World Of Darjis Roleplay Part Two!

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Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
OOC: Well thats a little tough for two reasons A) The fortress is flying in the fricken air... and i have no embacy there... Good luck to myself getting there? B) I don't wanna just barge into your rp it would be gay...

IC: Rin woke the next morning to a steady rainfall. He put his bow and quiver on and sheathed his daggers, throwing his cloak on over all of that he put his hood up and headed out. He tossed the key to the room to the Inn Keeper then continued outward. He stopped a moment in the marketplace to purchase a apple which he ate on his walk to the outskirts of the village. He walked up to a small farm and nocked on the door. A small man opened the door saying, "Are you the one?"

Rin replied, "Yes, wheres the beast."

"He won't show till later... You best stake out around the barn..."

Rin nodded and walked toward the barn. When he was close he walked to a large pile of straw and burried himself in it, nocking an arrow andsetting himself up small sight holes. He finished making the holes and relaxed his legs, moving to a better position for himself.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: I never said goto the flying fortress you must of misread me I said do to the mountains in northern Ashan that is where Aranith is and we are going to see him.

IC: The beauty of the place was greater then he imagined and he began to forget the intense burning of his hand.
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
OOC:Hey guys sorry I've been gone for a while I've been busy with school and such.
So can i get a recap on what happened so i can join in again (somehow).
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
Waking from his slumber, Gar thundered out of his hut. He had one of those weird dreams, visions the Grand Shaman Called them. Though this one was slightly more disturbing than the others. He was heading to the shaman's hut, when a sharp pain in his knees brought him face down on the ground, right after he got back on his knees he felt like his head was going to explode, and he heard a voice, " Scale the Backbreak Mountains, seek out the Nethergate, and open it, in any way you can".
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
IC: Rin was startled from the slight slumber he had fallen into, by a large screeching noise. He opened his eyes, blinking to get the sleep from them, and noticed a large creature in the distance screeching atop a tree. It looked like a harpy... Rin waited untill the Harpy began to fly then sent itself into a downward swoop toward the barn. Rin selected a singular arrow, different from most in the quiver, it was much like a broad head but tipped with a sort of poison developed from a rare plant on the unexplored island. He let the arrow fly and it hit the harpy with a THUD, right in the chest. The Harpy dropped and landed head first.
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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: a harpy is simply a giant bird smaller then a dragon but still very large

IC: Gath's hand continued to burn intensly and then it stopped he looked at his hand for the first time it had healed though a mass of scar tissue it was not blackened and burned anymore he smiled unaware of what it really ment and covered it back up with his glove.
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
OOC: I was in the middle of typing it and had it all typed out with Dragon when i thought Dragon would be a bit extreme... so i changed it to harpy and missed one...

IC: Rin stepped out from the mound of hay, brushing a few stray peices of straw from his cloak. He walked to the harpys dead body and scanned it over. "Hmpf... I shouldn't be put to such a waste as killing harpys..." He grabbed the body and dragged it with him to the door of the farm house, the farmer was standing in the doorway at the sound of the comotion. Rin dropped the body infront of the man saying, "Heres your beast..." The farmer stood wide mouthed. Rin put one foot on it and pulled out his arrow, whiping it on some grass near by. "Have fun with it..." Rin walked to the man and grabbed a small pouch of coins from him and left silently. The man still stood staring at the harpy...

Rin arrived back at the inn checked back into his room. He tossed the coins onto the bedside table and lay on the bed.
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
IC: Rin awoke, not opening his eyes. He tightened his grip on his dagger as he heard a creak on the floor board. He waited untill the last instant, gripping the dagger even tighter. He sprang from his bed with practiced skill, grabbing hte collar of a young boy and holding the dagger to his throat. "What do you want boy!" He said, his eyes flashing dangerously. The boy studdered, shaking as he said, "Ther--Theres a m-mm-man in th-th-the b-bb-b-bar..." Rin looked around, dragging the boy to the door. He shoved him out saying, "Get out of here!" The boy ran away scared out of his mind. Rin closed the door and dressed himself, smoothing out his shirt. He tucked his daggers in and grabbed his bow and arrows.
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
OOC: I think it would be pretty stupid to pause the rp on account of one person... No offence elenai... But seriously...
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
i can attack the ship, or something of the sort, elenai could be incapacitated for a while
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Elenai ordered the ship to land in a vast green feild, filled with blue cup like flowers.

"Alright my friends, I have to go to a meeting with my superiors, I will leave you here to explore my lands, this is my field."

Elenai pointed to a rather tall cliff with a jutting rock face, and atop that, set into the rock as if it were carved from the stone itself, was a tall shining spire, with a single water fall barreling down from a decorative balcony.

