World Of Darjis Roleplay!!!!

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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
The World Of Darjis Mapping project has begun the rping rules below.

If you are saying something out of the rp use OOC:
and to continue back into the rp type Name:

and before you jump into rp I need your charecters to be submented and approved in the rp information thread
Charecter Regulations below.

Name:(your charecters name Duhh)
Race:(see creature log above for the names of the races)
Class:(Fighter,Mage,Cleric,ect,whatever you can think of)
Orgnazation:(this is opional I am accepting new organazation ideas,if you want to make up your own I need a descripion of it)
Background Info:(i tiny bit of background information like age mother & father name and a little history about him/her)

also your help would also be aprecheated in the info thread we need ideas to help make the world of darjis rp the best rp on these forums.:smile:

Good Luck Have Fun Roleplaying
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: I already have a character ^^

IC: In a dence forest, besides a creek, sat a Dracon, his wings touching the water while he was looking into the water at the fish that were swimming in it, Suddenly the dracon, named Kamir, Heard something behind him, he stood up and turned around, there stood a big bear, making ready to charge, Kamir looked the bear straight in the eyes, the bear charged and Kamir flew up into the sky, after wich he comes back with his weapon drawn, he lands on the bear and starts stabbing it, as the creature was weakened by the stabs, Kamir jumped off the bear and started casting a spell that would kill the bear in it's current condition, but painless, as Kamir was channeling the spell, the bear stood up and charged again, just before it rammed into Kamir, he had casted the spell, he evaded the lifeless corpse that was still going the same speed as the charge and walked towards the bear, Kamir looked at it and then walked away from the bear corpse, while wolfs behind him scavenged the corpse.

OOC: Nice post? ^^
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: lol niceee anyway

IC:The Sun began to set and Darjis's nine moons begin to be seen in the sky. He felt the power of the moons flowing inside him and into his censestral blade the blade blessed by his . He scanned the aprohing orcs observing each one looking for weaknesses in them and flaws in there armor. Buzzards flew above sinsing the upcoming battle waiting for the feast to come. As Gath leaped into the crowd he struke each orc in there weaknesses each one fell before his blades. When the last one fell hee walked into the naboring forest leaveing the bodies to rot.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: I also have a character Elenai Lefein remember.

IC: Soaring up high within the skies of Darjis the seers of the Silverstar council had long been sensing war upon the winds. Elenai Lefein watched out the window of the citadel as the briefing continued.

"War is coming and even in our sanctuary we are not safe. We must position ourselves before the gates of battle release the flood."

And so the docks of the kingdom were opened and the mighty elven airships let loose upon the sky there enchanted engines screaming in joy as they skimed through the clouds.

Elenai stood on the deck looking back at his lush green home and its magical waterfalls as the High commander of the fleet ready to turn the future tide for Etheriel and the favor of the Celestial elf kingdom.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
As he was lying in the grass on a hill in the middle of a forest while looking at the huge flying rock in the sky where he was heading to, he saw little dots comming from the side of it, he tried to look closer, but he couldn't see what it was from the distance, he then stoot up and continiued his journey.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: umm dark knight you forgot OOC its really inportant

IC:Gath looked above him he heard the engines of the airships pass overhead. He wondered, The citadel are sending there airship crap i was left behind what am i going to do.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: you forgot OOC: now ^^ and I learned to not put anything in front of it at all unleas it's a OOC: post or a OOC: post was before that piece of text ^^

