guards)
* Fixed bug in update system
* Triggers - init-debug and hero selection
* Set cooldown reduction to 0% for hero. This registers the units to the system.
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank - Tusk Missile
* Removed special case register of ability to cooldown reduction system.

== IN [T] 2021-09-01 19:38 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 22:18 ==
* Triggers - MammothTank - Tusk Missiles
* Increased attack-speed scaling of 100x (was 100x smaller than intended)
* On learned, register cooldown to reduction (it only auto-registeres spells cast at least once!)
* Cooldown reduction is now 100% reliable for this ability, but not the others...
* Triggers/Abilities - MammothTank - Motherland
* Fixed ability-text, not showing percentage correct (needed 100x bigger in ability-text!)
* Added "- Level X" suffix to first line of ability, as all other abilities have.
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank init
* Called when picked (or on init when debug-mode) - Not currently used, was temporarly used for registering ability-cooldown, but unit must have ability!
* Triggers - BonusUtils
* Added method to remove specific bonus-type from item
* Triggers - ItemDefinitions, ItemUtils
* Item Refresh now only refreshes items bonuses for items that have non-static bonuses
- instead of dropping them and picking them up again (causing a ton of events to fire!)
- This fixed a lot of issues with dynamic items such as Staff of Supreme Insight

== IN [T] 2021-08-30 21:06 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 22:57 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - MammothTank - Tusk Missiles
* Changed base-damage from {80, 100, 120, 140, 160} to {25, 40, 55, 70, 85}
* Changed scaling from {100, 130, 160, 190, 220}% of Strength to {70, 80, 90, 100, 110}% of damage
* Added explicit bonus from Spell Power of {55, 60, 65, 70, 75}% (no longer implicit!)
* Added reduce cooldown by 0.75 seconds per 100% bonus attack-speed. (unsure about numbers here)
* Added note that spell haste reduced base-cooldown, before bonus cooldown from attack speed. Unsure if working...?
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Adjusted GetTotalDamage to get correct amount
* Triggers - Items requiring updates (such as Staff of Supreme Insight, that have X% of mana as Spell Power)
* Centralized and simplified code.
* Need to improve more!

== IN [T] 2021-08-29 12:39 - Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 20:11 ==
* Triggers/Items/Abilities - Adjusting artifacts to bonus system and new balance
* Lowered agility from 25 to 12
* Lowered hp/s from 4 to 2.5
* Lowered damage from 55 to 35
* Added Spell Haste: 20
* Lowered damage from 30 to 25
* Lowered critical hit chance from 8% to 6%
* Adjusted recipe
* from: Axe of Attack (400g) + Sword of Attack (800g) + Shiv of Critical Stabbing (300g) + Recipe (1000g) = 2500g
* to: Sword of Attack (800g) + Shiv of Critical Stabbing (300g) + Recipe (900g) = 2000g
- Increased recipe cost of all items that build from this to make them cost the same
* Lowered critical hit chance from 5% to 3%
* Lowered damage from 65 to 50
* Lowered hp/s from 4 to 2.5
* Lowered damage from 35 to 30
* Increased spell power from 15 to 30
* Added 10 Spell Haste
* Adjusted recipe
* From: Magical Dagger (1200g) + Amulet of Fire (850g) + Recipe (1900g) = 3950g
* to: Magical Dagger (1200g) + Amulet of Fire (850g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g) + Recipe (1500g) = 4350g
- TODO: trigger aura, make it give bonus via bonus system
* Lowered all-stats from 12 to 8
* Lowered bonus health/mana from 350 to 300
* Increased armor from 9 to 45
* Lowered health from 550 to 500
* Lowered Str from 22 to 12
* changed mana regeneration from 75% to 3 mana/s
* Added 25 Spell Haste
* Changed on-attack-hit from dealing 120% of strength to 60% of Damage
- Still keeping 150% of Spell Power
* Lowered DoT duration from 6 seconds to 5
* Added 10 Spell Haste
* lowered health from 450 to 400
* increased mana from 250 to 300
* Lowered spell power from 60 to 50
* Added 20 spell haste
* Lowered base-damage of Fire Blast from 200 to 120
* Increased base spell power from 20 to 25
* Lowered health from 1000 to 650
* Increased healing per target from 10 + 1.5% missing hp to 10 + 2%
* Added 1 Spell haste per 20 charges (starting at 12.5, max at 30)
* Increased armor from 6 to 30
* Increased aura from 8 armor to 40
* Added 20 Spell Haste
* Heavy Plate Armor
* increased armor from 7 to 35 (keeping same effectiveness)
* Heavy Shield of Strength
* Lowered Strength from 10 to 5
* Increased armor from 4 to 20
* Lowered health from 300 to 250
* Lowered Strength from 30 to 18
* Lowered Health from 700 to 600
* Increased armor from 7 to 35
* Marked aura as unique (because it is)
* Converted as is
* Lowered damage from 40 to 30
* Lowered bonus health from 600 to 400
* Lowered spell power from 40 to 30
* Added Spell Haste 15
* Lowered Intelligence from 10 to 5
* Increased armor from 6 to 25
* Added 10 Spell Haste
* Added 15 Spell Haste
* Lowered Intelligence from 12 to 6
* Simplified bonus damage triggers, and ensure that bonus damage is detectable
- Bonus is added when item-picked up, refreshes by dropping it and re-adding it
* Lowered mana-cost from 0.8% current mana to 0.6% current mana
* Removed unique marker
* Lowered Intelligence from 20 to 15
* Lowered mana from 700 to 600
* Lowered damage from 50 to 45
* Lowered mana-cost from 1.2% current mana to 0.9% current mana
* Simplified bonus damage triggers, and ensure that bonus damage is detectable
- Bonus is added when item-picked up, refreshes by dropping it and re-adding it
* Removed unique marker
* Converted as is
* Lowered damage from 18 to 15
* Lowered attackspeed from 18% to 15%
* Added 5 spell haste
* TODO: Ensure all upgrades have some Spell Haste
* Added 8 spell haste
* Lowered mana from 1000 to 800
* Increased Spell Power from 15 to 20
* Added unique marker to aura (because it is!)
* Lowered Strength from 12 to 6
* Lowered hp/s from 3 to 2.5
* Lowered Strength from 36 to 20
* Lowered hp/s from 5 to 4
* Increased bonus damage from max-health from 1.25% to 1.5%
* Simplified bonus damage triggers, and ensure that bonus damage is detectable
- Bonus is added when item-picked up, refreshes by dropping it and re-adding it
* Removed unique marker
* Lowered base-damage from 50 to 35
* increased attack-speed from 30% to 35%
* Lowered damage/stack from 5 to 4
* Made "stacks" show as charges on item (also this is how it now keeps track of bonus!)
* Added +1% Critial Hit Damage per stack
* Lowered Strength from 10 to 5
* Changed regeneration from +50% to 2 Mana/second
* Changed damage of effect from 100% of Strength to 50% of Damage
* Lowered total cost from 1800 to 1500 (recipe from 1100g to 800g)
* Increased Recipe cost of items building from this to keep their cost same
* Added 12 Spell Haste
* Lowered damage from 60 to 50
* Increased health from 300 to 350
* Added 20 Spell Haste
* Lowered base-damage of flames from 100 to 50
* Increased Spell Power scaling from 80% to 100%
* Added 10 Spell Haste
* Marked aura as unique
* Lowered health from 350 to 300
* Marked aura as unique
* Lowered health/mana from 1000 to 750
* Marked aura as unique
* Added "If you have at least 180 Spell Power, also give 30 Spell Haste"
* Increased armor from 2 to 12
* Lowered block-amount from 20 to 18
* Lowered block from 75% of armor to 25% of armor
* Lowered damage reflected from 200% of total armor to 50% of total armor
* Lowered intelligence from 12 to 7
* Changed mana regeneration from +48% to 2 mana/second
* Lowered Intelligence from 36 to 24
* Changed mana regeneration from +48% to 3 mana/second
* Lowered agility from 35 to 20
* Increased damage per bonus agility from 1 to 1.5
* Added 12 Spell Haste
* Bonus from on-hit also triggered
* Increased bonus attack speed from 25% to 33%
* Lowered movement speed from 40% to 33%
* Use dummy that faces source
* Added 15 Spell Haste
* Lowered agility from 8 to 5
* Changed mana-regenerationf rom +50% to 2 mana/second
* Lowered critical hit chance from 7% to 5%
* Lowered Chain lightning damage from 150 to 100
* Lowered total cost from 2700 to 2500 (recipe from 1000 to 800g)
* Lowered Chain lightning damage from 400 to 250
* Lowered agility from 20 to 15
* Lowered damage from 40 to 30
* Changed mana-regenerationf rom +75% to 3 mana/second
* Lowered Critical Hit Chance from 15% to 12%
* Increased Critical Hit Damage from 20% to 24%
* Lowered total cost from 6200 to 6000 (due to chance to THUNDER_CLAWS)
* Converted as is

== IN [T] 2021-08-28 12:25 - Triggers, Items, Units, Abilities, Map - OUT: 18:05 ==
* Triggers - Writing constants for items
* from Frozen Skull of Nova to Wand of Blasting (all artifact items!)
* Items - Added "ZZ_" prefix to unused artifacts
* Units - All heroes
* Lowered all base damage by 20
* Lowered all starting attributes by 3
* Lowered all attribute per level by another 0.5
* Increased base hp from 100 to 180
* Increased base mana from 0 to 100
* Increased base-mana-regeneration from 0.01 to 0.5
* Triggers - Master Chief - Fire bullet weapon
* Removed Level and AoE checks - Seems to not be needed any more and also doesn't fire the trigger as it was setup
* Items/Triggers - Mana Poach and Regenerating Branch
* Increased regeneration from 0.6 to 1 per second
* Items - Added all colored stats to "ZZ_CopyMeItem"
* GamePlay Constants
* Increased damage from primary stat from 1 to 1.5
* Lowered hp/strength from 25 to 20
* Lowered attack-speed from agility from 2% to 1%
* Lowered regeneration from str/int from 0.05 per second to 0.03
* Lowered exp range from 4000 to 3500
* Game Interface
* Adjusted text to reflect this change
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Adjusted get attack speed/damage to reflect this change
* Added function to quick and easy get a dummy facing parameter unit (GetRecycledDummyFacingUnit)
* Items/Triggers/Abilities - Started adjusting artifacts and moving to bonus system
* Increased damage from 4 to 8
* Increased damage from 9 to 20
* Amulet of Fire
* Lowered health from 250 to 200
* Increased armor from 9 to 40
* Lowered intelligence from 20 to 14
* Increased damage from intelligence from 75% to 150%
* Converted as is
* Lowered agility from 9 to 5
* Damage lowered from 30 to 20
* Lowered regeneration from 3 to 2
* Lowered damage from 25 to 20
* Lowered hp reg from 2 to 1.5
* Lowered damage from 25 to 12
* Added 10 Spell Haste
* lowered primary target cleaving damage from 80 to 30
* Lowered side targets cleaving damage from 60 + 20% pre-modified-danage to 30 + 30%
* Lowered bonus damage from 50 to 40
* Lowered crit chance from 15 to 12
* Converted as is
* Increased mana per hp payed from 1.5 to 1.75
* Lowered health from 250 to 200
* Moved set initial charges into main-pick-up-trigger
* Lowered agility from 12 to 6
* Lowered attack speed from 20% to 18%
* Lowered damage from 20 to 18
* increased on-hit attack-speed from 20% to 25%
* Bonus from on-hit also triggered
* Use dummy that faces source

== IN [T] 2021-08-27 19:53 - Triggers - OUT: 21:12 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added functions to get total and bonus attack speed
- only via agility and AS added via bonus system, because attack speed is impossible to get in any other way!
* Added function get total and bonus damage
- only combines base-damage, count dice, bonus added via bonus system and (if hero) total primary attribute
* Added function to get total primary attribute
* Added function to get bonus-type of primary attribute
* Triggers - Debug function
* Print total primary attribute value
* Added to remove debug-functions function
* Triggers - Writing constants for items

== IN [T] 2021-08-27 15:51 - Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 18:46 ==
* Triggers/Items/Abilities - Added to bonus system instead of item-abilities. Hardcode item texts
- Reason for this is to be able to
- track bonus damage, attack speed, health, mana, regen
- give bonus movement speed to effects (literally impossible atm)
* Axe of Attack - lowered damage from 10 to 4
* Sword of Attack - lowered damage from 20 to 9
* Leather Pants - Increased armor from 2 to 8 (effectiveness was 10 before amror charnge)
* Scale Armor - Increased armor from 4 to 20 (effectiveness same)
* Strange Amulet - Added to system
* Slightly Magical Wand - Added to system
* Boots of speed - Updated tooltip, added to system
* Dagger - Lowered attack speed from 12% to 10% (same as 5 agility)
* Shiv of Critical Stabbing - Added to system
* Gem of Health - Lowered bonus health from 150 to 125 (same as 6 str)
* Gem of Mana - Lowered bonus from 150 to 125 (Same as 8.33 int)
* Regenerating Branch - Lowered hp regen from 2/second to 3 per 5 seconds (same as 12 str)
* Mana Poach - Changed from +25% mana regeneration to 3 mana per 5 second mana regeneration (same as 12 intelligence)
* Stat items - Lowered from 5 to 3, from 15 to 10, from 3 to all stats to 2 to all stats
* Triggers - Added Spell Haste to Bonus System
- Spell Haste is % more casts. 100 Spell Haste reduces cooldowns by 50%
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank V2 Rockets
* Print Cooldown (with cooldown reduction) on ability
- Seems to work well :)
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank Tusk Missiles
* Cooldown between tuskmissiles is now cooldown on ability, instead of 5.05 seconds (defaults to 5.00 seconds)
* Prints Cooldown (with cooldown reduction) on ability
* Triggers - Tassadar Psionic Storm
* Recoded ability to be MUI
- Removed unused variables
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank - Parabombs
* Print Cooldown (with cooldown reduction) on ability
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank - Motherland
* Extracted calculations of healing to seperate trigger
* Updating ability-text (with with cooldown reduction) on ability
- TODO: Verify this ability

== IN [T] 2021-08-26 17:36 - Triggers - OUT: 18:14 ==
* Triggers - Debug-action ChatSetItemTooltip
* "-set tooltip X" Sets tooltip of item in position 1 to X
* Added to remove-debug-triggers
* Triggers - Debug-action ChatGetItemTooltip
* "-tooltip" get tooltip of item in position 1
* Added to remove-debug-triggers
* Triggers - Debug-action ChatAddItemTooltip
* "-add tooltip X" adds "spell-power-colored" X to tooltip of item in position 1
* Added to remove-debug-triggers
- Seems to work to have dynamic tooltips of items!

== IN [T] 2021-08-25 18:53 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 21:27 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Functions to get Bonus Str/Agi/Int
* Triggers/Abilities - Master Chief - Drop Medkit
* Adjusted base-healing from {50, 75, 100, 125, 150} to {60, 80, 100, 120, 140}
* Adjusted scaling from {90, 105, 120, 135, 150}% total intelligence to {100, 150, 200, 250, 300}% bonus intelligence.
* Adjusted percent hp healing from {4, 6, 8, 10, 12}% max hp to {10.0, 12.5, 15.0, 17.5, 20.0}% missing hp
* Added scaling to % missing hp, 1% per {40, 35, 30, 25, 20} Spell Power
* Fixed updating ability-text
* Abilities - Attribute Bonus
* Lowered stats from 4/rank to 2/rank
* Lowered total ranks from 12 to 10
* Triggers - SpellPowerPrint
* Updated to use new ways of getting Spell Power
* Triggers/Abilities - Master Chief - Vehicle Drop
* Lowered base hp from {800, 1200, 1600} to {500, 750, 1000}
* Lowered base danage from {25, 175, 250} to {15, 100, 150}
* Triggers/Abilities - Mammoth Tank - V2Rockets
* Lowered base damage from {180, 290, 400, 510, 620} to {100, 125, 150, 175, 200}
* Lowered mana-cost from 80 to 75
* Triggers/Abilities - Mammoth Tank - Tusk Missiles
* Lowered base damage from {120, 150, 180, 210, 240} to {80, 100, 120, 140, 160}
* Triggers/Abilities - Mammoth Tank - Parabombs
* Lowered base damage from {200, 400, 600} to {150, 225, 300}
* Triggers/Abilities - Tassadar - Psionic Assault
* Lowered base damage from 80 to 45
* Lowered manacost per additional bolt from {8, 11, 14, 17, 20} to {8, 10, 12, 14, 16}
* Triggers/Abilities - Tassadar - Psionic Storm
* Lowered base damage from {42, 50, 58, 66, 74} to {30, 35, 40, 45, 50}
* Triggers/Abilities - Tassadar - Void Rift
* Lowered base damage from {100, 150, 200} to {75, 100, 125}
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Charge
* Lowered base damage from {190, 220, 250, 280, 310} to {90, 110, 130, 150, 170}
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Slash
* Lowered base damage from {180, 210, 240, 270, 300} to {80, 100, 120, 140, 160}
* Lowered base healing from {24, 30, 36, 42, 48} to {20, 25, 30, 35, 40}
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Reinforcements Charge
* Lowered base damage from {150, 225, 300} to {120, 160, 200}
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added Bonus2Color. Takes bonus (int) returns color-code (string)
* Triggers - Item Definition
* Starting setup item-IDs in a global-constant trigger
- Finished all "Permanent" items (basic items)

== IN [T] 2021-08-23 19:28 - Triggers, Abilities, Items - OUT: 20:57 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Darth Vader - Force Push
* Lowered base damage from {150, 175, 210, 255, 310} to {90, 120, 150, 180, 210}
* Abilities/Triggers - Darth Vader - Force Lightning
* Lowered base damage from {200, 270, 340, 410, 480} to {115, 150, 185, 220, 255}
* Abilities/Triggers - Darth Vader - Force Choke
* Lowered base damage from {175, 250, 325} to {120, 160, 200}
* Lowered base healing from {150, 250, 350} to {120, 160, 200}
* Abilities/Triggers - Samus - Charge Beam
* Lowered base damage of charges from {22, 25, 28, 31, 34} to {10, 13, 16, 19, 22}
* Lowered base damage of attack from {60, 70, 80, 90, 100} to {50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
* Added that you need at least 5 charge to fire (else this has op damage for mana-cost!)
- Probably need to touch this later with additional fixes
* Abilities - Samus - Overcharge
* Lowered damage from {1000, 2000, 3500} to {500, 750, 1000}
- Probably should trigger this at some point
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Morphball/Place Bomb
* Lowered bomb base damage from {200, 270, 360, 470, 600} to {100, 130, 160, 190, 220}
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus - Missile
* Lowered base damage from {190, 235, 285, 340, 400} to {120, 140, 160, 180, 200}
* Triggers/Abilities - Master Chief - Plasma Grenade
* Lowered base damage from {180, 260, 340, 420, 500} to {90, 110, 130, 150, 170}
* Triggers/Abilities/Items - Master Chief - Medkit
* Lowered base healing from {75, 150, 225, 300, 400} to {50, 75, 100, 125, 150}
* Adjusted mana-cost from {25, 40, 55, 75, 95} to {40, 45, 50, 55, 60}
* Charged from item-ability to fully triggered with dummy
* Added intelligence-scaling of {90, 105, 120, 135, 150}%
* Added 4 minutes expire time
* Removed old, unused items and abilities (kept 1)
* Increased scale from 1.5 to 1.7
- TODO: Add updating ability-text and test

== IN [T] 2021-08-22 16:07 - Triggers, Map, Units, Abilities - OUT: 19:49 ==
* Triggers - Crit System
* initialize new units with 0% crit chance, 2.0 in crit damage
* Triggers - Items
* Added 10 damage via bonus-system to Axe of Attack
* Gameplay Constants
* Armor Damage Reduction Multiplier - Lowered from 5% to 1%
- meaning each point increases effective hp by 1%
* Hero Abilities - Level Skip (default) reset from 3 to 2
* Inventory - Give Item Range increased from 350 to 500
* Attack Speed per Agility Point - Reset from 1% to 2%
* Armor per Agility Point - Lowered from 1 per 10 agillity to 0
* Armor before agility bonus - Set to 0 from -2
* HP Regen bonus per Strength - Reset from 0.01 to 0.05
* HP per Strength - Reset from 15 to 25
* Mana per Intelligence - Reset from 10 to 15
* Mana Regen per Intelligence - Reset from 0.02 to 0.05
* Hero armor type
* Increased damage taken from magic, piercing, siege from 50% to 100%
* Game Interface
* Specified that agility increases attack speed by 2% for each point (instead of no number)
* Changed "Every X points increases armor by 1" to "Every 10 points increase Critical Hit Chance by 1%"
* Added colors and clearification of all stats
* Removed description of damage-types, added description on how armor works
* Units - Samus
* Lowered base damage from 100 + 2D100 to 50 + 1D10
* Lowered Agillity/Lvl from 7.2 to 3.2
* Lowered Intelligence/Lvl from 4.4 to 2.2
* Lowered Strength/Lvl from 3.5 to 1.8
* Lowered Starting
* Agility from 29 to 22
* Intelligence from 24 to 18
* Strength from 23 to 17
* Increased base-armor from 0 to 18
* Morphball: Increase base-armor from 5 to 40
* Lowered base hp regen from 0.8 to 0.5
* Lowered base mana regen from 0.5 to 0.01
* Units - Lothar
* "Buffed" Animation-damage point from 0.433 to 0.350
* Lowered base damage from 150 + 2D40 to 60 + 1D10
* Increase basic-attack-cooldown from 1.7 to 2.0
* Increased base-armor from 0 to 30
* Lowered per level
* Strength from 7.5 to 3.1
* Agility from 4.15 to 1.9
* Intelligence from 4 to 2.1
* Lowered Starting
* Strength from 30 to 22
* Agility from 27 to 17
* Intelligence from 26 to 19
* Lowered base hp regen from 1.0 to 0.5
* Lowered base mana regen from 0.5 to 0.01
* Units - Tassadar
* Lowered base-damage from 184+2D24 to 70+1D10
* Increased base-armor from 0 to 15
* Lowered per level
* Strength from 3.65 to 1.75
* Agility from 2.65 to 1.55
* Intelligence from 7.95 to 3.7
* Lowered Starting
* Strength from 26 to 18
* Agility from 26 to 15
* Intelligence from 30 to 24
* Lowered base hp regen from 0.75 to 0.5
* Lowered base mana regen from 0.5 to 0.01
* Units - Khadgar
* Lowered base-damage from 100+2D100 to 70+1D10
* Increased base-armor from 0 to 17
* Lowered per level
* Strength from 3.25 to 2.0
* Agility from 3.65 to 1.9
* Intelligence from 7.75 to 3.2
* Lowered Starting
* Strength from 25 to 20
* Agility from 20 to 16
* Intelligence from 35 to 22
* Lowered base hp regen from 0.75 to 0.5
* Lowered base mana regen from 0.5 to 0.01
* Units - Darth Vader
* Lowered base-damage from 180+2D50 to 60+1D10
* Increased attack-cooldown from 1.77 to 1.9
* Increased base-armor from 2 to 32
* Lowered per level
* Strength from 7.6 to 3.05
* Agility from 3.25 to 1.85
* Intelligence from 4.6 to 2.2
* Lowered Starting
* Strength from 29 to 22
* Agility from 25 to 18
* Intelligence from 22 to 20
* Lowered base hp regen from 0.75 to 0.5
* Lowered base mana regen from 0.5 to 0.01
* Units - MammothTank
* Lowered base-damage from 85+2D24 to 45+1D10
* Increased attack-cooldown from 2.1 to 2.3
* Increased base-armor from 1 to 25
* Lowered per level
* Strength from 7.85 to 3.5
* Agility from 2.35 to 1.5
* Intelligence from 3.75 to 2.0
* Lowered Starting
* Strength from 35 to 24
* Agility from 17 to 16
* Intelligence from 23 to 20
* Lowered base hp regen from 1.5 to 0.5
* Lowered base mana regen from 0.5 to 0.01
* Units - Master Chief
* Changed Primary Attribute from Intelligence to Agility
* Increased base-armor from 0 to 20
* Lowered per level
* Strength from 4.5 to 2.2
* Agility from 3.5 to 2.8
* Intelligence from 7.5 to 2.2
* Lowered Starting
* Strength from 20 to 18
* Agility from 25 to 22
* Intelligence from 25 to 22
* Lowered base hp regen from 0.8 to 0.5
* Lowered base mana regen from 0.5 to 0.01
* Assault Rifle Lowered base-damage from 80+1D30 to 45+1D10
* Magnum
* Lowered base-damage from 110+1D60 to 60+1D10
* Lowered attack-cooldown from 1.4 to 1.7
* Lowered base-damage from 62+2D12 to 45+1D10
- Note that it still only deals 50% of this damage
* Shotgun
* Lowered base-damage from 125+1D80 to 70+1D10
- Note: Still fires 7 bullets, each dealing 33% of this damage (for a total of 231% damage!)
* Sniper Lowered base-damage from 200+5D60 to 120+1D50
* Rocket Launcer
* Lowered base-damage from 100+5D60 to 120+1D40
* Lowered minimum attack range from 175 to 150
* Increased damage-factor-small from 0.25 to 0.33
* Increased AoE Radius
* Full from 50 to 60
* Medium from 100 to 120
- Small kept at 180
Units - Skeleton Warrior
* Lowered hp from 215 to 145
* Increased armor from 3 to 35
* Lowered damage from 8+2D2 to 8+1D4
Units - Zombie
* Lowered hp from 425 to 280
* Increased armor from 3 to 8
* Units - Skeleton Mage
* Lowered hp from 235 to 170
* Increased armor from 0 to 15
* Units - Skeleton Orc
* Lowered hp from 1000 to 500
* Increased armor from 5 to 40
* Lowered damage from 20+2D8 to 19+1D6
* Units - Skeleton Marksman
* Lowered hp from 760 to 400
* Increased armor from 0 to 15
* Lowered damage from 20+1D10 to 19+1D6
* Units - Banshee
* Lowered hp from 600 to 380
* Increased armor from 0 to 12
* Lowered damage from 24+1D6 to 15+1D5
* Units - Ghoul
* Lowered hp from 435 to 350
* Increased armor from 5 to 30
* Lowered damage from 9+1D11 to 9+1D5
* Units - Spiked Zombie
* Lowered hp from 1300 to 700
* Increased armor from 12 to 70
* Lowered damage from 22+2D12 to 19+1D11
* Units - Evil Zombie
* Lowered hp from 2400 to 1500
* Increased armor from 10 to 60
* Lowered damage from 111+3D4 to 69+1D11
* Units/Triggers - Ghost
* Lowered hp from 1050 to 600
* Increased armor from 6 to 40
* Lowered damage from 175 to 100
* Units/Triggers - Dracula [Level 10 boss]
* Lowered hp from 4000 + 4000 per player to 2500+2000 per player
* Lowered base hp Regain from -1 to -4
- should result in around 1 hp/s regeneration
* Increased armor from 8 to 60
* Lowered damage from 190+2D12 to 80+1D10
* Lowered skulls damage from 225 to 100
* Slash damage (from change and when units are near) lowered from 150 to 100
* Abilities/Triggers - Blizzard
* Lowered base-damage from {48, 56, 64, 72, 80} to {24, 30, 36, 42, 48}
* Abilities/Triggers - Fireball
* Lowered base-damage from {80, 105, 135, 170, 210} to {60, 80, 100, 120, 140}
* Lowered mana from {70, 75, 80, 90, 100} to {60, 65, 70, 75, 80}
* Abilities/Triggers - Flame Shield
* Lowered base-damage from {100, 150, 200, 250, 300} to {60, 75, 90, 115, 130}
* Lowered mana-cost from {60, 75, 90, 105, 120} to {60, 65, 70, 75, 80}
* Abilities - Amplify Magic
* Lowered mana cost from {60, 110, 160} to {60, 80, 100}
* Increased cooldown from {40, 35, 30} to {60, 50, 40}
- TODO: Adjust all hero abilities, items, and waves 20-40

== IN [T] 2021-08-21 22:56 - Triggers - OUT: 23:47 ==
* Triggers - Use GetSpellPower-function to get spell power
* For all items
* For all heroes
- This should make spell power-getting fixed (unit-index instead of player-indexed)
- Hopefully have not missed anything xD

== IN [T] 2021-08-21 15:06 - Triggers - OUT: 17:03 ==
* Triggers - Debug Index
* Added function to print current "custom value" for selected unit(s)
* Triggers - MammothTank - Tusk Missiles
* Clear target after fire (so it re-targets next time)
* Triggers - Critical Hit, Spell Power, AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Now unit indexed instead of player indexed
- Should be totally broken atm...
* Added helpers for getting and setting Crit and Spell Power
- TODO, adjust all occurances to use new functions...
* Triggers - Added Crit, Spell Power, Cooldown Reduction to NewBonus system
- One API for adding any bonus :)

== IN [T] 2021-08-20 15:37 - Map, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 17:31 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.96 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Triggers - DamageEngine by Bribe
* Updated from to
- This fixes several bugs related to armor penetration, this is the main reasion for this update!
- This enables items with armor penetration (ignoreing a flat amount or % of armor), and enemies with higher amounts of armor
* Triggers - Imported: Table by Bribe
* Added credits
- Required by several other systems
* Triggers - Imported: Cooldown Reduction by chopinski
* Added credits
* Triggers/Abilities - Imported: New Bonus by chopinski
* Added credits
* Setup abilities (Z001 -> Z00E)
- Enables bonuses similar to recent items, but easier and quicker to use
* Triggers - Credits
* Added a new, seperate, quest for systems/triggers
* Triggers - Critical Hit
* Setup Critical Hit defintion (Similar to Spell Power definition)
- TODO: Finish it

== IN [T] 2021-08-18 19:37 - Abilities, Units - OUT: 20:04 ==
* Abilities - Reset several unused abilities to default
* Abilities - Runes (Ogre Magi)
* Lowered duration from 45 seconds to 18 seconds
* Abilities - Runes (both Ogre Magi and Cho'gall)
* Lowered expolde range from 140 to 80
* Units - Evil Zombie
* Increased movement speed from 115 to 130
* Units - Spiked Zombie
* Increased movement speed from 120 to 140
* Units - Zombie
* Increased movement speed from 150 to 170
* Abilities - Raise Dead (Necrolyte)
* Lowered cast range from 800 to 600
* Abilities - Reincarnation
* Moved button icon from default to (0, -11)
- This should make it possible to NOT have it in a spell book. Need to test

== IN [T] 2021-08-17 17:16 - Triggers, Abilities, Items, Regions - OUT: 20:04 ==
* Triggers - Master Chief weapons
* Added checks for attack-type and damage-type
* Moved Magnum Fire into weapon-on-hit trigger
- Making sound only play when attack is fired, instead of slightly before it, when it is still possible to cancel it
* Added check for "level". Fixes some wierd bugs with close-range shotgun.
* Abilities - Master Chief Rocket Launcher Dummy
* Changed icon to Rocket Launcher
* Items - Swift Blade of Quickening
* Fixed attack speed, missing % sign
* Items/Triggers - Gnarly Stinger of Acute Toxicity
* Fixed attack speed, missing % sign
* Increased poison from 20% to 33%
* Increased price from 4200g to 4400g (recipe from 1600g to 1800g)
* Items - Endless Elixir
* Fixed item text on recipe to say correct missing % restore
* Items/Abilities/Triggers - Arcane Staff of Energy
* Increased mana from 300 to 350
* Increased gold cost from 3750 to 4000 (Recipe from 2550 to 2800)
* Regions - Made "MedivhDungeonPart" slightly smaller on the bottom side
- Should prevent teleports to inside the castle at the later points of the fight
* Items/Triggers - Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
* Moved effect to jass
* Can not gain "Stacks" for 0.5 seconds after effect fires
* Allow AoE attacks to stack for each unit hit

== IN [T] 2021-08-16 19:15 - Triggers, Items, Abilities, Units - OUT: 20:00 ==
* Triggers/Items/Abilities - Swift Blade of Quickening
* Lowered damage on item from 30 to 25
* Increased damage per charge from 2 to 3
* Added 5% crit chance
* Combines from: Magical Dagger (1200g) + Dagger (400g) + Shiv of Critical Stabbing (300g) + Recipe (2300g) = 4200g
* Created Recipe
* Added combine trigger
* Added to shop
* Item - Extra Life
* Added a note saying that it does not take up inventory space
* Units - Spiked Zombie [Tier 2]
* Increased base damage from 16 to 21
* Units - Zombie [Tier 1]
* Increased base damage from 12 to 15
* Increased attack cooldown from 2.7 to 3.0
* Units - Ghoul [Tier 2]
* Increased hp from 425 to 435
* Increased armor from 4 to 5
* Lowered collision size from 31 to 28
* Units - Warmongerer [Tier 3]
* Increased hp from 2050 to 2250
* Increased armor from 18 to 20
* Units - Orc Warrior [Tier 4]
* Increased hp from 2800 to 3000
* Increased armor from 12 to 15
* Units - Spearman [Tier 4]
* Increased base damage from 65 to 75
* Increased armor from 4 to 7
* Units - Forest Troll Priest [Tier 3]
* Increased base damage from 24 to 48
* Units - Raider [Tier 3]
* Increased hp from 1350 to 1650
* Increased armor from 5 to 9

== IN [T] 2021-08-15 22:55 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 22:59 ==
* Triggers/Items - Swift Blade of Quickening
* Enable everything on pick-up
* Added damage and attack-speed abilities to item
* TODO: Recipe, make item text reference stuff, etc. Effect seem to work :)

== IN [T] 2021-08-15 18:49 - Import, Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 19:48 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits to:
* BTNCharge by Novart
* Item/Abilities/Triggers - New Item: Swift Blade of Quickening
--- Text ---
• 30 Damage
• 25% Attack Speed
• UNIQUE: On-attack-hit: Gain 1 Charge that lasts for 10 seconds (0.2 seconds cooldown on gaining charges). Each charge gives 4% Attack Speed and 2 Damage.
* Setup most of on-attack-hit effect
* Item/Triggers - Gnarly Stinger of Acute Toxicity
* Increased poison damage from 18% of damage to 20%

== IN [T] 2021-08-15 14:12 - Import, Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 17:31 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits to:
* BTNMoongladeArmor by PrinceYaser
* Items/Abilities/Triggers - Reactive Armor of Arcane Repulsion
--- Text ---
Hitting this make it hit you. That's how reactions work.
• 500 Health
• 10 Armor
• 20 Spell Power
• UNIQUE: Gain 1 Charge per attack, 6 per mana-costing-ability cast and 1 per hit taken up to 100. When above 50 charges and at least 7 enemy units (or 1 hero) are within 225 units, release all charges causing all nearby enemies to be knocked away 300-500 units, taking 200-300% of Spell Power damage, more powerful the more charges are released.
* Combines from: Heavy Plate Armor (1400g) + Amulet of Fire (850g) + Recipe (2100g) = 4350g
* Added recipe
* Added combine triggers
* Added spell power
* Triggered "Fire" effect
* Triggered Charge up from casting spells
* Triggered Charge up from attacks dealt
* Triggered Charge up from attacks taken
* Added to shop
* Item/Abilities - Inconveniently Heavy Shield
* Lowered hp from 800 to 700
* Triggers - Amulet of Fire, Pauldrons of Radiant Heat, DragonStafOfFlames, LifeStaff
* Fixed bug when multiple heroes wielded the same item-type, causing effect to only work for first.
* Items/Triggers - Spiked Plate of Vengeance
* Fixed text color
* Increased block amount from 60% of armor to 75% of armor
* Slight rephraseing
* Items/Triggers - Changed potions yet again
* Healing and Mana, lowered missing amount from 25% to 22%
* Infinite Vial, increased missing amount from 18% to 20%
* Items/Abilities - Stone Skin Potion
* Increased time from 15 minutes to 18 minutes
* Items/Triggers - Goblet of Fire
* Lowered Spell Power from 70 to 60

== IN [T] 2021-08-14 12:23 - Items, Abilities, Triggers, Buffs, Units - OUT: 16:14 ==
* Item/Abilities/Triggers/Buffs/Units - Gnarly Stinger of Acute Toxicity, renamed from: Poison Weapon
--- Text
Poking may cause death. Consult a doctor before use!
• 20 Damage
• 40% Attack Speed
• 8% Critical Hit Chance
• UNIQUE: on-critical-hit: Poision target, dealing 18% of total damage dealt over 6 seconds.

Multiple instances of posion can be applied to a target, all dealing full damage.
* Combines from: Magical Dagger (1200g) + Critical Slicer (1000g) + Dagger (400g) + Recipe (1600g) = 4200g
* Made Recipe
* Added combine trigger
* Added critical hit
* Triggered effect
* Added to shop
* Item - Critical Slicer, renamed from: Critial Slicer
- All recipes seem to have correct spelling already
* Units - Advanced Recipes - Weapon Smith, renamed from: Advanced Recipes - Blacksmith
- There are currently too many offensive items, splitting it up from one to 2 shops
* Units - New Shop: Advanced Recipes - Armor Smith
- Moved all "defensive" options here
* Items/Triggers - Critical Death Mask
* Lowered critical damage bonus from 50% to 40%
* Lowered combine cost from 1200 to 1000 (total cost from 4700 to 4500)
* Now sells for correct gold amount
* Items/Triggers - Death Dirk of Blood
* Added a 0.5 seconds cooldown
* Items/Triggers - Bloodtooth
* Heal now use AbilityFrameworkFunctions#RestoreHpWithText
* Added a 0.5 seconds cooldown
* Items/Triggers - Life Staff
* Added a 0.5 seconds cooldown on heal from attacks
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* GetSpellPower - easier function to get total effective spell power for a unit
* Items/Triggers - Amulet of Fire
* Increased damage from 7 + 0.5 per level to 5 + 1 per level
* Items/Triggers - Flaming Pauldrons of Radiant Heat
* Increased damage from 10 + 1 per level to 12 + 1.6 per level
* Items/Triggers - Dragon Staff of Flames
* Increased damage from 10 + 1 per level + 20% spell power to 2 per level + 25% spell power
* Increased firebolt damage from 25 to 35
* If firebolt is fired by a hero, add 60% of their spell power to firebolt damage.

== IN [T] 2021-08-13 16:33 - Triggers, Units, Abilities, Items, Buffs - OUT: 18:56 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Master Chief SMG
* Fixed a lie in tooltip (didn't update the spread from last change)
* Increased damage from 40% of regular damage to 50%
* Triggers - Item Pickup/lost
* Now only updates spell power and crit if not a building (I.E. putting items in Rune Stone can no longer give bonuses)
* Abilities/Units - Master Chief Sniper
* Added an ability with a short description of weapon.
* Increased attack-speed from 2.8 to 3.0 seconds
* Abilities/Units - Master Chief Rocket Launcher
* Added an ability with a short description of weapon.
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added OverTimeUnitAction - takes unit target, unit source, UnitAction f, real tickRate, real duration
* Items/Triggers - ThunderClaws
* Added a 1 second cooldown
* Items/Triggers - Thunder Death Blade
* Added a 1 second cooldown
* Lowered damage from 450 to 400
* Lowered total cost from 6500 to 6200 (Recipe cost from 1300 to 1000)
* Items/Triggers/Abilities/Buffs - Maul of Forceful Impact
* Increased "bash" chance from 15% to 18%
* Cooldown changed from hero-cooldown to target-cooldown.
- I.E. Target cannot be "bashed" again for X seconds, instead of hero cannot bash again for X second.
* Stun is now "Half vs Heroes"
* Changed duration from 1.0 (units and heroes) to 1.5 (0.75 vs heroes)
* Increased bash cooldown from 5 seconds to 6
* Now stun using AbilityFrameworkFunctions#StunTarget instead of its own ability
* Items/Triggers/Abilities/Buffs - Maul of Tremendous Impact
* Increased "bash" chance from 20% to 25%
* Cooldown changed from hero-cooldown to target-cooldown.
* Stun is now "Half vs Heroes"
* Increased stun duration from 1.25 to 2.25 seconds
* Increased bash cooldown from 5 seconds to 6
* Now stun using AbilityFrameworkFunctions#StunTarget instead of its own ability
* Import/Triggers - Imported and added credits to:
* BTNNastyShiv by NFWar
* BTNAcidStinger by Novart
* Item - Shiv of Critical Stabbing, renamed from Dagger of Critical Stabbing
* Changed icon from Sacrifice to BTNNastyShiv
* Fixed recipes referencing this item to use correct name
* Item - New Item: Poison Weapon
* TODO: Every thing, including name

== IN [T] 2021-08-07 19:00 - Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 19:24 ==
* Units - Master Chief SMG
* Increased attack-speed again from 0.40 to 0.30 (higher than before all changes)
* Lowered spread from 30 degrees (+/-) to 25
* Triggers/Units/Abilities - Master Chief Assault Rifle
* Lowered number of dice from 2 to 1 (to control damage easier, easier math)
* Lowered sides per dice from 35 to 30
* Increased base damage from 55 to 80
* Increased attack speed from 1.0 to 0.9
* Now fires projectiles with a 4 degree spread (+/- I.E. 8 degree arc)
* Added a dummy ability so I can write something
Base attack speed is higher but the Assault Rifle is slightly inaccurate.

Attacks fire bullets in a 8 degrees arc in direction of the target that hits the first target it hits.
* Missed bullet has a 900 units range
* Deals bullets deal 100% damage

== IN [T] 2021-08-07 13:08 - Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 16:02 ==
* Triggers - Critical hit
* Moved from damage event 2 to 3 (later priority)
* Triggers/Units/Abilities - Master Chief SMG
* Fixed sound to fire when a bullet is fired (instead of when attack-animation starts)
* Added support for friendly fire (only if attacking a friendly target)
* Added ability that notes what SMG does
Base attack speed is very high, but damage is reduced and bullets are inaccurate.

Attacks fire bullets in a 30 degrees arc in direction of the target.
Each attack deals 40% of damage and and need the bullet to hit the target, but otherwise is a normal attack.
* Increased base damage from 18 to 62
* Lowered Animation DamagePoint from 0.3 to 0.15
* Increased attack-cooldown from 0.35 to 0.40
* Lowered (previously increased) range from 450 to 375
* Lowered arc size from +/- 35 degrees to 30 degrees
* Lowered damage of bullet from 0.5 to 0.4 of actual damage
* Units/Abilities - Master Chief Magnum
* Lowered dices from 2 to 1
* Lowered Dice max from 80 to 60
* Increased base damage from 50 to 110
* Increased attack-cooldown from 1.3 to 1.4
- Should be about same average damage, but lower variance
* Added an ability
* Units/Abilities/Triggers - Master Chief Shotgun
* Changed from an AoE attack to fire multiple bullets in an arc
* Increased attack-cooldown from 1.75 to 3.1
* Lowered Dice count from 4 to 1
* Increased Sides per Dice from 60 to 80
* Increased base damage from 100 to 125
* Added Shotgun dummy-ability
Base attack speed is low, range is moderate and fires many bullets in an arc towards the target

Attacks fire bullets 7 bullets in a 60 degrees arc in direction of the target.
Each bullet deals 33% of damage.
* Units/Abilities/Triggers - Master Chief Assault Rifle
* Lowered Animation DamagePoint from 0.3 to 0.2
* Units - Master Chief Rocket Launcher
* Added a "minimum attack range" of 175
* Increased attack-range from 750 to 850
* Increated AoE radius
* Full damage from 40 to 50
* Medium damage from 80 to 100
* Small damage from 160 to 180
* Increased projectile speed from 1000 to 1200
* Units - Master Chief Sniper
* Increased "Damage Spill Radius" (for line damage) from 40 to 50
* Increased Damage spill distance from 200 to 300

== IN [T] 2021-08-07 11:57 - Map, Triggers, Import, Units - OUT: 18:27 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.95 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Triggers - Item effects - Move from DamageModifierEvent 1 to 2
* Triggers - Made heal and mana use RestoreHpWithText/RestoreManaWithText
* Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
* Black Navaja
* Death Dirk of Blood
* Cup of Blood
* Golden Goblet of Gore
* Mana Refunds
* Manaflowificator
* Mage Armor
* Arcange Armor of Blasting
* Ring of Life
* Ring of Mana
* Ring of Power
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank Tusk Missiles
* Target must be alive
* Triggers - Master Chief Weapon Roulette
* Made weapons keep a list of "available weapons" and select from it (as long as its a different weapon)
* When no weapons are available, refresh it (making all weapons at current level available)
* When learning a new level, set list to only have that weapon available
* Import/Triggers - Imported and Added credits
* Bullet by Grey Knight
* Units/Triggers - Master Chief - SMG
* Now fires bullets that are highly inaccurate (+/- 35 degrees spread) that deal 50% of attack damage
* Properly handles crit and on-hit effects
* Increased attack range from 250 to 450
* Bullets travel up to 800 units at 2100 units/second
- TODO: Adjust damage values, make an ability that gives more info

== IN [T] 2021-08-06 15:15 - Triggers, Import, Items, Abilities, Buffs - OUT: 18:30 ==
* Triggers - Leaderboard
* Fixed bug when a slot was opened between two players causing lagg
* Fixed issue with hero icons. Now using the new function to determine row.
* Triggers - Repick and Random
* Now fixed for Tassadar
* Triggers - RestoreHpWithText and RestoreManaWithText
* Changed velocity, z pos, and position
- Hopefully hides less often behind health-bar
* Triggers - Supreme Dagger of Swift Stabbing
* Enabled attack-speed buff
* Fixed bugg related to the attack-speed on-hit-effect causing it not to fire
* Import - Imported and added credits for:
* Stone Shield by JesusHipster
* Triggers - Boss 4 start
* Gain 100% hp and mana
* Item/Ability/Buff/Trigger - Stone Skin Potion
* Gain 8 Armor and Block 8% of damage taken until entering shopping area again or 15 minutes.
* Triggered block
* Added to shop

== IN [T] 2021-08-05 21:43 - Import, Items, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 22:08 ==
* Import - Imported and added credits for:
* Item/Abilities/Triggers - New item: Rejuvination Potion
* Restore 15% of max + 20% of missing hp and mana
* Removed "Restoration Potion"

== IN [T] 2021-08-05 12:41 - Abilities, Units, Triggers, Map, Items, Buffs, Import - OUT: 18:39 ==
* Abilities - Curse [Banshee]
* Lowered cast-range from 700 to 300
* Lowered duration from 10/5 to 8/4
* Increased cooldown from 1 second to 6 seconds
* Abilities - Removed unused:
* Circle of Bats Carrion Swarm
* Circle of Bats Summon
* Few old item-abilities of removed items
* Units - Ghoul
* Increased hp from 410 to 425
* Increased armor from 2 to 4
* Units - Evil Zombie
* Increased movement speed from 100 to 115
* Map - New Map version: 0.94 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Triggers/Abilities/Units/Items - Extra Life
* Spell Book with Reincarnation is added to heroes on game start
* Both are is disabled, Both are "permanent"
* Added an "extra life" item that adds "Extra Life" when bought (picked up)
* Added Extra life to Multiboard
* Created an multiboard update function for extra life
* On lethal damage taken, reduce number of extra lives or else disable reincarnation (causing death)
* On extra life purchase, enable reincarnation
* Fixed special cast for Lothar and Master Chief (calling appropriate "Ankh-use" triggers)
* Triggers - Create/Update-MultiBoard
* Added a "playerToMultboardRow" function in map-base-triggers-thingie
* Use it when setup multiboard
- Should fix "one slot opened between 2 players" bug in multiboard
* Updated: Player left, Units killed, update gold
* Triggers - MarketPlace Enter
* Fixes so buffs are removed when entering marketplace and exiting Friendly Battle Arena instead of when entering a region
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added "TimedUnitAction" that calls on a function with a unit after a delay
* Triggers - Lothar
* Charge Offensive On Hit
* Simplified healing on-hit to use AbilityFrameworkFunctions#RestoreHpWithText
* Slash hit
* Simplified healing to use AbilityFrameworkFunctions#RestoreHpWithText
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank V2Rocket
* Fixed a bug where missile didn't fire from the expected distance
- Used two different angles for Sin and Cos for the offset
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank Motherland Tick
* Simplified healing to use AbilityFrameworkFunctions#RestoreHpWithText
* Fixed a bug where you lost the buff if you had max hp
* Triggers - Codeless Load/Save System
* Deleted
- something imported a long time ago but never integrated
* Items/Triggers - Mana, Healing Potion, Endless Elixir(s)
* Increased % missing restore from 20% to 25%
* Items/Triggers - Infinite Vial
* Increased % missing restore from 15% to 18%
* Import - Imported and added credits
* BTNMortarPastle by NFWar
* BTNOrchid by Hemske
* Items/Triggers - Healing Salve
* Changed from healing 400 over 45 seconds to 270 + 27% missing hp over 45 seconds
- Actually 6 + 0.6% missing hp per seconds
* Fixed triggers
* Changed Icon
* Items/Triggers - New Item: Moon Orchid
* Items that restores 270 + 27% missing mana over 45 seconds, contains 3 charges
* Added triggers
* Added to "stackable"

== IN [T] 2021-08-04 11:59 - Abilities, Triggers, Units, Items, Import - OUT: 18:36 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added a "DummyCastTargeted"
* Added a "DummyCastNoTarget"
* RestoreHpWithText & RestoreManaWithText now show fraction (the Y of XXX.Y) if less than 100
* Abilities/Triggers - Darth Vade - Force Choke
* Added a dummy ability that casts "Choked" on target (for sound and visual effect)
* Changed restore hp to use AbilityFrameworkFunctions#RestoreHpWithText
* Triggers - Dracula1 Skulls
* They now die/disappear when hitting a target
* Units - Removed unused units
* Choker Guy
* Hero Dummy
* FlameShieldMagic
* FlameShieldAmpMagic
* Cavalry (AL rank 1,2,3) (really, really old version of Lothar Ulti)
* Units/Items - Renamed
* Item Shop - Life, Mana and Magic -> Item Shop - Trinkets
* Basic Recipes - Life, Mana, Magic -> Basic Recipes - Trinkets
* Advanced Recipes - Life, Mana, Magic -> Advanced Recipes - Trinkets
* Basic Recipes - Attack, Defence -> Basic Recipes - Blacksmith
* Advanced Recipes - Attack, Defence -> Basic Recipes - Blacksmith
* Adjusting items to reflect this change (and add place for recipes if missing)
* Import/Triggers - Imported "BTNArcaneStaff" by Novart
* Added credits
* Item - Staff of Insight
* changed icon from "Staff of Teleportation" to BTNArcaneStaff
* Triggers - Dracula1 Charge
* Changed ThunderClap dummies to use DummyCastNoTarget (recycleable dummies)
* Triggers - Dracula2
* Removed Circle of Bats

== IN [T] 2021-08-03 16:45 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 17:54 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added a "StunTarget" function that takes unit, durationUnits, duration
* Triggers - Darth Vader - Force Choke
* Changed stun use new "StunTarget"
- several bosses checks if stunned, but "Choking" is a special buff that is NOT the regular "stunned". To simplify boss development, apply regular stun!
- TODO should also apply "Choking" buff

== IN [T] 2021-08-02 17:04 - Triggers, Units, Items, Abilities - OUT: 19:05 ==
* Triggers - Darth Vader - Force Push
* Changed damage-type from "Magic" (kind of basic attack) to "Spell" (like all other abilities)
* Made a local shadow of temp_real5 to store the damage so it doesn't change between units in loop
* Changed to use "Triggering unit" instead of "casting unit"
- (which doesn't change if an in-between-trigger from damage-event causes some ability to cast something)
* Made temp_point interval shorter
- This should really fix random damage missing
* Unit - Tassadar
* Adjusted shadow (made it thinner)
* Lowered Animation Cast Backswing from 2.4 to 1.0 (model has 1.33)
* Lowered Animation Cast Point from 0.3 to 0.2
* Item - Diadem of Nobility
* Fixed all-stat color
* Item - Black Navaja - Fixed spelling-error
* Item - Dark Blade of Soul Reaping - Fixed spelling-error
* Item - Arcane Armor of Blasting - Fixed color of mana
* Item/Abilities - Ring of Power
* Increased health and mana from 900 to 1000
* Increased of recipe from 1825 to 1900 (total cost from 3525 to 3600)
* Items - Minor text fixed, simplified texts etc for:
* Amulet of Fire
* Dragon Staff of Flames
* Arcane Armor of Blasting
* Items - Fixed recipe for Magi-Sword and Mage Blade
* Unit - Dracula [Level 10 Boss]
* Increased Attack cooldown from 3.0 seconds to 3.6 seconds (note that this is increased by agility!)
* Item/Triggers - Life Staff
* Increased area from 600 units to 750
* Made it use AbilityFrameworkFunctions-RestoreHpWithText

== IN [T] 2021-07-31 16:24 - Items, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 17:43 ==
* Item/Triggers - New item: Infinite Vial (healing)
* Made a copy of Infinite Vial that heals instead of restore mana
* Recipe: Same, but with healing potion instead of mana
* Triggered effect
* Added combine triggers
* Adjusted recipe to clearify this new option
* Fixed so its a healing-potion for dummy so it have correct messages if full hp
* Item/Triggers - New item: Endless Elixir (healing)
* Made new copy of Endless Elixir that heals instead of restore mana
* Recipe: Same, but with Infinite Vial (healing) instead of Infinite Vial (mana)
* Triggered effect
* Added spell power
* Added combine
* Adjusted recipe to clearify this new option
* Fixed so its a healing-potion for dummy so it have correct messages if full hp
* Item/Ability - Healing Potion
* Fixed so its a healing-potion for dummy so it have correct messages if full hp
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Fixed RestoreHp/ManaWithText functions to handle "up to max-health/mana" better and not show if at max

