World Of Darjis Roleplay Part Two!

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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
yes it has finally come Part two

this takes place 8 years after part one (8 years after Bel'Zammon is destroyed)

new char/for info come here

for new players please read over the World Of Darjis Roleplay!!! thread

I have a few new specs to

New Char Spec: Any char after this post must use this format.

Name: This is the name of your character.
Race:see creature log above for the names of the races
Class:Fighter,Mage,Cleric,ect,whatever you can think of
Orgnazation:this is opional I am accepting new organazation ideas,if you want to make up your own I need a descripion of it
Age: Your character age.
History: The history of your character. Should include it's past experiences, family, and other things that this character has accomplished or things like that.
Pets:Any pets your character owns?
Appearance: How does your character look?

New Organazation Spec: Any organazations past this post must use this

Name:Oraganazation Name

also your help would also be aprecheated in the info thread we need ideas to help make the world of darjis rp the best rp on these forums.

Good Luck Have Fun Roleplaying
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: We don't...

IC: Kamica was flying high above the oceans, wearing just fur under his armour and also made some special wing warmers, this extra weight did make him heavier meaning he had to stop on islands more times, he had been in the mountains on the eastern continent for the past 8 years, from there he started a journey, of no sertain purpose, to the Western continent.

OOC: Forgot the names of the continents XD
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
Vindex riding hes wolf goes North with only one thing in hes mind survival!
Hunted by hes former clanmates he goes North leaving everything behind.
Stoping by in smaller cities for sleep and food.

OOC:Where are we going to meet Dark?
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Kamir had been flying for hours since the last island he had seen, suddenly, on the horizon he could see land, first the mountains and then lower regions, he knew it, he had reached the western continent "Finally!" he said to himself, he got closer and closer and closer, until he finally landed on the beach, were he stretched his legs, then just dropped himself on the light sand and relaxed his wings, he then closed his eyes, altrough still noticing everything around him.
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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: whos Kamica is it the darcon? I remember a different name anyway

Brent stared out across the sea. He knew his home was far to the west across the ocean. He signed and set back to his training. His eyes turned gray and he spoke outloud a chant. Let clouds and earth meet feel the air with your gray presence I command you The air became humid a light mist was against his face. He opened his eyes fog was around him..a thick fog. He smiled another ability mastered. The fog disapated as his eyes turned to their origenal color.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
IC:Brent scratched his head. Years of practice alone. Years without family without a friend. He needed to stop hes everyday task of training,eating, and sleeping. He needed adventure. He walked through the woods intil coming to a large cabin. The air was cold as the wind from the mountains rising up infront of him blew down. He entered his cabin and began to pack.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Kamir opened his eyes again, stood up, sniffing, he could smell a wolf and... something, blood, the smell wasn't too far away, he now noticed he was hungry, and a wolf would give enough food for some time, especialy a lone, wounded one, so Kamir retracted his wings and moved very low to the ground, as silent as a feather falling on a pillow came his feet on the sand, he now could hear the wolf, it was aproaching, Kamir lied down onto the ground, waiting to ambush the wounded animal, But then he could see it, and it was not just a wolf, it was a wolf with an orc on top of it, "that must've been the smell of blood" Kamir thought, he foulded his wings around him while he stood up, walking on an intersept course with the wolf riding orc, when the Orc was close enough to see Kamir, he yelled "Hello?" at the Orc waiting for a responce to act by, and looking what the orc was having in his hands, he now could see a weapon, it was a large, strong looking sword, Kamir now, under the cover of his wings put his hand on his own weapon, just in case.

OOC: Andreja, this is your orc ^^, and I assumed he was bleeding becouse of his ex-clan members, else it could be some blood on the mouth of the wolf or something...
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
IC: Wondering what this Dragon-thing is he notices that the Assassins are behind him.He pulls out his mighty sword ready for combat!Only 2 assassin have remained since his last combat with them.He yells "Luk'Narosh" the battlecry of his familly grabing one assassin by the head smashing his skull at the near tree and stabing the other one.When he calmed down a bit he returned to the Dragon-thing and said:"Log'Ri'Ga'No Ga Dragon there is no need to draw your weapon.I wish you no harm."

