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The Dragon Roleplay Roleplaying

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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
This is where all the roleplaying will take place for the Dragon Roleplay.

This thread is ONLY to be used for ROLEPLAYING, any suggestions, comments, new characters, conflicts, anything other than roleplaying must be done in the http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/roleplaying-370/dragon-roleplay-construction-thread-173444/ .

Note: All characters must be approved and located here http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/roleplaying-370/dragon-roleplay-construction-thread-173444/ . Any not located there will be ignored.

So without further ado. On behalf of:

The roleplayers and makers of The World of Darjis Part ONE and TWO, {Untitled} Futuristic Roleplay, 'God-like' Roleplay, Droid Wars RP, Spy RP, and I believe thats it, but if I am missing anything please tell me!


Also use...
OOC:(Out of Character)
IC:(In Character)
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Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
IC: "Let's go men! The exit is just a bit further!" A dwarf yelled as he and a band of warriors were fleeing for their lives. Anteroth swooped down and ate the dwarf the furthest behind. "Dammit! Keep going!" The dwarf yelled again. Just as the dwarves entered the light of day beaming into the city entrance the dwarves turned around and drew their weapons. "Now!" The dwarf screamed. Then some more dwarves appeared and uncovered ballistae from sheets and blankets. The Ballistae all fired, huge harpoons flying through the air each with ropes on the end of them. Anteroth had stepped right into their trap. The harpoons flew over him and came down. That instant, the ropes and the weight of the harpoons pinned Anteroth down to the ground. "We did it!" A dwarf cheered. Anteroths burning orange eyes were staring into the leader. Anteroth began to laugh. The dwarfs all turned around completely silent. "You didn't succeed in anything..." Anteroth said, his voice rumbling the halls of the dead city. Just then, flames came from between Anteroths scales, his will bending the fire around him, incinerating the ropes. Anteroth broke free and breathed fire on the group of dwarfs. One remaining dwarf, sitting on the ballistae chair stared in fear as Anteroth drew closer to him. He knew he was going be his message. Anteroth raised a claw, the tip of it was searing hot, he picked up the dwarf and put the tip of his claw to his chest. "Go, little dwarf... return to your king and let him see the error of his ways." Anteroth said as he walked back into the darkness of the city.

OOC: This might have been a little too long, but I go for quality in my RPs lol
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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: There is no too long =D)

IC: Sarnish was lying in his cave, looking at how the wind made the grass in front of the cave wave, he enjoyed the sound of the wind going through the leaves of the trees, and heard the occaisional animal.
Then, he heard something all too familliar: Iron, the children of Andir approached, and at that instant, he turned into his shadow-self, and just a moment later, he saw a black ball of fire heading his way, passing through him. He materialised again, ran out of his cave, jumped and opened his wings, catching the wind, allowing him to soar upwards, there he saw, just beyond the trees, a decent area, glistening in the sun, with iron, steel and cloth.

There wasnt much time to look at it though, becouse allready darts of ice started shooting at him, skillfully he evaded them.
He took a big breath, and exhaled quickly, releasing a bolt of black lighting, straight to the head of one of the mages. this person, and several people around him, fell down, their spirits were knocked out of their bodies. With most of the mages taken care of, he dropped himself, and was quickly met with arrows and spears pointing his way, he flew right around the volley of arrows, and headed for a non-occupied piece of ground, where he leveled out, and before the Children of Andir had the chance to respond, the full mass of the dragon send several men and women flying into the air.

Sarnish did not have enough momentum to go up again, so he landed in the middle of the small army, and used his tail, claws, mouth and breath to take care of the last enemies.

After they were all beaten, Sarnish headed back into his cave, after a while, he could suddenly feel pain all over his belly, so he looked at it, and noticed he did not evade the arrows as skillfully as he had thought, atleast 10 arrows had hit him all over his chest and belly, luckily he had thick dragon skin, and he started, carefully, to take out these arrows, and then licked his wounds ''I realy need to stop this somehow''
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
It's not long at all. I just think it would've been simpler to just shoot him. XD
And Gath, are we supposed to be using IC and OOC? I think it's simpler, since some people make it hard to tell.

