• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

POLL: How did you discover the Hive?

How did you find Hive?

  • Searching for map making help / tutorials

  • Searching for maps / campaigns

  • Recommended by a friend

  • Hive affiliate / partner

  • Searching for custom models / skins / spells etc

  • Facebook / Twitter / YouTube / Discord

  • Map you played linked to Hive / hosted project

  • Other - Explain in post!

  • wc3sear.ch member

  • Mentioned online in WC3 (Clan, Lobby, Loading Screen, In-game, etc)

Results are only viewable after voting.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
This is to help with analytics, to basically get a good view on where our members come from. Also, it's a nice topic to discuss about =)

Threads from a decade ago:
How'd you end up joining?
How did you discover The Hive Workshop?

Hive Affiliate / Partner - Sites like EpicWar.com, TheHelper.net, Back2Warcraft etc that link to Hive. Includes streams that link to us as well.

"Mentioned online in WC3 (Clan, Lobby, In-game, etc)"
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Level 15
Aug 6, 2014
It takes me to about 6 years ago, when I was a kid and also playing war3 that time. One day, i decided to look through the war3 files and stuff and I found the program. The program which changes my life forever, The world editor. I started place units and stuff. After a few months, I reliazed that the other maps have different models so I decided to search for models online and I stumbled into THW. The community and the resources got my first attention and I made THW as my first webpage to viewed every time.

That's the story and that's also why I am still here.
Level 22
Sep 24, 2005
One moment I was on w3csear looking at the custom crypt lord model, then suddenly I was here. I remember I was listening to "G Gundam's opening theme" from youtube that day, on a dial-up(56k) internet connection.
I miss my celeron powered PC *sniff*, and that Assrock AGI interface that fucked me over because my mx4000 couldn't run at 8x speed *sniff*. Oh man, the "tab" feature for browsers was still fresh back then...

Anyway, that was it.
Level 23
Apr 12, 2014
After playing the Frozen Throne campaigns, I became curious of what happened after those events especially what happened to the BE in Outland then I googled for Blood Elf Campaign and found Rise of the Blood Elves then led me to this site. I was fucking amaze about the custom stuffs in the campaign and decided to give it a try to make a campaign too and World Editor journey begun. Lurking on Hive since 2013 and then joined in by 2014.
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Level 19
Jul 2, 2011
I was looking for a site to upload my map on.

At first I was using file planet

still in the end Hive never ever truly accepted my map... so I guess I stayed for................................ Off topics?
Level 24
May 15, 2013
When I was at an hospital (with a powerful free wifi), I searched through the Helper.net after I found World Editor and its awesome custom stuff in maps. I stumbled here in Hive in 2011, I wanted an account, but I have no idea for confirmation emails, well anyway, I kept on downloading maps here and about years later, I was finally a user in here now and till this day.



Level 32
Mar 21, 2016
I had reinstalled WC3 in 2015, for I wanted to play the campaigns in *proper* widescreen. Last time I played them was on a 4:3 CRT monitor when Patch 1.20c was around. I also wanted to check out whatever visual enhancements had been created since then. I was also curious about fan-made 3D campaign screens.

On THW, I probably first discovered @Ujimasa Hojo's resources, soon followed by @oger-lord's animated trees (in the Warcraft 3 HQ thread).
Level 4
Nov 25, 2013
Been wandering around WE for a short period of time. Lost in circles, i seek knowledge and wisdom from the all mighty google and it led me to this sanctuary filled with majestic creatures!
Our ice clan had only a couple of coders and we were looking for systems on hive for quite a good time, from Nestharus/PurgeandFire (just ones I instantly remember) etc, when trying to do some new tricks in game design.
We only had one account back then, @Sapeur-Goblin , ;D , as we were not really interested in the community actually, but only in taking some submissions into our project.

After some time though I wanted to share my first map on hive, and also following people's content and discussing with them, especially about coding, was really interesting, so I created my own account from then on. It's some good fun since then.
Level 4
Jul 26, 2016
StopCampingN00b's strong masculine musk and his unimitable alpha male aura have pulled me into making an account to stalk him. :^)
Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
I searched where I can share my maps (rejected).
Really made me sad. But glad some ultimate users helped me (ironruler, drunk jackal, jay's son), so I decided to stay. Planned to quit because banned, but I cant stop my self from open this website, so now I ended up to share my non warcraft related art. eh wait, this is not "why you here" thread
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
I don't remember how I first heard of it, exactly... However, I remember being huge into the World Editor & playing around, and when I looked for help/downloads (even though I couldn't DL stuff), I always found links to either Wc3C.net or the wc3sear.ch.

