• Listen to a special audio message from Bill Roper to the Hive Workshop community (Bill is a former Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment, Producer, Designer, Musician, Voice Actor) 🔗Click here to hear his message!
  • Read Evilhog's interview with Gregory Alper, the original composer of the music for WarCraft: Orcs & Humans 🔗Click here to read the full interview.
  • 💡 We're thrilled to announce that our upcoming texturing contest is in the works, and we're eager to hear your suggestions! Please take this opportunity to share your ideas in this theme discussion thread for the Texturing Contest #34!
  • 🏆 Hive's 7th HD Modeling Contest: Icecrown Creature is now open! The frozen wastes of Icecrown are home to some of Azeroth’s most terrifying and resilient creatures. For this contest, your challenge is to design and model a HD 3D monster that embodies the cold, undead, and sinister essence of Icecrown! 📅 Submissions close on April 13, 2025. Don't miss this opportunity to let your creativity shine! Enter now and show us your frozen masterpiece! 🔗 Click here to enter!

Sunwell TD v 1.24

Helheim presents:
Sunwell TD

"The Burning Legion invasion has begun! Demons managed to bind many inhabitants of Azeroth to their will. Now, these victims of mysterious demonic magic are attacking the Sunwell in an attempt to desecrate it and destroy the entire Azeroth forever! Who dares to lead the defense against them?"

White TD remake.
  • 51 Round.
  • 6 Boss rounds.
  • 6 Difficulty levels.
  • Co-op and Survival game modes.
  • A single builder constructs all the towers.
  • The builder assistants unlock new tower types and upgrades.
  • Using the Citadel and Towers abilities in time can save the day.

[Rounds Info]
-aon \ -aoff (Enable\Disable towers abilities auto-cast)
-cam [1000 - 5000]
-cam [Lock\Unlock]
-default (set the camera distance and timer to default)
-hon \ -hoff (Enable\Disable hints)
-timer or -speed [1 - 60] (change the time between rounds)
-sell (orders to sell all towers in the other players' areas).
-let [player color] or [all] (allow the player(s) to build towers in your area)
-forbid [player color] or [all] (disallow the player(s) to build towers in your area)
-kick [player color]
-rank (Show the player(s) ranking progress)
-score (Hide the player(s) ranking progress)

Vinz (Mythic)
Dan van Ohllus (Kuhneghetz) Directive255
Kenathorn, kellym0
Mc !
Talon the Mage
Yours Truly