"And over there, on that high precipice is my home. You may enter there, Gath will lead you the way."

"There is a large forest surrounding my home, and it is full of wonderful beasts, deer, birds, and other such things. You may collect studies on them, for your libraries."

Elenai picked one of the large blue, cupped flowers.

"Shanna, these flowers, collect rain...and turn that rain into a sweet liquid to attract certain birds that feed on nectar. This nectar can be drunk and also used as a perfume when refined....take as many seeds as you wish. But be careful not to drink too it has a hallucinogenic effect, if taken in vast quantities.

That is why some birds fly in spirals after drinking from them...we call them arrow birds. Take care to duck when you hear their whistling their beaks are rather sharp. And watch out for wolves...yes we have predators here in paradise. These wolves are rather large, and their lungs are also large to take in the air that is thinner on the plains. They can run for days...keep safe. I must go now."

And with that Elenai lifted away in his ship, and sped into the night.

OOC: You may create all sorts of beasts and bits of lore...just think...bright, tropical, glow in the dark, iridescent, and elvish. Like an ethereal tropical forest, with exotic variations of existing animals, that have either gone extinct on the ground, or have developed over the years to the elvish influence up here.

My house is also much the same, it is very clean, elvish, and full of compact technology and magic.

Celestial Elven architecture is thin, graceful, with sloping roofs, and tall pointy windows, that are sort of like an elongated and rounded "^" with a sharp point.

There are many floral motifs in Celestial elven architecture, and lots of crystal/gem symbolism. And the motifs like to start off as simple thing vines, and thorn stems, lazily intertwining and rather 'unembellished' and 'simple' and then there will be a sudden explosion of complicated designs, as the simple lines of vines and leaves wrap themselves around pictures of heroic deeds, and scenes of daily life, with complex frescos framed by these motifs, and the plants blending into the picture, and then the vines leave the picture and return to their simple lazy drifting.

There are also alot of cloth hangings and draperies. With a fabric similar to cotton, and linen, sorta see through, or pure white, with touches of various hues of blue and red, and trims of silver or gold, with tassels, and such.

Celestial Elves also like to fill their homes with the livery of their houses, sheilds, swords, jewels, and banners. Mine is the symbol of an "I" with three dots above it in a triangular fashion ".;." and I feature lotus motifs, and a single white rose in the crest. The animal is a silver/white cat with a unicorn's horn, and the cat features a mane, much like a tiny lion. (this is a prized pet among nobles of my relations in this kingdom, though none of them feature a horn, as that is a mythical addition)

I also have a vast library full of secret tomes, and lore, both for magic, and for technology, as well as for simple reading, and history.

Think, high elven, with alot of blue, and alot of white, but also with an ethereal tropical plant sorta feel.

I will return as soon as I can, when the mood strikes, until then ^^ explore, explore, explore, and when I return, I'll correct any mistakes in the lore :)

Also, the culture of the Celestial Elves is rather strict in terms of "being respectful" yet, they are very free spirited, and will often pull pranks on people. Especially the children.

Celestial Elven children are small of course, and they often run around in little clothing (free spirited) the boys tend to wear a simple waist tunic, or shorts, and sometimes a sash. The girls wear something similar, and a chest covering.

The adults often wear full clothing, with lots of draping and flowing robes, and sashes, the females like to let their hair grow extremely long, and braid them in complex fashions, and many will let their hair fall in curls.

The Celestial Elves do not wear alot of jewelry, simple rings and necklaces often suffice.

A few nobles will wear a crown.