I ended up joining both within a few months of each other, but I really only spent time on Wc3C, disdaining the Hive. I still would to this day if it weren't for the fact that Wc3C has become somewhat of a ghost town. The activity (especially the awexome artists & cool Contests) came here, and thus so did I.

*doffs hat*
Level 6
Aug 17, 2016
I found Hive when I met StopCampinGn00b testing out a beta version of Warcraft: Tactical Warfare, and then I joined Clan THW, then StopCampinGn00b introduced me to this strange place that I had never heard of called The Hive Workshop.

: www.hiveworkshop.com
It's pretty cool, and you should check it out!


Spam Moderator
Level 11
Dec 2, 2012
I found out about it in a game lobby. Some guy was talking about Hiveworkshop and when I asked what it was he told me.

I joined when I was looking for Myths: Dianmorr on the internet. I saw a user was developing a remastered version for it and I joined to comment that I supported his efforts.
I did not realize that the project was dead and the thread was closed. :(

Deleted member 219079


Deleted member 219079

8 years ago, was browsing maps on epicwar and saw link at bottom.
Level 4
Jan 14, 2017
About 3 years ago I went to a friend's house to hang out. We played Warcraft III and I found out he used this website to download maps/resources. I had Reign of Chaos back then and there wasn't as many options in the editor (e.g, unable to edit/create spells (even with the trigger editor)), so I didn't play it often.
In the Christmas of 2016 I received The Frozen Throne as a Christmas present (I sound so spoiled). I wanted to create spells so badly, so I created some via the Object Editor. After realizing I didn't have many options in the Object Editor, I opened the Trigger Editor. But I was completely new to the Trigger Editor (I still am not good at it, but hey, I can create nova spells and spells that hit all enemies in an area!), and sadly, it isn't friendly to new trigger creators. I recalled the website my friend used, and found out I could figure out how to use the trigger editor by looking up spell codes, asking on threads, etc. And that's how I found this website!
This is also why I joined so recently.
Level 4
May 12, 2016
A couple of years ago I was looking at some concept art of Warcraft 3 (roc + tht) on google images. Many images of landscapes and maps cought my eye so I visited site of image and found the Hive Workshop. I started looking around the site and realised there was so much more to Warcraft than I thought. I started playing around on the World Editor and now I constantly check in on the Hive.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
wc3sear.ch was my go to place for resources. Then when I became more interested in modding, as opposed to just playing around I made an account on wc3sear.ch (about 3 months or so after first finding it).

I stuck around wc3sear.ch, not really engaging much with the community and mostly just being background - followed the drama on the sideline, with the troubling post from Darky about server space, darky missing, VG stepping up to inform users, Hive helping out, and finally Hive absorbing wc3sear into itself. I don't believe I made an account immediately after that, I think I waited around until I there was no way to use wc3sear anymore and then I created an account on Hive.
What I found was a place with a community that was great to engage with, lots of stuff to do and Hive took up most of my free time. It followed me through my school years, was the deciding factor for my university degree and even now where the new site layout, and my extended absence from it has made things confusing, it still holds a truly unique place in my life that no other site can replicate.

So although wc3sear was the reason I noticed it, I firmly believe that Hiveworkshop found us, changed our lives and I am so glad to see that it is still going strong.
Although every old member missing is a source of sadness. I am glad that I got the chance to enjoy their conversations and humour. Now I have little to no idea what most of them are doing or how they are doing.
- Just hope that they are all well and enjoying life - perhaps still making use of what they learned at Hive.
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Level 3
Jul 8, 2017
Found out about it a long, long time ago when I was in high school and internet cafes were still a thing. It was after the Frozen Throne was released. My friends and I would go every Friday evening to a local internet cafe and play games like Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Aliens vs Predator 2, Soldier of Fortune II Double Helix and - obviously - Warcraft 3. There were some custom TD maps we kept playing and we found out they were from Hive. I kept going around in circles ever since. I re-joined the community recently because I had some free time on my hands and I wanted to try out some of the custom campaigns I never got to play.