Official {Unamed} Futuristic Roleplaying Thread

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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
From the makers of World of Darjis and World of Darjis Part Two come an exciting, unimaginable, fantastic, thrilling, and overall an astrordinary and unbelievably awesome ROLEPLAY! Please help me welcome into the Forum!

OK everyone hold down your cheers for a bit. First off any and every character and race submittions must be made in the Future RP Construction Thread found here:

All races and characters made before this post can be found here:
(Please note that Grish's character and race are unapproved)
(Grish's character is now humans and he doesn't have a race made by him. He is approved)

And the two latest characters by me and Elenai can be found here:

and here:

All new Races MUST use this layout (Any extra is optional but you can do it):
Home Planet:
Controlled Planets:
Life Span:

All new Characters MUST use this layout (Any extra is optional but you can do it):

Overall have fun and never forget to roleplay!

Everyone with approved characters may begin!!

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Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
How about "Space: The New Era". Also, just make my character human, but still have his skills and stuff. By the way, I'm looking to find a free to use forum that will allow us to have this RP without interruption (cos it will happen. we got alot of flamers, spammers, and all sorts here)

[Edit] And here it is.
This forum should be the new base of operations for this RP.
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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: This is the rping topic, stop discussing stuff here >.< Do that in the original forum...

IC: Kamica just had his briefing about his next mission, just a standart wormhole escort, a quite routine mission, and he was just about to launch, he had gotten into his Tolari Diari, which was one of the best fighter plane classes around, on his screen stood "destination: launch tube 132" and within just seconds, he got lowered in this launch tube "ready" he said, and just as he had said that, he got launched out of the tube, other fighters came out of other launch tubes at exactly the same time he came out of his, all in almost perfect copies, activated their engines, and went to the place they were supposed to wait, and stopped their crafts, only now communications started "We have arrived at stationary point one, waiting for wormhole to open up" Kamica said, and almost immediatly he got the responce "Starting wormhole connection procedure" a small blue/white beam got shot out of the front of the main ship, which dissapeared into nothingness "Connection established, stabalizing connection" very long rods extended from the main ship, the tips moving away from eachother, the blue/white beam got shorter, so that the end was exactly in between the ends of the rods, "Connection stabilized, opening the wormhole" the beam became wider, at the end, like a cone, and touched the tips of the rods, the space in between the rods now became distorted, "Wormhole opened, stabilizing wormhole" slowly the distorted space got clearer, showing a planet and a standart research vessle "Wormhole stabilized, timer set, you have 20 minutes" "Understood" with that, the fighter planes released a full engine burst, and flew straight into the wormhole.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: OK Everyone. Absolutly no more talk that is not rping anymore talk needs to be in the other thread.