Celestial Elven food is also full of flavour, and is hardly as subtle as other elven foods. They are often spicy, and bursting with taste. Imagine, mexican food, or italian food...with elvish flaire.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Gath stepped off it had been years and he plain was much beautiful then when he had left it. He smiled feeling joy for the first time in years. He skipped around sailing over the tall grass it tickling his skin. He plopped down in the grass looking at the clear sky above him them being above most clouds in Darjis. He stood up motioning for the others to join him and the top of the cliff. He almost danced the whole way.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
As soon as Kamir got off the ship, he got smacked by the intence sweet smell of the flowers and the beauty of the surrounding, quickly enough though, he was forced out of his trance, as he had to evade a bird coming at him at full speed, he then watched the ship leave and noticed, just how beautifull the night sky was without a single cloud, it reminded him of the years he spent in the mountains...
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
The tower was hundreds of times more impressive then he had remembered it the stood towering infront of him. A beautiful garden stood infront of it filled with beauties of the plant kingdom. Golden Flowers that seemed to be born of the sun itself. Giant Blue flowers as soft as silk. Macnificant Vines with a rich dark green color ran up one side of the tower out from them sprouted tiny white flowers that shined in the rich sunlight. These and many more were in the garden some from Darjis itself some unique to the Land. He gazed at there beauty in a trance.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Kamir walked a bit further, he then noticed... his bag of Kianor crystals was still on the ship! Well.. it was too late to get them now, so maybe Elenai would get them... 'better enjoy the time being here' he thought, while spreading his wings, and taking off, it didn't take long before he got staggered by the beautifull sight of the land, reflecting the moonlight, which suddenly turned into clouds which did the same, it was magnificant, he then noticed Gath was also still there, he glided towards him, and said "This land is beautifull!"
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
"Found somethin as good as your mountains huh?" "Wait til you see the inside."
Gath walked to the giant door it was well over his height deep silver designs filled the simplistic door. Gath took a key out of his pocket unlocking the door. It swung open and a sweet smell came out and disperced in open air.
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
IC: Rin dressed himself, throwing his cloak over his shoulders. He tucked his daggers into their respective sheaths but slid a smaller one down his sleeve for protection. He slung the bow and arrows across his back and checked the room once more. Rin walked out of the room and into the bar area. There was a man sitting, clothed in a rich looking brown overcoat. He had two bodyguards, large men, sitting on either side of him. Rin walked toward him and stopped a few feet away saying, "Who are you and what do you want." The man looked at Rin and simply said, "Would you like a drink?"
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
OOC: Lol yea something like that.

IC: "Sure" Rin walked forward and sat next to the man as one of his thugs moved. Rin nodded to the waiter and he brought him a Dark Ale. "So what is it that you need me for?" Rin asked after he had a sip of his drink. "I hear you have some 'Speiclal' talents." Rin nodded and the man continued, "Theres a man i want to... Have an accident..." Rin nodded again. The man nodded to one of his thugs and he produced a small ball filled with magic. Rin took the ball from the man as their leader said, "This has all the information you need, do it in a safe place..." With that he got up and left. Rin looked at the small sphere and decided a side job would be fine.
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
IC: Rin stroked the cube and it started to glow, filling his brain with knowledge of the person he was to kill.

The man was an city official, mayor to be exact. He was to be killed by an "Accident." Rin was to do this by next week.
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
3 days passed since Gar ventured into the mountains on his own, the Grand Shaman was getting worried, even though he knew Gar could take care of himself he only had enough food for a couple of days, he set off to get a Search party started...

Somewhere on the mountains, Gar figured that the Oracle Rock is near, which meant he's near the so called Nethergate from his vision, since the Grand shaman told him that a door like carving was on the rock wall close the Stone.
Only a few minutes later, he was in front of the Rock door, he pulled out the Shaman's transmuting stone, which had the power to turn elements of earth into those of air, the Shaman said it would help in opening the gate. He held it up against the wall, and as the carvings in the wall turned black, the stone burst into a thousand pieces, cutting Gar's hand, and flying into every direction. A purple circle formed inside the blackness of the gate, spinning and gradually getting larger, until it consumed the whole Gate, a thick bolt of darkness flew from the door, hitting Gar in the chest.

The search party was just about ready to go, when Gar tumbled down through the forest and into the village, the Grand shaman was pleased to see him, but he noticed a change around him, he felt something dark about.

The next morning, Gar assembled the Bloodseeker Brutes and set forth to a journey, the Grand Shaman was stunned for he did not know where Gar is headed.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Gath looke dup at Kamir "Its an old spell I perfected it allows me to easily carry large amounts of "supplies". So are you ready to enter?"
Level 8
Apr 20, 2008
"KILL..... kill them all..... MAIM.....slaughter them... kill them....... SLAUGHTER....... blood...." The voices in his head where driving Gar insane, these particular words threw him into a state of bloodlust, he saw a thin strand of smoke, chimney, fresh meat... warm blood, DEATH. He charged through the forest, into the strand's direction,and when he broke the cover of the forest he saw a large inn, there was a wooden board hanging from the wall, it had a man facing a dragon drawn over it, he couldn't read the inscription but he recognized the human handwriting. A man walked out of the inn, and when he spotted the huge ogre near the forest, with a company of brutes behind him, he panicked and screamed, and ran towards the horses, Gar let loose the Bloodseeker Glaive, flinging it through the air, it pierced the man's back, and came out of his stomach with intestines on the serrated blade, lodging in the ground, the man couldn't even fall over. After seeing that, the brutes ran to the in, storming in while some broke through windows or slayed the horses, they massacred the unarmed people, and there was only one guard inside with a club, who didn't even manage to move before he was cut down.
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