• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

POLL: How did you discover the Hive?

How did you find Hive?

  • Searching for map making help / tutorials

  • Searching for maps / campaigns

  • Recommended by a friend

  • Hive affiliate / partner

  • Searching for custom models / skins / spells etc

  • Facebook / Twitter / YouTube / Discord

  • Map you played linked to Hive / hosted project

  • Other - Explain in post!

  • wc3sear.ch member

  • Mentioned online in WC3 (Clan, Lobby, Loading Screen, In-game, etc)

Results are only viewable after voting.
Level 5
Oct 4, 2008
I don't know, it was so long ago. What I find funny though is that one day I decided to start posting here to ask some questions I had about my map, and remembered that I actually made an account here long time ago. Going through my post history, my first two posts were made in 2008 and the third only in 2014. Just some random info.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
I believe it was searching for map making help long, long ago. Holy shit I've been on this site for a decade now.

How do you think I feel when looking back? :smile: But yea, time flies darn fast and while it contains both some amazing events, it does also go to fast. So much I believed to have done by now (when I joined) never happened, and other stuff did.

I don't know, it was so long ago. What I find funny though is that one day I decided to start posting here to ask some questions I had about my map, and remembered that I actually made an account here long time ago. Going through my post history, my first two posts were made in 2008 and the third only in 2014. Just some random info.

Beign a person of few words isn't bad. Just being a passive reader can be helpful. Glad to see that it did catch more interest efter 2014 then :grin:
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
How do you think I feel when looking back? :smile: But yea, time flies darn fast and while it contains both some amazing events, it does also go to fast. So much I believed to have done by now (when I joined) never happened, and other stuff did.
There's so many different maps and other things that I wanted to do since I joined but I never ended up doing. Although I'm happy that I've been involved in the Wacraft III community for as long as I have.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
I was on Hive before it took over wc3sear.ch, beat THAT! My old Clan WCM pal Darkdraak hung around here and brought me over.

;_; I'm so old.

A mighty boast. I was on Hive before it even migrated to the server that would *eventually* merge with Wc3sear.ch (yes, there was a Hive forum before this one). I found it through Warhammer 40K TD back in 2004, which is incidentally how this whole thing got started.

Respect yr elders RDZ.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
A mighty boast. I was on Hive before it even migrated to the server that would *eventually* merge with Wc3sear.ch (yes, there was a Hive forum before this one). I found it through Warhammer 40K TD back in 2004, which is incidentally how this whole thing got started.

Respect yr elders RDZ.

Hehe, yea - A true elder has spoken :grin: (Everytime someone brings up wc3sear.ch I find myself looking back, makes one feel both older and younger at the same time, its a strange feeling).
Level 1
Jan 31, 2019
Well, I guess HiveWorkshop is kind of the universal place to find anything related to Warcraft. So people talk about it in-game and then people eventually get here. :) That was my case, at least.
Level 6
Aug 25, 2019
I was just fiddling about on Google, looking for some new RPG maps. Then I came here. The place looked nice, and the owner is apparently also from Denmark, so naturally that's an automatic seal of approval right there.
Level 24
Feb 28, 2007
So I thought I'd use this thread to write the story of how I remember stumbling upon this place.

A bit of backstory: As a kid (late 90s to early 00s) I liked playing all sorts of RTS games and especially liked ones where there was a map editor included. I dabbled with the BW editor, Wc2 editor, AoE editor etc. Because of this when Wc3 came out and I had already played a bit of the campaigns (I sucked too much to beat most of the missions) and a bit of melee (where I sucked even more and had like 15% win rate) it was natural to try out the included World Editor...

My mind was blown wide open; the possibilities seemed endless, I got to feel like a real game developer working in a 3D engine and could do anything within only the boundaries that were my creativity. This was before finding such fancy things as the object and trigger editors, mind. For me being able to place multiple copies of the pre-defined Thrall unit (in colors other than Red!) was more than enough to satisfy my map-making cravings at the time.
Oh the joy of being 10 again.

My memory fails me and I sadly don't recall many details from the next next years, one thing I do remember was when TFT shipped with the improved object editor capabilities I was once again blown away and remember making a customer necromancer unit with a custom raise dead that spawned a shit load of skeletons. I also remember it was very difficult to figure out how to make a hero unit out of a normal unit, but after 1-2 years me and my brother realized we could just change the model and icon of an already existing hero unit (intelligence 100) - I could finally have my Kel'thuzad necromancer hero unit. Another shit load of skeletons raised.

Mind, what I was doing was not modding or even map-making. At best I was messing with a tool, at worst playing with a digital toy. Going through the historical archives, I have learned that I was the Wc3-modding equivalent of a primitive half-man while others were already writing scripts in Jass and working on maps that are legendary to this day.

Sorry, I am not a writer, I lose track of where I am and ramble. I write like I think (and it's a whole lot of mess that only makes sense if you're me). Let's get back to the point.