IC: As he was walking trough the forest, Kamir suddenly felt like he was being watched, he closed his eyes and opened his mouth, he let his forked tongue out of his mouth, he got a scent, at that very moment, from the direction the scent came from, an arrow came, he had to evade it as it was aimed directly for his heart, as Kamir had evaded it, he casted a paralize spell in the direction of the scent, he pulled his weapon and flew towards the place while evading yet another arrow, as he hit his target, it fel out of the tree, it seemed to be an elf, a wood elf to be exact, he flew down at the elven female and grabbed away the bow, arrows and a knife, "Fine eat me, then the rest of the wood elves will hunt you for eternity" The wood elf said, "What makes you think I would eat you? Kamir said looking at the wound his weapon had made. "Well, you're a dragon, and I attacked you, then you should eat me, thats what all dragons do." the elf said, Kamir looked insulted "I'm NOT a dragon, I'm a Dracon there are big differences in that!" the elf looked stunned, now Kamir saw that it was a pretty young girl, about the age of 16.. atleast for human standarts. Kamir helped her up, she was too weakened to struggle, Kamir did bondage over the wound and said "you should find a healer" after wich the elf immediatly responced "May I join you on your journey?" this time it was Kamir's turn to look stunned, he did not know what to say, but then he just said "Ok, but if that wound does not heal, I'll leave you at the first healer, and don't be anoying or I might still eat you" Kamir said laughing, "What's your name by the way?" the girl asked That would be Kamir, and whats your name then? The girl looked at Kamir and said "Shana"
then Shana went back into her tree but while half way, fel again becouse of the wound, Kamir catched her and put her on the ground "You cannot do what you could do when you're wounded, I will grab your stuff for you" he flew into the tree and came back with some stuff that clearly were from a wood elf, it was not much, it was something you could easily put in your pockets, Kamir helped Shana with her bow and they continiued, talking.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
IC:As Gath walked into the forest following the airships above. He suddenly felt a presence. Staring through the overgrowth with his train elven eyes he saw a Dracon and a young wood elf girl strolling down the forest path talking and laughing with each other. This is not right why would a dracon and a elf be togather he thought. Then he began to walk closer...
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC:the item in this story is found in the New roleplay thread.

IC: It was at that moment that Elenai's eyes began to widen and his heart suddenly jumped with the fury of his elven senses a vision of a bow filled his mind and he became nigh thirsty of the magical scent he had caught. PULL THIS FLEET AROUND: he ordered as the ships skimmed the very top of the trees in his hurry to find this bow.

He eventually found a clearing and not even taking the time to fully land he jumped off the side of the deck. And with his entourage he began to rush through the forest.

He eventually found a dracon and a wood elf walking through the forest.
He silently caste a spell to hide their presence and their scent. And just as the walked by TELAS CALTHAN PARALIS: the dracon and the girl dropped cold and paralysed.

They then awoke on the elven decks of the airship and Elenai was holding this bow his face filled with glee for he had finally found the Bow of Ethlen the very ranger who had bested his Grandfather aeons ago.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
on the deck of the airship, Kamir had still his eyes closed, the first thing he did before he opened his eyes, was letting his tongue out of his mouth to pick up the scent. He scenced a lot of elves, magic and fresh air, Then he slowly opened up his eyes and looked around, he saw a elf with a bow in it's had, but the bow wasn't aimed, or even pulled, Kamir opened his mouth and said "Why are we here" and he slowly stood up, trying to not scaring the elves so that they would kill him.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Short OOC in titles, maybe? Sudden interruption D:!

The cloaked figure watched the airship silently. Without any of the usual notice horns, the airship started to slowly rise. It was either a drop (although, why leave anything here? It certainly wasn't a prison airship) or a quick, unscheduled stop. The cloaked figure was confident that he (or perhaps she) would go unnoticed, as there seemed to be a draconic aura nearby, and the airship was obviously elven; the distinct style, while slightly varied throughout the different clans, is always easy to identify. Assuming they weren't one of the desert clans (indeed, why would the desert clans send an airship to a forest?) the dracon would surely occupy their attention.

If all else failed, it was a deep river the cloaked figure was walking on. A quick spell, and the cloaked figure would be walking on the bottom of the river instead of its surface. The cloaked figure walked on.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: The Celestial elves are the only elven tribe that have Airships or a Flying kingdom for that matter.

IC: As the Dracon rose the elven guards quickly aimed their gun like weapons at the creature. Elenai told him that he was here only by purest fate fore this bow is all I desire. The elf girl was still asleep. Elenai then said I will wait until she awakens to claim my prize.

It was at that moment that the Elven guard placed with in the trees and brush of the land caught the track of this would be cloaked figure. Silently they hunted the hunter. Then out of sight and while the cloaked figure was distracted, TELAS CALTHAN PARALIS, the cloaked figure also fell down cold and paralysed draged abord the great vessal his vestigas and clothes stripped and his weapons taken away. He awoke to find himself magically bound and physically chained to the elven beams of the ship. Elenai in his grand air of dignity walked into the brig and stared down at him with fury and began to ask questions of this would be ambusher.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: the guard saw the wounds and he himself laid his hands on the girl and recited a small spell. "Telius ethelien curai tearin selas thear" And in a glow of silver light her wounds healed. The Guard satisfied stood up and went back to his post in silence.

Mean while Elenai growing impatient with the delaying babble and the never ending drivel, INLAS TAL DOR MENIETH and struck his hand forward his sheer power burned the forehead of the ambusher as he forcefully searched his mind.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
OOC: Eh, ignore that part of it then.

