World Of Darjis Roleplay!!!!

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Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Elenai looked at Calthas, and abit pleased to share his history...Interestingly enough he was willing to share it. Though he had conditions.

"If I reveal our long ancient, and hidden will keep it secure, lest a fate worse than even undeath, or pain."
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
OOC: Time to do something...where was i..

IC: He followed the old man out into the village, well, it was more of a town, a fairly large town. Surprisingly it seemed well developed, as most of the towns that had strayed off from imperialist rule in the early ages became nothing but barbarian villages. It seemed decent enough, although it could not compare to his old home. "You seemed to have setteled well..." The old man squinted "Do you think we need your imperialist pish posh, just to live our lives? No, we are free, we live free, and we shall die free."

"I have a feeling you do not take kindly for Imperial folk, do you." Cornillius pondered, although it wasnt a question to him, their affection was obvious.

"Metal, and fire, ruling with steel, and armies, and lies. Your king is corrupt, and as we speak your lands are tarnished by the dead they have forsaken."

"Forsaken? What are yo-" Before he could finish, someone smashed into him, knocking him down. He was still weak from his wounds, and his left foot missing.

"Have some respect wench!" The old man snarled as the woman past. "Do not worry yourself with her, she is as tarnished as you are" The old man goes to help Cornillius, but he helps himself up.

"I suppose, that answers my question."

"She is hurt by heart, from many days of anguish, although unlike you, it was not by a bears claw."

The old man fixed his cloak, then turned to Genervo "We found you with your robe, imperialist robe, we had bad thoughts at the beginning" He brings his head closer and whispers "They wanted your head..."

He stepped back and began to talk normally again. "They have always tried to take our lands, but with current affairs we thought you couldnt have been sent by them. Why would an officer be sent, with no guards, to travel many hills just to take our small town"

"Indeed..." Cornillius just noticed that he was not dressed with his cloak, but in rather clean rags from the town. "I was sent by them, this is true, but not for your town.."

"Oh, i see.." He brings his head closer again "You are an exile?"

Cornillius did not answer. "Say no more, we are all exiles here." The old man looks to his missing foot. "Do not worry, a stick and a boot should fix it, it will feel odd at first, but you will get used to it."

"Come, we have much to discuss" He said as he walked into a rather large house, sticking out from the rather plain houses. Cornillius shruged, and followed him in.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"Well, I've had pain and death behind me.. I don't know if you did, but it's quite horrible, well, As a paladin, I hereby honastly vow that I will never ever tell your secret history to anyone exept the ones allowed by You, elenai, and Elenai only." Calthas said with his hand on the place were his heart used to be and the other hand up in a vowing position.
Level 6
Nov 11, 2007
Bal'Zammon smiled as he desolved into thick strands of darkness at the tip of Aranith's weapon,he then rematerialized behind him, and swung the Mallice of Vergus at him....
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Elenai pleased that his secrets would be hidden with in the confines of this skeletal soul, pulled from his robes, A visage sphere.

He floated it just above his hand, and clicked his fingers upon a few runes upon its surface.

And the room became dimmed a little, and the sphere glowed and what seemed to be scrolls of letters and numbers, and pictures and sounds surrounded the party gathered there.

Elenai waved his hand upon one of the scrolls that shined before his face, transparent and silver its letters gleaming in the long ancient elven mode, lost for centuries to all other elf kind...

Within moments the visage sphere began to tell a great and legnthy tale.

The Tale said:
Eons ago, in the depths of time immortal.

Before the stars burned in the sky, before even the gods themselves.

Zerinias Cealore, "the creator" opened his eyes, and beheld as he moved in the void, a great darkness...and silence filled him.

And so Zerinias lifted his voice, and sang into being Light. And it filled the void.

He then saw this universe, and behold, it was desolate and barren.

And so Zerinias sang a second verse and into being, great nebulae of dust and colossal clouds of ethereal gas, came and spread across the universe.