So I have been tinkering with the World Editor on and off for a few years, but I knew nothing of modding communities, mpq files or anything of the sort. The demo campaign that shipped with TFT was my only source of how to properly make maps and through tons of copying and pasting I managed to make some sort of cinematics and triggers to go with my epic maps. For one reason or another (I don't quite remember) I was looking for a tutorial online how to do something specific. I don't recall if I ever found what I was looking for but I remember finding the below tutorial from thehelper that I will never forget:
Attachments and Special Effects

Needless to say, I was blown away another time. You can attach one model to another? Wait. I don't care about that. But I Read further. "Importing and Using Custom Models". Custom. Models. I read how to import models, because everybody likes custom models, right? Problem is... I don't have any models and I don't know how to make any. Shame.

By now I realized there was an ocean of information out there and people just like me who liked to use the world editor as well. If only I could 'em I would also find 'em models.

Eventually I stumbled upon a website called wc3sear.ch (maybe this was in 2005-2006?) which had. So. Many. Models. I felt like a fisherman in a sea where nobody had ever fished before me.
Download. Import. Restart WE. Repeat.

I didn't ever register at wc3sear.ch. I don't remember doing so anyway (unless that was needed to download resources, someone else can surely fill that part in). However in february 2007 I finally found my way to THW (possibly through a redirect from wc3sear.ch, alternatively a google search) and registered an account.

It would take another couple of days before my first post, but I actually remember that day. It was just before heading to school. It was finally time to become a part of this community and start contributing to Wc3 modding... Behold my first post:

Needless to say... I Still don't have that really cool ogre skin or model 13 years later. Damn.

Why you read to this point beats me. But thanks for your patience in reading the ramblings of an old man, I suppose.
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Level 10
Aug 31, 2011
Damn, now after reading that post it makes me want to try and remember a bit more on specifics, haha.

Let's see... I think I initially found wc3sear.ch initially by a Google search, something to do with models I think? Maybe I was looking for more maps? Campaigns? I stumbled on a site that mentioned potion item models (The ones by Xazuki probably, these~ PotionOfGreaterHealing ) but it's been far too long for me to actually be certain... Anyways, somewhere on that page it had a link to wc3sear.ch, this would have been 2004 I think? (lines up with when linked model was upped anyway) At the time Day of the Fish was being worked on I think.

Maybe I'm cheating, but I had to use the Wayback Machine to check a few things, and what I remember does seem to line up.

After that I may've encountered Hive before the merging happened? Recall something to do with some Draenei unit models like something related to a Grunt so that would have been 2006/2007 probably.

Aaaand that's all I got so far. Ah well, was fun to reminisce anyway.
Level 3
Aug 25, 2020
I was looking for some maps and it was (and still is) the most popular way of getting them, besides EpicWar of course. Hive obviously seemed like the safer alternative as it put well-done and functional maps into a different category compared to the maps that didn't make much sense. It is also much cleaner given the maps are provided exclusively by their respective authors and updated versions usually replace the old ones so no mess is present, unlike EpicWar.
Level 2
Oct 27, 2021
I accidentally discovered the site when I looked for custom maps to play with my friends. Back in the day we mostly played DOTA but later on we were in "dire need" for something new.
Personally I love RPG games so I tried to find some great RPG map, that's when I found The Sunken City map here (which is 100% badass by the way). Later on I kept lurking in the forum to find maps and some tips for map making.
Just recently bought W3 Reforged (not gonna lie it was a disappointment for me), but I still hope that map makers will keep this game going, though I understand how hard it is given the current state of the game.
Level 4
Apr 7, 2020
People from this site advised to go to Hive
Level 4
Mar 2, 2023
I come to idea to do own campaign in Warcraft 3 Reforged, I did not check is that true but somewhere I did read that editor for Reforged is not available but it should be with 1.35 release, so I did not try anything at that moment. Some days later 1.35 was released. And than I started, as full novice, creating custom campaing is indeed lot of fun but require lot lot things to learn, so I was every moment searching around how to do what I had in mind, so I would say google actually connected me with Hive. I found lot of useful info (actually solved every thing so far successfully), downloaded some models, icons, etc, for days already, but today I decided to register.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
I come to idea to do own campaign in Warcraft 3 Reforged, I did not check is that true but somewhere I did read that editor for Reforged is not available but it should be with 1.35 release, so I did not try anything at that moment. Some days later 1.35 was released. And than I started, as full novice, creating custom campaing is indeed lot of fun but require lot lot things to learn, so I was every moment searching around how to do what I had in mind, so I would say google actually connected me with Hive. I found lot of useful info (actually solved every thing so far successfully), downloaded some models, icons, etc, for days already, but today I decided to register.
Welcome to Hive :smile: Great to hear that we are still getting new people in here. No matter what I personally feel about Reforged, I still happy to hear how it has attracted more people to the joy of modding (be careful, it is quite addictive).
Level 4
Mar 2, 2023
Welcome to Hive :smile: Great to hear that we are still getting new people in here. No matter what I personally feel about Reforged, I still happy to hear how it has attracted more people to the joy of modding (be careful, it is quite addictive).


But what you feel about Reforged? I'm also no fan of new games with fancy things and graphics, but in case of W3 original old graphics was, in my opinion, somehow not that good. Reforged is far from what I would really like to be, but still better for me.

I'm already addicted, and seriously :p . Working on my campaing from early morning today, no less than 8 hours to this moment. It comes as way more fun than play of original game (for me).