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Paired Mapping Contest #2 - Party Style Map

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Level 11
Aug 15, 2004
I tried playing it, and came away with mixed feelings.

Tauren Skiing was a very good idea, but I think the execution could have been better and the camera wasnt bad, but when you place a camera like that it makes the rest of the terrain look very odd if all of it is not well terrained.

Cursed circles is bugged, only 1 circle actually causes death, I tried standing on others and didnt die. It's horribly boring as well because of how long it takes to develop. Though both of those points might have been because of it being single player.

Then the next minigame was some kind of waterfall thing, and the camera work was very nice but it didnt tell me how to play. Heck, I didnt even get possession of any units. So I stopped playing there.

All in all the whole map could use a healthy dose of polish but it's not bad. How many minigames do you have in there?
Level 5
Oct 18, 2007
Dropping out, but not ending?

Well >_>; as much as it saddens me, flam and I have come to the conclusion that theres no way in (insert 4 letter word begining with H thats possibly bannable, hence why I'm not using it and instead writing this very unnecessary waste of time) we're going to finish the project by this deadline. Looks like we're (if anyone actually cares) not dropping the project completely and hope to have a full version out eventually.
Level 3
Aug 18, 2007

Hello. People this is mine and Joelimphi's map fully complete!

Ps We do not know if this can be played multiplayer we dont have bnet access. It should be though!


Spammy and Joelimphi


  • Mini Games.w3x
    732.1 KB · Views: 457
Level 14
Aug 25, 2005
Hello. People this is mine and Joelimphi's map fully complete!

Ps We do not know if this can be played multiplayer we dont have bnet access. It should be though!


Spammy and Joelimphi

The main problem i had with this one is the mini games don't explain how it works you basically have to guess if you're doing it right. That and it gave me a critical error on the very end of the bear run thing.
Level 3
Jan 3, 2007
Trials of Kalimdor

Trials of Kalimdor
Created by Maelstrom_ and The_Twinz

Cenarius is holding the annual Night Elf gathering and warriors from all over Kalimdor are assembling to compete. Battle it out in a variety of mini-games to reign sumpreme!

ToK contains a (almost working) Computer AI

#1 Archer Battle
#2 Battle Ships
#3 Tower Defense (Unfinished)(AI-less)
#4 Huntress Race
#5 Glaive Runner
#6 Ancient Defenders
#7 Coin Grab
#8 Wisp Rescue
#9 Huntress Wars (AI-less)
#10 Exploding Demons (Unfinished)
#11 The Pit
#12 Ball Game (AI-less)

:fp: Map updated with a few quick bug fixes. New version is v1.0b.


  • (10)Trials of Kalimdor v1.0b.w3x
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Played my map with DSG, Cavman, and HINDY. Found a few bugs here and there but overall it's playable.

Not all of the users have been added due to time constraints, but we'll add them when the map is completely finished, don't worry.


  • WhenServersCollide v0.3.w3x
    2 MB · Views: 623
Level 3
Jan 3, 2007
I've updated our map because of something a bit stupid that i did. I left all the player slots filled with computers. XD I also fixed a few minor bugs.

The new version is v1.0b

@The 3 people who downloaded it: Please download it again. :D

Edit: I also added a bit of information.
Level 11
Aug 15, 2004
Okay here it is

Hellscream's Party by Ragingspeedhorn and myself. 11 finished and fun minigames (unanimously agreed upon by random testers on US east and northrend), a fairly funny cinematic, chaos mode to add a twist to each game and more.

This might have a few chinks because raging sent the terrain so late, but I promise if there's anything I'll fix it in the morning. Oh and btw, boundaries might look odd, I added them in very quickly, again will be fixed in the morning.

All I ask is that you play our map, cause I'm sure many of you will vote without playing most of the maps. It is pretty good quality, and we put a lot of effort into it. It is definietely something we will continue on afterwards.

Edit: just a quick edit to include pathing blockers in the ninja game, pretty minor.


  • HellscreamsPartyv1.05bprot.w3x
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When servers Collide,the effect is good,but the gameplay is inexistent,i dont understand the purpose of popping up mini games

Don't they all have popping up minigames?

And the minigames give you extra time and a change in what's going on. It gets boring sitting there with your user for a while, so the minigames make you eager to get back to the main part.

Or something like that at least. :D
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