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Chaos TD V 3.3

Chaos TD V 3.3
By Polardude

( Story )

Once upon a time, in this mystical kingdom there live a wizard named Cyrus.
Known for possessed extraordinary magical abilities.
One fateful day, Cyrus stumbled upon the legendary Lord Stone, a powerful artifact said to hold immense magical energy.
Intrigued by its potential, the wizard hatched a plan to harness the stone's power for his own purposes.
he decided to cast a spell to infuse the Lord Stone with his wild magic.
Suddenly, the stone split open, revealing a dazzling array of vibrant colors.
The air crackled with energy as magical portals burst forth from the stone's shattered core. Each portal glowed.
Through the portals, creatures from other dimensions emerged.
he now call on you to defent the mystical kingdom.

( Gameplay )

Welcome to the ultimate gaming challenge! Prepare for an adrenaline-pumping adventure on this map where you control a Random Skin Single Builder.
Whether you choose to face it alone or team up with friends, be ready for a tough battle ahead.
As the builder, you'll construct Town Center and random towers that transform these towers into even more powerful structures with surprising abilities. Embrace the unpredictability
At the heart of the map lies the vital the Lord Stone. Protect it at all costs. as it's the key to your success.
Face waves of formidable foes, and strategically position your towers to defend the Lord Stone effectively.
Remember, the challenge is real, and victory won't come easy.
Sharpen your skills, adapt on the fly, and conquer this intense map with your wit and teamwork. Are you up for the test?
Let the battle begin!

( summary )
• Random skin for builder
• Random towers
• Alone or team
• All towers are constructed by a single builder
• most of the towers have abilities
• Last level damage Tester
• boss level got aura.
Reduces 20% damage to boss from towers


Player red pick Difficulty
• Easy 40% Health
• Medium 80% Health + 8 armor + 12% movement speed
• Hard 120% Health + 16 armor + 24% movement speed
• Extreme 160% Health + 24 armor + 36% movement speed
• Godmode 200% Health + 32 armor + 44% movement speed


• Wave units has a 14.29% chance to drop items
• Wave units only drop one item per unit has hig chance of gold and low chance of lumber and low chance of low items
• Wave units gold drop from 2 to 40 gold and lumber drop only 1
• Wave boss units has 25 % chance to drop items
• Wave boss units drop 3 items gold + lumber and one hig item
• Wave boss units gold drop from 100 to 400 gold and lumber drop from 1 to 4

Thanks to

( Credit to all this people )

models and icons by -

stan0033 - NemoVonFish -
PrinceYaser - Jampacked11 -
HateCrew - kangyun -
Windrunner29 - BLazeKraze -
Darkfang - Antares A -
Ilya Alaric - Skypsi
Null - BlizzardEntertainment -
MartilloSalvaje - Golden-Drake
The Panda - Tauer - NFWar
Rhapsodie - Tranquil
johnwar - r.ace613
zbc - Sapprine
Moy - Tamerleine
Ilya Alaric - Lefroit
Daelin - b17rider
HerrDave - Praytic
4eNNightmare - Racorclaw X
8512590215848 - Stefan.K
oddsocks - strikers30
JesusHipster - Marcos DAB
Mc ! - Marenko
KILLCIDE - Mr.Goblin
Scias - Kuhneghetz
s4nji - Xlainvous
Lordan12 - Direfury
ByunJa - Explobomb
HappyCockroach - Sunreaver
Darky99 - Murlocologist
Villagerino - -Berz-
Sarsaparilla - Kacpa2
Gnuoy - Mustang
morbent - General Frank
M0rbid - kellym0
Sellenisko - Vinz
Arch-archdemon - MadMax
frostwhisper - Naze
Kacpa2 - scince
aki15 - Val_09
Illidan(Evil)X - Shimrra
Villagerino - Gluma
L_Lawliet - Archangel_Tidusx
FerSZ - Aldeia
Mullar - Dark Destiny

Damage Engine and Vote Kick System by -


ui by-

Avatars Lord.


v 1.7 is now Ready!

• fixet gor tower so it can be upgrade to level 4
• fix some regions

v 1.8 is now Ready!