The Panda
Eldin HawkWing
Marcos DAB
Uncle Fester


v. 1.24:
  • Default spawn timer: 15 sec (up from 10 sec).
  • 40 initial gold (up from 35).
[Bug Fixes]
  • Scoreboard: fixed the boss percentage HP display for a bottom player.
  • Towers: fixed possible AI stuck.
  • Round 30: fixed the priority mark placement for [HARD+] difficulties.
  • Round 30: fixed the Dark Ritual countdown display.
  • Round 30: fixed the Queen of Suffering max HP amount.
  • Round 51: fixed the Ethereal Horror \Vengeful Spirit max HP\MP scaling.
  • Round 51: fixed the Vengeful Spirit not dying when stopping casting the Chains of Darkness.
  • Round 51: fixed the Sargeras Might level display position.
  • Glaive Thrower [lvl 1-5]: bouncing damage loss factor: 0.1 (down from 0.5\0.4\0.3\0.2\0.1).
  • [Round 6]. Troll Warlord: 1K HP (down from 1250 HP).
  • [Round 7]. Troll High Priest: 2K HP (down from 2.5K HP); Ogre Mauler, Gnoll Overseer\ Razormane Chieftain: 2.5K HP (down from 3K HP).
  • [Round 8]. Orc Warlock: 2.5K HP (down from 2750 HP). Centaur Khan and Ogre Lord: 3K HP (down from 3250 HP).
  • [Round 14]. NE Runner\Wildkin: 13.5K HP (down from 15K HP).
  • [Round 19]. Naga Royal Guard\Snap Dragon\Dragon Turtle: 40K HP (down from 45K HP).
  • [Round 26]. Nerubian Queen\Nerubian Spider Lord: 30K HP (down from 35K HP); Crypt Fiend\Nerubian Warrior: 35K HP (down from 40K HP).
  • [Round 27]. Shade\Ghost: 27.5K HP, 27.5K MP (down from 30K HP\MP).
  • [Round 28]. Wraith\Banshee: 30K HP, 30K MP (down from 35K HP\MP).
  • [Round 30] (Doom Lord). Sacrifice: renamed to Dark Ritual; the Queen of Suffering HP no longer counts for the boss HP recovery; the Necrosis (Venom Tower) now affects the boss HP recovery. Eternal Bonds: makes the Master of Pain or Queen of Suffering invulnerable and reduces the movement speed to 150.
  • [Round 51] (Kil’Jaeden). Fel Horror: 1M HP (up from 700K). Ethereal Horror: 400K HP, mana regeneration removed (down from 500K HP, 1K MP\sec). Vengeful Spirit: now it is receptive to Discharge bonus damage and Silence.
v. 1.23:
  • Sunwell Fury: duration was increased to 20 sec (up from 10 sec).
If the player leaves the game, his towers will be turned on.
  • Cannon Tower: Incendiary Bomb damage was increased to 62.5\125\250\500\2000 (up from 50\100\200\400\1600); its duration was increased to 4 sec. (up from 3 sec).
  • [Round 14]. Dryad: 13.5K HP (down from 15K HP).
  • [Round 15]. Mountain Giant\Sea Giant: 23.5K HP (down from 25K HP).
  • [Round 16]. Furbolg Champion\Jungle Stalker: 19.5K HP (down from 20K HP).
  • [Round 17]. Wendigo\ Jungle Stalker: 22K HP (down from 22.5K HP).
  • [Round 18]. Druid of the Claw: 23.5K HP (down from 25K HP). Furbolg Ursa Warrior\ Berserk Wildkin: 27.5K HP (down from 30K HP).
  • [Round 20] (Annihilan). The towers will auto-target the Inferno at [Easy] difficulty.
  • [Round 51] (Kil’Jaeden): The Arcane Towers will auto-dispel the boss’ Blazing Armor at [Easy] and [Medium] difficulty. Rift: 350K HP, 0 Armor (down from 500K HP, 0/5/10/15/20/25 Armor). Vengeful Spirit: 40K HP (down from 50K HP). Infernal Beast: 110K HP (down from 120K HP).
v. 1.22:
[Bug Fixes]
  • Citadel: Time Vortex tooltip fixed.
  • Round 50 (Archimonde): Demonic Persistence should work correctly now.
  • Round 51 (Kil’Jaeden): Fixed the Blade of Sargeras spell cast error; the Sargeras Might levels should be displayed correctly now.
  • Rocket Launcher: some upgrade levels now have the round requirement.
  • Frost Armor\Inner Fire\Chaos Armor: twice less armor bonus.
  • [Round 6]. (Shadow Hunter): the initial MP is set to 0/250/500/750/1000/1250 (was 0/250/500/750/1000/1000/1000).
  • [Round 28]. Lich: Mana Shield power was tied to the game difficulty and changed to 5/6/7/8/9/10 damage per 1 MP (was 10 damage per 1 MP).
  • [Round 51] (Kil’Jaeden): the level of Sargeras Might no longer increases during the Endless Legion and Blade of Sargeras casts.
v. 1.21:
  • Loading screen time optimization.
  • Difficulty options restrictions removed.
  • The score multiboard is shown from the start till the difficulty selection voting is over.
  • Hints: The camera pan removed.
[Bug Fixes]
  • Automatic Cannon: should no longer be stuck at low mana.
  • Cannon Tower [Tier V]: mine planting should no longer cause a CTD.
  • Sigil [Tier IV]: spell spawning should no longer disappear.
  • Piercing Tower & Rocket Launcher: The attacks should no longer be enabled by a mode swap while the tower is turned off.
  • Rocket Launcher: Level 1 construction cancellation should no longer make it unavailable to construct at all.
  • Round 40: Spawnings no longer use their abilities at the exit.
  • Round 40: Dispersion is no longer triggered by tentacle death.
  • Round 40 [Hard+]: Overgrowth no longer increases the spawning’s current HP (only the max HP).
  • Mass Detection: replaced with Reveal. It can be applied anywhere without a CD. Lasts 10 sec (down from 30 sec).
  • Sunwell Fury: the CD resets after victory.
  • Shield Overload: 100% damage reduction if the incoming damage value equals 1 or less.
  • Summon an Ultimate Tower: +50% damage if this tower was already being built.
  • Apothecary\Sorceress\Siege Engineer: price was reduced to 100 gold (down from 250 gold).
  • Twice faster research and upgrades.
  • Towers AI on\off option affects the auto-targeting of [NOVICE] difficulty.
  • Plague\Lightning\Cannon towers upgrade is applied on all lower tiers; the ability levels no longer transfer with the tower ownership change.
  • Acid\Frost\Flame towers: Tier V upgrades added.
  • Alchemy Tower: Transmutation now also affects heroes and bosses.
  • Big Fel Generator: auto-attack enabled.
  • Burning\Frost\Poison Arrows Tower (lvl 2): shards damage increased to 75 (was 20), the tower price was reduced to 50 gold (down from 75 gold).
  • Cannon Tower: now it can change Armor-Piercing shells to Incendiary Bombs (50\100\200\400\1600 splash spell damage). Armor-Piercing shells give +10% attack damage. Mine splash radius increased to 300\350\400\450\500 (up from 250\300\350\400\500); mine activation delay time reduced to 2 sec (down from 10 sec).
  • Chaos Generator and Magic Generator: Splash added (+100).
  • Chaos Prism: after the Prism Focusing hits the 100th level the tower damage permanently increases by +1 for each next attack.
  • Flame Tower: Flame Strike damage was increased to 30\90\270\810\4050 (up from 27.5\82.5\247.5\742.5).
  • Frost Tower (Splash): added diminishing for Deep Freeze.
  • Glaive Thrower: tower limit removed. Reload time was set to 1.2\1.15\1.1\1.05\1.0\0.8 sec (down from 2.0\1.6 sec). Attack damage was set to 50\100\150\200\250\300 (down from 200\400\600\800\1000\1500). Upgrade bonus damage was set to +50 (down from +250). The price was set to 50 gold (down from 100 gold). Glaive missile speed was set to 1400 (down from 2400). Glaive [lvl 6]: 7 bounce targets (was 8), splash damage loss factor was set to 0.1 (up from 0.05). Ensnare ability CD was increased to 200 sec (up from 60 sec), and its CD no longer resets by a tower upgrade; its auto-cast default state now checks the player’s AI status. Ensnare duration is reduced by 1 sec for each 5 Glaive Throwers being built (down to 1 sec).
  • Lightning Tower: can change Discharge (mana burn) to Lightning Jolt splash damage (+100\125\150\175\200).
  • Piercing Tower [Hammer Mode]: Projectile speed increased to 1800\1900\2000\2100\2200 (was 1800), splash radius increased by 10.
  • Plague Tower: Blight damage was set to 125\250\500\1000\4000 (was 75\125\250\500\2000), and its damage interval was set to 1 sec (up from 0.5 sec). Liquid Plague and Blight radius were reduced to 250\300\350\400\450 (down from 250\500\750\1000\1000).
  • Chaos Launcher: Cluster Missiles mode removed.
  • Venom Tower: Neurotoxin cast range is now tied up to the tower range, and is affected by the Chaotic Range upgrade; its cooldown no longer resets by a tower upgrade.
Sigil [Tier III]
  • Gold bonus for creeps with a Sigil spell increased by x4 (was x3).
  • The armor of affected creep sets to 0.
  • Sigil of Defile: icon changed.
  • Sigil of Sorrow: renamed to Sigil of Renewal. Non-hero creeps that are stunned or ensnared become frenzied.
  • Sigil of Curse: increased to -3% attack haste per enemy, up to -75% (was -2%, up to -50%); its duration was increased to 40 sec (up from 20 sec).
Sigil [Tier IV]
  • [Insane] difficulty: extra encounters removed for boss rounds.
  • From now on, the creep will die if it succeeds in casting a Sigil spell.
  • Sigil of Death: icon changed. Renamed to Sigil of Void.
  • Sigil of Spite: now also grants +10 armor.
  • Minimal movement speed increased to 150 (was 130).
  • Frost Armor\Inner Fire: spell CD increased to 15 sec (Rounds 7, 9), 10 sec (Rounds 13, 19), 5 sec (Round 23+); (up from 1 sec). Armor bonus doubled.
  • [Round 3]. Ogre Magi: 90 HP (up from 75 HP); Troll Berserker: 60 HP (up from 50 HP).
  • [Round 4]. Shaman: 300 HP (up from 100 HP); Headhunter and Raider 350 HP (up from 75 HP); the armor type was set to medium.
  • [Round 5]. Kodo Beast and Centaur Impaler: 1.5K HP, 5 armor (up from 550 HP, 1 Armor).