== IN [T] 2021-07-30 13:51 - Items, Abilities, Triggers, Import, Units - OUT: 19:26 ==
* Import - Imported and added credits for:
* BTNManaPotion by NFWar
* BTNLifePotion by PrinceYaser
* Diadem By Novart
* BTNbw2 by JollyD
* BTNMysticPotion by Novart
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added MissingHp/MissingMana functions
* Added RestoreManaWithText/RestoreHpWithText functions
* Item/Abilities/Triggers - New Item: Mana Potion
* Added new item with new icon
* text: • Instantly Restore 200 + 20% missing Mana, 30 seconds cooldown.
* Made this item stackable (removed stackable of old "Potion of Mana")
* Item/Abilities/Triggers - New Item: Healing Potion
* Added new item with new icon
* text: • Instantly Restore 200 + 20% missing hp, 30 seconds cooldown.
* Made this item stackable (removed stackable of old "Potion of Healing")
* Units - Basic - Stats
* Removed classic potions of hp and mana and greater versions
* Item - Infinite Vial
* Changed recipe to contain the new Mana Potion instead of the old Greater version
* Triggers - Start Game
* Changed healing potion to new version
* Item/Abilities/Triggers - Diadem of Nobility, renamed from Circlet of Nobility
* Renamed item
* Increased all-stats from 2 to 3 (in a new ability)
* Changed text
* Defined color for "all stats"
* Increased cost from 175 to 750
* Item/Abilities/Triggers - Infinite Vial
* Changed icon
* Changed recipe
* From: Potion of Greater Mana (80g) + Crown of Kings (900g) + Recipe (700g) = 1680
* To: Mana Potion (50g) + Diadem of Nobility (750g) + Recipe (500g) = 1300g
* Lowered all stats from 8 to 5
* Changed potion to restore 300 + 15% missing mana from 400 mana
* Item - Crown of Kings +5
* Removed!
* Item/Abilities/Triggers - Endless Elixir
* Changed icon
* Lowered all stats from 20 to 12
* Changed potion to restore 400 + 20% missing mana from 600
* Changed Recipe
* From: Infinite Vial (1680g) + Infinite Vial (1680g) + Regenerating Branch (200g) + Recipe (500g) = 4060g
* To: Infinite Vial (1300g) + Slightly Magic Wand (800g) + Recipe (2000g) = 4100g
* Added 25 Spell Power
* Removed 4 hp/s regeneration
* Added 400 Mana
* Item - Many items
* Removed space before % for several items
* Changed "Regen" to "Regeneration"

== IN [T] 2021-07-28 14:03 - Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 19:53 ==
* Triggers - Lothar - ALChangeStanceCast
* Changed timers to TimerUtils timers (I.E. recycleable)
- There is probably issues here if casting, getting stunned during the wait
* Triggers - Khadgar - Fireball
* Redid it with projectile system (without dummies!)
* Functions "exactly the same"
* Items/Triggers - Golden Goblet of Gore
* Adjusted healing per target hit from 12 + 1.25% missing hp to 10 + 1.5% missing hp
* Items - Mage Blade
* Lowered price of recipe from 800 to 600
* Increased gold value to the actual value of all items + reicpe (from 2000 to 2100)
* Items/Triggers - Ring of Power
* Increased on-wave-complete healing and manarestore from 14% missing to 20% missing
* Adjusted "Gold Cost" to be what you pay for it (from 3000g to 3525g, fairly cheap item)
* Items/Abilities - Golden Shield of Aegis
* Increased armor of aura from 5 to 8
* Lowered armor from 8 to 6
* Increased life from 250 to 300
* Items/Abilities/Triggers - Mage Armor
* Increased armor from 5 to 6
* Increased damage-reduction, hp and mana back from 10 to 15
* Items/Abilities/Triggers - Arcane Armor of Blasting
* Increased armor from 8 to 9
* Adjusted blasting from 150 + 150% of spell power + 33% of intelligence to 150% of spell power + 75% of intelligence
* Increased damage-reduction from 30 to 100
* Increased hp and mana from 30 to 33
* Items/Triggers - Mighty Skull of Insight
* Increased damage from 75% of Strength to 100% of Strength
* Items/Triggers - Frozen Skull of Nova
* Increased damage from 90% of Strength+120% of spell power to 120% of strength + 150% of spell power
* Items/Abilities - Flaming Pauldrons of Radiant Heat
* Increased health from 450 to 550
* Increased armor from 8 to 9
* Increased cost of recipe from 1400 to 1550 (total gold cost from 3850 to 4000)
* Items/Triggers/Abilities - Supreme Dagger of Swift Stabbing
* Removed bonus damage (of 35)
* Added: Unique: Gain +1 Damage per point of bonus agility.
* Items/Abilities/Triggers - Magi-Sword
* Lowered intelligence from 40 to 20
* Lowered damage from 60 to 50
* Recipe
* from: Mage Blade (2300g) + Death Dealer (2500g) + Staff of Intelligence (1500g) + recipe (1100g)=7400g
* to: Mage Blade (2100g) + Death Dealer (2500g) + Recipe (700g) = 5300g
* Changed Spell-blade effect
* From: • On-attack-hit: Deal 5% of Max Mana Spell-Damage, costing 1.5% of current mana, requiring at least 20% of max mana.
* To: • Gain 4% of max mana as damage while having at least 20% mana, but each attack costs 1.2% current mana.
* Effect is now unique
* Added Active: Toggle effect on/off
* Removed chat-commands for Magi-Sword
* Items/Abilities/Triggers - Mage Blade
* Changed Spell-blade effect
* From: • On-attack-hit: Deal 2% of Max Mana Spell-Damage, costing 1% of current mana, requiring at least 20% of max mana.
* to: • Gain 2% of max mana as damage while having at least 20% mana, but each attack costs 0.8% current mana.
* Effect is now unique
* Added Active: Toggle effect on/off
* Removed chat-commands for all spell-blade
* Removed old spell-blade trigger
* Map - New Map version: 0.93 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Wrote changelog for 0.91 -> 0.92

== IN [T] 2021-07-27 14:34 - Triggers, Abilities, Units, Terrain - OUT: 17:03 ==
* Triggers - Friendly Battle Arena
* StartBattle - Disabled exp for ALL heroes
* EndOfBattle - Enable exp for ALL heroes
* Triggers - Wave Completed
* Only run "CreateWave" if wave is less than 40 (I.E. no longer show "Starting wave 41" when victory)
* Abilities - Raise Dead (Necrolyte)
* Increased mana-cost from 50 to 100
* Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 10
* Units - Necrolyte
* Increased Mana from 300 to 360
* Units - Spawned Skeletal Orc
* Increased hp from 1800 to 2600
* Increased armor from 10 to 20
* Increased base-damage from 105 to 115
* Increased move-speed from 270 to 280
* Triggers - Khadgar - Blizzard
* Slow-unit dummy use recycleable dummy
* Triggers - Medivh Firebolt
* Lowered collision size from 50 to 32
* Terrain
* Medivh arena now has a small pillar in the center of the top area

== IN [T] 2021-07-26 13:44 - Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 16:33 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added "CountItemsOfType(unit, itemId)"
* Triggers/Items/Abilities - Maul of Tremendous Impact
* "Unique: Gain 1.25% of max hp as damage"
* Removed the normal "damage" from the item
* Triggers/Items - Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
* Removed base-damage of AoE (was 80)
* Increased mana-restore from 4 to 6
* Threshhold for insta-kill adjusted from 40% of wielders current hp to 30%
* Increased life restored from 8+1.1% missing hp to 9+1.25% missing hp
* Triggers/Items - Black Navaja
* Increased mana-restore from 2 to 3

== IN [T] 2021-07-25 15:50 - Triggers - OUT: 17:44 ==
* Triggers - Maul of Tremendous Impact
* Continued working on new item effect

== IN [T] 2021-07-24 18:15 - Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 19:35 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added a "AddAbilityIfMissingAsPermanent"
* Added a BONUS_DAMAGE_ABILITY integer for the ability-id of bonus-daamge
* Triggers - Mercurial Scimitar of Infinite Sharpness
* Use new function instead the gui
* Item/Triggers/Abilities - Maul of Tremendous Impact
* Started working on (but currently disabled) Added "Unique: Gain 1.5% of max hp as damage"

== IN [T] 2021-07-24 13:42 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 16:14 ==
* Triggers - Dagger of Supreme Swiftness
* Dummy is now recycleable
* Triggers - Arcane Armor of Blasting
* Dummy is now recycleable
* Triggers - Mage Armor
* Dummy is now recycleable
* Map - Removed "Gem of Illusions" placed in map
- its a removed item that will crash game if picked up
- Removed and replaced all items (now in "shop setup")
* Triggers - Goblet of Fire
* Dummy is now recycleable
* Triggers - Maul of Forceful Impact
* Dummy x2 is now recycleable
* Triggers - Maul of Tremendous Impact
* Dummy x2 is now recycleable
* Triggers/Abilities - Thunderclaws
* Dummy is now recycleable
* Moved dummy ability to Orc (as many other item-abilities are there)
* Triggers - Thunder Death Blade
* Dummy is now recycleable
* Moved dummy ability to Orc (as many other item-abilities are there)

== IN [T] 2021-07-23 14:49 - Triggers - OUT: 18:06 ==
* Triggers - Added "TimedCoordinateAction" in "AbilityFrameworkFunctions"
* Triggers - MammothTank Tusk Missiles
* Dummy is now recycleable dummy
* Removed need for "custom point"
* Redid the "fire"-part of the trigger, no more "wait"
* Triggers - Dagger of Swiftness
* Dummy is now recycleable

== IN [T] 2021-07-22 20:59 - Triggers, Map, Abilities - OUT: 21:10 ==
* Map - Found a "WorldEditTestMap" from a testrun 15 mins from before the crash, so set that as the "latest version"
* Triggers - Lothar - Slash
* Defensive Stance buff dummy now use recycleable dummies
* Abilities - Lothar Charge
* Added colors to abilities in learn text

== IN [T] 2021-07-22 14:41 - Triggers - OUT: 17:49 ==
* Triggers - Initialization
* Added hint about loading and saving
* Triggers - Enter town
* If wave is less than 10, display hint about saving.
* Triggers - Imported "TimedAbility" by SpellBound
* Added credits
- a tiny system to remove abilities from units after a time and recycle the dummy afterwards.
* Triggers - Lothar - Charge
* Use recycleable dummies instead of creating new units for stun and "bonus effects"
* Added ability-references to ability text for range in a few palces that were still hard-coded
* Fixed texts for currently selected stance being the "old version" of the text
* Greyed out stances not currently active
* Triggers - Lothar - Reinforcemence Charge
* Changed dummy who slows to recycleable dummies
* Fixed learn-text-update while in debug correctly updating
* Triggers - Lothar - Slash
* Defensive Stance buff dummy now use recycleable dummies
-- CRASH - Unknown if saved :/

== IN [T] 2021-07-20 17:54 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 18:24 ==
* Import/Abilitis - Imported custom (by me) icon for
* Mammoth Tank double attack
* Mammoth Tank Tusk Missiles

== IN [T] 2021-07-19 16:09 - Triggers, Units, Units - OUT: 18:33 ==
* Triggers - Dracula2
* Spinny Things
* Lowered Speed per tick from 2.5-5.0 to 1.8-3.8
* Lowered AoE from 100 to 80
* Directional Soul Beams
* Increased distance between them from 675 to 800
* Barrage
* Added hit-indiactor
* Lowered projectile-speed from [400-560] to [300-500]
* Increased
* Units - Dracula2
* Increased attack-cooldown from 3.75 to 4.50
* Lowered projectile-speed from 700 to 675
* Increased base-damage from 100 to 150
* Increased armor from 27 to 32
* Triggers - SpellPowerPrint
* Added option to write "-spellpower", as well as the previous "-spell power"
* Map - New Map version: 0.92 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Wrote changelog for 0.89 -> 0.91
* Uploaded 0.91 to hiveworkshop
* Updated map-version where needed

== IN [C] 2021-07-19 12:26 - Triggers, Sound - OUT: 15:02 ==
* Triggers - LoadingCompleted
* Fixed so that standard WC3 music isn't played during loading screen.
* Triggers - Ideas
* Removed old Ideas comment (only contained some notes on Master Chief vehicle drop).
* Triggers - Outro
* Fixed so that music volume channel is 100%. Cinematic mode apparently sets this to a lower value which was the cause for the music being a bit lower than expected.
* Made some small changes to the final text messages + added a sound for the initial message.
* Made some small changes to the dialogue, now reads:
"Thank goodness you were able to defend the castle while I was away.
I would have been homeless if you had failed...
...and that would have been TERRIBLE!
You truly are heroes! You have succeeded with The Defence of the Castle!
I am appointing you in charge of The Defence of the Castle for all foreseeable future!"

== IN [T] 2021-07-18 14:11 - Triggers, Items, Unit, Buff - OUT: 18:10 ==
* Item - Ring of Life
* Fixed reference to "Ring of Regeneration" that should be "Regenerating Branch"
* Item - Goblet of Fire
* Fixed Purchase-text, saying "TestCombineItem"
* Unit/Item/Trigger/Abilities - Gem & Orb of Illusion
* Removed item, recipies, abilities and triggers
* Item - Brooch of Insightful & Forceful Swiftness
* Now references the correct abilities in item-text
* Triggers - StartGame Load
* Now updates wave-number on game start (instead of when first wave starts)
* Triggers - Outro
* Added an initial wait of 10 seconds before outro
* Moved Fade-in, reposition units and repair road until AFTER a mini-wait
- Should fix: Outro - 2/3 teleported, standing at start of road instead of by castle?
* Add 15 seconds wait before "outro text" starts after the outro
* Increased text duration of first text from 15 seconds to 20 seconds
* Added 5 seconds between the 2 texts
* Fire "Give Resurrection Stone to players" after outro
* Triggers - Select Hero: Tassadar
* Now sets correct icon in score-board
* Triggers - Initialization
* Set Tassadar Invunerable
* Triggers - Samus Missile
* No longer explodes upon hitting invulnerable units
* Triggers - Master Chief Plasma Grenade
* No longer hits invulnerable units
* Triggers - Dracula1
* Reduced Collision Size from 50 to 25
* Unit - Translocator
* Added Locust (no longer selectable though)
* Buff - Agghhh Motherland
* Adjustest buff-text
* Triggers - BattleArena EndOfBattle
* Order stop after 1 seconds as well as after resurrection
* Triggers - Boss1Killed
* Now checks if Dracula1 OR Dracula1 (flying) is killed
* Triggers - Samus Overcharge
* Use "DestroyLastCreatedEffectLater" instead of using waits etc. to destroy effects
- Should fix bugs with attached vfx sticking on to Samus
* Item/Triggers - Mercurial Scimitar of Infinite Sharpness
* Bonus damage ability is now "permanent", removed "ItemsOnTransform" trigger
* Rephrased passive to:
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: Every-3rd-basic-attack-on-enemy: Gain |c00FF7800+5 damage|r. This stacks infinitly. This bonus resets completely when you have not attacked an enemy last 5 seconds.
* Unit - Samus
* Reduced model Scaling-value from 1.0 to 0.95

== IN [T&C] 2021-07-17 19:30 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 19:38 ==
* Item - Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
* Fixed item-text to show correct values
* Triggers - Mercurial Scimitar of Infinite Sharpness
* Requires hit on enemy
* Item/Triggers - Black Navaja
* Base healing increased from 4 to 7
* Item/Triggers - Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
* Base healing increased from 4 to 8

== IN [T] 2021-07-17 15:06 - Items, Triggers - OUT: 16:04 ==
* Item/Triggers - Cup of Blood
* Changed initial "number of charges" to 0 on item
* Triggered set charges to 100 upon combine
* Set "Gold Cost" to 900 (the total combine price, as it should be)
- This works to fix sell-price!
* Item - Boots of Occasional Lightning
* Changed initial "number of charges" to 0 on item
- This works to fix sell-price!
* Items/Triggers - Golden Goblet of Gore
* Changed initial "number of charges" to 0 on item
* Triggered set charges to 250 upon combine
* Set "Gold Cost" to 4250 (the total combine price, as it should be)
- This works to fix sell-price!
* Triggers - ManaRefuncAction
* Use a local-shadow of variables of stuff that are needed to track even as "on-item-aquired" triggers might run in-between
- On-item-aquired or item-lost might run "during" this trigger
- This fixes a bug with "Arcane Ring of Amplification"

== IN [T] 2021-07-16 13:47 - Import, Unit, Triggers, Abilities, Buffs - OUT: 19:04 ==
* Import - Reimported adjusted Tassadar that should have fixed attachment-points
* Triggers - MarkexplaceExit
* Does victory BJ when marketplace exit, instead of instant end-game
* Triggers - Imported "Dummy Recycler v1.25" by Flux
- Now possible to use this instead of creating new ones all the time, leaking 4k memory per dummy created
* Triggers/Items - Mercurial Scimitar of Infinite Sharpness
* Lowered crit chance from 12 to 10
* Added the crit to the system
* Triggers/Abilities/Buffs - Tassadar Void Rift
* Added a 50% slow

== IN [T] 2021-07-15 13:12 - Import, Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 22:52 ==
* Import - Imported and added credits for:
* BTNMagicStickWater by Novart
* BTNMercurialScimtar by Novart
* Item - Slightly Magical Wand
* Changed icon from "Scepter of the Sea" to BTNMagicStickWater
* Item - Death Dealer
* Adjusted item-text. Changed "Crit Chance" to "Critical Hit Chance"
* Abilities - Brooch of Upgraded Swiftness
* Increased attack-speed from 20% to 25% (as I had intended!)
* Trigger - Spawn hero triggers
* Added self-reference in item-hash-table in 0
* Units - Tassadar
* Increased attack-range from 375 to 425
* Triggers - All "Morphing" heroes
* Calls "ItemsOnTransform" when finished transforming, so it can set stuff depending on unit that does not carry over
* Item - New item: Mercurial Scimitar of Infinite Sharpness
--- Item text ---
A swift liquid blade that morphs itself to deal more and more damage, but it's liquidness makes it revert at some point.
• 50 Damage
• 30% Attack Speed
• 12% Critial Hit Chance
• UNIQUE: Every-3rd-basic-attack-on-enemy: Gain +5 damage until you have not attacked an enemy for 5 seconds.

This effect stack indefinitely, until you have not attacked an enemy last 5 seconds. After that this bonus damage resets completely.
* Created Recipe
* Combines from: Death Dealer (2500g) + Magical Dagger (1200g) + Recipe (900g) = 4600g
* Added combine trigger
* Triggered Effect
* Unit - Advanced Recipes - Attack, Defence
* Added Recipe for Mercurial Scimitar of Infinite Sharpness to shop
- I have been after for several hours during this period

== IN [T] 2021-07-14 20:12 - Import, Items, Triggers, Units - OUT: 21:27 ==
* Import - Imported another color of Soul Discharge by Mythic (already has credits for that effect by him)
* Item/Triggers - Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
* Adjusted item-text for the effect. Primary target of basic-attack no longer gains the damage as "bonus damage" (effected by crit), instead just takes it as AoE spell-damage (like all other enemies).
* Finished effect
* Replaced note with: This effect can cause a chain-reaction of death.
* Execute limit changed from less than 25% of max hp AND less than 50% of wielders current hp to less than 20% of max hp and less than 40% wielders current hp.
* Unit - Advanced Recipes - States - Renamed from: Advanced Stats - Recipes
* Added "Recipe for Dark Blade of Soul Reaping" to shop
* Items/Triggers - Cleaving Axe
* Lowered AoE damage from 25% of pre-modifier-damage to 20%

== IN [T] 2021-07-14 11:46 - Units, Import, Items, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 18:17 ==
* Units - Tassadar
* Renamed "The Executor" -> "Executor"
* Units - Advanced Recipes - Life, Mana, Magic
* Added Recipe for Goblet of Fire to shop
* Import - Imported and added credits for:
* BTNBlackNavaja by Novart
* BTNDarkShaft by PrinceYaser
* Items - New Item: Black Navaja
--- Item text ---
The blade is emitting an evil aura that makes people unconfortable. Possibly with good reason.
• 9 Agility
• 30 Damage
• 3 HP/s Regain
• UNIQUE: Every-4rd-basic-attack: Restore 4 + 0.9% of missing hp hp and 2 mana. Also deal 3x of total restored amount bonus damage to the primary target of the attack (minimum of +18 damage at 100% hp).

|c00888888Bonus damage to primary target is applied before critial hit modifiers.
* Combines from: Bloodtooth (1400g) + Tabi of Agility (500g) + Recipe (600g) = 2500g
* Created Recipe
* Added combine trigger
* Triggered effect
* Units - Basic Recipes - Stats
* Added Black Navaja to shop
* Item - New Item: Dark Blade of Soul Reaping
--- Item Text ---
Some people believes this sword is hungering for souls. The others (mostly the wielder) are happy that it somehow restores the energy of people (mostly the wielder). What a nice sword (if you wield it)!
• 25 Agility
• 55 Damage
• 4 HP/s Regain
• UNIQUE: Every-4rd-basic-attack: Restore 4 + 1.1% of missing hp hp and 4 mana. Also deal 80 + 4x of total restored amount bonus damage to primary target and the same amount + 30% of damage dealt to primary target to all enemies in a 200 unit radius around primary target. Any enemy hit by this effect with less than 25% of their hp and less than 50% of current hp are killed and triggers this effect again centered on them.

|c00888888Bonus damage to primary target is applied before critial hit modifiers.
* Combines from: Black Navaja (2500g) + Cleaving Axe (1400g) + Recipe (1000g) = 4900g
* Created recipe
* Added combine trigger
* outlined some of the effect
- TODO: finish effect, add to shop.

== IN [T] 2021-07-13 12:39 - Import, Items, Triggers, Abilities, Buffs - OUT: 19:48 ==
* Import - Imported and added credits for:
* "BTNAssasinsWeapon" by NFWar
* "BTNDagger" by PrinceYaser
* "BTNMagicCoins" by Novart
* "BTNBranch" by Kwah
* "BTNgobletoffire" by Novart
* Item - Critical Slicer
* Changed Icon to BTNAssasinsWeapon
* Item - Gloves of Haste renamed to Dagger
* Changed Icon to BTNDagger by PrinceYaser
* Changed flavour text
* Fixed references in recipes (only "Magical Dagger" and "Brooch of Swiftness" references this)
* Item - Sobi Mask renamed to Mana Pouch
* Changed icon to BTNMagicCoins
* Fixed item text
* Fixed references in recipes
* Mighty Skull of Insight
* Ring of Mana
* Staff of Insight
* Thunder Claws
* Item - Ring of Regeneration renamed to Regenerating Branch
* Changed icon to BTNBranch
* Fixed item text
* Fixed references in recipes
* Bloodtooth
* Maul of Forceful Impact
* Ring of Life
* Item/Trigger/Abilities - New Item: Goblet of Fire
--- Item text ---
A goblet of absinthe that is put on fire. Drink responsibly!
• 450 Health
• 250 Mana
• 70 Spell Power
• Fire Blast: Blasts enemies dealing 200 + 150% Spell Power damage within 200 units.
• UNIQUE: On-ability-damage-dealt: Fire Blast one damaged unit. This effect has 15 seconds cooldown.
• Active: Fire a targeted Fire Blast, 12 seconds cooldown.
* Combines from: Wand of Blasting (1850g) + Cup of Blood (900g) + Gem of Mana (200g) + Recipe (1300g) = 4250g
* Setup Recipe
* Added combine trigger
* Setup abilities, buffs etc. required
* Triggered effect
* Added spell power
* Item/Trigger - Golden Goblet of Gore
* changed active
--- FROM ---
• |c00CCAACCActive|r: Drains |c0096f064health equal charge of this item|r, restoring |c008064EC2.0 mana per health drained|r, increasing the charges by 10 (max 600). <A071,Cool1> seconds cooldown.
--- TO ---
• |c00CCAACCActive|r: Drains |c0096f064health equal charge of this item|r, restoring |c008064EC2.0 mana per health drained|r, increasing the charges by 10 (max 600). Also enemies within 225 unit radius takes 1 per charge of this item + |c00DF00FF75% of Spell Power|r damage and heal you for 12 + |c0050b4781.25% missing hp|r per enemy hit. <A071,Cool1> seconds cooldown.
- I.E. adding a damaging and healing effect
* Added damage, healing and additional vfx to trigger

== IN [T&C] 2021-07-12 19:21 - Triggers, Abilities, Import - OUT: 23:24 ==
* Triggers - Boss 4 Finished
* Added wait after killed
* Disabled special attacks after killed
* Calls outro after 5 seconds ("OnWaveCompleted")
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar - Reinforcemence Charge
* Changed Icon to new fancy WC2 Footman
* Model of "charging footmen" (effect) is now also WC2 footmen
* Triggers - Outro
* Did an outro
* Import - Imported "King Terenas Menethil" by Stefan.K
* Added credits

== IN [T] 2021-07-11 14:25 - Triggers - OUT: 18:32 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* CoordinateAction now also takes an angle
* Added a Directional
* Triggers - Dracula2 Special Attacks
* Removed "tracking soul-beams"
* Added "directional soul-beams"
* Fixed some special attack bugs (casting too often)
* Reduced cast interval from 12-18 to 17-25 seconds
* Teleport and directional soul-beams has "weight" 2, darkness rising and FireSpinnyProjectiles weight 1.
* Darkness Rising added another source, added some randomness in projectile intervals.

== IN [T] 2021-07-10 14:59 - Abilities, Triggers, Import - OUT: 17:33 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Updated abilities with new way of coloring stuff, new colors (where applicable), smaller rephraseings, remove "-stat" suffix
* Force Lightning
* Change Stance - removed crit colors
* Offensive Stance - ability text show total
* Defensive Stance
- Finished with this! More standardized, generally easier to ready, more relevant information, less clutter.
* Import/Triggers - Imported new Warcraft 2 footman assets
* Footman Model\Texture: Mr.Goblin, Deolrin
* WC2 Footman icon by Mr.Goblin
* Added credits
* Units - Lothar Footman
* Changed model

== IN [T] 2021-07-09 20:35 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 21:46 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Updated abilities with new way of coloring stuff, new colors (where applicable), smaller rephraseings, remove "-stat" suffix
* Tusk Missiles - ability-text show total damage
* V2 Rocket Support - ability-text show total damage
* Vehicle Drop
* Void Rift
* Weapon Roulette - Also show mana-cost and cooldowns
* Change Stance - probably needs more work...
* Aggghhh Motherland
* Amplify Magic
* Flame Shield

== IN [T] 2021-07-09 16:31 - Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 19:28 ==
* Item/Trigger - Ring of Life
* buffed "on-level-gained" restore X of missing hp from 10% to 20%
* Triggered the effect
* Item/Trigger - Ring of Mana
* Added effect "on-level-gained" restore 20% of missing mana
* Triggered the effect
* Item/Trigger - Ring of Power
* Added effect: "on-wave-completed: restore 14% of missing mana and hp.
* Triggers - Changed color of mana floating text to be consistant and be same as item-texts
* Triggers - Load
* Removed more debug prints
* Abilities/Triggers - Updated abilities with new way of coloring stuff, new colors (where applicable), smaller rephraseings, remove "-stat" suffix
* Fireball
* Force Choke
* Force Field - Also increased duration from 10 to 11 seconds
* Force Push
* Missile - ability-text show total damage
* Morph Ball - ability-text show total damage
* Overcharge - Texts also show cooldown and mana-cost
* Parabombs - ability-text show total damage
* Plasma Grenade - ability-text show total damage
* Psionic Assault
* Psionic Storm
* Reinforcements Charge
* Abilities/Triggers - Tassadar Psionic Storm
* Reduced duration from 4 seconds to 3 seconds
* Increased base damage from {36, 44, 52, 60, 68} to {42, 50, 58, 66, 74}
* Increased intelligence damage from {28, 32, 36, 40, 44}% to {36, 42, 48, 54, 60}
- Matches the sfx better
* Abilities/Triggers - Lothar Reinforcements Charge
* Increased attack-speed slow from {25, 30, 35}% to {40, 60, 80} %
* Increased move-speed slow from {50, 65, 80}% to {60, 75, 90}%

== IN [T] 2021-07-08 19:32 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 21:34 ==
* Triggers - Load/Save
* added debug-comman "-from64 X" that takes (base64 string) X and prints resulting integer
* Finished up load with base64, code is now 8 chars (A-Za-z0-9+/=) instead of 20 digits
* Item/Trigger - Ring of Life
* Added "on-level-gained" restore 10% of missing hp
- TODO: finish the trigger

== IN [T] 2021-07-07 18:42 - Triggers - OUT: 19:56 ==
* Triggers - Load/Save
* "last market total gold" is now "average per player" instead of total
* added debug-command "-to64 X" that takes (int) X to base64
* Did a lot of debuging and changes regarding base64, a lot of debug-prints still exists

== IN [T] 2021-07-06 20:03 - Triggers - OUT: 21:42 ==
* Triggers - Weather
* Both weather triggers now also turns on day-night-cycle
* Triggers - Marketplace Exit
* If wave is 10-15, set time-of-day to 24:00
- previously it was set in boss-setup trigger
* Triggers - Load/Save
* Allow any player to enter code
- Started with base64 implementation

== IN [T] 2021-07-06 16:58 - Items, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 18:17 ==
* Items - Added colors to item-effects, fixed for:
* Recipe items from Maul of Forceful Impact to Wand of Blasting
* Medkit
* Abilities - Updated abilities with new way of coloring stuff, new colors (where applicable), smaller rephraseing
* Blizzard
* Charge Beam
* Abilities/Triggers - Charge (Lothar)
* Reduced number of targets required for bonus effect from 5 to 4
* Increased radius of bonus effect from 750 to 800
* Added colors to learn text and simplified text slightly
* Added colors and simplified ability text

== IN [T] 2021-07-05 19:30 - Map, Triggers, Items, Abilities, Units - OUT: 21:31 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.91 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Triggers - Load/Save
* Fixed gold-saving to divide total gold earned by total number of heroes
* Items - Phoenix Axe
* Fixed recipe x/y position from 0,0 to 1,2
* Abilities - Mammoth Tank - Aggghhh Motherland
* Fixed ability text saying old values (learn-text was correct though)
* Triggers - Tassadar - Void Rift
* Lowered movement speed from 266 to 240
* Adjusted base damage from {90, 150, 210} to {100, 150, 200}
* Increased scaling damage from {70, 85, 100} to {75, 100, 125}
* Triggers/Unit - Dracula2 -
* Special attacks
* Fixed that only locally added to "tick" counter, instead of adding it to "timer-value"
- Should fix "infinite soul beams" bug
* Increased time between special attacks from every 9-16 to 12-18 seconds
* Increased basic-attack cooldown from 2.75 to 3.75
* Lowered projectile speed from 800 to 700
* Increased damage-base from 0 to 100

== IN [T] 2021-07-04 18:32 - Import, Items - OUT: 19:13 ==
* Import - Imported adjusted version of Khadgar:
* Fixed collision shape
* Named it so its portrait link up correctly
* Defined color for Armor
* Items - Added colors to item-effects, fixed for:
* Leather Pants
* Scale Armor
* Recipe items from Frozen Skull of Nova to Manaflowificator

== IN [T] 2021-07-04 17:26 - Items - OUT: 17:47 ==
* Defined color for Critial Hit
* Items - Added colors to item-effects, fixed for:
* Dagger of Critical Stabbing
* Gloves of Haste
* Gem of Mana
* Recipe items from Dagger of Fast Stabbing down to Flaming Pauldrons of Radiant Heat

== IN [T] 2021-07-04 16:02 - Items - OUT: 16:58 ==
* Defined color for Attack Speed, changed color for mana.
* Items - Added colors to item-effects, fixed for:
* Gem of Life
* Axe of Attack
* Sword of Attack
* Cloak of Agility
* Tabi of Agility
* Club of Strength
* Hammer of Strength
* Wizard Hat of Intelligence
* Staff of Intelligence
* Slightly Magic Wand
* Strange Amulet
* Recipe items from Amulet of Fire down to Dagger of Fast Stabbing

== IN [C] 2021-07-03 23:26 - Import, Sounds, Triggers, Units - OUT: 00:49 ==
* Sound - Added Tassadar & Psionic Storm sounds from Starcraft.

== IN [T] 2021-07-03 13:05 - Import, Units, Triggers, Item, Abilities - OUT: 19:58 ==
* Import - Imported and added credits
* adjusted version of Tassadar, with attachment-points, team-color and hero-glow (modified by Twilac)
* adjusted version of Khadgar, uv and particle adjustments (modified by Twilac)
* "BTNPhoenixAxe64" by Novart
* "Pillar of Flame" by Mythic
* "BTNMastercraftBattleaxe" by PrinceYaser
* "Ephemeral Slash" by Mythic
* Units - Tassadar - Changed to updated/fixed model
* Item - New Item: Cleaving Axe
Typically used for cleaving things.
• 25 Damage
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: Every 5th basic-attack: deals 80 additional damage to primary target, and deals 60 + 25% of damage dealt to primary target to enemies in a small area around primary target.
* Combines from Axe of Attack (400g) + Recipe (1000g) = 1400g
* Triggered combine
* Triggered effect
* Added to shop
* Item - New Item: Phoenix Axe
An axe with the power of a Phoenix! It will rise from the ashes if it dies!
• 60 Damage
• 300 Health
• 20 Spell Power
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: Every 5th basic-attack: deals 100 + 80% of Spell Power + 50% of damage dealt to primary target to enemies within 200 units radius of the primary target.
* Combines from Cleaving Axe (1400g) + Amulet of Fire (850g) + Recipe (2000g) = 4250g
* Triggered combine
* Added spell power
* Trigged effect
* Added to shop
* Abilities/Triggers - Lothar Change Stance
* Adjusted learn and ability texts
* Recolored max-hp-scaling from a red to a green
* Removed "-stat" from behind Strength to reduce clutter
* Made the number + the meaning have color, instead of just the number (I.E. "2% of Strength")
* Increased Captain bonus hp/damage from 25% to 33%
* Abilities/Triggers - Lothar Slash - Adjusted learn and ability texts
* added color to missing-hp-scaling
* Removed "-stat"-suffix to reduce clutter
* Made the number + the meaning have color
* Abilities/Triggers - Master Chief - Vehicle Drop - Adjusted learn and ability texts
* Recolored max-hp-scaling from a red to a green
* Made the number + the meaning have color, instead of just the number
* Abilities - Master Chief - Drop Medkit - Adjusted learn and ability texts
* Added max-hp-scaling color in texts
* Abilities - Mammoth Tank - Aggghhh Motherland - Adjusted learn and ability texts
* Added missing-hp color in texts

== IN [T] 2021-07-01 21:00 - Triggers - OUT: 21:43 ==
* Triggers - Dracula Second Form boss attacks
* deleted PauseTimer before ReleaseTimer, because ReleaseTimer runs it internally
* teleport away now fires a projectile towards each hero AND near the location from where he teleported
* Tracking Soul-Beams now moves faster and keep up for longer
* Soul-Beams now stop dealing damage when it should... Instead of never...
* Changed time between abilities from every 8-14.5 seconds to 9-16 seconds
- Should work, we'll see if it's overwhealmingly hard or ezpz next play-session

== IN [T] 2021-06-30 17:32 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 18:18 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Tassadar - Psionic Assault
* Removed debug-messages
* Adjusted base damage from {52, 59, 66, 73, 80} to 80
* Adjusted scaling-damage from {20, 23, 26, 29, 32} to {22, 24, 26, 28, 30}
* Lowered base-bolts from {7, 8, 9, 10, 11} to {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
* Current-mana required for additional missiles from {500, 475, 450, 425, 400} to {600, 550, 500, 450, 400}
* Triggers - Load/Save
* Removed debug-messages

== IN [T] 2021-06-29 20:54 - Triggers - OUT: 21:29 ==
* Triggers - MarketplaceExit
* Now checks for "intervals" instead of exact wave-numbers
* Now able to play first music theme
- should fix music issues when combined with "load"
* Triggers - Save/load
* On-marketplace-enter
* Sets wave, total gold from kills & boss-bonus divided by number heroes, average exp of heroes at that time
* Save now saves last-market-enter wave, gold, exp
- This means you can write "-save" at any time, and it will save "last-marketplace-enter" stats.
* Load now sets current wave, gold, and exp
- This means that if 2 players start a game, save, and load with 3 players and each player gets the average gold and exp of the 2-player-game.

== IN [T] 2021-06-29 18:07 - Triggers - OUT: 19:30 ==
* Triggers - Started working on load stuff
* Adjusted load and save
- Almost done

== IN [T] 2021-06-28 19:47 - Triggers - OUT: 21:09 ==
* Triggers - Started working on load/save stuff
* Save is more or less finished?
* Load is few basic stuff setup

== IN [T] 2021-06-27 15:38 - Triggers - OUT: 19:29 ==
* Triggers - Started working on load/save stuff

== IN [T] 2021-06-26 19:17 - Triggers - OUT: 22:03 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Added deal AoE damage functions (with versions for: no FF, no FF and no building damage, no friendly building damage)
* Triggers - Dracula Second Form boss attacks
* Made all damage use the AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Finished Darkness Rising
* Ensured that AI actually works as expected
* Triggers - Boss2CustomSetup
* Now calls "Dracila2Activate", similar to how other bosses work

== IN [T] 2021-06-26 12:38 - Triggers, Gameplay Constants - OUT: 17:04 ==
* Gameplay Constants - Hero XP Gained - Summoned Unit Factor - Changed from 0.5 to 0.0
- Now possible to prevent exp for units by tagging them as summoned
* Triggers - Dracula Second Form boss attacks
* Finished "chasing" soul beams
- TODO: Darkness Rising

== IN [T] 2021-06-25 21:30 - Triggers - OUT: 23:20 ==
* Triggers - AbilityFrameworkFunctions
* Created some place to place handy, commonly used things that other abilities can build upon
* Triggers - Dracula Second Form boss attacks
* WIP: New attack, creaing Soul Beams every X time, moving closer towards a target each time

== IN [T] 2021-06-23 20:34 - Triggers - OUT: 21:30 ==
* Triggers - Dracula Second Form boss attacks
* Created "Soul Beam" attack
- first an indicator effect shows where the attack will take place
- then a beam strikes it for 2 seconds, dealing 60 damage every .1 second.
* Triggers - Pick hero
* Added the picked hero to "heroes unit group"
- previously only some of them were added to that group, meaning boss-abilities didn't target them etc.

== IN [T] 2021-06-22 19:40 - Triggers - OUT: 21:05 ==
* Triggers - Dracula Second Form boss attacks
* Teleport-away now fires projectiles towards from where he teleported
* Added antoher abilitiy, spinning projectiles thingies... Probably not gonna work out...

== IN [T] 2021-06-22 18:04 - Import, Triggers - OUT: 18:28 ==
* Import - Imported models and added credits
* Darkness Rising by Yours Truly
* UndeadMissleGreen by Power
* Soul Discharge by Mythic
* Soul Beam by Mythic
* Triggers - Dracula Second Form boss attacks
* Changed teleport-away to fire projectiles that does nether blasts, instead of a "delta" moving slowly
- WIP on the above statement...

== IN [T] 2021-06-21 18:30 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 20:17 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Dracula Second Form boss attacks
* Now has the ability to teleport away and throw a delta of slow-moving blasts towards where he was previously

== IN [T] 2021-06-20 13:23 - Triggers - OUT: 15:47 ==
* Triggers - Dracula seconds form special abilities
* Continues outlining main AI routines

== IN [T] 2021-06-19 14:23 - Units, Triggers, Abilities, Import - OUT: 17:15 ==
* Units - Dracula - Second Form
* Removed Soul Burn
* Added a "Channel Slam" does-nothing ability with 2.5 seconds channel
* Increased collision size from 54 to 80 to better match the visuals
* Increased selection scale from 2.2 to 2.5 to better match visuals
* Import - Imported models by Mythic and added credits
* Call of Dread
* Nether Blast
* Triggers - Dracula seconds form special abilities
* Setup basics for casting triggered abilities
* Triggers - Dracula2CircleOfBats
* Changed it not to use wave_specific_unit or wave_specific_vfx (instead use hashtable)

== IN [T] 2021-06-18 20:47 - Units, Import - OUT: 21:49 ==
* Import - Imported "Psionic Shot" by Mythic modified by Twilac
* Adjusted credits
* Units - Tassadar
* Changed attack vfx
* Now has a small AoE damage on basic attacks
* 50% damage within 50 radius
* 15% damage within 100 radius
* Import - Imported BTNTassadar by GnaReffotsirk (on DeviantArt, https://www.deviantart.com/gnareffotsirk/art/Tassadar-The-Void-a)
* Added credits - darkened, croped and button:ified by me
* Units - Samus Morphball
* Adjusted intelligence/level to match an older change of "real" Samus
- from 4.5 to 4.4, it already had adjusted base-values of intelligence from 20 to 24
* Lowered collision size from 24 to 20

== IN [T] 2021-06-18 17:29 - Units, Import - OUT: 18:44 ==
* Units - Tassadar
* Changing missile vfx
* Import - Imported "Psionic Shot" by Mythic
* Added credits

== IN [T] 2021-06-13 23:05 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 23:59 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Psionic Assault
* Added additinoal mana-cost from increased projectiles from current-mana
* Increased mana-cost from additional bolts from {6, 8, 10, 12, 14} to {8, 11, 14, 17, 20}
* Changed additional bolt from current mana from 1 per 400 current-mana to 1 per {500, 475, 450, 425, 400} current-mana
* Adjusted learn and ability text for the above change
* Triggers - Item mana-refund floating text
* now start 0-24 units from "unit-point", instead of on unit
* Increased transparancy from 10% to 20%
* Adjusted text-velocity from 128-160 to 96-160
* Changed start-text-height from 125 to 96-128
- hopefully more clear if multiple refund-events trigger at the same time, as it happens with some abilities

== IN [T] 2021-06-13 16:29 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 18:02 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Psionic Assault
* Lowered mana-cost from {42, 54, 66, 78, 90} to {34, 43, 52, 61, 70}
* Lowered mana per additional bolt from {10, 12, 14, 16, 18} to {6, 8, 10, 12, 14}
* Base Bolts from {5,6,7,8,9} to {7,8,9,10,11}
* Lowered "curviness" of bolt from 32 degrees to 24 degrees
* Increased base-damage from {50, 55, 60, 65, 70} to {52, 59, 66, 73, 80}
* Removed Area target, now point target
- TODO: Implement mana-cost for additional projectiles
* Abilities/Triggers - Psionic Storm
* Increased cooldown from {8.0, 7.5, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0} seconds to {13,12,11,10,9} seconds
* Increased mana-cost from {75, 85, 95, 105, 115} to {80, 90, 100, 110, 120}
* Lowered damage from intelligence from {28, 32, 36, 40, 44} to {24, 28, 32, 36, 40}
* Abilities/Triggers - Void Rift
* Lowered base-damage from {100, 170, 240} to {90, 150, 210} damage per second
* Increased intelligence-scaling from {60, 70, 80} to {70, 85, 100} %
* Abilities - Force Field
* Lowered mana-cost from {35, 40, 45, 50, 55} to {24, 28, 32, 36, 40}

== IN [T] 2021-06-13 13:15 - Import, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 15:44 ==
* Import/Abilities - Void Rift
* Changed icon to one I made
* Import - BTNPlasmaBarrage by The Panda
* Added credits
* Ability - Psionic Assault
* Changed Icon to BTNPlasmaBarrage
* Triggers - Psionic Storm
* Fixed bugs in vfx positioning

== IN [T] 2021-06-12 14:21 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 19:34 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Void Rift
* Added updating ability-text
* Split up the pull-update-loop from the move-and-damage update loop, reducing lag significantly
* Working on Icon...

== IN [T] 2021-06-11 15:37 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 17:21 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Psionic Assault
* Adjusted details that references the old ability
* Added updating ability-text
* Triggers - Psionic Storm
* Adjusted vfx to correctly use sin and cos with the same angle, instead of two independent angles

== IN [T] 2021-06-10 19:15 - Import, Triggers - OUT: 19:29 ==
* Import - Imported "Psionic Storm" (Heroes of the Storm) and "Force Field" (Starcraft 2) by Blizzard Entertainment
* added credits

== IN [T] 2021-06-08 17:33 - Import, Abilities, Triggers, Units - OUT: 19:23 ==
* Import - Imported "Shot II" by Mythic
* Added credits
* Abilities/Triggers - Tassadar Psionic Assault
* New ability
--- Learn Text ---
The Executor throws several psionic bolts towards the target area, blasting the first target it hits for a small amount of damage.

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Each bolt deals 50 + |c0072AAEE20%|r of Intelligence damage.
Fires 5 bolts + 1 bolt per |c00AACCF4400 current mana|r, adding |c00AACCF410|r mana cost per additional bolt.
Cooldown: <A03D,Cool1,.> Seconds. Base Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03D,Cost1>|r.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Each bolt deals 55 + |c0072AAEE23%|r of Intelligence damage.
Fires 6 bolts + 1 bolt per |c00AACCF4400 current mana|r, adding |c00AACCF412|r mana cost per additional bolt.
Cooldown: <A03D,Cool2,.> Seconds. Base Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03D,Cost2>|r.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Each bolt deals 60 + |c0072AAEE26%|r of Intelligence damage.
Fires 7 bolts + 1 bolt per |c00AACCF4400 current mana|r, adding |c00AACCF414|r mana cost per additional bolt.
Cooldown: <A03D,Cool3,.> Seconds. Base Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03D,Cost3>|r.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Each bolt deals 65 + |c0072AAEE29|r of Intelligence damage.
Fires 8 bolts + 1 bolt per |c00AACCF4400 current mana|r, adding |c00AACCF416|r mana cost per additional bolt.
Cooldown: <A03D,Cool4,.> Seconds. Base Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03D,Cost4>|r.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Each bolt deals 70 + |c0072AAEE32%|r of Intelligence damage.
Fires 9 bolts + 1 bolt per |c00AACCF4400 current mana|r, adding |c00AACCF418|r mana cost per additional bolt.
Cooldown: <A03D,Cool5,.> Seconds. Base Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03D,Cost5>|r.
* Cooldown {3.5, 3.25, 3.0, 2.75, 2.5}
* Manacost {42, 54, 66, 78, 90}
* 750 target range, 96 target radius
* Implemented the missiles, etc.
- TODO Icon, updating ability-text, mana-cost per additional bolt

== IN [T] 2021-06-07 20:01 - Triggers - OUT: 21:21 ==
* Triggers - Tassadar Void Rift
* Adjusted pull values
* Adjusted speed values
* Increased damage values
* Increased double damage area
- TODO: Fix ability text, icon and stuff

== IN [T] 2021-06-06 23:36 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 23:49 ==
* Abilities/Triggers - Tassadar Void Rift
* Copy-Pasted what I had into the trigger for it
* Tweaked it slightly

== IN [T] 2021-06-06 20:36 - Import, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 22:24 ==
* Import - Imported "Void Rift" by Mythic
* Added credits
* Triggers/Abilities - Tassadar Force Field
* Changed to be "Farsight Order Id"
* Abilities - Tassadar Void Rift
* Setup base of ability
--- Learn Text ---
The Executor, whom has been thought by Zeratul, has the ability to control void-energies and can push a void rift in a target direction, tearing at all enemy units dealing continues damage and pulling them along as the rift travels.
The pull has more strength closer to the center. Units near the very center takes double damage.
The pull-strength is reduced by 50% against enemy heroes.
Lasts for 7 seconds.
Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A032,Cost1>|r.

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Deals 100 + |c0072AAEE50%|r of Intelligence damage per second.
Cooldown: <A032,Cool1,.> Seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Deals 170 + |c0072AAEE60%|r of Intelligence damage per second.
Cooldown: <A032,Cool2,.> Seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Deals 240 + |c0072AAEE70%|r of Intelligence damage per second.
Cooldown: <A032,Cool3,.> Seconds.
* Started writing script for it

== IN [T] 2021-06-06 16:07 - Import, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 18:03 ==
* Import - Imported adjusted version of "SC2ForceField_ByEpsilon"
* I adjusted birth and death animations that were very strange before
* Triggers/Abilities - Tassadar Force Field
* Finished up the ability
--- Learn text ---
The Executor can create a field of dence psionic energy, forcing away units from the field, making it impassable when fully effective.
The force is reduced against enemy heroes by 50%. Force is reduced against larger targets.
Lasts for 10 seconds.

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Friendly units experience 100% of the force.
Cooldown: <A030,Cool1,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A030,Cost1>|r.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Friendly units experience 80% of the force.
Cooldown: <A030,Cool2,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A030,Cost2>|r.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Friendly units experience 60% of the force.
Cooldown: <A030,Cool3,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A030,Cost3>|r.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Friendly units experience 40% of the force.
Cooldown: <A030,Cool4,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A030,Cost4>|r.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Friendly units experience 20% of the force.
Cooldown: <A030,Cool5,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A030,Cost5>|r.

== IN [T] 2021-06-05 12:47 - Import, Triggers, Abilities, Terrain, Units - OUT: 18:03 ==
* Import - Imported "Lightnings Multiple" by Tranquil
* Added credits
* Removed SFX and ThunderClap-ground-effect
* Trigger/Abilities - Tassadar - Psionic Storm
* Added vfx
* Added updating ability-text
* Lowered damage to more reasonable numbers (rank 1 at max hero level dealt 1600 damage over 3 seconds)
* Increased duration from 3 seconds to 4
* Map - Added Tassadar in hero-select-area
* Added another "Warning" trigger, saying that he is WIP
* Trigger - RandomHero
* Now moves the wisp to a "Hero Select Region" instead of having any special select logic at all!
- Tassadar is NOT added to this trigger, yet!
* Units/Triggers - Medivh
* Increased hp/player increase from 30000 to 50000
* Increased armor from 37 to 42
* Units - Cho'gall
* Increased armor from 29 to 37
* Lowered base regain from 0.5 to -1
* Units - Dracula 2
* Increased armor from 16 to 27
* Lowered base regain from 0.5 to -1
* Units - Dracula 1
* Increased armor from 8 to 10
* Lowered base regain from -0.5 to -1
* Import - Imported "SC2ForceField_ByEpsilon" by epsilon
* Added credits
* Abilities - Tassadar Force Field
* Setup base of the ability
- AFK for a few hours

== IN [T] 2021-06-04 16:11 - Import, Triggers, Units, Abilities, Items - OUT: 19:05 ==
* Import - Imported "Tassadar" by killst4r
* Added credits
* Triggers - Leaving the game will now:
* drop all items at the heroes current location
* "give team gold" for that player, so it splits evenly among the remaining players
* Unit - New Hero Tassadar
* Unit - Samus
* Increased base Intelligence from 20 to 24
* Lowered Intelligence/level from 4.5 to 4.4
- Still +1 int at max level though!
* Reduced collision size from 32 to 30
* Triggers/Items - Translocator, Manaflowificator
* Reset cooldown when placing the translocator
- This means that it only runs the cooldown when translocating!
* Changed part of the text from:
-- from --
Places a Translocation Rune on the ground.
If you have a Translocation Rune placed, instantly move to it.
The placed rune is consumed in the process.
Note: Does not consume this item.
--- to ---
Use to place a Translocation Rune on the ground (without cooldown).
Use a second time to consume the Translocation Rune, instantly move to it.
Note: Does not consume this item.
* Unit - Lothar
* Increased collision size from 32 to 36
- He is visually a bit beefier than most other heroes
* Abilities/Triggers - Tassadar - Psionic Storm
-- Learn Text --
The Executor can create a storm of raw psychic energy, dealing damage in a 350 unit radius area over 3 seconds.
Damage is dealt in waves, dealing damage every 0.5 seconds.

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Each wave deals 60 + |c0072AAEE60%|r of Intelligence damage.
Cooldown: <A02Z,Cool1,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A02Z,Cost1>|r.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Each wave deals 80 + |c0072AAEE70%|r of Intelligence damage.
Cooldown: <A02Z,Cool2,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A02Z,Cost2>|r.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Each wave deals 100 + |c0072AAEE80%|r of Intelligence damage.
Cooldown: <A02Z,Cool3,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A02Z,Cost3>|r.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Each wave deals 120 + |c0072AAEE90%|r of Intelligence damage.
Cooldown: <A02Z,Cool4,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A02Z,Cost4>|r.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Each wave deals 140 + |c0072AAEE100%|r of Intelligence damage.
Cooldown: <A02Z,Cool5,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A02Z,Cost5>|r.

|c00FF0000Deals Friendly Fire!|r Does not damage friendly buildings!
* Triggered damage-part
- TODO: Do vfx and sfx
* Triggers - Mammoth Tank V2Rocket
* Fixed a bug causing it to not deal its Strength bonus-damage
- instead, it dealt base damage + scaling percent (I.E. a number between 1.0-1.5, instead of like a few hundred)

== IN [C] 2021-04-24 20:30 - Abilities - OUT: 20:56 ==
* Ability - Change Stance
* Corrected spelling error in learn text: passivly -> passively.
* Ability - Defensive Stance
* Corrected spelling errors: focues -> focuses, timeing -> timing.

== IN [C] 2021-04-10 21:30 - Units, Abilities - OUT: 22:07 ==
* Unit - Castle
* Moved Cyclone ability to avoid triggering ally upkeep popup.
* Fixed description of Upgrade Repair Rate to include levels.
- Didn't show up due to having / (HP/sec) in the description, which I guess Warcraft 3 interpreted as something which ended the text string.
Solved by replacing HP/sec with HP per second.
* Added hotkey text for Essence of Life (C).

== IN [T] 2021-03-14 13:39 - Map
* Map - New Map version: 0.90 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Wrote Change Log 0.88 -> 0.89
* Uploaded 0.89 to hiveworkshop

== IN [T] 2021-02-28 17:47 - Items, Triggers - OUT: 18:06 ==
* Items - Wizard Hat of Intelligence, Staff of Intelligence, Tabi of Agility, Cloak of Agility
* Removed "+X" from name
* Adjusted description
* Adjusted recipes referensing this item
* Items - Adjusted "purchase tooltip" to have correct name for:
* Gem of Mana
* Recipe for Arcane Ring of Amplification
* Items - Leather Pants
* Tooltip now references the correct ability (I and 1 had been mistaken)
* Triggers - Mage Blade
* Combine trigger now references "Gem of Mana" instead of a removed item
* Items - Heavy Plate Armor
* Adjusted icon for the item (previously it was only fixed for recipe)
* Items - Hammer of Strength
* Lowered price from 1600 to 1500 (same as other +15 items)
* Increased price of recipes using this item by +100 to keep cost the same

== IN [T] 2021-02-27 16:32 - Items/Abilities - OUT: 16:38 ==
* Item/Abilities - Master Chief Healthkit
* Re-added abilities for medkit (was unknown/non-power-up-abilities)

== IN [C] 2021-02-27 15:53 - Sound - OUT: 15:55 ==
* Sound - Orc Death
* Now uses the Warcraft 2 version.

