Official {Unamed} Futuristic Roleplaying Thread

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Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: Especially the elites of the Monstrosities. I never understood the point of making one's first encounter to be with the champions of a faction. The monstrosities is an example. It's like a mortal taking on Zues or Ra, maybe Quatzequatel (egyptians had a few hundred various gods. SO, number-wise, it'd be like facing Ra, or the Mayan's Quatzequatel sun-god) Just not a smart move starting at the top. :/
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
The Ugrentiens smiled. "Thank you dearly for what you have given us." They turned and went away.

The two ships continued across the icy plains. Fianlly, the Laminari camp was in plain view. They stopped and began to exit their ships. Amenon(once more I think. It has been awhile yet I am to lazy to look it up.) exited alone while Marin had near 20 soldiers behind him. They approached the camp.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
The guards stood at the edge of the camp, awaiting Amenon's arrival: They had been expecting the ship ever since the short range scans picked up their presence.

The Silverfeather Caravan had been studying the planet of Camad, or "I'ron" as the Ugrentiens native to the world had called it. Ever since the discovery of an ancient Melodari presence on the planet, and a translation device, they have remained here to plumb the secrets of this...admittedly strange world.

It is not like our ancient settlements, it is different somehow.

Many of the loremasters and scholars of the caravan had said to each other.

Too different.

Said even more.

Vasod, Elui's second lieutenant stood amongst the guards, waving at the Ugrentien soldiers as they strode towards them. His pale-white luminescent skin blended with the snow, contrasted by the scarlet hue of his blood, as it rose in his cheek against the cold wind.

Welcome Amenon, and friends, welcome indeed. We have been expecting you, and have much to tell. Elui will be out to greet you in person soon enough.

Vasod made a gesture in the air, as his command rings lit up on his fingers. The fanlike double doors of one of the ships folded back, as the guards made way for Amenon. Their pale white faces hidden under their cloaks, and helms, blades sheathed, and rifles at rest.

May Laminad smile upon you as you sojourn here again.

The guards said each in unison with a bow.
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Level 35
May 22, 2007
Elui burst down the hall of the ship, pulling up his undergarments, pants, and flitting his robes around, trying to tie them. Asame giggling along the com.

MMmmgfh ggmiffflingh!

Elui mumbled through the snack cake held between his teeth.

Elui finally, having situated and organised himself, folded back one of the doors, and burst out to the large chamber where Amenon stood.


He spoke through the cake.

I mean...

He finished his bite, gulping it down.

Greetings! We've made such wonderful progress on our studies!

Yeah right...

Asame interjected with a mumble over the com.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
"Greetings Great One... I mean... Elui. I would not have bothered you are your pursuit of knowledge, but my new friend Marin'Moa insisted he must speak to you." Amenon motioned to the large wolflike creature next to him. "I told him he would need no guards, but he was persistent. Apparently not very trusting."

Marin'Moa stepped forward a look of anger and readiness in his eyes. His hand never left the small thin rod at his waist. He had the look of of someone who had been in war his entire life. His mouth twitched abruptly as if just remembering an upsetting thought. "You look so similar. Yet... so different."
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Worry not! Let me tell you about it! Tis a magnificent discovery indeed, you see, if you take flour, and mix it with air, and whipped trepol eggs...

No, not that discovery!

Asame interjected again.

Oh right.

Elui stated with an air of disconcern.

I will tell you about the "Discovery": making gestures in the air that seemed to indicate 'quotes': after my introduction.

Greetings new friend, I am Elui, Priest-Captain of the Silverfeather Caravan, of the Laminari race, the children of Laminad, our God.

Elui leaned forward with an air of interest.

You need no guards by the way, we Laminari are beings of our honour. Our lord Laminad freed us from such barbaric ways as was our ancestor's life.

No doubt you are seeing us in light of familiarity, due to the similarity we still bear to our ancestors, the Melodari. Rest assured though, we are not as we once were in ages past.

I can tell you are ancient...that thin rod of yours is not of the era of this people, especially the Ugrentiens.

I however, am not familiar with you, or your species...Do tell us more. Who might you be?