IC:The previously cloaked man was rather irate, but could not argue with the fact that he was impressed that he was ambushed so easily. The magic binding him was certainly cast by a more talented wizard than he, and the other elves had obviously suppressed their auras better than the man could. The paralysis spell was even strong enough that he had blacked out. He had the vague impression that before he had blacked out, his mask had fallen off. Not that it really mattered, though. He doubted the elves would release him on merit of how much of his time he spent killing lesser reanimated bodies. He wasn't the only one with his intended destination though, so he was sure that would be alright.

Something in the back of the man's mind was nagging that he should be doing something important, that there he should be paying attention to something, but he wasn't really sure. The man became vaguely aware of a powerful mind searching his own, but he had been powerfully protected against this long ago. At worst, the other mind would be able to see what he was thinking about.

OOC: He's dazed, basically only knows that he's been ambushed, thinks that he's just sitting in the room, and is vaguely aware that you're searching his mind. He's been powerfully protected against mental invasion (by someone other than himself) but you can still see what he's consciously thinking about.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: o_O

IC: Kamir looked towards the sound, but imediatly couldn't look anymore and then just looked at Shana, as she woke up slowly, Kamir shielded the happening behind him with his wings so that Shana wouldn't had to see it. "What is that that I hear?" she said "Nothing, Nothing that you need to know of now." kamir said "Were are we?" Shana said and looked around "Who are these people?" "They are Elves, and from the look of it, Celestial elves..."
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Elenai amazingly had much difficulty breaking into this mind he found walls and gates locked with keys long rusted away buried under the sands of his concious thought, Even the years of training at the flying kingdom's floating academies of Magic and Arcane technologies were put to the test. But after all he was not attepting to raid the vaults of his mind he only needed to sift the sands for his purpose in ambushing the airship. AT LAST I FOUND IT.

OOC: it at this point that you reveal the purpose of your ambush.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Selsträ couldn't believe Terest, getting caught. Lucky for him she had managed to summon his mask through the river he was on. Celestial elves would certainly not treat him kindly for having that mask. While her... organization... had seen the lack of life, and the need to stop it from spreading... the celestial elves had only seen slaughter of their kin.

His Slayer had been taken, and to make things worse, he had even let one of the elves search his mind. If that elf was powerful enough, he might be able to even see her thoughts through his mind. Selsträ made sure the elf wouldn't be able to break the protection around her brother's mind, and quietly withdrew her mind from his. She hoped the dead onboard that airship wouldn't find Terest before she could catch up to that airship. One last look at Terest's mind, and the elf had seen that Terest was looking for walking dead upon his ship. Hopefully, that would have been enough to keep the fool alive.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Kamir looked around when the Celestial elf suddenly made a hard noice wich seemed to be words... and retracted his wings. Shana stood up and wanted to walk towards the elf and the cloaked one, but Kamir stopped her with his wing, "You shouldn't go to people who have armed guards" he said and Shana sat down next to Kamir.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: how does undead get aboard the ships of the elven fleet if we flew directly from the Flying kingdom here: and Necromancy is punished by being thrown off the edge of the kingdom in Celestial elf law. :Just a clear up so I can continue is all I am asking for:
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
OOC: He's a little less than a master, as far as feeling out where dead are. He thought he felt dead onboard, but he actually felt them just a little farther into the forest, not to mention that right now he's totally out of it. Of course, he doesn't know that, so as far as the RP concerned, Terest sincerely believes that there are dead on the airship. Selsträ is pretty sure that Terest was just being incompetent, if you want your guy to have seen a little into her mind.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
IC: In a town not too far away, undead were tearing away at the flesh of the puny humans that resided. As a last resort, the people took refuge in the confinement of the church. As the undead were ramming away at the large door, now locked, the people could only wait for their untimely death. Soren, reading a book as he walked in the general direction of the town, began to notice the stench of rotting flesh. Looking ahead, he noticed the town in chaos, and the undead crowding around the church. Knowing full well that rushing into a huge crowd of vicious undead would be suicide, he began running into other houses in search of oils, among other flammable materials.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Selsträ was rushing just under the river's surface with the full intention of rescuing her brother, when she felt what had led Terest to stop near the airship. A large swarm of undead. She didn't even have to be looking to find it, and when she extended her perception to get a vague idea of what they were doing, she felt that they were swarming up against something, most likely a building that the living had taken shelter in. Unfortunately, the undead seemed to be rather far from the river. Her current method of magical travel was only concealed while underwater, and in fact was likely to attract the attention of the elves. Still weighing the risk posed to her brother and to the people presumably hiding from the undead, Selsträ left the safety of the river and headed through the forest towards the town, a strange flying mask followed by a strange smear.

