Official {Unamed} Futuristic Roleplaying Thread

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Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: We do....but not in places that will get us killed, and not in ways that randomly have us appearing just in time to be a convenient plot device for the Holis. Not to mention the Laminari are a 'hidden' people, they do the vast majority of their existence, and work cultivating, traveling, etc, in secret.

Most people only know of them as a lost empire "The Ancients" (The Melodari), and in recent times, those who have survived Zyomanari attacks, know of the Zyomanari. Rather few races know of the existence of the Laminari themselves. The Holis know...but they only knew The Melodari, and a single Laminari Caravan, that has long since been elsewhere, and is probably rather far away from where you are.

Most Laminari Caravans hide in Nebulae...but so do alot of Monstrosities...So pretty much its a safe bet that trying to find the Laminari without our wanting to be found is like playing dice with closed doors, and both sides hold a of them is just capable of being nice, the other is insane.

We travel yes, we are many yes....but we are secrets, legends, whispers, myth, in the eyes of those who have not met us face-to-face, and even then, it is select and few.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
Not to mention the Laminari are a 'hidden' people, they do the vast majority of their existence, and work cultivating, traveling, etc, in secret.
The Secret Gardeners of the universe. :D (That's what I take from the cultivating part :/) It's like the groundskeepers of the universe, making sure the plants (planets in this case) flourish.

But on the note of conveniently finding a Laminari caravan, or any version of their ancestral empire, is slim at the most. The Chozo were unfortunate to come across the Kraken in the area they warped in, and were only able to find it afterwards due to it's lack of mobility. Now that it is capable of movement, it would be impossible to locate. They have, however, been continueing research from their own ancient empire involving nebulas. :p Eventually, I need to get back to that.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
As we've said many times now, the galaxy is a large place. I don't see how the Laminari would have traveled through the entire galaxy, but the chance of finding a caravan is closer to 1/100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. There are so many star systems and nebulae that you would have to spend many years and a whole lot of resources just to meet them. and even then, you may only find them warping away. XD Don't you agree Elenai?
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: RPs tend to make things seem smaller than usual, until you see a game where ships are fighting above a planet, and size is evident. (in this video, it brings to light the massive scale of planet compared to ships. Although a mod of a game, the modifications show the beam cannons, and similar ships to the Chozo [ship designs from Freespace 2, and custom ships from the the Freespace universe. This video is simply freespace ships and technology placed into a game called Nexus, but is a great example of the weaponry.] So, it's kind of a hint as to the basic firepower of the Chozo cruisers. :p) Anyway, I think it just helps to show the scale of ships to planets, and thus, the sheer size of solar systems, and even more so, the vast distance between said systems. The galaxy is an immense place, and trans-system movement takes a long time. So, a manhunt for a caravan is nearly impossible, even on the slimmest of scales.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: SOL... It seems your annoying me and just about everyone in this roleplay. Does anyone think this roleplay would be better without him.

IC: "Will they come here?" He looked a bit worried.
Level 35
May 22, 2007

I do not think they will, this is an unknown ice covered world, and if they do come, we are here to protect you. From the looks of their wreckage, they have fragile, and primitive forms of our power. And we have Laminad on our side, our greatest strength.

They probably do not have our kinetic powers either, if they are as primitive with their technology, their minds are also most likely hindered by their dormancy.

And besides...for good reason, we have set a heavy defense in this area...This planet Camad, which you call I'ron, is a mystery to us.

Our studies have shown very strange things about this world. Strange things indeed.

OOC: I will wait til Lonai appears in person before talking to him; a much easier introduction.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
IC: Preparations on the Vultaran fleets began as soon as they warped in. Command urged Reverana to speak with them immediately, and he went to his quarters, where the hologram of the council appeared.

"We have heard about your battle. Over thirty one ships lost, hundreds of fighters down, and most ships damaged. Do you have an explanation?" One of the council members asked.