Asame's hologram drifted down, her form nebulous and wrapped in blue waves of transparent dust, like a fractal--data glyphs streaming in orbit around her blonde hair.

Meet Asame, our Arboreal intelligence.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
He looked to his rod. "Looks deceive. Though we care for the honorable ways of melee combat." He brought out his rod which a plasma chain and a giant plasma ball were now materialized on one end. "This does not mean we are not advanced, but I assume you are far more advanced then us." His face went angry again. "You are breed of the same cloth. It makes me think you could be the same only in disguise." He thrust his hand forward revealing a small orb. It began to glow and a holographic image could be seem. It showed the ship graveyard in which well over a million ships were in ruins. Bodies floated among the debris that orbited a planet. The planet was void of life. Magma oceans flowed and it was only a giant sphere of ash and decay. Tears came to his eyes. The men looked shocked that their leader was shedding tears. "Billions upon billions annihilated. Women and children burned to a crisp. Ripped to shreds! Well over a dozen planets thrived under our rule. Now they all look like this!! Your bothers did this! Your own blood! DEMONS FROM THE DARK ABYSS!" Tears streamed down his face and his eyes showed a deep hatred.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Ah yes...The Melodari Empire as it was.

One of many, that we must regret and lament daily as we reclaim dead worlds, and re-cultivate what we ruined.

Asame...Show him the world once called Barod.

Asame brought forth her own orb, showing a world once a desert. She touched its surface, and it zoomed in, revealing a thin layer of grass, and flowering plants.

It is slow to grow....but we are doing our best. Soon it will flourish.

We are not the Melodari, though we are the same cloth, we have been cleaned of our blood stained ruin, made white again.

Asame said, letting the planet hologram float around the room, revealing snap shots of various plants and animals that were put there.

We may not be able to regrow your world til it cools...but in time, we will do our best to heal the harm.

We cannot bring the world's people or its former self entirely back to life, but maybe in time, when the universe is regenerated, this world too will live as it had, and better.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Marin's tears cleared up. "Perhaps you are not evil, but surely this race will continue their rampage. They will stop at nothing until the universe is in ruin. Can you not stop them? Can nothing be done? How can you stand by as races become extinct. Civilizations vanish. Knowing it is your own blood however tainted it might be that is doing it. "
Level 35
May 22, 2007
The Melodari are gone, their empire fell after The Revelation...we as far as we know, are all that remain. But alas, our legacy of blood still floats out there in nebulae...There are rumours though of a primitive faction that escaped the civil war that engulfed our ancestors...

When...when did your world become desolate?...

Elui looked at the world with a new concern.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
"Our race was destroyed but mere weeks ago. We fled gaining help from the Kamica and Ugrentiens. We now live among them, but search for a planet of our own."
Level 35
May 22, 2007
It was not our doing then....this is strange...I see bodies here, and ship debris that is similar to ours....though exceedingly less advanced...


Elui thought to himself.

OOC: is this the battle that took place where The Kraken made his entry?
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
"Damn, shields up. Open ports and get ready for heavy battle. This is the veteran of the wars. Take our most brightest and get them on a ship. They will get back up from the Melodari descendants, the Laminari. Well will hold as long as we can, tell them to find Elui. He is Priest-Captain of the Silverfeather Caravan. Tell him that we are fighting against the terror of Itheil (their name of the system). With speed." They got a group on a cruiser to set off in search of this, Elui. This group tell him of a battle. To ask for sanctuary and kept hidden until Elui commands. Orders were to follow his after they meet him and gave him a data crystal. Most haven't even heard of this Laminari. The ship, The Lighthir (Guiding light) was prepped and had set off.

The Holis war-leader said "open fire" as his last command. A wall of energy and metal moved towards the Star Fortress. This would not end well for the holis.

