Naxxramas [3.3]


The Last Stand

Years ago, the crypt lord Anub'arak sent his army of undead to the
ancient Nerubian ziggurat now known as Naxxramas. Scourge forces
captured the fortress and on the orders of the Lich King turned it into
a powerful weapon of war. Dark magic lift castle from the ground to the
sky, where Naxxramas, shrouded by clouds, preparing for war, and then
the will of the Lich King unleashed all evil sharpened it on Azeroth.
Brave heroes have broken into the citadel, but until complete victory
is still far.



Under the control of Naxxramas are 4 Obelisk of necromancers,
that spread the plague on the surrounding land. Plague
suppresses the effect of Naxxramas enemies, reducing their health
by 30%, and turns them into Skeletons Servants after death.


Skeleton Servants

With the death of Naxxramas enemies infected with plague, they rise
up as a skeleton minions: warriors, mages or archers. The heroes rise
up as a more powerful Skeleton-Brutus. Over time, Naxxramas
necromancers can strengthen Skeleton Servants.


• 5 Player (4 vs 1)
• 2 Shops
• 2 Laboratories
• 4 Obelisk of Corruption
• 4 Fountains of Life
• 2 Taverns
• 2 Portals
• 6 Expansion mines
• 6 Green creep camps
• 16 Orange creep camps
• 4 Red creep camps



• Upload on Hiveworkshop

• Added more decorations
• Added more neutral creatures
• Added more replicas to Shadow of Naxxramas
• Removed some terrain obstacles for Naxxramas Defender
• Restore one forgotten green creep camp
• Fixed some errors in text
• Now, creatures that can't be resurrected, dont turn into the dark servants. (For example Wisps)

• Added indicators of Scourge Populations and Plague Victims
• Greatly optimized map weight (from 11 MB to 5 MB)
• Portals work correctly
• Improved Scourge behavior

• Now when archers become a Hippogriff Riders (and conversely) skeletons are not spawn. (Thanks for reporting the bug to Arrr)

• Description of the quest "Plague". (Thanks for reporting the bug to Whitefang)
• Music theme was changed. Hope it will be better. (Thanks for reporting about bad sounding to Wrath Bringer)

• Now enemy of Naxxramas start with basic 80% Handicap.
• Added two Gates (Left and Right), that automaticaly open after 60 seconds.
• For each destroyed Obelisk you get 400 gold and 200 Lumber and 200 gold and 100 Lumber for your team.
• When somebody destroy one of Obelisks, the Heroes can say something about that.
• Naxxramas start a game with additional 300 Gold and 150 Lumber.
• Now "Plague" do not dealt any damage.
• Skeleton get additional HP.
• Now, Obelisks can not be controled - they are allyed to you.
• Now, Heroes killed by Naxxramas will spawn Skeleton Brute - powerful skeleton with Armor Aura and Bash.
• Some terrain changes, more blight in the city and on a roads.
• Now, Naxxramas is protected by a small skeleton army at the start, near every Obelisks (You can not control them). Also added 2 Spirit Towers to Naxxramas base.
• After defeat Naxxramas stop to talk.
• AI now work correctly.

• Upgrades for Skeleton Servants and new starting building for Naxxramas - Plagueworks.
• Basic Undead upgrades (Attack and Armor) also upgrade Skeleton Servants.
• New decorations.
• Gates open after 5 minutes from game start.
• New loading screen.
• Food limit for Naxxramas player - 300.
• A lot of smal bugs.

• Reduced Skeleton Servants path size.
• Armor type of Skeletons changed from Heavy to Medium.
• Armor type of Skeleton Mages changed from Light to Unarmored.
• Armor type of Skeleton Archers changed from Medium to Light.
• All Skeleton Servants have negative HP regeneration (such as Phoenix have).
• Some bugs in description.


• Significant graphics upgrade.
• New useful multiboard.
• More Naxxramas guardians around Obelisks of Corruption.
• Gates position changed.
• New music theme.


