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The Dragon Roleplay Roleplaying

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Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
OOC: Ah, yes. But it's not a boulder. It's a dwarf with a warhammer. I wasn't expecting anyone to pick what it was, noting that they can't even reach her (went through one of the holes, remember?)

IC: Her body began to glow a dark purple, her eyes a polished white. The dragoness slowly stood up and faced the new opponent. It was another dwarf, but covered in heavy, thick mithril armour and wielding a deadly warhammer. He readied his weapon again, and the dragoness sidestepped away from him. He swung, she jumped back, sidestepped, ducked, and jumped away again. Whatever machinery they were using to launch these boalders so fast would be hit, the stone cracked when the hammer hit the walls. and the dragoness couldn't get a break. He kept swinging and she had to keep dodging.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Anteroth kept walking toward the massive stone gate. "Nothing will stop me from killing you now dwarf!" Anteroth roared toward the king down the large stone tunnels. He stopped in front of the gate and opened his mouth wide. Flames spewed from him and gathered in front of him. Anteroth let out a deafening roar and the heat inside the 'battleground' was almost unbearable. The flames shaped themselves into a huge ball of fire that Anteroth had control of. Anteroth launched the gargantuan ball of flame into the gate, shattering it into hundreds of smaller pieces and opening the way. Many dwarfs behind the gate were killed, while others were wounded. Anteroth's relentless will payed off. As the smoke and dust cleared up he could see a small contingent of mithril clad dwarfs accompanied by an older looking dwarf.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
More dwarves poured into the halls as the older one fled deeper into the fortress. Dozens charged toward the lava dragon. Javalin throwers let loose their fury as a wave of javalins flew towards the dragon. Araniusti flew through the opening and with a burst of fire incinerated the javalins. "Follow the king if you wish! I know he is your true target we can handle this battalion!" He roared at the lava dragon bashing his tail into a group. "If you find a city though. Don't kill the citizens. I do have plans for them." Araniusti made his way forward clearing dwarves with his claws.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
IC: Finally, an opening was found. Though the dwarf was fast with his hammer, his responce was slowed slightly when his hammer would hit machinery or stone. The dragoness took the opportunity to jump and bounce off the wall pushing the dwarf against the hole. She wrenched the warhammer out of his grasp, and began tearing at his armoured furiously. Black smoke appeared where darkened claws scratched the breastplate. Soon, the series of blows was too much for the dwarf, and he lost his grasp on the sides of the opening. The dragoness latched on and rode him to the floor.

Metal smashed upon stone, the dwarf dead, and the dragoness let go of the corpse. Looking left, she noticed the blasted doorway, and ran through it. A black smoke like substance followed where her claws went as she dashed to catch up to the rest of the dragons. Dwarves to the left, dwarves to the right, their arrows were no match for her, as they got into position. She came to a stop and launched a bolt of lightning to the left, sweeping it along the wall and shattering what stood there, the dwarves electrocuted. Rubble fell to the floor.

She looked right, and the dwarves readied their crossbows. She dashed, as they fired, missing her entirely. Passing the next door, she saw the backs of the dragons, and ran to catch up. She was on a role, her power let loose. And unbeknownst to her, these powers were not her own, as her eyes glowed with the hatred, power, and blood of a demon.

OOC: Wow, I felt like I was writing a book. That's just pure awesomness. I'm not sure how many rooms you guys went through, but it'd make sense that it was more than just the doorway, as Anteroth wasn't stuck with us. I'm hoping I can continue writing this way, so that means we need to have a lot of great plot development. XD
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
The lava dragon and Araniusti were within the hall as the "spirit" dragon remained in the hallway. Great battle was being made with a large number of dwarves. She came out behind the army cut off from the other dragons.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: The she is you. We are in the great hall right infront of the hallway where the rocks were coming on. The only fesable way you could of gone through rooms on your way to see us would of been to come behind the army. There is practically a dwarven army inside the throne room. All we are doing is fighting a battle in the throne room.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
IC: The dragoness stopped and ran to the wall on her right. She didn't see the dwarven army until she was halfway to them. She was on a roll, but if she wanted to continue that roll, she'd have to think strategically.