IC: The icy wind scoured the land bitting into the very bone. Roars could be heard in the air most likely from the hated Wooly Ice Beasts that covered the surface. The small ships landed they were tiny ships that could only hold one or two people but none the less they were impressive. They had the same dark blue smooth and dull that was common with the Ugrentien design of building. Light blue about the color of Turquoise designs covered the surface in an endless design slowly glowing on and off like it was the life blood of the ship. Several landed in the small valley about ten in all from each one came a single person and one soldier an even number of each gender. They all wore robes each color signifying their position on the council except the soldiers which wore armor all in the color of the person they were guarding. They began watching the sky waiting for something, someone. A slight hum varely able to be heard filled the air and the clouds broke to reveal an giant ship its wore the same designs as the smaller ships but it was a more narrow shape and had multiple weapons made from the famed I'ron crystals it landed right in the center of the circle almost taking up the whole valley a lone male exited the ship He was quite different from the council members he wore armor not robes and he carried his weapons in open like the guards. The council members then left the shadow of their ships and began to mingle with each other greeting, shaking hands, hugging. After about five minutes of mingling they began walking towards the top of the hill overlooking the valley. Atop the hill sat a total of eleven chairs large and made completely out of crystal. As the members took seat the crystal began to change color each to the same color of the robes of the member that sat on it. They began to talk of several events happening on the planet discussing and settling the issues. Finally after several hours the main event began to unfold. The last and most likely the most important discussion began to take place. The discussion on the Ugrentien entry into the universes affairs.
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
Flakne walked to the docking bays, his men saluted him. Soldier: "Sir! We have been having trouble with some angelics on planet Lenoek!" Flakne: "Damn them... man your stations men looks like were going to have a battle on our hands!" All the soldiers rushed to there ships boarding them. Flakne boarded the big battleship that was equpied with three barreled cannons. As soon as he got aboard the men followed after him, maning there stations. Flakne got into his commander seat eeping his left arm rested on his blade. Flakne: "Whats our situation?" Soldier: "They have landed on the surface and have a fleet in orbit of the planet. We suspect they are trying to raid us." Flakne: "Hm... and there going to fail at it, lets move out!" He gave the order and the ships were disconnected from the buildings they were connected to for refuling. The ships rose off the ground and there boosters pushed them into the orbit of the planet. Flakne: "Prepare to enter hyperspace." He said as the soldiers readied by pushing the buttons and pulling some levers. Flakne: "Now!" The last lever was pulled and the ships shot into hyperspace leaving there home planet behind them.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
Location: City 6, Sector 3, Planet Mars. Time: 1720 Earth hours, +8 GMT time.
"Is this the house? It matches the description." a man in armour asks. "Yes, I believe it is. He better be in here." says another. A man in an alleyway wearing brown robes with a hood looks at the armour clad men. He looks at the number of them, the weapons they have, then sees the UNSC tag on their shoulderpads. "Thought I was safe here." whispers the robed man. He turns and sees another UNSC soldier infront of him. "Found ya lil' bugger." says the guard. The robed man draws a gun hidden in his robe, pulls the robe off, and throws it in the guards face. He then turns the other direction and runs. The guard pulls the robe off his face and yells "I found him! I found John Simmons!". John continues to run, making his way to the docking bay, in Sector 4. He had just over a mile to run, but wasn't sure if he could make it, with 7 guards chasing him with large assault rifles. He turns a corner, sees a garbage can, and tips it over. 1 of the guards clumsily trips over it, while the other 6 continue to chase him. John jumps comes near the end of another alley. He runs to the left slightly, jumps on a dumpster, and climbs onto a low roof. 3 other guards climb up, but by the time the 4th tried, the dumpster collapsed in. John jumps from one roof to another, but soon finds himslef at a dead end. Guards blocking off the only way out, John got worried. He quickly looked at a wall, then another, then devised a plan. "Give it up John, you can't run any further. It's time to go where you belong." says a guard as he pulls out a set of hand cuffs. As 2 guards began walking forward, John quickly ran a small distance up a wall, kick flipped off the wall on an angle, landed on the other behind the 2 guards, ran down the wall in the direction of the 3rd guard that stood behind. He shot the guard and ran out of the dead end. 2 minutes later he made it to his ship. And he was out of there faster than a race horse on speed. John thinks to himslef "Well, looks like I have to find another planet to hide in. I've tried all but 1 city on Mars, and no doubt they will call guards to wait for me there. I have to..." Suddenly a mysterious wormhole opens suddenly and sucks John in...
-To be continued.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: Grish I thought it was understood that your character and race were unapproved. I even put it n the first post. To rp you need to create a new race and character.
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