• New AI behavior.
• Multiboards bug fixes.
• Additional target to enemies of Naxxramas - destroy all Obelisks of Corruption.
• Naxxramas Heroes can use Scroll of Teleportation on Obelisks of Corruption.
• Increased enemies of Naxxramas Handicap from 20% to 30%.
• When all Obelisks of Corruption are destroyed, all Skeletons gets 60 second lifespan and then dies.
• Obelisks of Corruptions damage increased by 20.

• Win issues.
• Bug with Skeletons reviving.

• Portals works correctly.

• New upgrade that increase attack damage of Obelisks of Corruption.
• Leader system - First Naxxramas Hero have unique passive bonus:

KEL'THUZAD, LICH - Frostwyrm Lair
Improves Frost Wyrms increasing their defense by 2,
removing the requirement of the Sacrificial Pit and
reducing requirement level of Naxxramas from
Black Citadel to Hall of the Dead.

ANUB'ARAK - Underground Lord
Improves the Crypt Lord, allowing him to burrow into the
ground, becoming invisible and get additional health
regeneration. In addition, it reduces all damage taken by
burrowed units by 40% and also allows to increase the
attack power and armor of Carrion Scarabs with "Creature Attack"
and "Creature Carapace" upgrades.

VARITAMAS - Black Swarm
Improves Gargoyles, allowing them to attack up to 4 ground
enemies at a time, and also improves the "Stone Form" ability,
allowing to dealt 30 damage and stun all enemies around for 2 seconds
when turning into a stone statue.

BARON RIVENDARE - Mutating Plague
Improves Ghouls, allowing them to mutate into Abominations.
In addition increase the damage from the ''Plague Cloud'' by 100%
and reduces received healing of infected enemies by 45%.

• Splash size of Obelisks of Corruption attacks increased.
• New model for Obelisks of Corruption.

• Quest Log updated.

• Now, Naxxramas (Main Building) is invulnerable until all 4 Obelisks of Corruption will be destroyed.
• Now "Undeground Lord" ability also remove amount limits from "Carion Scarabs" ability.
• Increased bonus damage gained from upgrades for Obelisks of Corruption.
• Win issues bug.

• Some creep camps changed.
• Fog reworked.
• New critters.
• Added some hills and height changes to terrain.

• New Naxxrams Leader ability - Order:
On Ground: force all Skeleton Servants to move in target locatioin, attacking all enemies on a way.
On Enemy: force all Skeleton Servants to chase and attack target enemy.
On Ally: force all Skeleton Servants to follow target ally and repeat all his actions.

• New Handicap system.

• New Hero and Leader for Naxxramas.


Lonepair and he's Magic Place!
• I'm very grateful to Nightmare2077 for music optimization, and another help and support.
• All images and pictures in description drawn by Blizzard Entertainment!


Naxxramas [v.3.3] (Map)




21:07, 18th Feb 2016
Okay I must say that I was a bit worried at first that I am going to face some smash-up altered melee slash melee map again but I must say I am impressed!

The concept is really nice. However there is a few unfair things and the balance is non-existent. I'd suggest you to balance things out a little and it will be even better.

To start off I think the messages are really great. They really increase the feeling and immersion of the map, however I'd recommend you to check the lines a few times and check for typos. Some of the sentences looked a bit awkward. Also, turn off the messages after the enemy has been defeated. It's stupid he is still saying "Can you feel your hope disappearing blah blah..." after he has been defeated.

Terrain is decent, it could be better but it's still a heavily altered melee map with normal races so I won't bother to criticize it too much, however I think the tree skin import is unnecessary as it looks really much alike the normal fell tree and it does not change it's look when on blight, which looks stupid in my opinion.

Also, there is some wall on the southern edge of the map, fix it, it has a tiny few-pixel gaps between each wall model. Either increase the size of the objects or fill the gaps otherwise.

Terrain also needs height variation. I know it's city-themed but as the whole camera is shaking I wonder why the entire map is so flat. Add a small height variation here and there.