IC: "What was that? Stay here. Don't blink. Do you hear that? Don't go. I see something." The voice whispered in her head. Ever since she touched that large golden crystal a few years ago, the voice spoke to her in a soft whisper. Well, maybe not to her. It could've been en echo from a collection of minds, something that happened a long time ago, or maybe from a memory she had shut herself out of. Whatever it was, it was getting more frequent. And none of it made sense. It was complete gibberish to her, and she couldn't make it stop.

The dragoness wandered the halls of her mountain fortress. Without anyone inhabiting it, it was all she could do to keep from going mad. But that was proving difficult. Living alone in a home that could fit a thousand dragons comfortably, she had to keep herself busy. Whenever she wasn't doing anything, she was left with her own thoughts... and that voice. When hunting for food or gathering wood, the voice continued, as a big distraction. She was getting used to it though, after many attempt of committing suicide.

Jumnping off it a cliff, with her wings tied, she had somehow saved herself just before hitting the trees. Drowning? Saved again. Many, many attempts, and each time, she unconsciously saved herself. Maybe it was the fear of dying, maybe it was instinct, she didn't know. She just knew that she had to leave. Find someone to make contact with. Find some way to make that voice stop.
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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: It seems like the hiveworkshop "hiccups" everytime I make a damned lengthy post... I think it hates me... Anyway this is a rewrite...

IC: The great wind blows from the east over the plains of central Azua sailing as it enters the passes of the Zyom Mountains the narrow ways forcing it into powerful gusts. It finally escaped into the rolling hills stretching miles and miles around. Lean against a tree a dragon, Araniusti, rests a metal helmet spinning on his finger. Before he lies a poor soul unreconizable his flesh burned into the metal armor wore by him practically melted from the flame that escaped the mouth of Araniusti earlier today. Araniusti looks down sudying to sword and armor wore by the foolish knight. Nothing special just a family crest set into the breastplate of the knight. Ordinary weapon and armor nothing to interest a treasure seeker like Araniusti.

Fool humans... it takes a special person to charge head on into a fully aware dragon. Honor... it might be more honorable to charge head long into an opponent, but when seeking out a dragon it's best to if you wish to attack, attack while he isn't aware of you. Atleast he died honorable. If that gave him comfort when he was being fried alive more power to him.

Araniusti spread his wings taking off into the skies a human town nearby. He could have a bit of fun today with it, but he wasn't in the mood. He looked to the Mountains towering in the distant.

Dwarves would be worth his time. He had met several in his life and even killed a few, but he had never seen one of their great halls, fortresses carved from the mountain itself. Not adept in the nasty magic used by the humans and elves they were powerful humanoids and their crafts were wonderful. They would be the best minions and their fortress the best home. Araniusti was tired of keeping his treasures in the treasury of a human castle watched over by that weak minded fool king who proved to be easy to "influence" into keeping his treasures safe for a time. No he longed for the great halls of the mountain kings and the crafts of their great forges. He smiled at the thought while glancing at the fading sun. It was a time like this when he was rescued. Rescued was all it could be called. His father burned a city to the ground suffering through a ahil of bolts and arrows to in his dying breath tears down the walls to his prison. Dragons typically didn't know their parents to well, but he couldn't forget that night nor his father.

He looked over his shoulder at the human town behind. He turned.

Food today, mountains tomorrow. . .
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
"Steady course!" The Crimson Dusk was sailing slowly across the windy ocean, the Abyssal Sea. The Crimson Dusk was a pirate brig, small but sleek and agile, but this was no ordinary raider group, the crew was dragon hunters, and tonight they would be seeking out a dragon. "We're closing in on the reef Cap'n!" The lookout shouted from above. "Well, man those damned bolt throwers then! To your stations! Ready the bait!. The men scrambled to the oversized repeating crossbows stationed all over the fo'c'sle (OOC: Forecastle, for those not speaking pirate) and two men readied a longboat with meat and hauled it overboard, then moved it in front of the ship. They then started to swim back and climbed up the deck. "Ready yourselves! The dragon emereges in any minute now!" the Captain shouted, Orrin Bleakscar was his name. All men not manning the bolt throwers readied harpoons.

