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The Dragon Roleplay Roleplaying

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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: You never read back either Gath >.> (You always ask what happened, while it only happened one or two pages back >.>) And Razek, we acknowledge your dragon, but you basically rushed in, and we are making a plan. And don't forget that you may also be percieved as a threat. Okay, I've read back, and it seems I was the last to post an IC post...)
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
OOC: While he's rampaging through the fortress, we'll have to go around him. I'm sure we'll see body parts crash through the walls with fire blazing through on our way to the king. XD
But we should really get this going. i'll have to open the gates of course.

IC: With the plan settled, the dragoness flew off towards the fortress. One wouldn't expect such a small dragon to succeed, but neither did she. Why she volunteered was a mystery to her. Maybe it was fate, destiny, or some higher power guiding her to greatness or her doom. she didn't know, she just went along with it.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Suprised by the sudden movement, Sarnish followed her, flying next to her while saying "I'll distract them more directly, if they set their attention on you, I'll distract them, just go in there as fast as you can" and he made a barrel roll away from the Dragoness, spearing towards one of the fire-boxes, skillfully evading a few arrows, and reaching the fire-box, clinging to the walls, he started throwing out dwarves, only just in time letting to to prevent a nasty javelin from hitting his face.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
OOC: lol They are paying too much attention to the large burning dragon to notice her. I'm not sure how large these dragons are, so, depending on their size, she's either human sized, or a little above it.

IC: The dragoness came in from below. Low enough to the ground to avoid detection, as she quickly flew amongst the ruined debris and smoke. Nearing the wall, she aimed up and shot through the window, where one of the harpoon launchers had been taken out. She landed on the wall and launched a blast of lightning, which arced from one armored dwarf to the next. She then dropped to the floor and blasted black fire at the dwarves in that direction. She then moved in that direction, using the walls and debris to her advantage.

Jumping and biting at the dwarves, she soon cleared a path to the gate house, where she began pulling down on the wheel that opened the gate.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: You are much bigger than a human unless you have some kind of weird unrealistic mutation.

IC: Araniusti watched as a human arrived surrounded by around 20 guards. He smiled as the guards took up position in battle formation in front. The king spoke. "Beast! Why are you here! Leave before my troops come down on you!" Araniusti made his voice deeper and angrier than he normally would talk for intimadation purposes. "Silence!!" The humans took a step back as a small sliver of flame escaped Araniusti's maw. "Tell me human! What do you think of dwarves!" The king looked puzzled. "They are drunken cowards. Always sitting in their halls with a mug in one hand. I have nothing to do with them. Why do you care fiend!" Araniusti gave the king a toothy smile. "You are going to help me Mr. Lord... A dwarven hall defys me. You are going to lead your armies to them and aid me in it's conquest..." The king looked enraged. "What makes you think that I would possibly!!..." His eyes suddenly went droopy. "Why yes...I will...no...I wi...neve....." His gaze never left Araniusti's eye and that toothy smile. "Captain!" A soldier turned his way.. "Attack??" "Don't be silly Captain... Prepare all of our reserves, army, and guards to march on the cowardly dwarves." "Milord you can't possibly mean..." "DO IT!!" Araniusti lifted into the air as the Captain ran off into the castle. "Hurry human... I expect them very soon." He took off back towards the mountain.