• fixed spece elite Abilitie
• fixed descriptions on some towers when you upgrade a tower
• Abilitie Fire Rain has been set up to 80 damage per second
• add 4 new towers
v 1.9 is now Ready!

• add so you now see the Health of The Lord Stone on the boarad
v 2.1 is now Ready!

• fixed Firelord description
• add Holy Light icon in the Multiboard to show the Players who have it and if it has been used
v 2.2 is now Ready!

• add the new update Portals models thanks to @stan0033 update
• add Difficulty`s to the map and has been add to board. player red picks Difficulty ( a lot of players have ask for it )
• edit trigger, quest log and (Levels Ability) descriptions
• Evasion Waves has been sat up to 32 % percent chance to avoid an attack
• add vote kick command -kick (color) 3 players is need to kick. (example -kick blue)
• edit tower and abilitys range descriptions and bettter show what the tower and the Ability range are.
• fixed descriptions on towers and Abilitys so it now says Ability
• last level movement speed has been up by 10
• King midas Ability golden touch has been sat down to 15 seconds
• fixed Chaos Lord Range indicator
• low attack speed a bit on Gor tower
• gave Blood Mage new projectile art
• made a new loadingscreen and fixed description
• fixed Malfurion Range indicator
v 2.6 is now Ready!

• fixed Spellbreaker level 4 so it got level 4 aura
• fixed when you buy lumber it now say 250 insted of 300
• add new Vote Kick System Thanks to @Uncle
• fixed so it says Extreme
v 2.7 is now Ready!

• movet porteals a bit and edit some region so when a player lave or gets kicket it dont remove units in other players zone
• add when when ther is a votekick Multiboard now say Kicked
• fixed descriptions on sharman and bload mage on Abilitys from Used on the Tower to Used on the Towers that the Abilitys are use on more then one tower
• add 2 new towers to tier 1
• fixed so it no long spam dps per sec when the last one die
• edit so it now says on Multiboard when a player leave insted of gone is now has left the game.
• add last level movement speed by 10 more
v 2.8 is now Ready!

• had forgot to add upgrads to one of the new towers
• fixed so both the new towers can use skill
v 2.9 is now Ready!

• edit when a player leave it now says. has left
• low xp need for levels on hero by 100 xp per level
• fixed description on Frost dragon tower and the Ability for it
• fixed description on Ogre tower and the Ability for it
• edit gor tower so is a bit slower
• fixed description on Bat Rider
• edit gors Ability low the chance % and low the stun on level 4 to 2 seconds
• fixed description on Upgrade to level 4 gor tower
• add in buildings where you can see all the different towers you can get
• fixed description on Lich king tower
• fixed description on Sea Witch tower
• give more dmg to Fire mage hero tower Ability
• give more dmg to Dragon Queen hero tower Ability
• give a bit more dmg to Grim Reaper hero tower Ability
• give Difficulty a more + armor and a bit more movement speed
• Wave units now gives a bit more gold when killed
• fixed description on Ogretower and the Ability for it
• heros can now get items
• add a Marketplace to builder where you can but items for the hero
• add Wave units has a 14.29% chance to drop items but only one item per unit has hig chance of gold and low chance of lumber and low chance of low items
• add Wave boss units has 25 % chance to drop items they well drop 3 items gold + lumber and one hig item
• you can now build close to mid
• add blink to builders
• hero tower cose a bit more gold
v 3.0 is now Ready!

• had to fix 4 items
• had forgot to add Marketplace to builders where you can buy items for heros
v 3.1 is now Ready!

:( there was a bug that Marketplace give you food so you can build more heros but is fixed now
v 3.2 is now Ready!

• fixed bug so you cant Upgrade Battleship level 4 to the bulding that shows heros
• fixed 2 items . Mantle of Intelligence so it now gives + 50 and cooldown on Slippers of Agility in the shop
v 3.3 is now Ready!

• add to mapinfo (f9) so you can see items drop chance
• add display text when the loard stone is getting attackt and the health left:
• thanks to feedback from @MindWorX

Map Description Generator 「By Vengeancekael」

Chaos TD V 3.3 (Map)

A nice TD that could use a bit more stuff to do than a few upgrades and tower building, like, for instance the hero tower could have an inventory to put items in. Looks a bit weird that some towers have hero glow and others don't. Approved. If you...
Level 11
Nov 13, 2010
v 1.7 is now Ready!

