IC: Elenai ordered the ship to land in a vast green feild, filled with blue cup like flowers.
"Alright my friends, I have to go to a meeting with my superiors, I will leave you here to explore my lands, this is my field."
Elenai pointed to a rather tall cliff with a jutting rock face, and atop that, set into the rock as if it were carved from the stone itself, was a tall shining spire, with a single water fall barreling down from a decorative balcony.
"And over there, on that high precipice is my home. You may enter there, Gath will lead you the way."
"There is a large forest surrounding my home, and it is full of wonderful beasts, deer, birds, and other such things. You may collect studies on them, for your libraries."
Elenai picked one of the large blue, cupped flowers.
"Shanna, these flowers, collect rain...and turn that rain into a sweet liquid to attract certain birds that feed on nectar. This nectar can be drunk and also used as a perfume when refined....take as many seeds as you wish. But be careful not to drink too much...as it has a hallucinogenic effect, if taken in vast quantities.
That is why some birds fly in spirals after drinking from them...we call them arrow birds. Take care to duck when you hear their whistling call...as their beaks are rather sharp. And watch out for wolves...yes we have predators here in paradise. These wolves are rather large, and their lungs are also large to take in the air that is thinner on the plains. They can run for days...keep safe. I must go now."
And with that Elenai lifted away in his ship, and sped into the night.
OOC: You may create all sorts of beasts and bits of lore...just think...bright, tropical, glow in the dark, iridescent, and elvish. Like an ethereal tropical forest, with exotic variations of existing animals, that have either gone extinct on the ground, or have developed over the years to the elvish influence up here.
My house is also much the same, it is very clean, elvish, and full of compact technology and magic.
Celestial Elven architecture is thin, graceful, with sloping roofs, and tall pointy windows, that are sort of like an elongated and rounded "^" with a sharp point.
There are many floral motifs in Celestial elven architecture, and lots of crystal/gem symbolism. And the motifs like to start off as simple thing vines, and thorn stems, lazily intertwining and rather 'unembellished' and 'simple' and then there will be a sudden explosion of complicated designs, as the simple lines of vines and leaves wrap themselves around pictures of heroic deeds, and scenes of daily life, with complex frescos framed by these motifs, and the plants blending into the picture, and then the vines leave the picture and return to their simple lazy drifting.
There are also alot of cloth hangings and draperies. With a fabric similar to cotton, and linen, sorta see through, or pure white, with touches of various hues of blue and red, and trims of silver or gold, with tassels, and such.
Celestial Elves also like to fill their homes with the livery of their houses, sheilds, swords, jewels, and banners. Mine is the symbol of an "I" with three dots above it in a triangular fashion ".;." and I feature lotus motifs, and a single white rose in the crest. The animal is a silver/white cat with a unicorn's horn, and the cat features a mane, much like a tiny lion. (this is a prized pet among nobles of my relations in this kingdom, though none of them feature a horn, as that is a mythical addition)
I also have a vast library full of secret tomes, and lore, both for magic, and for technology, as well as for simple reading, and history.
Think, high elven, with alot of blue, and alot of white, but also with an ethereal tropical plant sorta feel.
I will return as soon as I can, when the mood strikes, until then ^^ explore, explore, explore, and when I return, I'll correct any mistakes in the lore
Also, the culture of the Celestial Elves is rather strict in terms of "being respectful" yet, they are very free spirited, and will often pull pranks on people. Especially the children.
Celestial Elven children are small of course, and they often run around in little clothing (free spirited) the boys tend to wear a simple waist tunic, or shorts, and sometimes a sash. The girls wear something similar, and a chest covering.
The adults often wear full clothing, with lots of draping and flowing robes, and sashes, the females like to let their hair grow extremely long, and braid them in complex fashions, and many will let their hair fall in curls.
The Celestial Elves do not wear alot of jewelry, simple rings and necklaces often suffice.
A few nobles will wear a crown.
Celestial Elven food is also full of flavour, and is hardly as subtle as other elven foods. They are often spicy, and bursting with taste. Imagine, mexican food, or italian food...with elvish flaire.