  • [Round 6]. Witch Doctor: 750 HP (up from 500 HP); Troll Warlord: 1250 HP (up from 300 HP).
  • [Round 7]. Troll High Priest: 2.5K HP (up from 1250 HP); Ogre Mauler, Gnoll Overseer\ Razormane Chieftain: 3K HP (up from 1K HP).
  • [Round 8]. Orc Warlock: 2750 HP (up from 1.5K HP). Centaur Khan and Ogre Lord: 3250 HP (up from 1250 HP).
  • [Round 9]. Spirit Walker: 7.5K HP (up from 4K HP). Tauren: 9K HP (up from 4K HP).
  • [Round 11]. Huntress: 10.5K HP (up from 9K HP). Archer: 9K HP (up from 7.5K HP).
  • [Round 12]. The Druid of the Talon: 200 MP (up from 100 MP), Inner Fire (Tier I) spell was added; Furbolg, Warden\Sentinel: 12K HP (up from 9K HP).
  • [Round 13]. Naga Siren\Summoner: 200 MP (up from 100 MP). Naga Myrmidon, Makrura\Murloc: 13.5K HP (up from 10.5K HP).
  • [Round 14]. Dryad, NE Runner\ Wildkin: 15K HP (up from 10.5K HP).
  • [Round 15]. Mountain Giant\ Sea Giant: 25K HP, 50 Armor (up from 22K HP, 20 Armor).
  • [Round 16]. Furbolg Champion\ Jungle Stalker: 20K HP (up from 13.5K HP).
  • [Round 17]. Wendigo\ Jungle Stalker: 22.5K HP (up from 15.5K HP).
  • [Round 18]. Druid of the Claw: 25K HP (up from 20K HP). Furbolg Ursa Warrior\ Berserk Wildkin: 30K HP (up from 18.5K HP).
  • [Round 19]. Naga Royal Guard\Snap Dragon\Dragon Turtle: 45K HP (up from 25K HP).
  • [Round 21]. Acolyte\Spider: 20K HP (up from 12.5K HP). Ghoul: 25K HP (up from 15K HP). +25% magic resistance.
  • [Round 22]. Revenant\Nerubian Webspinner: 25K HP, 12 Armor (up from 16.5K HP, 4 Armor); Arachnathid\Dalarant Mutant: 27.5K HP, 14 Armor (up from 14K HP, 3 Armor).
  • [Round 23]. Revenant: +25% magic resistance, 27.5K HP, 14 Armor (up from 22.5K HP, 5 Armor); Dark Minion, Skeletal Orc Grunt, Burning Archer, Skeletal Marksman: 30K HP, 16 Armor (up from 15.5K HP, 4 Armor).
  • [Round 24]. Necromancer: 14 Armor (up from 6 Armor); Zombie\Deceiver: 27.5K HP, 16 Armor (up from 17K HP, 5 Armor);
  • [Round 25]. Obsidian Statue\Meat Wagon: 50 Armor (up from 20 Armor).
  • [Round 26]. Nerubian Queen\Nerubian Spider Lord: 35K HP, 16 Armor (up from 27.5K, 7 Armor). Crypt Fiend\Nerubian Warrior: 40K HP, 18 Armor (up from 20K HP, 6 Armor);
  • [Round 27]. Revenant: 40K HP, 18 Armor (up from 30K HP, 8 Armor). Shade\Ghost: 30K HP, 30K MP (up from 17.5K HP, 18K MP).
  • [Round 28]. Revenant: 50K HP, 20 Armor (up from 32.5K HP, 10 Armor). Wraith\Banshee: 35K HP, 35K MP (up from 20K HP, 20K MP).
  • [Round 29]. Revenant: 75K HP (up from 35K HP). Abomination\Flesh Golem: 90K HP (up from 50K HP).
  • [Round 4, 8,14,16,18, 24, 26]. Heroes now have MP equal to their HP (Lightning Towers will do bonus damage to them).
  • [Round 26]. Crypt Lord: Spiked Carapace now grants +2 armor each 2 sec (was +1 armor each 2 sec). Satiation: The max level was reduced to 10 (down from 100), but after the 10th level the hero becomes frenzied.
  • [Round 28]. Lich: Dark Ritual distance reduced to 1000 (down from 1500).
  • [Round 44]. Dreadlord: Blood Fiest max level was reduced to 50 (down from 100), but after the 50th level the hero becomes frenzied.
  • [Round 48]. Demon Lord: 10M HP (up from 5M HP); an ultimate ability cast restores the Demon Lord HP to 50% and no longer requires a tower attack to trigger it. Fel Essence bounty was increased to 500 (up from 50). Chaos Warden: 5M HP, 40 Armor (up from 1.5M HP, 20 Armor); splash damage immunity added.
  • The berserk timer was reduced to 140\160\160\180\180\300 sec (down from 160\180\180\240\240\480 sec).
  • [Hard+]: The offensive abilities levels are displayed above the boss.
  • [Round 10] (Gul’dan). Fel Hound: CD time was tied to the game difficulty and changed to 21\20\19\18\17\16 sec. (was 15 sec). Fel Armor: +20% armor, +2% magic resistance each 1 sec (up from +10% armor +1% magic resistance each 0.5 sec). [Hard+] Fel Shard: +1 lvl each 1 sec (was 0.5 sec), the armor bonus was removed; the required Fel Armor lvl threshold was reduced to 10 (down from 25). Rain of Chaos: casts at 20 levels of Fel Shard (down from 50 levels).
  • [Round 20] (Annihilan). Portals Powering: The max level was reduced to 50 (down from 100).
  • [Round 30] (Doom Lord). Health Stone: The max level was set to 10 (down from 100), but after the 10th level, the boss deals x2 damage to the Sunwell Shield. Doom: damages the Sunwell Shield at 20 levels of Doom (down from 30). The Doom level increases once per 0.75 sec (up from 0.5 sec).
  • [Round 40] (Chaos Spawn). The tentacle ability description is shown instead of its name. Dispersion is now affected by Replication (+1 spawning). [Hard+] Overgrowth +1% HP regeneration each 2.5 sec (was +0.1% HP each 0.5 sec). Overgrowth will go to the next random spawning if the previous one got 100% HP recovered; the previous spawning becomes frenzied.
  • [Round 50] (Archimonde). Portal: 5K HP (down from 50K HP); the first summoned portal is invulnerable until it spawns a Shivarra. Chaos Ward: 7.5K HP (down from 30K HP). Phase 1 and 3: added immunity to splash damage for the boss. Fel Essence reward increased to 500\0\500 (up from 100\100\100). [Hard+]: Shivarra's death heals the nearby creeps only on [Insane] difficulty; its radius was reduced to 2000 (down from 4000).
  • [Round 51] (Kil’Jaeden): 100M HP (up from 60\70\80\90\90\90M HP). Infernal Cannon: Chaos Surge threshold reduced to 30% of MP (down from 40%), +50% damage if Infernal Cannon mana was at >90%, and +2% per boss Demonic Persistence level. Shackled Light: the Divine Wrath damage increased by +2% per Demonic Persistence level. Sargeras Might: +1 armor per level. Max level was reduced to 50 (down from 100). Rift destruction increases the Might of Sargeras level by 0/2/4/6/8/10 (was +15, [Hard+] difficulties only).
v. 1.20:
  • 3+ boss kills of [NOVICE] difficulty now unlocks [EASY] and [MEDIUM] difficulty options.
  • 3+ boss kills of [EASY] or [MEDIUM] difficulties now unlock all difficulty options.
  • New commands: –cam lock and -cam unlock.
  • Cannon tower [V]: armor reduction decreased to 30 (was 32).
  • Chaos Prism: Prism Focusing - fixed an error that caused a damage bonus reset at level 100. Bonus damage increases per +2%, up to +200% (was +1%, up to +100%). While at level 100, each shot now recovers 10 mana.
  • Glaive thrower: AoE damage loss factor became 0.5\0.4\0.3\0.2\0.1\0.05 (was 0.5). AoE range increased to 250\300\350\400\500 (up from 200\250\300\350\400). [lvl 6]: Normal\Magic\Siege Glaive damage increased to 1500 (was 1200). Plague\Lightning\Cannon towers upgrade also increases the corresponding Glaive damage by +250. Chaos Glaive damage increased to 2500 (was 1200).
  • Lightning tower [V]: Discharge mana burn increased to 4000 (was 3000).
  • Magic Generator: Perfect auras (Tier IV) range was increased to 50000 (up from 3000) and now covers the whole map (cooperative mode only).
  • Plague Tower [V]: Liquid Plague damage increased to 3000 (was 2000). Blight: armor reduction decreased to 10 (was 13).
  • [Round 38]: +25% magic resistance. Blood Elf Lieutenant\Spellbreaker: max HP was increased by +25k; Magic Defense ability was added (+50% spell resistance; 50% chance of spell deflection in cost of 10% movement speed). Sorceress: max HP and MP was increased by +50k.
  • [Round 44, 47, 49]: Chaos Armor spell CD now depends on difficulty and was set to 6\5\4\3\2\1 sec. (was 1 sec).
  • [Round 50] (Archimonde). [NOVICE]\[EASY] difficulty: 3rd phase removed; the berserk timer reduced to 240 sec.
v. 1.18:
  • Bonus gold coins value was changed to +10\20\30\40\50 gold (from +5\10\25\50\100 gold).
  • The collected bonus gold amount is now displayed correctly.
  • The -sell command no longer works on towers in the Red player’s area.
  • [INSANE]: Torment Soul’s movement speed was reduced by 15%.
  • [Round 6] (Shadow Hunter): Big Bad Voodoo no longer works on flying units.
  • [Round 20] (Annihilan): max distance to Inferno decreased to 1000 (from 2000).
  • [Round 26] (Crypt Lord): Beetle Egg and Carrion Beetle size increased.
  • [Round 51] (Kil’jaeden): Shackled Lights AI auto-targeting fixed.
v. 1.16:
  • Citadel Shield Overload ability was bugged in v.1.15 (instead of reducing Sunwell shield damage by 45% it increased damage by 5500%(!) in cooperative mode, and reduced damage by 40% in survival mode). Now Shield Overload works as intended (-45% damage for 20 sec).
v. 1.15:
  • Multiplayer: only [NOVICE] difficulty is initially available. To unlock the next difficulty level, you must kill any 3 bosses of the previous difficulty level. All difficulty levels are still available for a single-player game.
  • From now on, there is no ranking progress for leaked bosses.
  • Builder: Thunder Bolt CD reduced to 180 sec. (was 300 sec.). Silence CD reduced to 180 sec. (was 300 sec.). Dispel Magic CD reduced to 25 sec. (was 40 sec.).
  • Citadel: Shield Overload ability protection increased to 45% (from 40%); duration increased to 20 sec. (was 10 sec). Sunwell Fury: ability CD reduced to 900 sec. (from 1200 sec.)
  • [Round 36] (Mountain King): Stone Form aura no longer works on flying units.
v 1.14:
  • 200 Fel Essense at the start for any difficulty (was [NOVICE] only).
