Eons ago, in the depths of time immortal.
Before the stars burned in the sky, before even the gods themselves.
Zerinias Cealore, "the creator" opened his eyes, and beheld as he moved in the void, a great darkness...and silence filled him.
And so Zerinias lifted his voice, and sang into being Light. And it filled the void.
He then saw this universe, and behold, it was desolate and barren.
And so Zerinias sang a second verse and into being, great nebulae of dust and colossal clouds of ethereal gas, came and spread across the universe.
He then lifted his voice once more and watched as the celestial ore coalesced before him. Dust and grit clashed together, in a dance of violence, and the grains of sand they birthed clashed once more into the children of their bretheren, like a storm in the desert, a tumult in the sea, the sands flew and gathered them selves until they had molten themselves into great stones of metal and rock. And also did the nebulae make war it would seem, upon another. And in a great inferno of heat and fire, they imploded together and the stars were born!
And he saw this tumult of violence, and lifted his voice again and sang a lullaby and the universe seperated, and he ordered their paths, and their ways. And de strewed the stars across the heavens, and about them he set the great stones, as planets. Way markers and celestial bodies of beauty. The stars like gems and the planets like beads of precious metal in a tapestry of night. Around these planets he placed moons to keep their paths, and to measure time. And across the universe he placed wonderous gems of starlight, and other wonders for him to behold.
And to the stars he gave power over light, and to the planets he gave substance.
Then he looked upon his creation and was pleased.
But as his creation passed, and his mind slipped into loneliness. And so he prepared a new music, and into his breath he poured his power. And as he sang, seven great spirits rose about him, and in an angelic chorus, the gods were born, singing before him, and they grew pure and beautiful.
Zerinias had created life.
He was so pleased with his new children, that to each of them he blessed with power over his creation, and all that is in it.
To his daughter Larissa, who loved to play amongst the stars, he gave power over light.
To his son Nartu, who loved to splash and take the form of liquid, he gave power over water.
To his son Gale, who loved to sculpt the meteors, and stones of the void, he gave power over earth.
To Laventris, who loved the shadows and secrets of the darkness, he gave power over darkness.
To Florana, who loved to bathe in the molten cores of planets, and stars to scare her bretheren, he gave power over fire.
To Zerves, who loved to fly amongst the heavens, and dive into the skies of unsuspecting worlds, he gave the power over the air, and the paths of the wind.
To Galian, who loved to take shapes and sharpen her mind, he gave power over flesh.
And to Dorat, who loved to walk with Zerinias, and learn, he gave power over the secret flows of magic.
But Zerinias'love for these children would prove to be so great, that he tapped down to deeply into his spirit and gave them too much. And Zerinias realizing his fate, gave into to it...perhaps it was foresight, or fate against him...but soon he faded into the deepest regions of his creation, and into darkness, and left his children.
It would soon come to pass, that the children took on powerful forms, and wrapped themselves in vessals of power, and beauty. And they looked upon the works of Zerinias, who had long since disappeared, and said to themselves, "Let us make a world, to surpass that of our father!" And so they set a great stone about a star, and with each of their powers, set their mark upon that world, and each of the gods, placed their own creations within it, and upon it.
And they called this gem...Darjis.
Soon this great world thrived, and life grew and their creations flourished. But death ultimately came to these things, as Zerinias alone could make life immortal. But he was lost, and so the gods took the spirits of their followers, and into their heavenly sanctuaries, they housed them in peace as their children.
But soon their was strife within the houses of the gods, and Laventris, in her darkness and secret ways, sought in vane to give immortality to her children. And so she experimented in forbidden lore, and into cruel bodies, long rotten, she forced the souls of her children. Soon she fell to the addicting sway of power, and in her thought said "I have found the secret to life." And so she in her lust for power, she became evil, and fell into the darkness she loved most, brooding, and planning, ever making war on life, so that she can steal it for her own.
But it was down upon Darjis, that the living still endured, and flourished even under the shadow of Laventris' brooding, and mockeries of life.
It was during the time, when Darjis was being forged, that Zerinias, slowly began to regain his great power, and into his hands once more power over his creation flowed. He looked upon his children and saw that they had left him, and had grown into their own beings. and so he took a new name and a new form. And called himself, Etheriel. Fore from the ether, he was reborn. And once more, he in secret, took his place amongst the order of the universe. And in his secret haven, unbeknownst to the gods even of his existence, he created a new thing...And into this artifact he poured great wisdom, and power over a new magic, that even the gods had not. And he wrapped it in crystal glass, of silver and blue, and hurled it towards Darjis.
It was then that the Elves, a secretive race, still young, hiding in their forests, and mountains, wary of their human and orcish neighbors, built great kingdoms and roamed the land.
Then one starlit night unbeknownst to the gods, the elves in their wanderings beheld the skies as out of the heavens descended a great crystal artiface, bright as the sun, and twice as beautiful, and as it fell great shards flew from it, and into the east, west, north, and south they were lost, but it core still remained and fell from the heavens in a great torrent of wind and fire, straight and deep into the continent of Ashan.
The Elves fled from it, but soon, their curious nature brought them towards it, and they flocked to the great monolith.
The great artifact, was filled with magic, not known to them...it was mysterious and powerful, and they named it the Elen Astralis, in the old elvish tongue.
And soon the elven tribes began to make war upon one another, as greed and power drove them to slaughter, each one not able to hold control over the artifact for long.
The Elven Cival war, had begun....
They fought and fought years passed by no one tribe able to hold it in posession for long. Until a tribe to the east seeing the destruction it would cause to their bretheren and their race as a whole stole the great crystal and hid it within their most secure citadel in the center of their kingdom where they began to study the depths of its power. But the other elves blinded by their lust for power and dominance each began to assault the borders. The seers of the tribe then unleashed a terrible storm upon the borders killing many enemies and yet they still clashed upon the kingdom like a tide of arrows and spears. Seeing no end they used the artifacts great power, and lifted their kingdom into the sky and the sea filled the void left in its ascendence.
Then the crystal covering shattered into seven hundred shards revealing a siver core emmanating light in all directions. and those shards where forged into the Astralblades. Bright Swords said to hold the very light of the heavens.
And Etheriel came down upon Darjis, and communed with the elves who had most nobly used his gift, and blessed them. And to them he gave long life, and power. He also became their god, and they his children. And they grew and thrived foor eons under his blessings, and with the wisdom and power of the Elen Astralis they hid their kingdom, and made great wonders and powered it with the mysterious magic, and the magic was such that it became to them a science.
And so it was, that the Celestial Elves, as Etheriel had named them, came to be.