"I do. The enemy called for reinforcements in numbers that rivaled ours. It was a good idea to test the prototype. The Koldir had kept them busy, but the enemy was not phased by our EMP weapon."

"All I'm hearing is bad news, Reverana."

"Let me finish. We eliminated many of the enemy cruisers and when the prototype warped in, it was quite the sight. When it fired, it decimated the majority of the opposing fleet. However, something was creating a nebula amidst the battle and as the prototype warped in, bio matter tendrils, stronger than what the enemy was using, appeared and attacked its allies. We pulled the fleets out, and launched some drones to watch what occurred in within the nebula. It seems that the bio matter’s source was hostile towards the enemy."
"And you said this thing had the same technology?"
"Vastly superior, yes. The drones’ readings showed it firing a beam of energy, similar to the prototype. We were able to acquire scans."
"Hmmm, yes. We're getting them now. It is good that nebulas do not interfere with our scanners. We will have this analyzed by our scientists."
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Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: The nebula that still remains around the Shentaron system? (Never) Not until the planet's gravity basically pulls it in, and cakes itself with it....which....might actually be a very good thing considering it is molten, and lifeless now, might be very helpful for the Laminari in rebuilding it.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: The nebula that still remains around the Shentaron system? (Never) Not until the planet's gravity basically pulls it in, and cakes itself with it....which....might actually be a very good thing considering it is molten, and lifeless now, might be very helpful for the Laminari in rebuilding it.

I don't quite like that >.> Nor did I hear of that <.<)
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: Well, the Chozo do have gas miners, and they would LOVE to have more gas from that nebula, but the threat of the Kraken has kept them from harvesting the nebula. They have been at work boosting their sensors to penetrate the nebula better, but it is a tedious task, with all the interruptions in Chozo space and all. :/ But yes, we have gas miners :p
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
IC: "It seems that the nebula is empty now, except for some debris from the fighting. We're sending retrieval teams to collect every piece of every ship out there. In the mean time, you'll be assigned to the Command Ship until your ship is repared."

"Yes, Sir." The hologram then dissapeared. Asura appeared in their place.

"So, how'd it go?" She asked.

"I'm being reassigned to the Command ship while this gets repairs."

"What?! There's no way I'm going onto that ship. I've read what they do to AIs there."

"If you would prefer to be on a mobile unit, you wouldn't be stuck to the core."

"No, that's fine. I'll stay here. Your assignment shouldn't take too long. We didn't take that much damage in the battle, though I can't say the same for the other fleets."

Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: BTW Sacrid due to elenai's uber giant cannon that basically vaporized or melted together every single one of my ships I don't believe you will be able to get any information from them.

IC: "WHat is so strange about this planet?"
Level 35
May 22, 2007

It might be best to simply show you.

Elui walked out of his ship, across the snow, and towards a large, circular, bio-metal tent like building, entering into the very open room that it sheltered.

This is a covered entrance to the ice buried city beneath, which your race is fondly aware of. This however, is an area you have not yet delved, or explored.

It is much like the rest of your planet's buried cities...nothing special to speak of. But...

Elui waved his hand, his command rings lit up: The floor beneath irised open as a hovering platform, like a sheet of glass floated upwards.

Elui stepped upon it, and motioned Amenon to join him.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Uuhm... What happens to a planet with a breathable atmosphere, when it gets shrouded in a nebula? o_O)

IC: Lonai quickly jumped aside silently as the entrance to the ship opened up and someone very simular to himself walked out, he silently followed this person, but then accidentally stood on a piece of ice, which broke with a suprising amount of sound.
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: They would be pulled into the atmosphere by the planet's gravity. Essentially, it would be like a gas giant, leeping the gass tightly held to the planet, despite the size of the plent itself (gas giants are mostly the gas atmosphere. the actual planet is tiny, and heavily pressurized)
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
AMenon joined him on the hovering platform with a look of intense interest on his face.