  • Max. time between rounds decreased to 60 sec. (was 99 sec).
  • The -next command was removed.
  • Lesser creeps' spawn amount was reduced to 8 + 8 (was 9 + 9); their gold bounty increased by 11%.
  • The number of towers is now limited to 100 per player.
  • Alchemy Tower: damage increased to 200 (was 100), reload time increased to 0.8 sec. (was 0.4 sec), projectile speed increased to 2500 (was 1800). Greed ability now also grants a 50% gold bounty for leaked creeps that didn't reach the Sunwell Shield (in co-op mode).
  • Arcane Tower: damage increased to 200 (was 100), reload time increased to 0.8 sec. (was 0.4 sec). Feedback: damage increased to 600\6000 (was 300\3000), mana cost increased to 20 MP (was 10 MP).
  • Automatic Cannon: damage increased by +100%, reload time increased to 0.8 sec. (was 0.4 sec). MP increased to 1000 (was 100). MP regeneration increased to 3.3 MP\sec. (was -0.33 MP\sec.) The tower's price increased to 200 gold per level (from 125 gold). The research price was reduced to 100 gold (from 200 gold). Rapid Fire ability reworked: haste bonus lasts until the mana runs out; Overheat removed (tower will no longer be stunned by exceeding MP limit). AI: turn-on threshold > 99% MP; turn-off threshold < 1% MP. High-velocity projectiles: tooltop fixed. The Cannon towers upgrade is now also applied to Automatic Cannon towers (+25% damage, +25 attack range).
  • Chaos Generator: damage increased to 500 (was 250), reload time increased to 1.0 sec. (was 0.5 sec). Tooltip added.
  • Chaos Prism: damage increased to 4000 (was 1000-3000), reload time increased to 0.4 sec. (was 0.2 sec). Chaos Bolt: damage increased to 2000 (was 1000), mana cost increased to 20 MP (was 10 MP).
  • Flamethrower Tower: damage increased to 150 (was 75), reload time increased to 2.0\1.0\0.67 sec. (was 1.5\0.75\0.5 sec). Flamestrike damage increased by 25%. Fragility duration increased by 25%.
  • Glaive thrower: From now can change its damage type to normal, magic, siege, or chaos (requires a proper builder’s assistant). +100 attack range. +100 of projectile speed each upgrade. Glaive [lvl 5]: +1 bounce target, reload time increased to 1.6 sec. (was 1.56 sec).
  • Magic Generator: damage increased to 250 (was 100-150), reload time increased to 1.0 sec. (was 0.5 sec). New ability: Mana Aura (adds 3\6\12\15 mana regeneration to nearby towers). Tooltip added.
  • Piercing tower [Hammer Mode]: Projectile speed increased to 1800 (was 1500). Stun duration decrease (11-20 towers) was reduced to 0,5%-5% (was 5,5%-27%).
  • [Round 24] (Death Knight): Death Pact no longer works on flying units.
  • [Round 27]: Shade\Ghost max. MP reduced to 17.5K MP (from 18K MP).
  • [Round 36] (Mountain King): Stone Form ability became an aura with a 1750 range (affects organic units only). Avatar Max. HP bonus increased to 100K HP (was 50K HP). Rifleman, Mortar Team, and Wizard Max. HP increased by +10K HP.
  • [Round 46] (Chaos Blademaster): illusions gold bounty removed. Skeletal Orc's armor was reduced to 200 (was 400).
  • [Round 47] spawned Hydra Hatchlings amount was reduced to 2 (was 3), x2 gold bounty increase.
  • [Round 51] (Kil’jaeden): Infernal Cannons’ Chaos Surge threshold reduced to 40% of MP (was 50%).
v 1.13:
  • [NOVICE] difficulty: fixed an error that duplicated [Round 7] bonus.
  • Necromancers [NOVICE]: fixed Raise Dead ability (raised skeletons’ max. HP was set to 0 cause of the error).
  • [Round 51] (Kil’jaeden) [HARD+]: Perfect Armor hidden ability removed (brings back the synergy of different Perfect Towers types for cooperative mode).
v 1.12:
  • [NOVICE] difficulty: +500 gold bonus at [Round 17] and +1000 gold at [Round 27].
  • Builder: [Dispel Magic] ability deal 500 damage to summoned units, CD reduced to 40 sec. (was 60 sec.)
  • Citadel: Big Fel Generator summoning no longer cancels boss-round gold reward for [HARD]\[BRUTAL]\[INSANE] difficulty.
  • Sunwell Fury's damage bonus increased to +100% (was +50%).
  • AI auto-targeting extended for [NOVICE] and partially added for [EASY] difficulty. The enemy units targeted by AI are now marked by an exclamation mark (!).
  • Flamethrower towers: Flamestrike damage increased by 25%.
  • Plague towers - Tier [V] Blight: armor reduction increased to 13 (was 12).
  • Killing an enemy unit wielding Sigils buffs [Tier III] and [Tier IV] gives x3 more gold.
  • Sigil of Curse: weakened to -2% attack haste per enemy, up to -50% (was -4%, up to -100%).
  • Sigil of Decay: duration reduced to 40 sec. (was 60 sec.)
  • Necromancers [EASY]: Raise Dead ability costs half of MP (was 50 MP).
  • Necromancers [Round 22, 24, 26, 29]: raised skeletons’ max. HP reduced by 25K HP; [Round 46]: raised Skeletal Orcs’ max. HP reduced to 2M HP (was 2,5M HP); armor reduced to 400 (was 500).
  • [Round 4] (Farseer) Bracing Howl: HP regeneration reduced to 0,5\1\1,5\2\3\4% (was 1\2\3\4\5\6%). Speed bonus reduced to 5\10\15\20\25\30% (was 20\23\26\29\32\35%).
  • [Round 6] (Shadow Hunter): max. HP reduced by 1000\750\500 Hp for [NOVICE]\ [EASY]\ [MEDIUM] difficulty.
  • Healing Wave power was tied to the game difficulty and changed to 1500\1600\1700\1800\1900\2000 HP restored (was 2250 HP); the number of targets was set to 5\6\7\8\9\10 (was 6).
  • [Round 8] (Tauren Warchief): 25% spell damage resistance passive was removed.
  • Bloodlust can no longer affect this hero at [NOVICE] or [EASY] difficulty.
  • Endurance Aura: movement speed bonus was tied to the game difficulty and changed to + 2\4\6\8\10\12% (was +10%).
  • Totem of Protection: armor bonus reduced to x1\2\4\16\32\64 (was x1\2\4\100\1000\10000); CD increased by 3 sec.
  • Totem of Reincarnation: summoned at 50% HP (was 40% HP)
  • [Round 18] (Keeper of the Grove): Elune's Grace passive was removed.
  • [Round 24] (Death Knight): max. HP reduced by 50K\30K\10K HP for [NOVICE]\[EASY]\[MEDIUM] difficulty. Unholy Aura movement speed bonus was tied to the game difficulty and changed to + 5\10\15\20\25\30% (was +30%).
  • [Round 27]: Shade\Ghost max. HP and MP were reduced to 18K HP\MP (from 21,5 K HP\MP).
  • [Round 28] (Lich): Dark Ritual power was tied to the game difficulty and changed to
  • 50\100\150\200\250\300 % HP and MP restored (was 300% HP and MP); CD increased by 3 sec.
  • Wraith\Banshee max. HP and MP were reduced to 20K HP\MP (from 23K HP\MP).
  • [Round 36] (Mountain King): Avatar HP bonus reduced to 50K HP (was 100K HP).
  • [Round 51] (Kil’jaeden): Chaos Overlords can be no longer resurrected at [NOVICE] or [EASY] difficulty. Resurrection time increased to 10\8.5\7\5.5 sec. (was 8\7\6\5 sec.) for [MEDIUM+] difficulty.
  • Blade of Sargeras: [NOVICE]\[EASY]: damage to the Sunwell reduced to 5 pts. (from 10 pts).
  • Infernal Beast: movement speed reduced to 225 (was 250).
v 1.10:
  • Added game timer buttons and towers’ AI button.
  • Added -sell command for cooperative mode (orders to sell all towers in the other players' areas).
  • Builder assistants training limit removed.
  • Builder’s Focus Attack ability visual was changed to an exclamation mark (!).
  • The default game timer was set to 10 sec. (was 20 sec).
  • Living heroes delay the hero rounds instead of the next round.
  • [HARD+]: Sigil Tier 3 and 4 units elimination is no longer required to start the next round.
  • Automatic cannon: +100% damage if the target is immune to the Critical Hit ability. Rapid Fire AI turns off at 98% of heat (up from 90%). The tower price was reduced to 125 gold per level (from 150 gold). The research price increased to 200 gold (from 150 gold). Perfect Cannons research increases damage by x3 (was x4).
  • Flamethrower tower: Flamestrike damage increased by 10%.
  • +2 lesser creeps spawn.
  • The enemies’ min. movement speed increased to 130 (was 115).
  • +50 enemies movement speed for the Alliance rounds.
  • Sigil of Rage no longer affects flying units.
  • Heroes’ auras no longer affect flying units.
  • [Round 6] (Shadow Hunter) initial MP decreased to 250 for [EASY] and 500 for [MEDIUM] difficulties (was 1000).
  • [Round 8] (Tauren Warchief) Totem of Reincarnation [MEDIUM]: re-summoned with the remaining %HP amount at the hero resurrection moment (was 90% HP).
  • [Round 10] (Gul’dan) Fel Stone: HP reduced to 200 (was 500).
  • [Round 18] (Keeper of the Grove) Tranquility casting time was set to 2 sec. (was 0 sec.) 0,5 sec. invulnerability removed.
  • [Round 26] (Crypt Lord): max. HP reduced to 175000 (was 200000). Scarab Egg: max. HP reduced to 1500 (was 7000). Carrion Beetle: max. Hp reduced to 125000 (was 150000).
  • [Round 28] (Lich) Phylactery [MEDIUM]: re-summoned with the remaining %HP amount at the end of the cast (was 90% HP).
  • [Round 33, 35, 37, 39] Golems HP regeneration removed.
  • [Round 50] (Archimonde): Chaos Ward spawn rate reduced to 2.8 sec. (was 3 sec.) Chaos Shock double-casts fixed. Infernal’s Disturbed Fusion over-damage fixed.
  • [Round 51] (Kil’jaeden): Blazing Armor is no longer applied under Berserk buff or Sigil of Rage buff. [NOVICE]: A tower’s AI now targets the Infernal Cannons. Infernal Beast: max. Hp reduced to 120000 (was 150000).
v 1.09:
  • Weather effects were removed to avoid game crashes.