== IN [T] 2021-02-27 13:10 - Items, Triggers, Units, Abilities, Import - OUT: 15:02 ==
* Item/Triggers - Arcane Ring of Amplification
* Lowered additional mana-cost from 150% to 100%
* Combine trigger now checks current mana and gives an "off" version if too low
* Removed Unique markings (becuase it wasn't!), you can have multiple of this ring!
* Units - Advanced Recipes - Life, Mana, Magic: Added "Recipe for Arcane Ring of Amplification"
* Item/Abilities - Ring of Power
* Renamed from: Stone of Power
* Changed icon to: BTNNightbreakerRing
* Increased mana and health from 750 to 900
* Units - Item Shop - Blacksmith:
* Removed Runed Bracers (unused and probably broken)
* Item/Abilities/Triggers - Manaflowificator
* Increased mana from 900 to 1000
* Changed Icon to: BTNOrbWand
* Only gives mana on-ability-cast if ability costed mana!
* Changed text on item from "On-ability-cast" to "On-mana-costing-ability-cast"
* Abilities - Magi-Sword
* Increased mana from 600 to 700
* Import/Triggers - Imported Icons, added credits
* BTNNightbreakerRing by PrinceYaser
* BTNbuckler1 by Novart
* BTNTier2Sword by Novart
* BTNOrbWand by Mc !
* Item - Small Shield
* Changed Icon to: BTNbuckler1
* Item - Mage Blade
* Changed Icon to: BTNTier2Sword
* Triggers - Khadgar Blizzard
* Enabled mana-refund/cost-increase during channel
* Triggers - Samus Charge Beam
* Enabled mana-refund/cost-increase during channel
* Triggers - Mana Refund/Cost-Increase
* Shows 1 decimal instead of none
* Items - Changed from "On-ability-cast" to "On-mana-spent" (to indicate that that it effects channeling-mana too)
* Arcane Staff of Energy
* Magical Amulet
* Staff of Insight
* Staff of Supreme Insight

== IN [T] 2021-02-26 23:10 - Triggers - OUT: 00:36 ==
* Triggers - Arcane Ring of Amplification
* Adjusted mana-refund/cost trigger to select correct level-of-ability
* Mana-cost-increase is now allowed for mana-refund-trigger
- TODO: Handle multiple items of "Arcane Ring of Amplification" better...

== IN [T] 2021-02-26 19:10 - Import, Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 20:41 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported Icons, added credits
* BTNKhanBlade by Marcos DAB
* BTNBarbarianAxe by NFWar
* BTNDemonBlade by NFWar
* BTNArcaniteRing by PrinceYaser
* BTNArcaniteNightRing by PrinceYaser
* Item/Abilities - Axe of Attack
* Renamed from: Claws of Attack +9
* Changed icon to: BTNBarbarianAxe
* Increased damage from 9 to 10
* Item - Claws of Life Stealing - Removed for real!
* Item - Sword of Attack
* Renamed from: Sword of Attack +20
* Changed icon to: BTNKhanBlade
* Item - Mining Pick of Attack +3
* Removed - It was not in any recipe!
* Item - Death Dealer
* Changed icon to: BTNDemonBlade
* Item/Abilities/Triggers - New Item: Arcane Ring of Amplification
* Item-ability: 400 Mana
* Item-ability: dummy active
Some people call this "That one ring", because it's a fairly powerful ring! Not to be confused by THE one ring.
• 400 Mana
• 40 Spell Power
• UNIQUE Amplification: If you have at least 2000 current mana, spells costs an additional 150% mana and you gain +50% Spell Power. While under 2000 current mana, this turns off.
• UNIQUE Active: Toggle Amplification on/off. Requires at least 2000 current mana for this to turn on!
* Combines from: Ring of Mana (850g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g) + Recipe (2500g) = 4150g
* Added combine triggers
* Mana-cost triggers with auto-turn off
* TODO: Add spell power, spell power %, toggle, add to shop.

== IN [T] 2021-02-25 23:07 - Import, Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 23:45 ==
* Import/Triggers - Imported Icons, added credits
* BTNSpikedClub by NFWar
* BTNMythrilHammer by NFWar
* Item/Abilities - Club of Strength
* Renamed from: Belt of Giant Strength +6
* Changed icon to: BTNSpikedClub
* Lowered Strength from 6 to 5
* Changed tooltip
* Adjusted recipes referensing this
* Item/Abilities - Hammer of Strength
* Renamed from: Kalims hammer of Strength +20
* Changed icon to: BTNMythrilHammer
* Changed tooltip
* Lowered Strength from 20 to 15
* Adjusted recipes referensing this
* Item - Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +3
* Removed
* Effects Recipe: Recipe for Maul of Forceful Impact
* Item/Abilities/Triggers - Maul of Forceful Impact
* Changed recipe:
* From: Gauntlets of Ogre Strength +3 (100g) + Belt of Giant Strength +6 (500g) + Ring of Regeneration (200g) + Recipe (500g) = 1300g
* To: Club of Strength (500g) + Ring of Regeneration (200g) + Claws of Attack +9 (400g) + Recipe (500g) = 1600g
* Lowered Strength from 15 to 12
* Added Damage: 12
* Item/Abilities - Maul of Tremendous Impact
* Lowered Strength from 45 to 36
* Added Danage: 36
* Adjusted total gold value, increased by 300 due to Maul of Forceful Impact increase

== IN [T] 2021-02-23 23:28 - Triggers - OUT: 23:40 ==
* Triggers - Staff of Supreme Insight
* Implemented dynamic tooltip, showing current spell power
- Implemented, but shows <AXXX,DataA1> instead of values... Need to do look-ups on abilities manually, hidden for now

== IN [T] 2021-02-23 20:46 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 22:04 ==
* Items/Triggers - Staff of Supreme Insight
* Unique: Gain Spell Power equal to 1.5% of your max mana
* Implemented it
* Increased total price from 4000 to 4400 (by increasing recipe price from 1000 to 1400)
* Tooltip is evil and don't show last line if having ":"
* TODO: Implement dynamic tooltip

== IN [T] 2021-02-21 21:58 - Items, Abilities, Triggers, Import - OUT: 23:28 ==
* Item/Abilities/Triggers - Amulet of Fire
* Renamed from: Amulet of Protective Flames
* Change Recipe:
* From: Leather Armor +3 (400g) + Strange Amulet (250g) + Recipe (250g) = 900g
* To: Gem of Life (200g) + Stange Amulet (250g) + Recipe (450g) = 850g
* Adjusting texts and price (+50g) on recipes to keep their total gold cost:
* Recipe for Dragon Staff of Flames
* Recipe for Flaming Pauldrons of Radiant Heat
* Removed: Armor+3
* Added: Health+250
* Item/Abilities - Dragon Staff of Flames
* Removed: Armor+4
* Added: Health+350
* Import/Triggers - Imported Icons, added credits
* BTNLeatherPants4 by NFWar
* BTNEliteLightArmor by NFWar
* BTNPlateArmor02 by NFWar
* Item/Abilities - Leather Pants
* Renamed from Wood Shield +1
* Changed price from 50 to 200
* Increased armor from 1 to 2
* Effects recipes for:
* Small Shield, Shield of Protection
* Item/Abilities - Scale Armor
* Renamed from Leather Armor +3
* Changed price from 400
* Increased armor from 3 to 4
* Effects recipes for:
* Mage Armor, Shield of Protection
* Item - Iron Shield +5
* Removed
* Effects recipes for: Shield of Protection
* Item/Abilities - Mage Armor
* Increased armor from 4 to 5
* Fixed text on recipe
* Item - Small Shield
* Adjusted recipe
* From: Wood Shield +1 (50g) + Gem of Life (200g) + Recipe (200g) = 450g
* To: Leather Pants (200g) + Gem of Life (200g) + Recipe (200g) = 600g (+150g)
- Note: It was an extremely gold-effective item before and should still be!
* Adjusting texts and price on recipes to keep their total gold cost:
* Recipe for Heavy Shield of Strength (-100g, I.E. +50g in total cost for item! From 1650g to 1700g)
* Recipe for Flaming Pauldrons of Radiant Heat (-150g)
* Recipe for Golden Shield of Aegis (-150g)
* Item - Heavy Plate Armor
* Renamed from: Shield of Protection
* Adjusted recipe
* From: Wood Shield +1 (50g) + Leather Armor +3 (400g) + Iron Shield +5 (800g) + Recipe (750g) = 2000g
* To: Leather Pants (200g) + Scale Armor (400g) + Recipe (800g) = 1400g (I.E. -600g)
* Lowered armor from 10 to 7
* Lowered damage reduction from 6 to 5
* Effects recipes for:
* Recipe for Golden Shield of Aegis (+600g)
* Recipe for Spiked Plate of Vengeance (+600g)

== IN [T] 2021-02-21 15:38 - Items, Abilities, Triggers, Import - OUT: 17:14 ==
* Item/Abilities/Triggers - Cup of Blood
* Lowered health from 400 to 250
* Changed Recipe
* from: Gem of Health (removed item, 375g) + Strange Amulet (250g) + Recipe (575g) = 1200g
* to: Gem of Life (200g) + Stange Amulet (250g) + Recipe (450g) = 900g
* Adjusted price for Golden Goblet of Gore (+300g), keeping the "total price" for it
* Lowered mana per health from 1.75 to 1.5
* Import/Triggers - Imported Icons, added credits
* BTNGoldMysticRing by Novart
* BTNSapphireAmulet by Novart
* BTNINV_Jewelry_Ring_10 by Blizzard (WoW icon)
* Item/Abilities - Ring of Life
* Renamed from: Life Stone
* Changed icon from Health Stone to BTNGoldMysticRing
* Changed recipe
* from: Gem of Health (removed item, 375g) + Periapt of Vitality (200g) + Ring of Regeneration (200g) + Recipe (450g) = 1225g
* To: Gem of Life (200g) + Ring of Regeneration (200g) + Recipe (450g) = 850g (375g lower than before)
* Lowered health from 500 to 300
* Adjusting texts and price (+375g) on recipes to keep their total gold cost:
* Recipe for Golden Goblet of Gore
* Recipe for Inconveniently Heavy Shield
* Recipe for Life Staff
* Recipe for Stone of Power
* Item/Triggers - Gem of Mana
* Renamed from: Pendant of Energy
* Changed Icon to BTNSapphire
* Fixed references recipes:
* Recipe for Magical Token
* Recipe for Mana Stone
* Item/Triggers - Pendent of Mana
* Removed (this item costs 350g)
* Item/Abilities - Ring of Mana
* Renamed from: Mana Stone
* Changed icon from Mana Stone to BTNINV_Jewelry_Ring_10
* Changed recipe
* From: Pendent of Mana (350g) + Pendant of Energy (200g) + Sobi Mask (200g) + Recipe (350g) = 1100g
* To: Gem of Mana (200g) + Sobi Mask (200g) + Recipe (450g) = 850g
* Lowered mana from 400 to 300
* Adjusting texts and price (+250g) on recipes to keep their total gold cost:
* Recipe for Manaflowificator
* Recipe for Stone of Power
* Item - Magical Amulet
* Renamed from: Magical Token
* Changed Icon to: BTNSapphireAmulet

== IN [T] 2021-02-20 16:32 - Items, Import, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 18:18 ==
* Import - Imported Icons by Novart
* Added credits
* BTNSapphire, BTNEmptyAmulet
* Item - Strange Amulet
* Renamed from: Stange Poach
* Uses new icon: BTNEmptyAmulet
* Changes texts in recipes
* Item/Triggers - Gem of Life
* Renamed from: Periapt of Vitality
* Uses new icon: Ruby
* Item - Gem of Health - Removed, recipes it's replaced by Gem of Life (Recipe prices are increased for price diff)

== IN [T] 2021-02-19 21:56 - Items, Abilities, Triggers, Imports - OUT: 00:32 ==
* Imports - Imported "BTNWizardsHat" by NFWar
* Added credits
* Items - Mantle of Intelligence +3 - removed - recipes adjusted
* Items/Abilities - Wizard Hat of Intelligence +5
* Renamed from: Robe of the Magi +6
* Items/Abilities/Triggers - Staff of Insight
* Recipe changed
* From: Mantle of Intelligence +3 (100g) + Robe of the Magi +6 (500g) + Sobi Mask (200g) + Recipe (800g) = 1600g
* To: Wizard Hat of Intelligence +5 (500) + Magical Token (650g) + Sobi Mask (200g) + Recipe (650g) = 2000g
* Lowered Intelligence from +15 to +12
* Lowered Mana-regain from 75% to 48%
* Removed Chain Lightning
* Added max-mana: 240
* Added Spell Power: 12
* Added: On-ability-cast: Restore 12% of the spent mana.
--- FROM ---
• 15 Intelligence
• 75 % Mana Regeneration
• 200 Damage Chain Lightning Ability
--- TO ---
• 12 Intelligence
• 240 Mana
• 48 % Mana Regeneration
• 12 Spell Power
• UNIQUE: On-ability-cast: Restore 12% of the spent mana.
* Triggers - Mana-refund
* Consolidated to 1 trigger, possible to fire restore-trigger for channeled abilities!
- TODO Fire this when draining mana for channeling abilities!
* Item/Triggers - Manaflowificator
* Changed passive
* From: 40% On-ability-cast: Restore 50% of the spent mana.
* To: 30% On-ability-cast: Restore 5% of your max mana.
* Item/Abilities/Triggers - Staff of Supreme Insight
* Lowered Intelligence from 40 to 36
* Lowered Mana Regain from 100% to 64%
* Removed Chain Lightning
* Added Max-mana: 360
* Added: Unique: On-ability-cast: Restore 18% of the spent mana.
* Added: Unique: Gain Spell Power equal to 2% of your max mana
- TODO: Spell Power from max-mana triggers
* Increased Recipe price from 800g to 900g (total price, with adjustment from Staff of Insight, 4500g)
* Item/Triggers - Arcane Staff of Energy
* Adjusted the passive
* from: 30% On-ability-cast: Restore 5% of your max mana.
* To: 40% On-ability-cast: Restore 40% of the spent mana.
* Item/Abilities - Staff of Intelligence +15
* Renamed from Moon Staff of Intelligence +20
* Lowered Intelligence from 20 to 15
* Adjusted recipes
* Item/Triggers - Wand of Blasting
* Lowered Spell Power from 40 to 30
* Item/Triggers - Arcane Armor of Blasting
* Lowered Spell Power from 50 to 40

== IN [T] 2021-02-18 21:36 - Triggers, Regions, Units - OUT: 22:19 ==
* Triggers/Regions - Medivh Firebolt
* Implemented using relativistic missiles
* Also made it look a lot better (spawn projectiles away from Medivh, let it be slightly random, etc.)
* Replaced most of MedivhDirectionalFireballsTick and MedivhCircularDirectionalFireballsTick with much simpler code
* Removed old DirectionalFireballs update, wall-death, timed-death and create
* Removed old wall regions
* Removed old projectile unit
* Triggers - Medivh Obelisks
* Added 2 spawn points
* Made them available during initial spawning, but not otherwise
- (because I need to look at the code more carefully to spawn them at new locations later)
* Abilities - Medivh Fountain of Souls (Fire pillar that fires fire)
* Reduced damage to units in pillar from 800/second to 500/second
* Units - Medivh Fireball Lobber
* Classified as worker (require order to attack)
* Lowered max-damage area from 80 to 60
* Increased small-damage (10%) area from 160 to 180
* Lowered medium-damage amount from 50% to 40%
* Lowered projectile speed from 700 to 675
- TODO~ish should probably use 1 unit, instead of 1 per projectile?

== IN [T] 2021-02-17 20:45 - Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 22:16 ==
* Triggers - AOETimedDamage_TimerElapsed
* Optimisations, looping change from "ForGroup(g, function AOETimedDamage_DoDamage)" to "FirstOfGroup"
* Optimisations, Use TimerUtils to recycle timers instead of destroying and recreating
* Triggers - Khadgar Blizzard
* No longer deals friendly building damage. Is effected by above optimisations.
* Triggers - DraculaSkulls/GhostAttack
* Adjusted Dracula skulls to be more flexible
* GhostAttack now uses Dracula skulls with new parameters
- This will spawn less dummy-units!
* Unit/Abilities/Triggers - Ghost
* Increased projectiles range from 700 to 750
* Increased damage from 150 to 175
* Increased max-fire-range from 600 to 625
* Removed Banish from units (they didn't use it anyways)
* Removed GhostAttacker dummy-unit, and old carrion-swarm based ability
* Units - Demonic Obelisk
* Changed Defence type from fortified to large (heavy)

== IN [T] 2021-02-17 17:11 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 18:32 ==
* Triggers - Slimes
* Reduced flat-slime time from 60 seconds to 24 seconds.
* Triggers/Abilities - Mammoth Tank - Agghhh Motherland
* Lowered % missing hp healing from {0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75} to {0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.1, 1.3}
* Triggers/Abilities - Mammoth Tank - Tusk Missiles
* Increased Strength-scaling from {100, 125, 150, 175, 200}% to {100, 130, 160, 190, 220}%
* Triggers - AOETimedDamage_TimerElapsed
* Optimisations, looping change from "ForGroup(g, function AOETimedDamage_DoDamage)" to "FirstOfGroup"

== IN [T] 2021-02-15 18:30 - Item, Units, Triggers, Map, Abilities, Imports - OUT: 22:33 ==
* Item - Life Staff recipe now has the correct "combines to" item-name (Life Staff instead of Shield of Honor)
* Unit - Basic Recipes - Attack, Defence - No longer sells Recipe for Shield of Spell Protection
- Too confusing with "Shield of Protection"
* Triggers - MarketplaceExit now accounts for wave-numbers being lower than before (due to new delay to start wave) when selecting music
* Triggers - Moved weather-check from CreateWave to MarketplaceExit.
* Now changes weather when entering arena instead of when the wave starts
* Triggers - Dracula 2
* Increased hp/hero from 8000 to 10000
* Map - New Map version: 0.89 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Wrote Change Log 0.86 -> 0.88
* Uploaded 0.88 to hiveworkshop
* Item - Arcane Staff of Energy
* Lowered spell power from 90 to 75
* Abilities - Darth Vader Force Lightning
* Targets allowed: Removed "Organic", Added "Structure"
* Increased Intelligence-scaling from {60, 85, 110, 135, 160} to {100, 120, 140, 160, 180}%
* Increased Strength-scaling from {40, 50, 60, 70, 80} to {50, 60, 70, 80, 90}%
* Abilities/Triggers - Darth Vader Force Push
* Increased Strength-scaling from {50, 60, 70, 80, 90} to {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}
* Increased Intelligence-scaling from {30, 35, 40, 45, 50} to {30, 40, 50, 60, 70}
* Abilities - Force Slow
* Reduced mana-cost/second from {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} to {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}
* Item - Magical Dagger - Lowered recipe price from 500 to 400 - Total Price from 1300 to 1200
* Item - Dragon Staff of Flames - Increased recipe price from 1750 to 1850 - Total price kept same as before
* Import - Imported Icons by NFWar
* BTNLeatherHood
* BTNSandalZ2
* Item/Ability - Cloak of Agility +15
* Renamed Bloodfeather's Heart of Agility +20
* Use new icon
* Lowered price from 1600 to 1500
* Text follows "normal pattern"
* Item/Ability - Tabi of Agility +5
* Renamed Boots of Qual'Thalas +6
* Use new icon
* Text follows "normal pattern"
* Item - Slippers of Agility +3 - Removed!
* Item - Adjusted recipe item-names to above changes of agility-items
* Item/Ability/Triggers/Buffs - Dagger of Fast Stabbing
* Renamed from Dagger of Swiftness
* Adjusted Recipe
* from: Slippers of Agility+3 (100) + Boots of Quel'Thalas+6 (500g) + Gloves of Haste (400g) + Recipe(500g) = 1500g
* to: Tabi of Agility +5 (500g) + Magical Dagger (1200g) + Recipe (300g) = 2000g
* Lowered agility from 15 to 12
* Added damage +20
* Triggers - Sorted Item-combine triggers
* Item/Ability/Triggers/Buffs - Supreme Dagger of Swift Stabbing
* Renamed from Dagger of Supreme Swiftness
* Lowered Agility from 45 to 35
* Removed movement speed
* Lowered attack speed from 40% to 35%
* Added 35 damage
* Adjusted recipe
* From: Dagger of Swiftness (1500g) + Brooch of Swiftness (1200g) + Bloodfeather's Heart of Agility +20 (1600g) + Recipe (1200g) = 5500
* To : Dagger of Fast Stabbing (2000g) + Cloak of Agility +15 (1500g) + Recipe (900g) = 4400g
* Units/Items - Renamed "Recipe Shop - Basic Stats" to "Basic Recipes - Stats"
* Adjusted all items recipes that have items from this shop
* Item/Ability - Thunder Claws
* Lowered Agility from 10 to 8
* Lowered critical hit damage from 15% to 12%
* Lowered price from 3000 to 2700 (lowered price on recipe)
* Item - Thunder Death Blade - Total price increased from 6000g to 6500g

== IN [C] 2021-02-13 22:38 - Sounds - OUT: 22:52 ==
* Sound - Bloodlust
* Now uses the Warcraft 2 version.

== IN [C] 2021-02-13 18:30 - Units, Abilities - OUT: 19:04 ==
* Unit - Castle
* Increased buy range from 1250 to 2500.

== IN [T] 2021-02-13 14:48 - Imports, Abilities, Triggers, Items, Units - OUT: 17:55 ==
* Import - Imported "Armor Gold" by Novart
* Added credits
* Item/Ability/Triggers - New Item: Flaming Pauldrons of Radiant Heat
* Item-ability: Armor+8
* Item-ability: Life+450
These flaming pauldrons radiate more heat than the average flaming pauldrons.
• 8 Armor
• 450 Life
• 35 Spell Power
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: Deal 10 + 1 per level + 35% Spell Power Spell Damage per second to enemies within 250 units.
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: 40% On-damage-taken: |c00AAAAAABlock|r 20 of the damage.
* Added spell power
* AoE damage triggers
* Added blocking
* Combines from: Amulet of Protective Flames (900g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g) + Small Shield (450g) + Recipe (1500g) = 3850g
* Combine triggers
* Added to "Advanced Recipes - Attack, Defence" shop
* Import - Imported "BTNMage03" by Novart
* Added credits
* Item/Ability/Triggers - New Item: Arcane Staff of Energy
* Item-ability: Mana+400
Enhancing spell power, basically.
• 300 Mana
• 90 Spell Power
• Increase all Spell Power by 35%
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: 30% On-ability-cast: Restore 5% of your max mana.

|c00888888The % Spell Power is additative with other % sources.
* Added spell power
* Added spell power %
* Mana-restore trigger
* Combines from: Magical Token (650g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g) + Recipe (2550g) = 4000g
* Combine triggers
* Added to "Advanced Recipes - Life, Mana, Magic" shop

== IN [T] 2021-02-10 18:47 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 21:26 ==
* Agilities - Cho'gall Runes
* Targets allowed no longer contains Structures
* Triggers - Cho'gall
* ChogallDeath now kills runes instead of removing them
* SpawnBoss3 now actually calls the the custom-setup trigger
* Partly reverted hp per hero in game from 25000 to 20000
* Partly reverted hp from 60000 to 50000
* Triggers - Dracula 2 Circle of Bats
* Now set wave_specific_int1 to 0 on Dracula2Activate
- Should fix bug of repeating circle.
* Triggers - WaveCompleted
* Removed wave_ongoing
* Removed check every 10 seconds (feels like a bigger source of bugs than fixes of bugs)
* Re-added check that unit killed is in current_wave_unit_group
* Abilities - Darth Vader Force Lightning
* Adjusted cooldown from (recent change) {7, 6, 5, 4, 3} to {8, 6.5, 5, 3.5, 2}
* Triggers - Dracula1
* Increase time to targeted skulls from 0.5 seconds to 1 second
* Added special effect while channeling

== IN [T] 2021-02-08 19:38 - Triggers - OUT: 21:42 ==
* Triggers - Create Wave
* after shop now has a 5 second delay and call "Trig_WaveCompleted_CreateNextWave" (same as WaveCompleted)
* Triggers - WaveCompleted
* no longer requires a triggering unit
* a new "wave_ongoing" variable is now set whenever an enemy is spawned (boss or wave-unit)
* "wave_ongoing" is checked if true in on-wave-completed-conditions, and set to false on-wave-completed
* Added a periodic timer checking WaveCompleted

== IN [T] 2021-02-07 17:29 - Triggers, Units, Abilities, Terrain - OUT: 19:26 ==
* Triggers/Units - Cho'gall
* Increase base hp from 48000 to 60000
* Increase hp per hero in game from 16000 to 25000
* Increase armor from 22 to 29
* Triggers - Medivh
* Increase base hp from 60000 to 80000
* Increase hp per hero in game from 20000 to 30000
* Increase armor from 30 to 37
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus Missiles
* Incraesed scaling damage from {110, 145, 180, 215, 250} to {120, 160, 200, 240, 280}
* Triggers/Abilities - Lothar Slash
* Increased Area from 170 to 180
* Increase healing area for allies within radius of 800 to 1200
* Increased base damage from {180, 205, 230, 255, 280} to {180, 210, 240, 270, 300}
* Increased agility-scaling from {80, 95, 110, 125, 140} to {100, 115, 130, 145, 160}
* Abilities - Khadgar Flame Shield
* Reduced cooldown from {8, 7, 6, 5, 4} to {7, 6, 5, 4, 3}
* Allow structure as targets
* Increased cast-range from 800 to 1000
* Reduced mana-cost from {80, 90, 100, 110, 120} to {60, 75, 90, 105, 120}
* Abilities - Darth Vader Force Lightning
* Reduced cooldown from {8, 7, 6, 5, 4} to {7, 6, 5, 4, 3}
* Increased cast range from 800 to 1000
* Triggers/Abilities - Master Chief Plasma Grenade
* Increased intelligence scaling from {55, 75, 95, 115, 135} to {70, 90, 110, 130, 150}%
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus Place Bomb
* Increased agility-scaling from {60, 75, 90, 105, 120} to {100, 115, 130, 145, 160}%
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus Charge Beam
* Increased agility-scaling damage from {6, 9, 12, 15, 18}% to {6, 10, 14, 18, 22}%
- Fully charged at max level, this increases agility-damage from 360% to 440%
* Fixed bug in ability-text, now shows correct damage %
* Triggers/Abilities - Samus Overcharge
* Removed current health cost
* Triggers - Removed a debug print on initialize

== IN [T] 2021-02-07 13:25 - Triggers, Gameplay Constants - OUT: 16:29 ==
* Triggers - Lothar Slash Damage calculasions
* Removed debug print
* Gameplay Constants
* Increased exp range from 3500 to 4500
* Lowered Awaken base factor from 0.4 to 0.35
* Lowered Awaken level factor from 0.08 to 0.06
* Triggers - Save System
* Save all heroes instead of only triggering players hero
* Save current wave
* Save kills
* Starting with load
- Load is not in sync with save atm
* Triggers - Heroes init details moved part of it to each hero for Lothar, Khadgar, TODO: more
* Triggers - RandomHero
* Call the GUI-Spawn-triggers instead of calling it's own version of it

== IN [T] 2021-02-06 21:25 - Triggers - OUT: 19:10 ==
* Triggers - Save System
* Removed stat-saving
* Removed unused variables
* Save item-count for each item
* Save number of players

== IN [T] 2021-02-03 21:25 - Triggers - OUT: 22:40 ==
* Triggers - Save System
* Auto-add all custom items to save system (up to 999 - 12 items)
* Added current gold to save system (currently limit to 50k gold)

== IN [T] 2021-02-02 20:53 - Triggers - OUT: 21:55 ==
* Triggers - Save System
* Removing name-saving
* Remove Skill-point-saving and ability saving (allowing respec on load)
- Also significantly simplifies the process
* Setup all non-custom items to the system

== IN [T] 2021-02-01 19:16 - Triggers, Map, Items - OUT: 20:56 ==
* Triggers - Waves
* Wave 28 - Lowered Ogre Magi from 3 to 2, increased Forest Troll Priest from 3 to 4, increased Ogre Warrior from 8 to 9
* Wave 29 - Lowered Ogre Magi from 6 to 5, increased Warmonger from 6 to 7
* Wave 31 - Increased Orc Warrior from 6 to 7
* Wave 33 - Increased Orc Warrior from 6 to 7
* Map - New Map version: 0.88 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Items - Deleted Talisman of Evasion
* Triggers - Imported "Codeless Save" system by TriggerHappy
* Customizing it
- Will be some work to integrate it...

== IN [T] 2021-01-31 17:55 - Triggers - OUT: 18:23 ==
* Triggers - Amplify Magic
* Increase spell power multiplier as specified in ability-text +{10, 15, 20}% to all spell power
* Triggers - SpellPowerPrint
* Now prints Base Spell Power, Spell Power Multiplier, Resulting Spell Power

== IN [T] 2021-01-30 21:08 - Units - OUT: 21:45 ==
* Units - Added enemy-difficulty-modifiers to all enemy units

== IN [T] 2021-01-28 20:53 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 21:51 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Blizzard
* Added a cap of 60 shards/second to prevent lag (this is reached after about 18s of channeling normally, or after 9s with amplify at max rank)
* Finished ability-text
* Increased max channeling time from 30 seconds to 40 seconds
* Increased cast range from 900 to 1000
* Abilities - Ogre Magi bloodlust
* Lowered movement speed boost from 40% to 25%
* Lowered duration from 12 seconds to 10 seconds

== IN [T] 2021-01-26 22:07 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 23:07 ==
* Triggers/Abilities - Blizzard
* Buffed intelligence Scaling from {10, 20, 30}% based on ulti to {20, 25, 30, 35, 40}% based on blizzard
- base damage of {48, 56, 64, 72, 80} is kept
* Slow starts after 1.5 seconds instead of instantly
* Increased mana-cost per second increase from 2.5 to 3
* Adjusted Learn-text to include intelligence-scaling and mana-cost changes and uses more ability-references for mana cost etc.
* Started ability-text (currently disabled, becuase not finished)
- TODO: Finish ability-text
* Ability - Amplify Magic
* Removed references to gaining +Spell Power per kill (still unsure of that mechanic and it's not there either way)
* Cooldown from 30 to {40, 35, 30}
* Added cooldown and mana-cost on learn-text
* Adjusted mana-cost from {75, 100, 125} to {60, 110, 160}
- TODO: Add spellpower bonus

== IN [T] 2021-01-24 19:06 - Triggers - OUT: 19:52 ==
* Triggers - Khadgar Flame Shield
* Can no longer deal damage to unit with Flame Shield buff
* Triggered ability-text
* Lowered update frequency from 60 to 40
- This seems to reduce lagg!
* Increased angular speed from 2.4 per tick to 3.2 per tick
- Lowered rotation speed from 144 degrees per second to 128 per second, with the frequency adjustment
* Adjusted distance from flame to target:
* Normal: from 160 to (target collision-size) + damage radius + 10 (=collison size + 95)
* Amplified: from 200 to (target collision-size) + damage radius + 5 (=collison size + 175)

== IN [T] 2021-01-23 15:49 - Triggers, Ability - OUT: 21:42 ==
* Triggers/Ability - Khadgar Flame Shield
* Finished jass-trigger! You can now have multiple instances active at the same time!
* Base dps changed from {110, 165, 230, 305, 390} to {100, 150, 200, 250, 300}
* Intelligence% Scaling changed from {25, 50, 75} on Ulti to {60, 70, 80, 90, 100} on Flame Shield
* Cooldown changed from 11 seconds to {8, 7, 6, 5, 4} seconds
* Duration increased from 9 to 10 seconds
* Range increased from 700 to 800
* Changed learn text:
--- FROM ---
Shields the target by summoning 3 flames circling around the target unit for <A03A,Dur1> Seconds.
Each flame deals continuous damage to nearby units (85 radius).
<A03A:Alsh,Cool1,.> seconds cooldown.
|c00FF0000Deals Friendly Fire!

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Flame deals 110 Damage per Second, Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A:Alsh,Cost1>
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Flame deals 165 Damage per Second, Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A:Alsh,Cost2>
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Flame deals 230 Damage per Second, Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A:Alsh,Cost3>
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Flame deals 305 Damage per Second, Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A:Alsh,Cost4>
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Flame deals 390 Damage per Second, Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A:Alsh,Cost5>

|c00AEBFF1Amplify|r - Bigger flames (+100% radius), more damage
--- TO ---
Shields the target by summoning 3 flames circling around the target unit for <A03A,Dur1> Seconds.
Each flame deals continuous damage to nearby units (85 radius).

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Flame deals 100 + |c0072AAEE60%|r of Intelligence damage per Second. Cooldown: <A03A,Cool1,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A,Cost1>
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Flame deals 150 + |c0072AAEE70%|r of Intelligence damage per Second. Cooldown: <A03A,Cool2,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A,Cost2>
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Flame deals 200 + |c0072AAEE80%|r of Intelligence damage per Second. Cooldown: <A03A,Cool3,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A,Cost3>
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Flame deals 250 + |c0072AAEE90%|r of Intelligence damage per Second. Cooldown: <A03A,Cool4,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A,Cost4>
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Flame deals 300 + |c0072AAEE100%|r of Intelligence damage per Second. Cooldown: <A03A,Cool5,.> Seconds. Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A03A,Cost5>

|c00AEBFF1Amplify|r - Bigger flames (+100% radius), more damage

|c00FF0000Deals Friendly Fire!|r Does not damage friendly buildings!
|c00888888Flame Shielded units does not take damage from any Flame Shield!
Casting on an already Flame Shielded unit refreshes the duration of that spell.
* TODO: Ability-text

== IN [T] 2021-01-20 18:23 - Triggers - OUT: 18:47 ==
* Triggers - Khadgar Flame Shield - Recreating in jass as MUI...

== IN [T] 2021-01-20 20:11 - Triggers - OUT: 20:40 ==
* Triggers - Khadgar Flame Shield, looked on how to solve having multiple active instances at the same time. Created a "heroes_hash"

== IN [T] 2021-01-19 19:35 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 21:04 ==
* Ability/Trigger - Khadgar Fireball
* Adjusted cooldown from 3.5 seconds to {5.0, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, 3.0}
* Changed damage calculations to the "modern" way
* Changed base damage from {90, 120, 160, 210, 270} to {80, 105, 135, 170, 210}
* Added intelligence scaling to base ability instead of an addon from ulti
* Intelligence Scaling changed from {25, 50, 75}% to {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}%
* Adjusted ability-text
* Adjusted targeting AoE to match the AoE of a single explosion (150 -> 160 radius)
* Trigger - Khadgar Flames Shield
* Removed special effects upon damageing targets (reduces lagg!)
* Lowered update frequency from 0.01 to 0.02
* Lowered rotation speed from 150 degrees/second to 120 degrees/second
* Ability - Darth Vader Force Lightning
* Adjusted learn tooltip to include level and hotkey (as all other abilities has!)
* Trigger - Dracula1 Removed debugtexts
* Trigger - Dracula1 Targeted Skulls
* Changed arc from -54 -> 54 to -60 -> 60 (I.E. 1 degree more space between skulls)

== IN [T] 2021-01-18 19:35 - Abilities - OUT: 19:50 ==
* Ability - Khadgar Fireball
* Changed learn text:
--- FROM ---
Launches a Fireball that will bounce and explode 5 times in a line, dealing area damage each bounce. First bounce will occur at the targeted location.
Cooldown: <A01R,Cool1,.> Seconds

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Each bounce deals 90 damage, Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost1>
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Each bounce deals 120 damage, Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost2>
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Each bounce deals 160 damage, Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost3>
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Each bounce deals 210 damage, Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost4>
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Each bounce deals 270 damage, Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost5>

|c00AEBFF1Amplify|r - Bigger explosions, more damage!

|c00888888Note that units near the center line can be hit by multiple bounces!
--- TO ---
Launches a Fireball that will bounce and explode 5 times in a line, dealing area damage each bounce. First bounce will occur at the targeted location.
Cooldown: <A01R,Cool1,.> Seconds

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Each bounce deals 80 + |c0072AAEE60%|r of Intelligence damage.
Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost1>.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Each bounce deals 105 + |c0072AAEE70%|r of Intelligence damage.
Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost2>.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Each bounce deals 135 + |c0072AAEE80%|r of Intelligence damage.
Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost3>.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Each bounce deals 170 + |c0072AAEE90%|r of Intelligence damage.
Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost4>.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Each bounce deals 210 + |c0072AAEE100%|r of Intelligence damage.
Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A01R,Cost5>.

|c00AEBFF1Amplify|r - Bigger explosions, more damage!

|c00888888Note that units near the center line can be hit by multiple bounces!
- TODO: Make it not lie. Dmg formula is: x = 1,2,3,4,5 for (60 + x * 15 + x * x * 5)

== IN [T] 2021-01-17 15:01 - Items, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 16:36 ==
* Item - Life Staff flavour text spell-fix
* Triggers - Many Healing effects, but not all
* No longer show green text when full hp
* Triggers - Added a "spell_power_multiplier" variable
* Starts with 1.0
- Spell Power (not stats!) are multiplied by this value
* Adjusted abilities so it's used for: Lothar, Darth Vader, Samus, Master Chief, Mammoth Tank, Khadgar
* Adjusted for items so it's used for: Lightning Boots (both versions), Wand of Blasting, Arcane Armor of Blasting, Dragon Staff of Flames, Frozen Skull of Nova
- Should be all places where Spell Power is used
* Ability - Khadgar - Amplify Magic
* Learn-text changed:
--- FROM ---
Focus magic to |c00AEBFF1Amplify|r the next spell. The spell must be cast within <A036,Dur1> Seconds.

|cffffcc00Level 1
[Q]|r Fireball - 100% bigger area, 50% more damage
|cffffcc00[W]|r Flame Shield - 100% bigger flames, 20% more damage
|cffffcc00[E]|r Blizzard - +1 initial shards, +1 shards/second, 75% slow
|cffffcc00[Passive]|r - [Q] 25%, [W] 25%, [E] 10% of Intelligence as additional damage

|cffffcc00Level 2
[Q]|r Fireball - 100% bigger area, 75% more damage
|cffffcc00[W]|r Flame Shield - 100% bigger flames, 35% more damage
|cffffcc00[E]|r Blizzard - +2 initial shards, +2 shards/second, 75% slow
|cffffcc00[Passive]|r - [Q] 50%, [W] 50%, [E] 20% of Intelligence as additional damage

|cffffcc00Level 3
[Q]|r Fireball - 100% bigger area, 100% more damage
|cffffcc00[W]|r Flame Shield - 100% bigger flames, 50% more damage
|cffffcc00[E]|r Blizzard - +3 initial shards, +3 shards/second, 75% slow
|cffffcc00[Passive]|r - [Q] 75%, [W] 75%, [E] 30% of Intelligence as additional damage
--- TO ---
Focus magic to |c00AEBFF1Amplify|r the next spell.
Killing at least one enemy with an |c00AEBFF1Amplified|r spell grants you +|c00DF00FF1 Spell Power|r permanently.
The spell must be cast within <A036,Dur1> Seconds. Cooldown: <A036,Cool1> Seconds

|cffffcc00Level 1
[Q]|r Fireball - 100% bigger area, 50% more damage
|cffffcc00[W]|r Flame Shield - 100% bigger flames, 30% more damage
|cffffcc00[E]|r Blizzard - +1 initial shards, +1 shards/second, 75% slow
|cffffcc00[Passive]|r - +|c00DF00FF10% Spell Power

|cffffcc00Level 2
[Q]|r Fireball - 100% bigger area, 75% more damage
|cffffcc00[W]|r Flame Shield - 100% bigger flames, 45% more damage
|cffffcc00[E]|r Blizzard - +2 initial shards, +2 shards/second, 75% slow
|cffffcc00[Passive]|r - +|c00DF00FF15% Spell Power

|cffffcc00Level 3
[Q]|r Fireball - 100% bigger area, 100% more damage
|cffffcc00[W]|r Flame Shield - 100% bigger flames, 60% more damage
|cffffcc00[E]|r Blizzard - +3 initial shards, +3 shards/second, 75% slow
|cffffcc00[Passive]|r - +|c00DF00FF20% Spell Power
- TODO: make it not lie, and make all abilities have intelligence scaling as base (without ulti)

== IN [T] 2021-01-16 21:01 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 21:06 ==
* Trigger - Wave 27, 28 is now what was logged previously, instead of not that
* Ability - Runes Ogre Magi - Cooldown increased from 40 to 75 seconds
* Units - Warmoger
* Hitpoints increased from 1800 to 2050
* Armor increased from 15 to 18
* Units - Grunt
* Hitpoints increased from 1600 to 1650
* Armor increased from 8 to 10
* Units - Forest Troll
* Hitpoints increased from 1000 to 1150
* Units - Forest Troll Priest
* Hitpoints increased from 1500 to 1700
* Armor increased from 6 to 10
* Gold bounty increased from 15 to 30

== IN [T] 2021-01-16 19:09 - Imports, Units, Triggers - OUT: 19:34 ==
* Import - Imported "Spearman (WC1)" by Loktar
* Added credits
* Units - Spearman (Tier 4) Changed model to Spearman model
* Triggers - Removed debug base damage print

== IN [T] 2021-01-15 20:04 - Imports, Units, Triggers - OUT: 20:45 ==
* Import - Imported "Honor Guard" from "Fel Guard and Derivatives"-pack by Ujimasa Hojo
* Added credits
* Unit - Warmonger
* New Tier 3 orc unit, tougher, faster and more damage than Grunt
* Unit - Grunt
* Lowered attack cooldown from 3.0 seconds to 2.5 seconds
* Unit - Raider
* Increased armor from 1 to 5
* Unit - Catapult
* Lowered projectile Speed from 775 to 725
* Increased minimum Attack Range from 250 to 275
* Trigger - Waves:
* Wave 22 - Changed from 9 Grunt, 6 Forest Troll, 6 Raiders to 8 Grunt, 5 Forest Troll, 8 Raider
* Wave 23 - Changed from 12 Raider, 4 Catapult to 9 Grunt, 3 Warmonger, 1 Forest Troll Priest
* Wave 24 - Changed from 3 Grunt, 12 Forest Troll, 2 Catapult to 5 Grunt, 8 Forest Troll, 4 Catapult
* Wave 27 - Changed from 6 Grunt, 6 Ogre Warrior, 4 Catapult to 8 Ogre Warrior, 8 Catapult
* Wave 28 - Changed from 8 Ogre Warrior, 8 Catapult to 8 Ogre Warrior, 3 Ogre Magi, 3 Forest Troll Priest
* Wave 29 - Changed from 6 Forest Troll Priest, 8 Ogre Warrior, 3 Catapult to 6 Ogre Magi, 8 Ogre Warrior, 6 Warmonger

== IN [T] 2021-01-14 20:30 - Units, Abilities - OUT: 21:09 ==
* Unit - Ogre Magi
* Increased hp from 3200 to 3800
* Increased armor from 10 to 15
* Increased attack-cooldown from 1.35 to 2.0 seconds
* Increased base damage from 40 to 80
* Ability - Bloodlust
* Renamed versions from (Neutral Hostile 1/2) to (Cho'gall/Ogre Magi)
* Lowered duration from 40 seconds to 12 seconds
* Lowered cooldown from 8 to 7
* Increased movement speed from 25% to 40%

== IN [T] 2021-01-12 20:30 - Trigger - OUT: 20:46 ==
* Trigger - Debug-action for getting base danage for selected unit "-dmg"

== IN [T] 2021-01-12 17:30 - Trigger, Item, Map - OUT: 17:48 ==
* Item/Trigger - Magical Token
* Increased mana-refund from 20% to restore 25% of spent mana to 30% to restore 40% of spent mana
* Item/Trigger - Manaflowificator
* Increased mana-refund from 25% to restore 50% of spent mana to 40% to restore 50% of spent mana
* Trigger - Magical Token, Manaflowificator
* Only show text if refund is greater than 1
* Map - New Map version: 0.87 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Wrote Change Log 0.85 -> 0.86
* Uploaded 0.86 to hiveworkshop

== IN [T] 2021-01-11 20:51 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 22:09 ==
* Trigger/Ability - Lothar Charge
* Adjusted ability-text
* Trigger - Magical Token, Manaflowificator
* Refund-mana trigger can now refund max-level abilities
* Refund use mana-cost for ability for unit, instead of just the ability-mana-cost
* Trigger/Ability - Samus Place Bomb
* Fixed the text for remaining time
* Also fixed trigger to behave correctly
== IN [T] 2021-01-11 18:41 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 19:44 ==
* Trigger/Ability - Lothar Charge
* Rephrased the first 2 lines of learn text from
--- FROM ---
Charges towards the target enemy, knocking everything caught between out of the way and slams the primary target, causing it to be stunned and damaged.
If the Regent Lord of Azeroth hits at least 5 enemy units (or one enemy Hero) an additional effect will trigger upon hitting the target depending on current stance. Duration of the effect is increased with level.
--- TO ---
Charges towards the target enemy, knocking everything caught between out of the way and slams the primary target, causing it to be stunned and damaged.
Hitting at least 5 enemy units (or one enemy Hero) will inspire nearby allies, triggering an additional effect depending on current stance upon hitting the target.
* Triggered ability text - TODO fix remaining details and test, currently compile issues
== IN [T] 2021-01-09 14:20 - Trigger, Ability, Import - OUT: 19:08 ==
* Import - Imported "Armor Stimulus Orange" by Mythic
* Added credits
* Import - Imported "Radiance" by Mythic, modified by Twilac
* Added credits
* Import - Imported "Disarm" by Mythic - to-modify
* Trigger/Ability - Lothar Charge
* Adjusted duration of stance effect from {3.0, 3.6, 4.2, 4.8, 5.4} to {2.7, 3.4, 4.1, 4.8, 5.5} seconds
* Reduced base damage from {200, 250, 300, 350, 400} to {190, 220, 250, 280, 310}
* Increased scaling damage from {50, 75, 100, 125, 150} to {80, 110, 140, 170, 200}
* Defensive Stance ability - based on roar
* Offensive Stance ability - based on roar
* Added all effects to abilitity when it should
- TODO: Ability-text
== IN [T] 2021-01-08 21:25 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 22:20 ==
* Trigger/Ability - Lothar Charge
* Adjusted knockback
* Triggered primary target damage
== IN [T] 2021-01-08 18:07 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 19:43 ==
* Trigger/Ability - Lothar Charge
* Changed Learn text:
--- From ---
Charges towards the target enemy, knocking everything caught between out of the way and stunning the target. Each knockback deals damage to the affected enemy.
This ability is augmented depending on current stance.
Defensive Stance: When the charge hits the target, doubles Defensive Stance block-chance for 5 seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Up to <A05G,Dur1,.> second stun, knockback causes 50 damage and 100 to target.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Up to <A05G,Dur2,.> second stun, knockback causes 100 damage and 200 to target.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Up to <A05G,Dur3,.> second stun, knockback causes 150 damage and 300 to target.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Up to <A05G,Dur4,.> second stun, knockback causes 200 damage and 400 to target.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Up to <A05G,Dur5,.> second stun, knockback causes 250 damage and 500 to target.
--- to ---
Charges towards the target enemy, knocking everything caught between out of the way and slams the primary target, causing it to be stunned and damaged.
If the Regent Lord of Azeroth hits at least 5 enemy units (or one enemy Hero) an additional effect will trigger upon hitting the target depending on current stance. Duration of the effect is increased with level.
Offensive Stance: Increase damage of allies within 750 units by 30% and grant them 4 health on-attack-hit and reduce armor of target by 16.
Defensive Stance: Increase armor of allies within 750 units by 18.
Leadership Stance: Increase attack speed of allies within 750 units by 20%.
Cost <A051,Cost1> Mana, <A051,Cool1> seconds Cooldown.
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Primary target damage: 190 + |c00EE807280%|r of Strength-stat. Stun duration: <A05G,Dur1,.> seconds (half vs heroes).
Duration of stance-effect is 2.7 seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Primary target damage: 220 + |c00EE8072110%|r of Strength-stat. Stun duration: <A05G,Dur2,.> seconds (half vs heroes).
Duration of stance-effect is 3.4 seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Primary target damage: 250 + |c00EE8072140%|r of Strength-stat. Stun duration: <A05G,Dur3,.> seconds (half vs heroes).
Duration of stance-effect is 4.1 seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Primary target damage: 280 + |c00EE8072170%|r of Strength-stat. Stun duration: <A05G,Dur4,.> seconds (half vs heroes).
Duration of stance-effect is 4.8 seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Primary target damage: 310 + |c00EE8072200%|r of Strength-stat. Stun duration: <A05G,Dur5,.> seconds (half vs heroes).
Duration of stance-effect is 5.5 seconds.
|c00888888Both knocked aside targets and primary target is counted towards units hit for stance-effect.
* Changed knock-aside to use Bribe Knockback system
* Triggered Damage for knocked aside units
- TODO: Damage main target, extra effects, ensure it behaved in a good in all conditions!
== IN [T] 2021-01-06 21:28 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 23:39 ==
* Trigger/Ability - Darth Vader Force Choke
* Changed Learn text:
--- From ---
By using the darkest force from the darkest corner of the dark side, the Sith Lord can literary suck the breath out of his enemy, stunning them in the process.
|c00AACCF4<A001,Cost1>|r Mana Cost - Cooldown: <A001,Cool1,.> Seconds
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - <A001;ANdr,DataA1> hit point drain per second.
Lasts <A001;ANdr,Dur1> seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - <A001;ANdr,DataA2> hit point drain per second.
Lasts <A001;ANdr,Dur2> seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - <A001;ANdr,DataA3> hit point drain per second.
Lasts <A001;ANdr,Dur3> seconds.
--- to ---
By using the darkest force from the darkest corner of the dark side, the Sith Lord can crush the target with telekinesis stunning them in the process while draining the life essence from the target, healing himself.
|c00AACCF4<A001,Cost1>|r Mana Cost, Lasts <A001;ANdr,Dur1> seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Deals 175 + 100% of Strength-stat damage per second, self-healing 150 + 80% of Intelligence-stat health per second.
Cooldown: <A001,Cool1,.> Seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Deals 250 + 150% of Strength-stat damage per second, self-healing 250 + 130% of Intelligence-stat health per second.
Cooldown: <A001,Cool2,.> Seconds
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Deals 325 + 200% of Strength-stat damage per second, self-healing 350 + 180% of Intelligence-stat health per second.
Cooldown: <A001,Cool3,.> Seconds.
|c00888888Damage and healing is applied 4 times per second.
* Trigger for damage and healing
* Ability-text changed
--- From ---
Absorbs the life essence of a target enemy unit by stunning and taking <A001;ANdr,DataA1> hit points per second from it and giving them to the Sith Lord. |nLasts <A001;ANdr,Dur1> seconds.
Cooldown: <A001,Cool1,.> Seconds
--- to ---
Telekinesis choke the target and drain their life essence.
Stun the target for <A001;ANdr,Dur1> seconds and deal X damage per second, heal for X health per second.
If you drain for the 4 second duration, deal a total of X damage and heal for Y health.
|c00888888Damage and healing is applied 4 times per second.
* Triggered new ability-text.
== IN [T] 2021-01-06 18:00 - Map - OUT: 18:26 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.86 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Wrote Change Log 0.82 -> 0.85
* Uploaded 0.85 to hiveworkshop

== IN [T] 2021-01-05 15:05 - Units, Items, Trigger, Ability - OUT: 20:14 ==
* Unit - Basic Recipes - Stats removed Cloak of Agile Defence (evasion has been removed!)
* Item/Trigger - Cloak of Agile Defence removed!
* Item - Death Dirk of Blood Recipe spelling correction on "Critical Slicer"
* Item - "Strange Poach" renamed to "Strange Pouch"
* Item/Trigger - Helm of Insight removed! (it had been replaced anyways!)
* Item - Life Staff spelling correction to "passively"
* Item/Trigger - Cup of Blood
* Gold Cost set to 0 (it was 1200 per charge of the item, meaning possible to sell for more than it costed!)
* Lowered mana per hp from 2.0 to 1.75
* Rephrased details about spell power per charge
* Fixed a bug that caused it not to summon a deamon if killed by the effect
* Item/Trigger/Ability - Golden Goblet of Gore
* Gold Cost set to 0
* Lowered mana per hp from 2.25 to 2.0
* Rephrased details about spell power per charge
* Fixed a bug that caused it not to summon a deamon if killed by the effect
* Reduced cooldown from 15 seconds to 12
* Item - Many items
* Standardized "UNIQUE" to be "UNIQUE:"
* All UNIQUE texts ends with a period.!
* After UNIQUE first letter capitalized and if it describes an event it's followed by a colon: with the next letter capitalized.
* Item - Mage Armor
* added UNIQUE (because it was!)
* Increased effects (reduced damage, restore hp and mana) from 8 to 10
* Increased Spell Power from 8 to 10
* Item - Arcane Armor of Blasting
* Added UNIQUE (because it was!)
* Item/Trigger - Maul of Forceful Impact
* Added the knockback info to item (from only being on recipe)
* Reduced knockback range from 125 to 100
* Recuced stun cooldown from 6 seconds to 5 seconds
* Item/Trigger - Maul of Tremendous Impact
* Reduced knockback range from 200 to 150
* Recuced stun cooldown from 6 seconds to 5 seconds
* Trigger - Setup in ItemHash for spell power, to be used on pick-up or drop!
* Trigger - Spell Power is now added or removed based on ItemHash values, instead of reset and counted up.
- This allows for temporary Spell Power boosts!
* Trigger - Samus Missile - Fixed tooltip to show cooldown for the correct ability
* Trigger - MarketplaceEnter - Respawn trees in main arena
* Trigger - StartSnow/StartRain
* Fixed many point-leaks
* Simplified tree replacement
* Adjusted terrain-texture-replacement to match new terrain
* Unit - Ghost Increased Attack-cooldown from 3.2 to 3.5
== IN [T] 2021-01-04 21:56 - Trigger, Regions, Abilities, Terrain - OUT: 01:19 ==
* Regions - Made Warlock portal regions smaller and only on road (they are harder to spot in the new arena!)
* Trigger - Turn off "SummonsAddedToCurrentWave" during boss-waves, and turn on "on death"
* Trigger - WarlockPortalSpawn
* Increased time per wave from 20 seconds to 25 seconds
* Wave 1: Increased time between Spiders from 3 to 4 seconds, increased time between Brood Mothers from 8 to 9 seconds
* Wave 2: Increased time between Spiders from 2 seconds to 4 seconds, lowered time for Daemon from 12 seconds to 11
* Wave 3: Removed Daemon Spawn, keeping Daemon Lord every 4 seconds
* Trigger - Dracula1 uses "Active abilities" from every 7.5-14 seconds to every 7-11 seconds
* Trigger/Ability - Dracula1 targeted skulls
* Number of skulls increased from 8 to 12
* Time between skulls from 0.12 to 0.10
* Arc from -21 -> 27 with 6 degree step to -54 -> 54 with 9 degree steps
* Trigger - Dracula1 random skulls time spawn from every 2.0 seconds to every 1.9 seconds
* Trigger - Deleted old "-dmg" triggers that printed damage for damage-scaling abilities
* Trigger - Added "-order" debug action to print order of selected unit
* Trigger - Dracula1 Killed now recreates hashtable after destroying it...
- "Clear Hashtable" is actually "Destroy", this messed up Warlocks with Portals
* Trigger - Enemies now treat Neutal Hostile as Neutral
- this will keep enemies from aggroing target dummies in shop area
* Terrain - Adjusted terrain near target dummies in shop area
== IN [T] 2021-01-03 19:51 - Ability, Trigger - OUT: 19:57 ==
* Trigger - Boss3Killed
* now turns off "Wave completed", kills all units in "current wave", turns on and runs "Wave Completed"
* Ability - Runes (Cho'gall)
* lowered duration from 200 seconds to 45 seconds
* Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 10 seconds
== IN [T] 2021-01-03 16:46 - Map, Triggers, Unit - OUT: 17:01 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.85 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Trigger - Wave 15 Increased Evil Zombie from 9 to 10 and Spiked Zombie from 5 to 6, lowered Zombie from 7 to 4
* Unit - Evil Zombie
* Increased Health from 2200 to 2400
* Increased Armor from 8 to 10
* Lowered attack-cooldown from 4.5 to 4.2
* Increased base damage from 105 to 111
* Unit - Ogre Warrior armor increased from 10 to 15
* Unit - Dracula 2nd form armor increased from 10 to 16
* Unit - Cho'gall armor increased from 12 to 22
* Unit - Medivh armor increased from 12 to 30
== IN [T] 2021-01-03 13:37 - Terrain, Regions - OUT: 14:08 ==
* Regions - Adjusted "Grass Regions" to cover grass
* Terrain/Doodads
* Moved floating doodads to the ground in "enemy spawning areas"
* Minor adjustments to a few doodads placement
== IN [T] 2021-01-02 15:16 - Units, Triggers, Map, Terrain - OUT: 18:50 ==
* Unit - Skeleton Warrior
* Lowered hp from 220 to 215
* Increased armor from 1 to 3
* Lowered movementspeed from 290 to 285
* Unit - Evil Zombie
* Increased hp from 2000 to 2200
* Increased base damage from 90 to 105
* Increased attack cooldown from 4.0 to 4.5
* Trigger - Lothar Slash
* Increased radius from 165 to 170
* Trigger - Waves
* Wave 12 lowered Skeletal Marksmen number from 8 to 7, increased (basic) zombies from 6 to 7
* Wave 13 replaced Skeletal Marksmen with Spiked Zombie (Introduction to them!)
* Wave 14 Changed to 4 Evil Zombie, 3 Spiked Zombie, 3 Skeletal Marksman
* Wave 15 The new "Big Zombie Wave". 9 Evil Zombie, 7 Zombie, 5 Spiked Zombie
* Wave 16 Changed Skeletal Marksman to Spiked Zombie and increased them from 8 to 9
* Wave 18 Lowered Ghosts from 3 to 2 (easier introduction to them)
* Wave 19 Increased Evil Zombies from 2 to 3
* Map - New Map version: 0.84 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Terrain
* Expanded arena-island by 1 terrain-unit-thing
* Adjusted regions
* Moved spawner area walls 2 terrain-unit-tings
* Main arena is now 4 terrain-unit-things bigger in x/y!
* Reworked main arena with the bigger space available
* Made shopping bigger and moved target dummies (should be easier to not fire on them when exiting)
- TODO: Fix snow-areas and respawn tree stuff
== IN [T] 2021-01-01 14:28 - Trigger, Ability, Map, Unit, Import, Units - OUT: 17:20 ==
* Trigger - Darth Vader Force Push
* Increased time to push from 0.6 to 0.65 (slightly slower push)
* Trigger/Ability - Darth Vader Force Lightning
* Base damage increase from {180, 240, 300, 360, 420} to {200, 270, 340, 410, 480}
* Trigger/Ability - Samus Morph Ball/Bomb
* Agility-scaling damage increased from {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}% to {60, 75, 90, 105, 120}%
* Ability - Samus Charge Bream
* Increased projectile speed from 1000 to 1350
* Map - Removed Boots of Speed on the ground
* Map - New Map version: 0.83 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Change log from 0.79 -> 0.82 done
* Uploaded 0.82 to Hiveworkshop (we currently have 879 downloads! :O)
* Trigger - RandomHero
* Now sets hero variables properly! (major bugs if this does not happen!)
* Adds heroes to the Heroes Unit Group that bosses "AI" uses
* Trigger - Repick hero
* Removes repicked heroes from the group
* Unit/Trigger - Darcula [level 10 boss]
* base hp adjusted from 10000 to {8000, 12000, 16000, 20000} depending on player count
* Unit/Trigger - Dracula [level 20 boss]
* base hp adjusted from 30000 to {24000, 32000, 40000, 48000} depending on player count
* Unit/Trigger - Cho'gall [level 30 boss]
* base hp adjusted from 80000 to {64000, 80000, 96000, 112000} depending on player count
* Unit/Trigger - Medivh [level 40 boss]
* base hp adjusted from 100000 to {80000, 100000, 120000, 140000} depending on player count
* Import - Imported model "Porcupine" by Kitabatake
* Added credits
* Unit - New enemy unit: Spiked Zombie
* Slow, short ranged, 1300 hp, Spiked Armor (12% damage return on attacks)
* TODO: Adjust waves and include this at some point (maybe tweak value depending on where it's added)
* Ability - Curse [Banshee]
* Lowered duration from 30/15 seconds to 10/5 seconds for units/heroes
* Manacost: 50
- If you focus them down, you get rid of the curse faster!
* Unit - Banshee - Initial and maxmana set to 100 (I.E. 2 curse casts per banshee!)
* Unit - Skeletal Marksman
* Lowered hitpoints from 800 to 760
* Increased attack-cooldown from 2.1 to 2.4
* Unit - Ghost - Increased attack-cooldown from 2.0 seconds to 3.2 seconds
- More time without flying projectiles!