OOC: Basically, she manages to make herself intangible and store all of her magic in the mask. If you've seen Hayao Miyazaki's Spirited away, it's a little like when No-face falls into the water and swims out to the railroad. Also, it's basically impossible to detect underwater, but very conspicuous on land.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: I love miyazaki's work true animation genius especially Laputa Castle in the sky: a major inspiration for my elves by the way.

IC: Elenai soon let go of his grip having seen visions of undead creatures in a nearby village, Though this was not his mission helping these poor humans was a high priority.. Especially agains the walking dead which is a heresy amongst the Celestial elves. So he armed and entourage and boarded special flying machines docked on the massive ships and they were soon sky borne.

Flying ever quickly like an arrow soaring toward a target the enourage made their way to the village. Being ever secretive and the fact that only a few human kings even knew of their existence he caste a spell on the flying machines. Shrouden an thes Flyeth. and they were soon invisible.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
OOC: Castle in the Sky is wonderful. I love the egg robots.

IC: Shortly before reaching the town, Selsträ stopped. After taking a moment to reform, Selsträ drew her sword. While not the only of its kind, Selsträ's sword was curved, and had a single cutting edge. While not capable for the traditional fighting style that cut elegant circles through the air as a straight blade, the curved blade could cut through almost anything when wielded with the proper technique.

Selstä ran her finger along the blade and drew a series of symbols on the nearest tree, in a neat line. She the tree along the line, and allowed the spell to soak into the blade. There was no shortage of undead nearby, Selsträ planned on remedying that problem.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
OOC: Grave of the Fireflies almost made me cry... sad movie..

IC: Soren made it to the top of the church, then proceeding to douse the undead with oil. Before he could shoot a bolt from his crossbow (sufficiently lit aflame), a large beastly bat attacked him from the side, bashing him off the church. As Soren struggled to get up, the bat transformed into the figure of a very pale man.
"As if I'm going to let some mortal interrupt my plans.." hissed the vampire. Soren drew his dagger, an enchanted blade composed completely of silver, and charged at the vampire, easily dodged and countered with a slash of the vampire's sharp claws. The hunter drew some bottles of holy water, sprinkled some over his wounds, and threw the rest at the vampire, catching him off guard. The vampire let out a horrible shriek, shortly before he was stabbed in the heart with a wooden stake.
"As if I'm going to let some vampire interrupt my plans.." muttered Soren.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
After perhaps two dozen slain-again corpses had fallen to Sesträ's blood magic, the clouds she had been summoning had finally managed to produce some slight rain. She gathered enough water, and held her sword out for a horizontal slash. As all the nearby undead fell to the powerful magical slash, Sesträ felt something more powerful than a mere animated corpse... and then felt it return to death. Aware that there may be something more sinister nearby, Sesträ headed towards the main mass of undead.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
IC: As Gath watched the airships leave he silently formed magic into his hand touching his fingers to his forhead he recited one of his newer spells, arnstro ropt ota iarpis. He dissappered from his spot forming above Elenai in the airship. Elenai barly sinsed him as he plowed Elenai into the airship floor, then with another quick transportation spell he formed in front of Elenai. In a mocking voice he said "Well well Elenai its nice to see you agian and you do know its not nice to ambush and capture people he he he".
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
IC: The door fell. The barricades were broken. The people, cornered down, began to scream in terror as the undead advanced on them. Soren rushed to fend off the swarm, ever increasing in number. He soon ran out of bolts to shoot from his crossbow. He drew bottles of an odd green clear liquid, throwing it and watching the masses of zombies turn to liquid at even the slightest contact with it. Out of alchemized potions, he drew his dagger and slashed away at the undead.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC:sorry Gath I posted this after yours.