Above her were chandeliers, placed every twenty feet or so. Maybe she could use them to her advantage. She flew up there and starting melting the chains. But for her plan to work, the chandelier's weight had to break it. As she finished, she prepared herself, and perched on a banner high above the army.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
IC: Seeing the younger shedragon's entry and attempt at melting the chain on the chandeliers Araniusti thought he would lend her aid. He flew into the air in the high walled great hall swinging his tail around he severed the chain from the ceiling sending the chandelier falling.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
What the heck? I'm coming in from behind and you ruined my strategy? I thought you guys were busy with the enemy. Besides, I believe the enemy was supposed to throw their javelins and shoot bolts at you guys, making flying very dangerous.

IC: The chandelier began to fall, and the dragoness dove along the wall. The dragon had just ruined her plan, and she'd have to talk to him about it later. The dwarves dodged the chandelier that was supposed to hit and distract them. the dragoness levelled out above the dwarves and breathed black fire on them as she flew across the room at great speeds.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: The javalin throwers and crossbow men are probably a bit distracted from the other dragon to concentrate on one flying into the air with sufficent effort. Also my dtragon just saw you fail to melt through the chain and came to a conclusion he should help.

BTW I noticed your signature, it is rather interesting.

IC: Araniusti returned to the ground adding to the black fire with a stream of his own fire. He landed hard crushing two dwarves under him and impaled another with his spiked tail. One dwarf had somehow made his way onto his body. A large warhammer came down on his shoulder. If it wasn't so heavily muscled it wouild of been bone breaking. Araniusti rolled his hand into a fist and sent the hammerdwarf flying. By now several dwarves with large nets were entering the room.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
OOC: Thanks! Which part did you like about it? Also, I should remove the RP site part. It died the moment everyone's characters were approved (ironic, isn't it?)

IC: The dragoness saw the new dwarves and dropped to the floor. Body glowing, and smoke trailing her, she was easy to see. she ran with incredable speed, zigzagging along the floor. She jumped and bounced off of the wall to impale her claws through one of the dwarf's armor suits. She ripped her claws out of him and jumped onto the next dwarf, who had just thrown the net in an attempt to catch her. It failed, and she knocked him hard to the ground. Within a minute, she had taken down the group of net users, and she began to speak. "You and your kind are pathetic creatures. Hiding in your mountains of stone. They may hold against the weakest of enemies, but there are some more powerful than you could imagine. And I'm one of them." She said with a grin. Her eyes glowed red as she finished the sentence.

A shadowy mist seeped out of her claws, and the dwarf began screaming in pain. The armor was being eaten by shadows, and the black energy moved into the rest of the dwarf's body. "You will be the first of my servants. You will spread chaos among their ranks, while I go get their king." The dragoness said, starting to laugh maniacly under her breath.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: I was refering to. "A cat always lands feet first. Toast always lands butter side down. A cat with toast strapped on its back will hover above the air in a state of quantum indecision."

IC: Araniusti looked oddly at the dragoness and her abnormal actions. He however soon returned to the fight.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
OOC: Ah, yes. I found someone who also had that in their signature recently.

IC: A net was suddenly thrown on her and she was tugged away from the dwarf. "Your net may hold my host's body, but it cannot contain the shadows." The dragoness smiled evily. The shadow mist started spreading from her entire body now, and the dwarf let go and began stepping back. The dragoness was soon enveloped in shadows, purple light glowing from beneath in great detail. The net evaporated, and the dragoness stood back up. She charged at the dwarf and bit through his neck. As he hit the floor, her front right leg gave way. "No! I must continue! I'm not done!" She said, and her body collapsed all the way. The shadows dissapeared and the glowing faded.
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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
IC: The Dwarves in the vacenity began scrabbling for the exits at the sight of the shadowy display. Soon the room was empty littered with bodies. The rest of the dwarves had fled deeper into the halls. Araniusti approached the dragoness with caution.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
The shear presence of Anteroth made the dwarfs uneasy. They had all heard of his deeds he had done to Khazan. How he incinerated the entire city and made it his den. The heat emitting from Anteroth's body was extreme. Anteroth saw his target, the king. "You cannot escape me worm!" Anteroth engulfed himself in flames and flew forward to him. The dwarf honor guard turned around and prepared themselves. But they weren't prepared for Anteroth's hellish blue fire. The orange fire quickly became blue with a white center as Anteroth swooped past. The honor guard were purged to bone within seconds. Anteroth swooped over and landed in front of the king. The king was caught by surprised as slipped on the floor. He tried to scurry away as Anteroth advanced toward him closer. "No, NO!" The king thought this would be his end. No, Anteroth didn't kill him. Instead he picked him up and brought him to eye level. The king stared into those hellish eyes. The pupils couldn't even been seen, just an eerie orange glow that could be seen in any level of darkness. "Where is the antidote!" Anteroth's voiced rumbled the great dwarf hall.

