World Of Darjis Roleplay!!!!

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Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Then I'll just be the one starting the fight^^

IC: Suddenly, Kamir turned around, opened his mouth and black flames came out of his mouth in the direction of Elenai, he pulled his sword and charged at Elenai in the shadow of his flames.

OOC: Your welcome ^^
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Elenai siezed himself (gained focus) and pulled from his sheath his crystal blade, and fell to the floor, his silver hair nearly singed as it barely fell before the flames hit.

Elenai lifted up just intime to block the dragon blade with his own.

"What are you doing Kamir?" Elenai grunted.

OOC: I suppose this is where a rant like "you stole my power!!!!' comes in...We really do need a bit of a problem for the conflict afterall. ^^
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"Are you blind?"kamir said pushing with his own sword against that of Elenai "I am attacking you, that's what!" he said and used the end of the sword benieth the handle to get around the block, but he then stopped, he dropped his sword and fell to the ground, a small puff of black smoke came out of his nose and his eyes closed.

OOC: I am not willing to let you make the whole story XD
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Elenai stood stunned, but soon his face grew grim.

"So then Kamir, its a fight you want! Then its a fight you will have!"

Elenai's eyes flashed white and tendrils of energy flew from his pupils..But then Elenai looked up and saw battle? He suspected a trick, and floated back and waited for what was to come...

Elenai knew that he could not be possessed by Etheriel's power for a long time yet, he would have to rely on his own power.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
OOC: Fairly unfair don't you think? killing an unconsious person ^^

IC: Suddenly Kamir's skin began to turn black, with stripes of his original skin colour between it, the wound in his wing healed very quickly, but not very pleasant looking, from the inside out, Kamir stood up, didn't open his eyes, he then, with lightning speed picked up his sword and flew up, Kianor were gathering around, not knowing what to do or what they were doing.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
A blade cut through the tome Siriana had drawing her attenion."god damn it boys will be boys". She drew her blade it shone with the lights of the heavens and she charged. She leaped in the air kicking the two people apart shattering Elenai's spell. "What is the point in fighting damn it!"
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
Suprised of the action Siriana just did, Kamir opened his eyes only to be shown two white eyes, but not in the way those of elenai were white, these were just eyes with no pupil or iris, when Kamir opened his eyes the colour on his skin came back and his eyes began to regain colour, he once again fell to the ground, this time kneeled with his head down, he then said "I have no idea what that was, it must've been some kind of a rage attack" he looked at Elenai and said "I'm sorry, I... I couldn't help it, becouse I practiced dark magic, my breath is that of darkness, but, a dracon might have the same breath as his strongest magic art, but, that doesn't only have to do with breath weapons, I can assure you, I did it by accident, altrough I can remember everything I did, I'm sorry" he then looked down again.
Level 6
Nov 11, 2007
OOC: i finally got the time to post, sorry for the long delay

IC: Bal'Zammon jumped back, and yelled "Teneabrer Musilus" and two 4 meter tall bone golems arose from the blackened ground at Bal'Zammon's feet
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Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Elenai was puzzled at this new development...Kamir had attacked him, and Elenai knew that there was a was not mere accident...some dark force was trying to strike him.

Whether it was withheld anger on Kamir's part, or his dark magicks returning under the will of an evil being he didnt know...but something was amiss.

"You are forgiven Kamir." Elenai solemnly replied.

Elenai began to plan for what he saw was inevitable...a fight with his draconian friend.

"Now then...I must study this place..." exclaimed Elenai.

"I must bring my own scholars."

He needed time to think about what had occured in his time here.
Level 23
Jan 11, 2006
"Please, before you do that, ask the priests" Kamir said and pointed to a building next to the entrance to the cave of crystals, "And please, for your, my and everybodies sake, please give me back my dark magic."

Kamir was almost begging, as he had heard of tales when he was young, what happened to Dracons who partly lost their magic for a long time.
Level 35
May 22, 2007
IC: Elenai was set aback at this near begging....Here it was, a dracon nearly begging for his power...dark magic that Elenai had sealed away within a dark recess of Kamir's soul in an effort to stem the evil flow lest he had to kill him.

He had a choice to make...Let him suffer, Let him go mad, or return his power, and sin in the process....and then be forced to kill him.

He also thought about what would happen if he returned the magic...if he could even do it.

He also considered what his power did to the Kianor when he raised them...Something interfered he knew it.

He also considered the Kianor culture that began to appaul him. He considered his mission once more.

"Seek out the enemy, and gain a foot hold." "Seek the necromantic source, and destroy it." "Seek artifacts and technology."

And then he remembered his command sent by Etheriel.

"Make your pilgrimage."

And then he remembered his failures, and then he remembered Shanna....

Elenai then looked down upon Kamir at his knees, and thought once more, "I could have power over this creature, seal his loyalty forever...but at what cost?" "I could return his power...mabye, but at what cost?"

Then he spake..."Kamir, I must have time, to consider your request."

And with that he realized...."The seal I placed, must have been cracked."
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
Aranith used only a fraction of the Aer swarming around him the Aer turned the golems to dust almost imediatly. He needed time he called for his *2nd hand man* in his mind. Eval appeared his body split into 25 *clones* of himself. He charged at Bel'Zammon staff drawen and Aer forming on the end of it.

OOC:dident you say you wanted to *mind control* Aranith well you can but there will be resistance.

IC:Sirana rested her arms and stood by Elenai waiting for him to go look up tomes or artifacts.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
OOC: Five days between posts on a subforum as small as this is nowhere near dying, it just isn't growing. Maybe it's slowing down a little...

IC: A horrible, terrible screeching sound. It pierced the air, the plants, the bones of the creatures that heard it, perhaps existence itself. Certainly, it pierced natural order. It grated against the ears, made itself heard in even the loudest of taverns. It would not be denied.

"Ha... that's some strength. Even making archaic necromancers flinch at necromantic energies..." It was a woman's voice.
"Damn, it woke the corpses up again. Agh, and there's the one that was trying to feel me up." Another woman.
"It's grabbing you to rip off a piece to eat, not to squish you around." This new voice belonged to a man.
"Quiet. You need to worry about keeping your concentration, and only that. Even the gods need their full strength to interrupt a neutral pentagram." The fourth voice belonged to another man.
"Ha... they don't like being challenged like that" the first voice said.
"The truth is not a challenge" was the fourth voice's answer.
"Ha... you say that now. If Larissa's flying zealots can break a pentagram, so can the gods."
"...Idiot. The sky elves broke a pentagram, aside from the fact that it was tainted. They could never hope to interrupt a neutral pentagram, nor could any other mortal force."
"And then once the pentagram is done, we've got the whole damn horde to deal with again." It was the second voice.
"What's left of it, not the whole ho—" The third voice was cut off by the second voice.
"Yes the whole damn horde, because there's no way that screech didn't raise every corpse on the damn continent. There's probably even a hundred schools of damn skeleton fish swimming around in the oceans, too."
"Quiet. Our problem now is the pentagram, nothing else. And you especially need to concentrate now that it's nearing completion."

All five of the warriors started chanting under their breath. The energy that had been swirling around them now began being drawn into the body suspended in the air between them. The shape of a peculiar five-pointed star was being pressed into the soil. Each of the warriors was positioned perfectly at one of the points. The thin obsidian blade pressed into the floating body's heart started humming.

Suddenly, the body was nothing more than a skeleton, and a strange wave of energy was released from it. Upon contact with it, the massive swarm of raised corpses surrounding the peculiar scene was utterly disintegrated. The screeching slowly faded away. Each of the five warriors removed their swords from the earth, and sheathed their thin obsidian blades beneath their dull brown cloaks. The wave of strange energy had displaced the second warrior's mask, so she reached up and fixed it. It was faceless, and white with a dull blue stripe running from the left eye to the mask's bottom.

"It appears that your 'whole damn horde' has been taken care of, sister." The fourth warrior broke the strange silence that had settled in the wake of the strange pulse of energy.
"Some of it..."
"Ha... so has our sister here, finally."
The skeleton had fallen to the ground, the sword through her heart perfectly landing in the centre of the peculiar star. The cloak she had been wearing was blowing away as though it were dust, and her head landed in a way that she seemed to be looking at the fifth, silent warrior. This fifth warrior watched as his sister's mask was blown away like her cloak. The peculiar star in the soil started to shrink, almost into the sword. The horrible, terrible screech had died down. The fifth warrior spoke:
"Yes... we bid our sister farewell, and that she may find the peace that she had lost."
The others all murmured, vaguely agreeing with their brother.
"So..." the second voice began. "Now that this is all said and done, I know that she was completely insane, but I'm somewhat proud to claim some sort of affiliation with someone that could kill a whole damn kingdom."
"Ha... I'm sure everyone except for the elder council members probably feels that way."
"Even they are proud of her strength, though not her actions."

The fourth warrior's voice reached the others and they murmured agreement, all already limping their way to slay again the dead that had recently risen as the aftermath of the death of their sister. The peculiar star in the soil had disappeared, and their sister's skeleton was soon gone too. All that remained of the spectacle was blood, and the thin sword with its obsidian cutting edges, left in the middle of a dead, empty city.

OOC: No, they're not brothers and sisters by blood relation. And you're welcome for starting this RP up again.
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Level 8
Aug 25, 2007
OOC: Sorry guys, a couple reasons I've been offline, one, my sister is supposedly "Sick", and bitchy... Second, I got Morrowind GotY, to keep me busy. I havent really thought of things to do for Gorowrath. But If my character hasnt been deleted, then I can start rping again. But I may only be able to use the computer for a while... -.- school, band, and other stuff. I do want to rp again, And I have got a couple new ideas for a character if mine is gone.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: no your character is not gone

and with the new char thing I talking to Teh

and Elfsilver lord I was thinking more of killing the undead lord Bel'Zammon so we can have like a "peace" time maybe go to the western countinant and fight some orcs or something maybe mmake the undead like not the main threat to humanity
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
OOC: They're just five random members of Stanth. Six if you include the traitor that was killed and then purged. Ideally, after this entire country is killed and cleaned up of dead creatures, they're gone forever. As a matter of fact, they don't even need to be mentioned at all any more. It's mostly the event (a whole country dying, the necromantic cry, dead creatures being raised all over) that holds importance. It seems significant enough to start the RP up again.
Level 8
Aug 25, 2007
Gorowrath fell asleep as soon as he got back to the barrow, his wounds wouldn't heal from the potions. He started to dream. He saw an eye, it was yellow. He heard screams, and started to shiver, and the eye slowly turned blood red. He saw a bright white light, an orb, he looked at it. It was a moon. Under the moon was a reflection of it. It was water, he ran to the water to see his reflection wasn't there. Yellow eyes staring at him, shifting to red, blood dripping from its jaws. Covered in fur, it howled. Gorowrath woke up shivering, and his wounds began to pulse, and he yelled in pain. He knew what attacked him in the cave.
Level 24
Jun 26, 2006
OOC: No, because I'm not currently RPing. Also, the placement of that catastrophe I created within the storyline of the World of Darjis is currently unconfirmed, so it's possible that you might not be able to do anything with that.
Level 14
Apr 15, 2007
OOC: maybe I dont know

EDIT: The last piece of rp is this

IC: Eval stuke Bel'Zammon down but he quickly leaped up and smashed every clone with one mighty sweep. He headed for Gath. Gath stood there silently the Aer around his body rushed to his hand the intense power passed into the air and into Bel'Zammon a giant flash of light erupted in 5 seconds it was over Bel'Zammon was gone, vanised. Eval stood up staring at the point where Bel Zammon had been. He stared deeper letting his hand feel the Aer that swarmed around the place. "Impossible Gath it it you.. It seems you have much more power then I thought to be able to send a teleport spell into Bel'Zammon and then reverse it and knot it in place. You you trapped him in a void.". Gath smiled greatly weakened he fainted as the whole undead army fell released from there reanimation finally at peace. The Great Undead plague was finally over..............for now. The Humans had something to celebrate. Yet deep deep in her lair in the heavens Larventris grinned because her and her alone knew the undead were not beat it would just take time for her Humugious losses to recover and then she knew a new age of undead would arrive a greater age would arrive an age to crush the world and vaporize the fire that is Humanity.
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Level 8
Aug 25, 2007
OOC: Hey Gath, have you read my newest character for the (Years Later) thing? Just wondering...
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