IC: As the entourage finally made it to the edge of the village Elenai ordered the flying machines to halt and he began to watch. He saw a great bat swoop and attack a poor soul and he saw the flaming horde. Elenai said silly humans thou knowest not how to battle the heresies of undeath. The entourage in unison then let out the battle cry, FORLIEN ETHERIEL FORLIEN TALA LIENAI. And then the each of the members of the entourage and their flying machines were wraped in silver light bright as the evening stars. They charged forward the undead horde driven mad by the sight of Etheriel's light. The horde who in undeath were uneffected by mortal flame were shattered by the sight of the Glorious elven nova of astral light and holy magic. The elves surrounded in light were not seen as mortal beings but as streaks of silver ethereal ribbons and spiritual shape. Such is the power of the Celestial elves. And soon they were gone returned to the airship with the village never knowing of who or what they really were. When Elenai returned he meet someone unexpected.....
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
As Selsträ arrived at the church the survivors had been hiding in, she saw a Hunter charge in, with some sort of alchemic potion at the ready. Diverting attention to the newly arrived elves, Selsträ saw them cast a powerful purifying spell, and they left. Of course, there were still the undead in the church, but there was also the Hunter. Satisfied that the village was sufficiently protected, but wary of attracting attention to herself, Selsträ walked off in the direction of the river.
Last edited:
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
IC: Tired, both physically and mentally, Soren, somewhat used to the stench of undeath already and wondering what were those bright lights that seemed to have annihlated the undead, conversed with the mayor of the town.
"Bless you for saving this humble town! I can't thank you enough!" said the mayor.
"Where did all these dead folks come from?" Soren inquired.
The mayor beckoned to inside his office. When they were both inside, he shut the door.
"There was a high elven priest here to visit by the name of Rel'yas. Poor fellow.. saddened at the loss of his wife, he desperately searched for a spell to cure death.. he searched until he was frail and half-mad... one day, this odd pale fellow who seemed to have a dark aura about him began to talk to him and we've never seen him again. Later, our paladins warned us that the man that came to visit was a necromancer. We've been getting these invasions ever since."
"So if you had paladins on your side, why would you be so desperately fighting off these things?"
"A group of paladins went off on a routine search in the forest, and never came back since. Though the paladins we had left were easily enough to fend off the usual undead swarm, they brought an unusually large force this time.."
"I see.."
As soren turned to walk away, the Mayor grabbed him by his shoulder and said "Are you going to do anything about it?"
Soren shrugged and said "I'll see what I can do." and walked away.
"Please, Soren. If you find the priest, bring him back alive."
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Selsträ was aware that with the way she had been using blood magic, she had something of a strong air of death about her. She was also aware that there was something else carrying around a strong aura of death in the forest, and that it seemed to also be aware of her. Selsträ also had a strong feeling that the Hunter was looking for the large horde's necromancer, who she assumed was the other strong feeling of undeath. Selsträ didn't feel using magic would be the smartest thing to do, so dealing with the necromancer would have to come before saving Terest.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
IC: Though Soren preferred abandoning his Sun Elven heritage and walking amongst humans, he grew up becoming very adept to magic and could easily sense fellow praciticioners. As he went in the direction of where the mayor pointed him to, he took a suspicious glance at some woman by the river before he shrugged it off and went ahead into the dark forest.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Wow, lots of posting since I was asleep ^^

IC: still on the ship, both Kamir and Shana didn't know what just happened, Shana asked a guard "What just happened?" Kamir looked first at shana, and then at the guard and both were waiting for answer.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: The guard in his usual silence said nothing, But instead he pointed to the smoke in the distance, and breaking a little of his quite pose said, This human village met a heresy to Etheriel. We purged it.

Elenai happy to see his friend Gath after so long, Wondered what he was doing on the ground all these years. He walked out onto the deck with him quickly switching his demenor from happy to cold and serious as he looked at his prisoners. Shana was awake and in Elenai's hand was the Bow of Ethlen the very bow that bested his Grandfather aeons ago during the elven cival war over the Elenastralis. Where did you get this bow, Elf of the woods, and more importantly how will you surrender it to me?.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
"Elenai that bow was lost to us centuries ago in the civil wars how it can to be in the hands of a wood elf is not to importance to us it is theirs now." As he finished his words a serious look formed on his face and he began to speak agian.
"The orcs are what we should be worrying about while you where out slaying the endless numbers of the undead and wasting countless lifes in your little crusade I was out striking at the orcs, their numbers have increasted greatly we may have a war if we dont try and stop them."
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
At that moment Shana saw the bow and said "Hey I know that bow, how did you get it?" and she walked a couple of steps towards Elenai, to his own suprice, Kamir didn't stop her from walking to Elenai, instead he said "I also noticed the increase of orc activity lately, they were on spots they would never come without a very good reason." he had heard the talk between the two elves becouse of his excelent hearing that he had from it's draconic side.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: the bow is the bow of Ethlen and this shana is the latest owner she used it to shoot Kamir in the forest.