The ship saw this attack as they left the system. They slowly head towards the last known sightings of this race.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: I wonder if the Luminari know of the Chozo and their having survived the Kraken. I honestly have to wonder how they would take that bit of news, much less the destruction of a monstrosity. Would it be a celebration? :p

Somehow, I doubt that the Chozo will ever meet the Luminari in this RP XD Unless either of us decided to force a meeting between the two (something I don't want to do, forced first contacts). But, it keeps us saner when we don't have our races know all of the other races. I have no real reason for the Chozo to ever meet the Luminari, so a meeting would be pure coincidence. :/

... I have to wonder how they would react to the Solar Mining Station that encompasses a sun...? :p

... SolMaster... how would they know where to find the Luminari? Besides, Elui isn't the leader of all the caravans, and each have their own captain in charge of a fleet (correct me on anything, Elenai. I haven't had to deal with the Laminari, so I don't keep tabs on what certain ranks can control, until I have to deal with the designated race. Helps keep the response more realistic :p)
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: I'm going to be honest...I'm not sure how the Holis know me...I am not sure about having stalkers...IN SPAAAAAAACE! **

At any rate, Elui just got guests, and is a rather bit busy on Camad/I'ron. And as far as taking on a monstrosity goes, here would be Elui's reply message:

"Are you insane? Don't. I'm not going anywhere near that thing..."

"I agree!"

Asame would reply.

And yes Varsaigen: Elui is just a priest-captain, the higher government of a caravan is the council of elders, which are basically just the wiser, older, members of the very organic community. There isn't much of a hierarchy in Laminari culture, other than what you would see in a family meeting perhaps.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: My god SOL. Why do you have to barge into everything. And considering they are nomads you couldn't possibly know where the hell they are their last known location is probably some random nebula somewhere. And if by some miracle or some improbable information you somehow pull out of your ass, The Laminari and Koldir are the first outside races on I'ron since the Melodari left it so it would be utterly impossible for you to know of it or its location.
And I would ask that you stop ignoring my posts like you are so damn good at doing!!

Elenai the battle you are looking at is the one that took place before the one with The Kraken. The Zyomanrai obliterated the Shentarions and then in pursuit of the escapees (Marin'Moa and the surviving people of the Shentarions) found the Koldir protected system in which during the battle the Kraken then appeared.

Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
OOC: Elui is not for back up reasons, more of sanctuary. These holis have plans for a ship that must not fall under evil hands. No it not a god mod ship, more of a experimental ship that can act as a armed fold beacon. Few have knowledge of fold space so they need to hide.
Stalker, come on. Their not stalking you but trying to F***ing find you. I do not ignore some of your post, gath. SO SHUT IT. Damn, you treading on a thin line.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: So how the heck do they know his name, rank, and fleet name? -.- I'm sure that old enemies would have some form of grudge instead of wanting peace with the race that demolished them... Even if it's some of them. But even if they do remember him, they would be hard-pressed to find him. the galaxy is a big place, as are systems. (It reminds us how tiny we are when we see a space battle between ships in orbit around a planet.)
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: You people post too much >.> Anyway, the drone/probe thingy was aimed at Sol)

IC: Lonai had fallen asleep a while ago, but eventually awoke, he looked around, and then asked where they were, hearing they've landed on a planet, he immediatly went for the nearest way out, without destroying anything, this was a few moments after the others had left, Lonai walked a bit, when he noticed the footprints, he followed them, until he noticed the ships, they seemed vaguely familliar, but he couldn't place them in his memory, his exo-skin now had formed an armor, with only two viewing holes, he then approached the ships, trying to not be noticed.

OOC: Yes, Lonai is still alive =D)
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
OOC: Sol, you're the one "treading on a thin line" if i were in Gath's place i probably would've kicked you out a long time ago.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: Where the heck did you come from mato? Now this isn't a yell at sol thread lets get back to rping... You can come in with your Ugrentien character at anytime mato if you wish.

IC: "So. Is there anything you can do?"
Level 35
May 22, 2007

I do not know, I will have to request that some of my people, perhaps another Caravan study the region to discover what occurred here.

But alas for your home Marin'Moa, it will take a lifetime to restore this world to its natural state. I can only offer you a temporary place, or a new home-world. There is a place amongst the lists of worlds the Laminari have cultivated successfully back to life. You may go through the archives to find one if you wish.

Asame, if you will, send him the list. And contact one of the other Caravans and see if they would be willing to study the region.