Now to the more important part:
The first thing I noticed that it's partly a bit unfair and a few problems is caused the the plague: firstly undead have and advantage as their regeneration counters the plague damage pretty heavily, not to mention that their headquarters shoot so the small skeletons are not a problem.

I assume the map is not supposed to play with Computer AI since it really fucks up: your allies teleport to your base when the plague deals damage to your units and AI is completely lost in the map. I played it with 3 computer allies and I still won however. Maybe you could change the idea of the plague, instead of dealing low damage all the time you could change the buff to a armor reduction or something similar? That would be more harsh and not cause such problems.

The idea of the 4 obelisks did not quite open to me. What is their purpose? They are just waste of time as they do not boost the Naxxramas as far as I know. I just rushed past it to his base and destroyed him - which was rather easy as it is very clumsy.

Naxxramas has a few flaws: his army cannot be very big as the food limit also occurs on his side and he has no boosts - he is against 4 enemies.

Simple boost to him would be to make the skeletal minions to provide him food. That way his army would be a lot bigger if he wins fights and starts to snowball. Otherwise you need to boost his basic stats and abilities.

Also, why doesn't he actually come harder even when he says so? Why don't you change the spawned units depending on the unit killed? If a hero dies you could summon a legendary minion for him. Currently there's very little importance on what dies and what does not.

He can be easily shut down if you destroy his ziggurats or acolytes, maybe you could provide him some sustainable sources of resources.

If you make the map more challenging and balance it I can review it again - maybe you'll get a higher rating. I must say I enjoyed the map.

Approved with a rating of 3/5.
Level 18
Jun 15, 2012
Pretty neat idea
played it a bit, noticed that the map is not set to assault (last patch)
also, the plague on the workers is devastating, especially for orc, while ne are advantaged (whisps generate no skeletons).
Humans can militia clear the fountain in a reasonable time, while ud have nice regen on blight.
I also think i found a bug, when getting hypporiders with ne, 2 skeletons are generated (dunno why)
Level 23
Feb 19, 2015
Pretty neat idea
played it a bit, noticed that the map is not set to assault (last patch)
also, the plague on the workers is devastating, especially for orc, while ne are advantaged (whisps generate no skeletons).
Humans can militia clear the fountain in a reasonable time, while ud have nice regen on blight.
I also think i found a bug, when getting hypporiders with ne, 2 skeletons are generated (dunno why)

Whisps generate no skeletons because they have not a skelet, its a spirite. (For example Banshee also)
Now, in new version, plague on human and orcs deals less damage, undead have nice resistanse on a blight, but with out it take additional damage from plague. Wisps no generate a skeletons, but have low max HP.
Hypporiders is two units in one in warcraft mechanics, and i dont believe that it must be fixed.

Thanks for playing)
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Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Before I drop my review,this map has a problem.The description in the quest menu says "as long as at least one obelisk isn't destroyed,all enemies of Naxxramas will suffer from terrible plague" yet I lost health after I destroyed one
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Level 5
Mar 3, 2015
The obelisks are bugged like my friend WhiteFang said destroying one obelisk does not end the plague, Ill review your map after its fixed, and I must say that the sound is annoying
Level 23
Feb 19, 2015
To purge all units from plague you must destroy all 4 obelicks. Because you play 4x1 (B- Balans)
What about sound, i take it from original Blizzard's Naxxramas dungeon. Maybe it realy must be fixed. I will try to find something better.
Thank you WhiteFang and wrath bringer)
Level 5
Mar 3, 2015
My pleasure, I know that the plague ends when all four is destroyed I finished the map, but it is not what the quest menu says so that needs to be fixed
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010

The idea of pushing yourself to a rush goal to destroy the obelisks is quite the good idea for the game's main quest, although I might suggest if you could at least give a region barrier for all Team 1's starting locations to not be affected with the plague ability, only then they will be affected if they reached out the certain region. Similar to the Undead Campaign from RoC where you storm Dalaran and its anti-zombie spell effect. Because its a bit destructive when the undead player attacks a certain base where all enemy unit's hp is quite low. Ending those units into becoming fresh skeletons quickly.