((I'll let you voice for the king Gath.))
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: They are dragon slayers, right? Would it make sense for them to have carvings in the likeness of dragons displayed in their stronghold? Perhaps even a statue of a full dragon in a large hall as a throneroom or meadhall? With the lack of details, its hard for me to imagine a dwarven Dragonhunter fortress. :/
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
OOC: I don't think we were paying too much attention to the details. Afterall, we were kindof killing dwarves. It'd be wrong to focus on details and what each room looked like instead of focusing on the plot. Also, I hope he didn't see what the demon did when in control of her body. I kind of want to keep it mysterious. XD
Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
OOC: I had no idea where to start so i just started in the forest, unknowing of my location.

IC: Helara was wondering through the forest, she noticed odd things about the forest, one thing in particular was a strange rock formation, it seemed to resemble something but honestly she had no clue. As she examined it further she noticed an outline of a creature in it, one such with a wing. She thought nothing of it and started wondering further into the forest. Odd looking trees seemed to show up, certain small ones seemed to be crushed underfoot, her face turned into an intrigued look and examined it very closely and saw a large footprint, one larger than what she's seen before. Claws prints at the end, she seemed to get afraid because she has never seen something as big as this before. She started to step caerfully, unknowing of he dangers lying in the forest.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: Details are very very much important and would be a great addition. Why we don't do it is nothing less than extreme laziness. We should do it.

IC: The king looked up at Anteroth with extreme horror. However some thread of Dwarven corage and defiance showed through. With a semi shakey, but still commanding voice he spoke, "Never fiend. I would die before helping a beast such as yourself. Send me to my ancestors. I shall eat in the halls of the great kings before me."
Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
OOC: I wasnt really thinking it was varsaigen's character but if you want next time i do the rp i can do a rewrite of the place, and anyone mind giving me a brief description of the dwarven foretress or have you aready?. And guys a measly woods could seem like a forest to my character =P.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Anteroth looked at the king with anger. "Then you will will suffer until I squeeze the answer out of your pitiful mouth!"
Anteroth's hand quickly became warmer. It began to sear away his armor and then his skin started to burn. "Where is it weakling!" Anteroth yelled with a thunderous voice which carried across the length of the great hall.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
OOC: If you haven't read the 16 pages, I suggest you do. Varsaigen was able to read them in about an hour.

IC: The dragoness slowly began to wake up. "Hm? Who hit me?" Lilith stood up and shook her throbbing head. Looking around, she saw all the dead dwarves, and the chandelier, and the stone decorations, and realised that she was no longer in that tiny corridor where the dwarf had hit her with that large warhammer.

"What happened here? Did you move me?" She asked, looking up at Araniusti.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: And it was a good read. While I would have thought more would have happened, I know to expect that the "lot of events" that I expected come around 100 pages in. In another RP, I completed my Elemental Orbs quest in 400 pages. it was quite the set up to my rise to power :D

But that's another RP. I want to know what happens in this one! :D (and have Carthagon awaken from her eternal dreams, as pleasant as they may be.)
Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
IC: Helara finally reached the end of the forest. She looked back and saw nothing but a faint glow somewhere within. Exhausted from travelling so far she paid no attention to it and found somewhere under a tree to rest. She heard something though, she looked up, there were people going into the forest, she saw bows and arrows and swords and armor, leather and plate both. She got up, and tried to step very quietly away, but she failed and they heard her. She started to run, she can't run very far though considering she's exhausted. Taking a closer look at the people she noticed they were very small for humans and she considered they were another race. Maybe friendlier. She stopped running and turned around completely.