Suarathurakh smelled the delicious meat coming from the surface. He had just started hunting, but such an easy meal tempted. He started to swim for the surface, rapidly gaining speed. Then he noticed the brig. Humans? Dwarves don't sail much, and elves has much better ships. Orcs maybe? He dismissed the thoughts, the hunger was greater than the curiosity. He was barely 50 feet from the surface. He readied to hit the longboat above him with his head, knocking the meat down into the water. three... two... one... THERE! He breached the surface at a terrifying speed, knocking the longboat over and flying several meters into the air. He folded out his wings and sped upwards. "FIRE!" The order rang through the wind like thunder, and several bolts and harpoons flew towards Suarathurakh. He dodged the harpoons with ease, but the bolts were more painful. Two good hits at his chest and thigh, stinging pain spread through his body. He swiftly turned around and dived, then started breathing acid across the deck. "Kill it! Kill it!" Orrin shouted, but the men panicked as volatile acid spraied down on them, dissolving their very skin. Men screamed in agony and fear, and even Orrin was panicking now, the ever fearless retired general from the north. He dismissed his fears and pulled his cutlass, then started to charge towards Suarathurakh, who had landed on the fo'c'sle. Suarathurakh saw the man, he recognized him. "Orrin Bleakscar! Your reputation reaches every corner of this world." Suarathurakh's voice was deep and calm. "Why don't you kill me, dragon? You've vanquished my men, and my ship is decomposing!" Orrin spat. Suarathurakh crouched like a cougar, then leaped forward and knocked the man over. His hunger now took control of his mind, and he teared Orrin's head from his shoulders, then started to eat the dead body. He swiftly swallowed it and dived overboard, grabbing the meat floating in the sea, then proceeded to swim back to his cave.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
The surviving dwarf returned to his king. "You look terrible my friend, I assume the worst..." The king said with sorrow in his voice. "Anteroth cannot be killed! Atleast not by us! I've looked into his eyes, they are not of this world!" The dwarf was panicking hoping never to go back to Khazan. "We'll let Anteroth rest and have his sense of pride, you need aid. And a grand celebration that atleast one of our brave warriors has returned from Khazan!" The king rose his hands as the other dwarfs cheered, the survivor not pleased however. "Shouldn't we be mourning the passing of all of the men we lost! Instead we sit and laugh and cheer for one man! No! We need to hit him when he's exhausted!" The king understood.


Anteroth climbed up his hill of treasure. "Pitiful dwarfs..." Anteroth had reached the top of his pile where he simply lay down. Anteroth lowered his head looking toward the tiny light given off by the sun. Anteroth then stood up and walked toward Khazans entrance. He looked up into the sun. "I suppose I could use some fresh air..." Anteroth extended his wings and jumped off of the cliff. He looked down to the bottom of the chasm toward the river he had destroyed to defeat the dwarfs in Khazan. Then he looked up to the abandoned fortress on the peak of the mountain. Anteroth never knew of the dragons presence in there, if he had known he would have left Khazan for another under-cty much further away from it. Anteroth just looked up at the once strong human bastion and continued to fly down the length of the chasm.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
The town below burned with a brillent glow. He was quite full having found a nice pig farm on the outskirts. He really didn't have to burn the town, but ...why not. He looked ahead as the mountains loomed every closer. A nice day for a fly.