He then lifted his voice once more and watched as the celestial ore coalesced before him. Dust and grit clashed together, in a dance of violence, and the grains of sand they birthed clashed once more into the children of their bretheren, like a storm in the desert, a tumult in the sea, the sands flew and gathered them selves until they had molten themselves into great stones of metal and rock. And also did the nebulae make war it would seem, upon another. And in a great inferno of heat and fire, they imploded together and the stars were born!

And he saw this tumult of violence, and lifted his voice again and sang a lullaby and the universe seperated, and he ordered their paths, and their ways. And de strewed the stars across the heavens, and about them he set the great stones, as planets. Way markers and celestial bodies of beauty. The stars like gems and the planets like beads of precious metal in a tapestry of night. Around these planets he placed moons to keep their paths, and to measure time. And across the universe he placed wonderous gems of starlight, and other wonders for him to behold.
And to the stars he gave power over light, and to the planets he gave substance.
Then he looked upon his creation and was pleased.

But as his creation passed, and his mind slipped into loneliness. And so he prepared a new music, and into his breath he poured his power. And as he sang, seven great spirits rose about him, and in an angelic chorus, the gods were born, singing before him, and they grew pure and beautiful.

Zerinias had created life.

He was so pleased with his new children, that to each of them he blessed with power over his creation, and all that is in it.

To his daughter Larissa, who loved to play amongst the stars, he gave power over light.

To his son Nartu, who loved to splash and take the form of liquid, he gave power over water.

To his son Gale, who loved to sculpt the meteors, and stones of the void, he gave power over earth.

To Laventris, who loved the shadows and secrets of the darkness, he gave power over darkness.

To Florana, who loved to bathe in the molten cores of planets, and stars to scare her bretheren, he gave power over fire.

To Zerves, who loved to fly amongst the heavens, and dive into the skies of unsuspecting worlds, he gave the power over the air, and the paths of the wind.

To Galian, who loved to take shapes and sharpen her mind, he gave power over flesh.

And to Dorat, who loved to walk with Zerinias, and learn, he gave power over the secret flows of magic.

But Zerinias'love for these children would prove to be so great, that he tapped down to deeply into his spirit and gave them too much. And Zerinias realizing his fate, gave into to it...perhaps it was foresight, or fate against him...but soon he faded into the deepest regions of his creation, and into darkness, and left his children.

It would soon come to pass, that the children took on powerful forms, and wrapped themselves in vessals of power, and beauty. And they looked upon the works of Zerinias, who had long since disappeared, and said to themselves, "Let us make a world, to surpass that of our father!" And so they set a great stone about a star, and with each of their powers, set their mark upon that world, and each of the gods, placed their own creations within it, and upon it.

And they called this gem...Darjis.

Soon this great world thrived, and life grew and their creations flourished. But death ultimately came to these things, as Zerinias alone could make life immortal. But he was lost, and so the gods took the spirits of their followers, and into their heavenly sanctuaries, they housed them in peace as their children.

But soon their was strife within the houses of the gods, and Laventris, in her darkness and secret ways, sought in vane to give immortality to her children. And so she experimented in forbidden lore, and into cruel bodies, long rotten, she forced the souls of her children. Soon she fell to the addicting sway of power, and in her thought said "I have found the secret to life." And so she in her lust for power, she became evil, and fell into the darkness she loved most, brooding, and planning, ever making war on life, so that she can steal it for her own.

But it was down upon Darjis, that the living still endured, and flourished even under the shadow of Laventris' brooding, and mockeries of life.

It was during the time, when Darjis was being forged, that Zerinias, slowly began to regain his great power, and into his hands once more power over his creation flowed. He looked upon his children and saw that they had left him, and had grown into their own beings. and so he took a new name and a new form. And called himself, Etheriel. Fore from the ether, he was reborn. And once more, he in secret, took his place amongst the order of the universe. And in his secret haven, unbeknownst to the gods even of his existence, he created a new thing...And into this artifact he poured great wisdom, and power over a new magic, that even the gods had not. And he wrapped it in crystal glass, of silver and blue, and hurled it towards Darjis.

It was then that the Elves, a secretive race, still young, hiding in their forests, and mountains, wary of their human and orcish neighbors, built great kingdoms and roamed the land.