OOC: Lol man i get that that was me ^^ and yes he was wounded.
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Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
IC: Brent picked up his black staff and pack wearing his white robe he walked to the shore. Eyes turned gray and he chanted in his mind. Gravity release your grip around me I command you. He began to float and began to walk off the cliff above the water. He dropped into a small boat as his eyes turned to their normal color. The boat began to row by itself and Brent layed back and relaxed.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"Good, a friendly face" Kamir said with a smile, he put his hand off of his sword, and released his wings from his body, putting them in a bit more comfortable position, "My name is Kamir, I'm not a Dragon, i'm a Dracon, there is a difference, as we are better at using tools then they are, we are closely related though" he said and bowed, "and may I know your name?"
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
IC: "My name is Vindex,son of Gothax now dead Warchief of the Shadow Orc's"

OOC:A little short but no ideas atm. ^^
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
IC:The boat move along slowly the constent pace was borken every now and then by teleportation spell making the trip go fairly quick.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"Uuhm, so, what is a warchief doing in the wild like this killing assasins?" Kamir asked looking at the two dead assassins.

OOC: Kamir presumed that, becouse your character's father died, your character gotten the place of warchief, as he doesn't know much about other cultures, he has only been out of the dracon cities and territory for about 10 years, wich he spent about 8 of in the mountains, so he wouldn't know anything about Orc culture ^^
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
IC: "In Orc culture the son doesent inherit the throne the new Warchief is picked from the greatest Clan Leaders.Since the power of my Clan has faded i was not powerfull enough to be picked."
Suddenly out of nowhere an poisoned arrow hits Vindex."Aaargh" he yelled.8 assassins coming near to finish their job.

He lied about that althoug you dont know he wasnt picked becouse he was taken as a child by the Bloodfang Clan (the top secret clan).And he was expeled becouse of disobidience (misspelled) but he managed to run away but in instead of him they killed his brother becouse they mixed them up.So now he feels guilty about that and doesent like to talk about that.He was the best figther there.His Clan is very Powerfull but no one is left to rule over that Clan.
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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Kamica got startled and tripped, he used his wings to prevent his face from smashing into the ground, and he forced himself on his legs again pulling his weapon and charging one of the assassins with great speed using his wings to go even faster, he stabbed the first on right were the heart was with most creatures, he then pulled it out and used the other end of his weapon to stab the one behind him.

OOC: His weapon is a sword with two blades, Like those of the spellbreakers, but the lower half is shorter.
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
OOC:Isnt it Kamir?

IC: Vindex was hit the leg barely missing the critical point where if he was hit he would have died."Aaaaaa,Lug'Narosh!!!It is time to bring out the Magina" he told himself.He pulled out the dagger from his boot.The sight of that blade startled the Assassin's.Chanting something in an unknown language his eyes turned red as he was regaining his strentgh.He charged the Assassin's with the battlecry "For The Shadowbane!!"
Stabing one with Magina the stabed Assassin turned to dust.Slashing the other with his sword and kicking the third one that flied 2 meters back from that kick.

OOC:Magina is a Dagger given to the best Assassin from the Bloodfang Clan.
The unknown language is the Runic Language he was activating his Strentgh Rune.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Brent stared ahead of him the island was behind him and the great countiant of dargo was before him.

OOC: btw when you talking about the orc leadership use chieften not warchief because warchief is the overall leader.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: I keep getting mixed up ^^, still need some re-getting used to, as I haven't played a Kamir character in a long time...

IC: Kamir was stunned, he knew some magics were strong, but to turn someone into dust was new for him, suddenly he heard a sneaky footstep behind him, he turned around and suddenly bit the assassin behind him in the arm were he was having his dagger, he then took the assassin's dagger from it's own weakend hand and drove it trough his skull. "Do not try to sneak up a dragon kin" he said, he then turned around to the orc and said "Hmm.. didn't taste That bad, I have had better though..." and he smiled.
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
"Thank you.You are an honrable warrior but im poisoned i need treating.If you could acompany me on my journey at least till i get well."He said.Sheating his sword and falling unconcius on the ground.