== IN [T] 2020-12-31 16:57 - Trigger, Item - OUT: 17:08 ==
* Item/Trigger - Death Dirk of Blood
* Reduced healing on hit from 7 to 6
* Increased damage per 100 missing hp from 1 to 2
== IN [T] 2020-12-31 15:17 - Trigger, Ability, Item - OUT: 16:01 ==
* Trigger/Ability - Force Push
* Adjusted texts to not lie (units in the AREA takes damage, not PUSHED units)
* Item/Trigger - Maul of Forceful Impact
* Added knockback on stun (125 units back over 0.25 seconds)
* Added it to texts
* Item/Trigger - Maul of Tremendous Impact
* Added knockback on stun (200 units back over 0.30 seconds)
* Added it to texts
* Item/Trigger - Bloodtooth
* Reduced healing on hit from 4 to 3
* Item/Trigger - Life Staff
* Reduced base healing 4 to 3
* Increased area from 500 to 600
* Ability/Trigger - Mammoth Tank - Parabombs
* Added to texts: Note that units near the center line can be hit by multiple bombs!
* Ability/Trigger - Khadgar Fireball
* Added to texts: Note that units near the center line can be hit by multiple bounces!
* Item/Trigger - Arcane Armor of Blasting
* Increased damage of blast
* from 100 + 100% spell power + 30% intelligence
* to 150 + 150% spell power + 33% intelligence
* Increased damage reduction, healing and mana from 25 to 30
== IN [T] 2020-12-30 19:29 - Trigger, Ability, Unit - OUT: 00:49 ==
* Trigger/Ability - Mammoth Tank V2 Rocket
* Units are knocked away from explosion
* Added it in the description
* Trigger/Ability - Lothar Slash
* Adjutesd damage
* Base from {190, 230, 270, 310, 350} to {180, 205, 230, 255, 280}
* Str from {80, 90, 100, 110, 120}% to {40, 50, 60, 70, 80}%
* Added agillity scaling {80, 95, 110, 125, 140}%
* Adjusted ability texts accordingly
* Adjusted healing
* Base from {25, 35, 45, 55, 65} to {24, 30, 36, 42, 48}
* Added intelligence scaling {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}%
* healing per 100 missing hp from {1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5} to {1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0}
* Unit - Item Shop - Blacksmith - removed Talisman of Evation from the shop
- It was no longer used in any recipe
* Trigger/Ability - Force Push
* Adjusted base damage from {160, 195, 240, 295, 360} to {150, 175, 210, 255, 310}
* Added intelligence scaling {30, 35, 40, 45, 50}%
* Trigger/Ability - Force Lightning
* Increased Intelligence scaling from {60, 80, 100, 120, 140} to {60, 85, 110, 135, 160}
== IN [T] 2020-12-29 19:41 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 21:05 ==
* Ability/Trigger - Force Push
* Adjusted base damage from {100, 145, 210, 295, 400} to {160, 195, 240, 295, 360}
* Increased scaling damage from {15, 30, 45, 60, 75} to {50, 60, 70, 80, 90}
* Adjusted Mana Cost from 45 to {40, 43, 46, 49, 52}
* Now has a targeting image indicating range (Same AoE as before, 350 radius)
* Reduced cast range to 650 from 800
* Removed several unnessesary variables
* Enemies are now pushed using Bribes GUI Knockback 2.5D system
* Enemies are knocked back 500 units over 0.6 seconds (roughly same as before)
- Looks pretty good when pushing in a big group of units!
* Trigger/Ability - Force Lightning
* Added a missing % for the attack/move speed reduction texts
* Increased slow from 1 seconds to 2 seconds for regular units (Still 1 second for heroes)
* Ability - Force Slow
* Increased mana cost from 5 per second to {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} per second
* Initial mana cost set to 0 from 5
* Shows mana-cost on ability-text
== IN [T] 2020-12-29 13:06 - Terrain, Trigger, Abilities, Map - OUT: 17:48 ==
* Terrain/Doodads - Added an obelisk to the quadrants with the ramp-area near road
* Triggers - Dracula Charge Short
* Dracula faces a target, moving backwards for 0.8 seconds
* Dracula charges forwards, damaging units too close
* Dracula lands with a smash (same as long range-edition)
* Finished up and set ability timers to something reasonable
* Added several cases of handling when boss dies mid-effect
* Map - New Map version: 0.82 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Triggers - Imported GUI Knockback 2.5D v4.2.5.0 by Bribe
* Added credits
- Will probably redo Darth Vaders Force Push and Lothar Charge with this
- Will also ensure double damage is no longer possible for those abilities (and tweak values)
* Triggers - Dracula Charge Short
* Added knock-aside to it, and it looks and works well
== IN [T] 2020-12-28 13:12 - Unit, Ability, Trigger, Import, Terrain - OUT: 19:19 ==
* Terrain - Lowered castle plateu slightly
* Unit - Dracula [Level 10 Boss - Flying] added
* Has no attack
* Ability - Morph from normal <-> Flying based on Bear Form added
* Unit - Dracula
* Increased attack cooldown time from 2.4 to 3.0
* Lowered Health Regain from 0.5 to -0.30 (due to strength, it's still positive though)
* Lowered Damage Base from 250 to 190
* Increased Starting Strength from 80 to 100
* Increased Strength per level from 5 to 6.5
* Trigger/Ability - Dracula Targeted skulls
* Added a 0.5 second delay before the skulls start flying
* Increased total time of ability from 1.0 to 1.5 seconds
* Import - Imported "Reapers Claws Gold" by Mythic
* Added credits
* Trigger/Ability - Dracula Charge Long
* Tweak to make it look better
* Dazes in a big area around him on landing, slashes in a smaller area around him
* Risk of getting hit by attack after the dash is medium
* If you don't run fast, it's
* Trigger/Ability - Dracula Slash
* If there are units within 200 units, instead of charging, Dracula slashes
* Slashing dealing 150 damage to "enemies" within 190 units.
- TODO: Short range charge case and fix time between active abilities, almost done! :)
== IN [T] 2020-12-26 16:09 - Map, Import, Trigger, Unit, Ability - OUT: 00:04 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.81 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
- Want to test a few things with Dracula1
* Import - Imported "Team Coloured Nathrezim" by "FerSZ"
* Added credits
* Unit - Dracula
* Changed model to newly imported one
* Removed Shadow Strike and Carrion Swarm abilities
* Trigger - Dracula Skulls
* Increased missile speed for random skulls from 225 to 250
* Curves from -30 to 30 degrees
* Setup possibility to fire it targeted with custom curve and speed
* Trigger - Dracula Active Ability
* Setup framework for something more from unit
* Triggeres an "Active Ability" once every 12-18 seconds unless hero is stunned (then it's delayed another 6-10 seconds)
* Active Ability: Targeted Skulls - Fires 8 skulls at towards a hero position (one every 0.12 seconds in a 21 degree arc)
* Skulls have speed of 300-325
* Active Ability: Charge
* 2 Editions, long distance to target and short
* Long - Flies up on the spot, then flies towards the point over 1-1.5 seconds or something
- TODO make a flying version to morph to and proplery morph to enable set fly height, and set facing using "SetUnitFacing()"
* Short - TODO
- Note: Disabled targeted skulls in Dracula1ActiveAbility
== IN [T] 2020-12-25 20:20 - Triggers - OUT: 22:07 ==
* Trigger - Spawn Boss triggers
* Now set udg_wave_specific_unit to the boss_unit, enabling easy access to boss variable
* Trigger - Dracula Skulls
* Now Relativistic Missiles
== IN [T] 2020-12-25 16:01 - Triggers, Unit, Ability, Upgrades - OUT: 18:19 ==
* Trigger/Unit/Ability - Samus Missile
* Redone in Relativistic Missiles
* Removed unused variables and vfx unit
* Can no longer hit or damage friendly buildings
* Adjusted cooldown from 3 seconds to {3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5} seconds
* Adjusted mana cost from 50 to {40, 44, 48, 52, 56}
* Adjusted ability-text to mention not friendly fire to buildings
* Unit - Spartan Magnun
* Increased Range from 650 to 675
- Mostly a change to make Magnum and Assault Rifle more different from each other
* Unit - Spartan Assault Rifle
* Lowered Range from 650 to 625
- Mostly a change to make Magnum and Assault Rifle more different from each other
* Unit - Spartan Rocket Launcher
* Lowered Range from 800 to 750
* Lowered AoE Full Damage from 50 to 40 (100% damage)
* Lowered AoE Medium Damage from 100 to 80 (75% damage)
* Lowered AoE Small Damage from 175 to 160 (25% damage)
- Slight nerf, it was fairly powerful
* Unit - Spartan Shotgun
* Increased Range from 400 to 425
* Increased AoE Full Damage from 25 to 35 (100% damage)
* Increased AoE Medium Damage from 90 to 100 (75% damage)
* Increased AoE Small Damage from 125 to 150 (10% damage)
- Slight buff, it has an advantage in attack speed compared to Rocker Launcher too
* Upgrade/Unit - Repair
* Increased health regain increase from 50% to 75% (I.E. 0.5 hp/s increase to 0.75 hp/s)
* Updated unit-sold-tooltip with this change
* Ability - Weapon Roulette
* Adjusted tooltip new-lines to improve readability
== IN [T] 2020-12-24 20:53 - Triggers, Item, Unit - OUT: 22:26 ==
* Trigger/Item - Dragon Staff of Flames
* Finished Firebolts
* Combines from: Magical Dagger (1300g) + Amulet of Protective Flames (900g) + Recipe (1750g) = 3950g
* Added Combine Trigger
* Unit - "Advanced Recipes - Attack, Defence" added "Recipe for Dragon Staff of Flames" to shop
== IN [T] 2020-12-24 14:01 - Import, Item, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 17:45 ==
* Import - Imported "BTNDragonStaff" by Novart
* Added credits
* Import - Imported "Firebolt Minor" by Mythic
* Already credited for other parts of FireMissiles-pack
* Import - Imported "BTNDagger" by Novart
* Added credits
* Item/Ability - Magical Dagger
* Item-ability: Attack Speed+18
* Item-ability: Damage+18
Useful for stabing, rather fast. With a magic touch.
• <A07H,DataA1> Damage
• <A07G,DataA1,%>% Attack Speed
* Combines from: Gloves of Haste (400g) + Claws of Attack +9 (400g) + Recipe (500g) = 1300g
* Added Combine Trigger
* Unit - "Basic Recipes - Attack, Defence" Added "Recipe for Magical Dagger"
* Item/Ability - Gloves of Haste
* Lowered attack speed from 15 to 12
* Item/Ability - Dragon Staff of Flames
* Item-ability: Armor+4
* Item-ability: Attack Speed+20 Aura
* Item-ability: Damage+35
Inspiring allies with the flames of a dragon! Also decent for whopping enemies on the head.
• <A07I,DataA1> Damage
• <A07F,DataA1> Armor
• 15 Spell Power
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: <A07K,DataB1,%>% Attack Speed Aura to allies within <A07K,Area1> units. Allies under the effect of the aura, on-attack-hit: fires a fire-bolt towards the target of the attack, hitting first enemy along the way, dealing 25 ability-damage in a 75 unit radius. Each unit can only have one fire-bolt in the air at once.
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: Deal 10 + 1 per level + 20% Spell Power Ability-Damage per second to enemies within 200 units.
* Added Spell Power
* Added first unique (flame damage to nearby enemies)
* TODO: Firebolts, combine trigger, add to shop
== IN [T] 2020-12-23 14:57 - Items, Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 21:08 ==
* Item - Shield of Protection
* Recipe price increased from 500g to 750g (Total price from 1750 to 2000)
* Item/Trigger - Golden Shield of Aegis
* Trigger for blocking-aura
* Trigger for self-blocking
* Combines from: Shield of Protection (2000g) + Small Shield (450g) + Recipe (1800g) = 4250g
* Combine Trigger
* Unit - "Advanced Recipes - Attack, Defence" added "Recipe for Golden Shield of Aegis" to shop
* Ability - Darth Vader Force Push - Moved to Q Hotkey and button-position
* Import - Imported "BTNLightningBolt" by -Berz-
* Added credits
* Ability/Trigger - Darth Vader Force Lightning
* Based on Cripple
* New Learn Text:
Conjure lightning through the Dark side of the Force, hitting the target and those near it.
The primary target is slowed for <A07E,Dur1> seconds and takes full damage, while enemies within 175 units of the primary target are also hit by lightning, taking 65% of the damage and are not slowed.
Cost <A07E,Cost1> Mana.
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Deals 180 + 60% of intelligence + 40% of Strength, slows attack and movement speed by <A07E,DataA1,%>.
<A07E,Cool1> seconds cooldown.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Deals 240 + 80% of intelligence + 50% of Strength, slows attack and movement speed by <A07E,DataA2,%>.
<A07E,Cool2> seconds cooldown.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Deals 300 + 100% of intelligence + 60% of Strength, slows attack and movement speed by <A07E,DataA3,%>.
<A07E,Cool3> seconds cooldown.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Deals 360 + 120% of intelligence + 70% of Strength, slows attack and movement speed by <A07E,DataA4,%>.
<A07E,Cool4> seconds cooldown.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Deals 420 + 140% of intelligence + 80% of Strength, slows attack and movement speed by <A07E,DataA5,%>.
<A07E,Cool5> seconds cooldown.
* Triggered visual effects and damage
* Triggered update ability text for Force Lightning
* Ability - Darth Vader Force Push
* Increased Mana Cost from 40 to 45
* Unit - Dracula - Second Form (level 20 boss)
* Added "Enemy" to Area of Effect Targets
- This results in him attacking targets in melee-range
* Increased armor from 8 to 10
* Increased range from 600 to 625
== IN [T] 2020-12-22 19:52 - Import, Trigger, Buffs, Items, Abilities - OUT: 20:33 ==
* Import - Imported "BTNGoldenShieldHoly" by Novart
* Added credits
* Item/Ability - New Item: Golden Shield of Aegis
* Item-ability: Armor+8
* Item-ability: Life+250
* Item-ability: Devotion Aura+5armor
Not any sheild can protect nearby allies, but this sheild made from a heavy, soft metal can!
• 8 Armor
• 5 Armor Aura to allies within 1200 units
• 250 Life
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r all allies under the effect of the aura, on-physical-damage-taken: |c00AAAAAABlock|r 10 damage.
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r 30% on-damage-taken to |c00AAAAAAblock|r 12% of the damage (or 25, whichever is bigger).
* TODO: Triggers
== IN [T] 2020-12-22 13:46 - Import, Item, Trigger, Abilities - OUT: 18:39 ==
* Item/Ability - Shield of Honor
* Removed Devotion Aura (will be on an Advanced item later)
* Increased armor from 6 to 10 (1 more than before)
* Renamed to Shield of Protection
* Now only blocks physical damage (I.E. non-magic and non-spell (ability) damage)
* Import - Imported "BTNSpikedArmor" by Novart
* Added credits
* Item/Ability/Trigger - New Item: Spiked Plate of Vengeance
* Item-ability: Armor+14
* Item-ability: Life+350
A plate armor so spikey and vengeful that it hurts physical attackers, no matter where they are!
• 14 Armor
• 350 Life
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r on-physical-damage-taken: |c00AAAAAABlock|r (60% of total armor) damage and damage the attacker by 200% of total armor + 50% of total |c00AAAAAAblocked|r amount (from any |c00AAAAAAblock|r source).
|c00888888Physical is all damage except for magic and ability-damage.
* Added trigger for damage block and damage reflection
* Combines from: Shield of Protection (1750g) + Gem of Health (375g) + Recipe (1625g) = 3750g
* Combine Trigger
* Unit - "Advanced Recipes - Attack, Defence" added "Recipe for Spiked Plate of Vengeance" to shop
* Item - Moved around several items to structure them in "Attack" and "Defence" sections of the shops, adjusted hotkeys
* Import - Imported "BTNBloodStinger" by Novart
* Added credits
* Item/Ability/Trigger - New Item: Death Dirk of Blood
* Item-ability: Damage+65
* Item-ability: Lifereg+4
A bit more deadly and bloody than a regular dirk.
• 65 Damage
• 4 HP/s Regain
• 10% Critical Hit Chance.
• 25% Critical Hit Damage.
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: On-attack-hit: restore 7 health and add 1 damage per 100 missing hp of target. If critial hit, health restored is multiplied by total Critial Hit Damage, and bonus damage is multiplied by total Critial Hit Damage.
* Triggered on-attack-hit effect
* Added crit
* Combines from: Bloodtooth (1400g) + Critial Slicer (1000g) + Sword of Attack +20 (800g) + Recipe (1400g) = 4600g
* Added Combine Trigger
* Unit - "Advanced Recipes - Attack, Defence" added "Recipe for Death Dirk of Blood" to shop
== IN [T] 2020-12-21 20:27 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 23:41 ==
* Trigger/Ability - Lothar Defensive Stance
* Now has a floating text showing how much damage is stored from blocking
* Now has a floating text showing damage added to attack from retaliation
* Retailiation Damage stored per instance is now at most the "original damage amount" (multiplied by) "Retaliation Store %"
* Fixed ability-text details
* Now, on top of everything else, blocks {11, 12, 13, 14, 15}% of incoming damage (passivly).
* Ability - Lothar Charge
* Ability-text now shows the defencive stance augmentation text, previously, it was only on the learn-text
* Increased cast range from 800 units to 900
== IN [T] 2020-12-20 19:58 - Trigger, Map - OUT: 21:59 ==
* Trigger - Disabled DebugCurrentWaveUnitCount
- Ehhm, current version on Hiveworkshop has a debug-print every seconds...
* Map - New Map version: 0.80 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Write Change log for 0.78 -> 0.79
* Uploaded 0.79 to Hiveworkshop

== IN [T] 2020-12-20 15:58 - Item, Trigger, Abilities, Unit - OUT: 18:22 ==
* Item/Trigger - Shield of Honor
* Reverted block amount from 0.5 per level to 6
* Item/Trigger - Amulet of Protective Flames
A pretty hot amulet.
• 3 Armor
• 7 Spell Power
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: Deal 7 + 0.5 per level Ability-Damage per second to enemies within 200 units.
* Added the spell power
* Added damage-dealing trigger
* Combines from: Leather Armor +3 (400g) + Strange Poach (250g) + Recipe (250g) = 900g
* Added Combine Trigger
* Unit - Basic Recipes - Life, Mana, Magic
* Added Recipe for Amulet of Protective Flames to shop
== IN [T] 2020-12-19 21:50 - Abilities, Trigger - OUT: 23:58 ==
* Ability/Trigger - Lothar Leadership Stance
* Adjusted Footmen Health some more...
* from {65, 85, 105, 125, 145} + {15, 17, 19, 21, 23}% of Lothar Max HP
* to {70, 85, 100, 115, 130} + {15, 17, 19, 21, 23}% of Lothar Max HP
* Ability/Trigger - Samus Bomb
* Mana cost increase per cast increased from 10 to 15
* Ability/Trigger - Samus Charge Beam
* Increased damage per charge
* From {22, 24, 26, 28, 30} + {3, 6, 9, 12, 15} % of Agillity
* To {22, 25, 28, 31, 34} + {6, 9, 12, 15, 18} % of Agillity
* Added intial damage on top of everything else dealing:
{60, 70, 80, 90, 100} + {60, 70, 80, 90, 100}% of Agillity damage.
* Moved Range and AoE from calculations trigger to Helpers
- Ehhm, this might be a bit much, but it didn't feel too great to use before...
== IN [T] 2020-12-19 19:31 - Abilities, Trigger, Items - OUT: 19:39 ==
* Ability/Trigger - Lothar Leadership Stance
* Lowered Footmen Health
* from {90, 110, 130, 150, 170} + {15, 17, 19, 21, 23}% of Lothar Max HP
* To {65, 85, 105, 125, 145} + {15, 17, 19, 21, 23}% of Lothar Max HP
* Item/Trigger - Shield of Honor
* Lowered blocking from 1.0 per level to 0.5 per level
== IN [T] 2020-12-19 13:39 - Map, Abilitiy, Trigger, Items - OUT: 17:36 ==
* Map - Writing change log for 0.75 -> 0.78
- New File: changelog.txt where changelogs for hive is put
* Ability/Trigger - Lothar Slash
* Points in Slash now improves the healing on this ability, instead of points in Change Stance
* Lothar now always heals from slash!
* Lowered Healing from {50, 65, 80, 95, 110} + {4,5,6,7,8} % missing HP to {25, 35, 45, 55, 65} + {1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5} % missing hp
* Healing is doubled while in Leadership Stance (resuling in fairly similar healing to before in that stance)
* Adjustment to ability-text and level-up-text to reflect this change.
- This change is an insentive to have another stance and a slight nerf to end-game healing
* Defensive Stance block duration increased from 0.8 seconds to 1.0 seconds
* Ability/Trigger - Lothar Leadership Stance
* Lowered base spawn time for footmen from 25 seconds to 20 seconds
* Lowered spawn time while having a captain from 18 seconds to 14 seconds
* Captain health and damage boost increased from 20% to 25%
* Slight rephraseing of conditions on when captain joins, but same mechanics
* Adjusted Footmen Health
* from {75, 100, 125, 150, 175} + {14, 15, 16, 17, 18}% of Lothar Max HP
* To {90, 110, 130, 150, 170} + {15, 17, 19, 21, 23}% of Lothar Max HP
* Adjusted Footmen Damage
* from {20, 25, 30, 35, 40} + {14, 15, 16, 17, 18}% of Lothar Strength
* To {20, 25, 30, 35, 40} + {15, 17, 19, 21, 23}% of Lothar Strength
- Footmen got really fragile last 10 waves, this will hopefully give them a durability boost without making them too strong during the mid-game
* Item/Trigger - Life Staff
* Reduced healing from 4 + 1 per 250 missing hp to 4 + 1 per 333 missing hp
* Increased area of healing from 350 to 500
* Item/Trigger - Inconveniently Heavy Shield
* Bugfix/nerf - Item say 25% to block 50% of incoming damage, but has really blocked 66% of incoming damage. Block amount lowered from 66% to 50% (what the item actually say!)
- Will reduced late-game durability!
* Item/Trigger - Small Shield
* Made recipe to use same phrasing as resulting item on the damage-block part
* Bugfix: No longer has a 20% to block 20 damage AND a 25% to block 25 damage, only the 20% to block 20 damage...
* Item/Trigger - Heavy Sheid of Strength now has 25% to block 25 damage.
* Item/Trigger - Shield of Honor
* Gold cost now reflects the gold it costs to combine
* Removed Hardened Skin 6 damage reduction
* Added: on-damage-taken: |c00AAAAAABlock|r 1 per hero level of the damage
* Added trigger that does this

== IN [T] 2020-12-18 16:46 - Map - OUT: 16:49 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.79 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Failed to upload 0.78 to hiveworkshop
- My email is invalid and I have lost all rights?
- I've contacted Hiveworkshop admins
== IN [T] 2020-12-16 21:28 - Trigger, Abilities - OUT: 22:09 ==
* Trigger - HugeSlime that have shrunk in size is now propperly re-added to current_wave_unit_group
- The huge slime itself is replaced, resulting in the unit disappeared from current_wave,
and the unit replacing didn't replace its place in current_wave
* Ability - Attribute Bonus
* Level skip interval set to 2 down from default 3 (now possible to use all skill-points!)
* Lowered Attribute bonus from 5 per level to 4 per level
== IN [T] 2020-12-15 19:22 - Trigger, Item - OUT: 19:25 ==
* Item/Trigger - Life Staff
* Lowered base healing from 5 to 4
== IN [T] 2020-12-14 20:35 - Trigger, Unit, Item - OUT: 22:58 ==
* Trigger - Lightning Boots wearers unit-group moved into item_hash in "lightning-boots" of 0
* Trigger/Item - Life Staff
* Added on-hit-trigger
* Added pick-up and drop triggers
* Add wearer to unit-group in "Life Staff wearers" of 0 in item_hash
* Added periodic trigger
* Lowered scaling healing of missing hp from 1 per 200 missing hp to 1 per 250 missing hp
* Unit - Basic Recipes - Attack, Defence
* Fixed so it sells recipe for Bloodtooth, instead of the actual item
* Unit - Recipe Shop - Advanced Miscs split into "Advanced Recipes - Attack, Defence" and "Advanced Recipes - Life, Mana, Magic"
* Added Life Staff to "Advanced Recipes - Attack, Defence"
* Item - Changed a lot of recipe button XY to make use of new split-up shops
* Item - Strange Poach, Slightly Magical Wand
* Reworded "Spell Power" note slightly, to:
Spell Power acts as the attribute that gives the most power for hero-abilities.
Spell Power also gives power to several items.
- Note: This is only a note and no real mechanical change has occurred
== IN [T] 2020-12-13 15:52 - Trigger, Import, Item, Ability, Unit - OUT: 23:19 ==
- Note: Was AFK a few hours at the time a 2 times during this time
* Trigger - Made the following items check only once per attack, instead of once per target
* This is done by "DamageEventAOE Equal to 1"-Condition
- This seems to count up once per target for damage dealt from a single damage source in a game-tick
* Dagger of Swiftness
* Dagger of Supreme Swiftness
* Thunder Claws
* Thunder Death Blade
* Maul of Forceful Impact
* Maul of Tremendous Impact
* Mighty Skull of Insigt
* Frozen Skull of Nova
* Mage Blade
* Magi-Sword
* Import - Imported "BTNBloodThirster" by Novart
* Added credits
* Item/Ability/Trigger - Bloodtooth
* Item-ability: Damage+25
* Item-ability: Lifereg+2
False advertisement! It's not even a tooth.
• <A077,DataA1> Damage
• <A078,DataA1> HP/s Regain
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: On-attack-hit: restore 4 health
* Trigger for life restore
* Combines from: Sword of Attack +20 (800g) + Ring of Regeneration (200g) + Recipe (400g) = 1400g
* Added combine triggers
* Unit - "Basic Recipes - Attack, Defence" added Bloodtooth Recipe
* Import - Imported "BTNRedWand2" by D.ee
* Added credits
* Item/Ability - Life Staff
* Item-ability: Damage+40
* Item-ability: Health+600
- AFK for 4 hours
A good staff to whack evil-doers. Your friends will appreachiate it!
• <A07A,DataA1> Damage
• <A07B,DataA1> Health
• 30 Spell Power
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: Every second passivly, and on-basic-attack-hit: restore 5 + (1 per 200 missing hp) health for all allies within 350 units. Doubled for non-heroes.
* Combines from: Bloodtooth (1400g) + Life Stone (1225g) + Slightly Magical Wand (800g)+ Recipe (1325g) = 4750g
* Added combine trigger
* Added the Healing function
- TODO: Add the healing events that call the healing function, add Spell Power, add to shop, test this item and Bloodtooth
== IN [T] 2020-12-12 17:46 - Map, Trigger, Ability, Item, Unit - OUT: 20:04 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.78 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Trigger - Master Chief Plasma Grenade
* Removed debug-print
* Lowered Base Damage from {200, 300, 400, 500, 600} to {180, 260, 340, 420, 500}
* Increased Scaling Damage from {55, 75, 95, 115, 135} to {60, 80, 100, 120, 140}
* Lowered cooldown from 4.0 to 3.5 seconds
* Increased Mana-cost from 75 to 80
* Trigger - Master Chief VehicleDrop
* Removed debug-print
* Item - Master Chief Medkit
* Adjusted heal-text on-item to reflect that of the ability (% max hp was old values)
* Item/Trigger - Boots of Occasional Lightning
* Increased damage from 50 + 60% Spell Power + 25% of all stats to 75 + 75% + 25% of all stats
* Item/Trigger - Boots of Occasional Fulmination
* Increased damage from 100 + 100% Spell Power + 35% of all stats to 150 + 150% + 35% of all stats
* Trigger - Want of Blasting, Arcane Armor of Blasting
* Fixed leak on unit-groups
* Unit/Trigger - Master Chief Shotgun, Rocket, Sniper
* TODO - figure out how to do handle on-hit-effects in a good way for AoE basic attacks
== IN [T] 2020-12-10 20:05 - Trigger, Unit, Import, Ability, Item - OUT: 20:52 ==
* Trigger - Boots of Occasional Lightning/Fulmination
* Added sound
* Trigger - Boots of Occasional Fulmination
* Combine Trigger
* Trigger - Several Item effects
* does not trigger for illusions
* Unit - "Recipe Shop - Advanced Misc" now has "Recipe for Boots of Occasional Fulmination" in it
* Import - Imported "BTNRubyAmulet" by Novart
* Added credits
* Item/Ability - Amulet of Protective Flames
* Item-ability Health+300
* Item-ability Armor+3
- TODO: all but the item xD
== IN [T] 2020-12-09 19:53 - Item, Trigger, Ability, Import, Sound - OUT: 22:22 ==
* Item - Boots of Occasional Lightning
* Changed the text from "UNIQUE:" to "UNIQUE Lightning Boots: "
- This means that it won't work well with other lightning boots
* Item/Trigger/Ability - Boots of Occasional Fulmination
* Item-ability: Movement Speed +80 (same as Broach of Upgraded Swiftness)
No regular lightning strikes here, occasional fulminations!
• 80 Movement Speed
• 45 Spell Power
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE Lightning Boots|r: Every 500 units of movement generate 1 charge up to 20 charges. When over 8 charges, standing within 500 units of an enemy will cause a lightning attack on an enemy draining 8 charges, dealing 100 + 100% of Spell Power + 35% of sum of all stats ability-damage.
* Added spell power
* Added it to the other boot's trigger, with priority over the "lower tier" version
* Combines from: Boots of Occasional Lightning (1200g) + Slightly Magic Wand (800g) + Recipe (1300g) = 3300g
* Changed to special effect from "Chain Lightning" (from the unit) to "Lightning Bolt" (from the sky)
- TODO: Add sound, do combine trigger, add recipe to shop
* Import - Imported "BTNPathfinder 02" by Novart
* added credits
* Trigger - Wrote a library for destroying effects after a delay
* Sound - Made "LightningBolt" a sound variable that should be used
== IN [T] 2020-12-08 20:37 - Item, Trigger, Unit - OUT: 20:55 ==
* Item/Trigger - Boots of Occasional Lightning
* Increased damage from 20 + 60% Spell Power + 25% all stats to 50 + 60% Spell Power + 25% all stats
* Lowered charges required to fire from 10 to 8
* Increased Spell Power from 10 to 15
* Combines from: Boots of Speed (200g) + Strange Poach (250g) + Recipe (750) = 1200g
- Same total price as Brooch of Swiftness
* Added combine triggers
* Unit - Added Boots of Occasional Lightning to Basic Recipes - Life, Mana, Magic
== IN [T] 2020-12-07 20:15 - Item, Trigger, Ability - OUT: 21:25 ==
* Item/Trigger/Ability - Boots of Occasional Lightning
* Item-ability: Movement Speed +60 (same as Broach of Swiftness)
* Item now references this ability in tooltip for movement speed+
* Spell power added
* Renamed TestBoot-triggers to LightningBoots.
* Unit-ability: Dummy-single-target-chain-lightning ability
* Triggered Damage
* Increased Damage from 20 + 50% Spell Power + 20% all stats to 20 + 60% Spell Power + 25% all stats
- I.E. A level 15 samus with just these boots deal around 100 damage from the lightning attack
- Should take about 12 seconds of constant movement to charge up
- TODO: Recipe, adjust gold-cost, combine-triggers, add to shop.
== IN [T] 2020-12-07 10:42 - Item, Unit, Trigger, Import - OUT: 18:30 ==
* Item - Arcane Armor of Blasting Recipe button position moved to 2,1 from 0,0 (now in correct position!)
* Item - Golden Goblet of Gore now references the correct Item-ability (I.E. its own active, instead of the Cup of Blood-version)
* Unit - "Recipe Shop - Basics Misc" now split into "Basic Recipes - Life, Mana, Magic" and "Basic Recipes - Attack, Defence"
* Item Recipes
* Item recipes now reference "[Basic Recipes - Attack, Defence]" or "[Basic Recipes - Life, Mana, Magic]"
- Instead of "[Basic Miscs]" as it did before
* Trigger - Experimenting with boots that gain charge by moving and ZAP when close to enemy when enough "charge".
- Added a "item_hash"-hashtable
* Import - Imported "BTNwind boots" by Novart
* Added credits
* Item - Boots of Occasional Lightning
While wearing these, lightning seem to strike more often!
• 60 Movement Speed
• 10 Spell Power
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: Every 500 units of movement generate 1 charge up to 20 charges. When over 10 charges, standing within 500 units of an enemy will cause a lightning attack on an enemy draining 10 charges, dealing 20 + 50% of Spell Power + 20% of all stats.
- TODO: Item-ability, and link it to tool-tip, add spell power, rename a few triggers and make it deal damage.
== IN [T] 2020-11-29 21:47 - Trigger, Ability, Item, Unit - OUT: 22:30 ==
* Item/Trigger/Ability - Golden Goblet of Gore
* Item-ability: Active
* Item-Ability - Health increased from 900 to 1000
* Adjusted item:
A powerful non-evil goblet that consume locally produced blood to increase in power!
• <A070,DataA1> Health
• 20 + 0.1 Spell Power per charge of this item
• Activly Use: Drains health equal charge of this item, restoring 2.25 mana per health drained, increasing the charges by 10 (max 600). <A06Z,Cool1> seconds cooldown.
May or may not summon a deamon if you die by this cup...
* Trigger for active ability
* Trigger for spell power
* Combines from: Cup of Blood (1200g) + Life Stone (1225g) + Slightly Magic Wand (800g) + Recipe (1025g) = 4250g
* Added combine trigger
* Unit - Recipe added to Advanced Misc-shop
== IN [T] 2020-11-29 19:41 - Item - OUT: 19:58 ==
* Item/Trigger/Ability - Golden Goblet of Gore
* Item-Ability - Health+900
A powerful non-evil goblet that consume locally produced blood to increase in power!
• <A070,DataA1> Health
• 0.2 Spell Power per charge of this item
• Activly Use: Drains health equal charge of this item, restoring 2.5 mana per health drained, increasing the charges by 10 (max 500). <A06Z,Cool1> seconds cooldown.
May or may not summon a deamon if you die by this cup...
- TODO - Active ability, Spell power, combine, etc.
== IN [T] 2020-11-29 15:30 - Import, Item, Ability, Trigger, Unit - OUT: 17:33 ==
* Import - Imported "BTNCupOfBlood" by JollyD
* Added credits
* Import - Imported "BTNGobletOfVampires" by Novart
* Added credits
* Item/Trigger/Ability - Cup of Blood
* Item-Ability - Health+400
A completely non-evil goblet that consume locally produced blood to increase in power!
• <A06Y,DataA1> Health
• 0.1 Spell Power per charge of this item
• Activly Use: Drains health equal charge of this item, restoring 2.0 mana per health drained, increasing the charges by 10 (max 200). <A06Z,Cool1> seconds cooldown.
May or may not summon a deamon if you die by this cup...
- Starts with 100 charges
* Trigger for active ability
* Added spell-power
* Combines from: Gem of Health (375g) + Strange Poach (250g) + Recipe (575g) = 1200g
* Added combine trigger
* Unit - Recipe added to Basic Misc-shop
== IN [T] 2020-11-28 16:26 - Import, Item, Ability, Buff, Unit - OUT: 17:20 ==
* Import - Imported "BTNArcaneArmor" by PrinceYaser
* Added credits
* Ability/Buff - Arcane Charge
* Made a Bloodlust-based spell that applies a buff
* Import - Imported "Shock Blast Purple" by Mythic
* Added credits
* Item - Wand of Blasting
* Increased total price from 1550g to 1850g
* Item/Trigger - Arcane Armor of Blasting
* Item-Ability - Int+20
* Item-Ability - Armor+8
The number one choice for blasting evil-doers safely!
• <A06W,DataB1> Intelligence
• <A06V,DataA1> Armor
• 50 Spell Power
• On-ability-cast: Casting mana-costing abilites gives the wearer Arcane Charge for 5 seconds.
• On-damage-taken: If you have Arcane Charge on you, it's comsumed to reduce incoming damage by 25, restore 25 life and mana and blast the area around the damage source (150 units) dealing 100 + 100% of Spell Power + 30% of Intelligence ability-damage to enemies.
* On-ability-cast trigger that applies Arcane Charge-buff
* On-damage-taken trigger that consumes buff, reduce damage taken and restore hp+mana and blasts damage source
- The blasts uses Shock Blast Purple vfx
* Added spell power
* Combines from: Mage Armor (1600g) + Wand of Blasting (1850g) + Recipe (1550g) = 5000g
* Added combine trigger
* Unit - Recipe added to Advanced Stats-shop
== IN [T] 2020-11-28 14:10 - Trigger, Item, Ability, Buff, Unit - OUT: 15:13 ==
* Ability/Buff - Magical Protection
* Made a Bloodlust-based spell that applies a buff
* Trigger/Item - Mage Armor
* On-ability-cast trigger that applies Magical Protection-buff
* On-damage-taken trigger that consumes buff, reduce damage taken and restore hp+mana
* Adjusted Magical Protection duration from 3 seconds to 5 seconds
* Adjusted damage reduced, hp and mana restored from 5 to 8
* Added spell power
* Combines from: Robe of the Magi +6 (500g) + Leather Armor +3 (400g) + Strange Poach (250g) + Recipe (450g) = 1600g
* Added combine trigger
* Unit - Recipe added to Basic Stats-shop, replacing the old "Helm of Insight" (that now can be removed)
== IN [T] 2020-11-27 19:36 - Item, Trigger, Import, Ability, Unit - OUT: 23:09 ==
* Trigger/Item - MightySkullOfInsight
* Fixed bug, now cause damage to enemies near target instead of near hero
- Item text say "... to enemies within 100 of target.", but trigger did to enemies within 100 units of the hero
* Import - Improted "BTNfrostpresence" by Blizzard Entertainment, Kawaii Stain
* Added credits
* Item - Frozen Skull of Nova
* Item-Ability - Str+22
* Item-Ability - Mana+450
* Item-Ability - Mana-reg+75%
Perfect choice of skull, if you are after a cool one.
• <A055,DataC1> Strength
• <A01X,DataA1> Mana
• <A061,DataA1,%> % Mana Regeneration
• 35 Spell Power
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: 22% on-attack-hit to deal 90% of Strength and 120% Spell Power as ability-damage to enemies within 125 of target.
* Trigger - on-attack-hit trigger
* Combines from: Mighty Skull of Insight (1800g) + Magical Token (650g) + Slightly Magic Wand (800g) + Recipe (1500g) = 4750g
* Added combine Trigger
* Unit - Recipe added to Advanced Stats-shop
* Import - Improted "BTNSorcererArmor" by PrinceYaser
* Added credits
* Item - Mage Armor
* Item-Ability - Int+10
* Item-Ability - Armor+4
An armor fitted for an average mage.
• <A063,DataB1> Intelligence
• <A06T,DataA1> Armor
• 8 Spell Power
• On-ability-cast: Casting mana-costing abilites gives the wearer Magical Protection for 3 seconds.
• On-damage-taken: If you have Magical Protection on you, it's comsumed to reduce incoming damage by 5, restore 5 life and mana.
- TODO: Make triggers that does ability-text, recipe, combine-trigger, add to shop.
== IN [T] 2020-11-24 20:36 - Import, Ability, Map - OUT: 21:43 ==
* Gameplay Constants - Increased Level Skip (Default) to 3
- This should make heroes forced to have more points in more skills (or Bonus Attribute)
- This is mostly because some abilities had it, now it is consistant
* Ability - Many
* Reset default Level Skip for many (non-ultimate) abilities
* Import - Imported "BTNElectricEruption" by The Panda
* Added credits
* Ability - Samus Charge Beam
* Changed icon to BTNElectricEruption
* Import - Imported "BTNBladestorm" by -Berz-
* Added credits
* Ability - Lothar Slash
* Changed icon to BTNBladestorm
* Import - Imported "BTNrapier" by Novart
* Added credits
* Ability - Lothar Offensive Stance Passive and Change Stance
* Changed icon to BTNrapier
== IN [T] 2020-11-23 22:20 - Import, Trigger, Ability, Buff - OUT: 23:05 ==
* Import - Imported "BTNAllianceForce" by Blizzard Entertainment, JollyD
* Added credits
* Ability & Buff - Lothar Leadership Stance
* Changed icon to BTNAllianceForce
* Change Stance: uses "BTN", Passive uses "PAS"
- Unsure about this one... Was flag icon
* Import - Imported "BTNAllianceLionProtectShield" by JollyD
* Added credits
* Ability & Buff - Lothar Defensive Stance
* Changed icon to BTNAllianceLionProtectShield
* Change Stance: uses "BTN", Passive uses "PAS"
- Unsure about this one... Was iron shield icon
* Import - Imported "BTNShockOrb" by The Panda
* Added credits
* Ability - Samus Place Bomb
* Changed icon to BTNShockOrb
== IN [T] 2020-11-23 18:13 - Ability, Import, Trigger, Buffs - OUT: 20:33 ==
* Trigger - Moved Variables and triggers
* Khadgar ability triggers to seperate folders
* Also moved Khadgar variables
* Moved all temp-variables to temp-variables folder at top of "Variables" folder
* Moved debug-variables to debug-folder
* Move a lot of other variables
* Import - Imported "Orb of the Sun" icon
* Added to credits
* Ability & Buffs - Khadgar Flame Shield
* Changed Icon to "Orb of the Sun"
* Import - Imported BTNWeaver02 icon
* Added to credits
* Ability & Buffs - Khadgar Amplify Magic
* Changed Icon to "BTNWeaver02"
- Found several other Icons
== IN [T] 2020-11-22 19:45 - Trigger, Ability, Unit - OUT: 21:04 ==
* Trigger/Ability - Master Chief Vehicle Drop
* Now sets hp to 100% after setting max HP
- Previsouly, if would be damaged if max hp was over the "old max hp" (old, meaning before vehicle rebalance today)
* Lowered Heavy Scorpion Tank damage from 320 + 210% (Intelligence + Agility) to 250 + 180% (Intelligence + Agility)
- Resulting damage without any items or points in Bonus Attibutes-ability at max-level.
- Before recent changes, it had 990 damage/attack
- After recent changes, it had 1083 damage/attack
- With this nerf, it has 903 damage/attack (but still has super high damage from items from intelligence AND agility!)
- With this nerf, lvl 16,it has
* Heavy Scorpion Tank Base hp increased from 1000 to 1600
- Before recent changes, it had 7500 hp
- After recent changes@16 -> 3850 hp
- After recent changes@30 -> 5845 hp
- With this buff @ lvl 16 -> 4450 hp
- With this buff @ lvl 30 -> 6445 hp
* Lowered Scorpion Tank damage from 240 + 160% (Intelligence + Agility) to 175 + 150% (Intelligence + Agility)
- Resulting damage without any items or points in Bonus Attibutes-ability at lvl 11.
- Before recent changes, it had 245 DPS
- After recent changes, it had 244 DPS
- With this nerf it has 203 DPS (407 damage/attack, increase of 50 DPS over Warthog)
* Scorpion Tank Base hp increased from 750 to 1200
- Before recent changes, it had 3500 hp
- After recent changes@11 -> 2362 hp
- After recent changes@16 -> 2887 hp
- With this buff at lvl 11 -> 2812 hp
- With this buff at lvl 16 -> 3337 hp
* Nerf Warthog
* Lowered attacks/second from 4 to 3
* Adjusted damage from 30 + 20% (Intelligence + Agility) to 25 + 20% (Intelligence + Agility)
- Resulting damage without any items or points in Bonus Attibutes-ability at lvl 6.
- Before recent changes, it had 333 DPS - More DPS than Scorpion Tank!
- After recent changes, it had 200 DPS
- With this nerf it has 150 DPS
* Warthog Base hp increased from 500 to 800
- Before recent changes, it had 1500 hp
- After recent changes, it had 1212 hp
- With this buff, it has 1512 hp
== IN [T] 2020-11-22 15:03 - Trigger, Ability, Map - OUT: 16:47 ==
* Trigger - Master Chief Vehicle Drop
* Vehicle stats Calculations triggers for all 3 Vehicles
* Vehicle set damage and hp according to calculations for all 3 Vehicles
* Trigger - Master Chief Update Ability Texts
* Standardised Ability text updates for Master Chief
* Existing Plasma Grenade Update called from this
* Added Update Ability Texts for Vehicle Drop with resulting hp and damage texts
* Ability - Master Chief Vehicle Drop
* Added colors to all stats it scales with.
* Adjusted first line of learn text to:
Calls on vehicle air support, dropping a vehicle at target location, dealing damage based on intelligence and stunning nearby enemy land units for <A02E;ANin,Dur1> seconds.
* Trigger - Mammoth Tank Parabombs
* Moved all parabombs variables to parabombs folder
* Map - New Map version: 0.77 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
== IN [T] 2020-11-21 13:29 - Trigger - OUT: 16:55 ==
* Trigger - Made global function to get zHeight at prameter xy
- There is a "move location" function call that does not leak!
* Trigger - Master Chief Vehicle Drop
* Use getZHeight to get the... zHeight at location
* "Attached" vehicle to dropship
* Added damage dealing to drop-trigger.
- TODO: Make dropped Vehicle hp and damage scale according to learn-text.
* Ability - Master Chief Vehicle Drop
* Lowered Duration from 45 to 40
* Increased cast range from 500 to 1000
* Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 70 seconds
* Set stun from 4/2 seconds (to regular/hero) to 2/2 seconds.
* Adjusted learn-text to:
Calls on vehicle air support, dropping a vehicle at target location, dealing damage based on intelligence and stunning nearby enemy land units for <A02E;ANin,Dur1> seconds.
The dropped vehicle lasts <A02E;ANin,DataB1> seconds.
<A02E;ANin,Cool1> Seconds Cooldown.
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - A Warthog is dropped.
The drop deals 100% of intelligence damage to enemies in the area.
The Warthog life is: 500 + 50% max hp + 50% max mana
The Warthog attacks 4 times per second and deals 30 + 20% of intelligence + 20% of agillity to a single target.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - A Scorpion Tank is dropped.
The drop deals 150% of intelligence damage to enemies in the area.
The Scorpion Tank life is: 750 + 75% max hp + 75% max mana
The Scorpion Tank attacks once per 2 seconds and deals 240 + 160% of intelligence + 160% of agillity damage in a small area.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - A Heavy Scorpion Tank is dropped.
The drop deals 200% of intelligence damage to enemies in the area.
The Heavy Scorpion Tank life is: 1000 + 100% max hp + 100% max mana
The Heavy Scorpion Tank attacks once per 2 seconds and deals 320 + 210% of intelligence + 210% of agillity damage in a small area.
Unit - Warthog
* Increased attack cooldown from 0.15 to 0.25
== IN [T] 2020-11-19 20:32 - Trigger - OUT: 20:49 ==
* Trigger - Master Chief Vehicle Drop
* setup method for creating effect depending on level of ability
- TODO: Scale and tint the effect to look like the units
== IN [T] 2020-11-16 22:01 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 22:15 ==
* Trigger - Master Chief Vehicle Drop
* Slight adjustments to timing
* Added timer to get time to drop-point
* Ability - Master Chief Vehicle Drop
* Created a new channel-based ability for it
- Maybe no need to use it...
* Adjustments to old:
* Removed Infernal Effect
* Increased Impact Delay from 1.0 to 1.917 (The time it currently takes the dropship to drop)
== IN [T] 2020-11-15 16:42 - Trigger - OUT: 19:12 ==
* Trigger - Master Chief Vehicle Drop
* Path for dropship almost done
- TODO: Attach vehicle, drop it, change base ability
== IN [T] 2020-11-14 22:26 - Trigger - OUT: 22:55 ==
* Trigger - Master Chief Vehicle Drop
* Work in progress for a version without using Relativistic Missiles system
== IN [T] 2020-11-14 13:14 - Trigger - OUT: 18:29 ==
* Trigger - Master Chief Vehicle Drop
* Work in progress for a version without using Relativistic Missiles system
== IN [T] 2020-11-09 19:19 - Trigger - OUT: 20:14 ==
* Trigger - Master Chief Vehicle Drop
* Added dropship to existing ability
- Will probably look bad, will probably need to remake this ability from channel or something
- Currently very... not too good looking
* Trigger - Master Chief Plasma Grenade
* Removed more debug-prints
== IN [T] 2020-11-07 17:23 - Ability, Trigger, Import - OUT: 21:19 ==
* Ability - Master Chief Plasma Grenade
* Adjusted text to:
The Master Chief throws a plasma grenade, that will explode after 2.5 seconds, towards target location. The plasma grenade will stick to any unit it hits while in the throw. Long throws will cause the plasma grenade to bounce at target location, making it travel slightly further.
Units very close to the explosion (within 50 units) takes double damage.
Units far away from the explosion (further than 200 units away, up to 325) takes half damage.
Cost <A006,Cost1> Mana, <A006,Cool1,.> seconds cooldown.
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Deals 200 + |c0072AAEE55%|r of Intelligence damage.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Deals 300 + |c0072AAEE75%|r of Intelligence damage.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Deals 400 + |c0072AAEE95%|r of Intelligence damage.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Deals 500 + |c0072AAEE115%|r of Intelligence damage.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Deals 600 + |c0072AAEE135%|r of Intelligence damage.
|c00FF0000Deals Friendly Fire!|r Does not damage friendly buildings!
* Trigger - Master Chief Plasma Grenade
* Adjusted damage numbers to the ones above.
* Adjusted dynamic-tooltip to the one above (alightly adjusted).
* Adjusted grenade that is currently stuck to unit to use same model as the thrown grenade
* Commented out all debug-prints
* Slight adjustment to bounce details
* Ability - Mammoth Tank V2Rocket
* Lowered cooldown from 8 seconds to 7 seconds
* Trigger - Mammoth Tank V2Rocket
* Rewrote using Relativistic Missiles
* No more waits! No more points, No more units being created!
* Damage changed from {230, 340, 500, 710, 970} to {180, 300, 420, 540, 660} + {100, 110, 120, 130, 140} % Str
* No longer deals damage to friendly buildings
* TODO: Remove old trigger and variables
* Import - Colonial Raptor - To be used for Halo Pelican for Vehicle Drop
* Added credits to "Coxxon, syc" in trigger and quest
* Trigger - Relativistic Missiles
* Added credits in trigger and quest
== IN [T] 2020-11-05 19:38 - Trigger, Unit - OUT: 21:00 ==
* Trigger - Master Chief Plasma Grenade (v2)
* Added all special effects of old explsion
* Added damage to ability
* Now uses this ability for calculating damage
- TODO: Adjust ability text to the new ability and maybe change some damage numbers
* Trigger - Master Chief Plasma Grende (old)
* Removed
* Cleaned up variables
* Moved all Master Chief Variables to his folder.
* Unit - Master Chief (variants)
* Now has new version of Plasma Grenade
== IN [T] 2020-11-03 21:04 - Trigger - OUT: 21:12 ==
* Trigger - Relativistic Missiles System
* Adjusted so that it doesn't call terminate if onFinish returns false
* Adjusted speed to return the speed-per-second instead of the speed-per-tick
* Trigger - MCPlasmaGrenade
* Adapted to speed adjustment
== IN [T] 2020-11-01 22:13 - Trigger - OUT: 23:57 ==
* Trigger - Master Chief Plasma Grenade (v2)
* Implemented bounce and other tweaks
== IN [T] 2020-11-01 12:34 - Map, Item, Ability, Trigger - OUT: 17:48 ==
* Item - Boots of Speed now references the ability being used!
* Ability - Broach of Swiftness ("basic-edition") move-speed reduced from 80 to 60
* Item - Broach of Upgraded Swiftness now references a different ability than "basic" swiftness. Still has +80 move speed.
- Applied to Recipe as well!
* Item - Recipes - Now has same icon as the item that it results in.
* Trigger - All UpdateAbilityTexts checks now include "not illusion"-condition!
- This is the probable cause of most illusion-related issues!
- Illusion on Lothar is not buggy any more at least...
* Trigger - Debug init now sets hero-variables to the pre-placed heroes
* Trigger - Removed many "Set <hero> = (Triggering Unit)" variables in hero abilities
- Already sets the "hero" variable when selecting it!
* Trigger - Darth Vader Choke Abort
* Removed a "wait" for removing the choking "buff" (because this was buggy!)
* Map - New Map version: 0.76 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Uploading 0.75 to hiveworkshop
* Trigger - Master Chief Plasma Grenade (v2)
* A lot of it has been done and a lot of vjass has been learned
- TODO: Make it bouncy and damagey

== IN [T] 2020-10-31 17:05 - Unit, Trigger, Ability - OUT: 17:20 ==
* Unit - Master Chief now has old Plasma Grenade
* Trigger - Disabled new Plasma Grenade Triggers and relativistic Missiles system
* Ability - Mammoth Tank Motherland
* Increased % of missing hp/s from {0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50} to {0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75}
* Lowered cooldown from 30 seconds to 26 seconds.