  • Fixed an error allowed having more than one Perfect research.
  • Camera distance buttons are inactive during cinematics.
  • Some button icon tips added.
  • The number of towers is now limited to 110 per player.
  • New upgrade. Chaotic Range: +1000 attack range for the non-chaotic towers.
  • New upgrade. Chaotic Catalyst: +5% to proc chance for Acid, Alchemy, Frost (AoE), and Flamethrower towers. Fragility is applied even by Frost debuff.
  • Alchemy towers: Greed auto-casts removed. Transmutation aura bonus for sold towers reduced to 10% (was 33%).
  • Cannon towers: Projectile speed now depends on the tower’s tier. Tier [V] armor reduction increased to 32 (was 30).
  • Chaos Generator: attack range increased to 3000 (was 2500). Perfect Lightning research improves Tier III auras by 10% (was 5%).
  • Flamethrower tower casts either Flamestrike or Fragility (not both at the same time). Fragility duration was set to 3\4\5\6 sec. (was 5 sec). If the target has a Deep Freeze debuff – deals 300\900\2400\6000 spell damage (depends on Deep Freeze research level)
  • Glaive thrower: build time reduced to 1 sec. (was 2 sec).
  • Magic Generator: attack range decreased to 2000 (was 2500).
  • Lightning Towers: Projectile speed now depends on the tower’s tier. Tower AI: added inner 2 sec. CD.
  • Plague towers: Projectile speed now depends on the tower’s tier. The attack range increased by 100. Tier [V] Blight: damage increased to 2000 per 0.5 sec. (was 1500 per 0.5 sec.); duration increased to 40 sec. (was 20 sec.); armor reduction decreased to 12 (was 15). Plague damage decreased to 2000 per sec. (was 3000 per sec.).
  • Rocket launcher: Cluster Missiles mode auto-swap disabled after round 49.
  • Slowing\Frost\Poison\Burning arrow towers reload time reduced to 2 sec. (was 3 sec.)
  • Sigil of Portal [INSANE]: fixed an error that caused bosses not to die at the Sunwell after being teleported.
  • Sigil of Rage [INSANE]: cast time increased to 10 sec. (was 5 sec). Harbinger’s max. hp increased to 2K\10K\50K\200K\1M\2M (was 2K\5K\15K\30K\50K\100K).
  • [Round 50] (Archimonde): Infernal’s Disturbed Fusion damage now ignores boss armor. Boss reward decreased to 10K gold (was 20K).
  • [Round 51] (Kil’jaeden): Boss HP\MP rebalanced.
  • [EASY]: 70M base HP\MP (was 60M).
  • [MEDIUM]: 80M base HP\MP (was 60M).
  • [HARD]\[BRUTAL]\[INSANE]: 90M base HP\MP (was 60\70M\80M).
  • Chained Light’s Divine Wrath damage amount decreased to 2.5M (was 4M); damage now ignores boss armor. The required distance to the Unholy Flow decreased to 375 (was 400).
  • Ethereal Horror HP increased to 500000 (was 100000).
  • Infernal Cannon: Chaos Surge damage now ignores boss armor; threshold increased to 50% MP (was 40%).
v 1.08:
  • Fixed scoreboard error if a player leaves before the game starts.
  • Faster tutorial.
  • Some trigger optimization.
  • [CASUAL] difficulty was renamed into [NOVICE] (to avoid confusion with “random”); +200 Fel Essense at the start.
  • Towers AI: added inner 2 sec. CD to the Arcane, Cannon, Glaive, and Plague towers.
  • Big Fel Generator: fixed vertical position of jets and effects on flying targets.
  • Cannon tower [V]: Freezing mine’s Deep Freeze duration reduced to 2.5\5 sec. (was 3\6 sec.)
  • Venom tower: no longer attack flyers. Venom does not slow down enraged enemies.
  • Sigil of death [INSANE] difficulty: now also restores 25% HP of the boss.
  • [Round 30] (Doom Lord): priority mark no longer applied if either Master of Pain or Queen of Suffering is dead.
  • [Round 51] (Kil’jaeden): Boss stats rebalanced. Multiple errors fixed.
  • [NOVICE]\[EASY]\[MEDIUM]: 60M base HP and MP (was 50M).
  • [HARD]: 60M base HP and MP (was 50M). Lethal (x2 damage to the Sunwell).
  • [BRUTAL]: 70M base HP and MP (was 50M). Lethal (x2 damage to the Sunwell).
  • [INSANE]: 80M base HP and MP (was 50M). Lethal (x2 damage to the Sunwell).
  • Blade of Sargeras: [NOVICE]\[EASY]\[MEDIUM]: damage to the Sunwell reduced to 10 (was 20).
  • Chained Light: fixed an error that caused Divine Wrath to do no damage to the boss; damage amount set to 4M (was 7M).
  • Darkbringer: Unholy Flow heals 10000 x [Ab. Lvl] per 0,4 sec. (was 50000 x [Ab. Lvl] per 2 sec). Each 2 sec. [Ab. Lvl] increased by 1+([Ab. Lvl]/(10-[Difficulty])). Unsummoned if too far from the Boss (>5000 range).
  • Eternal Legion minions’ stats got rebalanced: Infernal: 2,5M HP, 20 Armor, 350 movement speed (was 2M HP, 50 Armor, 400 movement speed); Chaos Beast: 1,6M HP, 450 movement speed (was 1M HP, 522 movement speed); Void Aberration: 4M Mp (was 1,5M).
  • Frenzy Aura: HP regeneration removed. Movement speed bonus set to +10\20\30\40\50\60\70\80\90\1000% (was +0\1\2\3\4\5\10\50\100\1000%); quest description added.
  • Fel/Shadow/Chaos affinity: fixed an error that caused the current HP of minions to be kept intact; quest description added.
  • Infernal Cannon: Chaos Surge threshold increased to 40% MP (was 25%).
v 1.06:
  • Added camera distance buttons.
  • Hall of Fame updated.
  • Min. possible time between rounds was reduced to 1 sec. (was 10 sec).
  • Builder: Focus Attacks ability cooldown removed.
  • Citadel: Shield Overload ability duration increased to 10 sec. (was 5 sec).
  • Venom Tower: Neurotoxin cast range increased from 1200 to 1400; its icon changed to default (sleep).
  • [Round 8] (Tauren Warchief) Totem of Reincarnation: HP reduced to 10000 (was 12000).
  • [Round 10] (Gul’dan) Fel Stone: HP reduced to 500 (was 2000). Fel Hound: Fel Bonds added, [HARD+] difficulty: priority mark added.
  • [Round 28] Revenants Frost Armor ability casts fixed.
  • [Round 30] (Doom Lord): Adds priority mark fixed.
  • [Round 46] (Chaos Blademaster) Fel Horde Standard: armor bonus changed to +25\100\500\5000\10000\50000 (was +10000).
  • [Round 51] (Kil’jaeden) [HARD+] difficulty: Eternal Legion ability 2nd cast fixed. The Might of Sargeras level increases by +15 if Rift is destroyed (was +10).
v 1.05:
  • Multiboard no longer maximized each round.
  • Automatic cannon: Critical Hit added (10% chance for x2\x2,5\x3\x3,5\x4 damage).
  • Glaive thrower: Bouncing range increased by 50, target number increased by 1.
  • Piercing tower [5]: also can be upgraded to Plague, Lightning, or Cannon towers up to [Tier III].
  • Plague Tower [V]: Liquid Plague damage increased to 3000\sec. (was 2000\sec.).
  • Rocket launcher: mode auto-swap also applies after upgrades.
  • Venom Tower: added slowing effect (-50%).
  • Frost Armor\Chaos Armor \ Inner Fire bonus reduced to (5*[Stage])*(1+[difficulty]) armor.
  • [Round 8] (Tauren Warchief) Totem of Protection: armor bonus reduced to x1\2\4\100\1000\10000 (was x1\10\100\1000\10000\99999).
  • [Round 10] (Gul’dan): Unholy Shadow’s Fel Aegis armor bonus sets to 5*(1+[difficulty]) (was 50).
  • [Round 50] (Archimonde): towers auto-disable attacks during Fel Vortex and Shadow Vortex also on [EASY] difficulty.
  • [Round 51] (Kil’jaeden): Towers affected by Fel Curse no longer heal Fel Horrors by their attacks.
v 1.04:
  • [CASUAL] mode: +250 gold bonus at [Round 7].
  • Fixed –let/-forbid commands.
  • Fixed add's spawning and abilities spreading at [Round 40].
  • Hints and towera AI are On by default at any difficulty.
  • Automatic cannon: splash removed. +50% damage to medium-armor targets. Rapid Fire AI turns on at 50% of heat (up from 10%). The heat ratio decreased by 10%.
  • Cannon tower:
  • EMP mine AoE increased from 300\400\500\600\800 to 600\650\700\750\800; mana loss increased from 250\750\2250\6750\20250 to 500\1500\3000\7000\27000.
  • Freezing mine damage increased from 250\750\2250\6750\13500 to 500\1500\3000\7000\27000; AoE increased from 200\250\300\400\500 to 250\300\350\400\500.
  • Goblin mine AoE increased from 150\200\250\300\400 to 250\300\350\400\500; [Tier V] damage increased from 54000 to 81000.
  • Lightning tower: Lightning Barrage duration increased by 20%
  • Piercing tower [Hammer Mode]: AoE increases each upgrade (50\60\70\80\90). Bash: AoE added. Damage increased from 20\40\60\80\100 to 50\100\150\200\250. Stun duration decreases if more than 10 Piercing towers are in [Hammer Mode].
  • Plague tower: Blight duration increased by 20%
  • [Round 30] (Doom Lord): Mana Spark casts if playing [MEDIUM] mode or greater.
  • [Round 40] (Chaos Spawn): Disgusting Tumor casts if playing [MEDIUM] mode or greater.
  • [Round 50] (Archimonde): Lightning towers auto-focuses Chaos Wards if playing [CASUAL] mode.
  • [Round 51] (Kil’jaeden): Chaos Rifts HP reduced from 1000000 to 500000. Rifts armor sets to (5*[Difficulty]) (was 20).
v 1.03:
  • Script optimization.
  • Some visual effects removed.
  • Various icons fixed.
  • Frost\Poison\Burning arrow towers can be upgraded to AoE Frost\Acid\Flamethrower towers.
  • Air: Flying height was set to 700.
  • Round 32: +25% magic resistance
  • Round 36: +15000\25000 HP; +25% magic resistance
  • Round 38: +25000 HP
  • Round 45, 49: Gold bounty rebalanced.
  • Round 20, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51: Fel Essence bounty increased.
  • Round 50: +1000 Fel Essence if playing solo\survival mode.
v 1.02:

  • Tutorial: no camera pan if the builder or tower is selected.
  • Builder: Thunder Bolt also deals 100 spell damage. Focus Attacks range was increased to 50000 (from 3000).
  • Towers' auto-cast (by default) and rocket launcher mode auto-swap are also active on [EASY].
  • Alchemy towers' numbers are limited to 1. Greed: +1000 AoE and auto-casts added; fixed auto-cast glitch that causes the game crush! (v 1.01).
  • Arcane tower build time reduced to 2 sec. (was 10 sec.) Feedback hotkey changed to [F] (was [O]).
  • Glaive thrower: bouncing range increased by 50. Glaive throwers' numbers are limited to the number of used summoning stones (food).
  • Big Fel Generator: no AoE damage to the enemies with neurotoxin debuff.
  • Support towers' numbers are limited to1 (until the Sorceress or Chaos Engineer was hired).
  • Necromancers' raised skeletons' armor sets to (Armor\4)x[difficulty].
  • Various enemies' abilities got 6 levels now (their power depends on the difficulty selected).
[Round 50](Archimonde):
  • Portals' numbers are limited to 1 (was 3). Shivarras' numbers are limited to 1 + [difficulty] (was 10).
  • Fel Radiance and Shadow Radiance activates only on [HARD] difficulty or greater.
  • Chaos Ward damage formula was changed to 1000000+(600000x[difficulty]) (from 1500000+(500000x[difficulty]).
  • Chaotic towers auto-disable attacks during Fel Vortex and Shadow Vortex on [CASUAL] difficulty.