Araniusti came to an abrupt stop suddenly. He saw something. Just a glimpse, but it was there. Something flew into the open and back behind another mountain. It was a bit terrifying. He knew the dragon shape well, but this one looked encased in fire... He shortened his speed continuing to fly towards the mountains. He shouldn't be scared of another dragon, they usually didn't attack one of their own to terribly often.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
Too bad a war hero like Orrin should be killed... Suarathurakh was alone with his thoughts now, the damp cave smelled of salty seawater and rotting meat. But, at least he died facing a... worthy foe... But he did not put up much of a fight... Old... He stopped thinking about that, then swam out of the cave, he wanted to see if the dissolved ship had left any treasure behind.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Sarnish sighed, after having burried the dead Children of Andir, he went off to a village nearby, where the Children of Andir didnt have a church.
He landed right in front of the main entrance to the village, there some people came walking to him, and Sarnish said: "I have come to take your dead again" One of the people said "We expected you earlier" "Well, the Children still arent acceptive of my ways" "Ha! They will probably never be, we will not let them build a church here though!" "That is good to hear" "Anyway, our deceased are in that cart, they are two men, died in a farming accident, and a woman, who died of illness." "Good, I will take them from you then" "I hope they will live well in New Paradise." "They will" And with that, Sarnish grabbed the cart with all of his claws, and flew off, back to his cave, there he placed the cart down, and layed down the corpses on the floor, he then retreated into the shadow, and went into his shadow vision.

He walked back to the corpses, and saw three people, talking to eachother, it were the spirits of the deceased. "Greetings, spirits" Sarnish said, and the spirits looked over at him "Oh hey Sarnish, have you come take the dead again?" one of the men said "Yes, however I am sorry to inform, that you are the deceased." "Wait, we are dead?" The woman said "Yes, however I can give you new life, in New paradise, unless you want to go to the spirit world, and live as a slave among gods." "We know how it all works Sarnish, Yes, I want to live in New Paradise, since I can always choose to go the the Spirit world anyway, and not the other way around" the second man laughed, the other man, and the woman also agreed to be revived, and so Sarnish adviced them to go into their bodies, they were suprised to see their dead bodies, but entered them anyway, Sarnish headed to a particulary bright spot, and turned back to the organic world, he then went to the corpses, wrapped his wings around them, and started to chant, while the crystals around him started to give off light, a few moments later, the three corpses stood up, and looked around "But.. I am not healed of my injuries..." "I am sorry, I can do no such thing, as you know, your human appearance will wear off, and only your skeletal remains will be left, you will get used to this though, so dont be worried, you know the next stages of reaching New Paradise, I advice you to go to the next room, John Willinger will guide the way from there. "John Willinger!?" the woman said "Yes." Sarnish responded, and the woman happily said "That is my grand father!" "Well, yes, you will meet most of your deceased family members here in New paradise." The woman quickly ran into the next tunnel, and the two men just walked.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
OOC: Gyrosphinx, I would appreciate it if you didn't use the fo'c'stle thing when nobody is talking. It's harder to read, just like your dragon's name. It would be much easier just to put down forecastle. You don't have to think about it as much just to hear it right.

DarkKnight, they seem pretty calm for being told they will be skeletons. Much less give their dead to a dragon who could be eating them, for all they know. It's not like we would really give something like that our family and friends, right?

IC: Diving from one of the balconies that were built into the sides of the pillar-like mountain, she dropped to the ground, stretching her wings before reaching the trees. In the distance, she knew there was civilization. Though exactly what kind remained a mystery. As she began to draw near, she could see the light emanating from it, even this late in the morning. But nonetheless, she flew in its direction. And once again, the voice continued. "Go back. The hills have eyes. There is something back there. Look out!"

Lilith closed her eyes, trying to silence the voice. But when she heard that last one, she suddenly opened them and swirved through a flock of crows.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Anteroth was oblivious to the idea that there were two dragons headed for him. He was too proud of his latest victory. Anteroth spiraled down toward to the dried up river to look for some food. He was in luck, a group of mountain goats were walking along the riverbed. Anteroth swooped down and roared loudly, echoeing through the whole of the chasm. He liked it when is prey gave a chellenge, he was a strong believer is fighting for your survival. The mountain goats immediately began to run. Anteroth flew over head and breathed fire infront of the goats making a wall. The goats turned around and went to other way only to find another wall. The goats panicked. Then the center of the firewall spilt open and Anteroth walked through toward the fearing goats, where Anteroth devoured them. Just then Anteroth caught a gleam in the corner of his eye. "Hmm? Treasure." He looked toward it and saw a battalion of dwarven warriors. Each with powerful 'Dragonbane' Javelins.