OOC:The Runes weaken the guy.Its in the Runic Magic description.
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
IC: Rin Blackfire walked slowly throughout the building disguised as a temple, but is actually the home of the Midnight Assassins. He looked at each new recruit as he walked by and watched as they nodded recognition to him. He stopped when he arrived at the leader, He knelt on one knee and bowed his head. The leader looked at him for a long moment then handed him a note with mission instructions on it. Rin walked backward not turning his back on the leader until he was almost out of the room. He found a quiet place to sit and read the not, next to a small fountain. He read it as he listened to the water fall slowly and lazily down the sides.

OOC: Gath do you mind if i have the hideout set up on one of the unexplored islands?
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
Oh i thought i had seen a map you drew up with like paint or something, anyways where should i have the hideout?
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC:You probly saw the map but just because I dident color and put any countires on the islands on most of the map doesnt mean it is unexplored the only thing unexplored is the southern countiant.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Kamir first looked around if there were any other people around, he then came up with an idea, he searched the assassins, and found a little bottle, it had some strange text on it, he had to wake up the orc in order to know if this was the anti-dote, he first said "wake up" then he poked him a couple of times, every time harder until he would wake up.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
IC:Brent looked around and picked a random direction. He then began to chant his teleport spell. He teleported up the hill and behind a rock. He then began to hear a few faint noises. Looking down he saw two figures one with wings and the other laying down.

OOC: omg two day til my one year aniversery of hiveworkshop.
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
OOC:"Poke poke poke is that all u do" to quote the Grunt. ^^

IC:Vindex began waking up "whaa?" his vision was blurry.Kamir was showing him the bottle with some text.After a few seconds his vision became clear again.
"Hmm amateurs!They brought the anti-dode with them".He drank the bottle.I am still tired becouse of the spell that i caseted.But i can ride my wolf thank you for your help!"

Level 6
Mar 19, 2008
New Char/Demonshuru

Name: Demonshuru Mindripper
Race: Dark Elf
Class: Hunter
Orgnazation: None
Age: 19
History: He has no family. His family was slaughtered by the Dwarves who raided their city and burned it to the ground. As a kid (8 yrs old) he accomplished to teach himself the beings of Dark Magic. Demonshuru's name was taken from the once great ruler of demons who lost his throne to an opposing demon.
Pets: Fangs (The Shadow Tiger)
Appearance: Demonshuru has punk-skater looking hair that is Black. He wears no shirt, Illidan pants, and no shoes. His Pants have Lime Green stripes goin up the side of one leg. He wears a cloth over his mouth to hide most of his identity.
Demonshuru is overall a shady person.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
IC: Brent noticed the reaction in the Dracon. He began to summon fog to cloud the Dracon's sinses. Let Land and Sky meet I command you he muttered in his head. The air became wet and as gray as Brent's eyes. I cant let them no of my exsistance yet intil I know more about them. He said to hmself.
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
"Well,anyways I need to get a move on.Its not safe here anymore." He said standing up and climbing on his wolf."Its alright Windfury" he said to the wolf that was upset.Just before going he said "Would you like to come with me?"
Level 5
Dec 2, 2007
OOC: I meant one of the two unexplored continents to the south.

Ic: Rin Blackfire looked over his assignment carefully, it wasn't a hard task, just a simple peasant farmer. He was supposed to make it look like an accident, this was always difficult. He looked around him for a moment then finished reading the note.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: I am going to add some haunting of course, do not recognize it as my voice. And sorry I didnt get the lore finished...things came up..

IC: A mysterious voice began to echo inside Kamir's head at that moment...

At first it came as whispers, in a tongue long forgotten by the surface...

"telearileos theus vuileos.....veocis aun'dea theus di'celo"

And more clear and deeper a single command resounded amidst the whispering...

"Come to me Kamir, *kamir kamir, mir, ir, r*...Come to the throes of the frozen North..**"
Level 9
Dec 28, 2007
OOC:Frozen North???
IC:"Kamir i was planing on going north through the Blood Orc's countries We are here"Vindex shows him the map


"Are you allright with this?"

OOC:Yay an Elf to eat ^^.Kiddin nice that you showed up Elenai!
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: no you cant be in one of the unexplored countiants in the south

IC:Brent hurried a head and took a place laying against a tree waiting for them to come by him.

EDIT: OOC: whats with this frozen north in Darjis north isnt frozen and theres nothing evil in the north Ashan mountains.
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