The battleships and frigates exit hyperspace and immediatly the fighters are released and they meet the angelic's fighters. The turrets on the battleships and frigates start fireing at the angelic's fighters as do the angelics return fire. Flakne: "Status report!" Soldier: "Sir, we are loosing fighters fast! AHH!" The communication from that fighter is cut short. Flakne: "Shit! Bring the fighters in and prepare the hypercannons." The fighters return from the battle. Angelic Commander: "Whats the matter Flakne? Giving up already?" He said confident with himself. Flakne: "Just wait." Angelic Commander: "Whats this?" Doors open from underneath the three battleships and big cannons follow after it. Energy gets transfered to the giant barrels as it prepares to fire. Angelic Commander: "Shit! Return the figh...!" It was too late, the cannons fire the black energy and destroy eight tenths of the angelic fighters as the battle ships energy shields fall. The Ner'Gulth fighters return from the battleships and frigates destroying what remains. Flakne: "Ready to give up commander?" He said with a smirk. Angelic Commander: "Retreat!" It was too late, they were surrounded with fighters and bombers. Flakne: "Im afraid you arnt going anywhere, you are our captives." Angelic Commander: "You cant do this!" He said slamming his fist into the controls. Flakne: "You lost the battle, Im afraid we can do whatever we want with you now. Board there ships and take out any resistance and take what supplies you can." He said as the hypercannons returned into the ships and the doors closed. Flakne has won the battle over planet Lenoek but how will he fair on the surface?
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
The fighters left the wormhole, and opened communications with the research vessle "We are your escort, please follow the lead fighter" The fighters started flying in a crystal formation around the research vessle, and waited for their engines to start up "Understood, we'll be starting our engines at 20% power in 5 seconds, 4, 3, 2, 1. The engines of the research vessle and all the fighters fired up, all moving exactly as fast into the wormhole, Kamica contacted the research vessle "You might already know this, but telling this is standart procedure, Once you are on the other side of the wormhole, it will be closed, and you'll have to wait for the energy of the wormhole ship to be restored if you want to go back, on the other side of the wormhole, you may begin your opperation immediatly, and you are allowed to request assistance of any kind from the Wormhole ship, note though, that it is not guaranteed that you'll be getting this, it would be appreciated you'd work as fast as possible, becouse the time you take researching the planet, we will lose in distance to explore." "Understood" They left the wormhole, Kamica reported to the Wormhole ship "The wormhole passage has gone without any problems, we will now be escorting the research ship to the planet, and return as soon as we're done" And so, they went to the planet, left the research ship behind, and went back to the Wormhole ship in wall formation, entering the receive tubes all at exactly the same time.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
(Psst Kamica read this)
The discussions had began to heat up the sides were about evenly matched though the opposed had one more that the for. Amenon stood up his armor gleaming in the sun, "Settle down Council!" he roared his young voice sailing over the older and weaker voiced members. "Yelling at each other will do no good. Dispite my desire for this movement into the universe affairs I will not tear apart the Council to make it happen. Everyone this still remains a topic but will be postponed until the next meeting." A few voices went up in protest but the Chief's word was usually final. He began to walk away from the meeting as the other members began to leave as well. Yet before they had walked more than a few feet a horrendous roar went into the air. Amenon turned sharply around grabbing for his gun. "Get you guns soldiers!" he barked the order out running to the edge. Dozens of giant beasts surrounded the hill. Their roars terrifying the council members. The guards grabbed their guns and began firing into the mass of creatures Amenon joined them his shots presise his knowledge of their weak spots true. "We have to get to the ships there are to many to shoot them all. They had begun charging up the hill their massive bodies coming closer and closer. The members hundles together as the guards surrounded them in a protective wall. "We have to break through everyone run for the right. Their numbers are weaker there." The guards understood the order and begun firing to the right trying to break a hole. The beasts are getting more intelligent they seem to have discovered we meet here he thought still firing into the beasts. The line of beasts soon broke to the right and the Ugrentiens began a mad dash for the opening. They made it through running down the hill to the ships the montrosities in pursuit. "Everyone to my ship you will never make it out in those damn runts." Te mebers changed course all running for the ship. The monsters had surperior speed and they were upon them ripping at the guards in the back. Two fell their screams filling the air. Amenon began opening the ship once the door fell the Ugrentiens stormed into the ship Amenon struggling the close the doors. He signed a sigh of relief the ship was built strong the creatures would have to work to get in. He wouldn't give them a chance. He worked the cotnrls with ease flipping on the engines on low power just enough to get home but not fire off into space. A roar inturrupted him he turned to see one of the doors to the inner parts of the ship fly through the air hitting the walk opposite of the room one of the Wooly Ice Beasts had some how gotten in. His memory flashed back he must have not closed the door he came out of. What an idiot he was. He reahced for his gun but the beast was quick with one swipe of his massive paw Amenon went flying straight into the controls. The ship jurked as the engines were tuined up and the ship blasted off the force throwing Amenon to the ground with everyone else the beast sailed across the room bashing his head on the opposite wall crushing its skull. The ship zoomed off and in a matter of seconds came out into space right in front of several fighters escorting a certain research ship Amenon was able to slam his hand on the controls halting the engines before the ship had a collision with the formation. Amenon looked out his screen and stared in horror. "OH shit foreign fighters!"