With fleeted steps.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
IC: hologram variations had been built, before a suitable prototype had been made. With the prototypes set for testing, the Chozo now had to focus on the station, as they had to design an intellegence, a series of Drone HUBs, a way to control the weapons. But, with Chozo technology, that would be easier said than done. Now, they ahd only to wait for the Vultarans to arrive at the meeting by the end of the week.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: Based on my research on the Holis, and Laminari culture meetings, I will make an edit of this post to clear up some lore as to our connection, and make a final decision on this "Holis calling in Elui" thing. And basically, set a precedent on future relations based on the lore we have.

Using these logs, in accordance with the history....

The Revelation took place sometime shortly after the conflict with the Holis in their system, the destruction of the Fredolis, and the ascendancy of the Holis from being physical beings, to being energy beings. And according to the logs, approximately 1000 years passed between The Revelation, and fall of the Melodari Empire into civil war, and the Laminari ascendancy. In which time, 1000 years after The Revelation, the Laminari had become a sustainable force in the galaxy.

It was here that an unknown congregation (Caravan) of Laminari by request of the Holis were stationed around a planet "Cereasus", where corrupt Holis had been imprisoned by Raven, a Starfortress form the Old Empire, that had fallen dormant, but awoke briefly to drive away the Laminari Caravan stationed there, and then she fled her post to regions unknown.

In current Roleplay timeline, I would say this was 3000 years ago, that The Revelation took place.

{Holis are born}:-:-:-:{conflict, and the Holisian Ascendancy, death of the Fredolis Species}:-:{The Revelation}:-:{The Raven Flees her post}:-:-:{now}

-= The Millennium of Elui's birth.

The Silverfeather Caravan was not the one stationed around Cereasus. Elui's birth was atleast 2000 years after, his birth was sometime in the later part of the millennium in which he was born, and as such, The Holis do not know The Silverfeather Caravan, or Elui. They would only know of 'that one congregation' or Caravan that was around Raven's post. But they were driven out, and have since then, went back to wandering. They are as of yet unknown. But I may introduce them as the ones to study the molten world of the former Shentarion planet, and see what went wrong. But they would only know the Holis so far as their ancient past, and even then only through a diplomatic exchange, and their eldest members only then would remember even that. They would not work with the Holis to take down a monstrosity either.
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Level 35
May 22, 2007

Oh yes, many caravans. There are thousands, if not millions of Laminari wandering around in the void of space, or hidden restfully in the deep nebulae they have marked as safe havens. We certainly cannot be the only caravan of Laminari...that would be so lonely...

It helps to remain hidden though, and thankfully our strength is not revealed in its entirety. We keep watch, and we cultivate the galaxy as best as we can. We are spread far and between though, even for us the Laminari, the galaxy is large.
Level 35
May 22, 2007

They are not Laminari, at any rate. They seem to be similar to us...but I know them not. They are different, they do not have the same pale light, or white aura that we have. They are darker than we, and their technology is barbaric, and primitive. There is a rumour that some of the Melodari survived the war on the fringes of the empire when it fell into ruin after The Revelation. But it seems, it might not be a rumour after all.

How they could have survived is beyond me...The arm where our empire was is so very dangerous, only a few havens exist there, where our sacred forges are. How could they have survived "The Watchers" could they have survived the plague...and the civil war that engulfed the remnant?

This does not bode well at all.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
OOC: Sorry for that, what caravan was station on Cereasus then. I rewrite the names of the captain and the caravan. I just need to know the names.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: The caravan that was stationed on Cereasus is currently unavailable...sorry. I really, really don't feel like involving the Laminari in a suicide mission, to build a base on a ruined Melodari world, with a veteran monstrosity floating around.

A monstrosity which I would have purposefully made as a god-mod counter, really, I can't 'defeat myself', much less help you over-come a god-mod counter that is stronger than The Kraken, especially at what will definitely cost a large portion of a whole Laminari, women, children, AI, elders, ships, materials, and otherwise, of whom will most likely be busy studying the Shentaron system.

If you are going to besiege Iegas (Ievos)...a dead world, in the middle of an asteroid field, and inevitably a nebulae, with an insane veteran monster inside'll do it alone.

And even IF you got past the monster, you'd still have to deal with the defenses on the ruins of Ievos itself!

