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What kind of roleplayer are you?

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Level 1
Oct 15, 2010
Note that I ain't trying to stereotype roleplayers in any way. This is just a little bit of fun I came up with after noting the many similarities some roleplayers have. What kind of roleplayer are you?

The BUILDER is that roleplayer who is a delight to have at your side. The builder just loves to erect massive cities, towering magical structures, majestic castles, and so on. Without at least one builder in any roleplay, the thing is bound to fail. The builder lays out the foundations whereupon the roleplay itself takes place. Essentially, they create the world you roleplay in. While builders are generally a good thing, too many builders may end up screwing the roleplay over, when builders get so obsessed with construction they forget the main purpose - roleplaying. If there are too many builders in a roleplay, the other roleplayers find themselves drumming their fingers and waiting for the builders to stop building and start roleplaying. If they ever deign to do so and leave their beloved creations alone.

The ADVENTURER is a generic, stereotypical roleplayer, which makes up the bulk of the roleplaying population. The adventurer is the roleplayer who, in every roleplay game, builds little to nothing, but prefers to make a well-structured single unit - usually a hero - with an extensive backstory (most of the time, revolving around a tragic past) that plays a pivotal part in the roleplay's storyline. While this type of roleplayer tends to be detested because some narrow-minded people insist they are "noobs", there are a great many talented adventurers who can do much to make the roleplay entertaining.

The HYBRID is a mix of the builder and the adventurer, alternating between building and adventuring freely. They may also choose to do both. Balancing building and adventuring like this is difficult, and it usually takes months, if not years of roleplaying experience. Most hybrids are veteran roleplayers who have been roleplaying for a reasonably long time.

The QUESTIE is a rare breed of roleplayer that is much desired in any roleplay. The questie would be something akin to the bastard child of JRR Tolkien and JK Rowling. Overflowing with creative juices, the questie, as the name suggests, is the roleplayer whom you see directing the storyline, structuring it, laying out the theme, laying down limitations, giving out quests, and so on. They get more pleasure from everyone else roleplaying rather than personally roleplaying. They are essentially the dungeon masters of the WC3 roleplaying community. They are different from builders in the sense builders prefer to focus entirely on building skills; while the questie does ensure things are built, they will also ensure the story runs nicely and no one is bored. Most of the time, the questie is also the host of the game, though in some cases this isn't so. Most of the "good" roleplays you've been in, with an excellent plot and so on, will have a questie. However, since good questies are so rare, you may not always have the good fortune to be in the company of one.

In my opinion, I'd say a good roleplay consists of 2 to 3 builders,
Level 3
Jan 8, 2011
I would call myself an Alchemist, rather than a builder, though.

Rather than exploring the physical world and crafting structures, I look at the smaller details and try and craft new concepts or ideas that people would never even dream of. How can I bend or break the rules that govern my world, both IC and OOC? What things fall between the cracks, what do people not see in plain sight that I can use? What do characters need and what are they willing to risk to find that? And is it within my power to provide? Can people learn from what I do and expand even more?

To turn lead into gold, to weave the story into its best potential, to surprise people and to make them better their own imaginations. Rather than changing things, I would change people.
Level 11
May 26, 2009
I daresay I am neither of those. Possibly a mix between the ADVENTURER and the QUESTIE but at the same time, not so much.

I put much effort into writing well, communicating with other players and breaking clichés. I dislike playing a hero or fighter. I love playing a simple character with little or no fighting skills which supports the relationships between characters.
Level 5
Mar 21, 2011
Yeah, the Questie, though if you expect intelligence or grammar on roleplaying...

Or, for that matter, stuff that isn't cliche.
Level 12
Jan 20, 2011
I am a hybrid, more a adventurer than a builder, my love to the Druids and other Morphers and the Trolls gives me a questie essence, as A builder I am a somewhat a adventurer, nomadicly going through the world and finding allies and avoiding threats, as a adventurer I love help a builder create a empire then due the Emperors overpower and allies becoming neutral then betraying him and using my powers to balance the forces... Sometimes when I'm lucky to call myself a questie I make a huge war text fights and a atleast 3 hours long rp



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Hybrid. I like to build a city, especially in XRP Empires in which you have Mr. Bob's new human buildings, but have a wanderer as well.
As of late, I build less and less because people leave and disconnect a lot, and hosts just don't realize that they either start with full house or you might as well call it waste of time. I hate spending more than 30 minutes building to see people not using my city/town/village at all and leaving, screwing it up for everyone else.
On top of that, people have figured out a number of exploits that can lead to game crashes. RP creators aren't fixing them and many RPs are getting screwed because of that.
Level 1
Jul 4, 2011
I find myself adopting a bit of the builder/questie archetype. Building's always been my sort of thing, as well as mulling over some half assed story line that I can run friends or pubbies through. That is, when the RP isn't brought to a crashing halt through exploits.
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