== IN [T] 2020-10-28 17:28 - Trigger - OUT: 17:48 ==
* Trigger - Imported Relativistic Missiles (Relativistic Missiles)
- Many of the "projectile abilities" can be changed to use this!
- I.E.
- Samur Missiles
- Mammoth Tank V2 Rocket
- Medivh boss attacks
- Can also be used to create more boss attacks in a "quick and easy" manner
* Trigger - Outlined a little a Plasma Grenade that uses Relativistic Missiles
* Reason is to fix the invisible projectile problem when targeting impassable terrain.

== IN [T] 2020-10-25 19:58 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 21:28 ==
* Trigger - Master Chief Plasma Grenade
* The projectile fires, bounces and attaches to units as expected.
- If the final destination is a cliff or any other obsticle, it will not show...
- Might get a fancy projectile system to handle fancier stuff easier...

== IN [T] 2020-10-25 16:45 - Trigger - OUT: 17:40 ==
* Trigger - Master Chief Plasma Grenade
* Search area around bounce-point for targets, if none if found, "bounce".
* If target found, create special effect attached to it.
- TODO explode after duration. make "same as above" for final destination.

== IN [T] 2020-10-25 12:11 - Ability, Trigger - OUT: 13:21 ==
* Ability - Master Chief Plasma Grenade
* Setup another plasma grenade base-ability to try out
* Trigger - Master Chief Plasma Grenade
* Setup ability that throws targeting point and "bounces" 80% of the way there
- TODO: search for targets near bounce and final destination to "stick" to, and explode, etc.

== IN [T] 2020-10-24 16:13 - Ability, Trigger - OUT: 17:39 ==
* Ability - Master Chief Plasma Grenade
* Setup a new ability that targets point instead of unit
* Trigger - Master Chief Plasma Grenade
* Setup outlines for cast and update triggers

== IN [T] 2020-10-24 13:03 - Ability, Unit, Trigger - OUT: 13:56 ==
* Ability/Trigger/Unit - Samus Missile
* Fixed last part of copy-paste from old ability
* Triggers now use new missile ability!
* Deleted old (unused) ability
* Unit - Samus
* Increased turn-rate for normal form from 0.45 to 1 (I.E. faster)
* Increased turn-rate for ball form from 0.6 to 1
* Lowered Animation Cast Point from 0.5 to 0.2 and Cast Backswing from 0.8 to 0.5 to fire rockets faster
* Unit - Lothar
* Decreased turn-rate from 0.6 to 0.5
* Increased movement speed for defensive stance from 225 to 250 (I.E. 50 slower than other stances)

== IN [T] 2020-10-23 20:24 - Ability - OUT: 20:32 ==
* Ability - Samus Missile
* Setup a new ability for Samus Missile based on Channel, hopefully able to control cast time better (it's a bit too long at the moment)
* Copied most of stuff from "old" Missile ability

== IN [T] 2020-10-23 15:26 - Trigger, Region, Terrain, Map, Ability, Buff - OUT: 17:52 ==
* Trigger - Samus Charge Beam
* Can no longer fire the charge beam while in Morph Ball
* Trigger - Lothar Warning
* Is now removed, because he is now "finished"
* Terrain - Removed unused Circle of Powers at Hero Selection area and adjusted ground texture slightly.
* Map - New Map version: 0.75 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Uploading 0.74 to hiveworkshop
* Ability/Trigger - Samus Place Bomb
* Cooldown lowered from 3 seconds to {0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5}
* Mana cost increased by 10 per cast, until a timer of {6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.5, 4.0} seconds has finished.
* Learn Tooltip adjutesd to
Transforms Samus into Morph Ball mode, disabling her attacks but enabling the placement of energy bombs.
Bombs can be placed with a very short cooldown, but the mana cost for each subsequent Bomb within a few seconds of the last costs 10 more than the previous.
She is also granted an armor bonus of 5 and significantly increased movement speed.

Transformation costs no mana and have 0.5 seconds cooldown.
Bomb initial Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A005,Cost1>|r increased by |c00AACCF410|r per bomb in quick succession.

|cffffcc00Level 1|r - 200 + (|c00EEE8AA60%|r Agility-stat) Bomb Damage, <A005,Cool1,.> s Cooldown, Mana Cost Reset: <A055,Dur1> seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - 270 + (|c00EEE8AA70%|r Agility-stat) Bomb Damage, <A005,Cool2,.> s Cooldown, Mana Cost Reset: <A055,Dur2> seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - 360 + (|c00EEE8AA80%|r Agility-stat) Bomb Damage, <A005,Cool3,.> s Cooldown, Mana Cost Reset: <A055,Dur3> seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - 470 + (|c00EEE8AA90%|r Agility-stat) Bomb Damage, <A005,Cool4,.> s Cooldown, Mana Cost Reset: <A055,Dur4> seconds.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - 600 + (|c00EEE8AA100%|r Agility-stat) Bomb Damage, <A005,Cool5,.> s Cooldown, Mana Cost Reset: <A055,Dur6> seconds.
|c007EBFF1Boost Ability|r moving fast to target location ignoring unit collision.

== IN [T] 2020-10-22 20:05 - Ability, Trigger, Unit - OUT: 20:33 ==
* Ability - Samus Place Bomb
* New Base ability (now "Berserk" instead of "Summon Water Elemental")
- This has an instant cast time, instead of <Birth Animation>-time cast time.
* Trigger - Samus Place Bomb
* Bomb is placed by trigger
* Text is on new ability
* Unit - Bomb
* Now moved to "Human" to be easier to find (as most other hero related stuff are there!)

== IN [T] 2020-10-21 23:02 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 23:04 ==
* Trigger - Samus Charge Beam
* Lowered time per charge from 0.25 to 0.2 seconds
* Ability - Samus Charge Beam
* Adjuster tooltips with the change above.

== IN [T] 2020-10-21 17:05 - Map, Ability, Item, Unit, Trigger - OUT: 18:16 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.74 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Ability - Lothar Slash
* Increased manacost from 40 to 45
* Item - Maul of Forceful Impact
* Adjusted text to reference stun ability and "cooldown" ability for durations.
* Adjusted text to say "on-attack-hit" instead of "chance" to clarify that it's just basic attacks that can trigger this.
* Recipe has the same text as item
* Added "Unique" in front of the stun (because stun does not improve by stacking the item!)
* Item - Maul of Tremendous Impact
* Adjusted text to reference "cooldown" ability for durations.
* Adjusted text to say "on-attack-hit" instead of "chance" to clarify that it's just basic attacks that can trigger this.
* Stun ability was not able to show 2 decimals for durations, so it's "hardcoded" in tooltip atm (still 1.25 second stun)
* Added "Unique" in front of the stun (because stun does not improve by stacking the item!)
* Item - Mighty Skull of Insight
* Adjusted "on-hit" to "on-attack-hit"
* Item - Small Shield, Heavy Shield of Strength, Inconveniently Heavy Shield
* Adjusted recipe to say the same thing as the real item
* Unit - Regent Lord of Azeroth [Tactical]
* Renamed to Regent Lord of Azeroth [Leadership]
* Lowered movement speed from 350 to 300 (same as agressive stance)
* Ability - Lothar Tactical brilliance aura ability - Removed!
* Ability - Several unused item abilities removed!
* Ability - Khadgar Flame Shield
* Lowered duration from 12 to 9 seconds
* Lowered cooldown from 15 to 11 seconds
* Ability Learn Tooltip now has cooldown and manacost written
* Trigger - Lothar Slash
* Targets hit now only count units that are alive!
- You can no longer "hit" dead bodies to heal your footies!
* Ability - Tusk Missiles, Slash
* Fixed spelling error "Stength" -> "Strength" on "learn text"
* Ability - Lothar Reinforcements Charge
* Increased cooldown from 65/65/65 to 90/80/70
* Updated Learn Text and "normal" tooltip to reflect this

== IN [T] 2020-10-20 17:02 - Ability, Trigger - OUT: 17:14 ==
* Ability - Lothar Slash
* Lowered manacost from 50 to 40
* Defensive Stance duration now references the buff that's used (should decrease chance of lies!)
* Trigger - Lothar Slash
* Defensive Stance block time increased from 0.6 to 0.8 (Learn Tooltip said 0.5 seconds before)
* Trigger - Lothar Change Stance
* Now updates all ability-texts
- Fixes issues of Slash showing the wrong augmentation bonus.

== IN [T] 2020-10-19 19:58 - Import, Trigger - OUT: 20:29 ==
* Import/Trigger
* BTNRuby by Novart
* Added to Credits-trigger
* Added it to quest trigger

== IN [T] 2020-10-18 20:17 - Trigger - OUT: 20:40 ==
* Trigger - Charge Beam
* Set Acquisition Range low on timer if no target in periodic targeting check
* Fixed most of the issues. Still fires at closest target if standing still when morphing to normal.
== IN [T] 2020-10-18 15:49 - Trigger, Unit, Ability - OUT: 16:40 ==
* Trigger - Charge Beam
* Turn off periodic check for "is target within range?" on-fire
* Made enemy-check non-inverted...
* Still has some problems with firing on-exit-morph-ball
* Unit - Samus (Morph Ball)
* Lowered Target Acquisition Range from 650 to 1
* Trigger - Morph Ball
* Now disables the new charge beam, instead of the old
* Now triggers "on Start effect of ability" instead of "begins casting ability"
* Switching back from Morph Ball now checks if there are charge, and sets low Acquisition Range if so.
* Disable Notice-trigger
* Ability - Charge Beam (old-edition)
* Deleted!
== IN [T] 2020-10-17 16:43 - Trigger - OUT: 17:30 ==
* Trigger - Charge Beam
* After fire, set AquisionRange to 800, set target to "no unit"
* Notice, attack-move and attack unit set target, then a periodic event checks range and fires if within range
* Removed debugtext
* Added enemy checks
- TODO: Test
== IN [T] 2020-10-17 15:01 - Trigger - OUT: 15:02 ==
* Trigger - No Death Option
* Fixed bug where bosses were unkillable when enabled
== IN [T] 2020-10-17 11:29 - Trigger, Upgrades - OUT: 12:18 ==
* Trigger - No Death Option: If this is enabled by Player 1 (red) via chat-command, leathal damage instead heals heroes to max hp.
* Setting is toggeld by: "-nodeath" command
* Can only be set during hero select
* If setting is set before "Game Start", it is possible to toggle it during the game.
* If not set before "Game Start", it will not be possible to turn on later.
* This is possible to do, even in non-debug mode!
- This seems to apply for bosses too?
* Upgrades - Setup difficulty modifier upgrades
* Currently not applied to anyone!
== IN [T] 2020-10-10 15:56 - Trigger, Ability, Item - OUT: 16:40 ==
* Trigger - Samus Charge Beam
* Dynamic ability text (extended tooltip)
* Ability - Samus Charge Beam
* Adjusted color of "% of agility damage" to the correct color (I.E. yellow, instead of the red used for strength)
* Item - Mighty Skull of Insight (+ recipe)
* Adjusted Tooltip - Extended to say "Strength" instead of "str".
== IN [T] 2020-10-06 17:58 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 18:42 ==
* Trigger - Samus Charge Beam
* Adjusted floaing text, so it shows correct number of charges for each level in ability (I.E. not always 20)
* Set projectile start and end height to 60, up from 0 (I.E. "in the ground")
* Calculations:
Increased Agility scaling amount from 2% per level to 3% per level.
Adjusted AoE from 15 * Charges to 100 + 10 * Charges (Max AoE is still the same).
Added "Max Range" to calculation (700 + 50 * charge)
* On Order a target: Check that target is within "max range" to fire
* On Order targeting point or object (after having charged-up): Set Acquisition range to max-range
* Ability - Samus Charge Beam
* Adjusted text:
Channel to charge up the weapon. Attack to release the current charge.
Every 0.25 seconds charging costs 5 mana and stores a charge.
Base AoE radius is 100, base range when firing is 700.
Each charge increases AoE by 10 and range by 50. Full damage is done within half of the AoE, half damage outside of that.
Charge is kept until the attack is fired.
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Each charge adds 22 + (|c00EE80723%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 12 charges.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Each charge adds 24 + (|c00EE80726%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 14 charges.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Each charge adds 26 + (|c00EE80729%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 16 charges.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Each charge adds 28 + (|c00EE807212%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 18 charges.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Each charge adds 30 + (|c00EE807215%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 20 charges.
|c00888888A basic attack will trigger the ability, critical hit and on-hit-effects will not apply.
- TODO: Fix "Tooltop - Normal - Extended" (hover the ability)
== IN [T] 2020-10-04 15:10 - Trigger - OUT: 19:08 ==
* Trigger - Samus Charge Beam
* On Aquired Target - Pause Samus and play animation, let dummy fire projectile, "wait" 0.5 seconds and unpause
- Unpause must come before animation reset. Pause must be after a wait(0.0) (with play animation before it).
* On Ability being learned - Add "On Notices a target" to "On Aquired Target"-trigger (will trigger on right-click)
* On Order a target - Check if ability should be fired, and target is within 1200, fire!
* Increased Acquisition Range to 1200
- TODO? - make ability range scale with number of charge?
- It seems to work, but will have to test more!
== IN [T] 2020-10-03 17:37 - Trigger - OUT: 18:02 ==
* Trigger - Lothar Slash
* Increased Area from 150 (centered 80 units forward) to 165 (centered 85 units forward)
* Trigger - Samus Charge Beam
* On Channel First Tick - Set Samus Acquisition Range to 1 (from 1000)
- Will not "auto-find" as soon as the channel stops
* On order targeting point or object - Set Samus Acquisition Range to 1000
* On Ability being learned - Add "On Target Aquired" specific-unit-event to "On Aquired Target"-trigger
* On Aquired Target - Fire a dummy-spell on a dummy-unit "attached" to the actual target
- With this strategy, I'm able to detect hit, even if "real" target dies!
- TODO: clean up old-unused stuff, and test that it actually works!
== IN [T] 2020-10-01 20:48 - Trigger - OUT: 20:55 ==
* Thinking about Trigger - Samus Charge Beam
- How this will be done:
* On Channel - set Acquisition Range low, activate "on any order" trigger. On first tick, enable "On Aquired Target"
* On any order - set Acquision Range to 1000
* On Aquired Target - Order "Fire the spell"
== IN [T] 2020-09-26 00:44 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 00:54 ==
* Trigger - Lothar Defensive Stance Passive
* Increased block amount from {5,10,15,20,25} + 30% Strength to {10,15,20,25,30} + {30, 35, 40, 45, 50}% Strength.
* Increased block chance from 20% to 25%
- Note: This is a buff to the "Charge" augmentation that doubles block-chance for 5 seconds
* Adjusted learn text to the change above.
== IN [T] 2020-09-23 22:02 - Trigger - OUT: 22:30 ==
* Trigger - Samus Charge Beam
* Test "On Acquire Target" event
- It is possible to change "Acquisition Range" during run-time!
- TODO: Lower Acquisition Range after channeling Charge Beam, Increase it when giving attack-order or attack-move order
- This will prevent the attack from firing "randomly" when charged up. Must be ordered!
* Trigger - Debug command "-set aq X" to set current selected unit's Combat Target Acquisition Range to X
== IN [T] 2020-09-22 20:42 - Trigger, Import - OUT: 21:30 ==
* Import - Imported new version of Fountain of Souls, reducing file size by 47% without noticable change
* Trigger - Samus Charge Beam
* When Charged, on attack order, add ability and order to fire it
== IN [C] 2020-09-20 19:58 - Sound - OUT: 20:28 ==
* Sound - Footman VO now uses Warcraft 2 version, I think it sounds quite good!
== IN [T] 2020-09-20 13:42 - Trigger, Ability, Item - OUT: 15:18 ==
* Trigger/Ability - Lothar Reinforcemence Charge
* Removed debug-prints
* Fixed spelling error on Ability-text and learn text
* Trigger - Friendly Battle Arena
* Fixed so that Lothars Footmen joins the same team as Lothar (instead of the opposing team)
* Trigger - Offensive Stance
* Ability text: Fixed spelling error in "exploits"
* Updates Crit on change stance from and to
* Ability - Lothar Slash moved from W to Q
* Ability - Lothar Charge moved from Q to W
* Trigger - Spawn bosses: Now also disabled exp-gain for bosses
* Item/Ability - Sword of Attack +15 is now Sword of Attack +20 (+5 damage increase)
* Recipes refering to this item adjusted too
- Might need to adjust damage of other items in the future
* Item - Recipe for Broach of Upgraded Swiftness now references the same attack-speed-ability as the resulting Item
* Item - Recipe for Inconveniently Heavy Shield now has same damage block amount as the resulting item.
* Item - Mighty Skull of Insight - Removed "Activly Used"-flag (because it cannot be activly used anymore!)
* Trigger - Madivh Directional Fireballs
* Now has a +/- 1 degree random variation
* Now aquires a new target if target dies
* Trigger - Medivh On-kill now resets camera bounds to "normal"
* Trigger - Medivh no longer uses "wave_specific_timer2", it uses the "periodic event" instead
* Trigger - Lothar Charge
* Moved check for "if target is alive" from "Will charge continue"-check to new check within "Have I reached target?"
- This will result in a charge to where the target died, and NOT knock-back (or stun/dmg) the corpse of the target.
* Also Adjust so the check for "have I reached target" from (distance < 80) to ((distance - collision-size) < 40)
- This will result in less chance of problems when charging big things
== IN [T] 2020-09-20 00:27 - Map - OUT: 00:29 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.73 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
== IN [T] 2020-09-19 12:53 - Trigger, Ability, Unit - OUT: 18:22 ==
* Trigger - Charge Beam
* On attack, create two dummy units, one cast the projectile on the other
* the dummy unit is then "attached" to the "real" target
* On Spell hit: Do special effects and damage
- TODO: Fix the "attack"-part of the ability (Maybe add an ability that are thrown on an attack order?)
* Unit - Samus
* Set range of weapon 2 to 1000 (range of Charge Beam-attack)
* Removed "Can Flee" from both Samus and Morph Ball (I.E. getting attacked won't cause unit to flee)
* Set "Animation Damage Point" on both weapons to 0.160 from 0.300
- Is now fired just before "recoil" of animation
* Ability - Charge beam (rework, WIP)
* Ability text:
Channel to charge up the weapon. Attack to release the current charge.
Every 0.25 seconds charging costs 5 mana and stores a charge.
Each charge increases AoE by 15. Full damage is done within half of the AoE, half damage outside of that.
Charge is kept until a basic attack is fired.
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Each charge adds 22 + (|c00EE80722%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 12 charges.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Each charge adds 24 + (|c00EE80724%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 14 charges.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Each charge adds 26 + (|c00EE80726%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 16 charges.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Each charge adds 28 + (|c00EE80728%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 18 charges.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Each charge adds 30 + (|c00EE807210%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 20 charges.
|c00888888The basic attack will trigger the ability, critical hit and on-hit-effects will not apply.
* Trigger - Item SpellBladeEffects
* Moved from DanageEvent to AfterDamageEvent
* Trigger - Added debug-command "-curse", cause selected units to get cursed (100% miss chance) for 10 seconds
== IN [T] 2020-09-17 20:20 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 21:47 ==
* Trigger - Setup triggers for new Charge Beam
* Steup the basics for charging up the attack
* On start, start a timer and create a floating text
* On tick, increase counter and check if finished
* Every 0.2 seconds, update floating text position
* On cancel, stop timer
- TODO Special effects during channeling, the "attack"-part and polish
== IN [T] 2020-09-16 19:45 - Trigger - OUT: 19:50 ==
* Trigger - Moved all DamageEngine variables to a folder within ImportedSystems/DamageEngine/Vars
- Easier to export to another map if one wants to test something in a testmap
== IN [T] 2020-09-13 13:27 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 18:12 ==
* Trigger/Ability - Leadership passive
* Now correctly set cooldown when spawning a captain.
* Added missing space in text.
* Fixed issue with the ability-text not updating.
- It must update level 0 ability, not the level that Lothar actually has!
* Fixed issue where a ghoul corpse would appear when reaching the unit-cap
- Exhume Corpse now spawns coprse of a whisp (I.E. no corpse)
* Fixed issue where footmen spawning sometimes wouldn't start if a footman died while having a captain
* Trigger - Defensive Stance ability text wrote 0.XX % when it was XX % strength scaling.
* Trigger - Lothar Charge while in defensive stance no longer taunts
- This can cause issues with AI, is a hassle to test and does not add too much to the experiance.
- Still has double block chance for 5 seconds.
* Ability - Cavalry Charge
* Renamed to Reinforcements Charge
- It's footmen now, not knights!
* Updated tooltips refering to knights.
* Changed icon to footman from knight.
* Uploaded 0.71 to hive workshop!
* Map - New Map version: 0.72 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Ability - Charge beam (rework, WIP)
* Ability text:
Channel to charge up the weapon. Attack to release the current charge.
Every 0.25 seconds charging costs 5 mana and stores a charge.
Each charge increases AoE by 20 and range by 50.
Charge is kept until a basic attack is fired.
|cffffcc00Level 1|r - Each charge adds 14 + (|c00EE80722%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 12 charges.
|cffffcc00Level 2|r - Each charge adds 18 + (|c00EE80724%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 14 charges.
|cffffcc00Level 3|r - Each charge adds 22 + (|c00EE80726%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 16 charges.
|cffffcc00Level 4|r - Each charge adds 26 + (|c00EE80728%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 18 charges.
|cffffcc00Level 5|r - Each charge adds 30 + (|c00EE807210%|r of Agility-stat) damage, stores up to 20 charges.
|c00888888This is a basic attack that can critical hit and apply any on-hit-effects.

== IN [T] 2020-09-12 15:21 - Trigger, Ability, Unit - OUT: 19:30 ==
* Trigger - Leadership passive
* Fixed bug where dealing damage with Lothar stopping the Leadership timer (causing no units to spawn)
* Defensive Stance retaliation now has stance ID condition (as it should)
* Reduces spawn time for footmen from {30, 25} seconds to {25, 18} for {without, with} captain.
* Unit - Lothar
* Increased starting intelligence from 24 to 26
* Unit - Dummy Practice Target
* Changed movement from "Foot" to "None"
* Trigger - Slash
* Increased healing amount for Leadership augementation
* from {20, 35, 50, 65, 80} + {3, 4, 5, 6, 7} % missing hp
* to {50, 65, 80, 95, 110} + {4, 5, 6, 7, 8} % missing hp
* Ability - Leadership Stance
* Now based on Exhume Corpse, so the cooldown indicates the time to next Footman-spawn
* Trigger - Leadership passive
* Now uses the new ability!
* No longer uses timer, use ability cooldown to spawn next unit
* When changing to Leadership, start cooldown
* When casting ultimate, spawning the footmen, handle if leadership stance and can/cannot spawn more units.
- TODO: fix the spawn time, is now debug-friendly (short)

== IN [T] 2020-09-07 16:46 - Trigger, Abilitiy, Buffs - OUT: 16:53 ==
* Trigger - Charge
* While in defensive stance, gain "Excellent Blocking" instead of "Supreme Defence"
* Excellent Blocking doubles the Defence Stance block-chance (from 20% to 40%)
- "Supreme Defence" blocked 50% of all damage taken for 5 seconds (a bit too powerful for a 10 seconds cooldown ability)
- Apparently I failed to save after this...

== IN [T] 2020-09-06 13:01 - Trigger, Abilitiy, Buffs - OUT: 15:09 ==
* Trigger - Lothar Cavalry Charge
* Reduced str-scaling damage from {100, 150, 200}% to {100, 125, 150}%
* Updated text:
Sends forth 5 footmen, chargeing in target direction, damages and dazes enemy units for <A06L,Dur1,.> seconds (half vs Heroes) and stands and fights with you after the charge. Footmen details are found on Leadership-stance passive. Footmen over your current command capacity retreat after 40 seconds.
* After 40 seconds, the footmen with lowest current health are removed until you meet the current cap decided by stance-ability level.
* Trigger - Leadership passive
* Condition for spawning captain now allows for more footmen than capacity (I.E. from footmen spawned by "Lothar Cavalry Charge").
* Confition for spawning more units now always allow spawning of captain unless you already have one.
* Trigger - Charge
* While in defensive stance, gain "Excellent Blocking" instead of "Supreme Defence"
* Excellent Blocking doubles the Defence Stance block-chance (from 20% to 40%)
- "Supreme Defence" blocked 50% of all damage taken for 5 seconds (a bit too powerful for a 10 seconds cooldown ability)

== IN [T] 2020-09-03 20:21 - Trigger - OUT: 20:29 ==
* Trigger - Lothar Cavalry Charge
* Now retry twice with increased offset angle (x2 and x3) if blocked
- Seem to behave good if casting while close to a wall or door :)

== IN [T] 2020-09-01 23:00 - Trigger - OUT: 23:18 ==
* Map - Was not saved on dropbox
* Trigger - Lothar Cavalry Charge change to formation if blocked by terrain
* Now goes diagonal from a previous point
* Need to change again, go straight to the side, then back

== IN [T] 2020-08-23 15:32 - Trigger - OUT: 18:09 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.71 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Trigger - Lothar Cavalry Charge testing some stuff...
* Trigger - Lothar Cavalry Charge
* Is now a "footman charge"
* Lowered base damage from {300, 500, 700} to {150, 225, 300}
- Still {100, 150, 200}% of str added on top of that
* Removed fading out when "ending" effect
* Spawn the footmen charging (as if they were spawned by leadership passive) when "ending" effect
* TODO: Fix formation, remove debug-text, handle "too many foodmen" somehow (remove overflow after 1 min?)

== IN [T] 2020-08-16 14:02 - Trigger, Abilities - OUT: 15:27 ==
* Trigger - Lothar Leadership Stance Passive:
* unit group now teleports with you on move to and from shop/main arena
* Friendly Battle Arena now adds the leadership-units to the team during the "join team"
* Friendly Battle Arena now adds the leadership-units to the team during a battle
- TODO: Remove on repick hero
- TODO: Let them travel with you to final boss (instead of getting removed!)
* Trigger - Lothar Slash Leadership augmentation changed amount
* from fixed 7.5% of missing hp
* to {20, 35, 50, 65, 80} hp + {3,4,5,6,7} % of missing hp
- This is increased by points in the "Change Stance"-ability
- Still required to hit 3 enemies or 1 hero for it to trigger
- Still for friendly units within 800 units of Lothar
* Abilities - Lothar Slash
* Adjusted Ability text to reflect the changes above
* Abilities - Lothar Change Stance
* Now has a "Learn Text"!

== IN [T] 2020-08-15 14:01 - Trigger, Units, Abilities, Buff - OUT: 17:58 ==
* Trigger - Lothar Leadership Stance
* Setup calculations trigger
* Setup checks that can be used in other triggers
* Is there a captain-check
* Is unit-cap filled-check
* Setup Spawning trigger
* Setup "if a unit die"-trigger that will respawn if appropriate
* Setup "level-up-ability"-trigger that handles the case where the capacity in increased.
* Implemented Ability-text
* It's implemented! :O
- Note: Unit does NOT gain any bonuses when Lothar gains an item or level, only on spawn.
* Unit - Captain, Footman
* Removed abilities
* Both has 1d1 damage, same attack speed (1.75) and 750 target aquision range
* Ability - Leadership Stance
* Removed the mana regain on the ability
* Buff - Leadership Stance: Adjusted buff text
* Buff - Defensive Stance: Adjusted buff text

== IN [T] 2020-08-14 21:17 - Units, Trigger - OUT: 21:32 ==
* Unit - Footman (AL Lothar)
* Unit - Captain (AL Lothar)
* Trigger - Lothar Leadership Stance
* Setup trigger for leadership stance timer

== IN [T] 2020-08-14 18:25 - Trigger - OUT: 18:51 ==
* Trigger - Lothar Slash while in Defensive Stance
* Fixed issue: place unit dummy casting the buff on the correct point.
* Fixed issue: the correct buff is now applied.
* Trigger - Lothar Leadership Stance passive rework from {1,2,3,4,5} mana regain aura to:
* text:
Leadership Stance
The Regent Lord of Azeroth leadership stance focuses on leading others, enabling others to be as effective and inspire them to achieve great deeds.
While in this stance, a footman joins your cause every 30 seconds until you have {1,1,2,2,3} footmen, after that a Captain will join you if all footmen lives after 30 seconds.
The footman has {75, 100, 125, 150, 175} + {14, 15, 16, 17, 18} % of you max hp as hp, attacks with {20, 25, 30, 35, 40} + {14, 15, 16, 17, 18} % of your STR as damage every 2 seconds.
The captain has 20% more hp and damage and improves the rate of footmen rallying to you by 5 seconds.
* WIP: Implement the above, including the text

== IN [T] 2020-08-08 13:58 - Trigger, Abilities, Buffs, Items - OUT: 18:10 ==
* Trigger - Lothar Defensive Stance Block
* Set the blocked amount in the DamageBlock-trigger
* Shows abilitiy text with numbers
* Fixed
* Abilitiy - Lothar Slash
* Adjusted learn text, changed "Can critical hit while in Offensive Stance." to:
This ability is augmented depending on what stance you currently are in:
Offensive Stance: Can critical hit.
Defensive Stance: Blocks all damage for 0.6 seconds.
Leadership Stance: Hitting 3 or more enemies (or a hero) inspires Lothar and nearby friendly units, healing them for 7.5% of their missing hp.
* Implemented the Defensive Stance block all damage.
* Implemented the Leadership Stance augmentation.
Item - Inconveniently Heavy Shield
* Nerfed block amount from 66% of damage taken to 50%
* Nerfed the life from 1000 to 800
Items - Inconveniently Heavy Shield, Heavy Shield of Strength, Small Shield
* Use the phrase "block" with the color "|c00AAAAAA" when items has X % to block Y amount of damage
* Changed the phrasing:
* from: X% on-hit-taken to lower damage by Y
* to: X% on-damage-taken to block Y of the damage.
- This should make it clearer what Lothars retaliation works with those items.
* Ability - Chance Stance, Tactical Stance
* Renamed "Tactical Stance" to "Leadership Stance"
- feels more fitting than "tactical"
- TODO: Improve Leadership Stance passive
- TODO: Improve Ability text and learn text
* Ability - Charge
* Buffed stun duration from {0.5, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50} to {1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00}
- Still half vs heroes
* Rephrased the "learn text":
This ability is augmented depending on current stance.
Defensive Stance: When the charge hits the target, also taunts nearby enemy (non-hero) units and block 50% of incoming damage for 5 seconds.
- TODO: Leadership and Aggressive augmentations
- TODO: Ability text

== IN [T] 2020-08-07 21:05 - Trigger - OUT: 21:21 ==
* Trigger - Lothar Defensive Stance Block
* 20% chance to block at all ranks
* Blocks {5, 10, 15, 20, 25} + 30% of Strength-stat
- TODO finish setting the blocked damage in DamageBlock-trigger

== IN [T] 2020-08-06 18:08 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 19:50 ==
* Trigger - Lothar Defensive Stance Passive reworked from gaining some armor to
* Text:
The Regent Lord of Azeroth defensive stance focues on protecting oneself and retaliate with perfect timeing.
While in this stance, the shield is up, slowing the movement by X, but has a X% to block X + Y (Z % of Strength-stat) amount of damage. Additionally, whenever any damage is blocked (including by items or abilities), X + Y (Z % of Strength-stat) of the blocked damage is added to the base damage of the next attack (within 4 seconds of the last block).
* Stores a percent of damage blocked ("Retaliation damage")
* by items (Small Shield, Heavy Shield of Strength, etc.)
* by abilities (Charge blocks 50% of all damage taken for 5 seconds while in defensive stance, new passive)
* Retaliation damage is lost after 4 seconds, resetting the timer each block.
* Retaliation damage is applied to next basic attack (resetting it to 0, pausing the timer)
* Retalication damage is applied BEFORE critical hits, meaning that the additional damage can crit
* Retaliation damage is:
* Base: {30, 35, 40, 45, 50} % of Damage blocked
* Str based: ({0.12, 0.14, 0.16, 0.18, 0.20} % Strength-stat) % of Damage blocked
* With 100 Strength, gets {42, 49, 56, 63, 70} % of blocked damage as bonus damage
* With 200 Strength, gets {54, 63, 72, 81, 90} % of blocked damage as bonus damage
* With 400 Strength, gets {78, 91, 104, 117, 130} % of blocked damage as bonus damage
- Str without items at max level with attribute bonus is around 310
* TODO: Show Ability Text
* TODO: Do the Block-part of the ability

== IN [T] 2020-08-05 19:30 - Trigger - OUT: 20:06 ==
* Trigger - Lothar Offensive Stance ability text:
The Regent Lord of Azeroth offensive stance expoits weaknesses in the enemies defences to critically hit the enemies more often and for more damage.
While in this stance, gain X + Y (Z % of Strength-stat) % additional critial hit chance and X + Y (Z % of Strength-stat) % additional critial hit Damage.
Total Critial Hit Chance: X %.
Total Critial Hit Damage: X %.

== IN [T] 2020-08-03 19:44 - Abilities, Trigger - OUT: 21:47 ==
* Ability - Lothar Cavalry Charge
* Adjusted slow duration from 3 seconds to 5 seconds for units, 2.5 seconds for heroes
* Adjusted the move speed amount from {35, 50, 65} % to {40, 50, 60} %
* Trigger, Ability - Offensive Stance Passive reworked from gaining some attack speed and damage to:
* Gaining additional crit chance
* Base {4,5,6,7,8} %
* Str based {2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0} % of str stat as percent
I.E. str-based "boost": rank 1 with 100 total str -> 2% crit chance, rank 5 with 400 str -> 16% crit chance
* Gaining additional crit damage
* Base {5, 10, 15, 20, 25}%
* Str based {6, 7, 8, 9, 10} % of str stat as percent
I.E. rank 1 with 100 total str -> 6% crit damage, rank 5 with 400 str -> 40% crit damage
* Spell power is counted as str for this ability (as it should!)
* Prepared calculations so it's easier to make dymaic ability text (showing crit chance gained on ability, later)
* TODO: Fix ability text and buff text!

== IN [T] 2020-08-02 20:44 - Trigger, Buffs, Abilities - OUT: 21:28 ==
* Renamed the "Charged" to "Dazed"
* A specific buff is required for the Lothar Cavalry Charge.
* Trigger - Lothar Charge
* While in defencive stance, "hitting" the charged target also "taunts" nearby enemies and gives Lothar 50% damage reduction for 5 seconds.
* "Taunt" is: Issuing an order to enemy units, non-heroes (that is not currently channeling) within 750 units to attack Lothar.

== IN [T] 2020-08-02 14:28 - Trigger, Abilities - OUT: 17:50 ==
* Trigger - Lothar Cavalry Charge:
* Added learn text
* Added "end" after 4.5 seconds
* Adjusted numbers
* Text:
Sends forth a unit of knights, chargeing in target direction, damages and dazes enemy units for 3 seconds.
60 Seconds Cooldown.

Level 1 - Deals 300 + (100% of Stength-stat) damage, slows movement by 35 %, attack by 25 %.
Level 2 - Deals 500 + (150% of Stength-stat) damage, slows movement by 50 %, attack by 30 %.
Level 3 - Deals 700 + (200% of Stength-stat) damage, slows movement by 65 %, attack by 35 %.
* Trigger - Lothar Slash
* Increased damage from {100, 150, 200, 250, 300} + {40, 60, 80, 100, 120}% str damage
* To {190, 230, 270, 310, 350} + {80, 90, 100, 110, 120}% str damage
* Cooldown was 1 second during development of ability, set to 3.5 seconds
* Lowered mana cost from 60 to 50
* Can now "crit" while in Offensive Stance
* Show crit chance and crit damage on ability

== IN [T] 2020-07-31 13:48 - Map, Abilities, Units, Buffs - OUT: 19:17 ==
* Map - New Map version: 0.70 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* Considering it's way closer to 1.00, it's reasonable
- AFK for a few hours
* Trigger - Changed Obelisk special effects, now an Orb of Fire that fades in as it's closer to spawning a deamon.
- Not great effect, but something...
* Trigger - Added channelfx for circular directional fireballs
* Trigger - In addition to Destroying channelfx on spellcast end, destroy it on new action too
- seem to have been able to abort him and not trigger the "end" trigger
* Lothar Cavalry Charge - "Spawns" 5 "knights" (special effect currently) that charges towards target position, damages and slows any unit hit by the charge.
* WIP: Does not "end"
* WIP: Does not have an propper ability text
* WIP: Should probably adjust numbers
* A unit and only be hit by the charge once

== IN [T] 2020-07-30 15:11 - Trigger, Units - OUT: 16:06 ==
* Trigger - Made util to get random alive hero (NPCUtilGetRandomAliveHero)
* Trigger - Use NPCUtilGetRandomAliveHero for Medivh instead of getting random (unconditioned) hero on:
* Fire Bolt Spam
* Directional Fireballs (if teleporting)
* Circular Directional Fireballs
* Fountain of Souls Spawn
* Trigger - Indcreased "initial Medivh move order delay" from 1.5 seconds to 3 seconds
* Unit - Buffed Clicky Deamon
* Increased hp from 6666 to 13332
* Decreased hp regeneration from 0.66 to 0.00
* Increased damage 666 - 777 to 1000 - 1110 (still 2.80 attack speed, dealing chaos damage)
* Trigger - Reduced number of initial Demonic Obelisk of the Medivh fight from 3 to 2
* Trigger - Added a "Doom" vfx to Obelisks that fades in as its "counter" increases, being 100% solid just before the deamon spawns

== IN [T] 2020-07-29 20:51 - Trigger - OUT: 21:02 ==
* Trigger - Increased time of circular directional fireballs from teleport to start fire from 0.6 to 0.9 seconds
* Trigger - Increased time of teleported directional fireballs from teleport to start fire from 0.3 to 0.7 seconds

== IN [T] 2020-07-29 14:05 - Trigger - OUT: 14:45 ==
* Trigger - Added a 1.5 seconds delay before the initial move order, giving players more time before the boss really starts
* Trigger - Added a 0.6 second delay from circular directional fireballs teleport and start fireing
* Trigger - Reduced the fire-rate of circular directional fireballs from a round of projectiles every 0.09 seconds to 0.11
* Trigger - Reduced the fire-rate of directional fireballs from a round of projectiles every 0.10 seconds to 0.12
* Trigger - Added a 0.3 second "wait" from directional fireballs teleport and start fireing (was more complicated to add a timer)

== IN [T] 2020-07-28 19:54 - Map, Trigger, Unit - OUT: 20:02 ==
* Map - Moved multiplayer debug items away from shop area.
* Trigger - Made castle invunerable during Medivh fight.
* Trigger - Reduced time for Directional Fireballs from 5 seconds to 2.25 seconds (I.E. max range from 4500 units -> 2025 units).
* Unit/Trigger - Medivh sight range is now 400, and is shared with players.

== IN [T&C] 2020-07-26 15:22 - Trigger - OUT: 18:57 ==
* Trigger - Update "remaining enemies" UI when summoned units are added to current wave.
* Trigger - Fixed bug that occurred when illusion of Master Chief died - caused his weapon vfx to get destroyed & "Weapon Roulette" ability to stop working.
* Trigger - Added weapon to illusion of Master Chief.
* Trigger - Fixed bug that occurred when illusion of Samus died.
* Trigger - Fixed bug that occurred when illusion of Lothar died.
* Trigger - Fixed bug that could occur when killing slimes when few enemies remained in the wave, resulting in "next wave" getting triggered twice.
* Mammoth Tank Parabombs now has dynamic ability text, showing damage numbers

== IN [C] 2020-07-26 14:17 - Trigger, Music - OUT: 14:30 ==
* Music - Added Orc Briefing music from Warcraft 2 to Medivh bossfight.
* Trigger - Tweaked intro fade time for Medivh boss fight from 7 -> 8.

== IN [T] 2020-07-25 14:17 - Trigger, Abilities, Import, Unit - OUT: 19:56 ==
* Imported Mythic's Culling Slash models
* Added to credits (quest and "comment trigger")
* Lothar Slash Ability now has special effect, text, damage
* Slashes enemies in an area in front of the Regent Lord of Azeroth, dealing damage to enemies.
* Deals {100, 150, 200, 250, 300} + {40, 60, 80, 100, 120}% str damage
* Area is offset 80 in front of Lothar, in a 140 radius
* Setup base for being able to crit, if in offensive stance
* Setup Ability for Cavalry Charge
* Calls in a group of knights in delta formation, charging towards target point, damages and slows enemies hit.
* Lothar Charge speed increased from 10 per 0.02 seconds to 12

== IN [T] 2020-07-22 15:20 - Trigger, Units, Abilities - OUT: 18:11 ==
* Medivh Teleport:
* Fixed bug where he could teleport to unpathable places (such as on top of walls or in rocks)
* If Medivh rolls same action as previous action, reroll (once)
* Reduces chance of same action twice in a row from 20% to 4%, will be even less if more actions are added.
* Medivh Circular Directional Fireballs
* New spell
* Teleports near a hero (200-300 units away in random direction)
* Fires "Directional Fireballs" in 3 directions (0, 120, 240 degrees) every 0.09 seconds
* Each new fireball is offset by 3 degrees from the previous direction
* Channels for 8 seconds
* Medivh Directional Fireballs (and Circular Directional Fireballs)
* Increased damage from 175 to 200
* Increased hit radius from 50 units to 55 units (+ the "targets" collision size)
* MedivhActivate sets [arena] key to MedivhArena in hashtable for medivh
* Changed Medivh random movement to use [arena] rect from hashtable instead of MedivhArena hardcoded
* Medivh Put Castle Area On Fire
* Triggers when Medivh has less than 40000 hp
* Spawn small fires in the castle area roughly 100 units apart
* Small fires deals 50 damage/second in 220 radius, lives for 4-6 seconds
* After a small fire dies, upgrades to medium fire, dealing 150 damage/second, lives for 4-6 seconds
* After a medium fire dies, upgrades to big fire, dealing 500 damage/second
* Sets [arena] to the MedivhArenaDungeonPart
* Destroys all obelisks in MedivhArenaCastlePart
* Stops spawning of obelisks in MedivhArenaCastlePart
* Will still teleports near heroes that are in that part of the arena in "teleport near hero" actions
* Debug action -set hp now has more events: -sethp, -setgp, -set gp
- reason for "gp" is that is common mistake I do often when writing hp
* Made Medivhs spells interruptable
* Made AI check for new action every 1 second instead of every 2 seconds
* AI only takes action if Medivh is not stunned (buff check)
- Ehhm. I believe he is done :O

== IN [T] 2020-07-21 14:15 - Trigger, Regions, Buffs, Units, Abilities - OUT: 18:19 ==
* Moved SummoningObelisk regions to be more (1-5 to the north, 6-9 to the south)
* Enabling more targeted summoning later
* Changed use of wave_specific_timer2. Will run all boss-fight at 0.02. Spells needing to update that often will use it.
* Fountain of Souls
* Medivh cast time 9 seconds
* Spawns one every 4 seconds (I.E. 2 will spawn during one cast)
* Spawns near a random hero (300 to 450 units away in random direction)
* Creates a "pillar of flame" that fires firebolts in circles around it.
* Lives for 18 seconds
* Deals 800 immolation damage within 220 radius
* Has "Unique" Special Effect during cast, making it possible to figure out what spell is being cast.
* Has 125 vision that is shown to all human players
* Medivh Directional Fireballs
* If no heroes are nearby, teleport near a random hero and start ability as normal
* Nearby is now defined as within 700 units
* Hit radius increased from 40 to 50 units
* Increased "wall"-regions size slightly
* Increased damage from 150 to 175
* Lowered time for this spell from 10 seconds to 8 seconds
* Demonic Obelisks
* Has "Unique" Special Effect during cast, making it possible to figure out what spell is being cast.
* Decreased deamon spawn rate from once every 40 seconds to 50 seconds
* Lowered armor from 5 to 0
- Should be slightly easier to kill
- Still has 6666 hp, and Fortified armor
* Lowered firebolt damage from 400 to 350
- TODO: Fix bug where Medivh teleports ontop of walls, making him basically impossible to hit due to loss of vision
- TODO: Put "castle area" of the arena on fire when Medivh hits X% hp (and disable movements down there for Medivh)

== IN [T] 2020-07-20 15:36 - Trigger, Unit - OUT: 17:26 ==
* Medivh Spell: Directional Fireballs
* Bugfix: condition for target is now, among other things "enemy of medivh equal to true" instead of "equal to false".
* Bugfix: projectiles now continue to be updated after spell is finished
* Increased damage/projectile from 100 to 150
* Fixes related to leaks
* Now creates a unit group on "Activate" that it uses for this spell, instead of on spell start (leaking if cast this spell multiple times)
* Medivh AI:
* "Move" now does one of the following things:
* Move Order to a random location in MeivhArena
* Move Order to position of a random hero
* Teleport to a random location in MedivhArena
* Cast Firebolt Spam afterwards
* Initial Order is now always move towards heroes
* Demonic Obelisks
* Shares vision to all current human players
* Has sight radius of 125
* Can now be spawned by Medivh (MedivhAI)
* Channel for 4 seconds
* Has special effect while channeling
* Unless canceled, spawn a random Obelisk (if a free spot is found within 10 tries)
* Has 0-10 "ticks" when spawned (and obelisks currently spawns a deamon when it hits 20 "ticks")

== IN [T] 2020-07-19 11:40 - Trigger, Abilities, Units - OUT: 17:08 ==
* Mammoth Tank Mother Land:
* Healing is now removed from the ability and moved to the trigger.
* Added the missing hp % to the ability tooltip (previously only on the "learn tooltip")
* Medivh Arena Iron Gates are now invurnerable
* Demonic Obelisks spawns "Clicky Deamon" every 40 seconds, patroling to the position of a random hero
* Adds 1 to a counter every 2 seconds. When counter % 20 == 0, spawn a deamon.
* To "skip" spawning (useful while debugging), set "MedivhObeliskPeriodicSpawn" timer to a high value (100 seconds)
* Medivh Spell: Directional Fireballs
* Aquires a random hero as target
* Fires projectiles in the direction of the hero (3 projectiles, one directly towards, and other two +/- 30 degrees towards the hero)
* Projectiles moves 900 units/second
* Projectiles dies when hitting a wall
* Projectiles dies when hitting a target
* Projectiles after 5 seconds (above should happen before...)
* Continues firing every 0.1 seconds for 10 seconds or until stunned
* Deals 100 damage when hit (per projectile)
- [BUG] Seems to often shoot to the left instead of tracking a hero
* Medivh AI:
* Every 2 seconds, check current action id
* If "no action", roll an action
* Available actions:
* 0: Move towards a random location in the arena (will roll for new action next "tick")
* 1: Firebolt Spam
* Finished spell since before, but tweaked some values now
* Fires a firebolt at a random position between 0-300 units away from a hero every 0.10 seconds
* Fires in an Arc, with 700 projectile speed
* Deals 400 damage in AoE {100% within 80 units, 50% within 120, 10% within 160}
* 2: Directional Fireballs
* Described above
- Probably needs something better, but is something for now...

== IN [T] 2020-07-18 16:37 - Trigger - OUT: 16:46 ==
* Mammoth Tank Mother Land now has a small "healed amount"-floating-text

== IN [T] 2020-07-17 14:46 - Trigger - OUT: 21:50 ==
* Fade in/out effect starts before "boss text"
-- AFK for quite a while
* Demonic Obelisk now has a "death animation" and is removed when dying

== IN [T] 2020-07-16 15:06 - Import, Trigger - OUT: 17:36 ==
* Imported and used minimap preview (the suggestion version 2)
* Imported and used minimap for "regular arena" (as it was before)
- The region is smaller than the "playable area" because I want map borders to not be very visible and the castle to have the "correct" placement in the minimap.
- "Set Camera Bounds" (to region) restricts the camera center, not the camera edge!
* Imported minimap for medivh arena
* Does not work as I hoped, removed!
- It acts like an "overlay", no units etc. is shown

== IN [T] 2020-07-15 13:59 - Map - OUT: 14:26 ==
* Minor changes to terrain and regions at Medivh Arena

== IN [T] 2020-07-09 16:29 - Triggers - OUT: 17:44 ==
* Setup boss-spawning, should call everything that setup
* TODO: Demonic Obelisk - demon spawning

== IN [T] 2020-07-08 20:54 - Doodads, Triggers, Units - OUT: 22:09 ==
* Placed pathing blockers in and around Medivh Arena
* Created unit Demonic Obelisk, that will spawn deamons during the fight
* Slightly tweaked Mammoth Tank Tusk Missile targeting
* Instead of checking for "invurnerable" buff, check if unit is invurnerable using the "is invunerable"-check
* Added "is selectable" as an additional requirement.
* [Bugfix] Khadgar Flame Shield
* Add multiplier based on Amplify-Maigc-ability-level, instead of intelligence + spellpower.
* was "set udg_temp_real1 = udg_temp_real1 * (1.05 + (udg_temp_integer2 * 0.15))"
* should be "set udg_temp_real1 = udg_temp_real1 * (1.05 + (udg_temp_integer3 * 0.15))"
- Note, Amplified Flame Shield should do a lot less damage and might need a buff
- Adjusted comment of what each variable represents

== IN [T] 2020-07-08 15:57 - Terrain, Doodads, Triggers - OUT: 18:41 ==
* Remade parts of final boss arena
* Deleted unused "Warlock summoning"-regions and variables
* Setup Camera Bounds and Teleport-to-arena for Medivh battle, currently not called-on

== IN [T] 2020-07-06 15:52 - Trigger, Map, Abilities - OUT: 16:33 ==
* Placed path blockers in Stalamite
* Mammoth Tank buff: Aggghhh Motherland
* Now, in addition to its regeneration, also regains {0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25, 1.50} % of missing hp/s.
* This should make the regeneration-part relevant in later parts of the game.
* % Missing hp examples.
* Mammoth Tank has 2000 of 3000 hp, I.E. 1000 missing, with rank 3
*+10 additinoal hp (first tick, slightly less the next tick)
* total of around 110 additinal hp back
* Mammoth Tank has 1000 of 5000 hp, I.E. 4000 missing, with tank 5
*+60 additional hp (first tick, slightly less the next tick)
* total of around 660 additinal hp back

== IN [T] 2020-07-05 14:40 - Map, Tileset, Doodads, Trigger, Abilities - OUT: 17:53 ==
* Map bounds increased to the west from 96 to 128.
* This is to make space for final boss figth arena.
* Should be confined by camera bounds
* Added some outland textures to tileset
* Removed pathing texture and allow for cliff placement for:
* Bookshelves
* Stalamite
* Made the Medivh boss arena
* Placed a few regions
* First boss: Increased "random skull"-frequency from 2.25 betweem spawns to 2.00
* Ghosts: Added a "turn on" and "turn off" trigger
* Warlocks:
* Added a "turn on" trigger, actiating on wave 35
* Added order to cast portal on entering main arena
* Warlocks now channel after casting portal
* Added lightning effect between portal and warlock
* Created temp_lightning variable

== IN [T] 2020-06-28 16:23 - Import, Trigger, Unit - OUT: 17:48 ==
* Imported "Fireball Minor" from Mythic's "Fire Missiles"-pack
* Added Credits in quest and comment
* Setup unit for Medivh Firebolt-shooter
* Setup trigger for FireboltSpam
* TODO: Stop/cancel

== IN [T] 2020-06-21 18:50 - Abilities, Trigger - OUT: 19:03 ==
* Created "Warlock Portal Channeling" ability
* Ordered channeling at point of portal
* TODO: Check for "Stors casting an ability" (cancel channeling)

== IN [T] 2020-06-21 15:16 - Trigger, Abilities, Unit - OUT: 17:35 ==
* Changed usage of "Warlock-timer" to "Wave-specific-timer", deleting warlock timer.
* "Fixed" Warlock/Portal issues
* Wave-specific-hashtable now stores:
For Portal
[0] -> (unit) Warlock
[1] -> (int) seconds alive
For Warlock
[0] -> (unit) Portal
* Killing warlock now kills portal
* Also clears assosiated hash values
* Portal deals 800 AoE damage upon death to Friendly Units (I.E. enemies)
* Rewamped the spawning somewhat, X = seconds alive [From -> To], "X % number == 0" is used for spawning.
[0->10] nothing (portal birth animation is 9.3s long)
[10->30] Spiders (X % 3) and Brood Mother (X % 8)
[30->50] Spiders (X % 2), Brood Mother (X % 6), Daemon (X % 12)
[50+] Daemon (X % 2), Daemon Lord (X % 4) (You are suppoesed to die from this!)
* Buffed all warlock summoned units
* TODO: channeling for warlock to show the connection to the portal (should stun the warlock kill him and the portal?)