I like how you use most of the skeleton units, especially the archers as a roster for the undead race, yet since its an Altered Melee perhaps you could add the Flesh Golem or any undead related unit to the pile up to give them some chance in mid game where all Team 1 forces are quite heavy to push off.

The Terrain is sustainable and balanced, in a way it resembles the game rules of a proper melee. Good job for that, although the Laboratory--which is a Custom Mercenary Camp gave me the wrong idea though, yet cool one.

Overall I don't have much obligation to review this map in low grade. Can be approved with an acceptable rate of 4/5.
Level 23
Feb 19, 2015

The idea of pushing yourself to a rush goal to destroy the obelisks is quite the good idea for the game's main quest, although I might suggest if you could at least give a region barrier for all Team 1's starting locations to not be affected with the plague ability, only then they will be affected if they reached out the certain region. Similar to the Undead Campaign from RoC where you storm Dalaran and its anti-zombie spell effect. Because its a bit destructive when the undead player attacks a certain base where all enemy unit's hp is quite low. Ending those units into becoming fresh skeletons quickly.

I like how you use most of the skeleton units, especially the archers as a roster for the undead race, yet since its an Altered Melee perhaps you could add the Flesh Golem or any undead related unit to the pile up to give them some chance in mid game where all Team 1 forces are quite heavy to push off.

The Terrain is sustainable and balanced, in a way it resembles the game rules of a proper melee. Good job for that, although the Laboratory--which is a Custom Mercenary Camp gave me the wrong idea though, yet cool one.

Overall I don't have much obligation to review this map in low grade. Can be approved with an acceptable rate of 4/5.

:goblin_yeah: 4/5 isnt bad)

Thank you very much, I will try to somehow improve the project. If people like it, I have in mind already finished one map, with new events.
Level 10
May 16, 2013
Everything is fine but i think you need change heroes And some units of naxxramas forces. (Ex. Baron Riverdare or Other Horsemens replace for death knight, change name of lich to kelthuzad , A New hero replace for dreadlord (Maybe thaddius or gluth or another).

For Units
I think you can add naxxramas best minion zombie chow or another naxxramas minions.

Another I rate 3/5
-For Melee Like map is Nice And Playable
Level 23
Feb 19, 2015
Also a not, I know it says it in the description but you should change the creator and uploader name to the same, just to avoid confusion.

Ok, i will fix it, but in the next patch, ok?

Everything is fine but i think you need change heroes And some units of naxxramas forces. (Ex. Baron Riverdare or Other Horsemens replace for death knight, change name of lich to kelthuzad , A New hero replace for dreadlord (Maybe thaddius or gluth or another).

For Units
I think you can add naxxramas best minion zombie chow or another naxxramas minions.

I think about it, but im not sure, that it is good idea to change the balance. But thx for that
change name of lich to kelthuzad
Level 23
Feb 19, 2015
New version was released! :vw_love:

• Now enemy of Naxxramas start with basic 80% Handicap.
• Added two Gates (Left and Right), that automaticaly open after 60 seconds.
• For each destroyed Obelisk you get 400 gold and 200 Lumber and 200 gold and 100 Lumber for your team.
• When somebody destroy one of Obelisks, the Heroes can say something about that.
• Naxxramas start a game with additional 300 Gold and 150 Lumber.
• Now "Plague" do not dealt any damage.
• Skeleton get additional HP.
• Now, Obelisks can not be controled - they are allyed to you.
• Now, Heroes killed by Naxxramas will spawn Skeleton Brute - powerful skeleton with Armor Aura and Bash.
• Some terrain changes, more blight in the city and on a roads.
• Now, Naxxramas is protected by a small skeleton army at the start, near every Obelisks (You can not control them). Also added 2 Spirit Towers to Naxxramas base.
• Some terrain changes, more blight in the city and on a roads.
• After defeat Naxxramas stop to talk.
• AI now work correctly.


Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
Firstly the map information says the wrong version (it says 1.5). Gotta check this deeper so far the Naxxramas side seemed to be a bit overpowered. The more I fought them the more overpowered he became. The small skeletons are just so superior when I play with a race with very limited AoE damage such as night elves. If I was playing humans or undead I could just blast half of their army away with Flame Strike or Frost Nova. Also there seems to be huge imbalance between Naxxramas' ranged and melee fighting - all his units come to melee, or at least most of them. It seems there is a bit too much of the skeletons, maybe make them stronger but not as many.

Oh, also the map file name is too long, it does not show up in Warcraft III.
Level 23
Feb 19, 2015
Firstly the map information says the wrong version (it says 1.5)
- Fixed (in new version)

The small skeletons are just so superior when I play with a race with very limited AoE damage such as night elves. If I was playing humans or undead I could just blast half of their army away with Flame Strike or Frost Nova.
- Naxxramas have upgrade "Shroud of Decay", that makes all skeletons immune to magic. So.. all races can become such as Night Elves.

Also there seems to be huge imbalance between Naxxramas' ranged and melee fighting - all his units come to melee, or at least most of them.
- Im sorry, but im not really understand what you mean.

It seems there is a bit too much of the skeletons, maybe make them stronger but not as many.
- Maybe i can change their armor type and give negative HP "regeneration"? (Just like Phoenix have)

Oh, also the map file name is too long, it does not show up in Warcraft III.
- Fixed (in new version)


Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
"- Im sorry, but im not really understand what you mean."

The thing is most of the skeletons are the melee skeletons and brutes are also melee. So the ranges are actually very few and far apart. Meaning that as a race Night Elves will struggle more than the others for they have very limited melee fighting. Compared to Orcs or Humans who can destroy Naxxramas' army a lot more efficiently.

Also, consider reducing the amount of the skeletons or fix the AI. Their own heroes are getting blocked by the skeletons (also balance out the heroes, it's a bit unfair they have level 7 hero the first time I see them).

A thing I would consider is to add the obelisks to different player or so, just because currently the Naxxramas is trying to attack other players, protect the obelisks and defend their own base at the same time. This results in him just running around the map back and forth, until his army gets so close to a point it does not turn around anymore. e.g. I destroyed two obelisks without his army nowhere to be seen. Then suddenly he was at my own base and I could not do a thing when his 80+ skeletons came in rushing and blocked all my ranged units from reaching the hero units.
Level 23
Feb 19, 2015
Oh, I'm tired of it :vw_wtf:
On the one hand Naxxramas must have great advantages, since it plays against four players. And at the same time it shouldn't be too strong to destroy enemies...

...I destroyed two obelisks without his army nowhere to be seen...
Ok - its Naxxramas mistake.

...suddenly he was at my own base and I could not do a thing when his 80+ skeletons came in rushing...
Im sorry, but maybe it is something like balance?


Map Reviewer
Level 32
Feb 19, 2011
Oh, I'm tired of it :vw_wtf:
On the one hand Naxxramas must have great advantages, since it plays against four players. And at the same time it shouldn't be too strong to destroy enemies...

Ok - its Naxxramas mistake.

Im sorry, but maybe it is something like balance?

I am not telling it's very unbalanced. But the balance is very occasional. If I can destroy 2 obelisks without losing a single unit that part seems a bit too easy for me, compared for the rest. After all you pointed out the obelisks do have some purpose in the map, currently they feel very unimportant. But of course, it's your call.
Level 23
Feb 19, 2015
I am not telling it's very unbalanced. But the balance is very occasional. If I can destroy 2 obelisks without losing a single unit that part seems a bit too easy for me, compared for the rest. After all you pointed out the obelisks do have some purpose in the map, currently they feel very unimportant. But of course, it's your call.

I can made each Obelisk something like Town Hall, main building type. In this way, Naxxramas can use teleport on it to take a fight and will have higher priority for defend. Also, other players must destroy Town Hall and all Obelisks too for win, that makes Obelisks more imortant.

But at the same time, as i understand, enemies will ignore Obelisks and try to destroy them at the last time.
What you think about that?