• fixet gor tower so it can be upgrade to level 4
• fix some regions

v 1.8 is now Ready!

• fixed spece elite Abilitie
• fixed descriptions on some towers when you upgrade a tower
• Abilitie Fire Rain has been set up to 80 damage per second
• add 4 new towers
v 1.9 is now Ready!

• add so you now see the Health of The Lord Stone on the boarad
Last edited:
Level 8
Jun 26, 2014
Nice TD, i played it with some random Players in Reforged and they like it.
"This map is kinda basic and easy but well done."

For a future version, I recomend you to put the Holy Light icon in the Multiboard, to show the Players who havent' casted that Spell, and when someone casts it, change the Icon by the BTNCancel.blp or the actual Icon of Orc Building.

Greetings :peasant-cheers:
Level 11
Nov 13, 2010
Nice TD, i played it with some random Players in Reforged and they like it.
"This map is kinda basic and easy but well done."

For a future version, I recomend you to put the Holy Light icon in the Multiboard, to show the Players who havent' casted that Spell, and when someone casts it, change the Icon by the BTNCancel.blp or the actual Icon of Orc Building.

Greetings :peasant-cheers:
hey thanks for liking the map and trying it out thanks for the rating and the feedback it is not a bad ider i think i well add that to the multiboard

v 2.1 is now Ready!

• fixed Firelord description
• add Holy Light icon in the Multiboard to show the Players who have it and if it has been used
Last edited:
Level 11
Nov 13, 2010
v 2.2 is now Ready!

• add the new update Portals models thanks to @stan0033 update
• add Difficulty`s to the map and has been add to board. player red picks Difficulty ( a lot of players have ask for it )
• edit trigger, quest log and (Levels Ability) descriptions
• Evasion Waves has been sat up to 32 % percent chance to avoid an attack
• add vote kick command -kick (color) 3 players is need to kick. (example -kick blue)
• edit tower and abilitys range descriptions and bettter show what the tower and the Ability range are.
• fixed descriptions on towers and Abilitys so it now says Ability
• last level movement speed has been up by 10
• King midas Ability golden touch has been sat down to 15 seconds
• fixed Chaos Lord Range indicator
• low attack speed a bit on Gor tower
• gave Blood Mage new projectile art
• made a new loadingscreen and fixed description
• fixed Malfurion Range indicator
v 2.6 is now Ready!

• fixed Spellbreaker level 4 so it got level 4 aura
• fixed when you buy lumber it now say 250 insted of 300
• add new Vote Kick System Thanks to @Uncle
• fixed so it says Extreme
v 2.7 is now Ready!

• movet porteals a bit and edit some region so when a player lave or gets kicket it dont remove units in other players zone
• add when when ther is a votekick Multiboard now say Kicked
• fixed descriptions on sharman and bload mage on Abilitys from Used on the Tower to Used on the Towers that the Abilitys are use on more then one tower
• add 2 new towers to tier 1
• fixed so it no long spam dps per sec when the last one die
• edit so it now says on Multiboard when a player leave insted of gone is now has left the game.
• add last level movement speed by 10 more
v 2.8 is now Ready!

• had forgot to add upgrads to one of the new towers
• fixed so both the new towers can use skill

iam sorry about that !
Last edited:


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
A nice TD that could use a bit more stuff to do than a few upgrades and tower building, like, for instance the hero tower could have an inventory to put items in.
Looks a bit weird that some towers have hero glow and others don't.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
Level 11
Nov 13, 2010
A nice TD that could use a bit more stuff to do than a few upgrades and tower building, like, for instance the hero tower could have an inventory to put items in.
Looks a bit weird that some towers have hero glow and others don't.


If you want more reviews, you should participate in the The Grand Review Exchange!