== IN [T] 2020-06-20 17:17 - Trigger - OUT: 18:16 ==
* created unit array: "player_hero_unit", indexed by player number to get that players hero.
* Setup Fountain of Souls Medivh Ability
* Channeling ability for 15 seconds
* Every 2.5 seconds, creates a "Fountain of Souls" (FoS)
* FoS move towards a random hero's position
* FoS has immolate, damaging 1000 dps
* FoS has move speed 375, and stay alive for 6 seconds
* If interrupted, no more will spawn, but those currently alive will continue.

== IN [T] 2020-06-16 20:57 - Map, Import, Units, Ability, Triggers - OUT: 22:20 ==
* Updated version numbers
* Imported model "Fountain of Souls" for Medivh attack
* added credits
* Created Medivh Fountain Of Souls-unit (to be used for spell)
* Created "Channeling" ability with 25 levels, where channeling time=level, to be used for channeling attacks.
* Created debug for quicker start Medivh testing
* Setup Fountain Of Souls attack, creating "beams" that will be sent towards where the players stand at the start of the cast.

== IN [T] 2020-06-14 21:22 - Import, Units, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 22:08 ==
* Imported icons for:
* Warstomp Upgrade
* Essence Of Blight Upgrade
* Plasma Gernade
* Use new icons for Castle-upgrades
* Use new icon for Plasma Gernade
* SetupWaves wave 36 is now "disabled"
* WinCondition is now getting to wave 36
* [Map] New Map version: 0.52 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
- Will upload 0.51 to Hiveworkshop :)
* Reverted above wave and win changes
== IN [T] 2020-06-14 17:48 - Import, Abilities, Items - OUT: 18:13 ==
* Imported V2Rocket version 2 and used it on V2 Rocket
* Updating all remaining recipes with where components are found
* Samus changed icon of Missle to "RocketFlare" from "ClusterRockets"
== IN [T] 2020-06-14 16:37 - Import, Abilities - OUT: 16:55 ==
* Imported V2Rocket Icon
* Use it on V2 Rocket support
* Not too happy about the result, will try another version
== IN [T] 2020-06-13 19:53 - Import - OUT: 19:57 ==
* Updated parabombs icon (now with parachute!)
== IN [T] 2020-06-09 21:05 - Import, Abilities - OUT: 21:19 ==
* Imported self-made "cut out bombs and apply new sky"-parabombs icon
* Use it on parabombs
== IN [T] 2020-06-01 17:30 - Trigger, Units, Items - OUT: 18:37 ==
* Damage on castle during Medivh is now 50% of the "original amount"
* Changed debug-mode-name from "WorldEdit" to "WorldEditDev"
* Change your Player Profile from File -> Preferences -> Test Map -> Player Profile
* Fixed bug related to Castle Upgrades.
* Steps to reproduce:
1. Buy a total of 10 levels of either War Stomp or Essence of Life
2. See Upgrade Defence or Upgrade Repair Rate disappear
* Fixed by removing the "Remove units sold" before re-adding with higher stock.
* Changes to texts related to all Castle-upgrades.
* Set correct Button X/Y to all Castle-upgrades.
* Added brackets to recipes with a note regarding where that items can be bought from (Excluding the "Item Shop - "-part)
* Example:
• Boots of Speed [Blacksmith]
• Gloves of Haste [Blacksmith]
Brooch of Swiftness
• <A02V,DataA1,%>% Attack Speed
• <A02S,DataA1> Move Speed
* Fixed all items down to Death Dealer.
== IN [T] 2020-05-29 20:38 - Trigger - OUT: 20:52 ==
* Increased scale of vfx
* Setup trigger to let castle take reduced damage from it
* enabling it to deal higher damage without beeing unfair
* TODO: Do damage reduction
== IN [T] 2020-05-28 20:12 - Trigger, Abilities, Unit - OUT: 21:04 ==
* Changed many deails of random meteors
* indicator of target
* Spawns 200-1000 units away from Medivh
* 2.5 seconds to impact
== IN [T] 2020-05-27 21:09 - Trigger, Unit - OUT: 21:54 ==
* Cho'gall mines was already being killed... Reverted 2nd kill trigger
* Added Medivh Activate trigger (enabling any initially disabled triggers for the boss)
* Setup random meteors during medivh encounter
* TODO: Explison on impact
== IN [T] 2020-05-27 19:12 - Trigger - OUT: 19:20 ==
* Adding units summoned (I.E. by an ability) by non-players to "current_wave_unit_group"
* Killing all Cho'gall mines after Cho'gall dies
== IN [T&C] 2020-05-24 14:10 - Unit, Trigger - OUT: 15:25 ==
* Made last 5 waves, including setup of last boss
== IN [T] 2020-05-23 14:00 - Trigger - OUT: 15:00 ==
* [.Trigger] TransBOOMificator
* Now only destroys point if it should not be used... This seems to solve some problems xD
* Still able to teleport into closed spawner areas and into shallow water
== IN [T] 2020-05-11 22:23 - Map - OUT: 22:25 ==
* [Map] New Map version: 0.51 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
- Will upload 0.50 to Hiveworkshop :)

== IN [T] 2020-05-11 21:16 - Items, Abilities, Units - OUT: 21:29 ==
* [Item, Unit, Abilities] Minor text fixes:
* on-ability-cast is now the term for effects that occur on... Abilities being cast.
- Was inconsistent for few items
* Punctuation consistencies and spelling corrections
* All "artifacts" now have punctuation on flavour-text
* Wand of Blasting "delt" -> "dealt"
* Mammoth Tank Proper Name from Commisar -> Commissar
* Spell Power basic items punctuation
== IN [T] 2020-05-10 18:58 - Trigger - OUT: 19:18 ==
* [.Trigger] Imported Check Walkability by Rising_Dusk, Vexorian and PurgeandFire
* [.Trigger] Tried to use it on TransBOOMificator, disabled all TransBOOMificator triggers...
== IN [T] 2020-05-10 14:03 - Trigger - OUT: 16:57 ==
* [.Trigger] Passive for TransBOOMificator
* Change "Move Unit"-GUI-trigger to custom script "SetUnitX/Y"
* No longer trigger on Active Ability of TransBOOMificator
* This seem to solve the "abort" problem
- Note: "Move Unit" have a "stop" order built-in
* Have issues with Pathable-detetion, will import a system for that!
* [.Trigger] Active for TransBOOMificator
* Minor bug fixes... Referencing wrong variable...
* Change "Move Unit"-GUI-trigger to custom script "SetUnitX/Y"
* No longer shares cooldown group with other Translocator items (caused it to have wrong cooldown)
* Have issues with Pathable-detetion, will import a system for that!
* [.Trigger] NoExitSouth
* Samus can Boost as a ball and can end-up in unpathable terrain.
* If a selectable hero is outside of the southern gate to the arena, teleport them inside.
* Setup "region[4] spawner_area" and "integer spawner_area_allowed_index"
* spawner_area are inside the gates of each spawner area
* spawner_area_allowed_index is the highest index of allowed spawner_area
== IN [T] 2020-05-09 16:27 - Item, Trigger, Buff - OUT: 19:12 ==
* [Item] New Item: TransBOOMificator
For those with a booming lifestyle!
• 65 Spell Power
• 350 Mana
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: on-spell-cast, booms nearby enemies dealing 150 + 150% Spell Power as damage within 150 units of you, teleporting you 200 units backwards (20 seconds cooldown)
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE Translocator|r: 40s cooldown
Translocates you, with a boom, 800 units in a random directon.
The boom deals 225 + 225% of Spell Power as damage within a 300 radius.
Note: Shares cooldown with other Translocator items.
* Builds from: Wand of Blasting (1750g) + Magical Token (650g) + Translocator (350g) + recipe (1000g) = 3750g
- Note: ALL imported assets got removed on-save, had to restore map from 2020-05-07 and copy-paste things
* [.Trigger]
* Combine item
* on-spell-cast effect done. Seem to abort many abilities...?
* actively-used ability: WIP - Messing with passive?
== IN [T] 2020-05-07 20:15 - Map, Item, Trigger, Buff - OUT: 21:27 ==
* [Map] Placed path blockers near all terrain that players should be able to be near
* [Item] Renamed Mana-Translocator to Manaflowificator
* [Item] New Item: Wand of Blasting
Serves your basic blasting needs!
• 40 Spell Power
• |c00CCAACCUNIQUE|r: on-ability-damage-delt, blasts enemies dealing 75 + 75% Spell Power as damage within 150 units of a damaged unit (10 seconds cooldown)
Builds from: Slightly Magic Wand (800g) + Strange Poach (250g) + Recipe (700g) = 1750g
* Places a buff on unit to keep track of the cooldown.
== IN [T] 2020-05-06 19:35 - Item, Trigger, Unit - OUT: 20:20 ==
* [Item] price lowered:
* Translocator, from 600 to 350
* Potion of Mana, from 45 to 40
* Potion of Greater Mana, from 100 to 80
* Potion of Greater Healing, from 100 to 80
* Potion of Restoration, from 175 to 125
* [Item] New Item: Mana-Translocator
With great mana-flow, comes great responsibility!
• 900 Mana
• 15 Spell Power
• Brilliance Aura (90 % Mana Regain)
• UNIQUE 25% on-spell-cast to restore 50% of the spent mana
• UNIQUE Translocator - 20s cooldown
Places a Translocation Rune on the ground.
If you have a Translocation Rune placed, instantly move to it.
The placed rune is consumed in the process.
Note: Shares cooldown with Translocator.
Builds from: Magical Token (650g) + Mana Stone (1100g) + Translocator (350g) + recipe (900g) = 3000g
== IN [T] 2020-05-04 18:06 - Map, Item, Trigger - OUT: 19:02 ==
* [Map] Updated version numbers
* [Item] New Item: Magical Token
A small token that seem to contain magical power
• 200 Mana
• 8 Spell Power
• UNIQUE 20% on-spell-cast to restore 25% of the spent mana
Builds from: Pendant of Energy (200g) + Strange Poach (250g) + recipe (200g) = 650g
* [Item] Fixed many items to have "correct" hotkey
* [.Trigger] Fixed spelling on Lothar warning

== IN [T] 2020-05-03 15:38 - Triggers, Map, Unit - OUT: 17:25 ==
* [Map] New Map version: 0.49 (still Warcraft 1.31.1, june 2019)
* [.Trigger] Set real-value "wave_current" equal to integer value "current_wave_nr" in MarketplaceExit and WaveCompleted
* Previously did not set it in MarketplaceExit, resulting in desync,
resulting in wave-specific triggers "lagging behind" with each marketplace visit
* The only wave-specific trigger we have are boss-related and slime-related
* [Unit] Nerfed Ghoul hp from 420 to 410 and damage from 15-20 to 10-20
* [.Trigger] On-Wave 36 start, victory!
* [.Trigger] Warning trigger around Lothars selection, noting that he is unfinished
* [.Trigger] Decreased Mammoth Tank Parabombs move update timer from 0.5 to 0.25,
to get the bombs to better target the target location.
== IN [T] 2020-01-13 19:45 - Triggers - OUT: 19:53 ==
* [Abilities/Boss2] Circle of bats:
* variables renamed to "wave_specific_X" to be used for other wave-specific-scripts
* Destroy vfx and unit when boss is killed
== IN [T] 2020-01-06 19:54 - Triggers - OUT: 20:00 ==
* [Feature] Created a cool feature: Circle of Bats will stop boss is killed.
- TODO: Ensure vfx is destroyed if boss is killed during its existance
== IN [T] 2020-01-06 17:33 - Triggers, Units - OUT: 19:12 ==
* [Boss2] Circle of Bats is now completely scripted
* Fires 10 seconds after wave becomes 20 (current_wave=19)
* Fires 5-10 seconds after the last has ended
* Indication runs for 2.5 seconds, with 0.1 seconds interval between "waves" of "bats"
* The point it selects is between 75-350 units in a random direction of "an enemy (non-building)" of the boss
- Can be tested by "-set wave 20". A unit must be within "Main arena" for it to fire properly.
* Removed the old ability of the boss.
== IN [T] 2020-01-05 16:53 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 18:17 ==
* [Items] Strange Poach and Slightly Magic Wand has a note describing what Spell Power is:
- Spell Power acts as your primary attribute for spells that gains damage from attributes.
* [Abilities/Heros] Made Spell Power actually add to the attribute for the purpose of spell damage for:
* Darth Vader Force Push
* Samus Missile, Bomb
* Mammoth Tank Tusk Missiles, Parabombs
* Master Chief Plasma Granade
* Khadgar Fireball, Flame Shield, Blizzard
- Spell Power should work as intended now
* [Command] -spell power displays the current spell power
* [Fix] Adjust Crit and Spell-power calculations to be callable using temp_unit instead of depending on triggering unit
- making "next attack has garantueed crit" or "next spell has bonus spell power" possible
* [Boss1] During the first dracula fight, "random" skulls (Ghost "attacks"~ish), damaging units 225.
- See: Special NPC Attacks/Dracula1/DraculaRandomSkulls for more info
== IN [T] 2020-01-04 17:08 - Triggers, Abilities, Map, Items, Units - OUT: 19:50 ==
* [Abilities] Buffed Samus Missile Damage from agi from {65, 80, 95, 110, 125} to {110, 145, 180, 215, 250} %
* [Abilities] Buffed Mammoth Tank Tusk Missile Damage from str from {25, 50, 75, 100, 125} to {100, 125, 150, 175, 200} %
* [Fix] bug on Death Vader Force Push text using the total damage as "base damage" (before str% additions)
* [Abilities] Samus Missile now has updating ability-text (displaying resulting damage from bonus agility)
* [Abilities] Mammoth Tank Parabombs [R]
* Updated text slightly
* Updated damage from {250, 500, 750} to {200, 400, 600} + {50%, 75%, 100%} of Str
- More or less the same damage if you have "few" str-items at levels 6-16, more damage later.
* New Map Version: 0.48
* [Feature] Spell Power: a virtual stat (much like crit chance) gained from items exclusivly (currently). It gives damage to (some) abilities.
- Will add items and ability scalings to this some time later
- Will probably make it act as primary attribute for the purpose of spell damage
* [Item] Strange Poach - Increases the Spell Power by 5
* [Item] Slightly Magic Wand - Increases the Spell Power by 20
- Sold by Life, Mana and Magic shop
== IN [C] 2019-12-31 13:28 - Triggers, Units, Map - OUT: 17:03 ==
* [Feature] Created triggers for setting weather at specific waves (CheckWeather, StartRain, StartSnow).
- Will replace associated grass texture & tree destructible with one matching the weather (easily set using temp_terrain_type and temp_destructible_type).
* [Debug] New debug commands for triggering weather: -rain, -snow.
== IN [T] 2019-12-27 14:45 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 16:04 ==
* Samus: Missiles[E]
* Collision detection now considers units collision size
- Actually picks all units within 250 of missile and checks for units within (collision-size + 40) of missile-center.
- This means huge slimes and bosses now can be hit as exptected (as long as their collision-size is set properly) :)
* Now "time-out" if missile hits world boundery
- NOTE: This is hard-coded values! if x > 5300 or y < -5600, this handles the arena.
* Removed debug prints
* Enable/disable missile (instead of rockets) when using Morph Ball
* Samus Place Bomb [Q]
* Buffing agillity scaling from {20%, 35%, 50%, 65%, 80%} to {60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%}
- This gives closer to the same early-game damage to this ability as before adding scaling
== IN [C] 2019-12-26 20:14 - Abilities - OUT: 20:22 ==
* [Fix] Fixed spelling of "straight" for missile ability.
* [Fix] Fixed research icon for missile ability.
== IN [T] 2019-12-25 15:24 - Triggers, Abilities, Import, Units - OUT: 16:59 ==
* Samus: Missiles
* TODO: Fix "bug" regarding hit-detection of units with big hitbox
- Currently it seems that it checks from missile-center to unit-center, instead of missile-whatever to unit-collision-edge.
* Description:
Fires a missile in a streight line in the targeted direction that explodes upon impact with a unit dealing ??? damage within 150 radius of the missile.
Deals Friendly Fire!
3 seconds Cooldown.
* Deals {190, 235, 285, 340, 400} + {65, 80, 95, 110, 125} % of agi Damage
* Should for the most part be done! :)
* Imported new model for missile
* Added it to credits
* TODO: Remove debug prints
== IN [T] 2019-12-16 20:17 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 21:20 ==
* Can now fire ability, missile moves and triggers fire as expected.
== IN [T] 2019-12-14 18:33 - Abilities, Triggers, Units - OUT: 18:56 ==
* Set up a new ability for Samus: Missile
* Setup gfx unit
* Setup outlined triggers and variables
== IN [T] 2019-12-11 20:56 - Triggers - OUT: 21:51 ==
* Samus Place Bomb [Q]
* Now deals {20%, 35%, 50%, 65%, 80%} of agi as damage
* Now updates ability text from triggers
* Text is: Lays an energy bomb upon the ground that explodes after 2 seconds, dealing X + Y (Z% of Agility-stat) damage for enemies within 200 units. Deals 75% of that (0.75*(X+Y)) to enemies further away, within 300 units. Cooldown: 3 Seconds
* Updated all other text refering to this (morph ball learn and toolip), but those does not update.
* Now deals damage 100% within 200 units, 75% within 300 units
== IN [T] 2019-12-07 19:18 - Map, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 19:47 ==
* New version 0.47!
* Samus Place Bomb [Q]
* Now deals damage via triggers
* WIP: Adjust damage from {220, 300, 400, 520, 660} to {200, 270, 360, 470, 600} + Some agi%
* WIP: Deals 100% within 200, 75% within 300?
== IN [T] 2019-12-02 21:17 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 22:01 ==
* [Ability] Mammoth Tank Tusk Missile
* Buffed base damage from {85, 120, 155, 190, 225} to {120, 150, 180, 210, 240}
* Tweaked how the calculasions are done to make it easier to change in the future
* [Unit] Mammoth Tank
* starting intelligence increased from 22 to 23
* starting agillity lowered from 18 to 17
* Str/lvl increased from 7.55 to 7.85
* Agi/lvl increased from 2.25 to 2.35
* Int/lvl increased from 3.65 to 3.75
* Note: Mammoth Tank still have lowest total stats/level even after this change
== IN [C] 2019-12-01 11:52 - Triggers - OUT: 14:07 ==
* [Bug Fix] Fixed bug where if Samus died whilst in morph ball mode then her abilities would still be the morph ball ones once resurrected.
* [Debug] Added Debug Show Player Ready in order to track down bug with player readiness.
* [Bug Fix] Fixed bug where game would start even though player 4 hadn't picked a hero.
- This was caused by us checking vs index 0 - 3 in players_ready in StartGame trigger whilst actually setting the values for indices 1-4.
- Fixed so that StartGame only checks vs index 1 - 4 (since this was what we did in the majority of places - weird to both have support for 0 and 1 based arrays).
* [Bug Fix] Fixed bug where it was possible for player 4 to trigger the repick function even though he/she wasn't ready.
- Was due to us checking vs indices 0-3 in RepickHero trigger. Fixed so that it checks vs indices 1-4.
* Note: I have noticed that if one has problem copy pasting JASS code into the editor, then the easiest solution is simply to clear all of the existing JASS code in that file
and then paste the updated code into the editor, otherwise some weird characters are introduced which will cause the script to fail upon compile.
== IN [T] 2019-11-30 20:47 - Item - OUT: 20:49 ==
* [Item] Dagger of Supreme Swiftness, lowered cost of recipe from 1700g to 1200g (total cost from 6000g to 5500g)
== IN [T] 2019-11-30 16:32 - Abilities - OUT: 17:24 ==
* [Abilities] Writing mana-cost on Abilities, using Mana color: |c00AACCF4
Mana Cost: |c00AACCF4<A005,Cost1>|r - Cooldown: <A005,Cool1,.> Seconds
- Blizzard
- Charge Beam
- Drop Medkit
- Fireball
- Force Choke
== IN [T] 2019-11-24 19:05 - Triggers, Units, Abilities, Items - OUT: 19:48 ==
* [Item/trigger] Translocator bug fixes
- Fixes to Friendly Battle Arena
- Fixes to shopping area enter/exit
- Buff: Cooldown 20s from 30s
- Price: 600g
- Model/ability fx adjusted
== IN [T] 2019-11-24 15:06 - Items, Abilities, Triggers, Units - OUT: 18:13 ==
* [Item] Broach of Swiftness nerfed attack speed from 25% to 20%
- note: upgraded versions still give 25%.
* [Item] Dagger of Supreme Swiftness
- nerf attack speed from 45% to 40%
- 20% to get, from {45% attack speed, 25% move speed for 3.5s} to {25% attack speed, 40% move speed for 3.0s}
* [Item] Dagger of Swiftness adjust 20% to get, from {30% attack speed, 10% move speed for 3.0s} to {20% attack speed, 25% move speed for 3.00s}
* [Item] Maul of Tremendous Impact
- Adjust price/recipe, removed Heavy Shield of Strength from Recipe.
- Recipe: 1300g (Maul of Forceful Impact) + 1600g (Kalims hammer of Strength +20) + 1100g (recipe) = 4000g
- Nerf: Armor from +7 to removed.
- Nerf: Strength from +60 to +45
* [Item] Staff of Supreme Insight recipe price increase from 750 to 800
- result: 1600g (Staff of Inishgt) + 1600g (Moon Staff of Intelligence +20) + 800g (recipe) = 4000g
* [New Item]: Inconveniently Heavy Shield
Combines from:
• Heavy Shield of Strength
• Life Stone
• Kalims hammer of Strength +20
A shield that is heavier than what's convenient.
• 30 Strength
• 7 Armor
• 1000 Health
• Unholy Aura (75 % Health Regen, 12 % Move Speed)
• UNIQUE 25% on-hit-taken to reduce damage by 66%
- Price: 1650 (Heavy Shield of Strength) + 1225 (Life Stone) + 1600 (Kalims hammer of Strength +20) + 1025 (recipe) = 5500g
- Note: Added to shop.
* [New Item]: Translocator
UNIQUE - 30s cooldown
Places a Translocation Rune on the ground.
If you have a Translocation Rune placed, instantly move to it.
The placed rune is consumed in the process.
Note: Does not consume this item.
- Note: not done, not added to shop.
== IN [T] 2019-11-22 21:39 - Items, Triggers - OUT: 21:48 ==
* [Item] Dagger of Supreme Swiftness
- Price of Recipe increased from 1200g to 1700g -> total cost from 5500g to 6000g
* [Item] Mighty Skull of Insight
- Increased damage delt on unique from 50% str to 75% str.
- Result: 20% on-hit to deal 75% of str as damage to enemies within 100 of target.
== IN [T] 2019-10-09 21:14 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 22:24 ==
* Mammoth Tank Parabomb damage source changed 3 different abilities to trigger-based
- can do str scaling or something later :)
- TODO: Change text to NOT reference the old parabomb-abilities
== IN [T] 2019-10-06 20:11 - Abilities - OUT: 20:17 ==
* Mammoth Tank Buff Parabomb damage buffed from [230, 425, 675] to [250, 500, 750]
== IN [T] 2019-09-29 19:27 - All Object Data, Triggers, Units - OUT: 19:55 ==
* [All Object Data] - Replaced ALL Object Data from 0.45 to 0.46 due to versioning miss-communication
* [Units] - Badger Bomber, Set Art - Extended Sight = False and Mammoth Tank Score Screen Icon to its Icon.
* [.Trigger] - Moved Triggers below to correct Version.
== IN [T] 2019-09-29 17:28 - Triggers, Items, Units, Abilities - OUT: 18:57 ==
* [Trigger/Ability] - Khadgars spells are changed to be "spell" instead of "magic" damage.
- This fixes spellblade bug, as it does not trigger on spell-damage, and "magic" is NOT spell.
* [Trigger/Ability] - Mammoth Tank Tusk Missile Ability text updates more often.
- On skill-up, level-up, item gained/dropped.
- Removed on-fire skill text update.
* [Item] - Mighty Skull of Insight text fix
- Had 50% of str as AoE damage on recipe, but (incorrectly) 40% on item. Changed to 50%.
* [Unit/Trigger/Abilities] - Slimes now only spawns from triggers (not from abilities), and are added to current-wave.
- This was only done half-way previously, causing more slimes to spawn than intended.
* [Unit/Trigger] - Reduced number of slimes spawning from Huge Slime when taking damage (20% of max-hp intervals) from 2 to 1
* [Unit] Huge Slime
- Reduced HP regen from 10 to 0
- Increased hp from 22000 to 25000
- Reduced Move speed from 230 to 210
* [Unit] Orc Warrior [Tier 4]
- Increased HP from 2600 to 2800
- Changed scaling and color to make more different
- Increased attack speed (attack cooldown) from 3.0 to 2.5
- Increased damage from 80 - 102 to 80 - 124
- Increased Bounty from 30 to 35
* [Unit] Troll Spearman buffed HP from 1600 to 2000.
* [Unit] Ogre Magi buffed damage from 23 + 1D4 (Note: default) to 40 + 5D5.
* [Unit] Raider
- Reduced Hp reg from 10 to 2
- Increased HP from 1100 to 1350
== IN [C] 2019-09-28 20:43 - Unit, Triggers - OUT: 21:33 ==
* [Unit] Corrected Mammoth Tank score screen icon to be the same icon as ingame.
* [.Trigger] Think I fixed so that hero won't attack other hero after getting revived from FBA (hard to test since I couldn't reproduce the bug locally).
== IN [C] 2019-09-22 14:10 - Triggers, Unit, Map - OUT: 18:51 ==
* [Triggers] Remade the Parabomb triggers so that logic for movement orders and when to drop bombs is done from a timer function "MTParabombsMoveUpdate".
- This will make it simpler to tweak when the parabomb should drop and when the bomber should disappear.
- Fixed so that bomber will disappear after having dropped all its bombs + is out of sight.
* [Unit] Switched off "Use Extended Sight" on BadgerBomber so that it isn't visible when travelling through fog of war (thus making it easier to remove once out of sight).
* [Bug Fix] Fixed reported weird pathing of badger bomber by replacing Pathing Blockers of type Both to Ground Blockers. These would impact the pathing of the bomnber,
causing it to begin to spin around and behave weirdly.
* [Bug Fix] Fixed bug where bomber would spawn at a weird position due to being too close to map border. This could in turn make it so that the bomber never reached its destination
since it now travels by an offset with the initial angel being calculated at the start. This in turn made it never despawn.
Will now test if spawn position is within map bounds and if not then rotate position around target by 90 degrees until successful.
== IN [C] 2019-09-22 12:04 - Triggers, Ability - OUT: 13:11 ==
* [Cleanup] Removed old unused debug functions for attaching different weapons to Master Chief.
* [Debug] Added debug cmmand to reset cooldowns for all selected units: "-reset cd".
- [Bug Fix] Fixed so that resurrection stone doesn't have a mana-bar when item is equipped (disabled "Can Use Item" for resurrection stone inventory ability).
== IN [T] 2019-09-21 20:01 - Trigger, Ability - OUT: 20:17 ==
* Added Maul of Forceful Impact cooldown
* A dummy unit casts a buff on hero
* Cannot bash while under bashed buff
* Added Maul of Trenendous Impact cooldown
== IN [T] 2019-09-20 17:43 - Triggers - OUT: 19:14 ==
* Extracted the actual split gold to its own trigger (SplitGoldNow)
* [New Feature] AutoGoldShare, does "-give team gold", kind of
* [new command] auto gold share on/off (ags on/off)
* adds or remove player from auto_gold_share_player_group
* Added "MarketplaceEnter" Gui trigger and calls it from the jass WaveCompleted
* Added AutoGoldShare that does SplitGoldNow for players in auto_gold_share_player_group on MarketplaceEnter
* Added info in a quest
* NOTE: This is an opt-out system, I.E. you are in by default
* NOTE2: Only shares for people who are in auto_gold_share_player_group
== IN [C] 2019-09-14 14:53 - Import, Triggers, Sound - OUT: 18:09 ==
* [Music] Spent some time learning some Audacity features for making it simpler making looping music.
Replaced Warcraft I - Human02 with Warcraft I - Orc01. I think it loops better
(especially considering the limitations of .mp3 files introducing a small silence at the start and end of the file that cannot be removed).
* [Debug] Added "-invulnerable" chat debug command (toggles invulnerability of the selected units).
== IN [T] 2019-09-13 19:50 - Triggers, Units - OUT: 19:55 ==
* Finished Recipe for Dagger of Supreme Swiftness trigger and added to shop
== IN [T] 2019-09-13 18:38 - Items - OUT: 18:57 ==
* Recipe for Dagger of Supreme Swiftness:
Dagger of Swiftness (1500g) + Brooch of Swiftness (1200g) + Bloodfeather's Heart of Agility +20 + Recipe (1200g) = 5500g
* TODO: Triggers, add to shop
== IN [T] 2019-09-11 23:05 - Items, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 23:35 ==
* Increased price for:
* Broach of Swiftness from 500g to 600g
* Broach of Upgraded Swiftness from 400g to 750g
* Updated "Gold cost" to its actual value (items + recipe) for
* Broach of Swiftness from 2000g to 1200g
* Broach of Upgraded Swiftness from 3500g to 3550g
- before price increase it was bigger difference
* Updated text for Dagger of Supreme Swiftness to:
A dagger extremely for swift people.
• 45 Agility
• 45% Attack Speed
• 80 Move Speed
• UNIQUE 20% on-hit for 45% attack speed, 25% move speed for 3.5 seconds. Can only trigger when not currently buffed.
* Added abilities and trigger for UNIQUE ability.
* TODO: Recipe, cost. To be combined from Broach of Agile Swiftness (3550g) + Dagger of Swiftness (1500g) + Recipe (950g) = 6000g
== IN [T] 2019-09-04 20:28 - Items - OUT: 20:33 ==
* New Item: Dagger of Supreme Swiftness
- TODO: Add abilities, cost, recipe, etc.
== IN [T] 2019-09-02 23:11 - Import, Triggers - OUT: 23:14 ==
* Imported new Icon: BTNFiendDagger (Dagger with blood)
- Added Credits in our comment trigger
- To be used for a Dagger of Swiftness upgrade
== IN [C] 2019-09-01 17:50 - Import, Sound, Triggers - OUT: 18:13 ==
* [Music] Added Warcraft I - Human02 track as music for wave 30-40.
- Note: Not too happy with how the loop turned out, might have a look at it again in the future - will have to do for now (perhaps not as noticeable during gameplay).
== IN [T] 2019-09-01 16:56 - Import, Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 17:44 ==
* Imported new Icon: BTNRC_UGRD_3blade (thunder-ish sword)
- Added Credits in our comment trigger
* Adjust Item: Death Dealer "Gold cost" attribute adjusted from 2000 to 2500
- Made the Gold cost actually reflect the gold cost.
* Nerfed Thunder Clows Critical hit chance from 8% to 7%
* New Item: Thunder Death Blade (Upgraded from Thunder Claws)
- Builds from Thunder Claws (3000g) + Death Dealer (2500g) + Recipe (1500g) = 7000g
- Fixed attributes, texts and triggers for:
A Blade that sometimes kills enemies with thunder.
• 20 Agility
• 75 % Mana Regeneration
• 40 Damage
• 15% Critical Hit Chance.
• 20% Critical Hit Damage.
• UNIQUE: on-critical-hit, throws a 450 Damage Chain Lightning (6 targets, 20 % reduction/target)
- Recipe and added to shop
* Fixed many recipe hot-keys to reflect their actual button-position.
== IN [C] 2019-08-31 16:44 - Map, Triggers - OUT: 18:39 ==
* [Map] Removed some doodads and units from location in lower left corner (some cleaning up).
* [Map] Moved enemy team starting locations to corresponding location (i.e. west team to the west and so on).
* Just noticed that it is possible to extend the map size, cool! Good to know if we ever feel the need.
* I now have an idea of how to implement the labyrinth challenge:
- Teleport player to an off camera bounds area, thus making the minimap useless.
- Could possibly lock the camera to the unit to make it more challenging.
- Probably only one player will perform the challenge since having several players running around would only be chaotic and perhaps too easy (vote?).
Other players could spectate and give directions.
- Have a trigger set and modify global fog, decreasing z-end value over time.
- Picking up fireberry increases z-end value (making it "brighter").
- Could also modify the unit's sight range (using item ability).
- At a certain z-end value the challenge will be lost.
- If player finds exit, success! Could possibly vary the start and end location to minimize possibility of remembering the labyrinth. Perhaps randomize dungeon layout?
== IN [T] 2019-08-22 21:15 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 21:28 ==
* Thunder Claws
- Fixed updated recipt
- Now costs 500 (agi+6) + 200 (sobi mask) + 1000 (crit slicer) + 1300 (recipt) = 3000g
- • 10 Agility, • 75 % Mana Regeneration, • 8% Critical Hit Chance, • 15% Critical Hit Damage, • UNIQUE: on-critical-hit, throws a 150 Damage Chain Lightning (4 targets, 20 % reduction/target)
- No more TODO! :D
== IN [T] 2019-08-22 19:08 - Triggers, Items, Abilities - OUT: 19:29 ==
* Changed Dagger of Swiftness, Maul of Forceful Impact, Mighty Skull of Insight triggers
- Changed Event from "Unit - on attacked" to AfterDamageEvent
- This means that it is AFTER the projectile hits, instead of right when basic attack projectile is being thrown
* Buffed Mighty Skull of Insight
- Str scaling AoE damage from 40% to 50%
- Result: 20% on-hit to deal 50% of str as damage to enemies within 100 of target.
* Thunder Claws
- Implemented on-crit Chain Lightning
- Chain Lightning Damage set to 150 from 200
- (4 targets, 20% dmg reduction/target)
- TODO: Fix Recipt, Gold cost, reference to the correct chain lightning ability-id
== IN [T] 2019-08-20 20:47 - Items, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 22:37 ==
* Cloak of Agile Defence Adjusted:
- Lowered Agi from 15 to 10
* Reworked Thunder Claws:
- Now builds from Agi+6, Sobi mask (mana reg), Critical Slicer (crit chance and damage) instead of Agi+6, Sobi Mask, Dmg+9
- To: • 10 Agility, 75 % Mana Regeneration, • 8% Critical Hit Chance, • 15% Critical Hit Damage, • UNIQUE: on-critical-hit, throws a 200 Damage Chain Lightning Ability
- From: • 15 Agility, 75 % Mana Regeneration, 10 damage, usable: 200 Damage Chain Lightning Ability
- WIP: Fix Recipe, Gold cost, on-crit
== IN [T] 2019-08-20 15:20 - Triggers, Abilities, Buff - OUT: 15:44 ==
* Maul of Forceful Impact now has a working cooldown!
- Has a "berserking"-based ability, giving the buff "bashed"
- A unit with "bashed" cannot trigger bash again until it wears off
- Item "Activly Usedable" is set to true, Hero ordered to use item, Item usable set to false, Order attacker to attack the attacked target.
- Now has 15% stun chance as (not 100 as during development of this)
- Currently is on "A unit is attacked", should move to another event because bash can trigger before the HIT.
- Should be careful about damage event and AoE attacks.
== IN [T] 2019-08-18 19:04 - Map, Triggers, Abilities, Units, Items - OUT: 20:44 ==
* New version 0.45! (considering the amount of changes recently, I believe it's reasonable)
* Darth Vader Force Push
- Changed Base Damage from {90, 145, 215, 300, 400} to {100, 145, 210, 295, 400}
- x = 1,2,3,4,5 for (75 + 15*x + 10*x*x)
- Changed to ONLY deal trigger-based damage from spell-part for base AND trigger-part for scaling
- Has In-ability writing of the scaling part.
* Changed Khadgar damage-type of Fireball and Flameshield from Spells to Magic
* WIP: Changed Maul of Forceful Impact bash to be trigger-based, still needs to show cooldown on item and check for it in trigger
- NOTE: currently has 100% stun chance
- Added Heroes to an ancient document we have for this map, showing starting stats and stats/lvl
- Maybe will touch those values at some point
== IN [T] 2019-08-18 13:23 - Triggers, Abilities, Units, Items - OUT: 17:03 ==
* Bugfix: Darth Vader DVForcePushCast changed from "A unit Begins Casting an ability" to "Starts the effect of an ability"
- "A unit Begins Casting an ability" This is right BEFORE mana is wasted and cooldown is fired.
- "A unit Starts the effect of an ability" This is after the ability being cast has been "confirmed", mana have been wasted and cooldown has been fired.
* Nerf Darth Vader Force Push
- Lowered Strength damage Scaling from {20, 40, 60, 80, 100}% to {15, 30, 45, 60, 75}% damage.
- Increased mana cost from 25 to 40
- Increased cooldown from 5 seconds to 6 seconds.
* Buff Darth Vader Force Lightning
- Lowered Cooldown from 11 to 7 seconds.
* Master Chief[Shotgun] nerfed:
- AoE buffed from (%dmg, radius): {(100%, 25), (75%, 90), (35%, 125)} to {(100%, 25), (75%, 90), (10%, 125)}
- I.E. The largest radius has significantly reduced damage
* Master Chief[Rocket Launcher] nerfed:
- AoE nerfed from (%dmg, radius): {(100%, 50), (75%, 125), (25%, 175)} to {(100%, 50), (75%, 100), (10%, 175)}
- I.E. The largest radius has significantly reduced damage (from 25% to 10%)
- Cooldown Time from 2.35 to 2.45
* Master Chief[Sniper] nerfed:
- Cooldown Time from 2.5 to 2.8
* Buffed Castle
- HP reg from 0.75 to 1.0
- Mana reg from 0.25 to 0.5
- Repair Rate Upgrade increased from 0.25% hp reg increase to 0.5% hp reg increase (with above buff, 0.5 hp/s)
- This means that it previously increased by 0.1875 hp/s, not the stated 0.25.
- Defence upgrade increased from 1 armor/lvl to 2 armor/lvl
* Lowered cost of Item
- Potion of Mana, from 65 to 45
- Potion of Healing from 50 to 40
- Potion of Greater Healing from 125 to 100
- Potion of Greater Mana from 125 to 100
- Potion of Restoration from 200 to 175
* Increased cost of Item
- Healing Salve from 35 to 40
- Ankh of Reincarnation from 600 to 700
* Nerfed Item: Staff of Supreme Insight
- Cost for Recipe from 750 to 1000
- Intelligence from 50 to 40
* Mighty Skull of Insight reworked
- Old version: +15 str, +50% mana reg, +4 armor, frost nova (125 dmg)
- New version: • 10 Strength, • 50 % Mana Regeneration, • UNIQUE: 20% on-hit to deal 40% of str as damage to enemies within 100 of target.
* Added Quest Description for UNIQUE.
- UNIQUE is a non-stacking attribute of an item.
- Marked Dagger of Swiftness on-hit as UNIQUE
- Marked Small Shield on-hit-taken as UNIQUE
- Marked Heavy Shield of Strength on-hit-taken as UNIQUE
== IN [T] 2019-08-15 19:48 - Triggers, Item - OUT: 20:43 ==
* Nerfed Item: Magi-Sword
- Lowered crit chance from 20% to 10%
- Lowered crit damage from 20% to 0%
- Increased spellblade manacost from 1% to 1.5% of current mana
- Realized that it is possible to write spell-blade actual numbers in-item :O (TODO or something)
== IN [T] 2019-08-13 20:30 - Triggers, Item, Abilities - OUT: 21:41 ==
* Fixed crit system
- Item lost marks the item slot of item being manipulated in temp_integer2, then runs crit calculation
- Item aquired sets temp_integer2 = -1, then runs crit calculation
- Crit calculation goes for each item slot (item slot != temp_integer2), add crit stats if applicable.
- 100% success :)
* Adjusted Item: Small Shield
- Armor nerfed from 3 to 2
- Lowered combine cost to 150g from 200g (resulting in total cost of 400g)
- 50 (+1 armor) + 200 (150hp) + 150 (combine)
- combine gives +1 armor, +50hp, and 20% on-hit-taken reduce damage taken by 20.
- Lowered item gold value to new total cost 400g, from previous 800g (previous total cost was 450g)
- Note: on-hit-taken effect do not stack, we need a keyword or something to indicate non-stacking stuff
* FBA: I "Fixed memory leak in FBA regarding Unit Group." back in 2019-08-08 21:25, reverted it.
- apparently that unit group was needed for it to work and this is the most likely cause of FBA break down.
* FBA: Do not add Ward summoned by Rune of the Watcher to the battle_arena_team unit group (group that we do alive check against)
* FBA: 1 second AFTER battle ends, remove all units left in Friendly Battle Arena (I.E. Wards)
* Nerfed Item: Dagger of Critical
- Lowered crit chance from 6% to 3%
* Nerfed Item: Critical Slicer
- Lowered crit chance from 10% to 5%
- Lowered crit damage from 25% to 12%
* Nerfed Item: Death Dealer
- Lowered crit chance from 20% to 8%
* Nerfed Item: Critical Death Mask
- Lowered crit chance from 30% to 15%
- Lowered crit damage from 100% to 50%
* FBA: Moved two trees down slightly
== IN [T] 2019-08-12 18:16 - Triggers - OUT: 18:38 ==
* Reworked how crit is caluclated.
- Now resets crit chance to 0 and crit damage to 200 on item gained or lost.
- Go though each item and see if it is any crit item, add to the crit stat if so.
- Previously was "on item gained" -> add crit, "on item lost" -> subtract crit
- Fixes bug that Critical Death Mask was not added to "on item lost"-trigger resulting in infinite stacking crit chance and damage.
- No longer needs to add crit to 2 places! Huzza!
- Has bug: A unit Loses an item is triggered BEFORE the unit loses the item (I.E. It is still in inventory), making it still count that lost item's crit
- TODO: Fix that bug.
== IN [T] 2019-08-11 13:32 - Triggers, Map, Abilities, Units, Items - OUT: 18:49 ==
* Khadgar Fireball[Q] Actial Damage Number update now triggers on:
- Learns a skill, aquires an item, loses an item, gains a level (and on "-dmg")
* Khadgar Flame Shield gfx lowered height (I.E. now closer to ground).
- Kinda at torso-height-level now (10/-60 height for normal/amp), down from fairly high up (50/0 height).
* Khadgar Flame Shield radius buff, from {80/160} for normal/amp to {85/170}
* Added Ground and Air Pathing Blockers around the main arena
- Removed "holes" to the bridge to the west and path to south that Ball Sammus could pass through.
- Put a lot of blockers to the south but Ball Sammus can boost out there.
* Imported the Plasma Granade model from the models-to-consider.txt
* Added that Plasma Granade model on-top-of existing special effects.
- Didn't like it with only that sfx.
* Master Chief[SMG] buffed:
- range from 200 to 250
- base damage from 12 to 18
* Master Chief[Shotgun] buffed:
- AoE buffed from (%dmg, radius): {(100%, 25), (75%, 90)} to {(100%, 25), (75%, 90), (35%, 125)}
* Master Chief[Rocket Launcher] adjusted:
- AoE buffed from (%dmg, radius): {(100%, 25), (75%, 100), (25%, 150)} to {(100%, 50), (75%, 125), (25%, 175)}
- Cooldown time nerfed from 2.25 to 2.35
* Master Chief[Sniper] buffed range from 1200 to 1500
* Added a colors.txt document with colors that are used for different stuff
* Adjusted Khadgar Amplified color
* Adjusted Mammoth Tank Tusk Missle texts
* Adjusted Master Chief plasma Grenade text
* Added Master Chief Plasma Grenade actual damage numbers in ability
- triggers updates on: Learns a skill, aquires an item, loses an item, gains a level (and on "-dmg")
* Added Khadgar Flame Shield actual damage numbers in ability with same triggers as Fireball
- AND adjusted text
* Imported a grey flat slime (by Twilac (Jennie)) to be used for flat slimes.
* Changed Flat Slimes to new model, adjusted triggers
* Spawning Slimes from triggers instead of "spawn upon death"-ability to get rid of vfx and easier to add to "current_wave_unit_group"
* Adjusted Item: Heavy Shield of Strength
- Buffed HP from 200 to 300
- Nerfed Str from 15 to 10
- • 25% on-hit-taken to reduce damage by 25 (I.E. 6.25 damage/hit if averaged down)
- Adjusted combine from Armor+3, Str+6 and hp+150 to Small Shield (tier 1 item) and Str+6 + 700g
== IN [T] 2019-08-10 16:42 - Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 17:16 ==
* Lowered projectile speed for Ghost attack from 400 to 350
* Master Chief Drop Medkit[W] increased %max hp from {4,5,6,7,8} to {4,6,8,10,12}
* Darth Vader Force Push[W] adjusted:
- Damage {95,155,240,350,485} to {90, 145, 215, 300, 400}
- Still has strengh scaling {20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%} of str as additional damage.
- Formula: x = 1,2,3,4,5 for ((50 + x * 32.5 + 7.5 * x * x) ) - Wolfram|Alpha
- Cooldown: from {6.5, 5.75, 5.0, 4.25, 3.5} to {5, 5, 5, 5, 5}
- Darth Vader is probably still too stronk!
* Item Adjusted: Dagger of Swiftness
- Fixed tooltip (showing 0% as buff, should show 30%).
- the 20% on hit buffed from 30% attack speed to 30% attack speed and 10% move speed for 3.0s.
== IN [T] 2019-08-10 13:10 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 14:32 ==
* Mouse Movement System seem to give orders in a way that doesn't feel very good all the time...
- disable it for now.
* Samus Place Bomb[Q] (in ball) now have level-up text on [W] describing bomb damage.
* Samus Place Bomb[Q] (in ball) now has better info text (giving more information).
* Samus Place Bomb[Q] (in ball) now explodes after 2.0 seconds, down from 2.5 (and down from 3.0s a few days ago.)
== IN [T] 2019-08-09 23:41 - Items, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 00:28 ==
* New Item: Small Shield
- Builds from: Wood Shield, Periapt of Vitality (150hp), +200g
• 3 Armor, • 200 Life, • 20% on-hit-taken to reduce damage by 20 (I.E. 4 damage/hit if averaged down)
* Renamed Life and Mana shop to Life, Mana and Magic
* New Item Types: Ability Power
- Strange Poach (+10 ability power) for 200g
- Slightly Magic Wand (+40 ability power) for 900g
- Currently does nothing.
- Values might change.
- Will increase Ability Scaling Abilities with a % of this value somehow.
- Might introduce Magical Crit or something.
- Will add these to shop when implementing this.
== IN [T] 2019-08-09 13:29 - Map, Terrain, Triggers, Doodads, Units, Items - OUT: 20:57 ==
- Tested bash cooldown, does not work!
- Tested stacking evasion, does not work!
* Adjusted armor: each point of armor gives 5% more effective hp (down from 6%)
- This is to easier think about armor and items (a thing I want to put some work into).
* Added a small section of wall on the ramps to clearify that it is not passable on that side. (no pathing change)
* Smoothed the "high ground" around the castle a tiny bit
* New version 0.44 (soon to update Damage Engine and add Mouse Movement System)
* Added Mouse Movement System.
- Allows for holding down right click to change move location.
- Fairly small system found in ImportedSystems/Mouse Movement System 1.2
* Updated Damage Engine
- New version has bug fixes and new features of interest
- Can now have armor piercing (armor reduction) on some hits (crits?)
- Can now easier detect leathal damage (special effects etc. on kills)
- TODO: Test systems that used Damage Engine.
- Crit seems to still work as before.
* Experimenting with select hero on deselect.
* AutoHeroSelection system is now in place.
- Automatically selects the hero whenever a player has no units selected.
- Turned on/off with -ahs on/off.
- Cannot select items on ground or destructables with this feature on (cannot detect selection of them).
* Placed Pathing blockers on places where no player should ever be in game
* Removed bridge pathing (making it inpassable)
- Let's not assume anything regarding where players will and will not go if given a dash that can pass small terrain
* Samus Place Bomb[Q] (in ball) is now Summon Water Elemental-based, meaning no target and faster cast.
- On the positive side, it's faster to cast, no indicator, place it where you currently are, less room for mess ups.
- On the negative side, no radius indicator.
* Dagger of Swiftness reworked:
- Now builds from Agi+3, Agi+6, Attack Speed (Similar to Str and Int items).
- Now gives +15 agi, +20% AS, 20% on-hit for 30% attack speed for 3 seconds.
- It is possible to have per-item unique texts :O, see Debug/CreateUniqueTextItem
* New Item: Critical Slicer.
- Builds from Dagger of Critical Stabbing, and recipe for 700g
• 10% Critical Hit Chance. • 25% Critical Hit Damage.
* New Item: Critical Death Mask
- Builds from: Critical Slicer, Death Dealer and recipe for 1200g
- • 50 Damage, • 30 % Crit Chance,• 100% Crit Damage
* Adjusted Item: Death Dealer
- From • 30 Damage, • 15 % Crit Chance,• 20% Crit Damage
- To • 30 Damage, • 20 % Crit Chance
== IN [T] 2019-08-08 21:25 - Triggers, Items, Map, Abilities - OUT: 22:52 ==
* Fixed memory leak in FBA regarding Unit Group.
* Spacebar centers on Hero.
* Slightly lowered revive cost.
* Increased item sell gold from 50% to 75%.
* Increased item drop, give, sell range to 350 from various.
* Adjusted tool-tip for Broach of Upgraded-Swiftness.
* Samus Overcharge[R] cast range increased from 700 to 1500, lowered mana cost from 200 to 150
* Samus Bomb[Q] (in ball) damage from {180, 240, 320, 420, 580} (lagging 1 level behind in outer radius) to
{220, 300, 400, 520, 660} (lagging 1 level behind in outer radius).
* Sammus Bomb[Q] (in ball) lowered time to explosion from 3.0s to 2.5
* Flat Slimes easier to see difference between alive and dead slimes.
== IN [T] 2019-08-08 15:02 - Triggers - OUT: 16:07 ==
* On-game start, set life and mana to 100% of heroes and castle (allowing one to test abilities and attacks pre-game)
- Possible exploit with Master Chief Health Pack, but it's worth letting new players test abilities and re-pick etc.
* Added "-total gold to X" command that sums total gold (for ONE spawn point) up to wave X.
(Excluding boss bonuses, boss bounties, spawned units, because they don't spawn using normal system)
== IN [T] 2019-08-07 17:09 - Triggers - OUT: 18:20 ==
* HugeSlimeUpdateSizeSpawnSlime - Whenever Huge Slime gets below of- OR above a 20% interval, spawn 2 big slimes and change size.
* Setup waves 31-35
31: 6 Orc Warriors, 3 Spearman, 2 Catapult
32: 6 Orc Warriors, 3 Spearman, 2 Necrolyte
33: 6 Orc Warriors, 3 Spearman, 6 Necrolyte
34: 6 Big Slime, 8 Small Slime
35: 8 Small Slime, 1 Huge Slime (spawning around 13 big slimes each)
== IN [T] 2019-08-07 14:28 - Triggers, Units - OUT: 16:01 ==
- Path collision impossible to change, only uniform scaling possible (I.E. all axis same scaling)
* Created 5 sizes of huge slime to be replaced by triggers.
== IN [T] 2019-08-06 20:45 - Units, Triggers - OUT: 22:01 ==
* Added a "Real" variable of "wave_current", enabling a simple way to trigger special stuff on specific waves
Currently we have "current_wave_nr" integer.
Reason for this is the "Game - Value Of Real Variable" GUI method, only works for real.
With this, one can have event "wave_current becomes equal to 34" for a trigger.
Example: Debug/WaveEventTest
== IN [T] 2019-08-06 15:46 - Units, Abilities, Triggers, Buffs - OUT: 17:52 ==
* Added Huge Slime (mid-boss)
* Big and Small Slimes spawn "flat" versions of themselves up-on death, slowing nearby enemies (lives for 60s)
* Slime Bolt ability added to Huge Slime, dealing damage, stuns 1s and spawning flat slimes up-on hit.
- TODO: Huge Slime spawns big slimes periodically when taking damage, resuces in size (and pathing-collison).
== IN [T] 2019-08-06 13:58 - Units, Abilities - OUT: 14:49 ==
* Changed model of warlock (with spawning portal).
* Added Necrolyte enemy (with raise dead ability).
* Added higher tier of Skeletal Orc (raised by Necrolyte, only rewarding 2g/kill).
* Added higher tier of Grunt (Orc Warrior).
* Added Tier 4 Spearman (Troll)
== IN [T] 2019-08-05 14:26 - Map, Import, Units, Abilities - OUT: 15:03 ==
* New version 0.43! (soon to include slime enemy)
* Imported Green Slime (and added Hayate to credits)
* Created Enemy: Big and Small Slime. Big ones spawn 3 small ones up-on death.
== IN [T] 2019-08-04 20:57 - Trigger - OUT: 21:01 ==
* Update Fireball ability text on-amplify-magic-learned, -dmg command and on fireball cast.
== IN [T] 2019-08-04 15:21 - Trigger - OUT: 16:46 ==
* Moved hero spells into folders :O
* Khadgar Fireball show bonus intelligence-damage in-ability-text
* All damage-in-ability-texts now show integers instead of reals (couldn't get rid of the decimal)
== IN [T] 2019-08-03 18:20 - Trigger - OUT: 19:06 ==
* Added crit info quest. Extracted crit chance calculation to its own trigger.
* Added credits quest (split into 4, seems to be 512 character limit or something like that)
== IN [T] 2019-08-03 14:40 - Trigger, Map - OUT: 16:22 ==
* Adjustments to MT Tusk Missle actual damage in-ability. Updates it on-skill-learned and each fire.
Should update often enough.
* Added "-attackspeed" / "-as" chat command to display attack speed (interval).
Only shows BASE attack speed unfortuneally.
* Increased max level to 25 from 20.
== IN [T] 2019-08-02 18:20 - Trigger - OUT: 18:41 ==
* [Bug Fix]: Mammoth Tank Tusk Missle actual damage text but was 1-indexed instead of 0 indexed and showed total damage instead of extra damage from str-stat.
- Trigger: MTTuskMisslesUpdateAbilityText sets the ability text for Tusk Missles.
== IN [T] 2019-08-01 16:04 - Trigger - OUT: 16:32 ==
* FBA: Reset ability cooldowns after Friendly Battle Arena
* UI: -dmg command: Mammoth Tank Tusk Missle show actual damage (% of str) in the ability
- This failed for some reason.
== IN [T] 2019-08-01 15:06 - Trigger - OUT: 15:18 ==
* FBA: All non-hero units and illusions are removed at the end of Friendly Battle Arena.
Looked at new text stuff and what one can do with it
== IN [C] 2019-07-26 18:51 - Trigger, Sounds - OUT: 19:18 ==
* [Sound] Added V2 Missile sound from Red Alert to V2 Rocket ability.
== IN [C] 2019-07-20 22:43 - Trigger - OUT: 01:33 ==
* [Bug Fix] Removed music path print when starting Friendly Battle Arena.
* [Bug Fix] Fixed crash when using Khadgar's Blizzard spell in latest version 1.31 (took some time to figure out this one).
Seems to have been caused by trying to stop a sound (StopSound) with a fade out on the same frame as the sound finishes playing.
Made it so that we in "PlayTimedSound_CleanUp" check if the sound is playing and if so apply a fade out and otherwise do not.
This seems to have fixed the issue (a bit weird though since it used to work.. I guess some indexing or edge behavior has been introduced in one of the patches).
== IN [C] 2019-07-20 19:23 - Map - OUT: 19:24 ==
* Resaved the map using the new editor version.
== IN [T] 2019-07-09 22:40 - Units - OUT: 22:53 ==
* Created Clicky Daemon as a tier 4 unit
== IN [C] 2019-07-07 15:15 - OUT: 15:30 ==
* Fixed description of Waves 31-40 in Waves trigger (used to say 20-30).
== IN [C] 2018-12-16 17:25 - OUT: 17:25 ==
* Checked the new patch ( - it fixed the 3D sound problems mentioned below! =)
== IN [C] 2018-10-21 12:30 - Units, Items, Triggers - OUT: 14:30 ==
* Fixed punctuation and phrasing on some upgrades and items.
* Fixed so that Defeated dialogue uses centre alignment.
* Note: Seems that some 3D sounds play at low volume, might be a patch issue (let's hope it is resolved in an upcoming patch).
== IN [T] 2018-10-14 17:08 - Triggers - OUT: 18:00 ==
* [Triggers] Fixes for Spawn Portal
* New file version, yaay! 0.42!
* [Triggers] Save portal handle in warlocks custom value
- TODO, destroy portal when warlock dies + cleanup memory leak from points creation in warlock spell code.
== IN [T] 2018-08-25 19:32 - Triggers, Abilities, Unit - OUT: 20:21 ==
* [Bug fix] Ghouls Cannabalize ability no longer requires tech tree to use/unlock
* WIP: Spawn Portal for Warlock
== IN [T] 2017-08-23 22:30 - Triggers, Units - OUT: 23:05 ==
* Created "Daemon Lord", very though enemy that will swarm down players for sure
* Finished Portal Spawning intervals (might need to be tweaked)
== IN [T] 2017-08-18 20:54 - Triggers - OUT: 21:33 ==
* Setup Warlock's portal spawning units (first "state")
== IN [T] 2017-08-13 17:29 - Units, Regions, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 18:11 ==
* Setup Warlock spawn points
* Setup Warlock spawned units (Giant Spider, Brood Mother and Daemon)
- Note: Warlock spawned units does not give any gold on kill, this it to make them less exploitable, spawn camping a portal for infinite gold
== IN [C] 2017-08-13 12:48 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 14:17 ==
* [Ability] Started implementing Slash.
* Next time: Do damage on enemies + have some nice VFX + SFX.
== IN [C] 2017-08-12 19:59 - Triggers, Sound, Import, Abilities - OUT: 22:36 ==
* [Sound] Removed HitOther sound for Charge (since it will damage targets several times per second).
* [Icon] Added new icon for Charge ability (BTNWWPeasant).
* [Ability] Added description for Charge ability.
* [Ability] Switching stance will now close the Spellbook menu.
== IN [C] 2017-08-06 20:27 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 21:00 ==
* [Nerf] Offensive Stance - Attack Speed Bonus from {30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%} to {15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%}
* [Adjust] Tweaked damage from Charge ability (will write values when implementation is done).
* [Bug Fix] Added Hero alive as end condition for Charge.
== IN [C] 2017-08-06 13:51 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 18:43 ==
* [Feature] More work on Lothar's charge ability. It's coming along nicely (almost done).
- Charge takes a target and will then move Lothar towards it.
- All enemy units in the way will be pushed aside + take damage. Target takes damage, get pushed and stunned.
- The ability is aborted if the target moves too far, dies or if Lothar is issued an order, i.e. can abort it! =).
- [Triggers] Added ALChargeMove which applies damage, pushback + stuns the target unit.
- Next Time (Charge): Try to add Other Unit impact sound via PlayTimedSound, add descriptions, fix/add icon.
== IN [T] 2017-08-05 14:24 - Abilities, Items, Units - OUT: 16:14 ==
* [Adjust] Renamed many ability names for Unique Abilities for easier item rebalanceing
* Began work on new enemy - Spirit Walker that (will) teleport in, open a portal, channel to the portal until it dies, spawning infinite enemies with low hp, moderate damage and timed life
== IN [C] 2017-07-30 21:39 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 22:32 ==
* Began work on Lothar's Charge ability.
- Created ALChargeCast Trigger.
- Setup Charge ability (Channel based).
* Next time: Move Lothar via trigger (similar to Samus Morphball Boost).
== IN [C] 2017-07-27 20:51 - Items, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 23:10 ==
* [Debug]: Added new command "-create enemy" which creates a skeleton at the location of the camera.
* [Items/Abilities]: Remade Frost Mines so that they instead function like normal mines but with a dummy triggered ability.
* [Triggers]: Added FrostMineExplode which creates a Frost Explosion that freezes nearby enemies.
- Note 1: My reasoning for redoing the Frost Mine abilities is that it seems like stasis trap is hard to change due to using hard coded values in Warcraft III.
- Note 2: Frost Mines are no longer timed - can be redone if this was intended.
== IN [T] 2017-07-24 13:48 - Items, Abilities - OUT: 15:00 ==
* [Adjust] Renamed many ability names for Unique Abilities for easier item rebalanceing
== IN [C] 2017-07-23 20:53 - Units, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 21:55 ==
* [Nerf]: Offensive Stance - Attack Speed Bonus from (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%) to {30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%}.
* [Nerf]: Offensive Stance - Attack Damage Bonus from (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%) to {3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, 15%}.
* [Nerf]: Defensive Stance - Armor Bonus from (5.0, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15.0) to {5.0, 6.3, 7.5, 8.8, 10.0}.
* [Bug Fix]: Fixed so that correct wave music is played after using FBA (need to use PlayMusicBJ() so that bj_lastPlayedMusic is set).
* [Debug]: Added new command "-clear wave" which kills all wave units, thus completing the wave.
* [Bug Fix]: Fixed so that Orc Juggernaught Barrage uses its own point (orc_juggernaught_target_point) so that target point of ability is kept between Wait().
== IN [T] 2017-07-23 17:52 - Abilities, Units, Triggers, Items - OUT: 18:22 ==
* [Fix]: Helm of Insight magic damage reduction text fix.
* [Fix]: Recipe for Thunder Claws now reflects the item.
* [Fix]: Rune of Protection now gives armor and have its own buff and no requirement for corpses nearby.
* [Nerf]: Master Chief Plasma Grenade scaling damage lowered from {25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%} to {15%, 30%, 45%, 60%, 75%}.
* [Fix]: Master Chief Plasma Grenade ability shows the correct values.
== IN [T&C] 2017-07-23 14:48 - Abilities, Units, Triggers - OUT: 16:06 ==
* [Feature]: Added Essence of Life ability to Castle (10 upgrade levels).
* [Feature]: All castle upgrades now have their next level as the stock count.
* [Adjust]: Castle is now neutral (thus it will no longer auto cast abilities).
* [Feature]: Added Lothar to Hero Pick area (added to repick & random triggers).
== IN [T] 2017-07-22 00:06 - Abilities, Units - OUT: 00:16 ==
* [Nerf] Increased cooldown of Castle abilities, War Stomp from 30s to 60s, Cyclon from 30s to 60s
* [Nerf] Mana cost of Castle War Stomp from 150 to 175
* [Adjust] Max mana and initial mana set to 400
* i.e. only 2 abilities can be used in a short time span, then the castle will out-of-mana for quite a while
== IN [T] 2017-07-22 13:17 - Doodads, Items, Abilities, Triggers, Gameplay Constants, Units - OUT: 15:43 ==
* [FBA] Placed a single sight blocking (undestructable) column in the center of the arena
* [FBA] Increased Rune Spawned mini-map ping time from 1.0s to 5.0s
* [FBA] Spawning Runes
* [Removed] Rune of Greater Healing, Rune of Greater Mana
* [Added] Rune of the Watcher (45.0s duration ward), Rune of Protection (15 armor for 15.0s), Rune of Invisibility (invisible for 10.0s)
* [Buff] Rune of Restoration Hp/mana back increased from 300/150 to 1000/1000
* Rune Timer lowered from 30.0s to 25.0s
* [Buff] Increased Inventory - Give Item Range from 150.0 to 350.0
-- Version 40 --
* [Feature] Castle Spells
* Castle now has 0 initial mana, 500 max mana, 0.25 mana reg
* Players now have "Shared Units" with Castle. Still requires nearby person to upgrade/repair
* [Spell] Cyclon, 10.0s vs Units, 5.0s vs Heroes, 200 mana cost
* [Spell] War Stomp, 10 levels, 75 -> 1200 damage, 4.00 -> 6.25s stun (half vs heroes), 200g to upgrade each level (125 dmg, 0.25s stun per level) - 150 mana cost
== IN [T] 2017-07-20 00:49 - Items - OUT: 00:52 ==
* [Nerf] Recipe for Thunder Claws increased from 500g to 700g (and Thunder Claws "gold value" is 200g more, 1800g)
- Note: Maybe I should put all items in a spreadsheet to calculate gold costs and how much gold a stat is worth to make items more balanced and keep track of how much gold each item actually costs to be able to see if any adjustmests are needed easier.
== IN [T] 2017-07-17 20:30 - Triggers, Abilities, Items, Doodads - OUT: 23:17 ==
* [Feature]: Added -dmg command for Master Chief's Plasma Grenade
* [Bug]: Only show damage of abilities that have been learned with -dmg
* [Debug]: Added "-set hp X" function sets hp of selected unit to X
* [Adjust]: Mammoth Tank Tusk Missile Damage Print now uses "-dmg" to print damage (from -tusk command)
* [Buff]: Mammoth tank Tusk Missle Cooldown reduced from 6.0s to 5.0s
* [Nerf]: Darth Vader Force Push Lowering base damage (non-scaling part) from {100, 170, 275, 415, 590} to {95, 155, 240, 350, 485} to keep damage level similar to pre-scaling-add in the early parts of the game
* [Feature]: Added -dmg command for Darth Vader's Force Push
* [Item]: Thunder Claws
* Abilities: 15 agility, 10 damage, 75% mana reg, Chain Lightning 200 dmg
* Builds from: Boots of Quel'thalas, Claws of Attack +9, Sobi Mask
* Cost: 500 + 400 + 200 + 500 = 1600g
* [FBA] Replaced last archway with non-pathing version with seperate sight/path blockers
== IN [T] 2017-07-16 21:38 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 21:55 ==
* [Adjust] Plasma Granade Master Chief
* base damage lowered from {230, 340, 500, 710, 970} to {220, 315, 450, 625, 840}
* Added Intelligence Scaling of {25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%}
- Note: Should do roughtly the same damage through out the early part of the game, if maxing this ability first, slightly more damage compared to before if putting points in to this ability later
- TODO: Add trigger to show total damage done in a -dmg command
? TODO: Normalize "show damage" commands to -dmg
== IN [C] 2017-07-14 18:53 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 20:05 ==
* [Art] New passive icon for Tactical Stance (based on "Human Capture Flag" icon).
* [Feature]: Added Mana Regeneration Bonus to Tactical Stance (currently 1.0 m/s, 2.0 m/s, 3.0 m/s, 4.0 m/s, 5.0 m/s).
- Not sure if we want to use "flat" mana regeneration bonus (i.e. mana per second) or if it should rather increase the Hero's current mana regeneration (like Sobi Mask).
Should not be too hard to change to the later if necessary.
== IN [T] 2017-07-13 21:26 - Terrain, Doodads, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 23:52 ==
* [FBA] Lowered Terrain in the top
* Added new version of some Doodads without Pathing (has to manually add pathing blockers)
* [FBA] Added more trees and removed center fountain
* [Adjust] Death Dealer Recipe now requires Dagger of Critical Stabbing instead of Mining Pick
* [Fix] Shield of Spell Protection and Runed Bracers text fix for Spell Damage Reduction
* [FBA] Winners are Invunerable from last enemy death until End-of-Battle
* [Buff] Mammoth Tank Tusk Missile strength scaling increased from {20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%} to {25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%}
* [Feature] Added command for Khadgar Damage (-dmg) to check damage post-intelligence bonus
* [Feature] Command for printing Move Speed (-ms, or -movespeed)
* [Update] Quest with Commands to have Move Speed
* [Buff] Darth Vader Force Push deals {20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%} of Strength additional damage
* [Buff] Removed Darth Vader Force Push Max Damage (I.E. Each unit takes the damage, NOT limited to first X units or damage shared or however that works)
== IN [C] 2017-07-12 19:27 - Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 00:57 ==
* [Art] New passive icon for Tusk Missiles (based on "Cluster Rockets" icon).
* [Art] New passive icon for Offensive Stance (based on "Iron Forged Swords" icon).
* [Art] New passive icon for Defensive Stance (based on "Iron Plating" icon).
* [Feature]: Added Attack Damage Bonus to Offensive Stance (currently 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%).
* [Feature]: Added Defense Bonus to Defensive Stance (currently 5.0, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15.0).
== IN [C] 2017-07-12 15:49 - Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 17:24 ==
* [Feature]: Lothar now gets an attack speed bonus when in Offensive Stance, scales with Change Stance ability (currently 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%).
- New triggers: ALAddOffensiveAbilities, ALRemoveOffensiveAbilities, ALChangeStanceToDefensive, ALChangeStanceFromDefensive, ALChangeStanceToTactical, ALChangeStanceFromTactical
- This done via adding/removing an ability based on attack speed bonus item. The reason for us re-adding/removing the ability is that enabled/disable abilities doesn't seem to work for passive bonuses (at least not attack speed bonus).
== IN [C] 2017-07-11 18:38 - Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 00:04 ==
* [Bug]: Fixed bug with "Change Stance"/"Weapon Roulette" not getting reset properly when killed with an Ankh equipped (New triggers: MCAnkhUse, ALAnkhUse).
* [Adjust]: Increased number of "Attribute Bonus" levels from 10 -> 12.
* [Bug]: Fixed bug which caused secondary OrcJuggernaughtBarrage to always target centre of map (we destroyed "Target Point of Ability Being Cast" too early).
* [Feature|WIP]: Started work on Passive abilities for Lothar Offensive Stance (attack speed + damage increase).
== IN [C] 2017-07-10 21:16 - Triggers, Units, Abilities - OUT: 00:41 ==
* [Leak]: Fixed memory leak in MCWeaponRouletteCast when switching back to Magnum from another weapon (didn't destroy the timer).
* [Leak]: Fixed memory leak in ALStanceChangeCast when switching back to Offensive from another stance (didn't destroy the timer).
* [Cleanup]: Renamed trigger ALStanceChangeCast to ALChangeStanceCast.
* [Cleanup]: Renamed trigger ALSwitchStanceLearned to ALChangeStanceLearned.
* [Cleanup]: Renamed trigger SamusDie to SADie.
* [Bug]: Fixed issue in ALChangeStaceCast where order was repeated each time one changed stances from a state other than Default (Aggressive).
This is probably due to the unit transforming back to Default during the same frame that the order is issued or something wonky with Warcraft III.
Problem was resolved by turning off trigger and enabling it when whole stance change was complete.
I also added a sanity check to the trigger condition so that changes to stances one are already in are ignored (this happens when changing back to Aggressive stance from any
stance - the solution above cannot be applied in this case because we do not have a timer).
* [Bug]: Fixed bug where levelling up "Change Stance" caused the contained abilities to disappear after using them once.
* [Bug]: Fixed bug with "Change Stance" not getting reset properly when killed (Added trigger ALDie).
* [Bug]: Fixed bug with "Weapon Roulette" not getting reset properly when killed (Added trigger MCDie).
- TODO: Need to fix above bug when having an Ankh equipped (this does not trigger the Die event).
== IN [T] 2017-07-10 19:22 - Items, Abilities - OUT: 19:32 ==
* [Fix] Recipe Mighty Skull of Insight now have same text as the item, referencing the correct abilities (mana reg)
* [Buff] Mammoth Tank Agghhh Motherland HP regen buffed from {2.0, 3.5, 5.5, 8.0, 11.0} to {4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0}
* Lowered Price of Dagger of Critical Stabbing from 350g to 300g
== IN [T] 2017-07-09 19:42 - Units, Abilities, Triggers, Items - OUT: 21:03 ==
* [Adjust] Cho'gall
* Increased base HP from 60000 to 80000 (33% increase)
* Increased Move Speed Base from 270 to 280
* Increased Base Damage from 0 to 100 (resulting 430 => 530 damage after strength)
* Runes:
* Buffed duration from 150 to 200
* Lowered "Explosion trigger" radius from 150 to 140
* Buffed Full Damage Radius From 125 to 150
* Nerfed Full Damage amount from 500 to 375
- Note: Partial damage radius is kept at 200
* Buffed Partial damage amount from 200 to 250
* Lowered Activation Delay from 2.0 to 0.1 seconds
* Remove all on Cho'gall Death (Trigger: ChogallDeathRemoveAllRunes)
* Increased time for Split Team Gold from 5 seconds to 7 seconds
* Increased Aura Range from 1000 to 1200 for
* Brilliance Aura
* Devotion Aura
* Unholy Aura
* Agghhh Motherland
* Increased Range for Charge Beam from 1100 to 1350
* Increased Duration of Amplify Magic from 6 seconds to 8 seconds (Time one has to cast a spell before it just disappear)
* Lowered Price of Recipe for Staff of Supreme Insight from 2000g to 750g
== IN [T] 2017-07-07 19:41 - Items, Abilities - OUT: 20:29 ==
* [Adjust] Price of Mines changed to (Tier 2) 275g => 250g (Meaning price of all tiers are {100, 250, 400}, 150g difference between tiers).
* [Adjust] Stun Duration of Frost Mines vs Heroes {2.0, 2.5, 3.0} for Tier {1,2,3}, instead of fixed 3.0s.
== IN [T] 2017-07-07 00:22 - Items, Abilities, Units - OUT: 01:20 ==
* [New] Frost Mine, dealing less than Goblin mines (about 60% of the damage compared to same tier Goblin Land Mine) but stun for {4,5,6} seconds (3s vs heroes).
* [Adjust] Price of Goblin Land Mines changed to (Tier 1) 125g => 100g, (Tier 2) 350g => 275g, (Tier 3) 550g => 400g.
== IN [C] 2017-07-05 21:47 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 22:54 ==
* [Debug]: Made crit chance on item pickup/drop debug message use DebugPrint.
* [Bug]: Fixed bug where having multiple Magi-Swords equipped resulted in multiple crit messages sometimes appearing.
- There was an old ability "Critical Strike (Item 20%, 2.5x)" that Magi-Sword still had. Seems like this caused problems with double crit damage being applied.
Solved by removing said ability.
== IN [T] 2017-07-05 19:43 - Triggers - OUT: 19:57 ==
* Merged all Spell-Blade effects to one trigger.
- Count number of Magi-Sword and Mage Blade and deal the appropriate amount of damage. This will only trigger one "cause damage"
== IN [C] 2017-07-05 14:47 - Triggers, Units, Map - OUT: 17:49 ==
* [Debug]: Minor cleanup among debug triggers.
- Made DamagePrinting use DebugPrint so that it is only printed when debug_print_damage is true.
* [Leak]: Fixed memory leak in OrcJuggernaughtBarrage (apparently "Target point of ability being cast" creates a new point that needs to be destroyed).
* [FBA]: Added checks so that one cannot join/reset teams when a battle is already ongoing.
* [FBA]: Added more color coded messages to FBA + edit some FBA related descriptions so that they follow the same style.
* [FBA]: Cleared up some duplicated code.
- Created FBAInitializeUnit as a helper trigger.
* [Bug]: Fixed bug with ally Hero portrait disappearing after having played one round of FBA.
== IN [C] 2017-07-03 19:54 - Triggers - OUT: 22:50 ==
* [DEBUG]: Added ChatSetTime debug trigger (sets time of day to input).
* [DEBUG]: Added ChatSetOwner debug trigger (sets owner of selected units to Player X).
* [DEBUG]: Added ChatTeleport and DebugTeleport (next issued move order will move unit instantly to that point).
* [FBA]: Fixed FBA color coded formatting for Victory messages.
* [FBA]: Added victory fanfare sound.
* [FBA]: Resurrection Stones owner is now changed to Neutral Passive during battle (to avoid possible weirdness where one team member dies and buys himself/herself back).
* [BUG]: Fixed bug with Hero vision at night becoming very short:
- The problem was caused by instantly reviving the Hero when it was dying (happened in FBA):
- "Another note: when a hero dies, his vision get reduced as well. But in case if he's revived WAY too fast (under Death time constant value) his vision WON'T reset as it does normally.
Instead he will permanently have incorrect vision until respawns correctly. Fix is only available with Memory hack." - Vision guide
- Issue was fixed by adding a delay so that the revive happens after 5.00 seconds.