But...attack if you wish...Behemoth will not be so easy to beat as The Kraken.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
OOC: The plan was to wait until reinforcement came from the holis. The holis on the ship are advanced in many areas of science. This is an attempt for a better world for all. They need to hide under a race powerful and wise enough to keep them safe. The chozo won't be able to guard them because they would try to get that info.

IC: "All Ships clear out your data banks and destory all weapons that could make this one stronger. Then insert the virus into the system. Prepare for sudden doom." All around the ships they completely destroyed their shields and other powerful items. The war-leader's crew used transporter to send him on an escape pod. They jettisoned him towards the ship heading for safety. "All ships, we forcefully evacuated our war-leader. We fight until our ships are destroyed, plan hammer in under way. Set the engines to full and enter the reactor. We will ram this being with all the fire power we brought. Set up all bombs and start the phase one. NOW!" The ships head for the monstrosity with a fury that will be shown everywhere as a bright light.

OOC: Imagine a blast that big. Now this is a newer holis battle plan for any left over Monstrosity.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
OOC: Brillant is it. The force of those ships with there cores overheating with all that explosive. The fleet's crew will be reborn again, the cycle of energy is so wonderful.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: So no one is driving, or capable of driving these ships as they careen towards me at high speed? Can't be stopped? No remote controls...nothing?

And the ships are completely devoid of life: In essence not a single Holis is on a single ship, in any fashion, way or form, and cannot get on these ships in anyway at all? It is just a hunk of ship-missiles, and bombs, flying at me?
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
OOC: Auto drives and set for you. So yes they can't be stopped. Also the volley is getting real close. Gath, it will severely damage him if not destroy him.
Level 35
May 22, 2007

The ancients who found this planet were Melodari, civilised but brutal. These are not civilised I would deem....they had no reason to go to war with the Shentarion people. The Melodari used advanced methods similar to this to turn planets into molten worlds by bombarding them in massive sieges...but only so far as those planets were thoroughly in need of being destroyed...the Melodari were traders, and plunderers. This world was simply ravaged without cause, or even a single wit of reason other than to destroy it out of want.

They are perhaps Melodari....but they are not the ancients...they are perhaps what we would have been, if we had given ourselves entirely to our darkness.




Behemoth looked at the screen as he saw the ships barreling towards him.

So...very ignorant...Waking me from my slumber, and without a reason at all...Come now, Come should know better than that old foes...I recognise the Holis when I see them...Come back for revenge? I've no time to deal with you. I grow far too weary...

With that Behemoth waved his hand as he sat in his throne, watching the screen with an air of disconcern.

The docking bays irised opened quickly, as multitudes of spinnerets launched outward and writhed in the emptiness of space, floating ominously.

Behemoth thought for a second, and then snapped his fingers:

The spinnerets lit up, like the tentacles of some florescent jelly fish, and quickly snapped in all directions, as tiny beams seemed to sweep to and fro--shot out of their brightly shining ends at seemingly random points in space, cutting small rifts in its fabric, warp tears began to fill the void in the path of the suicidal onslaught, widening, and widening as more and more tears were ripped by the spinneret's seemingly random beams, until a massive warp portal stood between Behemoth, and the careening vessels, the presence of Behemoth distorted and faded by the space-time disturbance caused by the portal, until at last he disappeared all together, the massive star-fortress hidden now behind the visage of this gaping window into some distant part of the galactic arm, all that could be seen through this pit set to engulf the failed attack of the Holisian kamikaze: The blinding light of a massive dying sun, the only thing that could be seen on the other side, flares rocketing outward, ready to consume the doomed, empty shells of the Holisian ships as they slipped one by one through the portal to their most certain destruction: Unstoppable, and unhindered.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
The pod reached the ship and was picked up. "They committed base treachery. set course for that system, it was a place that can house our fleet for a time. But those other ships moving towards it look familiar. Almost like the Melodari. If it those brutes that attacked that world. Hail Them." The ship went to warp space and called to a caravan.
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Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
OOC: OK, let take a step back. The holis saw what looks like the ships that attacked the planet. That a caravan of yours.
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