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
The research ship, which scanners were superior to those of the fighters hailed all the fighters "We are getting odd measurements of something going away from the planets surface and leaving the atmosphere" Suddenly, from the atmosphere came a small spot of light, it now also showed on the fighters their scanners "Foreign ship detected, defencive wall formation!" Kamica said, and all the fighters moved in a wall in front of the research ship "Research vessle, we suggest you go to the wormhole ship, fighter 2 and 4 escort the research ship" He then hailed the vessle in front of him, the people on that ship could hear "Rida so kia?"
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Amenon stared in horror as the voice came over a transmission. He looked at the members who were shocked as well. He turned to his people. "Council of the Ugrentiens we have made contact with the foreigners. Please stay calm as I try to talk to them." He turned to the screen and began to speak, "Eateamikamo?"
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Kamica thought "Damn, they obviously don't speak our language" so he improvised, a picture came on the screen of the foreign ship, showing Kamica, with a arrow pointing at him, and a laughing face at the other end of the arrow. "Let's hope they understand this..."
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Amenon looked at the picture. "Hmm it could mean he think we are funny or doesn't want war." Amenon thought a bit. A picture came to Kamica a pciture of him with an arrow pointing to a head that was nodding.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"move to arrow head formation, don't look hostile" Kamica said to the rest of the fighter squad, he then send another picture to the foreign ship, showing himself again, with his head a bit tilted, one eyebrow raised and pointing at the camera.
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
A deafening explosion erupts as a dark worm hole tears open. Suddenly all sorts of objects. A several ships, destroyed buildings, dead bodies, and rocks which very much resemble Mars rocks and dirt. And as quickly as it opened, it was gone again. The worm hole was gone. Silence filled the vast space. Shortly after, John regains conciousness. He was floating around in his ship. He hovered over to the control board, and turn the gravity stabiliser on. He felt the back of his head, and found he was bleeding. John rushed to the first aid kit, and bandaged up his bleeding head. "I knew I should've bought a full kit. Shit. Hope I...". John gasped as he saw destroyed buildings, and rocks, and dead bodies floating around in space. He rushed back to the pilot seat, and navigated the ship around a little. Seeing all these dead bodies, destroyed buildings... Mars rocks. John's heart nearly stopped. The thought of seeing all this happen made him queezy. He looked around some more, and saw some strange ships not seen before. With caution, he slowly navigated over to them, hoping he may find help in the unknown space that lay around him.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"Damn, this is not working, why didn't they come a month later? Then we would have installed the Artificial intelligence in our ship, and we'd be able to decode what they're saying!" Kamica said to himself, he then composed a little video of several pictures, with figures on them, representing the fighters, a big ship with a blue whirlpool above it, and the foreign ship, the video showed the fighters flying to the ship with the whirlpool, the foreign ship following and docking with it.
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
Flanek called to the other ships: Flanek: "We best be careful when on the surface, we have no clue what the angelics have in store for us. I'm coming down as well so I will bring some of my commanders." Ship Captain: "Alright, I will send some of my best men. As will I." Says two of the commanders. Flanek: "Alright then, that should be enough. Lets get some drop ships on that planet now." Ship Captain: "Agreed." Flanek got up from his ship and headed toward the drop pods as do the commanders he was talking about. They to had capes on there backs just as Flanek did but they do not have wings under them. Nor do they have swords but special cuffs over there hands which held retractable claws. These commanders are known as the Shadow Slicers. They all got into the drop pods and launched to the planets surface. The pods slammed into the ground and opened up letting out all the men. They looked around for any angelics in the area to make sure they were safe. Flanek: "Whats our status?" He asked one of his men. Slicer: "Good sir, no sign of angelics." Flanek: "Head toward base alpha and see if anything is up." The slicer saluted and ran off toward alpha base for his wife was stationed there.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
"They seem to want us to dock with them. We can't do that what if they are hostile. Hmm. Guns at ready men!" Amenon sent the pciture of him nodding once more and turned his engines on low. Then suddenly an explosion rocked the ship far to the right of them was several dead bodies and and ruins as well as a lone ship.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Not even half a second after the explosion, a line of bright green ran over the wings of the fighters, and they began to swarm around, making sure not to form an easy target. "Do not attack anything that doesn't attack us, remember that, we do not want war with an unknown species!" Kamica said over communications.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
"...Captain Elui...The caravan is ready for departure: State your course my lordship."

