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Modeling Contest 16 - TANKS

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Well I remember you guys having a conversation - not particularly that the model in game stops and attacks, but the idea of the tank is that it can fire while its moving, and something that stops to attack is a mobile support weapon. Of course unless you make a second animation for like a spell while its moving (would be a complicated map but you could find a way to fire and move) the unit will have to stop to fire.

Of course since your allowing other types of weapons anyways this doesn't matter
Level 5
Sep 5, 2009
Well I am done, so might as well submit it now lol. Some people may know what I took the concept from.
I did not make any of the textures, because otherwise people would complain that they don't seem to fit with the game, like most of my other models. So I just used some WC3 textures.


  • TTDTank.zip
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  • tank1.jpg
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  • tank2.jpg
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Well I am done, so might as well submit it now lol. Some people may know what I took the concept from.
I did not make any of the textures, because otherwise people would complain that they don't seem to fit with the game, like most of my other models. So I just used some WC3 textures.

Ah, a mirage tank. Now it makes more sense. Although most RA2 units make little sense.
Level 30
Sep 2, 2007
WiP of my PASAV (Penguin Armored Siege and Assault Vehicle) - it's kinda simple now but I'm going to add more to it as I go on

I so saw this model coming. I don't even find it close to being original.
Please enter with something that isn't made for the lulz instead of merging a fucking penguin into your model which is, quite frankly, lame.
I so saw this model coming. I don't even find it close to being original.
Please enter with something that isn't made for the lulz instead of merging a fucking penguin into your model which is, quite frankly, lame.

Well sorry I don't have some expensive modeling program to make some extensively complicated tank with secret compartments everywhere.

-Scraps idea
Actually that did take me some time to make as I'm not truly good at modeling at all (First experience UV mapping, not really as hard as I thought It would be) but I figured I'd try this contest as tanks aren't too difficult to make. I'll try to come up with something more creative and chalk up that as practice (I may finish it later just for the point of finishing the penguin tank, but not for the contest)
Level 26
Apr 13, 2008
To devine: you are free to voice your opinion but please do not flame.
To Werewolfthewerewolf: you are free to make any tank within the guidelines, what pyra and devine are trying to say is "it could use some work" Most modelers balk at geomerging once they discover the "enlightened path" that is custom meshes..... sorry, but good luck with your tank

To happycockroach and Infrenus, good wips so far.

It has come to my attention that some people are confused about the "spider-tank" / "mech" differentiation. It is unclear as to whether or not the user(s) in question are genuinely confused or trying to be smartasses,

HOWEVER, I will try to explain this to the best of my abilities.

A mech looks like a tank with humanoid features. A mech is bipedal and has a clearly defined head structure or face, an/or arms

To qualify as a "legged" tank, your submission must have more than 2 legs (you can make it a tripod, 4 legs etc) At no point will a "robotic" or mechanical "head" be allowed.

.... Im not sure what else i could possibly put to define a TANK any more than it already is. Most competent people should have a general understanding of what a tank is. This is a video game modding site, i can only assume that you people have PLAYED OTHER VIDEO GAMES.... like.... video games with TANKS in them.

AS OF THIS POINT: It is the complete responsibility of the contestant to...
1. read the guidelines
3. NOT be a smartass and try to make some "loophole" model
4. NOT question, or insult the rules.... "Them's the rules, get use to 'em"
5. Create a submission

i shall try to clarify in terms of pictures

this is your typical tank, a weapon turret on the top and a chassis(the main body), the mode of movement at the bottom. as you can see, it hugs the ground very low.
This is also a tank, although it may lack a turret. it is still very much a ground based combat vehicle.
this, for the sake of this contest, is also a tank. it has a weapon turret on the top and a chassis. as you can see, with both of them, the bulk of the vehicle is at the lower part, making them stable. 4 leg is stable
this is NOT a tank, it is a walker. it is classified as a walker, mainly, because it walks
This is not a tank. it is fourlegged and stable but it does not hug the ground
this, for the sake of this contest, is a mech. it has an identifiable head, torso and arm structure. It is not a tank

i like to keep it simple. the Grenade test. if it can be knocked off by a grenade, its not a tank. a bicycle is not a tank, a quad is not a tank, a jeep is not a tank. tank is a hunk of metal that will laugh at things like a grenade and small arms fire. if you want a tank that can shrug off a nuke, go ahead. if you want a light tank with very light armour, that can maybe survive a grenade, go ahead. just dont make a golf buggy with guns

as said before, any weapons are allowed
So it has to be a mechanical structure? because i was considering entering with an organic inspired composition... i suppose if i make it look "tanky" enough i shouldn't have to worry.

unfortunately, while we were discussing the exact definition of the theme, any possibility of an organic tank has been ruled out in order to lessen the confusion

not to mention the whole point of this contest was to make it relatively easy. organic stuff are not easy to animate, hence left out in order to level the playing field.

hence why we have such seemingly restrictive theme. so everyone gets a fair go, not just the people who can animate tentacles, arms and what not beautifully.
Level 15
Jan 25, 2008
unfortunately, while we were discussing the exact definition of the theme, any possibility of an organic tank has been ruled out in order to lessen the confusion

not to mention the whole point of this contest was to make it relatively easy. organic stuff are not easy to animate, hence left out in order to level the playing field.

hence why we have such seemingly restrictive theme. so everyone gets a fair go, not just the people who can animate tentacles, arms and what not beautifully.

oh ok fair enough, i understand the point now, sorry about the confusion. That being the case i'll stick by my earlier comment that i'm not really suited for this contest, but look forward to everyone else's entries! Thanks pyra and anarchain
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Wip time. Currently, it is at 500 polies. BUT it is only the turret.

And guys, I think we have harassed anarchianbedlam enough. Me included. Just make a tank. By tank, I mean treads and a big gun. You know, a tank. :D

shit, that's really awsome :p
Anyway here is a realllllyyyyyy smal wip, so far, only the wheels (the star on the wheels came out, when I experimented with the wrap :p)


  • War3ModelEditor 2010-03-02 14-24-45-99.JPG
    War3ModelEditor 2010-03-02 14-24-45-99.JPG
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Level 31
Apr 17, 2009
I'm in!!

Well, I decided to make something special, something that fits also Warcraft 3.
So I ended up with a Demon Tank.
Thanks to Amigurumi who inspired me with his Demon Doodads.
Has 684 polies, uses only ingame textures.
Animations will follow.


  • wipTANK.jpg
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  • DemonTank.mdl
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