Discord: https://discord.gg/uymhy2AShF

Sunwell TD v 1.24 (Map)

Hopefully, the owner is legit. Until anyone claiming rights to the map comes with evidence Approved.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
I'm always up for new TDs! Looks very similar to White TD. I'll post a review after I play it :)
Nice! You're right, that's a remake of White TD. But I've found its mechanics can be too complicated for people (no one reads hints I suspect :confused:2 )
Was forced to add a casual mode with towers auto-casting and even auto-targeting (in certain rounds) and do huge enemys' nerf.


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
Can you provide evidence that you tried contacting the original author(s) before editing/remaking his/her/their work?
Seems advanced and improved enough to be different but they layout is pretty much the same.

Some icons look passive but they are active like the one for upgrading the Poison Tower. You can make them look properly with: Button Manager v1.8.2 Similarly, lots of passive tower ability icons look active instead of passive.
Upgraded towers look the same; could be nice to increase their size or change their colour, something.


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  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

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Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
Can you provide evidence that you tried contacting the original author(s) before editing/remaking his/her/their work?
If you're talking about the original map, White TD - well, then, here I am, the original author. My nick was gg_2_you), but I've lost my e-mail, so I have no access to my old accounts long time ago. What exactly do you need to prove that I'm - me?

Yeah, I have this tool. But you're the first one who complains about icons. For acid (former toxine) tower - it's a first complain back from 2011... But most of the icons you've mentioned are the original WCIII icons, I assume. Is that.. legal?

Upgraded towers look the same
Not exactly the same, the color and scaling are quite different. At least to my eyes... The color changes will require some additional triggers lines. What exact towers types you suggest to resize\recolor? And what is the approximate range of the change step should be?