The Dragonbane Javelins are dwarven weapons, so ancient and revered that the dwarfs dare not use them unless they are in a time of need. These magical spears could cut through the scales of a dragon like a hot knife through butter. And the same dwarf he had sent back to his king, the burn on his chest exposed for Anteroth to remember. "I let you live dwarf and you come back with unholy weapons!" Anteroth burst in flames as a sign of anger and intimidation. The dwarfs all raised their Javelins and threw them. Anteroth breathed fire toward the Javelins but they were imbued with a fire ward specially for Anteroth. The troubled dragon took to the skies but not before one landed in his scar. "AHH!" The dragon roared and breathed fire down onto the dwarfs. "There will be no message this time..." Anteroth slowly flew back to his cave with his leg limp and hanging. He was so caught up in his compromise that he didn't know tha the dragons grew closer to him. His sign for the day was a firestorm at the base of the chasm.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: I was afraid such comments would come Sacrid, my explanation is simple, Sarnish already earned the trust of that village a long time ago, it is a village nearby, which has given their dead many times, it has sort of become a tradition to them already etc. It is not like Sarnish went to a random village, and they accepted him, those people knowing his name should indicate that he is already well known in that village, that people gather around the dragon, and talk to it like its one of their own also indicates this.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: I can't imagine a plant giving weapons the ability to cut through something better. A plant commonly refered to as "dragonbane" is as far as I have seen used as a very potent poison that effects only dragons.

IC: Araniusti halted mid flight as a great roar echoed from the mountains, a dragon roar. It was quickly followed by a bright spray of fire... Araniusti now sure of the dragon approached very cautiously. He finally reached the spot where the fire was and landed. Dozens of dwarven soldiers burned to a crisp. He looked at their weapons and armor... impressive he began to walk forward before catching a smell. He slightly paniced at the familar smell, dragonbane, lifting into the air quickly and flew away from the site. He flew forwards wondering where the other dragon went.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Okay DarkKnight, just making sure. It can't be too common for a dragon to go to humans for something.

IC: The crows were fast. Their claws digging and scratching into Lilith's skin. She barrelrolled from side to side, slashing back with her claws, but her actions were in vain. There were too many, and any that she did take out came right back. Soon, she was overwhelmed. Having no clue where she was going at such high speeds, she used the last of her strength to pull ahead, finally leaving the crows behind her.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Araniusti looked up ahead and to his right where a large flock of crows flew. Odd... He continued forward looking for any sign of the dragon.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
Anteroth landed on the peak outside the entrance of Khazan. He limped his way in and to his treasure pile. He was in too much pain to climb so hey laid at base of the pile. He grabbed hold of the javelins and pulled them out. "AHH! Wounded by dwarfs, how embarrassing!" Anteroth muttered licking his wounds.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
IC: The young dragoness, in her mad rush to ditch the crows, eventually succumbed to the damage they had inflicted. Her body went limp, and started to fall. Eyes half open, she watched as the trees and ground raced towards her. It was the perfect suicide, yet she knew her body would find a way of keeping her alive. The demon, always going unnoticed, struggled to take control.

Then, the voice stopped. She was falling to her death, and the one thing she noticed, was that the voice stopped. No flashbacks began. No memories of her family or her life. Just silence. Peace was upon her at last. The one thing she had wished for for so long, after spending years in isolation, had finally come true.

*Thump!* It was over. Her body, broken beyond repair, laid on the ground. Yet, she could still hear the sound of rushing wind.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Sarnish had thought a bit about the recent attacks, and thought it was enough, so he headed into new paradise, a beautifull, massive valley, surrounded by massively high mountains without an entrance except the one cave, several small settlements could be seen, Sarnish felt good when comming to New Paradise, beautifully white-polished skeletons, with fashionable clothing and jewelry could be seen. Opposite to normal 'countries', there was no farming being done though, since skeletons dont need to eat. Except offcourse, those crops that arent used for consumption.