IC: Elenai looked in amazement as this brave wood elf strode right up to him and took the bow from his hands, This is my grand father Ethlen's bow. You can't have it. Elenai looked began to become annoyed. But he let it pass, as he would find her price eventually.

He then turned to Gath who spoke of his "crusade" and he said, Gath my friend as you have Celestial elf blood in your veins you should know that the undead are a heresy that needs to be purged at all costs, and we wasted not any lives for we are all alive and unscathed. But were be these orcs you speak of, The Silverstar council has seen war in the future that might even stretch up into the skies of our beloved kingdom that flies above us. How will these orcs play a role in that? What have you learned in your days wandering the surface forests?
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Kamir knew the answer to that, he hasitated a bit but then just said it "Uuuh.. sir?... I might know how, on my way to were you 'picked me up' I came past a orc camp, there were lots of cages in that camp, and in those cages were huge birds, they seemed to be big enough to carry two orcs, wich could mean, one controller and one shooter..., there were lots of cages there, almost the whole camp was full of cages." He waited for responce in any way, if it was positive.. or.. negative.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
IC: While making sure that she was properly hidden beneath her cloak, Selsträ remembered to put her mask on, now that the elves were gone. She took a moment to feel for auras of anything else that may have been in the and was surprised, although she kept on-guard. A dracon, a wood elf, a sun elf, undead, herself, and something she couldn't quite identify had been, or possibly were, in the forest. Selsträ made sure she was holding her sword in a good position to counter from any direction, and proceeded closer towards the necromancer.

Terest, who had regained some sense, was aware enough to know that there were orcs in the forest, and also that his Slayer didn't seem to be within sight.. It also seemed that his sister had left him a memory, but it had been changed once or twice. Currently, it was just her voice saying: I'm in the forest to kill a necromancer before I can come rescue you. Don't say anything that would get you killed. One of the elves there can read minds, so don't go searching out mine once you get this. Not saying anything that would get him killed would be a little hard, as Terest didn't have the slightest idea what would and wouldn't provoke them to kill him. He imagined mentioning that he spent his time re-killing the dead would improve their image of him, but when they asked how, Terest's fortune would probably take a turn for the worse.

OOC: Okay, so Selsträ and Terest belong to this sort of organization that goes around killing undead, but they also know a fair bit of necromancy themselves (to raise/control the dead) because the easiest way to fight a necromancer is to steal his/her undead and use them aginst him/her. Their group doesn't have much contact with celestial elves, not to mention they recently killed lots of undead celestial elves that somehow managed to become raised, although they didn't look entirely dead (but they were dead). So Terest is a little antsy about what's going to happen to him, because he doesn't know how the elves are going to react to him being part of that group.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Elenai looked with interest. Birds orcs dont use birds for nigh anything except eating, These birds what did they look like. Elenai then gasped horrorfide. He ran into his quarters and came back with a tome holding his hand over the pages magically turning them rapidly silver light shining from each pass. The pages stopped, He floated the book towards Kamir. This bird were they these creatures, Kamir saw a beautiful illustration of a silver, and blue bird with golden streaks similar in form to a peacock but much more elegant. Kamir looked up puzzled yes he exclaimed.

Elenai closed the book and looked up. LIFT OFF tonight we see orc blood spilled.

It seemed that these birds were called Searons mighty birds of great power said to have come from Etheriel's own hands in the creation of Drajis long ago. They were highly regarded among Celestial elf scociety. The elves noticed that hardly a quarter of their numbers migrated to their fair kingdom. This must have been why.

OOC: Only a few elves from the other elven tribes have been to the flying kingdom and only a few human kings know they exist. But celestial elves may seem dead because of a high spiritual ethereal prescence. while not rotting corpses it could be easy to mistake a celestial elf for a spirit. Even though he is still alive. Living on a magic floating landmass in constant contact with the Elenastralis can do that to you.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Kamir saw how shocked the elf was, and he saw that he might use some help, so he walked to the elf and kneeled "I would like to turn into your service sir" Shana looked at Kamir and then at the elf and didn't know how to react.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
Terest was slightly interested. He had just seen a dracon bow to an elf, something rather unheard of. Of course, he was still tied up, but he thought he'd be able to extend his mind out to wherever everybody else was going.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
OOC: It's not spying magic, it's more like astral projecting. He is literally extending his mind and perception outside of his body.
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