Map Reviewer
Level 74
Jun 4, 2009
If you're talking about the original map, White TD - well, then, here I am, the original author. My nick was gg_2_you), but I've lost my e-mail, so I have no access to my old accounts long time ago. What exactly do you need to prove that I'm - me?
If you can prove you are that person, your accounts will be merged. Multiaccounting isn't allowed anyway.
Yeah, I have this tool. But you're the first one who complains about icons. For acid (former toxine) tower - it's a first complain back from 2011... But most of the icons you've mentioned are the original WCIII icons, I assume. Is that.. legal?
I'm not saying it's illegal. I'm saying you could polish things if you want to.
Not exactly the same, the color and scaling are quite different. At least to my eyes... The color changes will require some additional triggers lines. What exact towers types you suggest to resize\recolor? And what is the approximate range of the change step should be?
Might be me but the Orc looking tower looks the same to me on every upgrade.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
If you can prove you are that person
So, how one can make such proof? My e-mail was deleted a long time ago. And ofc. I can't remember the password 10 years after. I still have the access to discord and w3reforged.com accounts, but I don't think it can be counted here. Unprotected map file have died back in 2011 with my old HDD.
I'm saying you could polish things if you want to
Yup, I'm into polishing, just asking if editing of blizzard's icons can cause any troubles...
Last edited:
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
I just did a quick check. There's barely anything left to verify that Helheim is the owner. Perhaps if the war3map.wtg file is removed in the uploaded versions but he has the one without protection that could prove ownership?
Like I said, the unprotected map file lost in 2011 when my HDD have died... The only thing that comes into my mind - if someone here have mailed me back in 2011 he could check me via Email owner's name.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
Finally back from vacation.
The new map version is ready. Have fixed mismatching icons and towers color\scale. Have to redo half of the triggers to increase endgame FPS.
Hopefully, the owner is legit.
Ofc I am!
Let's be honest. Noone other than the original creator would spend hundreds of hours on a remake of not the most popular map.
WorldEditor save count... 9031 :eek:2
Last edited:
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
I've got reports about game crashes from those, who play Reforged graphics.
To avoid this, the Red player can type -woff. This command turns off weather effects, which seems to be the game crashing problem...
Please, let me know if this solution has helped you (or not).
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
v 1.09 ready!
  • Have to remove weather at all to stop Reforged graphics crashes.
  • Have to limit towers number by 110 per player to prevent end-game slideshow.
  • Since the number of towers is limited, to compensate for it, I've added 2 new upgrades: double the tower's abilities chance to proc and increase all non-chaos tower's attack range.
  • Various errors were fixed.
P.S: Would be nice to have some feedback about end-game performance, if possible.
Last edited:
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
Great polish - each player has a blood mage siphoning magic from the Sunwell. I hosted on medium difficulty and it was difficult, at least the defeat cinematic was enjoyable to watch.
Oh, thank you!
It seems that micro control necessity is the main obstacle for players here.
I've made it significantly less critical for Novice difficulty, but it appears to do little to help cause people are starting to explore the map with Easy or Medium
Perhaps I may have to nerf Easy and Medium difficulties as well, by towers auto-targeting.
Would be nice to have feedback and suggestions on what should be changed!
Last edited:
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
v 1.10 ready!
  • Added new buttons for towers' Ai and game timer.
  • Removed builder assistants' training limit.
  • Made rounds going faster.
  • +2 lesser creeps spawn for a slight income increase
  • Some siege towers got buffed.
  • Some rounds got balanced\fixed.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
v 1.15 ready!
  • Higher difficulties are locked to avoid first-timer vs. Insane frustrations. 3+ completed boss rounds are required to unlock the next difficulty level.
  • Decreased max. possible time between rounds; decreased player's spells cooldowns.
  • 10% fewer towers, 10% fewer creeps, less towers attack speed, more towers attack damage (should save some FPS).
  • Alchemy Tower's "Greed" now works on leaked creeps in the co-op (should help non-red players to come back).
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
v 1.20 ready!
  • Added -cam lock\unlock function for those who prefer to scroll the camera distance.
  • Defeating 1/2 of Novice difficulty bosses unlocks Easy and Medium difficulty; Easy or Medium unlocks all other options.
  • Glaive and Chaos Prism got buffed; all Perfect Towers upgrades got equal armor penetration (-10).
  • Archimonde's 3rd phase removed for [NOVICE]\[EASY].
Level 2
Jun 17, 2024
Big thx! Was looking for some good TD to play and found this one. It was amazing. Played at normal speed tho ^_^ (not default fast wc3 speed I mean) Otherwise wasnt able to process - bit too low period between waves
Level 14
Mar 4, 2014
I've played this game 10 times in a row, and it got worse each time. The main problem with the game is that you have to build very specific towers in a very specific order, or else you die. I'm not sure I am a fan of this, as it takes away from the game's fun aspect, making it lame to play. I keep dying at random levels just because I didn't build that one specific tower or because I didn't do that specific upgrade at the exact level I needed it. On one level I kill all units just fine, and on the next level, I don't kill any units. What is this? I was playing on easy as well. The furthest I've got is level 20.

Another weird thing, sometimes my towers get a damage debuff right off the bat when I start a game and sometimes they don't get it, very bizarre.

Funniest shit ever, even after I did everything right, I still died at lvl 20, built every tower, made every upgrade, targeted his portals, etc. still couldn't kill the boss, Sorry but this is just bad design, and this is supposed to be on easy mode.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
Thank you for your honest review!
I agree that the map design may be overly complicated in some parts.

However, the building order still has some alternatives. Yup, the Apothecary is the best builder assistant to start with (cause of Alchemy Tower's gold bonus). But aside from that, various builds should work, as long as you have enough slowing and anti-spell casters stuff.
I keep dying at random levels
I assume the non-boss rounds may be difficult due to frost armor /inner fire creeps' buffs.
One can plant a Cannon Tower's EMP mine into the creep caster pack, so their mana and buffs are gone.
Or use the Arcane tower to dispel these buffs.
Or get some upgraded (Tier II-III) Plague Towers and Cannon Towers (Incendiary Bombs mode) - their spell damage ignores the creeps' armor.
Or get a combination of these variants.

I still died at lvl 20
As for Round 20, as far I understand, the trouble was in Inferno that won't let the boss hit points fall below 30%
One can use the Citadel's Silence spell to stop the Inferno's healing spell casts and try to nuke the boss (that silence lasts 30 sec).
Or just kill the Inferno first and then finish the boss.

sometimes my towers get a damage debuff right off the bat
Indeed, each subsequent difficulty level has one of four random creep buffs or tower debuffs. Their purpose is to add some variability and slightly alter the proportions of different tower types.

If you have any suggestions on what specifically needs to be removed/weakened/added/strengthened - please let me know!
Or maybe you could send me a replay, so I can figure out what exactly I have to nerf.

For now, it seems I should make the towers auto-target the Inferno for easy mode as well.