Several people gathered around him, curious about why Sarnish was there.
''People of New Paradise, I have a sad announcement to make: New Paradise is in danger, I myself, alone, wont be able to repell the Children of Andir for much longer, they keep comming back, in greater and greater forces as their amount of followers grow. Therefor, I ask the thing I should never have to ask: Will the warriors amoung you defend this place for me? While I go out into the world, to find a way to stop them?'' Sarnish stopped for a moment, looking at their faces, they were heavily discussing, he then continued: ''I will bring you armor of the enemy, paint it black if you want to help, these are just temporary armors, I would like the blacksmiths to work on it as wel, we need to protect the innosent from slavery, and unfortunatly, we can only do this if our warriors take up the sword once again, I am sorry for having to risk your lives...'' with that, he turned around, and headed out, just to return a while later with armors of the Children of Andir ''some of them might need some repairing...'' Sarnish said, and he went back to his cave, waiting...
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
OOC: Sacridshadow: As far as I have understood, you don't want me to use the nickname, and you find the normal name too complex, are these assumptions correct?

Suarathurakh returned dissappointed to his cave, the ship had left nothing on the seafloor. His acid must have destroyed everything of value. But that ment no gold, his acid could not dissolve gold. (OOC: Only one acid can, I don't remember the english name.)
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Sacrid just needs to stop b*tchin =3, everybody is free to use the names they want, even if someone calls his dragon Shinicalimarisonukishinardolnikichomarineiloshikae, it should be fine, but offcourse other people would just call him Shini or something =D)
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Araniusti stopped as a dragoness tumbled in front of him. It was startled as he turned and rushed after her. The dragoness can to rest further down battered and cut all over. He flew to her. "Hello?"
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
OOC: Guys, I do believe this is for RPing. What you guys are doing is not RPing. and yes, Suara just doesn't sound right for a dragon, but since the name is not going to change, just use the nickname.

And DarkKnight, you're complaining just as much as I am. I only made one comment about it, and I at least RPed in my posts. You, however, only have OOC posts. Please, stop disrupting the RP and just continue.

IC: The dragoness didn't respond. She had already fallen unconscious.

OOC: Gath, did I just hit the ground? or did you catch me?
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: It doesn't matter what the name is it can be anything wished. Its not an utterly stupid name and its not stolen so its fine. End the conversation. Whiter he uses Suarathurakh, Suara, thur, akh, bob, bill, or billy bob bobby bill to refer to his dragon it's fine.

I assumed by your post that she hit the ground.

IC: He walked over to her gently nudging her.
Level 4
Apr 3, 2008
IC: Anteroth laid down at the base of his treasure pile in pain from the Dragonbane Javelins. Suddenly he felt a sharp sting in his scar. "AHH!" Anteroth roared loudly in pain. For his age the poison was weakened, but it was still going to prevail eventually. He manipulated some fire nearby and seared his wounds shut. Now that Anteroth had been 'stung' he had only years to live.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: I guess he will take that time to search an anti-dote Razek? XD.)

IC: Sarnish had waited long enough in his opinion, he headed back into New Paradise, and to his suprise, he could see a small army of black armors, they all yelled "We will fight for you, and for the defence of New paradise" Almost in choir, which suprised him even more, then a person with white linings on his armor came up to Sarnish and said with a womans voice: "We thought that the first army of New Paradise should have a leader, and they appointed me, Sir Liathae Deritas at your command." The woman bowed rather gracefully, for wearing such armor, she was obviously an elf in a previous life, but that mattered little. "Then I will leave the defence of New Paradise to you, I suggest you train parts of your troop at a time, since there needs to be atleast a decent group at the entrance." Sarnish then said, the army leader affirmed, and Sarnish turned around, and went through the exit, when he got back into the open, he ran forwards, spread his wings, which took the wind, and made him take off, he then flew towards the horizon.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
OOC: Actually Gath, I posted that she hit you and bounced off, continueing to fall. I wasn't expecting you to watch her hit the ground, since he was in a good position to catch her as she fell.

