World Of Darjis Roleplay Part Two!

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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC:come on human guards don't walk around with clubs they would at less have a club.

IC: Gath stood taking the large key out of his pocket. He stuck it in the keyhole and turned. A strong aroma of spicy sweetness can out filling Gath's lungs. It was a beautifully carfted interior made of a unique stone to kingdom. Directly in front of him sat a grand fountain and large statue of Etheriel. A long hall stretched before him a thin arch above the doorway to the hall. Dozens of macnificent statues lined the hall leading to a long table below a Throne. To each side stretched another hall.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
"Yes Ethereal." Gath bowed his head and closed his eyes for a second as if praying and continued down the Central hall. "Hmm must be enchanted to be larger on the inside." He stopped at the table in front of him. It was made of an ancient wood and had several cravings craved into it. Around its border was a silver ring also greatly engraved.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
The room was large and vast its shelves stratching all the way to the ceiling. In the center was a small desk on top it set a small orb and nothing else. Light radiated from the orb. The room had a musty smell, but it was plesant to the lung. Gath strolled to a shelf he ran his hand over the spine of a rather large book. It was a dark green leafy color with silver leafs inprinted in it. A name was imprinted deeply into its spine and cover in gold writing, "The Tales and History of The Celestial Elves". Gath set it on the desk and motioned to Kamir.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Kamir walked over to Gath, while looking around, all sorts of books were here, he noticed many of the books were in some unreadable language, some were even in the dragon tongue, and some where just in common, he stood next to Gath, and looked into the book.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
The words were handwritten in smooth and sharp writing. Gath flipped through reading bits and pieces. "Aeons ago a great civil war erupted within the race of elven kind over a Great crystal that contained the powers of a fallen star called the Elenastralis." He paused for a second fliping a few pages. "A tribe to the east called the Celestial Elves seeing the destruction it would cause to their bretheren and their race as a whole stole the crystal and hid it within their most secure citadel in the center of their kingdom where they began to study the depths of its power." He read on further in. "other elves blinded by their lust for power and dominance each began to assault the borders. The celestial seers then unleashed a terrible storm upon the borders killing many enemies and yet they still clashed upon the kingdom like a tide of arrows and spears." He flipped even more pages and read on. "Seeing no end the Archmages using the artifact lifted the kingdom into the sky and the sea filled the void left in its ascendence. Thus since the whole Celestial Elf tribe grew and thrived in their flying land. They developed there own culture and technology and they began to grow apart from their cousins. Thus is the story of the rising of the land." He put the book down. "Do you see now that there was a good reason for the kingdom to be flying. Now anymore questions?"
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"I've never asked why they made it fly, I just said they did, however, from our history books, there is also something saying something about a flying kingdom, which was attacked by our cousins, the dragons, however, none of those books show why they attacked... could there be something in here about that too?" Kamir asked, looking around, to look for any book which could indicate anything about dragon history.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: I remember something about that sometime but I can't remember the details good enough.

"Hmmm, I don't know. Maybe" Gath began searching.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"By the way, can you read every book that's here? Some of them seem to be rather... odd languages" Kamir said, while picking up a book where there was on every page, one center circle, and around it were all kinds of scribbles, it seemed like they were all part of one whole.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OCC: come to think of it...that is true, since Celestial Elves to collect lore from far and wide. There are works in our libraries from civilizations lost, buried, and forgotten ages ago, back even before the Celestial Elves took to the skies, which was as some would say, at the beginning of the by now utterly ancient, elven civilization.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Gath picked a book he smalled the language was familer to him. It was Celestial Elf writing. He put it aside. He picked another book up he reconized this one even though he new only one word in it, the. He pitched it to Kamir. "I believe this might be your language."
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"Hmm?" Kamir turned his head to the book "hey, it actualy is..." He grabbed the book and opened it "nomeno re wer senar di darastrix: ixen, xarzith, whedab..." he read "This is just a normal study book for Dracon's" Kamir said, closing it again.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: lol...I can't speak draconian ^^ Perhaps you'll find a childhood diary of mine somewhere hidden behind all the books :D (some insight into Elenai, where I will give you free reign to make some lore about my character) lets see what you can come up with ^^
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
Ic: Rin nodded and destroyed the cube... he walked downtown before heading toward the mans house.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOc: I don't feel comfertable exploring into the deep dark secrets of ones childhood, but I will try.

IC:Gath walked to a bookcase on the far end these seemed to be some of the more ancient ones. He tripped over something face planting into the floor.
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
IC: Rin walked to the mans house and scaled to around to the back. He walked in through a servants door in the back and began to look around. He flattened himself to a wall as a servant walked by. When he was satisfied that he knew how he was going to make the kill he hid himself in a small closet letting his Aer flow making a tiny rift in the door allowing him to see through. When the man arrived back he sat in a chair on the opposite end of the room from Rin. This was the mans study. He had a large harpoon mounted on the wall above him as a trophy to a war long ago. Rin let lose a small piece of Aer, changing where his rift was and gently slid his hand through the rift, grabbing the spear and dropping it on the mans head. Rin closed the portal and opened the closet, summoning his Aer once more and cloaking himself in another rift. He only used this to make sure he got out safe but he would have anyways. There were no servants in his chosen rout. He made it out and back to the river safely.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC:I've been trying to tell him to "rift" here but I can't make him do it.