The soft, clarion voice of the ship's AI resounded in the darkness of the ship's captain quarters. As Elui was coming out of a deep, and dreamless sleep, his eyes still hazed with the black fog of his restful trance.

"Excellent...we shall leave this nebula...skim the surface Asame, don't let the little ships exit the cloud cover until we've secure our flock."

"Right away my lordship."
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Amenon was shocked by the defensive movements of the unknown fighters. He Instantly powered up the shields and the main ship cannon. "What is happening here. Two foreign encounters." He sent a trnamission down to the planet. "Mobilize fighters for defnese or attack if requested."
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"Damn, it would realy help if we could just talk to them" At that moment, a message from the research ship came in "Fighter, as this is a first encounter, you probably can't understand them right?" "Yes, and they can't understand me either, why do you ask?" "Well, our ship has a translator AI, it's mostly used for ancient languages though, and it's a bit of an old model, so it might not be able to figure out the language quickly, but, it's the least we could do, could you send us everything they've said?" "Okay" Kamica send the only message he had gotten in their language "This isn't realy enough, please, start a visual conversation with them, and link everything you receive to us" "understood" Kamica started the visual conversation, he waved and said "Krom, koma so kao?" with a smile.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Amenon sighed, "Are they trying to talk again. They know we can't understand them." Amenon began to speak to them. "Eateamikamo? Taeeamikamoharem?"
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"Was that enough yet?" "No, the first word they said was the same as they said before though, if they would just make movements, and elaborate gestures together with their talking..." "Okay, I'll play an example for them then" He spoke to the foreign ship again "Krom" he said, while waving his hand and bowing his head "Koma so kao?" he then said putting his head in an angle and pointing at the aliens.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
"I think they are asking us who we are again. Or maybe they want us to do weird movements while we talk. The first word could mean peace or something. I just don't know." He talked again this time he put a pondering face on as if wondering about something and then showed a picture of Kamica that he was looking at and said. "Eateamikamo?"
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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"Hmm... I think I can figure what Eateamikamo means myself, maybe it means, who are you, or what are you..." Kamica said to the research vessle "That might be right, the AI is still doubting a bit, answer both who you are and what you are" "Okay" He spoke to the alien again, pointing at himself "Kamica" he said, then pictures of the other fighter pilots came next to him on the screen, Kamica opened his arms, sort of like embracing all the pilots "Koldir" he said
Level 10
Sep 7, 2008
The slicer got to alpha base and was shocked at what he saw. Buildings were in flames people were murdered slaughtered hung, cut into pieces, even others hung. Slicer: "Those angelics..." Is all he could say as he jumped up the wall and looked over the city. He saw some commotion going on in the northern eastern wing. He jumped ontop of buildings and jumped roof to roof until he got there. He saw a battle going on. He radioed Flanek. Slider: Sir! Alpha base has been attacked and I am staring at a battle going on as we speak. There are to many angelics for just me to handle whats my course of action sir." Flanek: "Stay there and wait for back up, were going to take alpha base back." Slicer: "Yes sir." He said as he looked over the battle hopeing to find his wife there. Thats when he saw her. "Rosey!" He said as he jumped down there to help her out even though he was defying Flanek's order. He started fighting back against the angelics. Back at the drop pods. Flanek: "Alright boys we have a fight on our hands in alpha base. Get your blades ready." They got there swords and claws and shields and rushed off to alpha base.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
"Finally. It seems His name is Kamica and his race is the Koldir. I think." He nodded as if in approval and then pointed to himself and said "Amenon" then he grabbed two of the council members under each arm and said "Ugrentiens." After all of this he made a pondering face again and said "Koldir" the best he could and then said "Taeeamikamoharem?" pointing to the screen As if pointing to Kamica and then pointed to the space outside of a picture of his planet and then made a questioning face once more.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"Wait, I think our AI is finally able to translate parts of it, the next thing they'll say will be translated as best as possible, also, everything you say, will be translated to their language." "Okay, thank you very much" "So, kia is Amenon?"

OOC: You can now talk partially in your own language, and partially in english, also, make some grammar mistakes to make it look real ^^.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
A warp point opened and a big ship came out. Grom: Sha The ship showed up near the scene. Grom: Aro Bronic: Huoy
Level 8
Mar 28, 2008
John slowly pulled up close to one of the ships, hoping that they hadn't noticed him (being a dark coloured ship, very small, quiet, nearly untracable, and fast). He pulls up near the docking bay, and saw nobody monitering the ships. He slowly and sneakily landed in between to large ships, to hide his ship from view (though still able to be seen if up close). He got out of the ship, and felt a large strain on his feet. His entire body felt weaker, as though somebody was pulling him to the ground.

"Must be the gravity stabilisers. They are stronger than Earth's gravity."
He remarked.

John grabbed his robe, put it on. He placed his handgun in a strap about his waist line high, for easy grabbing, then began sneaking around the docking bay, looking for an exit.