== IN [C] 2017-07-02 16:10 - Units, Triggers - OUT: 17:20 ==
* Made so that Skeletal Marksman, Skeletal Orc, Skeletal Mage and Evil Zombie explode on death.
- Tried making Catapult explode on death. However, this seemed wonky so skipped it.
- Note: Still a bit unsure whether the explosion effect for skeletal units is good enough (currently using glaive impact effect).
- Let's try it and if it seems off then we can always remove it.
* Changed Crit System explode debug message to use Debug Print.
== IN [T] 2017-07-01 17:03 - Triggers - OUT: 17:50 ==
* Split command implemented, drops stacks of item
- I.E. "-split 1 37" => Drops 37 items from itemslot 1, requires that item in slot 1 has stacks. If number is equal to remaining stack, drop all. If greater than remaining stacks, do nothing.
* Added -crit and -split to command quest log
== IN [C] 2017-06-30 15:23 - Triggers - OUT: 19:00 ==
* Added Button Manager to available tools (useful tool for creating Warcraft 3 style UI buttons.)
* Added Debug Dialog.
- Provides an easy way to set debug variables.
- Can currently set the value of debug_print_crit, debug_print_damage (currently unused) and debug_print_handle.
- Show Debug Dialog by entering the following chat command "-debug show".
* Removed ToggleCritDebug trigger (since this can now be set from the Debug Dialog).
* Added HandleCounter trigger.
- This prints the most recent object handle id (offsetted by 0x100000 since this is the address most handles start their allocation at).
- Can be used to detect potential memory leaks.
== IN [T] 2017-06-28 23:05 - Triggers - OUT: 23:38 ==
* Practice Dummies should now exist, even when not debugging!
* Reset FBA (Friendly Battle Arena) team color and FBA-flag-special-effect on market exit
== IN [C] 2017-06-26 19:55 - Triggers - OUT: 22:07 ==
* Added new helper function: DebugPrint(string text, string title, string color, boolean should_print).
- This can be used for easy debug prints (without all the if-conditions). Contains internal check against is_testing in addition to should_print variable (meaning that it won't print at all when is_testing is false).
- Example call: call DebugPrint("Test", "TitleHere", null, udg_debug_print_crit)
- Note: Doesn't seem like JASS support function overloading sadly (each function must be uniquely named).
* Added new global constants for some color codes: COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_YELLOW.
* Added new debug variable: debug_print_crit.
* Added new debug chat command function: ToggleCritDebug.
- Toggles value of debug_print_crit, call with "-debug crit".
== IN [T] 2017-06-25 17:22 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 18:14 ==
* Dagger of Swiftness Recipe now reflects the updated item.
* Fixed Death Dealer text spacing.
* Disabled Experience Gain during Friendly Battle Arena.
* Set 100% hp & mana on start of Friendly Battle Arena.
* Added a flag and color to the West and East team in Friendly Battle Arena.
* -crit now displays current crit chance and damage %.
== IN [T&C] 2017-06-25 15:02 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 16:05 ==
* Death Dealer, Magi-Sword now uses Crit system
* Crit overkill will now splat targets (if dealing "damageDone >= (maxhp/2) + currhp")
- I.E. if 100 maxhp, after applied damage, target should have -50 hp
== IN [T] 2017-06-15 20:54 - Triggers, Items, Units - OUT: 23:00 ==
* Preparing crit-item
* Added Dagger of Critical Stabbing - adds 6% crit chance and 12% crit damage - sold by Blacksmith
* Reworked Dagger of Swiftness - 15 agility, 25% attack speed, 10% crit chance, 20% crit damage, now costs a total of 2000 gold, up from 1600 gold (removed movement speed, added crit chance and crit damage)
== IN [T] 2017-05-07 17:00 - Triggers - OUT: 18:00 ==
* Fixed so that we only do one critical hit check per attack (instead of per hit targets in the case of AoE).
== IN [T] 2017-04-19 21:53 - Triggers - OUT: 23:01 ==
* Major adjustments to crit text, looks much better :)
- Currently crit against each target (I.E. Rocket Launcher for MC will crit for each target individually), not sure what we want in this case, but it will be harder to make the whole attack crit. Either way, crit-text doesn't look good when this happens
== IN [T] 2017-04-18 22:12 - Triggers - OUT: 23:37 ==
* Core of Crit-system is setup
- Only player (non-illusion) heroes can crit. Each player only has 1 crit_chance/crit_damage value for now, it is possible to extend with hashmap or unit indexer-array if we want individual unit crit settings.
--- Unit Indexer gives you an array-safe (1-8190) custom value for units, eliminating the need for hashtables to store unit-specific data. Just use "Set MyArrayData[(Custom value of Unit)] = (Some data)".
- Only non-spells damage from non-illusion player heroes can crit (for now). It is possible to make spells be able to crit as well, but I currently do not have a good idea how to do this.
- Currently only crit-chance source is (agility-value/20.0), resulting in 5% crit per 100 agility, this is to be extended by items later
- Currently only crit-damage is 2x damage, the idea is to allow items for example to add 10% crit damage, resulting in crits to deal 2.1x damage
== IN [T] 2017-04-17 13:38 - Units, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 15:38 ==
* Ogre Magi has Runes (with 40 second cooldown instead of Cho'galls 5 second)
* Imported Damage Detection System (including a UnitIndexer, so "Custom Value" of units is used to index data, see UnitIndexer for more info)
- No bugs detected yet :D
* Added (Debug) Trigger Damage printing for every source of damage (also good for understanding Damage Detection System)
* Converted Spell Blade effects to use Damage Detection System (unit must take damage on order for the effect to work, I.E. evade and miss will no longer deal Spell Blade damage)
== IN [T] 2017-04-12 22:48 - Map, Abilities, Units, Triggers - OUT: 23:55 ==
* Minor terrain/doodad on the edge of the map to the north west
* Cho'galls Runes are now: Visible, untargetable, last for 150 seconds (up from 60), slight radius reduction
* Fixed bug with trigger-spawned Cho'galls Runes missing expiration timer (of 150 seconds, matching the "summoned mine")
* Juggernaut Barrage Fires 2 times with 4 seconds between
== IN [C] 2017-03-25 22:01 - Items, Units, Map - OUT: 22:57 ==
* Fixed Hotkeys for all consumables.
* Minor corrections to item descriptions (some missing punctuation etc.).
* Moved target dummies so that they are not auto targeted by Heroes when in sight.
== IN [C] 2017-03-19 14:17 - Triggers, Items, Import - OUT: 18:19 ==
* Added Summon Rune sound effect from Warcraft II.
* Replaced Rune death effect to "Abilities\Weapons\SteamTank\SteamTankImpact".
* Implemented "-give team gold" command which distributes all of the player's gold evenly among all human players.
* Fixed so that Player(7) gold distribution trigger is only activated once during the equalization with status update being reported for each increase of gold.
- Also made it so that the gold amount gained from the equalization is reported to each Player.
* Added a player_to_player_group convenience variable that can be used to e.g. Trigger Messages to specific Human players.
- Removed variable temp_player_group since its usage could be replaced with player_to_player_group.
* Fixed a bug which caused the Spellblade not to be used (was checking against Triggering Player instead of the Owner of Attacking unit).
* Added short commands for spellblade on/off (-sbon/-sboff) and updated item descriptions.
- Made Tool Tip - Extended a bit shorter for Magi-Sword and Mage Blade since there seems to be some sort of limit around 500 characters (including formatting codes).
* Added special hit VFX on attacked units when spellblades are enabled.
== IN [T] 2017-03-15 22:14 - Units, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 23:52 ==
* Finished Runes
- Runes death effect is not that good, it is spawned from trigger "ChogallRunesDeathEffect"
== IN [T] 2017-03-13 21:04 - Units, Abilities - OUT: 21:44 ==
* Setup Runes Unit and AoE-on-death ability
== IN [C] 2017-03-12 16:17 - Units, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 19:17 ==
* Buffed Cho'gall (so that he will last longer):
- Strength per Level from 10 -> 12.
- HP from 50000 -> 60000.
- Defence from 8 -> 12.
* Implemented Orc Juggernaught Barrage (Trigger: OrcJuggernaughtBarrage).
- Description: Creates a number of Orc Juggeraught units and orders them to attack the area around the casting point.
- Used by Level 30 Boss - Cho'gall.
== IN [T] 2017-03-11 13:18 - Units, Triggers, Abilities - OUT 15:17 ==
* Removed Change Stance Tactical from Defensive, and Defensive from Tactical
* Added a "stop"-order early on in the triggers
- This solved the problem! :D:D:D
- Still need to setup ability swapping between stances
* Setup Cavalry ability (Locus Swarm based) that spawns 7 knights that deal {125, 175, 250} damage
== IN [T] 2017-03-06 21:09 - Triggers - OUT 23:39 ==
* Lothar stances jass, seems to work (except that it triggers twice, making it unusable!)
* Fixed potential memory leak in MCWeaponRouletteCast (null:ed local variables for current_unit and current_player in )
* [C]: Took a look at your code (and did some local tests). I think the problem is the following:
1. You have "Switch Stance Defence" and "Switch Stance Tactical" on both "Lothar - D" and "Lothar - T" units.
Only "Lothar - A" needs both. "Lothar - D" needs only "Switch Stance Defence", and "Lothar - T" needs only "Switch Stance Tactical" since they are only used to get back to "Lothar - A".

2. I "think" that an order given to a unit is re-given once the unit is transformed. This means that Defence -> Tactical, Tactical -> Defence and T/D -> Offence will be repeated, once
for the starting unit and once for when he transitions to the intermediate "Lothar - A" unit.

Example: We are "Lothar - D". We activate "Change Stance Tactical".
A: The command is given to "Lothar - D". We begin by changing back to "Lothar - A" and then queue up timer with "Switch Stance Tactical".
B: Whilst the timer is ticking, the same order that we began with (Change Stance Tactical) is reissued to "Lothar - A" (since we transformed into it and Warcraft III seems to do this, should be easy to verify this).
C: The timer runs out and we switch to "Lothar - T".

A solution to this problem would be to add a check to the triggering condition so that it is not triggered whilst waiting for the "real" transition
(i.e. from "Lothar - A" -> T/D) and also not triggered when already in that state (i.e. from T/D -> Offence).

By doing the above I managed to solve the issue locally (did not push it to Dropbox since I did not want to disturb your code whilst you were working on it).
== IN [T] 2017-03-06 21:27 - Triggers - OUT: 22:44 ==
* Understood Weapon Roulette, ready for Lothar stances jass (has draft)
== IN [C] 2017-03-04 23:50 - Import, Triggers - OUT: 02:44 ==
* Added Battle Arena Music : Bad Dudes - BGM2 [Stages 2,5 ]
- Needed to implement a hack so that ResumeMusic will resume the Wave music and not the Battle Arena music (see triggers CountDown and EndOfBattle).
* Fixed a bug which caused EndOfBattle to run twice and West + East to both be proclaimed as victors even though only one team had won.
== IN [T] 2017-03-01 20:56 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 22:40 ==
* Solved problem with abilities disappearing from spellbook when morphing by making the abilities inside "permanent"
- This is a "common" problem: [Spell] - Metamorphosis with Spellbook
* Lothar Stances almost works... Still very buggy
* [C]: By taking a small glance at your Lothar Stance triggers I would suggest doing it in JASS script.
From my experience with MasterChief Roulette ability there can be some weird side effects of using TriggerSleepAction() (known as Wait() in the Trigger GUI).
For example, I'm a bit unsure of the precision of it and have had instances where some variables gets unassigned.
Have a look at MCWeaponRouletteCast in a suitable JASS editor (JassCraft is quite nice and included in the Dropbox folder), I think you should be able to reuse a lot of it.
Once you get the hang of how the Hashtable works (you can use the udg_timer_hashtable) it is quite easy to setup and use it together with a Timer, it will also result in cleaner code. Good luck! :)
== IN [T] 2017-02-28 22:31 - Terrain, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 23:36 ==
* Terrain outside the map to the east
* Setup for Lothar Stances with wait between orders
- NOTE: Stances (dummy spells in the spellbook) seem to disappear when switching stances, reappear when "leveling up" the spellbook: Possibly need to re-add the spellbook after switch stance?
== IN [T] 2017-02-27 20:41 - Triggers, Abilities, Units, Items - OUT: 23:04 ==
* Set full hp/mana at end of battle
* During battle, if summoning unit is part of a Battle Arena team, add the summoned unit to the team
* Added new ability (Untargetable [By Auto-Target abilities]) that adds a "Untargetable" buff that can be checked against for auto-target abilities (neither Invunerable nor Locust has buff)
* Mammoth Tank Tusk Missile no longer target Dummy Units, Bombs, Parabombs, etc. (units that has buff Untargetable [By Auto-Target abilities])
* Moved Camera back to spawn point at EndOfBattle
* HeroesDeadCheck takes in to account if there is a battle arena going on (I.E. will no longer lose if killed by the same damage source)
* Respawn trees at Battle Arena at start of battle
* Remove all Items in Battle Arena at EndOfBattle
* Spawn a Rune every 30 seconds during Battle Arena
* Will not spawn in a location where there is a power-up in the region, will try 8 times to find a valid position
- NOTE: Added a Khadgar for Player2 that in init is added to east team, possible to debug single player, needs to be removed before actual play!
== IN [T] 2017-02-27 19:11 - Terrain/Units, Triggers - OUT: 19:20 ==
* Places test units for P1 and P2 to test Battle Arena
* Fixed bug at EndOfBattle that made units respawn inside the Arena
== IN [T] 2017-02-26 22:03 - Triggers, Terrain, Units - OUT: 23:30 ==
* Battle Arena will now end when all units on one team is dead (not counting summoned units!)
* Players not in the Battle Arena will get visibilty of the whole battle arena
* Countdown in the start of battle arena without player control, enable control after 4 seconds
* Can only start battle arena when there are units on both teams
* A unit can only be on one team
* Friendly Battle Arena should be ready to try out! :)
== IN [T] 2017-02-26 19:29 - Terrain - OUT: 19:38 ==
- NOTE about attack range: When attacking, there is a buffer range between issuing the attack and landing the attack. If the 600 range ghost started attacking at 600 range and a units moves away, it has to move 250 units (before attack animation is finished) for the attack to be abouted, else the attack will complete anyways. Think of Sammus Changed Beam and enemies moving away
- [C]: In the Ghost Attack case the situation could be reproduce with an immobile target (the castle), so not sure if it was due to the same thing as above.
- [T]: Unsure, but maybe attack is possible to edge of unit, cast must reach center of unit. Anyways, it is solved now :)
* Made Battle Arena symetric (moved most of the arena 1 terrain unit to the left)
== IN [C] 2017-02-26 17:38 - Triggers, Units - OUT: 19:06 ==
* Fixed a bug which caused Ghost Attacker Dummy units to be counted as part of the current wave.
- Thus when they were killed the number of alive wave units was incorrectly decreased.
- Kill check now contains an extra check for whether the killed unit was included in the current wave unit group.
* Fixed issue with Ghost Attack not always showing up.
- The issue was that (for some reason, I guess Warcraft III goofiness) the attack range for a unit would NOT be counted the same as the casting range.
This meant that when the Ghost tried to attack at his defined longest attack range (600) he could at times attack from a range of 700 up to 800,
and since the casting range of the Ghost Attack ability was at 700 it would therefore remain uncast.
- I solved the problem by upping the casting range of the Ghost Attack ability from 700 -> 1000.
== IN [T] 2017-02-26 14:24 - Triggers, Units - OUT: 15:09 ==
* Join teams, clear teams and start should work
- TODO EndOfBattle event that moves everyone back again
== IN [T] 2017-02-25 14:54 - Units, Triggers - OUT: 15:05 ==
* Added units sold by the barracs in marketplace to be used to enter arena
* Setup dummy trigger to be used to setup teams and start battle arena (that removed sold units)
== IN [T] 2017-02-23 23:26 - Terrain, Units - OUT: 00:16 ==
* Terrain for Battle Arena
* Placed barracs in Marketplace that will be used to handle Challanges in Battle Arena
== IN [T] 2017-02-22 23:12 - Triggers, Terrain, Units, Abilities - OUT: 00:12 ==
* Remove all buffs on enter Marketplace
* Added Practive Dummies in Marketplace with 10000 with Reincarnation (auto respawn after 1 second)
* Adjusted Marketplace layout so target dummys are not in vision (will not auto aggro while shopping)
== IN [T] 2017-02-21 21:06 - Abilities, Items, Units, Triggers - OUT: 22:43 ==
* Fixed Illusion items showing cooldown
* Nerfed Infinite Vial to 90 seconds cooldown from 75 seconds cooldown
* Buffed Illusions to take 300% extra damage from 400% extra damage
* Buffed Illusions to last 20 seconds, from 18 seconds
* Made "HP/s Regain" as a phrase consistant between items
* Item: Endless Elixir - 20 to all stats, 600 mana/90 seconds, 4 HP/s Regain - builds from 2x Infinite Vial and Ring of Regeneration
== IN [T] 2017-02-19 20:59 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 22:06 ==
* Buffed Spellshield on Shield of Spell Protection to 60 second cooldown from 75 seconds
* Game text for player writing -spellblade on/off commands
== IN [C] 2017-02-19 19:52 - Triggers - OUT: 20:56 ==
* Added Player Gold to Wave Multiboard.
* Changed Circle of Bats Target VFX to PossessionTarget VFX.
== IN [C] 2017-02-19 17:01 - Triggers - OUT: 17:08 ==
* Fixed so that Item Combination effect is at origin instead of overhead.
== IN [C] 2017-02-19 12:30 - Triggers, Import, Sound - OUT 15:28 ==
* Made Player 7 (Green) gold distribution text feedback yellow.
* Removed potential memory leak in KHBlizzardIntensityUpdate.
- Seems like some people think that "Create Floating Text Above Unit" leaks (since it would create a new point for the unit)
and that "Create Floating Text At Point" should be used instead.
* Fixed so that Team Resources Multiboard is not longer shown at the beginning.
* Fixed so that Resurrection Stones whose associated Player is no longer in the game are removed.
* Added new Boss 3 Music (OrcWin).
* Added new Boss 3 Win Sound (HumanWin).
== IN [T] 2017-02-18 21:45 - Abilities, Units - OUT 22:46 ==
* Setting up Change Stance
* Set up triggers for changing stance (need to disable some spellbooks somehow)
* All heroes are now race Human (all in one place)
== IN [T] 2017-02-18 17:48 - Testmap - OUT 18:43 ==
* Examine "GUI Damage Engine v3.6"
- Have looked in to it, seems good, but we'll need to take this in consideration in order to user it properly
- A overview of the system:
== IN [T] 2017-02-18 16:28 - Items, Units, Abilities - OUT 17:16 ==
* Moved Staff of Supreme Insight to "intelligence column"
* Fixed Illusion damage taken texts
* Buffed Illusion duration for Orb of Illusion and Gem of Illusion to 18 seconds from 12 seconds
* Nerfed Maul of Tremendous Impact to 1 second stun from 1.25 (as the text said all along!)
* Fixed Evasion typos (was Evation)
* Fixed consumables Stock and Stock replenish interval
* Setup 3 versions of Lothar Unit, setup spellbook with 5 levels (should exist a better way?)
== IN [C] 2017-02-17 22:26 - Map - OUT 22:27 ==
* Credits: Changed 'Ling1000' to 'ling1000' (the correct nickname! /Anton ).
== IN [T] 2017-02-13 22:23 - Triggers - OUT: 23:15 ==
* Split Greens Gold equally whenever Green gets gold after 5 seconds (can be used to equalize gold and will solve "accedentally give gold to green" problem)
== IN [T] 2017-02-12 22:12 - Items, Abilities, Triggers, Units - OUT: 23:48 ==
* Item Staff of Supreme Insight, 50 Intelligence, 100% mana reg, 750 dmg chain lightning - builds from Staff of Insight, Moon Staff of Intelligence +20 and recipe (2000 gold)
* Fixed Infinite Vial to show cooldown (Active Ability on Item must be FIRST in the list of abilities in Object Editor)
* Shield of Spell Protection, block 1 spell (75 second cooldown), 33% spell dmg reduction, 6 armor - Builds from Iron Shield +5, Runed Bracers and recipe (800 gold)
* Dracula 2nd Form attack cooldown from 3.25 seconds to 2.75
* Can now turn spell blade effect on and off with chat messages
== IN [C] 2017-02-12 20:02 - Import, Map - OUT: 22:07 ==
* Added Anduin Lothar Model & Icon.
- Setup Hero based on Paladin.
- Note: Currently uses Warcraft III Paladin Sound Set - I tried using the Warcraft II Knight VO but felt that it didn't really fit the model.
* Removed Ensnare from Raider.
== IN [T] 2017-02-08 17:02 - Map - OUT: 17:07 ==
* Changed Gameplay Constants
Hero Revive Cost - Gold Level Factor from 0.10 to 0.08
Hero Revive Cost - Gold Contant Factor from 0.40 to 0.30
== IN [T] 2017-02-05 23:15 - Units, Items, Abilities - OUT: 23:22 ==
* Dracula 2nd Form changed attack cooldown from 2.00 seconds to 3.25, lowered projectile speed to 800 from 850, buffed attack range to 600 from 550
* Item stun cooldown to 5 seconds to 3 seconds
* Change some of the consumables stack timers, need to fix all!
== IN [C] 2017-02-05 20:13 - Units, Triggers, Map - OUT: 21:33 ==
* Made Sentry Wards invulnerable.
* Made it impossible to trade with Player Green.
* Lowered Attack Bonus Per Primary Attribute from 1.5 -> 1.0 (oh noes, what will happen?!?).
* Turned off "Allied Player Under Attack" notification.
* Lowered Talisman of Evasion Shop Refresh Rate.
* Lowered Ghost Projectile speed from 400 -> 300.
* Ghosts now do damage to structures.
* Dracula 2nd Form now do artillery based damage.
== IN [C] 2017-02-05 16:42 - Map, Triggers - OUT: 18:57 ==
* Decreased Decay Time (sec) - Bones from 88 seconds -> 15 seconds.
* Increased Spawn Zone size so that they are 4x wider.
* Made it so that each spawn direction have its own associated player (this should hopefully alleviate the max. orders problem).
- North = Player(8), South = Player(9), West = Player(10), East = Player(11).
* Made Fog-of-War re-enable on Map start.
* Turned off Help Requests from Green Player (should help with Minimap ping spam).
* Implemented a hax which allows Hero Portrait sharing (will test this once before deciding if this is the way to go).
== IN [T] 2017-02-05 15:59 - Abilities - OUT: 16:18
* Increased range of Charged Beam from 700 to 1100
* Fixed Recipe lies for Recipe of Magi-Sword (5% of maxa mana in spell blade description) and Recipe of Shield of Honor (say 6 armor, instead of 8 armor)
* Blizzard tear down bug: Now disables "KHBlizzardDamageUpdate"-trigger when it shouldn't run (and enable it on-cast), should do the trick...
* Removed Blizzard debug text
== IN [T] 2017-02-05 14:02 - Items, Triggers - OUT: 14:58
* Nerfed Cloak of Agile Defence, Heavy Shield of Strength, Helm of Insight, Mighty Skull of Insight
Armor from 5 to 4
* Nerfed Shield of Honor armor from 8 (+3 from Devotion Aura) to 6 (+3)
* Added Item Broach of <Upgraded> Swiftness - 25 of selected stat, 30% attack Speed, 80 move speed
== IN [T] 2017-02-04 23:22 - Items, Triggers - OUT: 23:40
* Finished Maul of Tremendous Impact <- Maul of Forceful Impact + Heavy Shield of Strength + Kalims Hammer of Strength +20
60 Str, 5 hp/s, 7 armor, 20% to stun 1.25 seconds
* Buffed Mammoth Tank Strength Scaling from {5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%} to {20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%}
== IN [T] 2017-02-04 22:22 - Items - OUT: 22:45
* Setup Strength Item Maul of Tremendous Impact - need to setup recipie
== IN [T] 2017-02-04 20:22 - Import, Items, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 20:53
* Imported BTNJapaneseSword Icon (+disabled)
* Imported BTNMoonchantCrescent Icon (+disabled)
* Item Magi Sword <- Mage Blande + Death Dealer + Moon Staff of Intelligence +20
60 damage, 40 intelligence, 600 mana, 20% to deal 2.5x crit, 5% "spellblade" (cost 1% current mana to deal 5% of max mana on-hit)
== IN [T] 2017-02-04 14:47 - Abilities, Items, Triggers - OUT: 14:57
* Added item Gem of Illusion - 50 to all stat, 4x dmg taken, 15% dmg delt illusion - builds from Orb of Illusion and all +20 items
== IN [T] 2017-02-04 13:43 - Triggers, Abilities, Items, Units - OUT: 14:05
* Nerfed Infinite Vial "mana potion"-effect to 400 mana/75 seconds form 500 mana/60 seconds
* Nerfed Orb of Illusion "illusion"-effect to 4x dmg taken, 8% dmg dealt, lasts 12 seconds - from 3x dmg taken, 10% dmg dealt, lasts 30 seconds
* Added advanced stat shop
== IN [T] 2017-02-02 20:17 - Triggers, Abilities, Items - OUT: 20:45
* Added additional healing to MedKit {4%, 5%, 6%, 7%, 8%}
should not matter that much early game, but keep them relevant late game
* MedKit Mana cost from {25, 40, 55, 70, 85} to {25, 40, 55, 75, 95}
== IN [T] 2017-02-01 22:26 - Items, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 00:02
* Replaced Cloak of Shadows with Talisman of Evation (10% evade)
* Reduced Move Speed bonus of Dagger of Swiftness to 20 from 60
* Buffed Cloak of Agile Defence evation to 15% from 10%, changed so it requires a Talisman of Evation
* Reduced cost of Scroll of Protection to 20 from 60, buffed armor gained to 8 from 2
* Added new Item - Infinite Vial, +10 all stats, restore 500 mana (60 sec cooldown) - Crown of Kings, Greater Potion of Mana
* Added new Item - Orb of Illusions, +20 all stats, create Illusion (deals 10% damage, takes 300% damage, lasts 30s, cooldown 60s) - Crown of Kings +5, and all stat +6 items
== IN [T] 2017-01-31 00:45 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 01:15
* Adjusted Amplify Magic bonuses:
Fireball bonus damage adjusted to {50%, 75%, 100%} from {35%, 70%, 105%}
Flame Shield bonus damage lowered to {20%, 35%, 50%} from {35%, 70%, 105%}
Passive bonus change to Fireball (each explosion), Flame Shield (damage per second) deal {25%, 50%, 75%} of intelligence as bonus damage, Blizzard (each ice shard) {10%, 20%, 30%} from all abilities having {20%, 40%, 60%}
* Lowered Blizzard max time to 30 seconds
* Lowered Blizzard cooldown to 3 seconds
* Cannot cast blizzard during ramp-down (will not start "cast" trigger)
* Buffed Blizzard hit-radius to 125 from 100
== IN [T] 2017-01-30 - 21:10 - Triggers, Abilities, Buffs, Units - OUT: 22:45
* Blizzard continues for 4 seconds after cast, decreasing shards/second by a third per second
* Changed Blizzard to always ramp up by 3 shards per second on all levels, but cost an additional 2.5 mana per second (ramping up)
* Added a floating text displaying the ramping up manacost
* Buffed damage from {40, 45, 50, 55, 60} to {48, 56, 64, 72, 80}
* Changed text to reflect these changes (and clearify slow the whole area, rather than on-ice-shard-hit)
* Changed Blizzard slow aura to "Tornado Slow Aura" (showing as a debuff, instead of a buff)
* Buffed Ogre HP to 4200 from 3600, damage from 141-142 to 160-170
* Buffed Catapult: lowered projectile speed to 775 from 900, buffed damage from 125-200 to 200-300, attack cooldown from 4.0 to 4.5 seconds, removed mechanical flag, HP from 1200 to 1400
* Buffed Raiders damage from 24-34 to 40-50
== IN [C] 2017-01-29 - 13:28 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 18:00 ==
* Renamed temp_real -> temp_real1, temp_integer -> temp_integer1.
* Implemented AOETimedDamage.
- Made so that KHBlizzardDamageUpdate uses AOETimedDamage.
* Set level requirement for Blizzard to 1.
* Increased Medikit Healing per level so that it goes 75, 150, 225, 300, 400.
* Set acquisition range to 2000 for all enemies.
* Changed HP regen for Boss1 from 1.0 -> 0.5.
* Added Friendly Fire Notice on Flame Shield.
* Update Fireball ability text to show correct damage numbers.
* Rearranged Wave 17-19, 2 Ghost waves, "Ghoul wave" earlier.
* Created Wave 21-30 (Warcraft 2 Theme).
* Added slow to Blizzard.
* Buffed Blizzard Damage from {30, 35, 40, 45, 50} to {40, 45, 50, 55, 60}.
* Added new music for Wave 21-30 (Warcraft 2 - Human02).
* Setup spawn of Boss 3 - Cho'gall.
== IN [T] 2017-01-28 - 23:07 - Items, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 23:22 ==
* Runed Bracers, lowered price to 200 from 400
* Sentry Wards 300 seconds up from 150 seconds
* Castle Buy Range buffed to 1250 from 800
* Renamed Khadgar's gem of health to "Gem of Health" and fixed recipe references to reflect this
* Fixed spelling on Brooch of Swiftness (previously "Broach")
* Wave 19 (Ghost Wave) - Lowered number of Ghosts and big zombies
* Buffed Ghost HP from 600 to 1050, armor from 5 to 6
== IN [C] 2017-01-28 - 19:35 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 20:32 ==
* Fixed Special Effect Memory Leak on Fireball.
* Changed so that Blizzard does friendly fire.
* Removed Debug Text from Blizzard and Fireball.
* Update Blizzard description to mention friendly fire.
* Begun to implement AOETimedDamage.
== IN [C] 2017-01-28 - 13:37 - Import, Triggers - OUT: 18:12 ==
* Implemented New Utility Function: PlayTimedSound
- This function plays the a sound at input position and then queues up another timer to destroy the sound after it has finished playing.
- How to call it: call PlayTimedSound([FILE_NAME], [.POINT], [DELAY]) - where
FILE_NAME = Filename of sound (e.g. war3mapImported\BlizzardChannel.wav)
POINT = Position to play sound at (Note: Since PlayTimedSound will destroy this position after used you must NOT destroy it before hand).
DELAY = How long to wait (in seconds) before playing the sound.
- Example of a call currently ingame: call PlayTimedSound(udg_temp_string, udg_temp_point, 0)
* Made it so that Blizzard channelling sfx uses PlayTimedSound.
* Made it so that Blizzard hit sfx uses PlayTimedSound.
* Fixed Special Effect Memory Leak on Flame Shield (fire damage vfx) and Blizzard (blizzard shard vfx).
* Note 1: Always destroy special effects, even special effects which seem to auto destroy.
I have noticed that they appear to NOT always do this (thus leading to memory leak).
* Note 2: Place utility functions in the global function scope (this can be accessed by clicking the map icon at the top when in the Trigger Editor).
* Design Suggestion: Make Blizzard do damage to caster (and allies).
Have a wind down time window when stopping Blizzard, thus making it not stop at once.
== IN [C] 2017-01-27 - 20:20 - Import, Triggers - OUT: 21:56 ==
* Added Flame Shield sound effect from Warcraft II.
* Added Blizzard Channelling sound effect from Warcraft II (plays most of the time).
* Added Blizzard Hit sound effect from Warcraft II
- Need to setup so that different sound instances are used so that we can play hit sounds on top of each other.
Also, would be nice to have a way to play the sound when it lands (currently plays at the start of the effect).
Will either do it with timers or ugly editing of sound to that its length matches the special effect.
== IN [T] 2017-01-26 - 22:04 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 23:21 ==
* Setup Blizzard ability (Death and Decay based)
* Setup Blizzard triggers, currently does not slow
== IN [C] 2017-01-26 - 18:29 - Triggers - OUT: 18:31 ==
* Fixed a bug with Flame Shield which caused the Flame Shield balls to damage themselves (caused a lot of lag).
== IN [T] 2017-01-25 - 20:23 - Abilities, Triggers, Map - OUT: 23:35 ==
* Adjusted Amplify Magic text, added notice about it on other spells
* Amplify Magic for Fireball, bigger explosion, more space between explosions (same space between relative to Area of Effect), travel further (same distance, relative to Area of Effect) and more damage
* Nerfed Fireballs damage from {100, 150, 225, 325, 450} to {90, 120, 160, 210, 270}
* Imported Orb of Fire model
* Changed model for Flame Shield to Orb of Fire, useing Unit - Missiles - Black Dragon... as attachment (previously used model, it didn't scale in size very well)
* Amplify Magic for Flame Shield, bigger flames, further away, bigger AoE, more damage
== IN [C] 2017-01-25 - 17:56 - Triggers, Map - OUT: 18:21 ==
* Made it so that Khadgar can spawn (manual spawn, -random and -repick).
== IN [T] 2017-01-24 - 21:31 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 22:10 ==
* Fixed a bug where Tusk Missiles would fire when the Mammoth Tank was dead (from its death location)
* Setup Amplify Spell ability with some kind of text (and no triggers)
== IN [C] 2017-01-24 - 8:29 - Map - OUT: 8:29 ==
* Restored map from previous version on Dropbox since all imports had disappeared.
- Note: Seems like Thomas changes are still there so something must have gone bonkers while saving and uploading to Dropbox.
== IN [T] 2017-01-23 - 20:37 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 22:53 ==
* More comments in Flame Shield triggers
* Damage and ability details on Flame Shield, it deals {110, 165, 230, 305, 390} damage per second for 12 seconds (15 second cooldown)
* Changed Fireball to Silence-based instead of Dispell-based. Made Silence "Buff" invisible and without text (hardcoded from Silence spell). Fireballs initial "bounce" no longer dispells buffs! (such as Flame Shield or Aaaggh Motherland!)
== IN [T] 2017-01-23 - 00:00 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 00:56 ==
* Setup Ability for Flame Shield
* Done all visual triggers for Flame Shield
- Note: Does not deal damage at this time, lacks a lot of details in text descriptions
== IN [T] 2017-01-22 - 16:53 - Abilities - OUT: 17:08 ==
* Death Coil can only target living/undead - not suitable base spell for Flame Shield
== IN [C] 2017-01-22 - 11:57 - Map, Abilities, Units, Triggers - OUT: 16:14 ==
* Did some changes to the terrain in the top-left corner.
* Corrected description of Vehicle Drop.
* Restored Villager (Man) and Villager (Woman) to default values since they were unused.
* Gave all enemies 1800 sight range (day/night) in order to minimize risk of them losing track of target.
* Plasma Grenade Ability:
- Will now explode instantly if enemy unit is killed.
- Increased cooldown from 2.6 -> 4.5 seconds. (Note: This is the safest time at which one can be almost sure of the player not being able to throw two plasma grenades at once)
- Decreased duration (time before explosion) from 2.6 -> 2.0 seconds.
* Circle of Bats Ability:
- Removed debug text.
- Remade it so that it uses its own counter variable (circle_of_bats_counter) instead of For-loop integer A.
Note: For-loop integer A & B are global variables which mean that if a Wait occurs inside of a For-loop there is no
longer any assurance that it will have the correct value when it returns.
* Removed automatic "Ally Town Under Attack" notification sound.
* Castle Warning System:
- Added warning sound.
- Remade warning system so that it can handle upgrades to castle health (see CastleWarningSystemUpdateIndex trigger).
* Destructables in MainArena region are now resurrected at Shop Time (i.e. after each fifth wave).
== IN [T] 2017-01-22 - 00:40 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 01:43 ==
* Finished Fireball - Each bounce is 175 radius explosion, 120 units apart.
Launches a Fireball that will bounce and explode 5 times dealing area damage each bounce.
First bounce will occur at the targeted location.
Each bounce deals {100, 150, 225, 325, 450} damage
- Note: "optimal placed" units can take 3 hits! Many units takes 2 hits!
- Note2: Does not have any intelligence/mana-based damage bonus (from Empower Spell) yet
== IN [T] 2017-01-21 - 22:20 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 23:51 ==
* Outlined Triggers for Fireball, works fairly similar to Parabombs (but quite a bit simpler!)
- Note: Does not deal damage at this time
== IN [T] 2017-01-21 - 16:20 - Abilities - OUT: 16:38 ==
* Setup Fireball ability (will work similar to Parabombs)
== IN [C] 2017-01-12 - 19:00 - Units, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 22:00 ==
* Small cleanup of some triggers.
* Cleaned up some abilities (removed unused ones).
* Changed Khadgar's title to Keeper of the Eternal Watch (very important).
* Added Sentry Ward to shop (Gadgets).
* Cleaned up recepies descriptions.
* Fixed some bugs.
* Buffed all auras to 1000.
== IN [C] 2017-01-12 - 15:37 - Units, Triggers - OUT: 16:50 ==
* Made it so that one switches between Parabomb spawn sfx depending on modulo 2 with number dropped.
== IN [C] 2017-01-09 - 23:47 - Import, Units, Triggers (comments) - OUT: 02:11 ==
* Added Khadgar model, textures, icon and sounds.
* Setup initial unit for Khadgar (primary attribute is intelligence.. of course!).
* Lined out potential spell ability ideas in the Ideas section of the Spells trigger folder.
- Have a look at it and say what you think.
== IN [C] 2017-01-09 - 16:57 - Triggers, Map, Abilities - OUT: 20:50 ==
* Renamed MTTuskMissilesDamageCheck -> MTTuskMissilesDamagePrint.
* Added Dummy Practice Target unit. These units do not flee (useful when testing abilities).
* Fixed bug in MTTuskMissilesFireTimer which caused mt_tusk_target to be reassigned (see explanation below of "Skip Remaining Actions").
- Note: Skip Remaining Actions will NOT break out of loop!
The only thing it does is skip the remaining actions inside of that iteration.
* Made Tusk Missiles into a passive ability in order to avoid having clicking sounds/aborting commands.