* * *
The Dwarves were fleeing from their positions on the walls inside much narrower entrances. It seemed that the main entrance might be the only way in now. Atleast the hellish barrage of missles from the walls were gone though.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Sarnish landed in front of the gate, pulling out an arrow he didn't notice got into him becouse of the Adrenaline, he then started licking the wound, while keeping an eye on the giant burning dragon, and checking for any activity from the fortress, caused by the Dragoness.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
IC: Anteroth swooped down landed near Sarnish, he was much larger than Sarnish but didn't care about that. He turned toward him and swung his claw toward him. Anteroth's claw barely missed him but instead killed a dwarf that was about to stab Sarnish. Anteroth let out a fearsome roar and took to the skies again. The fire enveloping him soon became brighter and hotter. "It's time this battle came to an end..." Anteroth flew above the wreckage and battalions of dwarfs. The fire on him became blue and the intense heat was more than enough to kill, or severely injure any dwarf in the area. Anteroth's flames eventually went back to its original orange tint. He landed and walked toward the now open gate. Barely acknowledging Sarnish. His footsteps left behind flames and ash. Anteroth looked back toward Sarnish with his fiery eyes, "You can keep the fortress, I just want their king dead, and the treasures along with the antidote."
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
At about that time Araniusti landed behind the grouping of dragons. "No. The treasures are to be mine... They enchanted weapons and armor atleast... And what is this 'antidote' you need." He walked towards the dragons.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Anteroth looked toward Araniusti, "Their dwarf king has decided to use Dragons Bane... It runs deep within my veins, my time is short. After I kill this king and get the antidote, I will leave you to your new found property..." Anteroth continued down the stone halls, leaving in his wake, fire from his steps.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
IC: The dragoness ran down the stairs to the entryway but stopped herself when she saw Anteroth. He was so large! And to top it off, his footfrints left fire and ash on the ground. That was one dragon she wanted to stay away from. As he passed, she met up with the other two and walked alongside them.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Sarnish suddenly heard an arrow whistle by his head, and immediatly looked in that direction, he quickly used his wings to put out the nearby torches, creating enough shadow for him to dissapear. Just moments later, he appeared right behind a small group of dwarfs, and started killing them in a quick, sometimes painless manner, he said: "I guess I'm in my element around here" and he dissapeared again, walking out of a hallway behind the giant burning dragon moments later, licking his teeth clean.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
The hallway continued on and you finally came to the great door leading to the main hall. A large clanking sound could be heard as the passage behind you was sealed with a large stone block. Holes opened up above you as a large boulder landed right next to Sarnish. The holes in top are small barely enough for the boulders to slide through to small for any dragon. Small slits opened up along the wall as bolts flew past. It seemed the dwarves were prepared for an assault inside as well. Araniusti slammed his tail and hands against the stone block behind you all to no avail.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Sarnish, almost out of instinct, immediatly searched the least lit place, and went into the shadow realm, he knew however, that a boulder on his head would still be deadly, as would the iron point of an arrow, purely wooden arrows wouldn't have effect though.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: you might be small for dragons but you are still much larger than a human and the rocks are probably only a bit larger than a human.

IC: Araniusti breathed a cone of fire into the ceiling. Several screams could be heard. but rocks still fell.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Even though Sarnish was invisible, he still got hit by an arrow, right in a sensitive part of his tail, he yelled out, for no-one but the spirits of the dead to hear. Since Sarnish couldn't influince any objects that aren't spirits while in the spirit layer, he got flung towards the wall, hitting it hard, luckily this was a dark place, and he re-appeared, quickly pulling out the arrow. He knew he couldn't do anything to these dwarves for atleast an half an hour, by the time he would probably be dead, he then yelled to the others "I am terribly sorry, but I can't help in this!" as he evaded another boulder comming in, he then thought of something, these boulders were only slightly larger then humans, that would mean he could pick them up... "Nevermind, I might have found a way" he said while grabbing one of the boulders, flying up as fast as he could, and then at full speed, flinging the boulder against the side of one of the boulder-holes, tearing the side off, making several dwarves and another boulder fall, which Sarnish only just evaded.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Same here, And I'm moving to the other side of the world o_O You can be busy, or you can just not be bothered to play, I don't mind if any of you doesn't want to continue, or can't, just say so. Nothing more annoying than not knowing whats going on.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: Consider this a pause. The fact that I even got on the same day as this message is a stroke of luck. School is unbelievably stressful and time consuming and the only time I really can come on is possibly on the weekends. Do yall want to make this a weekend only rp?
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
OOC: Why hello guys, it's been awhile but I'm finally back. Though my activity will be greatly lessened due to the fact that the military is working me hard. I'll try my best to post atleast once a day. If not, then I'm busy. I'll start posting tomorrow.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Anteroth noticed the others fighting with the dwarfs but kept on his goal for the king. Heat began emanating from Anteroth's body making everything else in the halls uncomfortable. Anteroth let out a massive roar and and breathed flames to incinerate the few dwarfs standing in his way.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: Not sure what they are doing. We are presently trapped in the hall with rock raining down on us and the holes are too small even for an agile tiny dragoness.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
OOC: lol Nice try. I doubt he'd be heard over the sound of rocks hitting the ground. But for this, I don't care. XD

IC: The dragoness ran forwards and slid into a couple of dwarfs, knocking them over. Her instincts ten told her to rip their flesh from their bones and make sure they never get in the way again.

But she hesitated. She was ready to kill them, she needed to kill them, but something was wrong. Her instincts said to kill, but her body refused. Just as she started to get control of her own body, the voices returned.

Something slammed into her and she hit the wall hard. The voices increased in frequency and volume until it was the only thing she could hear.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Sarnish noticed one of the dragons, the smallest one, was hit by a rock. He charged for it, evading static, and falling stones, and rammed the block off of the dragoness "Are you allright?" he asked, tackling another rock mid air, which was comming at the dragoness.
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