Official {Unamed} Futuristic Roleplaying Thread

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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"How do you mean 'caravan'? I have never even seen a caravan... I think" he continiued, when his armor suddenly started to take on random shapes, from tentacles, to spikes, to hooks, to all sorts of things

OOC: Since Lonai is confused, so will his armor also look confusing =3)
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Vasod and his entourage saw the armour as it morphed too and fro:

A Caravan, what we call a "Fleet" I can assume are not from a caravan. You are Laminari though it seems...or Melodari...But you are not blood thirsty? A Melodari of the elder days would surely have attacked us, and not of hidden himself...

Do tell, are you Melodari? Or Laminari?
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
"Wait a second. Bio metal? Isn't that what you make your ships and such out of? Why would they make the ground of a city out of it?"

OOC: I think I know what your getting at but I'm not completely sure.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Vasod pondered Lonai's tale, and then lifted his face again with a bright smile:

Then welcome to the Silverfeather Caravan new Laminari friend! I am Vasod, and we shall adopt you!

What is your name?

We shall teach you the new dialect, and new Laminari life if you wish.



Elui stated, relaxing his stance.

We cannot confirm our hypothesis, as we cannot penetrate the bio-metal ground beneath our feet, no matter how much we attempt to do so:

The ground of this city I suspect is not ground at all, but the shell of a beast.

You, and all of Ugrentindom may have been unwittingly dwelling on the very back of a sleeping monster, buried deep beneath the ice!

Elui lifted his hands, and swept them above himself, pointing to the high, glimmering glacial vault above them.

We shall know more in time.

OOC: Worry not Gath, I have beautiful plans for I'ron-Camad.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"I think my name is Lonai, and a home would be a nice thing, though I cannot promise that I will follow up every of your traditions and cultural things, I still want to live my life as I want... though I don't quite know what I want at the moment.. Ah well, a new home, that's great!" Lonai said, as his armor started forming something, that seemed to express joy.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
The Alier-Inari had reached a point, where they had discovered their entire planet, and had build on one fitht of it, the Koldir were amazed by the speed at which the mining planet advanced, they were celebrating, and they thought, it was time to give them a bit more freedom, the project leaders, who created Simf, started a program which removed a piece of software that stopped the Alier-Inira from going into space themselves, only hours later, the first Alier-Inira space-craft got shot into space, unfortunatly, the Alier-Inira inside didn't survive it, becouse of the magnetic forces inside the cannon, so there was a revision of the Alier-Inira design, a special devise that negated magnetic forces was implanted, and the space-age of the Alier-Inira started...
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: They aren't your standart terminator turning against their creators AI >.> They have great respect for their creators, and don't even know what aggression is, and in no way, do they want to break any rules set to them... Oh, and technologically they were already shooting stuff into space, so they just needed to make a vessle for an Alier-Inira, and their increadible fast development is their number one strength =D, ignorance on the other hand, is one of their greatest weaknesses.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: I never said they were betraying. What I said was that they seemed to have olready figured out the science, and how to apply it to the basics of space travel. They were programmed as a mining series, not with the nessessary parts to develope a civilization or race. One does not give their kitchen the science of space travel and military, if one only intends to cook. So, if they had to be expanded with this information, it would still take them some monthes to figure out what is means, and how to apply it. Then further monthes of seperating their supplies for side projects, as well as construction, testing, and finalization. It may be a long process for them, but it's more realistic than granting a mining machine with everything expected of a many thousand year old species in the space age. :/
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Well... the project was officially called a Mining project, but this was just to get appeal from the Emperor, the original plan of the project developers, was to see what an AI would do, when given the abillity to produce anything it wants, and has the entire data-base of the Koldir (without hostile things included, or secret things). Oftenly research needs something else to it, to make it work, since research on it's own doesn't always provide...)
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Sol, you may join in, and interact with the Alier-Inira, but remember that if you do wrong, that the Alier-Inira WILL develop a way to strike you down, (And if they themselves become a god-modded race by it... they'll just have to be strucken down by a virus or something =3 (partially))
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
OOC:Thank you.

IC: A electronic wave was sent thought the galaxy. It contained three separate wave lengths. Long, short and long. The source was unknown.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: I doubt you have enough power to push a long distance wavelength to more than a 30 system radius. Not even the CHozo would be able to send or recieve messages from Earth. It's on the opposite side. They don't have enough power to send it halfway across the galaxy! So being able to would require using up an entire sun, or near enough, to send a powerful enough pulse or signal strong enough to get to the halfway point. Wavelengths deteriorate the further they go.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
OOC: It using a theory that if natural satellites were used to send transmissons, the distance can be increased to almost the whole galaxy. Yes the power whould be great unless using a black hole has a transmitter. There would be risks involved but it work if the right amount of energy is involved.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: Keep in mind the galaxy is tens of thousands of light years across meaning it would take tens of thousands of years for a message to be sent all the way across it.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
OOC: the message would actually take longer than 10,000 years, if light takes that long. light is the fastest known energy form, and messages may be able to reach it, but remember, if you are doing short, long short, the only part of that message anyone will recieve is the "long". Also, you can't use the moons as transmission bouys because of the distance between each system.

Also, I'm not back yet. I still can't log in on my computer. T_T
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