== IN: [T] 2017-01-08 - 18:54 - Triggers - OUT: 2017-01-08 - 19:09
* Castle Health Warning system, warns when castle gets to 75%, 50%, 25%, 15%, 10%, 5%
<== Thomas achieved working spree: M-M-M-M-MONSTER COMMIT ==> Kudos! ^^
== IN: [T] 2017-01-08 - 16:50 - Triggers, Items, Units - OUT: 2017-01-08 - 17:51
* Added damage check from Spell Blade effect
* Adjusted Spell Blade to cost 1% of current mana, and only work if you have at least 20% mana
* Adjusted several Recipe Icons
* Lowered cost of +20-stat Items to 1600 gold (from 1750 gold)
* Reduced Land Mine activation time to 5 seconds (from 10 seconds)
* Added Repair NOW to Castle, repairs castle by 25%
== IN: [T] 2017-01-08 - 13:27 - Triggers, Abilities, Items, Units - OUT: 2017-01-08 - 14:16
* Added Item: Mage Blade
A fancy blade matching the most popular mage fashion
• 12 Intelligence
• 400 Mana
• 20 Damage
• 2% Spell Blade Damage
(2% of Max Mana Damage on-hit, costs 2% of current Mana
Only takes effect when you have at least 15% mana)
== IN: [T] 2017-01-07 - 23:43 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 2017-01-08 - 00:07
* Tusk Missiles keep current order (Selects the Mammoth Tank and use hotkey, "Game - Force player to press key")
* Nerfed Tusk Missiles to fire every 6 seconds (up from every 5 seconds)
== IN: [T] 2017-01-07 - 13:13 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 2017-01-07 - 15:02
* Tusk Missiles Problems with several approaches to the ability, want "instant cast" with no effect (and Channel is already used)
* Tusk Missiles in OK state, cancels current order (it is possible to solve!)
* Tusk Missiles deal {85, 120, 155, 190, 225} + {5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%} of Strength-stat damage in 100 radius AoE (Enemies only!) every 5 seconds
== IN: [T] 2017-01-06 - 23:51 - Triggers - OUT: 2017-01-07 - 01:49
* Tusk Missile Triggers outlined, problems with several approaches to the ability
== IN: [T] 2017-01-06 - 21:02 - Triggers, Units - OUT: 2017-01-06 - 21:35
* Added Stone of Power, Life Stone, Broash of Switness combine triggers
* Added "Recipe Shop - Advanced Misc", selling "Advanced" things (requiring previously combined things)
* Added Life Stone, Broash of Switness recepies to "Basic Misc" shop
* Moved Death Dealer and Shield of Honor to "Basic Misc" shop (they didn't give any Str, Int or Agi stats)
== IN: [T] 2017-01-06 - 17:04 - Items, Abilities - OUT: 2017-01-06 - 17:52
* Stone of Power, combines Mana Stone and Life Stone: 750 health, 750 mana, 100% mana reg Brilliance Aura, Unholy Aura (75% hp reg, 12% move speed)
* Made more variations of item abilities (damage, attack speed, move speed, auras, maybe more...)
* Broach of Swiftness, combines Boots of Speed and Gloves of Haste, 80 move speed, 25% attack speed
== IN: [T] 2017-01-06 - 14:35 - Items, Abilities - OUT: 2017-01-06 - 15:56
* Added more Item Health Bonus-ability steps (400, 500, 600, 750)
* Add Item: Life Stone - 500 Health and Unholy Aura (50% hp reg, 10% move speed)
== IN [C] 2017-01-06 - 13:13 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 2017-01-06 - 19:11 ==
* Fixed bug in ForcePushMove (checked Walkability on a destroyed variable).
* Added Hero prefix to all Triggers (i.e. BoostMove -> SABoostMove).
* Cleaned up BoostMove and BoostBegin.
- Removed unused variables.
- Solved point Memory Leak.
- Fixed so that the Boost SFX is correctly displayed and removed when done.
* Cleaned up ChargeBeamHit trigger.
* Cleaned up OverChargeCast trigger
- Split into OverChargeBegin and OverChargeFire triggers.
- Removed unused variables.
- Solved point Memory Leak.
* Merged Thomas Ability Data (Item Health Bonus Abilities) into map.
* Updated Overcharge Ability description with color highlighted text regarding the health lost.
* Merged Thomas Ability & Item Data into map.
* Made some changes to MCPlasmaGrenade (in order to solve bugs when target is killed before explosion etc).
- Split up into MCPlasmaGrenadeCast, MCPlasmaGrenadeHitCheck, MCPlasmaGrenadeExplode.
- Note: IF a unit is killed whilst having the plasma grenade on it will now do nothing.
Not sure if we want it to instant explode in that case, should be an easy change if so.
* Increased cooldown for Plasma Grenade from 2.00 -> 2.60 in order to combat having multiple grenades out at once.
- Having multiple grenades out at once would open up a can of worm in order of code complexity (would need unique ids for each plasma grenade instance + keep
HashTable with all corresponding effect data and so on). I do not think it is worth it (but if it is something that is worth the time it is a possible, though
probably time consuming, feature to implement).
== IN: [T] 2017-01-05 - 23:20 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 2017-01-06 - 01:02 ==
* Mammoth Tank Tusk Missile research
* Will do active based spell that is auto fired
* Outlined ability
== IN: [C] 2017-01-05 - 15:30 - Triggers - OUT: 2017-01-05 - 17:48 ==
* Rewrote RepickHero trigger in JASS, thus making it more clean.
* Cleaned up ChargeBeamCast trigger so that it now uses variables specific to that function.
== IN: [C] 2017-01-04 - 15:44 - Triggers, Import, Units - OUT: 2017-01-04 - 18:19 ==
* Added new music when clearing Boss 1 (Castlevania1_Boss_Defeated)
* Added new music when clearing Boss 2 (Castlevania1_Final_Boss_Defeated)
* Added new music when battling Boss 2 (Castlevania1_Final_Fight_2)
* Added debug chat command for setting the next wave (-set wave X)
* Fixed bug where Boss 1 intro text would remain when showing Boss 2 intro text.
- MultiBoardClear function seems to do something strange (perhaps destroys reference to Multiboard) thus making old values remain.
Instead simply set each Multiboard item to an empty string value (if the Multiboard is to be used again).
* Modified Mammoth Tank's Projectile Launch parameters to better match its cannon.
== IN: [T] 2016-12-30 - 22:10 - Units, Items, Triggers, Terrain - OUT: 2016-12-30 - 23:50 ==
* Reduced price on 20 stat items to 1750 gold (from 2500 gold)
* Added an other Recipe Shop for non-stat items (I.E. hp/mana, move/attack speed etc, hp/mana reg)
* Nerfed Sobi Mask to 25% mana regain from 50% (and lowered price to 200g from 350g), this increases design space!
* Nerfed Staff of Insight, removed the 100 mana bonus
* Nerfed Mighy Skull of Insight to 50% mana reg from 75%
* Lowered price of Pendant of Energy (150 mana) to 200g from 400g
* Lowered price of Pendant of Mana (250 mana) to 350g from 500g
* Lowered price of Pendant of Vitality (150 health) to 200g from 350g
* Lowered price of Pendant of Health (300 health) to 375g from 500g
* Added Mana Stone - 400 mana, 75% Brilliance Aura - Builds from: Pendant of Energy, Pendant of Mana, Sobi Mask
* Terrain in upper left quadrant of map
== IN: [C] 2016-12-29 - 14:55 - Triggers, Units, Items, Abilities, Import - OUT: 2016-12-29 - 19:03 ==
* Fixed bug where items would not get stacked if acquired on inventory index lesser than item already in inventory.
* Ankh of Reincarnation:
- Fixed description.
- Now gives full health.
- Now stackable.
* Adjusted awaken constants (i.e. when hero is instantaneously revived).
- Price starts at 50% of base cost and increases by 10% for each level. Maximum cost is 1000 (which is achieved around level 20).
- Now gives full health and mana.
* Dracula - Second Form:
- Removed Wind Walk (since he could not use it properly).
- Time of Day will now start when boss is killed (thus adding a new gameplay component to the coming waves).
* Fixed decay time on Warthog (should now only take about 2 seconds).
== IN: [T] 2016-12-28 - 22:34 - Items, Abilities, Terrain - OUT: 2016-12-28 - 23:19 ==
* Reordered Receipes in "stat-category" columns (button layout)
* Removed Dagger of Swiftness "left-click to activeate" text (Stats - Activatable = false)
* Fixed Mighty Skull of Insight, made the active component activatable
* Buffed Mighty Skull of Insight Frost Nova to damage {125, 125} from {100, 100} for {target dmg, AoE dmg}
* Moved buildings slightly in Shop Zone to give move space (easier to move) when multiple heros are there
* Changed Receipe Icons
== IN: [T] 2016-12-27 - 20:30 - Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 2016-12-27 - 23:50 ==
* Fixed Drop Parabomb move orders (and buffed it to 7 bombs!)
- Extracted the "Drop Parabomb"-for-loop to its own trigger, it is triggered by a timer set in the base trigger
After the first timer has expired, set it to be a repeating timer every 0.25 seconds
Faster timer seem to cause sound issues (need 3 sounds to solve it!)
Timers are a lot more accurate than "wait", wait is not exact, timers are!
The "center bomb" of the 7 bombs is right on target, 3 bombs before, 3 after
- NOTE: Wait (game-time) has a memory leak, do not use it!
== IN: [C] 2016-12-27 - 11:40 - Abilities - OUT: 2016-12-27 - 11:50 ==
* Added new summoned buff text for Vehicle Drop units ("Infernal" -> "Fuel Left").
== IN: [T&C] 2016-12-26 - 14:00 - Terrain, Abilities, Units, Import - OUT: 2016-12-26 - 22:00 ==
* Rebalancing of Darth Vader.
- Increased damage of most of his spells.
* Rotated Parabomb so that it is pointing downwards.
* New Item: Might Skull of Insight, a Strength, Mana Regen, Armor, Forst Nova item
* Rebalanced Plasma Grenade.
* Ultimate Abilities now have a Level 3 version.
* Lots of small gameplay tweaks and fixes.
== IN: [T] 2016-12-23 - 12:53 - Terrain - 13:37
* Minor terrain/doodads to north west quadrant of map
* Figured out how to do do Tusk Missles
- Immolate-based ability for making it "active", when active a trigger will then add a "Exhume Corpse" (will trigger on intervals and cost mana each "tick", no matter if enemies are nearby or not!). When "Exhume Corpse" triggers, move a dummy to Mammoth Tank, check if there are enemies nearby, if so, fire a gfx projectile (that doesn't deal damage), when it hits, trigger deal damage from Mammoth Tank to target/target AoE (select a unit group with units close to targets or something like that, otherwise it will deal Friendly Fire!).
== IN: [T] 2016-12-23 - 00:46 - Terrain - OUT: 2016-12-23 - 00:53 ==
* Added some buildings to north west quadrant of map
== IN: [C] 2016-12-21 - 15:16 - Import, Terrain - OUT: 2016-12-21 - 15:49 ==
* Added some more Post Lanterns to the level.
* Tested the Halo Warthog model and while nice it has some problems.
- No gun is included in the model, thus the question is how it should function..
== IN: [T] 2016-12-20 - 20:56 - Abilities, Units, Triggers - OUT: 2016-12-20 - 21:50 ==
* Parabombs ability text, 2 levels, cooldown 60 seconds
* Adjusted parabomb damage to {230, 425} from {200, 375}
*** Will kill Ghouls when they are "on the line" on level 1, slightly off-centered ghouls survive with 10 hp
* Added Friendly Fire notice on V2Rockets and Plasma Granade
* Lowered Mana cost on Force Lightning from 90 to 75
* Buffed Force Lightning damage from {180, 240, 320, 420, 580} to {190, 260, 355, 475, 620}
* Lowered Force Push cooldown from 10 to 9
* Buffed Force Push damage from {75, 125, 200, 400, 600} to {100, 170, 275, 415, 600}
* Buffed Force Slow area from 800 to 1000
* Buffed Overcharge final area from {175, 200} to {200, 200}
* Corrected Place Bomb area to properly show 300 at all ranks (from {300, 325, 350, 375, 400})
* Corrected Place Bomb cooldown to 3 at all ranks from {3, 3, 3, 3, 4}
* Removed ParachuteAttachment from Parabomb Unit, add it via Triggers and remove it as they die (better death animation)
== IN: [T] 2016-12-18 - 23:02 - Abilities - OUT: 2016-12-17 - 23:10 ==
* adjusted per bomb damage to {200, 375} in 300 radius, from {300/200, 500/350} in 150/300 redius (full damage/partial damage on rank {1, 2})
== IN: [C] 2016-12-17 - 16:19 - Import, Triggers - OUT: 2016-12-17 - 16:25 ==
* Added parachute sound from C&C: Red Alert and made so that it plays when spawning a parabomb.
== IN: [T] 2016-12-16 - 22:30 - Triggers, Terrain - OUT: 2016-12-16 - 23:29 ==
* Death explosion on parabomb, with local variable to destroy special effect
* Adjusted Bagderbomber's (previously "kill-with-death-animation") to ascend and then "remove"
* Added some doodads on bottom left part of map
== IN: [T] 2016-12-16 - 20:50 - Triggers - OUT: 2016-12-16 - 21:06 ==
* Death explosion on parabomb (need to destroy special effect)
== IN: [T] 2016-12-11 - 21:16 - Import, Units, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 2016-12-11 - 23:10 ==
* Imported modified "Flying Machine Bomb"
* Parabomb ability for Mammoth Tank outlined. Still need explosion gfx somehow
== IN: [C] 2016-12-09 - 12.40 - Triggers - OUT: 2016-12-10 - 12:59 ==
* Added credits for Mammoth Tank sound, music used and other sounds.
== IN: [T] 2016-12-09 - 22:28 - Import, Units, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 2016-12-10 - 00:32 ==
* Imported modified B17 bomber to be "BadgerBomber" for MammothTank
* Imported Parachute for Parabombs
* Added credits in triggers for Parachute and B17Bomber
* Added ability "ParachuteAttachment"
- Note1: BadgerBomber currently has vision range and lacks "Locus" (easier to test it)
- Note2: I believe that we need to check what models we actually have and look to credit all used assets, I have been bad at it :(
- Note3: Warcraft III missiles do not have attachment points (tried to use "Flying Machine Bomb")
== IN: [C] 2016-12-04 - 19:45 - Triggers, Items - OUT: 2016-12-04 - 20:03 ==
* Fixed Hotkey highlight for items (so that they include brackets).
* isTesting variable is now set on startup based on if the name of Player 1 is "WorldEdit".
- This means that when testing the map from the World Editor isTesting will be true and otherwise false.
== IN: [T&C] 2016-12-04 - 14:00 - Triggers, Items, Abilities, Units, Map, Import - OUT: 2016-12-04 - 19:30 ==
* Lots of balance changes for all hero characters.
* Lots of balance changes for waves and enemies.
* New music for wave 11-19.
* Boss 2 now spawns on Wave 20 (Dracula - Second Form).
* Some changes to the map terrain to make it more interesting (+ removed some exploit locations).
* Removed life steal items (too hard to balance gameplay after).
== IN: [C] 2016-12-04 - 12:06 - Triggers, Map - OUT: 2016-12-04 - 13:19 ==
* Spent some more time making the map terrain a little more interesting.
== IN: [C] 2016-12-03 - 13:08 - Import, Units, Abilities, Triggers, Map - OUT: 2016-12-03 - 18:17 ==
* Removed Mammoth Tank Attacker Dummy Unit.
* Fixed memory leak in MTV2RocketSupport (remember to use "call RemoveLocation( ... )" on your global variable).
* Implemented Drop Medkit ability for Master Chief.
* Spent some time making the map terrain a little more interesting.
== IN: [C] 2016-12-01 - 21:14 - Abilities - OUT: 2016-12-01 - 21:24 ==
* Added casting time (0.10 each) to Mammoth Tank Double Attack and Double Attack.
- This was done in order to avoid the situation where Base attack + Double Attack would fire
at the same time if the target was standing right next to the unit.
== IN: [C] 2016-11-20 - 21:15 - Units, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 2016-11-20 - 23:21 ==
* Fixed so that Mammoth Tank double attack triggers for cases where it would not (see explanation below).
- The reason why it wouldn't always trigger is that the Orb of Lightning ability is ONLY triggered for the onAttack event.
This means that it would only be triggered when an attack was explicitly ordered by the player (i.e. right click).
The solution was to add an "On Target Acquired" event for the unit, which would then issue an order to attack the target
thus triggering the onAttack event and thereby the double attack (yes, a hax it is).
* Added Attribute Bonus ability to Mammoth Tank.
== IN: [T] 2016-11-20 - 16:36 - Units, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 2016-11-20 - 19:52 ==
* Created a GenericDummy unit that can be used by giving abilities to it and cast via triggers
* Created a DummyTarget unit that can be used to target abilities (does not have locust!)
* V2 Rocket Support, "Channel"-spell, AoE ability that hit after 2 seconds with a missile - Trigger ability: MTV2RocketSupport
Total Damage: {230, 340, 500, 710, 970} - Formula: x = 1,2,3,4,5 for (85 + x * 17.5 + 12.5 * x * x) * 2 - Wolfram|Alpha
* Buffed Mammoth Tank range to 650 (from 600)
* Buffed Mammoth Tank base defence to 2 (from 0)
* Buffed Mammoth Tank base health regen to 1.5 (from 1.0)
* Modified "Agghhh Motherland" - Mana cost down to 80 (from 100), duration down to 12 (from 16), defence bonus increased to 2-9 (from 1-5)
- Note: It seems like double attack doesn't always trigger, unsure why
- Note2: Mammoth Tank will probably be Over Powered with some damage items, we'll see
== IN: [T] 2016-11-20 - 13:18 - Units, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 2016-11-20 - 15:34 ==
* Mammoth Tank double attack using a "Lightning Orb" that 100% to fire a "Searing Arrow"
* Disabled Other Double Attack Trigger
* Nerfed Damage (because it is delt twice!) to 85 Base, and 2D24 (down from 150 base and 2D32)
* Started working on another way of doing V2 Rocket Support
== IN: [C] 2016-11-13 - 21:24 - Units - OUT: 2016-11-13 - 21:38 ==
* Buffed Mammoth Tank strength up to 35 (was 28).
* Buffed Mammoth Tank base attack damage up to 150 (was 0).
- Note 1: I am a bit unsure if the long term plan is to nerf the other heroes (or if we are going to buff the enemies/enemy variation).
- As it is currently the Mammoth tank is one of the weakest hero (which is a bit of the inverse of what it should be).
- Note 2: Also, not sure how hard it is to do, but it would be awesome if the second cannon strike did the same damage as the first shot.
- Note 3: I have noticed that if an enemy is attacked by the Mammoth Tank dummy unit they seem to run away sometimes (perhaps due to it being invincible).
== IN: [C] 2016-11-13 - 12:35 - Import, Units, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 2016-11-13 - 16:02 ==
* Added C&C:Red Alert Soviet Unit Voices to Mammoth Tank.
* Added C&C:Red Alert Mammoth Tank cannon sound.
* Added C&C:Red Alert Iron Curtain sound (currently used for Agghhh Motherland).
* Fixed memory leak in MTDoubleAttack (remember to use "call RemoveLocation( ... )" on your global variable).
* Fixed memory leak in MCPlasmaGranade (-||-).
* Fixed description for Agghhh Motherland + removed spell animation (which fires missile pod).
* You can now choose Mammoth Tank as your hero (added to repick, random and spawn triggers).
== IN: [T] 2016-11-12 - 17:53 - Import, Units, Abilities - OUT: 2016-11-12 - 20:35 ==
* Agghhh Motherland skill for Mammoth Tank
Increases damage, defence and hp regen for a fairly short duration - No Triggers
* Artillery Strike (was hard to make it a V2)
Rain of Fire based spell (without burn) - No Triggers
== IN: [T] 2016-11-12 - 11:30 - Import, Units, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 2016-11-12 - 16:20 ==
* Setup Mammoth tank Hero with model
* Made dummy unit to be moved to Mammoth Tank each attack and attack the target of the Mammoth Tank.
Attack deals 2(?) damage. Unit is changed ownership to Neutral Passive after attack.
Trigger: Heroes\MTDoubleAttack
== IN: [C] 2016-11-12 - 11:17 - Triggers - OUT: 2016-11-12 - 13:32 ==
* Found and solved the issue with "You must gather you party" not triggering, see comment below:
Since destroyed groups aren't automatically set to null (and we use a null check in AddPlayerHeroUnits) we need to do it here (MarketplaceExit).
Yes this is a bit ugly, but I think the problem will just resurface if we don't do it this way since it is easy to forget
destroying AND setting global variables to null in War3 Script GUI.
* Note: Found some memory leaks in plasma grenade function (variables are not destroyed).
== IN: [T] 2016-11-06 - 20:12 - Triggers - OUT: 2016-11-06 - 21:46 ==
* Added Development Tips Trigger Comments for Ability events, we should replace all "A unit Begins Casting an ability" with "A unit Starts the effect of an ability"
* Plasma Grenade deals
75 + 12.5 * (skill level) + 12.5 * (skill level) * (skill level) in 200 radius
75 + 12.5 * (skill level) + 12.5 * (skill level) * (skill level) in 325 radius
Damage within 200 radius is:
level 1 = 200 dmg
level 2 = 300 dmg
level 3 = 450 dmg
level 4 = 650 dmg
level 5 = 900 dmg
== IN: [T] 2016-11-06 - 15:27 - Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 2016-11-06 - 18:36 ==
* Plasma Grenade (Not finished!)
Acid Bomb based ability that deals 1 damage (otherwise AI doesn't understand that they are attacked)
throws in an arc on targeted unit
Wait for 2 seconds and then explode for damage
== IN: [C] 2016-11-06 - 11:00 - Triggers, Unit, Models - OUT: 2016-11-06 - 14:36 ==
* Memory Leak Checks:
- [Initialization] Remove Player 9 (Gray) Units : Now uses temp unit group (Reason: "Units Owned By" creates new unit group object).
- [GhostAttack] Now uses temp points (Reason: "Position of Unit" creates new point objects).
- [CircleOfBats] Now uses temp points (Reason: "Position of Unit" & "Point with Polar Offset" creates new point objects).
* Added Development Tips Trigger Comments which contain various important things to bear in mind whilst developing the map (e.g. memory leak and how to avoid them).
* Added some useful tools: JassCraft, War3 Model Editor and mdlxconv.
* Player Owner of Resurrection Stones now changes to Passive Owner during waves.
* Nerfed Spartan [SMG] Base attack range to 200 from 550.
* Nerfed Spartan [Shotgun] Base attack cooldown to 1.75 from 1.70.
* Added HeroesDeadCheck Trigger which will end the game if all Player units are dead.
* Corrected Overhead node for Master Chief TC.
* Note to self: "You must gather you party" appears to have broken again - check why.
== IN: [T] 2016-11-03 - 21:44 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 2016-11-03 - 22:04 ==
* Problem with multiple Circle of Bats (with Rain of Chaos)
*** Single Circle should be good enough (infernal based, Spartan has it for testing)
* Tested a few different arts (intead of meteor)
== IN: [T] 2016-11-02 - 21:44 - Units, Terrain, Abilities, Triggers - OUT: 2016-11-03 - 00:00 ==
* Made castle not require buildable
* "removed" corners of grass by the castle
* Circle of Bats to use on Boss, currently Spartan Magnum has it
** casts multiple carrion swarms with a delay
== IN: [T] 2016-10-31 - 23:36 - Triggers, Abilities, Units - OUT: 2016-11-01 - 00:11 ==
* Included Ghost in wave 18 and 19
* Trigger to remove all Player 9 (Gray) units when not testing
* Began a Draft for Boss 2 (Dracula 2nd Form) name TBD
== IN: [T] 2016-10-30 - 23:22 - Units, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 2016-10-31 - 00:11 ==
* Changed Ghost "attack" to a Carrion Swarm based ability
== IN: [T] 2016-10-29 - 23:15 - Units, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 2016-10-30 - 00:46 ==
* Added ghoul [Tier 2] a very fast unit with evade, high regen and slow poison, "low" HP
* Added Ghost [Tier 2] a unit that fires a slow moving projectile in a line that deals very high damage
** NEEDS MEMORY LEAK CHECK - maybe change from shockwave-based or hide "shockwave" --[C]: MEMEORY LEAK CHECKED AND RESOLVED
* Working on 5 more waves, almost done
== IN: [T] 2016-10-29 - 14:01 - Units, Triggers, Upgrades - OUT: 2016-10-29 - 15:29 ==
* Buffed Castle with 0.25 HP regeneration
* Castle Sell "Upgrade Defence" "unit" that is removed when sold and upgrades HP and Armor of castle (Max Level 10)
* Castle Sell "Upgrade Repair Rate" "unit" that is removed when sold and upgrades health regen of castle by 0.25 % hp regain (?) (Max Level 5)
== IN: [T] 2016-10-23 - 21:15 - Units - OUT: 2016-10-23 - 21:29 ==
* Nerfed Spartan [SMG] to deal 2D12 down from 2D25
* Nerfed Spartan [SMG] Base attack cooldown to 0.35 from 0.30
* Nerfed Spartan [Magnum] to deal 2D80 down from 2D100
* Nerfed Spartan [Magnum] Base attack cooldown to 1.30 from 1.20
* Buffed Spartan [Assult Rifle] to deal 2D35 up from 2D25
* Nerfed Spartan [Assult Rifle] base damage down to 55 from 65
* Created a new shop (without items, so far) for Boots of speed upgrades (i.e. add attack speed, etc. to your boots)
== IN: [T] 2016-10-02 - 21:21 - Items - OUT: 2016-10-02 - 21:44 ==
* Added damge in the Goblin Landmine descriptions
* Investgated how to revive allied heroes at altar
== IN: [C] 2016-10-02 - 12:54 - Units, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 2016-10-02 - 17:48 ==
* Completed Weapon Roulette implementation.
- New Trigger: MCWeaponRouletteCast.
== IN: [C] 2016-10-01 - 13:30 - Units, Models, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 2016-10-01 - 15:45 ==
* Added death animations to all Master Chief attachments (so that they disappear instantly when removed as special effects).
* Added Master Chief weapon icons.
* Added Weapon Switch abilities to Master Chief.
* Added Weapon Switch triggers (which attaches the correct weapon model to Master Chief).
- Will continue work on Weapon Roulette the next time.
== IN: [T] 2016-09-27 - 22:39 - items, abilities - OUT: 2016-09-27 - 23:03 ==
* Fixed many error references on combine items and other minor text tweaks (capital letters, missing %, etc.)
* Increased shop range to 800 (from 450)
== IN: [C] 2016-09-25 - 15:07 - Units, Model Setup, Triggers, Abilities - OUT: 2016-09-25 - 18:49 ==
* Created a portrait camera for Samus Aran.
* Rotated and moved Origin node for Master Chief TC.
* Added new unit: Spartan [Assault Rifle]
* New trigger: MCAssaultRifleShoot
* Corrected description of Attribute Bonus to +5 instead of +10.
* Figured out a way to do weapon roulette ability - will try to implement next time.
== IN: [T] 2016-09-18 - 17:07 - items - OUT: 2016-09-19 - 17:09 ==
* Fixed Purchase texts for new items
== IN: 2016-09-18 - 13:18 (Branch B) - Units, Triggers - OUT: 2016-09-18 - 15:31 (Merged Branch B)==
* Added new unit: Spartan [Rocket Launcher]
* Added new trigger: MCRocketLauncherShoot
* Added recipes to shop: Recipe for Cloak of Agile Defence, Recipe for Death Dealer, Recipe for Heavy Shield of Strength, Recipe for Helm of Insight
== IN: 2016-09-18 - 12:08 - items, abilities, triggers - OUT: 2016-09-19 - 14:32 ==
* Reworked: Shield of Honor - now a pure defence item, builds from pure defence items
* Added Item: Death Dealer - pure offensive item, damage and critital hit.
** Added Recipe and combine Triggers for Death Dealer
* Finished Recipe and Combine Triggers for: Cloak of Agile Defence, Heavy Shield of Strength, Helm of Insight
== IN: 2016-09-08 - items, abilities - OUT==
* Made 1 defensive STR item
* Made 1 defensive AGI item
Note, still needs triggers, add to shop, etc.
Basic Recepies will contain 3 items for each stat:
The two last slots will be
1x pure offence
1x pure defence
So... It begins...
15 stat
5 armor
If player 1 is named "WorldEditDev", then the map will be started in "Debug/Development-mode".
Several debug commands are available in this mode, some of these are:
"-debug show", open a dialog box to enable more debug-prints.
"-set level X", sets the level of selected unit to X.
"-set wave X", sets the current wave to X.
"-teleport", teleports selected units to next move-command destination-point.
"-reset cd", to reset cooldowns.
"-set gold X", sets current gold to X.
"-kill", kills the selected unit(s).
"-clear wave", kills all units in the "current wave" unit-group.
"-rain", "-snow", "-activate fog", "-deactivate fog", sets weather and/or fog.
"-set time X", sets time-of-day to X.
"-order", prints the order of the selected unit(s).
"-outro", runs the outro.
"-set aq X", sets acqusision range to X.
"-to64 X", prints the (integer) X to base-64 with 4 "digits"
"-from64 X", prints the 4-digit-base-64 string X to an integer.
"-inv/-invulnerable", toggle invulnerability for selected units
"-curse", throw a 100% miss curse on selected units
"-set owner X", sets the owner of selected units to player with player-number X

The Defence of the Castle 1.17 (Map)

Well, this all seems quite innocent but if you could ask the dude to write you an OK and put it in the map thread description as a screenshot, that would lower the chances of further questions from others. EDIT: -Samus' Missile doesn't work anymore...
Although no "real" comments, rating or reputation have come so far, I've been somewhat excited to polish the map since uploading it here.
It feels good to give something you've been working on a few years to the community, although we don't feel that the map is "finished" (will it ever be?).
56 downloads feel cool as well! Hope that some of you will actually play and enjoy :)


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
  1. Maybe you could change the upgrade icons a bit not to look exactly like the ones of the spells they upgrade.
  2. All heroes are available in some locked place on the map to the east. Maybe because of singleplayer or are they shared between all players for testing before choosing their hero? Might want to change the way players can see the spell information before choosing a hero because there's hero icons spam on the screen.
  3. What's with the paladin in the shop zone?
  4. You might want to be creative with items as they are basically Warcraft III ones. At least the initial ones.
  5. The Chef's Inferno spell could use another drop FX/model.
  6. Blizzard triggers slow before impact.
  7. Slash doesn't have a description like other spells.
  8. Lothar doesn't have an ultimate spell.
  9. Double Attack's icon looks as if it's deactivated not passive. I guess you used an orb FX spell.
  10. Tusk Missiles has the same icon as Samus' Missile.
  11. Force Push doesn't push but order affected units to move. You might want to search for a knockback spell around here.
  12. The castle Self-Repair upgrade disappears after upgrading the War Stomp.
  13. Debug messages on screen. Maybe only in singleplayer as I also have 9999999... gold?
  14. Make the recipe item icons look like the items they are supposed to create. It's saner that way to follow. Also mention between brackets where those items are found (the building).
  15. Not all heroes have glow. You can simply add some: How to add Hero Glow without Modeling
  16. Can't get out of the shop zone. It keeps telling me to gather the party. I brought all test heroes to the portal and the same happened.
Awaiting Update.

If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Shar Dundred
Some of those issues are related to being named "WorldEdit" and playing singleplayer (that combination). That's the debug/development-mode. I have a few ideas on how this should be handled.

1. You mean on the castle?
2. Debug-related, removed when non-debug.
2. Debug-related, removed when non-debug.
4. We have considered that, but have put effort else-where. Basic items are basic, even if they are renamed or have another icon.
5. Agree, will look into
6. Agree, will look into
7. Lothar is unfinished and have a warning before being picked.
8. See 7.
9. Agree, should be fixed.
10. Should be different, agree.
11. This is one of the first custom abilities and have not been looked-into in quite a few years. Will look into.
12. That's strange, will look into.
13. Debug-related
14. Great idea. Making it easier to handle item combination is very important
15. Agree, will look into.
16. Probably because of debug-mode-units.

Thanks for the feedback!

Will participate in Grand Review Exchange when this, and a few other things, are fixed.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Ehhm... Now a (fairly minimal) section for it exists mentioning it

I see there are other two dudes as authors for this map. Do they know of you uploading the map? Is any of them the original creator or something? If so, permission would be required for editing and uploading of the map.
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I've only spoken to DarkkaneX and I'd say that he is the original creator. Ling1000 helped with a few things in the very early days of the map, but Ling1000 have not contributed in a very long time (a few years before I joined the project back in 2016).
Not that it's any proof for anything, but I'm playing with DarkkaneX in some of the screenshots.


Map Reviewer
Level 71
Jun 4, 2009
Not that it's any proof for anything, but I'm playing with DarkkaneX in some of the screenshots.
Well, this all seems quite innocent but if you could ask the dude to write you an OK and put it in the map thread description as a screenshot, that would lower the chances of further questions from others.

-Samus' Missile doesn't work anymore after using the item creating illusions. I made a self illusion. Charge Beam fixed it.
-I think Missile also damages the Castle. I suggest no such spells since you'd be forced to only use it rarer and out of most fights.
-I was getting tired there of undead since this was supposed to be a multiverse related map.
-you could use custom models for some units like Cho'gall.
-Cho'gall stops casting any spells after the first round of runes. Been running and gunning him. OK, he started again but had to fight him melee for a while.
-you can finish the 35th wave without killing all the slimes. Two big ones and some small ones remained to attack the castle when the hero was teleported to the shops.


(previous comments: The Defence of the Castle)
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Some minor improvements (recipe descriptions, icons, dev-mode name requirements) and issues (castle-upgrade) solved with the last release 0.51 (2020-06-14).

Currently we're working on the last 5 waves and the final boss.
I'll see if I want to do something else whilst working on that :p
When I feel that the map is more finished, I'll participate in the The Grand Review Exchange! :)
Uploaded new version (0.71)!
Slightly later than I initially thought, but anyways, it's here :)
Expand the "Change Log"-spoiler to see a brief overview of what's new or "Development Log" and see what's happened since 0.51 in more details.

I have a few new things I want to do, but decided that I should upload the new version before doing that!
We have noticed a few "minor" bugs, spelling errors and lies in descriptions that have been fixed in my local version, but I have an ability-rework in-progress that needs to be finished before I can upload it.
Known issues in 0.71 (that are fixed in the next version) include:
  • Lothar Ultimate has debug-prints (even when not in debug-mode).
  • Inconveniently Heavy Shield of Strength recipe "lie", say 25% chance to reduce incoming damage by 66%, when in fact it is 50% (as it say on the resulting item).
  • Broach of Upgraded Swiftness recipe lie, referenced the wrong ability (the real broach referenced the correct one!).
  • Many minor spelling mistakes fixed.
  • Lothar Q and W swapped places.
  • Lothar Charge continues to destination, even if target dies.
0.75 has been released. See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!
TLDR: This is a minor version. Biggest change is to Samus Bombs now possible to cast very fast, but increases the mana cost for each cast (with a timer for the manacost to reset).
Bugfixes related to illusions

Up next: Master Chief Plasma Grenade...
0.78 has been released. See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!
TLDR: This is a major version. There are 9 new items (4 "Basic" recipes and 5 "Advanced"), Master Chief has 2 abilities with major changes, Mammoth Tank now has damage-scaling on V2Rocket, several new icons, a few bugfixes.

Up next... We'll see, but the waves need some love and Lothar will probably be tweaked slightly
0.79 has been released. See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!
TLDR: This is a minor version. There are 1 new item, Lothar Slash now always heal, and Leadership doubles it, the healing amount is now stated on the "Learn" text. Lothar footmen should be a bit more durable later and deal a bit more damage. Samus Bomb per-bomb-mana-increase is now 15 and Charge Beam damage has been increased.
Ohh... And the debug-print printing every second has been removed...
0.82 has been released. See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!
TLDR: This is a fairly major version. There are 5 new items (1 "basic" and 4 "advanced"), Darth Vaders have gotten some love (Force Push (now uses Bribe Knockback system!) and Force Lightning has major changes, although more or less same concept as before), Lothar has some tweaks to how he scales with stats, Master Chiefs weapons has been slightly changed (tried to make them more diverse), Samus has some minor quality of life changes (missiles deal no friendly building damage!) and buffs, Mammoth Tank and Khadgar has some very minor changes.
The biggest changes is probably the first boss that have been completely reworked.
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0.85 has been released. See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!
TLDR: This is a fairly moderate version. Terrain for main arena has been reworked, it's bigger than before. Enemies has been changed and added, bosses are now tougher.
Many item-text fixes and a few bugs has been squashed! There were 2 different bugs (that are now squashed!) that could cause you to get stuck on a wave without being able to do anything to continue.
0.86 has been released. See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!
TLDR: This is a minor version. 2 abilities has been reworked (mostly "modernized"), 1 ability bug-fixed, 2 items are bug-fixed and buffed.
All characters now has at least 3 abilities with stat- or health-scaling!
Last edited:
0.88 has been released. See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!
TLDR: There are some fairly big changes in this update. All of Khadgars abilities has been touched, hopefully making him more fun (multiple flame shields active at the same time, able to target castle with it), many buffs to hero-ability scalings, 2 new items.
Changes to waves, bosses and some bug fixes.
Wave 21-29 hopefully feels more varied than before. That is: Less catapults and some other stuff, more actual variation
0.89 has been released. See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!
TLDR: There are some fairly big changes in this update. Most items have been changed in some way.
Most basic (non-combined) items have new icons, names, etc and many combined items have also been updated.
Additionally, few hero changes and enemy changes.
Major performance increases to final boss (that previously had some problems).
0.91 has been released. See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!
TLDR: This is a huge update containing "-save", enabling you to restart from last time you were in town in another session (useful if you die, something bugs out, etc.), color to ALL items for stats, color to ALL abilities for scaling, Boss 2 now has triggered attacks, several bug-fixes, spelling corrections, rephrasing, 2 new "basic recipes", 3 new "advanced recipes", added effects to underused items, few hero balance-changes, added an "outro" making the map feel more "finished" when winning...
0.92 has been released. See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!
TLDR: This is a medium/small update with lots of minor performance improvements, dummy recycling, timer recycling, item changes to hopefully make items that are "less used" be more interesting, as well as few bug fixes and rebalancing.

I really feel like I need a few new images to replace the old ones...
A huge update is incoming soon(tm).
It includes:
  • Major rebalance
    • Waaay less base-damages for heroes, both attacks and abilities
    • All enemies rebalanced to (hopefully) have reasonable power level after this change.
    • Cooldown Reduction
    • Changed ability-scaling to be more clear/direct.
      • Instead of saying "Strength" (meaning Strength + Spell Power) it will say "Spell Power" when meaning Spell Power and Strength when it means Strength...
  • "Special Enemies"
    • Project name: "Diabolical Specials"
      • Yes, it is Diablo-style
    • Few enemies/wave are "special", having one or more random bonus traits.
    • Current traits:
      • Lightning Enhanced
        • Spawns lightning on damage taken, with a small cooldown (currently 0.18 seconds)
        • Damage of lightning increases with waves
      • Size Modified:
        • Giant
          • +hp
          • -move speed
        • Tiny
          • +move speed
          • +attack speed
          • -damage
      • Aura enhanced
        • Have a "warcraft 3 default aura" (one of 5)
      • Enraged
        • Gains +move speed and +attack speed (up to a cap) per attack. When hitting the cap, gain +damage instead.
      • Stone Skin
        • +armor
      • Lucky
        • Has 30% crit-chance to deal 2x damage
        • gives +5g when killed
      • More to come, maybe Stone Skin and Lucky will get reworked to be more interesting...
    • All enemies have some increased hp, armor, damage
  • Updated systems and libraries
  • All items has been touched, although many are similar to before
  • several "minor" quality of life changes and bug fixes.
This will probably not be in a stable state for a while, but I'll probably release it soon anyways... I have played though it recently, but noticed a few major bugs (such as Master Chief Medkit healing 100% when it shouldn't).
A huge update is incoming soon(tm).
It includes:
  • Major rebalance
    • Waaay less base-damages for heroes, both attacks and abilities
    • All enemies rebalanced to (hopefully) have reasonable power level after this change.
    • Cooldown Reduction
    • Changed ability-scaling to be more clear/direct.
      • Instead of saying "Strength" (meaning Strength + Spell Power) it will say "Spell Power" when meaning Spell Power and Strength when it means Strength...
  • "Special Enemies"
    • Project name: "Diabolical Specials"
      • Yes, it is Diablo-style
    • Few enemies/wave are "special", having one or more random bonus traits.
    • Current traits:
      • Lightning Enhanced
        • Spawns lightning on damage taken, with a small cooldown (currently 0.18 seconds)
        • Damage of lightning increases with waves
      • Size Modified:
        • Giant
          • +hp
          • -move speed
        • Tiny
          • +move speed
          • +attack speed
          • -damage
      • Aura enhanced
        • Have a "warcraft 3 default aura" (one of 5)
      • Enraged
        • Gains +move speed and +attack speed (up to a cap) per attack. When hitting the cap, gain +damage instead.
      • Stone Skin
        • +armor
      • Lucky
        • Has 30% crit-chance to deal 2x damage
        • gives +5g when killed
      • More to come, maybe Stone Skin and Lucky will get reworked to be more interesting...
    • All enemies have some increased hp, armor, damage
  • Updated systems and libraries
  • All items has been touched, although many are similar to before
  • several "minor" quality of life changes and bug fixes.
This will probably not be in a stable state for a while, but I'll probably release it soon anyways... I have played though it recently, but noticed a few major bugs (such as Master Chief Medkit healing 100% when it shouldn't).
I released this, along with tons of other changes and bug-fixes.
The change log is tiny because the changes are too many.
Version 0.99 Released!
Last edited:
Version 1.00 Released!
See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!

Not quite the 1.0 I had in mind, but 0.99 had some issues that had to be fixed and my version naming is what it is.
Removed debug prints from Death Knights, some performance increases, waves 20-30 should now be possible to beat, made wave 1-10 slightly harder, increased clarity on a Boss 2 special attack, among other things.
Version 1.01 Released!
See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!

Lowered difficulty on wave 16-27, fixed a few critical bugs to Samus making several abilities pretty worthless as well as buffing Samus, buff to Darth Vaders survivability/sustain, buff to a few items.
Also fixed a few bugs, specially the "drop all items and get removed when you die" bug, caused by having a disabled "Reincarnation" ability.
Version 1.02 Released!
See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!

This is a fairly minor version. 1 new defensive item, adjustments to Ring of Life, Ring of Mana, Ring of Power, Manaflowificator. Replaced New Bonus [vJASS][LUA] system to my own Extendable Bonus System (most of it is available here: Extendable Bonus System).
Version 1.03 Released!
See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!

This version comes with an additional selectable Hero - Hattori Hanzou (Shadow Dancer). This is my take on a "Slippery ninja" that should work well on a castle defence map.

Other than that it's a fairly minor version with some minor wave tweaks (making waves 20-30 easier, yet again), hero mana buffs (all heroes gain +20 base-mana and 0.1 more mana/sec regeneration) to allow more spell casting and system upgrade (Relativistic Missiles [vJASS][LUA][GUI] increased version from 1.7 to 2.6)

Hattori Hanzou - Abilities
  • [Q] Shuriken - Throws 4 shurikens in rapid succession, damaging enemies hit, lowered by each enemy hit down to a cap. Shurikens stick around for 5 seconds after cast (see Ninja Strike). Damage is increased if cast while invisible.
  • [W] Shadow Step - Instantly step to target location, become invisible and heal for a moderate amount, leaving a shadow behind for a short duration. The Shadow also cast your other basic abilities dealing 60% of the original damage)
  • [E] Ninja Strike - Thrust your sword towards target-point, dealing damage to all enemies in a line towards that point and pull all Shurikens towards Hattori Hanzou.
  • [R] Double Strike Assassination - Step out of existence for a short duration, while a shadow strike target-unit dealing damage and amplifying all damage dealt towards the target for a short duration. When the shadows strike is finished, attack the target with a powerful assassination move dealing damage (amplified by the first strike). The shadow lasts for a long duration and works the same as [W] shadow.
  • [D] Shadow Walker (available whenever a shadow is alive, cannot put "ability points" on this ability to improve it).
    Swap place with the shadow with the shortest remaining duration, increasing its duration, restoring a significant amount of its hp and become invisible for a short duration.
Last edited:
Version 1.04 Released!
See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!

This version comes with 2 new items (1 basic, 1 advanced), Darth Vader buffs/bugfixes, minor Hattori buffs, wave 20-30 made easier (yet again) and a brand new Difficulty System!

Difficulty system will be expanded upon in the future, but currently it has:
Easy: Enemies have 80% of their damage and 90% of their hp and heroes start with 1 extra life (ahnk, but takes no inventory space)
Normal: "Standard", 100% dmg and hp
Hard: 133% hp, 110% damage.
Version 1.05 Released!
See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!

This version comes with 7 new items (2 gadgets, 2 basic items, 3 advanced), several item adjustments, 1 new Diabolic Special Trait, Diabolics are now tintend, few enemy gold increases mid/late game, final boss spawns way less dummy units to make it less laggy, and damage scales with boss damage (making it scale with difficulty) and added 2 new difficulties (1 harder and 1 easier)
Version 1.06 Released!
See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!

This is a fairly moderate patch with some item-mechanic changes (specifically healing items and how they interact with AoE or extreme attack-speed), changes to Hattori Hanzou to increased viable build diversity, buffs to many heroes abilities, lowered mana-costs, etc.
Also few enemy changes, including Death Knight whirlwind damage reduction and how frequent it can hit you.
Version 1.07 Released!

See "development log" for event more details!

This is a moderate patch with mostly bug fixes and boss fixes.
Boss 3 is now triggered and have an effect every 4th attack hit on a same unit (stun + damage), boss 1 now always channels when casting skull-arc, Huge Slime no longer spawn more huge slimes instead of the "Big Slime" (causing infinite Huge Slimes).
Bug-fix to Khadgars Amplify Magic (causing him to deal 25% bonus damage per Spell Power, instead of per level in Amplify Magic, for example).
Bug fix to Dark Blade of Soul Reaping, hitting on every attack with cooldown instead of require 4 attacks.
Bug fix on Hattori Hanzou, his stab should no longer pull ALL projectiles (including enemies) to him when stabbing, instead of just his shurikens.

Wave 0-30 is fairly balanced right now imo, 30-40 is still fairly rough...
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Version 1.09 Released!

Now works on 1.31 AND newer patches! (Was an issue with the recommended way of getting Damage Engine to work on 1.31 patch causing issues with newer patches).
2 new items, 1 new enemy-type for the early game, several bug fixes and balance changes.

As always, see "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!
Wow holy moly this is a great map! Thank you for making this :D Will make sure to play with alot of friends.
I have one critique, you should make it possible to play more than 4 hahah
There are a few things (not too many imo) that needs to be adjusted and considered when playing more players.
For example:

Currently, we open another gate per player. Difficulty, exp-gained and gold-gained per player is balanced by spawning more units (and bosses gain more hp).
If I allow more players without changing anything right now, you will be under-leveled and have less gold per player later, possibly making latest levels harder. At least the first few waves will be waaay easier (need some kind of difficulty-scaling on spawned units, I guess), because you have more player to handle the same amount of enemies.
It should be possible to increase the gold-gained and experience-gained through triggers. I already have systems in place to increase HP and damage with the current difficulty system.

btw: please consider rating the map. I currently have exactly 1 ;)
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Level 5
Mar 17, 2015
Ok maybe one thing that is easy to fix, you should make it obvious for people that they can ressurect at the ressurection stones.
I've had a few times where people disconnected because they believed their death was final, hell i did'nt realise it till i had played the map like three or five times.
Also side note, add a hamster hero
Ok maybe one thing that is easy to fix, you should make it obvious for people that they can ressurect at the ressurection stones.
I've had a few times where people disconnected because they believed their death was final, hell i did'nt realise it till i had played the map like three or five times.
Also side note, add a hamster hero
This is very good feedback that is easy to fix, but hard to realize without feedback!
I should be able to do something this weekend
This is very good feedback that is easy to fix, but hard to realize without feedback!
I should be able to do something this weekend
Version 1.10 Released!
See "Change log" for an overview of the changes and "development log" for even more details!

I have tried to make it super clear that you can revive. You now have a wisp that can browse items (but not buy anything) if you die. Also lowered the revive-cost somewhat, specially in the early game.
If you load a "save" (continue from a specific wave with your total gold and exp amount, but you can swap heroes and difficulty), there is now less time to wait before going to marketplace at game start.
I have also began doing some work on making the map less locked to max 4 players.