She started stepping towards them but some part of her body was telling her to stop and keep running. She was listening to her curiosity, not her mind. The small humans turned around one of them started laughing but the others took arms, with bows and swords at the ready they fired. Helara was no match for these small humans and one of the arrows hit her her left wing. With that injured she cant propel herself faster. Unable to run, she was at the mercy of the creatures.

The Dwarves got chains out and clipped them to my arms and legs. They turned around completely and started dragging me towards a large fortress. She decided to stop resisting and just follow them, she knew she wasnt in control.

"I'm Humgry," I complained. "Too bad" The dwarf stated. "Well... How RUDE."
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: Seemed kinda odd Orange. You switched from saying "she" to "me" and "I". This implies you actually are the dragon as well as shatters english laws. Not to be grammar critical... <.< >.>

IC: The Dwarf howled in shear pain as his skin and internal organs were slowly being fried. He began convulsing at the power of Anteroth. He was unable to speak choking on his blood.

Araniusti looked down at her. Araniusti coughed once clearing his throat. "Um. You were ambushed from behind a great boulder smashed you into unconsiousness. I was able to save you from death. I need to find Anteroth before he chooses to obliterate my new home in persuit of his 'antidote'. If you can move you can join me."
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
IC: "Yeah, I can move." The dragoness said, turning to face him. "You say a boulder made me unconcious? But I got to the dwarves and there' not enough room for the boulders to pick up any speed." She knew he was lying. Why wouldn't he tell her what really happened?

OOC: A boulder. really? Not a dwarf or something? lol
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Level 7
Sep 14, 2008
The Dwarven Scout group reached the foretress with Helara still chained up. The dwarves couldn't hear it but she could. She could hear the Dwarven gaurds fighting something, she couldnt quite put her finger on what but she had to wait and see. But one thing she did see was smoke. And one thing she could smell was fresh blood. She started to get more frightened as the dwarves approached the open gate. The Dwarves started to get confused because the gate was open while they were gone. They started running faster but Helara was holding them back. The Dwarves were pulling and pulling Helara trying to get in. She let them pull her again, because now she wanted to see what was going on. She entered the gate with the dwarves and didnt see what she was looking for. But she did see that the dwarves seemed to let go of the chains. She saw this as a chance to escape. It took a lot of effort but she finally found the strength to spin at a speed able to kill a dwarf with the chains, which she did, she hated it but she did. The dwarves all around had huge gashes in their heads, and actually died of a blow to the head. She couldnt see another threat anywhere else but the gate so she was trapped with chains still chained to her legs. She decided to try to move, she actually found out that the chains werent that heavy, and she was able to move at a more jogging pace. She ran down the closest hallway she could find and sat down to rest.
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Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: Dumb dwarves... Couldn't see the smoke, couldn't hear the roars and battles going on inside... but they remain confused as to why their gate is open? Oo

And... how many dwarves died from "blunt force truama"? (Truama indicates they survived, but sustained injuries such as a black eye. Truama is a mental state, whether caused emotionally or physically, that leaves a mental scar from the event.)

Does EVERYONE have to be in the same spot? :c Everyone?
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: I don't like it but we do seem to just have to bunch up.

IC: "Hurry." He began to run through the halls as fast as his massive legs could carry which was rather fast. The halls had no dwarfs in them and seemed almost mazelike. Anteroth could be seen in one of the halls. "Lava Dragon! Do you want the mountain to be brought down on us! Stop this roaring!"
Level 7
Sep 14, 2008

IC: Helara was startled by the loudness of that roar. It seemed to echo throughout the halls. She started to back out of the halls and into the open. There wasnt a single sign of a dwarf outside of the halls. She looked all around but there were no dwarves. She took this as a chance to escape this fortress and get some real rest. She rushed for the door. But as she got to the door she found out something. IT WAS A TRAP! The dwarves surrounded her completely. She was afraid of death and she had nowhere to go! One of the dwarves grabbed one of the chains and held on tight. Their trap worked. The dwarves picked up her chains and chained them to a strong metal pole. She wasn't getting out of this mess.
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Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: ... I don't get it... They had her prisoner, but laid a trap for her? What's the point of that? Besides, where would they get the man-power since there are multiple dragons within the city? I think that is a larger threat than anything on the outside... :/
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: So they decided to lead their captured creature into their trap even though she was already captured and on top of that while dragons are obliterating their home? Could they not simply tie her up, post a guard or two, or cage her.
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