IC: Aranuisti could see clearly that the dragoness was badly damaged. Her body was covered in red scratches. Her wings were torn and blood slowly oozed out of her, making the green grass into a dark red.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Sarnish could smell dragons blood on the wind, this seemed to him as a bad sign, so he turned into the opposite direction of the wind, and the blood-scent.

OOC: I dont think its a good idea to all gather in one place (again >.>))
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: Me neither kamica.

IC: ((I thought it was snow.. anyway...))

He looked at her shattered body. Hopeless... it seemed. He turned and flew away. How could he though... He turned back landing near her again. He observed her wounds closer why check if she was breathing.
Level 20
Apr 30, 2007
A thought strafed Suarathurakh's mind, he tried to catch it, but lost it. Irritated he exited his cave and swam to the surface. He was restless, his heart longed for something new, something exciting. He rapidly gained height, until he could simply let the great winds carry him away.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
It has been a while since Sarnish had flown this far, and long. He needed some rest, he glided down to where-ever there was enough shadow, in this case, it being a cliff-face. He noticed that there were many dieing and dead threes around. He layed down, and dissapeared in a thin black smoke, which in turn vanished shortly after.
Sarnish was now in the Spirit layer, and he could not believe what he saw: An entire castle, made of spirit-tree wood, and all those dead and dieing trees, were lacking a spirit all together.

Sarnish just had to check it out, he carefully approached it, walking over the white sand, under the black afternoon sky. When he got decently close, he could see men on the walls, some of them quickly ran down, probably to bring the message of a dragon approaching.

A spirit, wearing noble clothes, and a strange gauntlet, which seemed to be filled with spirit magic. Came up on the walls, and he yelled "Dragon! What are you doing here, and where did you come from?!" Sarnish got within talking range for him, and said: "I was intregued by your spirit castle, I have never seen anything like it, I did not even know that tree-spirits could be used as building materials, and I came from the organic world, I am here to rest" "So you died? No rest here I am affraid, this castle has a reason you know." "No, I did not die, I am able to switch between layers, and what kind of threat is it you are talking about?" "Right.... Nevermind about that, the threat I am talking about, is demonic spirits, they were unable to infiltrate into a host, so they just turn to destroying the spirits, sending us to the Spirit world, and if what I have heard from several travelers in my lifetime is true, then I say, screw the afterlife, I have better things to do than work as a slave for someone else." Sarnish was amused that his shared knowledge was being shared by others. "I can help you." "Hah, that would be realy appreciated, well, we can discuss the terms of our temporary partnership after this, but first: A new wave of Demons is approaching. Man the trebuchets!" The nobleman kept on spouting out orders, and the men followed suit.

Sarnish turned around, and was faced with a giant horde of Demons. Sarnish never had to fight in the spirit-layer before, but it could hardly be any different from the Organic realm, except for the fact that no-one was wearing any metal. Every armor was either wood, bone, shell or any other organic material, appearantly spirits couldnt use metals, which is quite logical.
Sarnish took a deep breath, and together with a giant roar, several bolts of bright white lightning raced towards the enemy lines, and several of the Demons just dissapeared, this was appearantly the effect his Dark Lightning had on spirits that were not attached to a body.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: You expect me to try to help a dragon I just randomly met when I don't even care about her to much... w/e

IC: Araniusti lifted into the air journeying back down to the hills below gathering various plants and herbs. Returning he fitted the herbs into the wounds of the dragon. He searched out the mountain side for a suitable cave. One could be spotted not far to the left. He began to carefully move her to the dryer spot.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
OOC: That'll work, Gath. I didn't expect you to stay forever. It's just so I can meet someone. This will, however, let Lilith know that someone helped her, so she'll try to find that person to repay the favor. What a plot device. XD

We can skip putting the medicine on so you can continue with what you were doing. It'll save time, and she'll just wake up seeing the medicine and wondering who helped her.