IC:Gath sat up glaring at Kamir. "Everythings different up here. I most likely am more clumsy." He looked down to see what tripped him it was a small book with a thin brown cover. He glimpsed the word Journal and Elenai in the Censestrial language on the cover. He laughed a little holding it up. "Hey! Its Elenai's childhood journal."
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Gath opened it. Dust and dirt covered the inside. He cleaned it off. It was made with surprisingly good hand writing for a child. He searched for something intresting shifting through the book.
OOC:I don't know how well I can do this.
"Hmm this is intresting. It says. Today I got to hold one of those blades like my father keeps locked up. The design was beautiful and something weird happened I felt like I could hear a voice when I held it. It was something calling out to me and I felt at peace as it did."
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Gath skipped through some pages then the book was blank. He turned to the last page and something was written. "It says. Good bye my home. May the wraith of my enemies bind and break when I come to clense these lands.""Hmm he wrote in this right before he left 8 years ago."
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"Smells like.... dragon blood?" Kamir said, and he flew up a bit, towards the smell, he then took out a book, opened it, he could see it, a writing he couldn't read, written with dragon blood, he dropped the book out of his hands and it fell down right in the direction of gath "Who would do such a thing!?" Kamir said, slowly going down, shocked by the fact that the blood of his brethern was used as blood for some book.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
"....I wonder. It can't be Elenai." He picked the book up and opened it. Holding it to Kamir he asked "Is it in the Dragon language?"
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
OOC: I would rift up there but its kinda like theres not much of a purpose for me there but i guess il do it anyways.

IC: Rin returning to the bar was greeted by one of the bodyguards. He was told to head to one of the rooms in the back. He entered and was immediately tossed a bag of coins. Rin looked at the man saying, "This isn't the promised amount..."
"Things have changed..." He said as he nodded to one of his men, the door was shut and locked and Rin was trapped.
"Think about this before you do it..." Rin said
"Oh i have though long and hard and have decided that you shall give me my money back!"
Rin smiled and flipped his hood back revealing his long black hair. Rin moved like a blur throwing a dagger, killing one guard and spinning around killing the one behind him. Rin didn't however notice the guard in the corner of the room lung out at him with his blade. The blade pierced Rins side letting blood gush. The man let go of the blade, still in his side. Rin blinked and began to black out. "No..." He let his Aer surround him, he used a quick portal.

A quick portal is a funny thing... Normally summoning a Rift Portal takes time, its an intricate matter to form the right size and place it. But a quick portal is like tearing a small hole, sometimes not even big enough for the master of the rift to fit through, in the fabric of this space and time to reopen it somewhere random and just spill you out there. It was usually against all rules of the order of the Midnight Assassins but Rin had to, he had no other choice... He would have been killed.

In Rins case it seemed like eternity he floated through the air until all of a sudden he just dropped out of the sky and landed with a thud on the ground outside the house that Kamir and Gath currently occupied. His blood began to flow out and onto the green grass. He felt a flowing motion, the world began to spin than... Black... Everything faded out and all there was was black... The sword still stuck halfway out of his side, covered in blood. His hands dropped their daggers and he lay sprawled in the small area unconscious and unaware of the world.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Kamir suddenly sharpened all his sences except his sight "I smell blood... other than this dragon blood" he said "I'm going to check it out" he opened his wings, clapped once with them, and gone he was, he went out of the building, into the direction of the smell, he as soon as he came outside, his eyes confirmed his nose, he flew to the body, and landed next to it "Hey... I remember him... he's that rift guy" he said, he then saw the sword, he put one of his hind paws against Rin's body, and grabbed the sword with two hands, he then pulled as hard as he could, the sword got out, he dropped it, lifted Rin, and walked back inside as fast as he could, back to Gath.
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
Gar burned and plundered small villages driven by the madness induced blood lust, he now required neither food nor water, death was feeding him and he was feeding it, for every soul he had released from it's earthly bounds a piece of his flesh would start to rot away, he could see the same changes happening to his men, their eyes were now holes with a sinister red glow inside, even though they were decaying, Gar was feeling a lot stronger, he could no longer feel pain, and all the segments of his rotting flesh that fell off where now replaced with bony carapaces, impervious to penetration, but with his strength also increased his blood lust and madness, the voice in his head now ruled over his body completely.

Amongst the wreckage of a plundered village, in the basement of a half-collapsed building he found a sealed hole on the floor. Bashing it open with his hammer a dark strand of energy flowed through the hole and into his chest,
the red glow in his eyes now consumed his whole eye holes, and thin strands of it were actually evaporating. His warglaive and hammer also turned black, augmented by the blood of his enemies, he could now smash through both rock and bone with a single swing, he could slice through shield like if they were made from cotton, no palisade could keep him away, and no weapon could penetrate his skin. And what he found the weirdest, he kept getting stronger, nothing would stop him now. Nothing.....
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: nothing huh?

Gath had by now put the book up and he walked to the doorway just as Kamir can storming in carrying a body. Gath went to it quickly. The long black hair of the man was tangled and blood was all over the poor soul. The man was Dark Elven and young. Gath grabbed the body rushing out to find a bed. He arrived at Elenai's bedchamber soon and lay the body on the clean white sheets. The sheets were soon soaking the blood up like a sponge. He examined Rin for his injuries and the source of the blood.
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Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
IC: Rin's wounds were in his mid chest but off to the side... Severe... But he would live with proper care.
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
OOc: well idon't really know what to do now, should i try to find a way to get revenge or should i go after The Malice Of Vergus again..?
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