OOC: I ask that from this day forth all of SoLmaster's posts are ignored. He is no longer apart of the {Unamed} Futuristic Roleplay and should not be treated as if he is. Other actions will be taken with any further "threats" posted by said member.
Level 14
Jul 8, 2009
The holis were done repairing their galaxy but a terrible price was paid. They were slowly fading back into the cycle. Their legacy was completely hidden from the unworthy and as the last holis faded into the cycle, history. The galaxy they rebuilt remained as quiet as they first came back. Their friends and enemies would never know their demise. This was the final test they had to pass. The Souls went to a different place were the originals time imprisoned a threat. All holis souls go where the first began.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
IC: Reverana walked through the hallways of his temporary Command ship. Asura walked beside him in her advanced body. She didn't like these ships. To many captians went mad due to the loss of power, and their AIs went with them. The ship was completely foriegn. Reverana reached the bridge and saw how small it was. "This feels like a demotion." He grunted. Asura growled in her mechanical body. Though it was machine, it moved and acted more like a hound. Two curved horns from the head, black skin, a tail with an arrow at the end, and what looked like bones from the back.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Vasod heard the crack in the ice, and turned immediately to investigate:

Who disturbs Laminari ground?

He commanded.

Lifting up his gun, aimed at the general direction from where the sound originated.

Be revealed!

Elui looked to Amenon...revealing his own confusion, as both he, and Amenon descended down the covered shaft.


Elui said with a pause.

Melodari cities do not ever touch the ground...

Melodari cities, never really did. Melodari cities...have only ever floated above the surface...Never has one of them been built to disturb the surface...ever.

This 'city'...

Elui made a gesture that seemed to indicate quotations.


He pointed his finger to the glimmering half-ruins beneath them as they reached the end of the shaft, entering into a vast, massive cavern of ice, and mist filled cold, his voice filled with a baffled countenance, echoing slightly amidst the frozen underground realm.

And that isn't everything...No not everything at all!
Level 23
Jan 25, 2008
OOC: Well, it could be a floating underground city... :p Hidden but floating. :p Or, if it does touch the ground, it could be a base. :/ (who has levitating buildings anyway? Oo)

Nice hellhound, sacrid... :/

IC: Progress was going slowly for the developement of the station's AI. Though they had just begun, the most they could do was build upon the drone HUBs. The old empire had worked on AI programs in the past to little success, creating dangerous AIs with vastly different beliefs than the creators, and hostile tendancies towards others. Other attempts to liimit or remove the hostility resulted in dumbed down, or timid AIs. The only successes were the production of the Drone HUBs. But even the HUBs translated orders for each unit, lacking any notable intellegence at all. It was a super computer, tasked to finish the job, nothing more. It could not talk, think, debate, or even act of its own accord. What the Chozo wanted was an AI capable of analyzing situations, reacting against counter-attacks, and using advanced tactics to protect itself, while being loyal to its creators. The admiral would propose his plan to the Vultarans soon, but wanted his scientists and engineers working on improving the station to the best of their ability.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: Remember Varsaigen, the Melodari/Laminari are similar to the Celestial Elves from the old RP, but yes, DarkKnight is indeed correct for the most part.

Part of the reason though, was sheer show of superiority. Floating cities are impressive achievements! That and, the very, very, very ancient Melodari dwelt in huge trees for various reasons, so it became rather natural to have buildings off-ground.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
Vasod motioned his soldiers to investigate the sound: Soon he, and his cadre surrounded Lonai with rifles raised to his head. Their white skin glowing meshed with the snow behind them, their shining blue eyes fixed and stern.

Ah...we apologise.

You should have stated your name...

Their rifles lowered upon seeing Lonai, a Laminari, so they thought.

But....I don't recognise you...


Elui and Amenon reached the bottom, Laminari workers, and task men flitting about the cavern past them, their melodic voices ringing amongst one another.

We don't know...and that is what is so puzzling.


Elui drew his sword and plunged into the snow covered ground beneath his light feet: The point of his blade slid back with a loud;



Elui bent down and swept the snow away...


He whispered.

This isn't dirt...or stone...
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