OOC: details about my character can be found here
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: Nice entrances! :D I can tell this is going to be good! ^^ I have to wonder if we are allowed to upgrade our technology bit by bit over vast times? New ships made for specific tactics, stations, etc? I know upgrades could take all day (player time) or all week :/ So how long would it bee for a several year station? (MASSIVE thing I have in mind :p Sun sized :p Not godmodding though :p So don't worry XD) Perhaps 4 months? Oo

IC: He walked down the metal corridors, passing crewmen as he walked. Large metal doors opened as he walked onto the bridge. "Status?"he asked, coming to a stop n the half-level above his chair. An officer responded, "A spacial distortion outside of Black Sun space, sir. I don't know what it is, but it seems as if a wormhole skimmed a black hole. There is planetary debris on the receiving end." Looking at the screen, he saw the large chunks of debris float past the camera. A dead body drifted into sight. "move past that thing. I want a closer look at those ships." He frowned, as best as a bird-like race could. "Yes sir." The camera swayed, and soon was closing rapidly on the grouped ships. As the veiw became clear, he asked "What do the scanners say about the ships?" But as soon as he said this, a massive chuck of rock drifted into view, spinning slowly, but it was large. "Get the dro-..." The screen became static. "We are no longer getting a signal from the drone sir! It has been destroyed..." Silence filled the bridge as the crew noticed their leader thinking. 'Those ships had different designs... New species... but what are they doing this close to Black Sun space? And what caused the rapid collapse of the wormhole after it established? Was someone trying to move a planet away from a battle? The power requirements would be massive! Perhaps I should-' His thoughts were interrupted as a crewman with a datapad came forth from the doors of the bridge, handing it to him. He took the pad from the crewman, nodding slightly towards the crewman. Reading the data, he noticed that the ships had completly different energy signitures, and the lifesigns were different as well, confirming his suspicion. Looking up toards the screen, which was now black, he gave his orders. "Prepare 5 drones for launch. Take us to those coordinates, but try to get it outside the projected range of the debris field." Confirmation from his crew reached his ears as he sat in his chair, the armour stiff beneath him, the cloak reaching the floor. Watching the viewscreen, the watched as a blue portal, like thick clouds, spiraled into eexistance infront of his ship. The ship proceeded into subspace, and his screen was filled by the spiraling tunnel of wonderous blue. Now all there was to do, was to wait...
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: lol ok. I guess I could always skip ahead to the end of the production for one of my projects (would actually take 10 years with all resources to its construction alkong with workers D:) So, I guess I can have it being made to the end of this month perhaps? Then it will be finished :p I actually developed the concept in the other Scifi RP :p but then it became inactive D:

IC: The tunnel comes to an end as a bright light fills the screen, and changes to show a planet, alluminated by the sun. The debris field to the left slowly expanding as the peices drifted across the area. Radar and visual confirmation confirmed the alien ships, and the drones are deployed for security purposes. (150 automated drones on my ship, but only 5 being used, just so you know :p) As the pride of the Black Sun fleet nears the alien vessels from beyond the field, a massive rock comes into view. Quick scans indicated the rock was the size of a small city, and the viewscreen showed buildings on its surface, onfirming this. The problem was, it was headed for the alien ships. "All forward beam cannons, maximum power! Tear apart that rock!" The armored figure ordered insistantly. Crater shaped mound came to life as they filled with green glows. Within moments, massive beams erupted from the cannons, creating a continuous stream of energy into the rock, ripping it apart into other parts that began to drift in different directions. Eventually, the beams died down, and the alien vessels were pumeled by small debris as the large chunks drifted by, narrowly missing the strange ships. Making sure the coast was clear of large rocks that would prove fatal to the alien vessels, the massive ship hailed the ships, sending them a message.

"tik tauk ka mara. leydar ut da Bluk Suin tar'kot. Aru man'tu mun'kara?" (^^)
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Grom: Hiop. The ship slowly moved where the other are. Bronic: Amenon, Koldir, Taeeamikamoharem. The ship hailed the others thought halo vid. Grom: Tuy. A energy humanoid being showed in space. Grom: We are the last of the Holis. We need a planet to settle and rebuild. The ship everyone sees is badly beat up.
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Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
Grom: We are telepathic race of the Yuole Galaxy. We just came after a war that destroyed our Galaxy. We and the other surviving races of that galaxy. Oh by the way what we telepathically think is translated in your minds. We need a planet soon or our power will be fade and the other races shall die. Also we offer guidance for you if your intent is peace and non-war. The ship turned of the halo video. Bronic: Groid fetry.
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