Then one starlit night unbeknownst to the gods, the elves in their wanderings beheld the skies as out of the heavens descended a great crystal artiface, bright as the sun, and twice as beautiful, and as it fell great shards flew from it, and into the east, west, north, and south they were lost, but it core still remained and fell from the heavens in a great torrent of wind and fire, straight and deep into the continent of Ashan.

The Elves fled from it, but soon, their curious nature brought them towards it, and they flocked to the great monolith.

The great artifact, was filled with magic, not known to was mysterious and powerful, and they named it the Elen Astralis, in the old elvish tongue.

And soon the elven tribes began to make war upon one another, as greed and power drove them to slaughter, each one not able to hold control over the artifact for long.

The Elven Cival war, had begun....

They fought and fought years passed by no one tribe able to hold it in posession for long. Until a tribe to the east seeing the destruction it would cause to their bretheren and their race as a whole stole the great crystal and hid it within their most secure citadel in the center of their kingdom where they began to study the depths of its power. But the other elves blinded by their lust for power and dominance each began to assault the borders. The seers of the tribe then unleashed a terrible storm upon the borders killing many enemies and yet they still clashed upon the kingdom like a tide of arrows and spears. Seeing no end they used the artifacts great power, and lifted their kingdom into the sky and the sea filled the void left in its ascendence.
Then the crystal covering shattered into seven hundred shards revealing a siver core emmanating light in all directions. and those shards where forged into the Astralblades. Bright Swords said to hold the very light of the heavens.

And Etheriel came down upon Darjis, and communed with the elves who had most nobly used his gift, and blessed them. And to them he gave long life, and power. He also became their god, and they his children. And they grew and thrived foor eons under his blessings, and with the wisdom and power of the Elen Astralis they hid their kingdom, and made great wonders and powered it with the mysterious magic, and the magic was such that it became to them a science.

And so it was, that the Celestial Elves, as Etheriel had named them, came to be.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"So you want to say that this cry..." Calthas suddenly was interrupted by a Kianor miner that yelled "I've found something!" Lupin, Calthas ran towards it and Kamir flew to it, Kamir, who arived first, saw some lines, of wich seemed to be a little crystal shaped into a Kianor, it had a different colour, it was green instead of the normal blue purple-ish, "Please, dig further, I think he's worshipping something..." the kianor, with one powerfull hit, cut away some more normal crystal, There was a large crystal, in exactly the same shape as the middle crystal in the cave, above it stood a humanoid thing, it was hard to identify, but it was too small in comparison to the other cut to be Kianor. "Elenai! Come here, you might have an explanation for this!" Kamir said while waving with his hand.

OOC: that lore realy contains a lot of And ^^ it's pretty anoying to read actualy.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: Sorry, It was more difficult to make the lore than I had though....especially when the creation began to drag out (which is gath's creation btw). Then my brain decided to shut down.
Really though, its a fluff piece. (ironically enough...its like a documentary..thus boring)

IC: Elenai looked up at the crystal, and also at the figure....Facsination took hold of his mind. But the green colour disturbed him slightly.

OOC: Could you explain a little more about what you want to happen? And also are the Kianor larger than normal humanoids?
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Elenai walked into the newly dug cavern...past a statue of a green Kianor bowing to the figure high above it.

High above, on a great crystal pedestal, stood a large figure, delicately carved, and and silver-blue colour twisted about the crystaline form....

Elenai's eyes grew wide once more...what he knew to be true was now sealed in evidence.

"By the stars..." Elenai whispered...and he walked towards the figure, and placed his hands on the pedestal and looked upon the ancient idol...

He then looked at the Kianor, and his thoughts came together...

Elenai's thoughts said:
These Kianor, are not heretics, playing with life, as I had thought...they are not under the sway of Laventris...I was wrong...

These devices are not mere copies of life as I had guessed....the souls are real...for they are connected to Etheriel himself...the giver of life...the same scource we built our civilization on, (elen astralis) the Kianor too, have tapped upon.

We are not so different afterall...two paths of civilization...down to a single end.

Then Elenai bowed his head before Lupin and Calthas...and said,

"Forgive me my friends...for I was wrong...the life within you is not a mere copy, a heretical thing as I had thought....the life in you is real. Your souls are indeed real...

For you have not been brought to life by the power of the gods, after their fashion...but by the giver of life himself."

Elenai had disdane and hatred in his heart, for what he percieved to be mockeries of life...undead heretics, brought to life, by some wierd technology fashioned by unsuspecting hands, playing with dark powers...

They were instead...communing with the same force that the Celestial Elves had for eons...even if they seemingly forgot their past...fore if they had...they just found it.

Like the Celestial Elves, they too must have hidden their kingdom, and they too must have pursued the road of crafting artifacts, and technology...albiet, down a differnt detour.

The Celestial elves were not the evil things he percieved...but were as pure as himself...if not more.

OOC: I think that mabye we should work the Kianor and Celestial elf lore together a bit more...and mabye you could flesh out the Kianor lore for us? Oh, they probably need a flaw, an epic history that shows an evil thing that occured. Much like the Celestial elves have the flaw of zealous religious devotion, and hatred for all things undead, the Kianor need a flaw too.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"Hahaha, I told you" Lupin said, with a responce from Calthas with a elbow against his ribcase "Auch, were was that good for?" Calthas bowed to Elenai and said "Thank you." and he pushed lupin down too
"So, you mean that that statue above that crystal IS Ethereal?" Kamir said while flying up to see it better.

OOC: Their majour flaw will come to light soon enough...
Level 8
Aug 25, 2007
Gorowrath walked down the tunnel, slicing the rats on the way, but then he stopped. It was a dead end. "This is new..." Gorowrath raised Cataclysm, and smashed the wall of rubble, which made a strange effect on the rocks, that made them move away from the force that Cataclysm was creating. Gorowrath walked down the tunnel, but then he felt something claw his leg, unaware what it was. He turned quickly, but the creature kept clawing him, blood gushing everywhere, and Gorowrath pulled Umbra, which transformed into two swords, and sliced the beast, which ran off down the tunnel. Gorowrath, coughed blood, and moved slowly back to the Burrow, to rest, and to drink healing waters that he had saved up. Gorowrath wondered what the beast was that attacked him...
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC:hmmm okm BACK I might be on in off less frecunly for the next week or two because of family issues.

hmmm dont know where to come in I gues Ill goto Gath

IC: Gath dodged and swung him sword at Bal'Zammon Aer could be felt swarming around him for something big.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Indeed are beholding an image of our god. An incredibly made one as well...

I think perhaps, that the Kianor were given life by Etheriel, and that I was taken here by Etheriel himself...but for what purpose...

OOC: Perhaps to cure the flaws of both our races...perhaps not..
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Who knows

IC: "but, I thought Etheriel gave magical life? am I wrong?" Kamir said, he suddenly noticed that the Kianor was gone, he wanted to ask him to dig further, so Kamir picked up the heavy mining equipment, put it on the ground against a normal crystal wall, and pressed a button, without anything moving, the wall collapsed, revealing an even more important view, there were Elves and Kianor worshipping Etheriel side by side. "This.. would change history forever wouldn't it?" Kamir said
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Elenai began to explain to Kamir, that Etheriel is the creator god, and has a power over magic, that is like the scource of magic...a deeper more mysterious kind, where as the other gods have rule over sub branches of it. But Etheriel is also the father of life itself, which is tied to magic in many ways...noting the Aer flows. But when Kamir delved deeper into the mountain...

Elenai was stunned....he could not explain at all, how the Kianor, and the Celestial Elves who have been completely seperated and isolated...could be found in a scene immortalized by statues...."This must be Etheriel's doing."...Elenai exclamed...

Elenai wished to bring his own elven scholars to this place and so he asked if he could.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Kianor are 3 meters tall crystal beings that have a high culture and almost never see the day...

IC: "Well, you should ask the Kianor, I'm not the leader here." Kamir said
"I'll ask it" Calthas said and he ran to the exit of the cave.
Level 6
Nov 11, 2007
ooc:steel stallion u should come to the battlefield and help me take down hegroth...COME TO THE DARK SIDE... we have free cookies
Gath, can i cast a spell to control u, since ur half undead?
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Sirana broke from her trace "hmmmm impossible... I dont Believe it" She picked up the Stacue. "Why would our god bless the likes of people who do not even believe in him people who are not impowered with Aer like every creature on this planet"
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC:... haven't you read? it aren't small statues (actualy, initially I thought of them being crystals stuck in the wall.. then it changed to statues.) They are big, becouse this was a very important piece of Kianor histo... oops, I guess I said too much XD

IC: "Wait, You're not a celestial elf right? so... then why do you talk about Ethereal as 'Our god'?" Kamir asked tilting his head and putting his wings down.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
IC: "Ive been studying their history and im the leading ....former... ambassitor to them from the sun elves ive lived years at time in there city and Ive learned there magic. I have accepted Ethereal as my god aswell as the normal godess to the sun elves, Larissa."
she said sterly letting go of the Aer that she used to pick up the stacue.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: ummm whats that supose to mean I just said I was ambassitor meaning I was invited. And they vaporize undead and Forsaken on site not Elves.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: You were what? I thought the Celestial elves were kinda... unknown only by a few individuals, so you were invited, did Elenai say that to you? M'kay... And sorry for excacurating a bit, but... Dracons might be a bit more civilised than dragons, but they still have combat in their blood you know ^^ and so Kamir sometimes has wrong thoughts about others being like him, not everybody is perfect you know ^^
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: no I mean Sun elves and censestrial elves are at peace and are well the closest of all the elves and sun elves send people to make peace with them.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: I am currently speaking through a proxy, so this is going to be a bit...wierd. And I might not be able to RP for a while so just incase, (if I go afk for a long time, simply have me and a group of scholars studying the statues off screen).

IC: Elenai replied, we are quite an unknown people...infact, among even the sun elves our closest ally, only the royal government body and their servants know of our existence.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Suddenly, they all could hear a huge explosion coming for the entrance of the place, Kamir turned his head immediatly, and a second later he took off and flew at highest speed towards the origen of the sound, when he got back into the city, he saw, were first were about 10 buildings, only shattered crystals, many Kianor were already there, with replacing bodies for the 'spirits' that weren't destroyed yet, Kamir flew to one of the Kianor and asked "What happened?", the Kianor answered, "A experiment has gone horribly wrong" Only one of the souls was saveble, Kamir went to him and heard him say to himself "I shouldn't have used such cheap crystal, Atleast I have learned from it, I should repo..." he stopped, he noticed Kamir and said "Oh, Hello there strange leatherskin, Are you the one that has helped us learn more about your kind and Aer?" "Yes" Kamir answered "Ah, good, you have no idea how valuable your information was" "Yes, but what experiment went wrong here?" "Well, I tried to give a Kianor Aer, the problem was, the crystal I used to give the aer to the person became unstable and fell apart, releasing the full aer flow with this huge effect, now I know that I will need a crystal more pure than this one" "you actualy plan on continiueing this experiment? don't you even care about those deaths?" "Well, research isn't the safest thing alive, and we know that"

OOC:If you read this well, you'll see the bad thing about the Kianor, the flaw of Kianor civilization.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
OOC: Ahah! Again, a similar flaw that the Celestial Elves have, this RP is becoming incredibly filled with lore..I love it.

Instead of a religious zealousy (celestial elf)

Its a scientific zealousy..Amazing.

IC: Elenai rushed to see what occured...He could feel the aer as it saturated the area, and he could see the souls of the Kianor floating off into whatever abode Etheriel had prepared for them...

Elenai wondered, then...perhaps I should raise them...perhaps paradise can wait.

And he then said.

"Let me raise them!"
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
a kianor looked around and said rather anoyed "That's impossible, those are damaged souls they can't be revived in any way, the only way to revive a soul is by giving it a body, but a damaged one can't be given a new body, let them go, they haven't died a useless death.." the kianor didn't wait for answer and walked away.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Elenai simply payed him no heed...

"I will show you the power of the Giver of Life!"

Elenai lifted up his arms and prayed to Etheriel, his voice became deep and echoed in the cavern....his eyes glowed silver, and an inner light shone.

"Etheriel, return these souls to their harbours, I your servant ask you."

And the souls that floated above, descended to the ground and stood before him....And their souls, began to repair.

"Your technology is powerful, but your faith is lacking...The Giver of Life can heal what is his to begin with."

OOC: I was guessing that your post was meant to insight an awe reaction after a priest (myself) raised them to life....although if it was meant to not be....
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Actualy they were meant to realy not be saved, so this will happen:

IC: When the souls were totally repaired, the Kianor were impressed, but still a bit suspicious, a couple of kianor came with some bodies, as soon as the soul touched the body, both the soul and the crystal exploded, a fist sized crystal just missed Elenai and Kamir got hit in his wing while flying to see if there were any other survivors, and he fell to the ground "Arg, I hate getting hit by sharp objects!" Kamir said angry. the kianor shaked their heads and all walked away.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
"Hmmm Elenai maybe you should treat these different then the people you are normally with they are quite different then your censestrial elves."
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: When are you going to notice, it's celestial elves from celestial bodies and that stuff ^^

IC: "Indeed, these aren't the normal people, they've lived their whole lives under ground, they have a totally different cuture, they care more for science then for the others lives, they are willing to die for a scientific discovery as small as a needle." Kamir said walking toward Elenai "And thanks for that crystal in my wing" he said anoyed while trying to pull it out.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: As Elenai saw the explosion of the creatures he wondered...the crystals perhaps, are so intwined with energy, that adding anymore magic to it, causes an explosion...

And he also noted the flaw in the civilization around him....and found it as appauling as others might see his own nations merciliess hatred of Undead.

And Elenai also noted, Kamir's interesting reaction...

"Your welcome Kamir." Said Elenai, but in his thought...he said

"Best not speak so lowly to a member of the Silverstar council young dracon...else that crystal might find its way towards your head."

OCC: It is indeed "Celestial" (Cel-Es-Ti-Al)...Celestial

OOH! And I sense a possible conflict rising once more...the possibility for a Kianor/Celestial war surfaces once more.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Why would a thousands of years old civilization that doesn't even know what the word war means have a war with a civilization that has the same faith?

IC: "Well, maby you could help getting this damn thing out of my wing instead of welcoming me..." Kamir said still anoyed.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Perhaps I should...And Elenai pulled on the crystal with a grunted smile.

"I must dodged that crystal incredibly with your lightning reflexes didnt you?" Elenai gave a quick chuckle.

Elenai was still deep inside, slightly angry with the Kianor, and Kamir, but mostly he was angry because his resurection failed...he soon began to suspect something was amiss...

OOC: A war of zealousy perhaps. Sibling rivalry still exists, even if Etheriel is the father (sorry, thats the only metaphor I could think of)

Most Celestial Elves, would be appauled by several things, as the Kianor would the Celestial elves. We share the same faith, and are very similar in many ways, but it may be, that these similarities will cause strife. The introduction of war into the Kianorian dictionary. Or even a deeper lore...a Kianorian war, long buried and hidden for the sake of the Kianorian civilization.

All kinds of possibilities could arise in this RP, war might be a nice twist.

Though we might have to work out the cause first...if it ever occurs.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: You said IC: instead of OOC: ^^ and indeed everything could happen, but the funny thing is, I in real life have the strings of the Kianor in hand ^^

IC: when Elenai pulled out the crystal, Kamir felt a horrible pain wich quickly lowered, "Well, It isn't easy to dodge a dozen crystals flying at you with the speed of an arrow you know, if I was reacting, only on another crystal that was going for my eye" Kamir said with his eyes a bit closed and he frowned his anger was slowly growing for Elenai who first stole his most precious belongings, his dark magical arts, then tried to teach him his own believes and now he was being incredibly sarcastic.

Little black flames came from Kamir's nose and he was suprised "What's this?" he said to himself.
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