IC: The dragoness was laid on the ground. Her wounds already healing, but with the demon's energy used for fleeing the crows, the process was decreased.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Wooden and bone arrows flew around through the sky, throwing white shadows over the ground, he noticed that the enemy did not have any spears, this was a massive advantage, so, while breathing bolts of lightning making several enemies dissapear, he crashed on top of them, with as result, several enemies being impaled by the sharp claws of Sarnish, these however, did not dissapear, they just stopped moving, he then used his tail to clear out a few other enemies, so he could take to the air again. Suddenly, the enemies noticed that the dragon was a bigger priority than the castle, and suddenly the massive rain of bone arrows headed for him, he tried to out-fly the arrows, but without success, just before the arrows would hit him, out of reflex, he put his wings in front of him, like a shield and closed his eyes.

Just a moment later, he opened them again, noticing he was not dead yet. He opened his wings, becouse else he would be plummiting to the ground, and noticed that there were no arrows, not even next to him, did he do that? Was the first thing Sarnish thought, but he didnt get the time to think about it, becouse the next volley came again, so instead of outflying, he chose to dive down, and sweep into the enemy lines.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Aranusti had left the helpless dragon a hour or two ago. There had to be a Dwarven Fortress somewhere. Then he saw it. A trail leading up to on of the higher peaks. On top was a giant gate built into the Mountain side. He checked it out. Maybe it would be easier than it looked. He began to lightly fly towards the gate. Suddenly several areas in the mountain opened up revealing crossbow men, ballista,and cannon. He immidently went back under it as a horde of projectiles sailed over him. It would take an army to take that place...
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
While Sarnish was tearing at the archers, and several melee attackers, the castle-guard were firing volley after volley of arrows into the enemies front lines. The combined attacks had deminished the enemy army in a very short time, so short, that the demons started to retreat out of fear.

A few arrows flew through the air still, some brave enemy souls tried their go at Sarnish, but got killed by some arrows.

Sarnish landed in front of the castle, and sat down "It was an honor fighting with you sir." he said, the spirit-noble answered "No, the honor was all mine my friend, never have I had the honor to fight alongside a dragon, I must reward you, we have our lives to thank you." "Well, I do have interrest in that gauntlet that you have, it seems to be made of metal." "Ah, yes, this is the only metal thing I have ever seen here, in the spirit layer." "Could I have a look at it?" "Certainly", The noble took off his gauntlet, and presented it to the dragon, which gladly accepted it, suddenly, the gauntlet increased in size, and changed in shape. It looked like a gauntlet for a dragon, with holes where the nails would be. "If you want it, I will give it to you as a reward." the noble said, and Sarnish gladly accepted, after which he was invited into the castles courtyard, which was just large enough for him to land, there he rested for a while, while talking to some spirits in court.

Sarnish never had the obsession for treasure like most dragons had before, but now he found his kind of treasure: He wanted anything that was rare in the spirit world, rare spirit-items, in-organic materials etcetera.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
He sighed as he flew up far above the mountains. The Plains were in the distance and before them the rolling hills. A mesa rose far above anything in the center of the hills atop it was stone walls and a large human town. The human town was a much shorter goal, but a temporary home would be needed, but where? The cave he stashed that dragoness would be rather nice. He headed down into the mountains once more and soon found the cave again.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Hey people, I have TOUCH SCREEN! =D, I am so proud of it =3)

IC: Sarnish had rested enough to his opinion, so he went to a shady place, and went back to the real world, strange enough, the Gauntlet he had put on, had come with him, it was pure white, the purest white Sarnish had ever seen, even the robes of the Children of Andir, which they put way too much care into, werent as white.
But Sarnish had more important things to do than wonder about a gauntlet, and so he took off, heading into some direction.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Never heard of the Wheel of Time =D, they were more based on the Protectorate of Menoth from the Warmachine miniature game (As in claiming to be working in the name of a deity, but doing it the wrong way sort of.) The clothing is also kind of simular =3.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: I love wheel of time :D. Anyway they don't seem like them to much. Now if he were to say they had a bright yellow sun on their robes...
And where is sacrid?
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