Site Rules
Map Submission Rules

M A P - D E S C R I P T I O N
BB Codes | HIVE

Description Guide - Melee Maps
Describing Your Melee Map
Melee Map Description Generator v1.3

The importance of a Description
Description Guide - Maps
Map Thread Guide
Map Description Making: Good & Bad
Map Description - Templates
Map Description Generator [1.2]

How to Add a Screenshot to your Map Description

  • A credits list in the map thread description is required where the names of the resource (models, skins, icons, spells, sound etc.) authors are mentioned along with the specific resource. It would be a luxury to have links leading to the used resources. Credits in the Quest Log would be appreciated too.
  • A detailed changelog in the first post would be helpful to reviewers and notify fans about the newest implementations to your map.
  • Map thread tags are important. Please use those that fit and not more or none.

M A P - C R E A T I O N - G U I D E S

If you're not satisfied with the review and wish another opinion, contact the other reviewers or use the staff contact:
thanks for the Approved. and is funny you say about items for hero. cus is a update iam working atm as same ass adding in some buildings so you can se what towers you can get :D but thanks for the rating and the feedback as well
Level 11
Nov 13, 2010
v 2.9 is now Ready!

• edit when a player leave it now says. has left
• low xp need for levels on hero by 100 xp per level
• fixed description on Frost dragon tower and the Ability for it
• fixed description on Ogre tower and the Ability for it
• edit gor tower so is a bit slower
• fixed description on Bat Rider
• edit gors Ability low the chance % and low the stun on level 4 to 2 seconds
• fixed description on Upgrade to level 4 gor tower
• add in buildings where you can see all the different towers you can get
• fixed description on Lich king tower
• fixed description on Sea Witch tower
• give more dmg to Fire mage hero tower Ability
• give more dmg to Dragon Queen hero tower Ability
• give a bit more dmg to Grim Reaper hero tower Ability
• give Difficulty a more + armor and a bit more movement speed
• Wave units now gives a bit more gold when killed
• fixed description on Ogretower and the Ability for it
• heros can now get items
• add a Marketplace to builder where you can but items for the hero
• add Wave units has a 14.29% chance to drop items but only one item per unit has hig chance of gold and low chance of lumber and low chance of low items
• add Wave boss units has 25 % chance to drop items they well drop 3 items gold + lumber and one hig item
• you can now build close to mid
• add blink to builders
• hero tower cose a bit more gold
v 3.0 is now Ready!

• had to fix 4 items
• had forgot to add Marketplace to builders where you can buy items for heros
v 3.1 is now Ready!

:( there was a bug that Marketplace give you food so you can build more heros but is fixed now
v 3.2 is now Ready!

• fixed bug so you cant Upgrade Battleship level 4 to the bulding that shows heros
• fixed 2 items . Mantle of Intelligence so it now gives + 50 and cooldown on Slippers of Agility in the shop
Last edited:
Level 2
Oct 9, 2020
Thanks for the good map. Assassin still useless, so always sold. No more hero at 2nd wave, not cool, just frustrating for nothing. Tons of items lost near stone, unreachable. But #1 top thing we need please: A very clear way to know when stone is attacked. Top right health bar is completely useless so we need something else. I can't count the games where we lose at level X without even knowing why, it's really bad. Maybe make it behave like a team unit that's being attacked? We need to know man.
Level 11
Nov 13, 2010
Thanks for the good map. Assassin still useless, so always sold. No more hero at 2nd wave, not cool, just frustrating for nothing. Tons of items lost near stone, unreachable. But #1 top thing we need please: A very clear way to know when stone is attacked. Top right health bar is completely useless so we need something else. I can't count the games where we lose at level X without even knowing why, it's really bad. Maybe make it behave like a team unit that's being attacked? We need to know man.
Thanks for liking the map and the feedback. you can still get the hero ad 2 / 3 wave if you use the builder to kill some of the units.
the items lost near the load stone is mean to be unreachable cus there is some regeons close to the mid from all the players and i can not make them close with out you gettte to go over to other players zone and i don't want that.
i can make a ingame text say the % of the stone when is getting attack.

v 3.3 is now Ready!

• add to mapinfo (f9) so you can see items drop chance
• add display text when the loard stone is getting attackt and the health left:
• thanks to feedback from @MindWorX
Last edited: