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Hero Contest #4 - Animalistic Nature

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Final Entry

The Beast Kin Berserker
Using the Diablo 3 Barbarian model by Kuhneghetz, skin by Mr. Goblin
Once savage and untamed, bridling with uncontrollable fury, the Beast Kin Berserker was a danger to everyone and everything around him. Outcast from the Human society, he found refuge among the Orc Hordes. Seeing a strong warrior, Thrall had his shamans train the Beast Kin Berserker. He found solace in the world of animals, and by mimicking the techniques of the animals he observed, he found both a way to tear enemies apart on the battlefield and control his anger. He spends his spare time sitting calmly sitting in the shade of tall trees, observing the natural world around him to learn more battle skills. His only true goal is to bring glory to the Horde, but he still harbors a deep hatred for the Humans.

In battle, the Beast Kin Berserker is a force to be feared. He mirrors the raw and savage power of animals to crush his enemies. The blood of the weak isn't enough to satiate his hunger for battle, he specializes in hunting down enemy heroes and generals.
Skill 1: Feral Strike Skill 2: Tauren Smash Skill 3: Panther Instincts Skill 4: Animal Rage
The Beast Kin Berserker mimicks the movement of a wolf and dashes behind an enemy at speeds too fast for the human eye to catch, and tears out the hamstring of his victim. Deals 25/50/75 bonus damage and slows for 15%/25%/35% for 4/6/8 seconds. (Active) The Beast Kin Berserker uses the technique taught to him by the tauren, and slams the ground, creating a tremor in the earth and an explosion of dirt. Units within 300 area of effect are hurt, knocked back, and dazed. Units that are dazed have a 50% chance to miss on attack. Deals 75/135/165 damage and dazes for 3/5/7 seconds. 0.8 second casting time. (Active) The Beast Kin Berserker trains all day in mirroring the abilities of animals. His observation of the panther has made him able to gain strength from the hunt. The Beast Kin Berserker will gain back 5%/10%/15% of an enemy units max hp whenever he kills a unit. If the killed unit is a hero, he will permanently gain 1 strength. (Passive) The Beast Kin Berserker enters an animalistic rage whenever he is attacked, gaining a bonus 2 strength for two seconds each time he is attacked. Multiple attacks do not reset old stacks. Stacks up to 10 times. (Ultimate, Passive)

Authors Notes
I didn't want to create just another hero about morphing into an animal (kindof the reason I stopped reading those stupid animorph books in 1st grade), or another hero that is an animal (the contest is about animalistic nature, I wanted to that from the Human side), instead, I wanted to make a human who has an actual connection to animals. I thought about all the people I know who love animals, and the first that came to mind was Liam. Liam is an autistic boy who has anger management issues. The only thing that calms him down is animals, he loves them. I do like Liam as a person, he's smart and funny, and I admire him for being able to overcome his autism and anger problem. He tries hard and really is an inspiration for me. This hero idea is dedicated to him, and his love for the natural world.

Any suggestions for how to improve my hero are welcome. I welcome feedback of any kind.

This is my final entry. Unless major bugs are discovered or I suddenly need to re-create abilities, this will serve as my final entry.

Kuhneghetz and Mr. Goblin for the amazing D3 Barbarian Model
Lelyarna for the Aggressive Icon
Kimberely for the Worgen Claw Icon
Crazy_Russian for the Tauren Stomp Icon
Kola for the Blood Eye icon


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Level 12
Mar 28, 2005
Perrin Goldeneyes, the Wolfbrother

Perrin Aybara is a young man from the Two Rivers district of Andor. Bigger then most of his region, though still of average height, his strong arms and wide shoulders betray a blacksmiths roots. He was a gentle man, slow to anger, stocky, strong, with curly thick brown hair. Since his adventures with wolves, his irises have changed from a dark brown to bright golden, and his animalistic tendencies have been awoken. He can see, hear and smell better than any man, even to the point of smelling the emotions people are feeling, and can communicate with a form of telepathy with other wolves, summoning them to battle. The hammer he carries adjures physical superiority, beseeching him to release his battlelust on nearby foes.

Strength Hero. Can learn Reconnaissance, Mah'alleinir, Battlelust and Feral.

The Lord of the Two Rivers can communicate with nearby wolves using a form of telepathy. Targeting one will gain Perrin passive control over the animal for the remainder of its life.​

When the Wolf King carries the hammer, thus the final days are known.

With the help of One Power wielding allies, Perrin forges a new weapon of war, a Power-made battle mallet, which increase physical damage dealt to enemies of the light by 10 while carried, and his base strength required to don such power.

Can be thrown to damage enemies in a line.​

Battlelust (Passive)
Overcome with a desire for battle, Perrin receives heightened phyical prowess. When in range of extended combat, his battle skills are increased beyond that of normal men.
Lasts 7 seconds.​

Wolfbrothers must remain in constant control of their animalistic tendencies, lest they become wolf in mentality. Let go of your human side for the next 60 seconds, leaving behind your current form, while wreaking havoc on the enemy with jaws that bite.​

Credits to CRAZYRUSSIAN for the Battlelust/Mah'alleinir icons, The_Silent for the Feral icon, and lelyanra for the Reconnaissance icon. Vexorian for TimerUtils/SimError systems, and Rising_Dusk for his GroupUtils system. Concept derived from the character Perrin Aybara of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time novels.


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Level 12
Mar 28, 2005
you friggin people - if you want to quote rules and act a fool, the rules never state what time must lapse between a WIP and a final, nor in what state a WIP must be. The fact of the matter is, I never published a single thing, so until a "final piece" was labeled, which it was post-WIP, if you want to call it that, nothing posted was against any rules, however vague and convoluted they are.

I am positive Bribe will agree with me.

And given the state of most "WIPS" and "final pieces" I've seen, I don't doubt the host would welcome additional entries of quality.

P.S. - why not have a submission thread? 47 pages of crap is a waste of time if one plans to look for whats been posted.
Level 16
Apr 18, 2011
you friggin people - if you want to quote rules and act a fool, the rules never state what time must lapse between a WIP and a final, nor in what state a WIP must be. The fact of the matter is, I never published a single thing, so until a "final piece" was labeled, which it was post-WIP, if you want to call it that, nothing posted was against any rules, however vague and convoluted they are.

I am positive Bribe will agree with me.

And given the state of most "WIPS" and "final pieces" I've seen, I don't doubt the host would welcome additional entries of quality.

1) That is not foolish..
2) A Wip is something that arent finish. Guess why its called work in progress?
3) Then go ask bribe.. i am sure he wont..
4) Host cant say " i dont want you ".. but he can disqualify if it doesnt support the rules..
Beef, your hero can be disqualified ;/ It's not animalistc at all. When you play as that hero you will more like barbarian, since model and abilities represents that subject fairly nice, unfortunately it's not that contest ;/

His abilities are based on mirroring the world of animals. I'm not going to make him shoot rabbits out of his ass or something like that. He's fine how he is, no one had a problem with my WiP, and I even posted a second one containing a demo version. No one said anything, it's a little late to change it.

I'm not going to argue this. If you don't think my hero is the best, don't vote for him in the open poll. I worked hard on him, and no, he is not a barbarian. Just because I didn't pick an animal model and went for something more risky doesn't mean I did it wrong, or that I'm going to get DQ'd. emjl3 and I are the only ones who actually have a finished product only a few days away from the deadline and we're getting a lot of shit for it. If he decides to post a WiP, then make it final in under a day, that still follows submission rules. Back off. No one has any right to question him except the host.

@emjl3, interesting hero. I got to book 11 on that series and couldn't finish it :goblin_cry:

Anyways, I'll add you to the list of finished entries.
You could alter or enhance the special effects a bit, Beef_If_Back, otherwise, he looks like an enraged barbarian = the Diablo one we all know of. Use attachments (with animal parts, since each of his skills refer to a specific animal, e.g. claws for a panther, wolf helmet for the wolf) and remove the fire from the stomp; WILLTHEALMIGHTY has dust explosions as well.
Level 4
Sep 1, 2010
Main Attribute: Agility
Animal: Hawk
Models: Ancient of Wind, Hawk

First Ability: Summons a targetable nest with his Eggs on a tree or in a clound. In order to defend themself, the eggs relase they spirit. If an enemy come too close to the nest, the spirits will appeare and attack him, dealing magic damage.The spirits from the treenest deal more damage to ground than to air.The spirits from the cloundnest deal more damage to air than to ground.

Load: (Name) can get a unit on her back. He is only enough to bring 1 unit. If he have a unit on her back he can throw or unload the unit.
- Unload: Unload the unit.
- Throw him!: Throw the unit toward form (Name)'s back.If the unit colides with a another unit or building its stop him, and the units around the throwed unit take damage that equals the throwerd unit's (level x 5 + 5)% of max health
-Let him!: (Name) let the unit that he bring fall down. when the unit is on the ground, the nearby enemy unit's take damage. The damage equal the unit(level x 5 + 5)% of the maximum health

Mystical Feather: (Name)'s feathers build an invisible protective barrier. The barrier reduces incoming spell damage.

Alternate Form: (Name) change between his Tree Spirit and his Animal Form

This is only a (bad) WIP.
I will fix my english. :)
The Hero still have no Name, second Name and Lore.
Credits: BurninRose, maxor_gan, Golden-Drake
@emjlr3 what was that? Did you hear yourself?
You come out of nowhere and slap all other people around because someone said something about rules? Be kind and answer patiently on those in case none wants you out of contest without a reason. If you thought that you come here in glory that you've created hero using most efficient vjass stuff you were wrong.

Hero himself is quite interesting, I like the first ability especialy, and hammer one requires some thinking from the owner, not just one hit shockwave.
I'll take a look around models section for some animal effects, the attachments is a good idea, but I don't know how well I'll be able to execute it. If I don't update, I am still considering my last posted thing my final. Emjlr3 was added to the finals submitted.

Really wish someone had informed me earlier that I was straying from the concept -_-
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Final Entry <BR>

The Legends tells about Kashaya, the Spider Goddess and her powers in necromacery, posions and darkness. They say her lair is deep in the lordaeron mountains, but whoever enters it, never comes back... alive. Kashaya is a half Spider, half Woman and she uses her bow as a deadly weapon, kills her targets, eats the inside and lays her eggs upon thier bones.

oh, the poison arrows spell also decreases the Movement speed and the attack speed of the target.


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I have no ideas how to change him to be more animalistic. I thought I did a pretty good job of it already >_>

Any suggestions?

well it is rather simple. Every time your hero activates aspect, you could set art caster to some wolf model.(have no idea which). or you can play nightelf altar sound. As for tauren, it really is not fitting the theme, if the cows were the ones to teach him, you could match the concept, but I do not now how explosions mirror world of animals. Panther instincts. First of all the panther should give pernament agility, second you should really have a limit to agility gained. Third 15% of max health is way too much. He lands a finishing blow on a unit that has approx. 1000 hp and he gains a heal of minor health potion. way too much for passive. And why does panther heal ? you should maybe get thirst for blood buff that increases attack rate and move speed. And maybe add VERY transparent panther attachment in walk animation(so it would look cool) And Ultimate is really weird. Animalistic rage. Human anger is even more vicious than that of an animal so this ability loses sense. It is not animal ability to go into balistic rage, it is more of the human. Hope this helps, it is JUST a friendly review.
The 30 seconds on The Swarm is a little bit overpowered, i'd say 20, 25.

Oh and beef thats kind of funny because i was going to say that your theme didnt fit, but i didnt want to sound trolly lol...
Well, ye, maybe it's overpowered a little, i'll decrease the time, any other suggestions?
Level 7
Feb 27, 2010
okay, im posting my (hopefully) final entry:

Mystical Hero, adept at summoning spider minions into battle. Can learn Poison Shot, Summon Spiders, True Form, and Spider's Lair. Attacks land and air units.
Undead Intelligence hero, using recolored Archimonde's model

Venom Bolt
Fires a Venom Bolt, which infects the target with a poison for 6 seconds. After that, if the target is still alive it explodes, damaging self and nearby enemy units.
Level 1 - 24 strike damage, 6 poison damage, 200 explode damage.
Level 2 - 48 strike damage, 12 poison damage, 275 explode damage.
Level 3 - 74 strike damage, 18 poison damage, 350 explode damage.
Unable to target air units.
Comment: His only damage spell, mostly used to DoT a target with high health, which won't die while under effect of it, so the AoE proceeds.

Summon Spiders
The Brood Father progenerates a Spider from a target corpse. Spiders are permanent while Brood Father is alive, but only 10 can be controlled at a time.
Level 1 - 60 hit points, 10 - 11 damage.
Level 2 - 140 hit points, 11 - 12 damage.
Level 3 - 235 hit points, 13 - 14 damage, Web ability.
Comment: The kicker for all his abilities. Not very effective as a solo spell, but deadly when combined with other spells. Always try to have as much spiders as you can, as this spell costs a really decent amount of mana.

True Form
Transforms the Brood Father into a powerful Spider with Swarm Aura (bonus attack speed), bonus hit points, attack and movement speed, but reducing his attack range.
Level 1 - Lasts 16 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 22 seconds, has Exhume Corpses (releases a corpse within the Brood Father every 5 sec).
Level 3 - Lasts 34 seconds, Exhume Corpses and splash damage.
Comment: Activate, when you have a decent amount of spiders or friendly units, so the Swarm Aura is most effective. When level 2 or more, don't forget to summon another spiders from corpses you create. Splash damage fits with Venom Bolt and helps kill units quicker, so more corpses are available.

Spider's Lair (ultimate)
Creates a Spider's Lair which automatically releases a 24 second Lair Spider with the Web ability every 3 seconds. It also creates corpses around itself and small blight. Lasts 45 seconds.
Comment: This + True Form = Cataclysm. New spiders continue to spawn near the Lair and web escaping targets, all spiders and the Brood Father regain health on the blight ground, corpses generated by the Lair can be used to summon even more spiders. The only problem now is to find an opponent which can survive at least half of the time. (just joking, in my opinion its as op as any other ultimate)

In-game screenshots:


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okay, im posting my (hopefully) final entry:

Mystical Hero, adept at summoning spider minions into battle. Can learn Poison Shot, Summon Spiders, True Form, and Spider's Lair. Attacks land and air units.
Undead Intelligence hero, using recolored Archimonde's model

Venom Bolt
Fires a Venom Bolt, which infects the target with a poison for 6 seconds. After that, if the target is still alive it explodes, damaging self and nearby enemy units.
Level 1 - 24 strike damage, 6 poison damage, 200 explode damage.
Level 2 - 48 strike damage, 12 poison damage, 275 explode damage.
Level 3 - 74 strike damage, 18 poison damage, 350 explode damage.
Unable to target air units.
Comment: His only damage spell, mostly used to DoT a target with high health, which won't die while under effect of it, so the AoE proceeds.

Summon Spiders
The Brood Father progenerates a Spider from a target corpse. Spiders are permanent while Brood Father is alive, but only 10 can be controlled at a time.
Level 1 - 60 hit points, 10 - 11 damage.
Level 2 - 140 hit points, 11 - 12 damage.
Level 3 - 235 hit points, 13 - 14 damage, Web ability.
Comment: The kicker for all his abilities. Not very effective as a solo spell, but deadly when combined with other spells. Always try to have as much spiders as you can, as this spell costs a really decent amount of mana.

True Form
Transforms the Brood Father into a powerful Spider with Swarm Aura (bonus attack speed), bonus hit points, attack and movement speed, but reducing his attack range.
Level 1 - Lasts 16 seconds.
Level 2 - Lasts 22 seconds, has Exhume Corpses (releases a corpse within the Brood Father every 5 sec).
Level 3 - Lasts 34 seconds, Exhume Corpses and splash damage.
Comment: Activate, when you have a decent amount of spiders or friendly units, so the Swarm Aura is most effective. When level 2 or more, don't forget to summon another spiders from corpses you create. Splash damage fits with Venom Bolt and helps kill units quicker, so more corpses are available.

Spider's Lair (ultimate)
Creates a Spider's Lair which automatically releases a 24 second Lair Spider with the Web ability every 3 seconds. It also creates corpses around itself and small blight. Lasts 45 seconds.
Comment: This + True Form = Cataclysm. New spiders continue to spawn near the Lair and web escaping targets, all spiders and the Brood Father regain health on the blight ground, corpses generated by the Lair can be used to summon even more spiders. The only problem now is to find an opponent which can survive at least half of the time. (just joking, in my opinion its as op as any other ultimate)

In-game screenshots:

you missed the point. your hero is a magical spider who can shapeshift into humanoid, not humanoid with aspects of spider nature.
Level 7
Feb 27, 2010
:vw_wtf: eh, maybe the spell title "true from" is a bit misleading, but it was meant to say "metamorphosis" in a more dramatic way :D
anyway, i think that a spider which can transform to a humanoid is more like humanoid than animal...

@bugz because at my wip there was almost no information and i felt like why should i not make a new post :)
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010

The Fallen --

There was once a time where the Druid's of the night elves flourished. Such to the extent that the great council was created commited to sharing the knowledge and to investigating the magics and birth rights of the Elven people, and to make sure that no dangerous magic was ever practised within the elven land.
Among this an aspiring mage was born. Through the next twent years he spent his life training to be the greatest mage that ever lived.
Although he was born with a defect, on his 21st birthday he realised that something was wrong. He was celebrating with his friends when everything went black.

The next day he woke up of the floor in his dining room to find bodies splayed over the floor blood flecked everywhere as if some great monster had drained them of their blood. Their pale faces never left his mind for the next few weeks, and as those weeks became months, and months became years he slowly began to fall into the dark. Every time his sanity returned he would find dead at his doorstep once more.

He realised he was a monster, and began the battle to stay into his Elven form. His studies began to delve into a much darker form, but to little avail. He was abjected and cast from society demonised for something he was not.

Finally the mages council took upon themselves to exile him from Ashenvale.

His anger tore through his sorrow and he began his life outside of the great home he had once lived in, his mind and soul ready for revenge on the Elves.

Model Created by Sellenisko ---(http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...4278/?prev=search=nightelfwarlock&d=list&r=20)

Starting stats:
---Agi 23-
---Int 24-
---Str 22-

Regens: Always
init-Mana: 200
Base mana regen: 0.14
Atk-cd: 2.05
Atk-rng: 750

Gold cost: 500
Wood Cost: 105
Food used: 5
Defense base: -1
Collision Size: 30.00

Found at: Tavern

Not purchasable by the Elven race. But purchsable by every other race.


Power of the mind:
Icon: (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnmindcrush-195079/?prev=search=Mind&d=list&r=20)

Description: The Fallen charges up his energy his mind becomes part of his soul and fuses with the beast inside of him to create a missile of telekenitic force to spew from him towards his enemy. Upon hitting it will explode the enemy instantly. Charging leaves an after effect of an increase in intelligence.
Level 1: Kills all level 3 units and below
Level 2: Kills all level 5 units and below
Level 3: Kills all level 10 units and below

Touch Of Darkness:

Description: Summons a grave from which the torments of hell will be released thus reviving those once dead as there former selves--
Level 1: Lasts 15 seconds has 17 dmg

Icon: (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/icons-541/btnhungryjuju-178178/?prev=search=hungry&d=list&r=20)

Description: The Fallen Fuses completly with his inner beast for a set period of time. The power locked inside him becomes so great that the pressure causes magic to leak from his body, and for him to go in a state of rabid hunger. Using his attacks to regenerate his health and power.
Level 1: (Leak level 1)+4% lifesteal+25%mpregen gain
Level 2: (Leak level 2)+6% lifesteal+50%mpregen gain
Level 3: (Leak level 3)+8% lifesteal+100%mpregen gain

Icon (http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/...th3-160883/?prev=c=41&t=14&r=20&d=list&page=6)

Bloodlust: The Fallen releases part of his inner beast and his instincts become overwhelming, consuming all nearby life Increases damage by 4 and speed by 10% for each unit which dies in a 750 range. This frenzy will last up to 30 seconds.
Level 1: Max 3 deaths
Level 2: Max 6 deaths
Level 3: Max 10 deaths

Passive trait: ---Release---

The Fallen is a great mage and with this came his inner being. For this he gets ceratin bonuses. --------------------------------------------------------The Fallen has a 0.01%
when attacked to release his inner darkness, to savage the enemy, this increases to 1% when he has less than 100hp. Also he inspires nearby units to move 2.5% faster with a 2% attack speed increment.



Altar ego:

Abillities-- Mystery find out =D
Model: Mystery
Stats: Mystery

Description: The beast within once released will cause mayhem and slaughter to all those near it. Its blood lust fuels its speed as it grow ever stronger from each kill.



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Level 7
Feb 27, 2010
@Champara bros - i hope that rules arent that strict, i thought of animalistic nature and this was my first idea...

@Ahimtar Work with spellbooks, since with avatar form your hero has 6 abilities -> can be disqualified.
eh, i though i read somewhere that abilities inside abilities are allowed... sorry then, they are kind of part of the avatar skill, but i dont argue...

anyway it is still my final entry. if its against the rules, then i am sorry, disqualify me, i have no time for remake. i tried to do my best.
@Champara bros - i hope that rules arent that strict, i thought of animalistic nature and this was my first idea...

eh, i though i read somewhere that abilities inside abilities are allowed... sorry then, they are kind of part of the avatar skill, but i dont argue...

anyway it is still my final entry. if its against the rules, then i am sorry, disqualify me, i have no time for remake. i tried to do my best.

Yeah this contest was hard to stick to the theme >_>
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